What is interesting about working in a travel agency. In a travel agency - no experience. What is behind the text of the ad. Where to get training

  • 02.04.2020

Tourism manager is a specialist in the tourism industry who organizes tourist trips for clients. It is currently one of the most in-demand jobs in the leisure and entertainment industry. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in foreign languages, geography and social studies (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).


Salary as of 07/22/2019

Russia 20000—120000 ₽

Moscow 30000—150000 ₽

Short description

The travel manager makes our dreams come true for the vacation that each of us looks forward to. From the outside it seems that this is the most romantic and interesting profession- a holiday every day, the opportunity to travel to distant countries on duty.

But these are different things - to relax on your own or to competently organize a hassle-free vacation, which depends on many people and circumstances.

Tourism manager is a generalized name for a profession that is multifunctional. There are generalists who can single-handedly organize a tourist’s journey from start to finish, but most often travel companies (tour operators) practice a division of labor according to specialization: a customer service manager, a ticket manager, a destination manager, a visa manager and insurance, business travel manager, etc. Each of these specialties can be handled separately by a tourism manager without work experience under the guidance of a more experienced specialist. AT large companies organizing a tourist trip resembles the work of an assembly line: at each stage of organizing a tour, different specialists are connected to the case.

The specifics of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a tourism manager depend on where he works: in a tour operator or in a travel agency. In a tour operator, managers are engaged in the development and formation of tourist routes, and in travel agencies, as a rule, they sell tours to customers.

Responsibilities of a tourism manager working in a tour operator:

  • route development;
  • drafting excursion programs and entertainment;
  • hotel reservations;
  • redemption of tickets for regular flights;
  • organization of charter flights;
  • negotiations with the host;
  • registration of insurance and visas;
  • formation of tour packages;
  • conclusion of contracts with travel agencies;
  • conducting advertising campaigns;
  • resolution of conflict situations with representatives of the host country.

In travel agencies, the job of a tourism manager is to:

  • receiving calls;
  • Consulting potential clients (in person and by phone);
  • provision of guides, catalogues, maps;
  • study of offers on the market and the optimal selection of the tour at the request of the client;
  • interaction with managers from tour operators;
  • drawing up a contract with a client.

There are travel companies that combine the functions of a travel agency and a tour operator.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • the prospects of the industry as a whole and the constant demand for personnel;
  • the opportunity to visit many countries as part of work or on last-minute trips and special offers on vacation;
  • high level of salary;
  • the versatility of the profession of a tourism manager allows you to work with any level of education and experience, there is a job for anyone; when applying for a job there is no strict educational qualification.


  • high responsibility;
  • frequent stressful situations in case of production inconsistencies and force majeure circumstances (an airplane may be delayed, a natural disaster or war may begin, tourists may not be released by customs, etc.);
  • trips to different countries are of a production nature and it is impossible to completely relax and enjoy your vacation;
  • tourists can disturb with calls at any time of the day, and the manager must calmly respond and answer questions that have arisen, solve problems with the host in favor of the client;
  • seasonality of work and dependence on this salary level.

Tourism manager training (Education)

Provides an opportunity without interruption from work and place of residence on the basis of the existing higher or secondary specialized vocational education get a new profession in the direction of "Domestic and international tourism". Programs have state accreditation, therefore state documents are issued.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a distance program professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

On this course, you can get the profession of a software engineer remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
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Invites you to get a diploma in your specialty at professional retraining courses. The Academy specializes in programs additional education, offers convenient format distance learning, an individual approach to the needs of students and flexible prices.


Training for a tourism manager in the specialties "Tourism", "Management (by industry)" or "Management of an organization" (with a specialization in "Tourism") is presented in more than 20 Moscow colleges, including:

  • at the Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Humanitarian College of Innovative Technologies
  • College of Small Business No. 48
  • College of the International Academy of Business and Management.

Upon completion, graduates receive a diploma with the qualification "Specialist in tourist services"

Place of work

  • travel agencies
  • tour operators

Personal qualities

  • high stress resistance;
  • iron endurance and self-control;
  • sociability;
  • organizational skills;
  • personal organization;
  • eloquence;
  • diplomacy;
  • charm;
  • good memory;
  • the ability to convince the interlocutor;
  • a responsibility;
  • flexibility of thinking.


