Business plan for establishing a telecommunications enterprise. The creation of a housing and communal services management company is a step-by-step procedure on its own. Management company business plan

  • 03.03.2020
MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

Reviews (27)

A good one is the basis of a business that is considered very profitable and relevant today. After all, what is a telecommunications company? These are mobile and fixed telephone communications, Internet services and the transmission of various text messages. This is what most companies and individuals in different cities of the country need. That is why people are willing to pay significant money for the quality services of such companies.

However, the document on the organization of a communication enterprise also involves significant expenses. In particular, on modern, high-tech equipment. It is it that provides instantaneous transmission of data, signals. The profit of such companies and communications enterprises is made up of the difference in the cost of maintaining networks and those funds paid by customers. Naturally, the more subscribers, the higher will be the profit, and the popularity of the company in the market.

Take a ready-made document to start with, so you know exactly what will be required to bring the idea to life. Our experts have calculated all the investments and risks, substantiated the financial and marketing plans, detailed the stages of the project. You just have to follow them - thoughtfully and carefully. In this case, your business will definitely be profitable and successful.

A complete package of telecommunications services is what almost every reputable enterprise or company needs. The era of advanced technologies implies the availability of appropriate equipment for any company - small or large, if it seeks active development. IP-telephony, Internet access, organization of private virtual networks, lease of communication channels - these and other types of services are provided by modern telecommunications companies, and the demand for them is very high.

The telecommunications business is very popular, despite the fact that it requires a significant initial investment. Trying to create profitable enterprise, you need to understand that this will require huge efforts and a clear understanding of what you have to do. Thousands of kilometers of fiber-optic lines, hundreds of access points - all this requires high professionalism and operational integrated solutions. If you are confident that you can handle this challenging task– go for it, especially since, despite the regular emergence of new telecommunications companies, this niche is still ready to accept new players.

Against the backdrop of the active development of telecommunications companies, it is becoming increasingly difficult for newcomers to this type of business to break through to the top. The growing demand for communication services requires not only a well-defined company development strategy, but also the availability of opportunities for its implementation. In addition, it is necessary to regularly analyze the effectiveness of the measures taken.

As the experience of opening telecommunications companies shows, it is important for businessmen to be able to respond in time to changing customer needs. To do this, the company should establish constant monitoring of the quality of the services provided, the possibilities for improving business processes. Automation is one of the main advantages of any telecommunications company, which increases the efficiency of collecting and analyzing key indicators.

Effective promotion of a telecommunications company in the right direction is impossible without a clear understanding of the ultimate goal. To do this, the owner of the company needs to develop a competent business strategy aimed at strengthening the main positions, improving the quality of services provided, and meeting the growing needs of customers. The smallest mistake made in the process strategic planning, can cause lost profits, and very significant.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to rely on the professional business plan of a telecommunications company in this difficult work. This document details the likely risks that a businessman may face during the formation stage. own company. With its help, you will be able to avoid significant problems and in the shortest possible time become the leader of this market sector.

Reviews on the business plan of a telecommunications company (27)

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    Business plan for a telecommunications company

    My rating is excellent! You work well, due to which we can achieve success in our business. It is always difficult to take the first steps, but if you act in accordance with the recommendations of your professionals, there will be much less problems, I myself was convinced of this.

    Valentina, thank you, we really try to write business plans, it is important for us that our documents bring real benefits to entrepreneurs. When all the calculations are at hand, there are much fewer problems, here we agree with you, and the result is not long in coming. We wish you further successful development.

    Business plan for a telecommunications company

    Hello. Despite some remarks, I would rather give you a four than a three. The quality of the document is quite at the level, I won’t even find fault with the fact that the business plan needs individual revision.

    Nikolai, we agree with you that almost any ready-made document requires the finalization of the financial model, taking into account individual investment opportunities. But after, when all the calculations are made, the entrepreneur has an understanding of the economy of the enterprise, and this allows him to more effectively and confidently manage it in the future. We wish you successful implementation of your plans.

    Business plan for a telecommunications company

    Starting work on the creation of my telecommunications company, I immediately took advantage of your business plan. I had no right to make a mistake, and with the help of this document I avoided this danger. I liked the simplicity and conciseness of this document, this intelligibility with which you explain everything, literally on the fingers! It's great when there is such support and support, you helped me a lot, thank you.

    Yuri, indeed, having a business plan at hand, it becomes much more difficult to make mistakes that lead to financial losses for the enterprise. That is why we have tried to make our document as easy to understand as possible so that more entrepreneurs can successfully implement their business ideas. We hope everything works out for you, good luck.

