Good programmer resume. How to write a good resume: tips for IT people. General principles for writing a resume for a programmer

  • 19.05.2020

A sample and example of a programmer's resume is presented below, but first we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article aimed at helping the applicant to create the most effective resume. We have described key points which every applicant should pay attention to. Asterisks indicate the importance of a particular item.

At first glance, the title does not play a big role, but in fact, the correct composition of the resume title is a very important part of creating a resume.
The headline is the first thing the employer sees and the assessment begins with it.
The title of a resume can be compared to the title in an ad in contextual advertising. The highest CTR for those ads that best meet the requirements of the buyer, in our case, this is the employer.

  • The first thing that should be in the title is the programming language you are profiling in. Many simply do not indicate the language, depriving them of getting into the issuance of local search, job search sites. For example, for the query “PHP”, “JAVA”, etc.;
  • We recommend using the word “programmer” instead of “developer”. Programmer, more commonly used in search queries. But hh looks for these two words equally;
  • You can also add a Junior (Junior) or Senior (Senior) level;
  • You don't need to overload the header, but add keywords necessary.

Your photo is an integral part of your resume. The presence of a real photo not only attracts the attention of the employer, inspires confidence, but also helps to form a first impression of you.

  • Post only real photos. Abstract pictures do not perform the function of your visualization in the eyes of the employer;
  • Post a neutral photo with a good angle. If you do not have such a photo, then be sure to take one;
  • As an example, below is an ad with and without a photo.

This item does not really affect the consideration of your resume by the employer. Of course, if the amount is not abnormally high. Wages it is worth specifying if you are sure that it corresponds to the market and your qualifications.

  • If you are not sure, then it is better to indicate “By agreement”, this will be a maneuver during the interview;
  • Study the market, how much an employer in your region is willing to pay on average for your qualification.

Usually these fields are required to be filled in. Specify the schedule and type of employment that suits you.

Work experience is the most important and important item on your resume. We strongly recommend that you indicate all jobs related to programming. If you started your career with a non-core job, then you can not indicate it. But everything that concerns programming, write everything down. Indicate what you did and what was your task. you can also indicate the results and achievements of your work.

Key Skills are required. Try to indicate those skills that are relevant to your professional area. Name of technologies, databases, engines, etc. In more detail, key skills can be disclosed in the “About Me” section.

It's hard to give specific advice here. Just fill in the fields of educational institution and specialty. For the employer, this item is not critical, in the field of programming for the employer, the most important item is real experience and a portfolio in the form of source code.

If you have diplomas or certificates obtained after completing advanced training courses, be sure to indicate them in the appropriate section. Many applicants neglect the placement of this information. The employer pays attention to your effort and desire to grow in the profession. It doesn’t matter what kind of courses they were offline or online, do not be lazy to scan the diploma and upload it to the site. Visualization in the form of a diploma always increases the click-through rate of your ad.

This is the second most important item after work experience. It is important for an employer to find out not only where you worked and studied, but also how you write code, before inviting you for an interview. If you have projects on Github, be sure to include a link to your profile. Photos or links to websites or products that you were related to are not suitable for a serious HR or head of development. Do not be afraid to show your achievements, this will positively affect the formation of a preliminary opinion about you as a specialist.

  • Provide a link to Github or a similar service;
  • If you do not have an account on Github, then place the archive with projects on any file hosting service.

A very important form to fill out. The “About Me” section is a direct appeal to a potential employer. We do not recommend writing “water”, such as that you are an experienced PC user, having a driver's license, hobbies, etc. The employer will not read this, he needs to learn as much as possible not about your world, but about your skills and abilities. Despite the fact that you filled out the form with key skills, we recommend that you disclose part of the key skills in this paragraph. Focus on the most important, difficult, modern technologies that you study and practice. Write what you work with and what you would like to discover for yourself. Write about the goals you are striving for.

