How to refuse a customer to perform work. The art of refusing to get a positive effect. "No" is always better than a forced "Yes"

  • 13.11.2019

One of the most common difficulties is the need to refuse people. And although at work there are often situations in which, by virtue of their professional duties you simply cannot say “no”, other circumstances will develop from day to day, giving you a certain freedom of choice. How to use your right to say “no” and correctly formulate a refusal?

Think like this: By not saying “no” at the right time, you are putting the other person’s needs ahead of your own. Do you really want it? There are many situations at work where your needs are just as important, and in some circumstances even more important than the needs of your colleagues. Remember how often colleagues refused you. And you calmly and without irritation accepted this answer. So why worry about someone getting upset if you do the same?

The real problem is that the constant "yes" is easy to become a habit, and it is really difficult to change the entrenched pattern of behavior. Think of your colleagues. Can you guess what to expect from each of them? Probably yes. Similarly, your co-workers, having become used to your dependability, are likely to come to you with so many requests that you simply cannot fulfill them. Thus, the habit of constantly agreeing to work requests will lead you to overwhelm, because you take on more than you can do or really should do. This leads to stress, frustration, resentment, conflict and mistakes, and over time the situation only gets worse.

So, the ability to say no when you feel like it is an important skill to master. You will certainly have situations where you want to help someone, even if it is inconvenient for you. Remember: means respecting your needs and rights as much as the rights of others, as well as agreeing to compromise when necessary.

Take it step by step and don't try to do it all at once. Try one new skill and hone it until you get it right. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out right away. You want to learn new skills, and there are always ups and downs in learning something new.

Many do not like to say "no", believing that there is only one way to do it - a direct refusal. Such a “no” may seem rude and aggressive. And this is usually not the impression you want to make at work. You strive to establish good relationships with colleagues, but you will inevitably have to refuse someone for your own sake - your health and well-being. This means that you must be able to say “no”, but in a way that shows respect for the needs of another person. There are different ways to say no, depending on the situation. Here are three main options.

Direct rejection is the most uncompromising method, and it is rarely suitable for use at work. It is most often resorted to when someone's rights are violated. In such cases, you can loudly and firmly add: "Don't you hear me, I said no."

Please provide Additional information or a promise "some other time"— an opportunity for discussion, with refusal remaining among the options.

Thoughtful "no"- the most delicate way, because you show that you listened to the interlocutor.

Below I will explain in detail what each of these options are, however the choice will depend on the situation, your attitude towards it and who is making the request, because it can be your mentor, line manager, colleague or team member to whom you really want to help.

Do not try to radically and instantly change your behavior. This is especially true for rejections, as you may shock colleagues who do not expect the leopard to suddenly change color. It is much better to start small, train hard and change gradually.

9 ways to say "no"