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Despite the large number of provider companies in Russia, the business of providing Internet services is promising. Entrepreneurs can profitably invest money by creating their own company, as the number of Internet users is steadily increasing every day.

The market for the provision of Internet services is expanding and needs new providers. First of all, this is due to the fact that in many regions new settlements are being built, entire neighborhoods of residents are being settled, and many enterprises are opening. Newcomers will have to connect homes, manufacturing, retail and state enterprises. Let's talk about how to become an Internet provider from scratch, and about the features of this niche.

Pros and cons of working as an Internet Service Provider

Before opening your own provider company, a businessman should understand the positive aspects of creating such an organization and be aware of its negative aspects. How relevant is the business in this niche today? Last year alone, the demand for the services of provider companies increased by 25% compared to previous periods. This suggests that the number of potential customers is actively growing. The advantages of maintaining a provider organization include:

  • a large number of populated areas not covered by provider companies;
  • high business profitability;
  • stable operation of the enterprise;
  • the ability to adjust tariffs for services;
  • connection a large number customers, subject to the provision of quality service.

Providers also have certain problems, newbies should also be aware of them. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the need for large seed investment to start a business. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure for obtaining certificates and licenses is quite long and complicated.

In addition, the activities of providers are directly dependent on laws that largely restrict their work. Nevertheless, in the telecommunications market, it is among provider companies that the most dynamic development is observed. In just a few years of active work, many enterprises reach a very decent profit, and every year its size only increases. As for the providers themselves, they are local and federal, while in the vast majority of cities and towns their number can vary within a few dozen.

How to become an Internet provider from scratch?

Let's consider the main stages in more detail.

Business registration

To get started commercial activities to provide Internet access services, a businessman needs to register his company with the Federal Tax Service. We note right away that in this case it will not be possible to register an individual entrepreneurship, since work is possible only as a legal entity (LLC).

What does the discovery of a society with limited liability? An entrepreneur will be able to quickly draw up documents and work according to the simplified tax system. Moreover, all owners of the company are responsible for its activities solely within the framework of authorized capital Therefore, in the event of bankruptcy, businessmen practically lose nothing.

When registering a company, you must specify OKVED codes. The following are suitable for the provider:

  • 61.1 - "Activities in the field of communications based on wire technologies";
  • 61.10.3 - "Activities for the provision of data transmission services and services for access to the information and communication network Internet";
  • 61.90 - "Other activities in the field of telecommunications".

It is also necessary to develop the Charter of the organization indicating its full and abbreviated name. This should also include information about the founders of the provider company, the rights and obligations of its participants, as well as the size of the authorized capital.

When the enterprise is formalized, it will be necessary to open a bank account, make a seal and design a communication center. The established company should be registered with the pension and social insurance funds. To arrange the equipment and start work, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, SES and local authorities.

Obtaining a license

Companies operating in the provision of provider services, communications and radio broadcasting must have an appropriate license. To obtain permits, entrepreneurs need to contact Roskomnadzor. This can be done by submitting a request through the State Services portal (here you can also find out other information), by visiting the Roskomnadzor branch on your own, or by sending a package of papers by registered mail. As a rule, consideration of the request and issuance of permission is carried out within 1.5 months.

Important: entrepreneurs who want to organize a provider company or should contact the Federal State Budgetary Institution MIR IT. This is necessary to pass the mandatory examination of the communication center project. To develop it according to regulatory requirements, you should contact design organizations. The cost of such services ranges from 40 thousand rubles.

Room selection

To locate the facilities of a provider company, it is not at all necessary to rent expensive areas in the central points of the city. To do this, you can find a suitable place in sleeping areas or even in the industrial zone. It is advisable to initially find a room from 100 m².

Please note that providers are allowed to install equipment in the basements of buildings and in attics. If it is planned to lease space, the owner real estate must submit a permit for the organization and equipment of a communication center there. Also, the entrepreneur needs to contact Rospozhnadzor and SES to obtain the appropriate permits, since such companies are subject to increased requirements. For example, the premises must be provided with properly functioning communications (electrical networks, air conditioning systems). In addition, according to safety rules, electrical equipment will have to be grounded, otherwise the state police will not approve the opening of the company. Renting premises costs from 100 thousand rubles a month.

Purchase of equipment

To become an Internet provider in a village or large locality, a businessman needs to purchase the appropriate technical equipment. To ensure uninterrupted access to the Network, it is recommended to buy modern high-performance equipment.

This task should be entrusted to people who are well versed in matters of network equipment, otherwise the risk of significant cost overruns increases (this is also worth remembering for those who wish, for example, to become, because in order not to lose money due to lack of experience, it is better to transfer it to trust management experienced trader). The purchase of equipment is a significant part of the expenses of a young company.