Sample and example resume of a programmer without work experience

A resume for a programmer without work experience is essentially the same as with experience.
Only a novice programmer is more difficult to attract the attention of the employer. In order to get noticed, you need to develop a portfolio. Be sure to create local projects and put the code on Github or a similar service. After all, the only thing that will be available to the employer is to view your first work. You also need to fill in the “About Me” section, in which you need to describe as much as possible your desire to work in the field of programming. Try to involve the employer, write sincerely and feel free to describe your goals in detail.

Ambra Benjamin is the Lead HR Manager at Facebook. Every day, she reviews hundreds of job applicants' resumes. The world of hiring is much simpler than most people think, she says. It has the same laws, and hiring specialists follow very similar principles for selecting candidates.

It takes about 20 seconds for a professional HR manager to form an opinion about an applicant. After that, he either screens out the resume and forgets about it forever, or gives the candidate a chance. With its principle of work and vision perfect resume Ambra Benjamin will share with users.

What is HR looking for?

current employment. The description of the activity at the time of sending the resume says a lot. Why is a person interested in getting a particular position? Why is he looking for a job: was he fired or did he leave on his own? How long has he been/worked at a certain place? How relevant is his last experience to the position to be closed.

General experience. It is very important to understand how active the life and professional position of the applicant is. A recruiter will quickly give preference to a novice programmer who has shown himself well at his previous job than a seasoned specialist whose career has not changed for the better over the years.

"Keywords". Ambra Benjamin often uses search for primary resume analysis. This allows you to quickly determine whether the candidate has the necessary skills and knowledge. For example, he speaks the Python programming language or specializes in iOS programming.

Candidate's online footprint. According to Ambra Benjamin, she likes this stage of studying the resume more than others. It is always interesting to know about the presence of a candidate in in social networks, check out his work on GitHub, personal accounts or website. You can learn a lot about a person by seeing who appreciates his thoughts and observations.

Formulation of a resume. Errors, bad formatting, intrusive design - all this is distracting and can even be annoying. Properly describe your knowledge, skills and achievements, and an opinion about your creativity will be formed during the interview and teamwork.

How to

  • Describe real projects with indication of significant achievements. Do not use formulaic phrases such as "designed the application architecture" or "bug rules". Write what you are really proud of, what you learned new - this is of interest.
  • Don't neglect" easter eggs". Recruiters review resumes for days on end. Break up your body of text with an elegant joke about yourself. Of course, the seriousness of presenting your professional skills is very important, but you can always find a place for humor.
  • Write about your projects. A recruiter interested in hiring a good specialist will always ask what the person is working on. free time. Author's projects inspire, indicate the programmer's professionalism and passion for his work.
  • Use beautiful typography. Reading a well-written resume is always a pleasure. In addition, the applicant's attention to detail indicates the seriousness of his intentions and responsible approach to business.

How wrong

  • exaggerate your accomplishments. The truth, whatever one may say, will still become known.
  • Write a resume addressed to the head of the company (CEO, director, president). 99% of them end their lives unopened and are eventually deleted along with spam and other trash. Leaders large companies they don’t read resumes, especially from people whose existence they don’t even know.
  • Stretch your resume over multiple pages. Write only to the point and only relevant information. Believe me, the fact that a few years ago you worked in a Mac is not so important. Long summaries are tiring and rarely read to the end.
  • Write your resume in the first person. If you don't know how to do it correctly, don't do it!
  • List your goals and desired salary at the beginning of your resume. Do you need a job? So, first of all, you should interest the employer, convince him that you should be invited for an interview. Your personal ambitions are the second question.
  • Make mistakes, confuse present and past tense. Stick to your style of presentation. It is best to write in the third person in the past tense.

To have something to write in a resume: profession "

The widespread use of high technology contributes to an increase in demand for programmers, as well as the emergence of great variety vacancies in this area. Demand, as you know, gives rise to supply, however, the competition among programmers is quite high. On the interesting work and an excellent salary can only be claimed by highly qualified and ambitious applicants. We will tell them which resume to use as a sample in order to get a job in the shortest possible time.