An aspiring tourism manager can apply for the position of assistant manager, whose duties include working on the phone or talking to customers. In the future, he can become a customer service manager. average salary tourism manager consists of a fixed part and interest. Specialists with five years of experience and having their own client base can count on twice the salary. In the future, a tourism manager may become a deputy director of a travel agency and even a director. Tour operators provide a richer experience in tourism than travel agencies. Here you can master all the specializations of the profession in the organization of the tour from start to finish. With due diligence and the desire to master all the secrets of the profession, you can grow to the position of a top manager who actually manages the tourism business and is responsible for increasing the profits of the enterprise, developing and expanding the market. His responsibilities include signing important contracts, negotiating, conducting a competent advertising policy, marketing research. As a result, their salaries are high.

A high status in tour operators has a travel manager (travel manager) or tour coordinator, whose duties include the development of individual and corporate tours. They, as a rule, should know perfectly well resort places, hotels, modes of entry into different countries, be able to work with accounts, credit cards, book hotels and air tickets. Travel managers enter into agreements with the host country, so they must be fluent in at least English, have preparation skills commercial offers and negotiating, know and follow the rules of business etiquette.

Elite specialists are also business travel managers who have to deal with businessmen who are accustomed to high standards of service, clarity and punctuality, regardless of even force majeure.

Over time, many successful managers, who have mastered the technology of promoting tourist destinations from start to finish, can open their own business.

Choosing a profession is like choosing a destiny. It is important to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", as well as to get as much information as possible regarding the field of interest. The profession of a tourism manager seems romantic, filled with traveling around the world, meeting new interesting people. But is it really so? Let's try to understand all the nuances of this profession.

Description of the profession

Tourism manager is a generalized job title for an employee of a travel company. List of tasks in job description does not always match across agencies. The main task of the manager is to organize the client's vacation at a high level, taking into account all the wishes. In some firms, the tourism manager is a generalist who manages all aspects of the tour. This includes:

  • conversation with the client;
  • choice of direction;
  • search and booking of tickets and hotels;
  • registration of visas and insurances;
  • signing contracts;
  • payment acceptance and much more.

In other firms, different stages are performed by different employees. In addition, responsibilities depend on the direction of the company. So, tour operators organize travel routes, and travel agencies sell ready-made tours.

Vacancies in the field of tourism

To navigate in positions in the field of tourism, we list what other vacancies exist:

  1. Service agent corporate clients organizes business trips or vacations for employees and managers of large firms. These may be retreats, corporate events or tourism. The manager must be qualified in servicing business travel and speak English at least a conversational level.
  2. A tailor-made tour officer caters to VIP clients. Its tasks include: development and organization of personal tours, reservation of places in hotels, visa processing, search and rental of exclusive transport. This position requires a presentable appearance, diplomacy and a good level of of English language, especially business and writing.
  3. The air travel manager organizes the intermediary booking and ticketing services for air travel. You need to know booking systems, and some companies require a certificate.
  4. The vacancy of a ticket booking agent is suitable for beginners with no experience in the tourism industry.
  5. An ecotourism manager selects tours to national natural parks and protected areas. This is a relatively new direction in the field of tourism, gaining popularity.

Is the profession in demand now?

How promising is the profession of tourism manager? Financial fluctuations and the development of technology affect many areas of activity, and tourism is no exception. Increasingly, potential customers of travel companies prefer to search and select tours on their own. This is connected both with the desire to save money and with the fact that a large number of resources to organize your own trip. But not everyone does this, and many prefer to trust a specialist in this matter “in the old fashioned way”.

Another important point is the oversupply of candidates on the market who want to work in the field of tourism. With high competition, the requirements for applicants become quite high, and it is difficult for a tourism manager without work experience to find a place in a travel agency.

First of all, the manager needs the skill of working with a large amount of information. You need to remember the dates and times of flights, the tourist areas of many countries, what kind of vacation is available in a particular resort. Since one of the duties of a tourism manager is to promote tours, knowledge of sales technology will not hurt. In addition, you need to be sociable and diplomatic, be able to "talk" the client in order to offer a suitable tour. The initial knowledge of psychology will not interfere here.