The number of connected subscribers and the quality of the services provided depend on the correct choice of equipment. Approximate list of equipment:

  • assembly cabinets for equipment installation;
  • servers;
  • racks for equipment;
  • administrative panel;
  • network switches;
  • split systems.

For equipping office and office space the provider company needs to purchase furniture, computers and office equipment. In order for the employees of the organization to perform the work, it will be necessary to purchase professional tools with which subscribers are connected, a large number of cables for various purposes and spare parts.

It is rather difficult to predict the exact cost of equipment, since it depends on the prices of the products of manufacturers and the number of expected subscribers. On average, the cost of organizing the work of a provider can be about 1 million rubles. In addition, round-the-clock protection of server equipment and the organization as a whole should be ensured. For this reason, it is better to conclude a cooperation agreement with the relevant agency.

It is worth choosing a security company in such a way that its specialists can connect a video surveillance system and organize an observation post. One-time expenses for these events will amount to about 300 thousand rubles.


To ensure the correct operation of the company, it is necessary to invite experienced specialists to the staff. Future employees must have a higher specialized education and an understanding of the mechanisms of the activities of provider organizations. It is mandatory to find a managing manager who will manage the staff and monitor the implementation of tasks. You will also need an administrator and an accountant. Approximate staff of the provider company:

  • director (managing manager) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • administrator - 35 thousand rubles;
  • assistant administrator (2 people) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • programmer (webmaster) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • support service operator (4 people) - 60 thousand rubles;
  • network equipment fitter (4 people) - 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of personnel remuneration will amount to 325 thousand rubles per month. In addition, it does not hurt to invite a cleaning lady to work, but it is better to conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company that will provide employees cheaper.

Service promotion

About the new provider organization should find out maximum amount person in the locality where it is supposed to be opened. Without professional advancement, it will be almost impossible to achieve serious results. For this reason, it is best to contact advertising agency. Specialists will develop an effective marketing plan for the promotion of the provider and will be able to competently implement it.

To begin with, it is recommended to use the possibilities of broadcasting advertising on local television and radio channels. It also does not hurt to place ads in the printed city press. You can also order services for advertising on billboards and other information platforms of the city. good effect has distribution of leaflets, flyers and booklets in places with high traffic of people.

To attract interest target audience, the provider needs to have its own website in global network. It should contain information about the activities of the organization, contact details, a list of services and tariffs for various packages for subscribers. Still need to create communities in in social networks and link them to the company portal. It is advisable to come up with all kinds of promotions, bonuses, sweepstakes (for example, a month of free use of services will be a win) and other incentive events.

The management of the provider company should independently visit city enterprises in order to offer their services. To do this, it is necessary to study the needs of the target audience, draw up a unique selling proposition and develop a flexible system of discounts. Also, thanks to you, a large number of potential customers will know about you. At the same time, it is important to remember that the implementation of such a marketing move is possible only if the quality of the services provided is high. Capital investment in advertising campaign will amount to about 300 thousand rubles. In the future, this amount will vary within 50 thousand rubles a month.

How to Become an ISP - Financial Plan

Before starting any business, it is recommended to draw up financial plan. Such calculations allow you to find out the amount of capital investments in the project, the mandatory costs of its maintenance and possible profit. We will carry out approximate calculations of the initial investment that is necessary to open a provider company. It:

  • registration of an enterprise - 18 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining a license - 30 thousand rubles;
  • development project documentation- 40 thousand rubles;
  • examination - 23 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises (at least for 1 year) - 1.2 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 1.3 million rubles;
  • implementation marketing campaign- 300 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, capital investments will amount to 2.961 million rubles. You should also calculate the amount of mandatory monthly costs. These include:

  • salary of employees - 335 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of components - 70 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of mandatory monthly payments is 555 thousand rubles. As for the estimated profit of the enterprise, it depends on the number of connected subscribers and the region. Let's give the average data on the work of providers: if there are 1000 active clients, the organization's income will be on average 690 thousand rubles per month. The payback of the project is possible after 1 year of work.

Important: we have given only approximate costs for organizing a provider company. They did not take into account the cost of purchasing licensed software. This issue should be agreed with the webmasters who will deal with computer software.

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Note that when proper organization a provider company can quickly gain a large number of regular subscribers. Before starting a business, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the competitors' market, which will allow you to understand in which direction you need to develop in order to ensure a stable income for the enterprise.

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How to open a housing and communal services management company from scratch? This question affects all novice businessmen who decide to conduct their business in this area. Undoubtedly, all segments of the market for goods and services have individual characteristics. What should be taken into account in the formation of the Criminal Code? What documentation is required? Which government agencies oversee this type of activity? This article will help you understand all the intricacies of opening a managing organization.