Don't rush to answer Before answering someone's request, take a short pause. You can ask the other person to repeat it again so that you have a few seconds to think it over. Or say "Let me think..." Check your calendar or work plan to give you time to get ready and say no.
Don't apologize too much Apologize only when you really think it is necessary and appropriate. Many people have already gotten into the habit of repeating the word “sorry” too often. Begin sentences with "Unfortunately..." or "I'm afraid that...", but only when necessary.
Be concise Avoid long, wordy explanations of why you can't do something. A simple phrase “Today will not work” will be enough. The following phrases may be useful - of course, when they are pronounced with friendly participation, warmth and sincere regret:
"I'm sorry, but I can't do this."
"Unfortunately, I just don't have time for that."
"Sorry, it won't work today." (Sometimes "sorry" is fine.)
"Mirror" the behavior of the interlocutor In this case, you mirror what and how you were asked, but still complete the phrase with a refusal. Speak in a friendly manner and with regret, look the interlocutor in the eye.
You:"I don't have time in the afternoon to help you with your reports."
Colleague:"But I wanted to start doing it today."
You:“I understand that you wanted to start this, but I won’t be able to do it this afternoon.”
Colleague:"But I need to finish everything this week."
You:“I understand that you need to finish this week, but I won’t be able to help you this afternoon.”
Broken Record Technique It is very important to insist on your negative decision, as usually the interlocutor is trying to get you to change it. Children are especially good at it! A useful technique in this case for you may be the broken record technique: just gently repeat your refusal, no matter how the interlocutor tries to put pressure on you
Explain the reason for rejection In this case, you briefly explain the real reason for your "no". Do this only if you want to or if it's necessary. You do not have to explain your actions to everyone who asks you for something.
"I can't help you with your report today because I have a business meeting this afternoon."
“I don’t have time for this because I will be busy with visitors”
Offer to fulfill the request another time In this case, you say "no" now, but you may agree to comply with the request later. On the English language this technique is called a rain check - that is, a ticket stub that gives a fan the right to attend a baseball game rescheduled due to rain. "I can't help you today because I'm in meetings all day, but I might have some free time tomorrow".
Ask for more information This is not a final refusal, in this case, discussion, compromise or refusal is possible in the future.
How detailed should the report be?
"Can you start without me?"
Ask for time to make a decision Never be afraid to ask for time to think things through.
"I need to check my work schedule, after that I will answer you."
“I can't answer right now. I'll call you later"

Comment on the article "How to say "no"": 9 ways to firmly but politely refuse"

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wrote a refusal to the child, frightened. Adoption/guardianship/patronage experience. Adoption. I called the guardianship so that they would issue a conclusion, they said to come on the reception day, but at the same time they expressed their "fi", they say the official should be polite, but in Russia this is not necessary.

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The ability to write rejection letters is one of the most important skills of an employee of an enterprise responsible for the external relations of the organization and business correspondence. The content and presentation of such a letter not only speak about the education and culture of its originator, but also form the image and reputation of the enterprise in the business environment.

What are the reasons for business correspondence

Each actively working company regularly receives letters with various offers. This may be a proposal for cooperation (commercial), for participation in an event (conference, seminar, celebration), etc. Letters of inquiry, claims, reminders, etc. are also common in circulation between organizations. Thus, the incoming correspondence of an enterprise can amount to tens or even hundreds of different messages that require a response.


How to issue a waiver

Consideration of this or that letter in no way guarantees that the representative of the organization who received it will necessarily agree to the proposal, request or claim contained in it. On the contrary, in many cases employees of companies write refusals.

But in order to refuse correctly, certain skills are needed. It is important not to offend the sender of the letter with negative content - this is dictated not only by the rules of elementary business courtesy, but also by the possibility that in the future he may become a customer, client or partner.

General information about a business letter

All official correspondence is subject to certain drafting rules. First of all, it must be remembered that, despite the fact that the content of the letter can be completely arbitrary, its structure and composition must comply with the standards adopted in the design of business papers, i.e. conditionally divided into three parts: beginning (address and heading of the letter), main section and conclusion (signature and date).

The writing style should be restrained, concise, without unnecessarily "loaded" sentences, complex specific terminology. Refusal should be made as correct as possible, rudeness, profanity and other extreme manifestations are unacceptable in it. When forming a letter, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Russian language in terms of the culture of speech, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and style.

The refusal may be unmotivated, but it is still better if the letter indicates its reason.

If the answer is detailed and detailed, then it should be divided into paragraphs or paragraphs - this way the perception of the text is greatly facilitated.

In case of refusal, it is not necessary to chop off the shoulder and “burn bridges”, it is advisable to leave the path to retreat, that is, to thank for the attention paid and express hope for the possibility of further cooperation. To do this, you can specify the conditions that the recipient can fulfill to establish business relations. If there is an opportunity to advise an enterprise that would also agree to cooperation or other proposals made in the original message, then it should not be neglected - this will leave a good mark in the memory of the addressee.