Often employers require knowledge of foreign languages, English is preferred. If geography was your favorite subject in school, then consider yourself lucky. This knowledge will be very useful at work. If you are a beginner tourism manager with no experience in this field, then a higher education in this specialty will not interfere.

The profession is considered quite stressful. You will have to simultaneously control several processes, while always being polite and attentive to customers. You need to be prepared for irregular working hours and business trips.

Manager's Responsibilities

As already mentioned, tourism in different companies may be different. We list the main functions:

  • communication with clients, providing information about services;
  • search for clients and sale of company services;
  • formation of routes;
  • booking hotels and buying tickets;
  • organization of charter flights;
  • registration of visas and insurances;
  • cooperation with the host;
  • selection of excursions and entertainment;
  • preparation of contracts;
  • resolving conflict situations.

If you are applying for the position of assistant tourism manager, then your tasks will be routine tasks that do not require high qualifications. Good computer skills and the ability to use office equipment will help here.

Place of work and salary

Jobs are provided by travel agencies and tour operators. There are vacancies for an assistant tourism manager and a ready-made specialist. Salaries will vary depending on assignments. As a rule, the payment consists of the main rate and a percentage of the sales of vouchers. The average salary in Russia is 34 thousand rubles. The work of a tourism manager in Moscow is paid the highest - 49 thousand rubles.

Work specifics

A career in tourism begins as an assistant or account manager. Having established yourself well here, you can apply for the vacancy of a tourism manager. In a company that organizes tours, and not just sells ready-made vouchers, the manager will gain more experience in the field of tourism. Having mastered the intricacies of work, you can further open your own business.

Profession benefits

Choosing this or that profession, we want to realize creative and business potential. If you like to communicate with people and travel, then work in the field of tourism will appeal to you. In order to successfully sell the services of a travel agency, you will have to personally visit those countries where future customers will go. Forward-thinking executives arrange study tours for managers to hotels and resorts at company expense.

If you care modern office, equipped with everything necessary, then, as a rule, travel agencies do not skimp on the equipment of the manager's workplace, because the overall impression of the client depends on this and whether he wants to book a ticket in this particular company. Travel agencies often send tourism managers for training and education. Constantly growing and developing in the profession is another indisputable plus.

Cons of the profession

You need to know and be prepared for some negative aspects in the profession:

  1. Great degree of responsibility. All stages of the client's journey and rest depend on the manager. You need to keep a lot under control and be prepared for factors beyond your control and force majeure. Flight delays, hotel staff errors or an unscrupulous host - the manager will be responsible to the client for all this.
  2. Irregular working hours. The working day will last as long as necessary to complete the paperwork, send important letters, and negotiate with the embassy.
  3. The impossibility of vacation in the "hot" season. Working in the field of tourism, you can forget about summer holidays, as well as holidays in May and September. This is the time of the greatest activity in the tourism sector.

Where to get trained?

Of course, a specialized higher education when applying for a job will be a plus, but even without it you can get a job in a travel agency. Training for a tourism manager can be completed in courses. They last from 1 to 3 months and give a concise program, paying attention important aspects specialties. In order not to miscalculate when choosing courses and not to waste time and money, study the reviews of the educational institution you are interested in on the forums on the Internet. If it is not possible to pay for tuition, then look on the same Internet free courses and webinars. Now they are widespread and are a good help in mastering new skills.

Educational institutions in Russia

If you seriously decide to study this specialty, there are many higher education institutions to choose from that prepare future workers. tourism. There are universities and colleges. The passing score in the specialty "Tourism" is from 72 to 86. The average cost of education is 187 thousand rubles per year.

It is possible to combine training as a tourism manager with employment in a travel company, being in the last courses of the university. In this case, you can get a job as an assistant manager or courier.

How to become a tourism worker?