The UK is a commercial firm that carries out trust management of the property of other individuals and legal entities (in most cases - MKD). What do you need to open a management company? First of all, it is necessary to study the legislative acts Russian Federation that regulate this area of ​​activity:

  • ZhK RF;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 185 “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services” dated July 21, 2007;
  • Federal Law No. 261 “On energy supply and on improving energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009;
  • Federal Law No. 210 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services» as of December 30, 2004;
  • Federal Law No. 255 “On Amending the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid” dated July 21, 2014;
  • Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2003 No. 170, etc.

To open a management company, you need to know - there are three main kind like OO.

  • Management companies. These organizations do not oversee the repair work and supply of resources and utilities (in this case, these are the functions of housing maintenance offices), they operate exclusively in the field of management, acting as a link between real estate owners and contractors. Other firms with the appropriate specialization are involved in servicing MKD. Opening a management company of this type is usually the easiest.
  • Hybrid management companies. These organizations, without outside help, are fully engaged in servicing MKD (carrying out repair work, provision of housing and communal services, etc.). Opening a management company of this type is usually the most difficult.
  • Operational management companies. The owners of MKD real estate sign an agreement with this company, under the terms of which the organization can manage the property without engaging in public services.

The activities of the management company are carried out in accordance with an agreement with the owners of apartments in the MKD or on the basis of a request from a homeowners association.

To open a management company, you need to familiarize yourself with its duties:

  • control the maintenance and welfare of MKDs that are under the care of the organization;
  • assess the condition of the roof, pipelines, common areas;
  • organize the repair of the above buildings (permission of the property owners is required);
  • deal with the issue of public services;
  • monitor systems fire safety;
  • ensure regular cleaning of common areas;
  • to fix common house accounting systems;
  • organize general meetings of owners, convey to the owners information about utility bills and existing problems of MKD;
  • carry out registration and discharge of residents in the MKD.

Before you open a management company, you should know that such an organization has right to collect funds for doing business. The amount of payments is determined by the OSS.

Is it profitable today to open a management company in housing and communal services

Relative indicator economic efficiency of doing business in this area is, according to experts, 5-10%. What is the reason?

Utility bills are not very large, as are wage many owners. Management companies have the opportunity to increase their income by expanding the range of services not limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Before you open a management company, you should learn about a few more ways to increase its profits:

  • leasing of various buildings adjacent to the MKD;
  • conclusion of profitable contracts on the basis of cooperation;
  • registration of owners as clients for repair work. In this case, the organization reduces payments for their implementation. It turns out that people do not need to spend large amounts of money, and the management company provides itself with a good income.

Opening a management company is quite difficult. There is not much competition, but their profitability is usually low. To cope with all obstacles, it is necessary to correctly install business relationship and be prepared for many challenges. That is why, for starters, it is worth evaluating your strengths, weighing all the pros and cons.

Opening a management company means starting to look for resources that guarantee a stable profit, which is extremely difficult. For organizations seeking to develop in this area of ​​business, it is very important to spend their money on taking a leading position in this area of ​​​​the market. However, it is always a big risk and years of continuous work.

In addition, the cost of promoting a business alone in our time does not lead to the desired results. To begin with, it is necessary to ensure the promotion of the services provided, which, unfortunately, are not very quoted. The thing is that many people are distrustful of individual entrepreneurs and non-state entities and therefore try to interact with them as little as possible. To open a management company, you need to win the trust of the population and present your services in the best light, otherwise the costs for the brand itself will be useless.

It is worth distinguishing between two types of services provided by the management company for certain material resources.

  • Payments from the owners of real estate MKD for utilities. These amounts go directly to the sellers. The amount of payments is determined by the state authorities, and therefore the MA cannot increase or decrease them. The same applies to the money allocated by the owners for major repairs. But it is important to take into account that the Criminal Code is an intermediary in these cases, and therefore large material resources pass through it and, unfortunately, are sometimes not spent on general house needs. Before you open a management company, you should decide what is more important for you: your own income or the trust of citizens.

Sellers are most often transferred 15% less funds than were collected from the residents of an apartment building. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, noticing this trend, is going to adopt an appropriate law, according to which sums of money will be transferred directly from citizens to suppliers. Before you open a management company, you should take into account the fact that very soon the legislation will strictly control that material assets are used for their intended purpose.