In whose name to write

The refusal must be written strictly in the name of the person who signed the original letter. Otherwise, the refusal may not reach the addressee or get lost in the flow of incoming mail. However, if there was no signature of a specific person under the offer letter, then a neutral form of address can be used (for example, in the form of a simple greeting “Good afternoon”).

Drafting a rejection letter

The letter can be written by hand (this format will speak of a special, warm attitude towards the addressee) or printed on a computer.

In this case, it is permissible to use a simple sheet of paper or a form with company details and a company logo.

The letter of refusal is formed in a single original copy, must be dated and numbered (in accordance with the document flow of the enterprise). At the same time, information about it should be included in the log of outgoing correspondence, noting its date, number and briefly - content. In the future, this journal may become evidence of the creation and sending of the message.

Who must sign

Ideally, under the letter there should be an autograph of the director of the organization, but perhaps this is far from always (and almost completely excluded in enterprises with a large number of employees and many structural divisions). Therefore, any employee of the company authorized to create this kind of documentation and endowed with the right to sign correspondence can sign a letter of refusal. It can be a secretary, lawyer, head or specialist of any department.

How to send a letter

A letter can be sent in many ways, and it is best to choose the one through which the original message came. Sending via Russian post is most acceptable, but in this case you should take a registered order with a return receipt, you can also use a transfer through a representative or courier (this method guarantees more fast delivery). Fax is also allowed. electronic means connections and even social networks or instant messengers (but only on condition that the sender of the initial letter himself uses this way of communication).

Non-cooperation letter

If you need to create a letter of refusal to cooperate, see its sample and comments to it.

  1. At the beginning of the letter, write for whom it is intended: indicate the name of the organization, position and full name of its representative, in whose name you are writing the answer. Use a polite form of address, thank you for the attention shown to your company, and then move on to the essence of the message.
  2. Be sure to refer to the letter in response to which you are writing a refusal, indicate the circumstances that caused the negative reaction. If any additional papers were attached to his proposal by your opponent, indicate that you have read them.
  3. If possible, express in the letter an expression of hope that cooperation will nevertheless take place, without failing to introduce the conditions that must be met for this.
  4. Finally, sign the letter and date it.

Letter of refusal to participate in the event

When writing a letter of refusal to participate in an event, use the above recommendations for a letter of refusal to cooperate. Everything in the letter is standard, but mandatory: information about the sender and addressee, then the appeal, the refusal itself with a mention of the proposal to participate in the event and the circumstances that led to the negative answer, then the signature and date.

Job offer rejection letter

Not only from the enterprise can receive a letter of refusal. In some cases, it can be expressed by a person who has nothing to do with the company: for example, an applicant for a position. If you are just such a person, form a refusal also in accordance with the rules and regulations of business documentation. Use courtesy, indicate the name of the job offered to you, as well as the reason why you refuse it (keep in mind that a potential employer may revise the terms of the job offered to you). Be sure to sign and date at the end.

There are more and more orders every day, and time is sorely lacking, and you have to make a difficult choice - which project not to take on. It is difficult to refuse a client, especially a permanent one. You start thinking about everything. possible options, how to wedge another order, but it turns out that you have to work seven days a week, and even to the detriment of the projects you have begun. The risk of submitting work with errors doubles, and this threatens to lose money and stain your reputation, do you like this option? If not, then you need to learn how to refuse a client in such a way that both you and him feel comfortable.

And how to refuse a client as politely and without offense as possible, you will learn further ...

1. Refer to employment

Tell the potential customer about your busy schedule. Warn that you are placing orders in a queue, so you need to contact you 1-2 weeks in advance. It is quite possible that the client does not have a project on fire, and he will agree to reschedule its implementation. So you save the order, and the schedule will not float. If your conditions do not suit the client, he will calmly go further to look for a contractor.

2. Redirect the customer

From the point of employment, we will smoothly move on to redirection - almost every freelancer has familiar colleagues working in the same field. So get them to work together! You can simply connect a colleague to the project (this way the order will pass through your hands and the customer may not even know who is actually working on it). Or you can simply provide the customer with the contacts of colleagues who agree to work with his project. So you will help your colleagues, and make it easier for the client to find a contractor.