To become a good specialist in the tourism field, you need to master many skills. Here's what you need to know and be able to beginners:

  1. Understand the difference between tour operators and travel agents and have a clear understanding of what they do.
  2. Own search and booking programs.
  3. Know the technology of sales and be able to sell.
  4. Know how to draft contracts.
  5. Know the geography of countries, the location of hotels and resorts, the list of attractions, the features of entering a particular country.
  6. Know the rules of insurance and visas.
  7. Be a confident user of PC and office programs.

You need to understand that you will need to study constantly, because changes in the field of tourism occur frequently. You will have to read and study a lot on your own, attend specialized trainings and seminars. If a travel company requires a specialist with experience, then the candidate must have knowledge of booking programs.

Before applying for a travel agency, even for a position that does not require work experience, study information about popular tourist destinations. Here is some of them:

  • Turkey (Antalya).
  • Greece (Crete).
  • Egypt.
  • Thailand.
  • Spain.
  • Italy.
  • Bulgaria.
  • Croatia.

Recently, tourist routes in Russia have been popular.

Olga Grafskaya, CEO tourism bureau "Bonjour Travel"

Looking for travel job

Work in tourism attracts job seekers with the opportunity to see the whole world. I almost always hear this from novice employees. Experienced employees are willing to argue that not everything is so fabulous. Any, even the most expensive medal has flip side. Our foreign partners arrange so-called information and study tours for employees of travel agencies. I must say right away: there are never free tours, and the conditions are completely unroyal! The meaning of such trips is to see with your own eyes what we offer customers, to get personal experience and express an opinion that is far from the phrases from the advertising booklet.

Such tours are organized out of season, and these trips are very difficult. Every day, the agent inspects several hotels, and in countries of mass tourism it comes to several dozen. Your head is spinning and you start to get confused. Experienced specialists make notes, comments for themselves, someone takes photos or videos. And newcomers just walk, look and admire. And in the end, they can't remember anything. For rest, one day is usually left, the rest of the time is working. Partners look at how someone behaves on such tours, and if they understand that the agent is incorrect, he can be blacklisted and will not be invited to the next round. It is possible to travel around the world, but if an employee is constantly traveling, when will he work?!

Who and why works in tourism

The labor market in tourism, like many others, is also experiencing a shortage of personnel. It is divided into two parts: these are young girls with no experience, who believe that there is nothing difficult in this area, and experienced professionals who have worked in the industry for more than one year. The disadvantage of the former is not even in the lack of experience, but in the fact that many do not want to learn.

People from the second category do not need to be trained, they come with a client base, which is good for the head of the agency, but there is a minus here too. Such an employee wants to receive exclusive working conditions. They may not bring direct losses to the director, but the profit for the agency will be zero, since the manager who brought the client will get all of it.

Fabulous salaries in tourism are rare. There is a twofold situation on the market: on the one hand, there is a glut of supply, on the other hand, there is a reduction in the industry as a whole. Therefore, the range of salaries for a tourism manager is from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. But it all depends on the person and his desire to earn.

The perfect travel agent resume

The most important thing in the resume of applicants in the field of tourism is work experience. But this does not mean that I will not accept a person without experience. It is important for me that the employee was interested in earning, not getting.

Template phrases are often written in the resume: purposefulness, responsibility, career opportunities. You can look through dozens of profiles and not find a single worthy candidate. How can you talk about some serious career growth in a travel agency? This work is very interesting, despite all the difficulties that you have to face every day. The increase in wages in tourism depends not only on the management, but also on the employee himself. At the interview, I ask the question: “Are you ready to put in the effort to attract new customers? If so, which ones? If not, why not? Many job seekers are willing to take a small flat fee and do nothing else. I will refuse such an employee.

Personal qualities for professional growth

In tourism, attentiveness is very important, because an insignificant mistake only in writing the personal data of tourists can lead not only to a fine, but also to the threat of disrupting the trip.

An important role is played by punctuality, the desire to develop independently and constantly learn. Exploring new countries, sightseeing routes - isn't it interesting?

And, of course, responsibility is extremely important! Here is an example, or rather, my nightmare, which, I really hope, will never happen in practice. A tourist must fly away on a long-awaited vacation and he needs to get a visa. The employee scrupulously fills out all the documents and takes them to change. On the way, he loses his tourist passport. You can borrow money and pay for a tourist, but what to do with a lost passport?! To say that after this trust will be lost is to say nothing!