General principles for writing a resume for a programmer

An applicant for any position gets acquainted with a potential employer through a resume - a document that briefly describes the professional level of the applicant. A document usually consists of several blocks of information characterizing a specialist from different angles - this is General characteristics citizen, and his educational level, and experience in a particular area of ​​activity, and available professional skills, personal qualities. However standard form resume does not exist - each applicant is free to include any information in the CV and arrange it in the desired sequence.

For a short period of existence of the practice of recruiting personnel on a resume in Russia, the rules for successful written self-presentation have been developed. They concern both structural and design aspects. A separate block is the substantive nuances related to a particular profession.

Traditional Document Structure

Creativity in planning the structure of a resume is acceptable, but only representatives of creative professions lead to success. Applicants of other specialties, which include programmers, are advised to adhere to the traditional layout of resume elements.

If the position being sought by a programmer also involves the use of creative skills (for example, the development of design elements for a site or program being created), originality in the design of a resume is quite acceptable and even welcomed.

The classic resume structure is the same for programmers of any specialization.

  1. The name of the document is "Summary".
  2. Block of information related to personal data - full name, age, place of residence, marital status, presence of children, contact information.
  3. The intended purpose of the document is information about the desired position (for example, “The purpose of the resume is to apply for the position of a programmer”).
  4. Information about the educational level of the applicant - a list of completed educational institutions providing basic professional education, information about additional education in the field of activity (courses, seminars, trainings).
  5. A block of information dedicated to work experience - a listing of the main places of work, positions held, functional duties, professional achievements.
  6. Information about the personal qualities of the applicant relevant to the desired position.
  7. additional information about the applicant - information about skills and hobbies that are not related to professional field(about the availability of personal transport, driver's license, about hobbies, about the attitude to sports).
  8. Recommendations - attached directly to the summary of the characteristics of the applicant's professional capabilities on behalf of previous employers (or simply providing their contact details for subsequent contact by a potential employer).

Photo - necessary or not

A programmer is a profession, the appearance of whose representatives has long been an occasion for jokes because of its originality, some slovenliness.

In general, it is recommended to attach a photo to a resume either for applicants for positions that involve representing the company in front of clients or partners, or for those who have their own appearance can confirm the necessary personal qualities (accuracy, openness, following the principles of business etiquette).

As a rule, the level of professionalism of a programmer is not determined by his appearance, and the functionality of almost all positions of this profile does not involve representing the company to clients or contractors. That is why the presence or absence of a photograph in a programmer's resume is unlikely to have an impact on the outcome of the case.

If the applicant for the position of a programmer nevertheless decided to attach his photograph to the resume, he needs to take into account several rules for successful self-presentation through a photo.

  1. The photo should be of high quality, and better - professional.
  2. It is not recommended to use photographs intended for official documents for resumes - they present the applicant, as a rule, in an unusual way simple style. It is better to attach a relatively informal photo that tells about the real image of the applicant.
  3. Only one person should be in the photo.
  4. The applicant must be depicted full face.
  5. Thinking through the image for a photo, you should give preference to:
    • neat, close to natural, hair styling;
    • light day makeup
    • not business, but rather "casual" style of clothing.
  6. For a photo, it is better to choose a relaxed pose and accompany it with a slight smile - any employer will be attracted by an open, easy-to-reach person.

An exemplary programmer's resume is evidence of a high level of office software proficiency, as well as accuracy in work, organization, and the ability to complete what has been started. In addition, many programming positions require the active participation of a specialist in the company's document flow, and a properly designed resume will certainly testify to the employer that the applicant has basic knowledge in the field of office work.

Signs of a Successful Programmer Resume

  1. The text of the document must first of all be literate - without spelling, punctuation errors, typos.
  2. The design of the text should be uniform - the same font style and size, the same headings, indents, line spacing.
  3. It is necessary to select only the most important information. This document should be extremely concise so that the potential employer is guaranteed to read it to the end. The optimal volume of a resume is 1–1.5 pages of printed text.

cover letter template

In some cases, in addition to the resume, it is required to write a cover letter - this is necessary:

  • to send a resume to a company that adheres to Western corporate values;
  • when sending a resume as an attachment by e-mail.