Among freelancers, a “partnership” is practiced: more successful remote workers transfer the project to less promoted colleagues for a certain amount. As a result, the first receives a percentage of the transaction, the second - the work, and the customer - the contractor.

3. Want to refuse a client? Avoid categorical!

Do not use the phrases “I won’t”, “I can’t”, “I don’t want” at the beginning of communication. The wording “I can help you in N days” or “I would like to take part in your project, but I am not familiar with this topic” is more friendly and informative for the customer. But you don’t know, maybe in a month this client will contact you again, and you will accept his offer! It is possible that you will be offered more favorable terms of cooperation.

With any wording of refusal to work, be sure to thank the customer for the proposed work! Do not forget about the rules of elementary courtesy.

4. Argue if you decide refuse a client

In paragraph 1, we referred to employment, we will return to this topic. In webinars and client acquisition coaches, mentors sometimes recommend that aspiring freelancers break down a little before taking a job, i.e. refer to imaginary blockages in the work. I have NEVER recommended this and I will not - you create tinsel that does not at all increase your value as a specialist.

If you come to the conclusion that you need to refuse the customer and refer to employment, argue with real facts: tell us about the projects in which you are involved, you can attach a link (if allowed), indicate the terms of employment. If you decide to refuse the customer, because not your topic - describe to him the topics you work with, perhaps this client will contact you later with suitable tasks.

5. Offer an alternative

If you can’t, for example, make a landing for a new customer, because he doesn’t fit into your schedule, but you really want to help him, offer an alternative service – audit of his landing + optimization. It is possible that this option will be a Solomon solution: you will spend less time and get more money, and the client will get a solution to his problem.

An alternative service can be used if you really don’t want to refuse a client (permanent, promising, pleasant, etc.).

6. You can turn down a client without a single "no"

This option is doubtful, I will say right away. It can be used if you definitely do NOT want to work with a potential customer: not today, not in a month, not in a year. Having received a job offer, check the amount of payment with the customer, and then tell him the cost of your services, which is three times higher than the price of the client. In 95% of cases, the customer himself will refuse to cooperate with you, but there is a high probability of receiving a farewell letter with a strong word addressed to the “unscrupulous” performer.

7. Moved to a new level, but the customer is not? Break up honestly!

Your first customer is still with you, but that's bad luck - over the years / months on freelance, you have grown professionally and your services have become 50-100% more expensive, and the first client pays the same rate. How to be, because you are so used to each other? There are 3 options:

    Keep working on the idea.

    Offer the customer to raise the payment to the desired level.

    Break up honestly.

Let's take a look at the third option - You can refuse a client with the following wording:

“During the time of cooperation with you, I have grown professionally, learned this and that. Thank you for the fruitful cooperation and experience, but now I realized that I no longer fit your project - I have more goals and opportunities. Now I have new projects in my plans, they require a lot of effort and time, so I can no longer work with you on the same terms.”

In this case, your customer will either refuse to cooperate or agree to increase your pay. Both options are positive.

Today you learned how refuse a client neatly and politely, while maintaining their good name. If you have your own expert options for refusing customers,

The company's image largely depends on how employees treat their customers and partners. At the same time, it is very important how clearly the company's policy is worked out in relation to those people with whom it contacts. There are organizations with the highest possible level of standardization of interaction with each type of buyers, suppliers, and other partners. In such companies, any contact procedure is clearly regulated, to the point that a list of words has been introduced that cannot be used in communication under any circumstances. Unfortunately, these are mainly Western companies operating in our market.

In other companies, these processes are left to chance and tradition. formal communication with clients, if they exist at all, are formed spontaneously.

The article rather briefly, but succinctly considers such a component of the company's policy in relation to its customers as the procedure for refusing a client.