Learn to travel and sell travel

A travel agent can get an education in specialized higher educational institutions. When there was a boom in tourism, there were many educational courses on tourism. Now the industry is in decline - not only travel agencies are closing, but also educational institutions. But the presence of a diploma, unfortunately, does not mean anything.

Tourist routine

In fact, a travel agent has a lot of responsibilities: from keeping the workplace clean to being ready to answer their clients at any time of the day or night. The motto of our agency: "Your personal consultant 24 hours." The schedule of the agent is irregular, especially during peak seasons. In the off-season, the load is less. I do not force all employees to be at the workplace when there is no load. Someone is engaged in self-development, someone comes up with methods to optimize their work and attract new customers. I welcome and encourage this.

Each agency has regular clients, and we maintain their files. We store all the data so that each time you do not ask to send the same documents. We keep a history of trips, wishes, comments. Our regular customers do not need to explain what they want to get from the rest. They only say dates and wishes for choosing a country. Everything else is our job. Moreover, this part of the routine duties is the most creative, it provides an opportunity to please and surprise the client, to guess his desires.

Nothing to hide

In other industries, the practice of non-intervention of a specialist in a client's decision has been adopted. We have it the other way around. If it's about regular customers, then I already know what they need, and I advise based on their preferences. But if the client chooses a country or a hotel himself, I will definitely talk about the nuances that can ruin a vacation or upset a tourist. But I never insist. This is a personal choice of a person, and it must be reckoned with.

For example, a couple of years ago, several of my clients wanted to New Year go to Egypt. I did not refuse them and lose clients. The result, I think, is well known. The Egyptian direction was closed, and it was necessary to resolve the issue of a return Money. You could say: "Do it yourself, you chose this country, now these are your problems." But I can't afford it, and for several months I fought with partners for the return of the funds of my tourists.

nervous work

Difficult clients have always been and always will be. It is very hard with people who are used to criticizing everything and seeing the bad even where there is none. It is difficult with those who first ask a question about the size of the discount, without even saying what they want. Any work should be financially rewarded.

The current situation in the tourism market is very difficult. The crisis, sanctions, imperfection of legislation and, unfortunately, dishonesty and financial unscrupulousness of partners have a very negative impact on the position of the agent in the market. After all, a tourist comes to the agency and trusts us, but we are not the last resort and cannot control or influence all the links that are involved in this process. Unfortunately, this cannot always be explained, and some colleagues meet with their clients in court, although the agent did his job at 100% and even more. But the argument is simple: "We came to you, so you are responsible for everyone."

Profession without career

The job of a manager is a bit of a chore from a technical point of view. But it is very diverse: new clients, new requests, new countries, new hotels. Career development occurs in a horizontal plane. There is no step-by-step promotion from an ordinary employee to the director of your own agency. I can’t call it a career prospect, I think it’s more like a transition to new level. It is not enough for the director of the agency to have knowledge of tourism alone, he must understand both accounting and legislation, and know the work of a manager. You can hire employees who will be responsible for a certain segment of the work, but this is financially expensive. I know several examples of former directors of agencies who closed their companies and went back to being employees, because they did not want the huge responsibility on their shoulders.

Sometimes employees leave. Someone is in more major agencies, someone - to the tour operator, and someone, completely disappointed, - in general from tourism. Some do not want to hear about tourism anymore, others remember this experience with warmth!

One of my partners had a travel agency in another country. Everything got tired, and she closed it. She went to rest in Georgia, and fell in love with this country so much that she stayed there and opened ... yes, yes, a travel agency! She studied the history of Georgia and herself, as a director, often accompanies groups as a guide.

"Jobs for the Young"?

Many people think that a tourism manager is a job only for young people. But I do not agree that in tourism, employees over forty years old are rare specimens. On one information tour, I met an agent who was 72 years old! She has more enthusiasm and energy than some young girls. I have a lot of respect for these people.

A tourism manager is a specialist who organizes tourist trips. The profession of a tourism manager is one of the interesting fields of activity. It gives a chance to visit different parts of the world and earn good money at the same time.