The accompanying document is intended to clarify all the accompanying circumstances - the address of the company - a potential employer, the position for which the applicant is applying, information about the source of awareness of the vacancy.

AT cover letter you can briefly describe your ambitions and capabilities, those key points that, if you get a job, will allow you to perform your professional duties efficiently.

How to write a catchy programmer resume

As an ideal candidate for the position of a programmer, the employer sees a person who not only has the appropriate level of education, but also has a set of proven skills and certain personal qualities. In other words, all information is important in a programmer's resume - from beginning to end.

Responsibilities of a programmer:

  • development software, applications, sites;
  • installation and adjustment of already existing programs;
  • work with networks and databases;
  • support, website layout.

Focusing on a specific position, the programmer needs to emphasize those of his merits that are more consistent with it. For example:

  • an applicant for the role of a web programmer should focus on the skills of programming sites, scripts, servers, services, web interfaces;
  • the applicant for the position of a 1C programmer is the ability to install, implement 1C at an enterprise, knowledge of the intricacies of this program and even the basics of a business process, accounting.


Companies have different requirements for the educational level of programmers. As a rule, this is a higher education in engineering and mathematics or mathematics. In addition, in this case it is extremely important additional education- listening to narrow-profile courses (for example, 1C programming courses that produce specialists of several levels at once - consultant, professional, specialist; java programming courses).

Some IT companies are ready to hire applicants even with incomplete higher education. The main criterion for them is the mindset corresponding to the functions of the profession, the applicant's interest in development, readiness to learn and go through a career path starting from the position of an intern.

Finished by the applicant educational establishments(Besides high school) in the appropriate section of the resume should be arranged in chronological order, informing the potential employer:

  • name of the institution;
  • years of study or graduation from an educational institution;
  • the name of the acquired specialty.

work experience

Work experience for a programmer is the main trump card in employment. It is long-term and successful work that gives the employee the right to reasonably hope to move up the career ladder, to receive a high-level position. Therefore, it is important to describe the stages of one's own work activity in a resume clearly, so that the achievements that have taken place do not go unnoticed.

Places of previous employment in the resume are listed in reverse chronological order, indicating:

  • the name of the employer;
  • structural unit;
  • the position (or positions) held;
  • period of work;
  • range of duties.

If a labor activity The applicant includes more than 5 jobs, it’s not worth listing them all - it’s enough to describe in detail only the most fundamental stages (those working periods, jobs that are most related to the vacancy you are interested in).

It is important for an applicant for the position of a programmer to correctly describe his own labor achievements, because, as a rule, it is in this profession that they are specific and pronounced. And also clearly (and not vaguely) they should be identified in self-presentation.

A few good examples of achievement descriptions in programmers' resumes:

  • “During the three weeks of my work on the application, its performance increased by 25%”;
  • “I wrote a frontend to the X library in C++”;
  • "Designed software, which brought the company great profits, won awards and became one of the company's flagship products."

Do not forget about the official encouragement of the authorities for conscientious work - thanks, diplomas, titles, one-time bonuses.

Professional skills

Key professional skills for a programmer resume:

  • PC fluency;
  • knowledge of the main operating systems;
  • development of software and visualization systems;
  • knowledge of programming languages ​​(PHP, C++, SQL, java, Bitrix);
  • skills in the field of work with electronic databases;
  • skills in creating websites and implementing scripts;
  • corporate network administration;
  • installation and maintenance (updating) of software;
  • creation of profiles of company employees;
  • repair and adjustment of computer equipment.

Personal qualities

The personal qualities of a programmer are no less important than his professional skills. After all, this profession also implies the need to learn quickly, improve, and work hard, striving to achieve the goal.