  • Money is transferred to the MA for maintenance and repair work in common premises. This includes a rather long list of services established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The amount of payments here is determined by the OSS, which is based on the methodology for calculating future expenses and income, compiled by the MA. In cases where it is not possible to hold such a meeting, all documents are transferred to the LSG bodies. Before you open a management company, you should understand - in any of the two flow options Money their amount is determined either by the owners of the property or by government agencies. The organization itself plays no role in this process.

Since the beginning of 2016, garbage container cleaning has been a public service provided by organizations that have passed an open selection competition. management company. The amount of payments for export is now set by local self-government bodies.

Opportunities to increase income for the MA:

  • installation of energy saving systems, approval of the percentage for performing the functions of an intermediary;
  • implementation of a number of repair works, payment for which is made on the basis of contractual obligations;
  • provision of additional services (parking, fixing metering devices, and so on);
  • leasing of various extensions, installation of banners and advertising boards;
  • reduction of costs for the provision of services (staff salaries, wholesale purchase of necessary resources).

Before opening a management company, it should be noted that, as a rule, the main problem of such an organization is the debt obligations of citizens living in MKD. The company can also demand payment through litigation, but this is not always effective. We should not hide the fact that MAs often use clients' ignorance of the law, as well as their unwillingness to fight for their interests. It is also important to note the fact that the profitability of the management company is directly affected by the number of MKDs that it oversees. As practice shows, at least five buildings must be under the control of the company, otherwise there will simply be no profit.

Expert opinion

Opening a management company in a cottage settlement is a big risk

Dmitry Tsvetkov,

head of the DHP Penny Lane Realty

Opening a management company means taking a risk, because such private organizations are not always profitable entities. It is not the lack of professionalism of the leadership that is to blame here, but, as a rule, the ideas of our citizens about intermediary firms and their attitude towards them. There are now quite a few elite-type suburban settlements bought for investment. Sometimes in a town of two hundred houses, only 50% of the buildings are used for living. So it turns out that citizens do not want to pay for utilities just because they do not live in a cottage. They think it's a waste of money. If you want to open a management company, it is worth considering that the debt obligations of the owners will be the main problem for a start-up company operating in practically uninhabited suburban areas. Usually about 30% of real estate owners try to find any excuse, just not to pay for utilities.

UO provides for itself stable profit only when it oversees more than five nearby buildings, as such firms purchase resources in bulk, which allows them to cut costs.

If we talk about a suburban settlement, then it is possible to open a management company here only when all the houses have permanent residents who are able to pay for utilities and other services. Otherwise, no income can be expected. This process takes at least 5 years, and therefore many MAs suffer losses at the initial stages of their activities. To open a management company, you need a lot of money, because the risks are quite high.

How to open a management company in housing and communal services: step by step instructions

Step 1. With the help of agencies or independently develop a detailed scheme of activities (without this - in any way).

Step 2 Create an organization in the status of an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company (or add areas of work from of the All-Russian classifier species economic activity by reissuing the necessary registration papers). It is impossible to open a management company without the relevant documents.

Step 3 Pass a test for knowledge of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts (indicated at the beginning of the article).

Step 4 Obtain permission for the opportunity to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector.

Step 5 Find an area for an office, assign departments, purchase the necessary equipment.

Step 6 Sign an agreement with the owners of real estate in the MKD, draw up technical documents.

Step 7 Conclude contracts with sellers in the service sector of MKD.

Step 8 Develop your own Internet resource, add data to the geographic system.

Now it is worth studying in more detail the question of how to open a management company.

How to open a management company from scratch in the housing sector

Here you need to register a legal entity ( joint-stock company or a limited liability company). However, opening a management company is not just about entering it into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

First of all, you need to decide whether to register a new educational institution or to reform an existing education. As a rule, the existing list includes additional destinations firm's work. The more of them, the more impressive the package of documentation must be drawn up for the Federal Tax Service.

To open a management company, you need to register your activities with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the FSS of the Russian Federation and the statistical state body. When this is done, you can begin to obtain permission to conduct your business.

  • Licensing

Today, the laws of the Russian Federation oblige housing and communal services to obtain a license. It should be noted that only individuals and legal entities registered in the Russian Federation have the right to service MKD. Foreign organizations cannot manage buildings in our country. Moreover, in order to open a management company, its bosses must pass an exam on knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The permit is issued in the bodies of the State Housing Supervision on the conclusion of an authorized group of persons. The license has no statute of limitations, which is a positive factor.

The permit refers to a specific MKD (that is, its own document for each apartment building). Before opening a management company, it is very important to consider this moment so that you don't have any problems later.

A license may be recognized as invalid if:

  • the director of the organization twice committed an administrative violation;
  • the company has unfulfilled obligations to the inspection bodies.