The main task of a tourism manager is to help a tourist choose a country and a ticket, as well as organize a good rest for him. The specialist advises clients, draws up required documents, makes insurance, visa, buys plane or train tickets, book hotels and solves other tasks for the client.

Places of work

The position of tourism manager is always available in travel agencies and tour operators.

History of the profession

At the beginning of the 19th century in France, the concept of "tourist" was formed in the explanatory dictionary - a person who travels to various countries of the world in order to kill time, or out of curiosity. During the same period they began to build railways, shipbuilding was actively developing, the first aviation began to appear, and hotels and sanatoriums began to be made from estates and other houses. As a result, at the beginning of the 20th century, tourism became a mass phenomenon, and the profession of a tourism manager became a prestigious and necessary activity.

Responsibilities of a tourism manager

The duties of the tourism manager are as follows:

  • Attracting new customers and selling travel packages (processing online applications, incoming calls);
  • Consultation of clients, selection of optimal tours;
  • Registration of insurances, visas, passports and other documents;
  • Booking rooms in hotels;
  • Purchase or booking of tickets (air, railway, buses, etc.);
  • Booking services for clients (excursions, meeting at the airport, car rental, meals, etc.).

The duties of the tourism manager also include resolving conflict situations with clients and contractors. For example, if a plane is canceled, customs will not let tourists through, the airline will place the child and parents on different planes, and much more.

Requirements for a tourism manager

The main requirements for tourism managers are:

  • Experience in tourism;
  • PC proficiency;

Sometimes there are additional requirements such as:

  • Knowledge of the main tourist destinations and resorts;
  • Knowledge of the market of tour operators;
  • Sales experience;
  • Knowledge of a foreign language (most often English).

Resume sample

How to become a tourism manager

If you want to become a manager in the field of tourism and if you love traveling, then even without work experience you can easily get a job in a travel agency as an assistant manager. However, in order to run a single tourist destination or organize serious tours, the tourism manager must know foreign language, be able to sell, resolve conflicts and have experience in tourism for more than 1.5 years.

tourism manager salary

The salary of a tourism manager usually consists of a fixed rate and a percentage of the sale of tours, and therefore depends on the number of tours sold out and on the season. The income of a qualified tourism manager can be 80 thousand rubles, with a salary of 15 thousand. The average salary of a tourism manager is 35 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

Apart from higher education There are a number of short-term trainings on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its courses of direction "

A tourism manager is a qualified specialist who organizes tourist trips. This field of activity is interesting and creative, since at work you need to constantly show imagination and ingenuity. Usually, in order to get a job in a popular company, you must have a higher profile education, as well as have the talent of an organizer.

What should a tourism manager know?

  1. Sights of the countries of the world of all kinds, including both cultural and historical, as well as natural objects.
  2. Climate, traditions and important economic, social or natural features of various natural areas or aspects both at home and abroad.
  3. Varieties and all kinds of ways of transport communication between different objects, as in home country, as well as in foreign states. The tourism manager must not only create the right route, but also make it the fastest, safest and most interesting for customers.
  4. The list, features, prices and functionality of organizations that allow excursions and provide guides who know languages ​​that are convenient for the client to understand.
  5. A system that defines the classification of hotels and various schemes, ways to save or borrow the best place when working with hotels, inns and other similar establishments. This is worth remembering when labor contract with the tourism manager.

Information held by the tourism manager

  1. A list of various cafes, restaurants, canteens and other places where you can buy food or relax with various financial opportunities. Knowledge of health and sports complexes of many varieties, in order to advise the client on those places that best suit his wishes. Familiarity with the sphere of entertainment and a variety of complexes that provide a variety of opportunities for recreation, useful pastime. The opportunity to advise something new is highly appreciated by clients, which is provided by the instruction of the tourism manager.
  2. The procedure and rules for working with services that are consular organizations, as well as objects where you can get a visa.
  3. The procedure for painless and quick passage of currency and customs control.
  4. Catalogs of tourist organizations and various information related to the provision of information on issues of interest to each client. This should be able to manager for domestic tourism.
  5. Fundamentals of marketing and advertising of own services, as well as the positioning of the company in the public view, the behavior of advertising companies.