When to say "no" to a customer

Such a statement of the question may seem rather strange. After all, it is usually customary to talk about how to competently start a conversation with a potential buyer, attract his attention, establish contact, conduct a competent presentation of a company or product, and persuade him to buy.

see also

But quite often there are situations when we are forced to refuse a client. This is not about those cases when a potential buyer of goods or services cannot find a common language, come to an agreement on prices, terms of delivery, warranty service, etc. This is a negotiation process that this moment we will leave aside.

Consider fundamentally different situations:

The company is doing something completely different. (I need a truckload of oranges! And you sell nails).
- The company operates in the same area, but is highly specialized. (I need a monitor! And you work exclusively with printers).
- The company is currently unable to fulfill the client's request - there is no product in stock or all employees are involved and there is simply no one to do the work.

This is by no means an attempt to classify customer rejection situations. The above examples are the most frequently encountered by the author.

Let's omit the situation when a client calls with a willingness to use the company's services, but due to a mysterious coincidence, his request is not able to be fulfilled. Such oversights should not occur by definition and serve, at worst, as a sign of illiterate leadership (strategic error), not agreed advertising campaign(more clients are attracted than the firm can serve), a tactical error, or a failure in some process - an operational error.

Let's talk about very specific things: a sales manager or any other employee is sitting, whose duties include primary communication with customers, potential customers - with everyone who called and said: "I need to ...". But, here's the problem! Man needs, but you can't!

The option when you are physically unable to fulfill the client's request is a clear indicator that something is going wrong in the company. For example, the work of the marketing department and the production department (or sales department) are not coordinated. The first, using the advertising department, held a product promotion campaign without analyzing, together with the head of the production or sales department, the possible consequences, but will the company even be able to cope with the expected flow of customers?

Even if your company is growing so rapidly that without special efforts on the part of the marketing department, you cannot cope with the flow of more and more new customers, this still speaks of some kind of miscalculation. Let top management have an illiterate business plan.

Sometimes you may encounter curious, at first glance, situations. The sales manager conducts an initial call to potential customers and in response to an instant response: “Yes! I need your services (products)! I'm happy with the price! I want to place an order right now! ”, I have to say:“ Sorry! And now we can't help you! No product! Maybe in a week or two ... ”Such situations arise, oddly enough, quite often.

Most of all, it upsets that experts only talk about how to avoid such problems. On the one hand, this is correct. But what's bad - almost everyone ignores a simple question - what should this unfortunate sales manager do, forced to refuse a client and, quite predictably, face a wave of negativity in his direction?

In most sales trainings, this issue is given little attention. But it is in the conditions of fierce competition that the ability to correctly say “no” is no less important than the ability to attract a client. And it would be nice if in response to any request there would be a polite refusal with an explanation! Alas, it is not. Very often you can hear a not too polite answer, and sometimes an employee can even afford to hang up. Will you contact such an organization again when you need the services they can provide? Most likely, don't apply.

But this is an image! What has been developed over the years and is very difficult to assess in monetary terms(in this case, it is appropriate to say that the image is priceless!)

Tell me who is your friend

Consider situations when a person does not contact you according to your profile. The first thing you should never do is simply say: “We don’t do this!”. It is necessary to correctly, with some regret in your voice, say that your company specializes in a different direction (be sure to indicate in which one, but do not make a presentation for half an hour - in this case, the person is not interested, he needs something else), but you can recommend a friendly company to the caller , where he will be offered special conditions if he says that he is calling from you. Next, give the person a phone number and be sure to name the contact person, emphasizing once again that he needs to say that he is calling on the recommendation of company A.

In this case, you focus on your company three times and, by helping a person solve their problem, you establish primary contact. By letting him know what you're doing, you're making a proactive move that allows you to count on the caller to reach out to you if needed. Especially if he is pleased with the actions of your partners. And here you need to think hard - in this case, your partner is a key figure. The image of your company depends on its action! Therefore, it is very important to correctly select partners and closely monitor their actions on the market, maintain close contacts with them. Imagine being referred to a company that scammed you! Will you contact her again? What about those who recommended it to you? And if you do, what will be the attitude towards those who recommended the firm that deceived you?