Before opening a management company, take into account next factor: when the MA does regularly break the law, does not cope with its duties and does not try to rectify the situation, state structures may decide to terminate its activities.

Conditions for obtaining a permit:

  • availability of non-residential area for office;
  • selected staff;
  • legally acquired equipment and resources;
  • certificate that all legal requirements for access to company information have been met;
  • confirmation of the proper level of education of personnel.

There are two options to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector: engage in all types of MKD services or form management organization, acting as an intermediary between residents and other enterprises (suppliers, sellers, and so on).

  • Option 1

There is a firm operating here that undertakes the maintenance of an apartment building, which will undoubtedly involve large initial expenses (purchasing equipment, hiring workers, securing a stable salary, and so on). There is no doubt: opening a management company without confidence in obtaining supervised buildings is a huge risk, since the desired profitability simply will not be. It is also worth noting that this option is only suitable for organizations that have taken several nearby buildings as objects at once. Only then does the company have the opportunity to reduce its costs, which will evenly go to all serviced entities.

  • Option 2

Here, the enterprise assumes only the function of control over the amounts of money transferred to suppliers and other organizations, over the activities of contractors, and so on. In this case, MKD is serviced by other companies, to which the MA transfers its powers on the basis of an agreement. You can open a management company of this type with a small start-up capital, which will be used to pay salaries to several employees. The remaining expenses are already being made from the initial income. However, this method also has its drawbacks: often inflated prices of partner enterprises, direct dependence on them. But it also happens that such firms have shown themselves so successfully in this area of ​​​​the market that they soon formed subsidiaries and assumed all obligations for servicing MKD. Before opening a management company, decide which option you want to implement.

What you need to open a management company

  • Staff

It is very important to find a specialist in engineering systems, whose professionalism no one will doubt. In addition, educated citizens who have received the appropriate certificate should act as office employees and workers involved in the maintenance of various types of equipment (there is no requirement for cleaners, janitors, and so on).

If you want to open a management company that will bring good profits in the future, be sure to take care of the staff. Often, the owner of the organization becomes its main leader. Salary costs are always individual (as a rule, this amount is $ 4,000-50,000).

To open a management company, you need to acquire four operators who will answer calls in shifts 24 hours a day. Sometimes the MA does not form its own emergency service, involving other enterprises for this. Unfortunately, this is not always effective, because conflicts often develop between firms and owners. That's why best option is to create your own department, decisive questions accidents.

Dispatchers should not neglect their duties. It is necessary to ensure that they are ready to answer residents at any time of the day or night. What if there's an accident? It is very important to fix the problem in time. To open a management company that residents will trust, you need to ensure high-quality service delivery.

It turns out that the staff of the MA consists of:

  • chief accountant (if the company is large, an accounting department is needed);
  • repair specialists engineering systems(at least two employees);
  • workers for the maintenance of sanitary equipment and electrical appliances;
  • welders and carpenters;
  • operators;
  • workers for cleaning the territory and common premises of MKD;
  • emergency and troubleshooting specialists.

It is worth repeating: sometimes the MA does not form its own emergency service, involving other enterprises for this. Unfortunately, this is not always effective, because conflicts often develop between firms and owners. This also applies to security agencies. Before opening a management company, this issue should be resolved.

  • Financial resources

To open a management company, you need to have start-up capital in the amount of $2,000–70,000. The main expenses are wages, the purchase of equipment and tools, and the rent of non-residential space for an office. In the case when the costs amounted to $ 70,000, and there are about ten objects under management, this amount will be returned in 12 months (approximately). You will receive an income of approximately $3,500. It turns out that the more houses you serve, the higher your profit. It is very profitable to provide services to 30-40 objects at once.

  • Office

It is simply impossible to open a management company without a place to work. It is best if the office is located in a facility that you will subsequently supervise. Then it is necessary to purchase equipment, inventory, stationery, arrange places for operators, provide telephone connection and the Internet.

However, first you still need to establish a trusting relationship with the owners of real estate in the MKD. Only in this way will you be able to open a management company that will suit your clients, protect their interests and ensure their safety and comfortable living.

  • Legal address

Integral part - location legal entity. Beware of partners who give you their address right away. As a rule, it is massive, which creates problems with the legislation on entering an enterprise into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

  • Accounting policy

To open a management company, you need to deal with this issue in detail.

There are two options for developing an accounting policy: your company independently draws up an action plan, or you involve a specialized educational institution of housing and communal services in this process. If you settled on the first method, then keep in mind that you will have quite a large cost for a new department. If the choice fell on the second option, then here you will know the specific cost of creating an accounting policy established by professional organizations.