Consultations on important issues

  1. Insurance rules designed specifically to work with tourists.
  2. Basic instructions for issuing all types of vouchers and attachments to them, such as vouchers, insurance policies.
  3. The procedure for working with a variety of discount cards.
  4. Rules for interacting with business partners, establishing business contacts, as well as proper negotiation for signing contracts on the most favorable and simple terms, inviting customers to cooperate.
  5. Ways to collect and process all the information necessary for work using modern means and various computer technologies.

Functional responsibilities

  1. Collect, analyze and study the requirements and reviews of tourists about an excellent holiday organized by a special company. This includes the duties of a tourism manager.
  2. Search for the most profitable and reliable partners who carry out transportation, conduct excursions, and also accommodate tourists, providing service at the proper level, which requires the work of a tourism manager.

What does a tourism manager do?

Establishes contacts with various organizations that are responsible for transport and excursion support for newly arrived tourists. The tourism manager must not only conclude a standard contract, but also check all the conditions; agree on possible privileges and other bonuses for their clients, as well as monitor the correctness of the performance of specified services, if necessary, challenge the actions of employees of organizations and achieve benefits for their own clients, which regulate the duties of a tourism manager.

Takes part in determining the cost of the tourist package, depending on the price of all the functionality and Additional services, their list included in a specific voucher. In this case, it is required to determine the optimal cost, however, care should be taken for each item, which involves the work of a tourism manager.

Providing clients with information

Every tourism manager is obliged to provide clients with optimal information regarding the following points:

  1. Rules for entering a particular country, staying in it, observing the basic rules to save material resources, your own time and morale. This can be done by an assistant tourism manager.
  2. Rules, procedure, peculiarities of issuing visas, as well as the terms that these procedures will take.

Guarantees provided by this worker

  1. Passage and successful completion of customs and currency control at the entrance and exit from various countries which is indicated in the summary. A tourism manager must have a lot of knowledge that an assistant tourism manager can handle.
  2. The location and features, the significance of historical and cultural monuments of a particular state, which may be important for a client who is interested in important details on a specific profile, which require the duties of a tourism manager.

Important Features

  1. Transport, visa and excursion services, which is important when choosing the cost and features of a tour, compiling a route map and making decisions in favor of specific companies to receive the necessary services.
  2. Accommodation and provision of all amenities, proper food for tourists, features of the cuisine of specific establishments.
  3. Accurate and detailed travel itinerary, program and features of the stay in each specific country.
  4. date and exact time start and end of the journey.
  5. The main features of the meeting of tourists, their escort, as well as unloading and further stay in the planned place. Usually, recommendations are immediately given on choosing an escort or information about an already chosen guide is provided. The ability to do this must be indicated in the resume. The tourism manager must have the determination and the ability to achieve the set goals.
  6. The measures necessary to ensure the complete safety of both the person and the things and material values ​​\u200b\u200btaken with them, which regulate the duties of the tourism manager.

Additional Responsibilities

  1. Formation of lists of tourists, reporting on their number and analysis, which concerns the proper, timely and hassle-free placement of people in the rooms of a hotel or other similar establishment.
  2. Receive and manage information related to the place and exact time of arrival of tourists at specific sites, control over the timely arrival and departure of each person from the group, the implementation of the necessary actions if a difficult situation occurs, timely warning of their superiors about emergency or difficult situations. Organization of timely departure and arrival of the entire group of tourists.
  3. The implementation of a complete oral and, if necessary, written briefing regarding safety measures when sightseeing or visiting extremely valuable or dangerous objects, which is necessary to save the life and health of each member of the group. Reporting to the participants of the trip the rules on the peculiarities of behavior while inside vehicles, as well as instructions for providing first aid medical care and psychological control over the state of people or objects that need behavior correction.
  4. Conducts statistical research, which is based on tours organized in a particular company, and also prepares various reporting information.

The tourism manager quickly responds to difficult situations that have occurred with tourists and informs superiors about the progress of the case. It also monitors the timely arrival of tourists. To lead labor activity as correctly as possible, each tourism manager must follow the job description, be attentive and calm when solving any issues and even carrying out complex tasks.