The question arises - with what partners it is necessary to have contact? After all, you, being engaged in the supply of computers, cannot know the suppliers of butter!

Naturally, it is always necessary to act on the basis of common sense. If you're selling high-end lingerie, and they call you and ask about pork, then this is most likely just a mistake. But even in this case, it is worth asking what number they are calling - if the number is clearly erroneous, just tell what you are doing and that the person is calling in the wrong place. If the number differs by one digit, this is already a sign. So, there will be quite a lot of such calls. And here is something to think about. If the person calls exactly your number, be sure to specify how they learned about you.

Particular attention should be paid to those people who call and are interested in areas close to your business. If you sell mirrors and ask about bathroom furniture, or if you sell software, and you were asked about computers. It's yours the target audience. And in areas adjacent to you, it is beneficial to have partners whom you can recommend. Naturally, the list of areas and even the number of partners in each of them will have to be chosen individually in each specific case. The only rule is don't recommend companies you don't personally trust. And it is better that this form of relationship is clearly agreed between you and your partners.

One more moment, and the most difficult. Suppose a person called you. He wants exactly what you do. But right now you don't have it! And the client was caught on principle and no methods of persuasion help. I want only with mother-of-pearl buttons! And yesterday! Naturally, it is best to persuade a person to wait until tomorrow (or until next month - depending on what the conversation is about) or to convince him to buy an alternative option. But sometimes this is not possible, and we are forced to refuse the client. We know that this is potentially our client and that, to our regret, he will most likely go to competitors. And here it is useful to have partners working in the same field as you. One a big problem- how to make sure that a client that is useful to you does not go to your competitor. And here the importance of a well-chosen partner increases by an order of magnitude.

And don't hang up!

So, if you are abandoning a client:

Analyze its tactical and strategic importance for the company.
- Find out the source from where they learned about you.
- Try to offer the person a solution to his problem.
- Create a positive impression of yourself and your company.

This is some example of a guide to action that is always good to keep in mind. But it is very important that your company has an official document that contains a policy for working with clients, which includes a section describing the opt-out procedure.

The sales manager still has to devote the lion's share of his time to existing key customers and the search for new strategically and tactically important buyers for the company. There are amazing situations when sales staff spent 90% of their time working with “difficult clients” - persuading, trying to “get a meeting”, etc., leaving existing clients without due attention - “why waste time on them! And so they buy!

Spend more time solving the problems of key customers, and not trying to solve the problems of random callers!

If there is simply no time to follow all the recommendations described above, do not forget that a simple courtesy can go a long way. If you can't talk, it's okay to say so. The caller is not to blame for calling at the wrong time. Let him know about it without anger and irritation. And don't hang up the pipes. Never!

see also

The last thing I would like to draw your attention to. The above recommendations are not suitable for every company and will not be relevant in all areas of activity.

The purpose of this article is not to give clear and unambiguous models of behavior, but to point out the need to develop and implement a customer service policy in the company, including such an important section as general principles refusal to cooperate.

Recently the head of one trading company asked us a question about what to do with clients who are constantly dissatisfied with the service, "squeeze all the juice" out of client managers, finding fault with all sorts of trifles. His question was about what tools and what skills sales managers should have in dealing with such "obnoxious" clients.

And indeed, if you work with clients, then sooner or later you are faced with a situation where the client makes unreasonable claims or simply scandals out of the blue. Or maybe his claims are quite justified, but you still cannot fulfill the requirements of the client and are forced to adhere to the regulations.

We analyzed our experience and the experience of our colleagues in dealing with difficult clients and prepared this article. In this article, we decided to focus only on those situations in which the client manager has no choice but to politely refuse the client's request. But do it in a way that maintains a relationship with the client.

In the course of conducting a series of specialized for one bank, we, together with the participants of the training, identified 4 basic principles of "polite refusal".