  • No criminal record

In order to open a management company, you need proof that you have not been involved in legal proceedings as an accused person. It is worth noting that the severity of the violation does not play any role here.

If a officials future enterprises were previously held liable for misconduct of a financial nature, or for a certain time they did not have the right to engage in commercial business, they will not be able to open a management company (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation).

What documents are required to open a management company

First of all, you need to decide whether to create a new educational institution or to reform the existing education. In the first case, to open a management company, you will need the following documentation:

  • request for entering the enterprise into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • articles of association;
  • an act confirming the holding of a meeting on the opening of a management company;
  • an agreement concluded between the founders of a legal entity upon its creation;
  • an act confirming the appointment of a specific person to the post of head;
  • non-commercial business letter from the owner, which contains a guarantee of the performance of some actions or compliance with certain conditions for the provision of non-residential premises for rent;
  • an act confirming the payment of the state fee.

In the case when you decide to open a management company from already operating enterprise, you will need:

  • charter (code of norms and rules) of the formed organization;
  • a request for making relevant amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • the conclusion of the meeting, which discussed the reorganization of the enterprise.

To open a housing and communal services management company from scratch, you also need to decide on a banking organization that will act as your partner. Thus, you can get accounts (accumulative and settlement). About 50% of the funds contributed by the founders during the registration of the enterprise must be transferred to a savings account, and the rest must be added to it within a year.

How to win an open competition to select a management company

If you want to take part in an open tender for a management company, you should submit a corresponding request within 25 days.

The application must include:

  • company information and documentation:
  • for legal entities: full name, form of organization entrepreneurial activity, location, certificate from the Unified state register legal entities;
  • for individual entrepreneurs: surname, name, patronymic, passport data, address, certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • telephone number;
  • an act proving that the enterprise has the right to participate in an open tender for a management company, as well as to conduct its activities;
  • data on savings and settlement accounts;
  • copies of acts that prove that the company has fulfilled all the conditions of the tender:
  • on the transfer of a sum of money on request for open competition to the management company;
  • on the implementation of all instructions of the event;
  • financial documentation for a certain period;
  • data on the transfer of funds from the owners of real estate in an apartment building for maintenance and repair work, as well as for utilities.

The leader of an open tender for a management company, within ten working days from the date of confirmation of the results of the event, is obliged to transfer to its coordinator a draft agreement approved by him for supervising an apartment building. And twenty working days (from the same date) the winning organization must provide the programs and agreements certified by it on the management of the apartment building to the owners of real estate, who approve these acts on their own behalf. In cases where the leader of an open tender for a management company does not fulfill the above obligations, he is automatically recognized as having evaded signing the contract.

According to article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, housing and communal services must conclude a contract with all homeowners. Without this agreement, it is impossible to manage an apartment building (in accordance with Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Before you open a management company, be prepared for the fact that sometimes citizens are sure: if you don’t sign an agreement, you shouldn’t pay for the services provided. No, that won't work. Monetary amounts for all resources are credited to the name of the owner of real estate, since the fact of delivery is undeniably present.

It turns out that it is impossible to evade fees. But residents can monitor the proper provision of services (according to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1). Based on this normative act property owners have the right to defend their interests regarding the quality and cost of the service provided.

Before you open a management company, you should read the information about this agreement. The period of its validity is 1-5 years, the essence is the maintenance of the MKD, the carrying out of repair work, as well as the supply of utilities by the efforts of the enterprise. The contract is concluded between the managing organization and the owners of real estate in the MKD (either an HOA or a member of a housing construction cooperative on the basis of a power of attorney).

Termination of such an agreement occurs either by decision of its participants, or through legal proceedings (in accordance with Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Before you open a management company, you need to take into account that the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows apartment owners to terminate the contract on their own when the MA evades its obligations.

In cases where various kinds of amendments are made to the document, about which the owners were not notified, the owners of real estate can cancel the transaction by presenting their claims to the MA, or by submitting statement of claim to the enterprise in the judiciary.

If tenants have complaints about the quality of the service provided, they have the right to apply for a reduction in payments for the area and request reporting documentation on the movement of their material assets.

How much does it cost to open a management company in the housing sector

What start-up capital is needed to open a management company? It is necessary to develop a strategy for future activities ($5,000), enter the enterprise into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities ($300), create your own Internet resource and print printing materials ($5,000), rent a non-residential premises of 50 m 2 ($ 400 per m 2, it turns out $ 20,000 for 12 months). $4,000 will be needed to purchase equipment and office furniture, and $10,000 per month for key management personnel. The same amount of funds is needed for an advertising campaign and basic business operations.