Character traits that an employer who selects a programmer will definitely note:

  • analytic mind;
  • diligence;
  • perseverance;
  • purposefulness;
  • organization;
  • initiative;
  • ability to cope with large volumes of work;
  • fast assimilation of new information;
  • teamwork skills;
  • stress tolerance.

You should not list too many positive personal qualities in your resume - 3-5 of them will be enough. Excessive praise of oneself looks unnatural and implausible.

text-autospace:none"> Novel
Moscow city
Gender: male

text-autospace:none">Age: 39


text-autospace:none"> Job Requirements:

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Engineer programmer
Salary (minimum): 2 500 USD

Work experience:

text-autospace:none">more than 5 years old
Info Directions, Inc.
Victor, New York: July 2006 to November 2006
Job title: Software Engineer
Developer of C# NET networks for the Coast Guard in the field of call accounting and talk time of subscribers and the development of customer service programs in telecommunications services. Development of regression and test load applications in the field comparative analysis performance for the Coast Guard. Internet applications for the Coast Guard and offline applications. Development of an MS 2.0-based Application Programming Interface for the Coast Guard for branched computer networks and database processing. MS application for structured queries and stored procedures for database management. The main activity in debugging programs, analyzing and improving the codes in the application for the coast guard in order to ensure the stability of the work, including the analysis of the execution of the structural query plan. Extensive use of Visual Studio for coding and debugging programs. Documentation, reporting and dynamic teamwork.


text-autospace:none"> Ministry Agriculture United States (USDA) Washington, DC.: June 2005 to August 2005
Job title: intranet application developer
Development of intranet applications in C# to process HR forms SF-52 of USDA employees online. The focus was on improving registration security and developing admin devices to better process online forms. Used MS SQL and created stored procedures. Developed several extensions for SF-52 applications in order to ensure efficiency and safety. Documented additional technical requirements and use cases for the SF-52 project.


text-autospace:none"> PetsMart Direct Brockport, New York: January 2001 to March 2001
Job title: Programmer / Analyst II
Mainly working with Java & J2EE as a researcher and developer on an intranet database federation project. Engaged in the creation of an application for clients and a Java server for processing requests Email to automatically generate DB2/400 document reports using the IBM AS/400 API driver. Developed several functional applications in Visual Basic for Microsoft Outlook.


text-autospace:none"> West Group Rochester, New York. (Contractor): October 2000 to December 2000
Job title: Software Engineer
Developed an analogue of a separate application of a branched graphical user interface in the Java language for calling the API document object model. This project was similar to an application that was supposed to be used and integrated in the future in strategic development, including the Aurora-H and Morpheus systems. The Aurora-H system is a driver for converting well-formed XML into an XML object model. The TBGUI interface is used to define extraction and transformation rules. The TBGUI application shows the nodes of a graphical tree, and can create and manipulate data within an XML document.


text-autospace:none"> Netsight Systems Rochester, New York.: January 2000 to August 2000
Job title: Network application developer
Developer of network applications for the ORTISA (Online Real Time Interactive Agent) project. He was engaged in the development of web applications for graphic needs in the communication link between clients and enterprises. The main project was the creation of a calendar and database management device for scheduling business meetings online. Developed and used the Access and Oracle database system for the ORTISA project. Installed and maintained Allaire's Jrun Java Application Server on Windows 2000 for the Internet Information Server. Initially developed applications in JSP, JavaBeans and Java Servlets, and then converted applications to ASP and JavaScript in order to increase speed and efficiency.