Polite but Firm Refusal Principles

Principle #1. Give arguments if you refuse.

The wording of the refusal should contain a reference to the facts, because of which the manager has to refuse the client. Bottom line, the use of these arguments should leave the impression that nothing depends on the client or the manager at the moment.

An example from our practice:

The training discussed the situation when corporate client The bank was outraged that he had to "unreasonably pay the bank an additional fee for a simple transaction with his bank account."

A young client manager said something like this: “This is such a commission. I can't do anything about it. You will have to pay."

And, according to the majority of participants in the training, this line of behavior of the manager was not very convincing for the client.

And what would be more convincing in this situation?

Applicable to the above situation, the phrase of a competent client manager could sound like this:

“According to the banking service agreement signed by you and us, these operations are charged at a rate of 0.1% of the amount. This is the standard amount for banks. This amount has been debited from your account on the basis of an agreement.

Principle number 2. Avoid negative wording from the series: “we can’t”, “we won’t”, “we don’t”

Even for very loyal and non-conflicting clients, such negative formulations are rather "irritants" rather than "sedators".

Moreover, this immediately puts the company, which thus refuses the client, in a disadvantageous position for it: either in the position of a "tyrant" who does not want to do anything for the client, or in the position of a weak one.

In any case, the client has no choice but to react aggressively, swear and be indignant in order to “break through” the blank wall of misunderstanding.

A more peaceful and reconciling phrase could look like this:

  • “We can, but within such and such a framework”
  • “We can, but under such and such conditions”
  • "We can provide<такие и такие услуги>for clients. What you are asking for is not included in these services…”

According to our practice, a manager can be additionally persuasive by referring to one or another good reason, because of which he has to refuse a client.

Example: “According to the agreement dated January 25, 2016, under the terms of service, you can conduct transactions on your bank account on<такую-то>the amount from<такой-то>commission."

Principle number 3. Give the client an alternative

In the previous paragraph, we already talked about the fact that when a “blank wall” is erected in front of the client, he can only beat on it, be indignant, trying to break through this wall.

If the client manager has such an opportunity, we recommend immediately offering the client an alternative path. So that the manager in this case concentrates the client's attention not on the refusal itself, but on how, albeit not in the most convenient way, this problem can still be solved.

The following options are available here:

  1. Let the client know that there are alternative ways to solve their problem. Even if these options are not very convenient
  • "You can order through me<такую-то>amount and receive it without commission in 3 days"
  • "You can withdraw money from an ATM / cash desk, the commission will be less"
  • Recommend the client to file a formal claim(use this method only as a last resort). In any case, this will look better than the absence of any alternative or the negative wording:
    • “I understand your dissatisfaction. You can write a claim or a wish, and I will make sure that it is considered as soon as possible.

    Principle number 4. Train the right emotions in your voice

    Unlike the three previous principles, here we will not talk about what exactly needs to be said, but with what emotions in the voice the client manager should do it.

    1. Regret and sympathy. So, if there is too little regret in the voice, then the client may be offended by the lack of proper attention to him from the client manager.
    2. Perseverance and firmness. On the contrary, if there is too little firmness, then the client may have a feeling that maybe, if you strongly insist on your own, the organization will cave in and still go to the meeting, and the manager will bypass the rules and will not refuse to resolve the issue.

    A client manager who works on the front line with difficult clients simply needs to periodically "refresh" the individual balance setting: perseverance (firmness) and empathy (regret).

    How to do it? First of all, these things must be rehearsed and worked out: with the help of colleagues, at trainings, with the involvement of friends.

    Our goal is to increase the odds, not guarantee a win

    Using all four principles of polite refusal, of course, is not a guarantee that the client will accept all your offers. Also, these tools will not change the current situation - the client will still be unhappy with what happened. But something will happen for the sake of which it is worth at least trying to use these tools - the manager will achieve his goal faster.

    Alexey Leontiev, Andrey Barsukov