Opening a management company is not so easy (in terms of start-up investments). Subsequent costs are directly related to the MKD: about $ 4,000 should be allocated for one building. Well, if during the year you get five objects. The building brings you $2,000 monthly. This means that it will be able to cover the cost of maintenance in two months.

It turns out that in order to open a management company, you will need $25,000 as initial capital. The annual cost will be about $150,000, and the maintenance of five facilities will cost $20,000. It is best to have at least $10,000-$15,000 in reserve. Within 24 months, if possible, you need to take control of ten objects, otherwise you will not be able to secure a profit (annually from ten objects the enterprise receives $240,000 and spends from $150,000 to $175,000).

It will take about $230,000 to open a management company. It is possible to cover this amount (in a favorable scenario) after 5 years, however, it is optimal to plan for 7-8 years, taking into account various risks.

How to open a management company without problems

The prospect of private managers entering this market is strictly linked to the answer to the question of where to get the very objects that can provide an adequate level of income. For organizations seeking to develop in this area of ​​business, it is very important to spend their money on taking a leading position in this area of ​​​​the market. However, it is always a big risk and years of continuous work.

Another problem is the low profitability of mass housing management. There are two areas of the MKD management market - work with mass property and activity in new areas where people with high incomes live. So, in the second field, large and well-developed UOs are already functioning. Before you open a management company, you should think about your own prospects. Even if a start-up company takes on the responsibility of maintaining the latest buildings, will it be able to provide proper service to an expensive and modern equipment installed in buildings? Hardly. That is why MKDs with outdated systems are the most beneficial for such an organization. If you decide to open a management company, you must take this factor into account. But in the field of mass housing, such firms may well compete with the Directorates of a single customer and housing maintenance offices. However, unfortunately, it is still not profitable. Income here depends only on the number of supervised MKD, but not every organization has the ability to maintain a large number of buildings.

To open a management company, start negotiations with construction organizations on the transfer of MKD. If we are talking about just (or recently) built objects, the supervising enterprise will need an amount equal to its monthly capital. For 50 thousand m 2, about one million rubles will be required. Then the company will already provide itself with income from the collection of funds from the owners of real estate.

There is another "headache" - this is a large number of non-payers(on average, only half of apartment owners pay their utility bills on time), as well as outdated structures and systems in many homes. If you want to open a management company, try to start activities for a few newly built buildings that do not need major repairs.

Before deciding on the choice of a management company, in each house it is necessary to create a subject - a condominium, and it's not that easy. Here you need to form a homeowners association. However, the whole point is that the owners of real estate can be irresponsible in their duties. The result is the absence of a managing organization and an object under the control of the Directorates of a single customer. Everyone is happy with everything (in addition to the owners themselves). But who cares anymore?

It should also be noted that a significant part of tenants enjoy benefits that should have been compensated by the management company at the expense of the budget. However, an independent management company should not count on this money. Their reimbursement will not be made immediately.

Information about the expert

Dmitry Tsvetkov, director of suburban real estate Penny Lane Realty. Penny Lane Realty is one of the leaders in the elite real estate market in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi.

Today, an Internet provider is understood as an organization that carries out mediation between providers with a higher level and direct users of the Internet. In fact, such a company is wholesale buyer traffic, which is subsequently resold at retail to end users.

In Russia, the provision of Internet access today is classified as a communication service, which entails such difficulties associated with the obligatory obtaining of a license from the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, coordination of projects and certification of the equipment used. The specificity of the activity also implies the implementation of such activities only in the status of a legal entity, that is, LLC, CJSC or OJSC. Self-registration legal entity and obtaining the appropriate license may take a long time, so it is recommended to contact a consulting company, whose specialists will provide support services in the preparation of all necessary documentation.

In general, the range of services provided by ISPs is quite wide and may include:

  1. Provision of broadband, dial-up and wireless access to the Internet;
  2. Formation of private corporate networks;
  3. Provision of services cellular communication;
  4. Connection digital television;
  5. Placement of the client's equipment on its own territory;
  6. Providing servers for rent.

Initially, Internet providers in Russia provided many related services that are more typical for companies developing websites and online stores. Often, providers also provided hosting for developed sites, but today the main trend is the provision of cellular services, digital television and, of course, the provision of wireless access to the network.

It is worth noting that previously a good option for doing business was to create a local network within an apartment building. However, this option with the popularization of wireless access has become less interesting for users and, of course, for companies. Technical problem at home local networks was the speed limit when connecting a large number of users. Also, this business had little opportunity to scale and compete with big companies, which offered more profitable options for connecting to the Internet.

The risks of this business include a strong dependence on the following factors:

  • Power outage;
  • Channel failure;
  • Changes in legislation, in particular regarding the processing of personal data.