text-autospace:none"> Xerox Corporation Rochester, New York. (Contractor): from May 1999 to October 1999
Job title: Software Engineer
Prepared test computers for a broad software testing program (specifically XCAMS 3.0) using quality assured software products and developed/improved Visual Basic scripts, test drivers, and computational routines for software testing. Participated in independent technical reviews when discussing key issues related to the stages of software development and taking into account customer requirements before releasing products


text-autospace:none"> "R. Shanly & Associates, Inc." Mendon, New York: April 1999 to April 1999
Job title: Software Engineer
Developed and maintained a company and client website using HTML, Perl and JavaScript for commercial and general web use. Assisted in testing and debugging products developed in Visual Basic for Applications and maintained the network system


text-autospace:none"> Kitchen Micro, Cincinnati, Ohio: June 1994 to January 1999
Job title: Systems Consultant
Developed, designed and maintained client websites using HTML, C/C++, Perl, JavaScript and Java for e-business. Developed an accounting database and a GUI application database in Visual Basic. Conducted consultations with clients on planning and implementation of Internet and network equipment. Created, upgraded and maintained computer systems clients.


text-autospace:none"> "NASA at Lendley" Newport News, Virginia: July 1987 to September 1987
Job title: Computer programmer
As part of the summer student program, I volunteered to participate in a group work on the development of a program in the Pascal language in the satellite project. Developed a code for sending commands to a satellite computer to control the drives of parabolic antennas.


text-autospace:none"> Professional skills:


text-autospace:none"> Programming languages: C/C++‚ C#‚ Java‚ Perl‚ Visual Basic‚ Lisp‚ Prolog‚ Eiffel

It is impossible to imagine a modern business community without computer technology. Therefore, the profession of a programmer is becoming one of the most in demand in today's labor market. To take vacant position An IT specialist in a reputable company must have a higher technical education and a set of professional knowledge and skills.

A good programmer must also keep abreast of computer innovation and strive for new knowledge all the time. When employers consider resume programmers, they not least pay attention to the candidate's dedication to his work and the applicant's craving for self-improvement. The quality of the work of an IT specialist in a company depends on this. It is also important for the candidate to show his ambition and love for the job.

Job responsibilities and skills of a programmer

The main tasks of a specialist working with software include the creation of software and specialized algorithms. On the modern market There are three main categories of programmers:

  1. Applied: employees of companies that develop software that solves specific requests and needs (entertainment, software for accounting, customer relationship management systems, etc.).
  2. Web programmers: specialists who create websites, software that controls web page systems, or online stores.
  3. Systemic: these employees are entrusted with the development of operating systems and shells designed for storage of information, as well as the performance of similar tasks.

Depending on the specifics of each position, the duties of a programmer differ significantly. The main ones include:

  • work on the design and creation of software;
  • software implementation and ensuring its uninterrupted interaction with other system components;
  • supporting the normal functioning of the software and providing technical support in case of errors.

A programmer applying for a job in a reputable company must have the following professional skills:

  • advanced knowledge of programming languages ​​(for example, HTML, php, etc.) and technological features of working with software;
  • software development experience;
  • possessing a competent approach to writing and reading terms of reference;
  • the ability to correctly interpret someone else's code;
  • support software.

Often, IT specialists require additional skills, such as, for example, knowledge of English language. Its level should be sufficient for trouble-free reading of technical documents.

Education and work experience

The programmer belongs to the category of those intellectual professions in which the presence of a document on higher education is not a decisive factor when hiring a candidate. Of course, the applicant must have necessary kit knowledge, the acquisition of which is evidenced by a diploma. However, the hiring party will pay attention not so much to the fact of higher technical education the candidate, how much on the applicant's portfolio containing a description of successfully completed projects.

Personal qualities of a programmer

Not only professional, but also personal traits of a candidate can help him to carry out his tasks without any problems. job responsibilities. A good programmer should have the following character traits:

  • sociability;
  • responsible attitude to the task assigned;
  • performance;
  • willingness to learn;
  • persistence;
  • perseverance;
  • activity.

The applicant should also indicate his hobbies in the “Additional Information” block if they are directly related to his work and contribute to the development of his professional skills.

Help from experts in writing a resume

The programmer is one of the most highly paid professions in modern world. Invitations for an interview are received only by those candidates whose resume is compiled in accordance with all the requirements of business style and established standards. If you are looking for a job as a programmer, use the resume templates presented on our resource. This will save you time and increase your chances of getting the job you want.