How to get the correct time. The most accurate time in the world. Getting this information on Beeline

  • 16.03.2020

At MTS missing a separate service or additional option, which allows you to receive information about the current time by calling a short number. For these purposes, you will need to use the direct call to the operator by telephone subscriber service " 0890 ". During a conversation, follow instructions automatic subscriber service for talking with an MTS employee. You can get almost any information from this employee, including current time.

Exact time on Megafon

Data operator mobile communications provides two ways obtaining such information: special service and call operator. To access the required additional option, you will need to dial a USSD request *122# , then on the screen of your mobile phone time information will be displayed. Attention, service paid, and its cost may vary depending on the region in which you live.

You can make a call to the megaphone company itself by short number « 0500 ', followed by instructions virtual assistant or enter the number "" to connect directly with the employee Megaphone. But the operator may start trying to persuade you to use their paid service or connect it without your knowledge, so you need to be as careful as possible.

Time on Tele2

On Tele 2 also missing a separate additional option that allows you to get the necessary information about the current time, so you need to use call to the operator. For such purposes, Tele2 there is a free short number 611 , after making a call you will need to follow instructions system or just dial the number "" to connect with one of the employees of the company.

Getting this information on Beeline

Beeline as well as Megafon can provide two ways find out the current time and even the date. The first way is additional service, the second is a call to support Center Beeline subscribers.

To access necessary service costs call by short number 100 ". After that, the automatic system will inform current time with an accuracy of one second, as well as the date. You need to understand what Beeline is for such a request remove some money from a mobile phone, though not too much. The cost depends From your tariff plan, region and city of residence, as well as the duration of the call. Billing is made at the price of calls to city telephone numbers.

The second way is to call the Beeline subscriber service by number 0611 . Employees of a mobile operator can easily provide this kind of information, although not always. Some Beeline employees will offer you paid service , because it is unprofitable for them to tell the time.

Methods suitable for all operators

In addition to the functionality provided by certain mobile operators, there are methods that work on any SIM cards.

Making settings on the phone

Modern smartphones themselves can correctly set the time and date according to the settings of the SIM card, for this you need:

In most cases, after activating this setting, the phone will automatically set the correct time and date. But sometimes it can work with errors or failures - this especially applies to subscribers of small regional operators or people living near the border of time zones.

In our life, counting and measuring time is of great importance. To measure it, watches were invented: mechanical, solar, sand, wrist, pocket. I wonder how the most accurate time is measured?

Why is the exact time counting according to Greenwich Mean Time?

Greenwich is known as the "sea gate" of London. Initially, it was a suburb, but now it is an administrative district located in the southeast of the capital. Greenwich is located on the right bank of the Thames and has long been associated with the British Navy.

For all time zones there is a so-called reference point - this is the place where the Greenwich Observatory used to be. This observatory became a starting point not by chance. The observatory was formed in the seventeenth century; calculations were carried out there, which were of great importance for navigators. The calculations concerned, including the exact time.

Due to the fact that Great Britain became the most powerful empire, the calculation of time, carried out at the Greenwich Observatory, was also extended to dependent states. By the end of the nineteenth century this system accepted all over the world. In 1884, at a special conference, it was decided to determine the "reference meridian". Depending on the distance from this meridian, the time in other regions was determined. Time zones were designated, starting from the zone in which Great Britain is located. Thus, universal time was synchronized.

The world time reference system in the seventies was replaced by another, more accurate one, which differs from the time of the Greenwich meridian. Despite this, the well-known abbreviation GMT continues to be used, which looks like a tribute to tradition.

In the building of the old observatory, which was founded in the seventeenth century by Charles II, there is a museum of navigational and astronomical devices. The observatory itself was withdrawn from this building back in 1990 due to light blockage. Now it is located nearby in Greenwich Park.

It is known that Moscow time is four hours longer than Greenwich Mean Time. One of the ways to find out the exact Moscow time is to use the Internet, call, find out by radio or via satellite. All regions of Russia are guided by Moscow time, and the countdown goes the same way from Moscow time. Due to the stretch, the country is located in nine time zones.

Who came up with the exact time?

A lot of mechanisms have been invented by man to measure time. In ancient times, people measured time in sunrises and sunsets, paid attention to the increase or decrease in the shadow of objects throughout the day. Thanks to this, people could roughly navigate in time. The role of a huge clock was performed by the stars. It was noticed that different stars are visible in the sky at different periods of the night.

The ancient Egyptians, as a result of observing the stars, divided the night into twelve intervals. At the same time, they focused on the moments of the appearance of each of the twelve stars. It can be concluded that the division of the day into twenty-four hours originated precisely from the division of the night by the Egyptians into twelve time intervals.

Shadow or sundials were also created by the Egyptians. It was a simple board with marks, which became the first prototype of a device for measuring time. Water and fire were also used to measure time.

The first hourglass appeared two thousand years ago. But the first mechanical clock was invented more than one thousand four hundred years ago. A coil with a chain was attached to the mechanism of this watch, at the end of which there was a weight. Thanks to the load, the coil rotated, while the chain unwound. With the help of a regulator and a series of gears, an arrow moved along the dial.

For centuries, the smallest division of time was the hour. In 1860, one of the London watchmakers managed to make a watch that showed not only minutes and hours, but also seconds.

The most accurate time in the world

Whatever the clock - old, new, small or large, expensive or cheap, wrist, pocket or wall, they are in any case designed to measure time. The difference between them can only lie in how accurate the measurements are for each particular watch.

Every second must be the same time. This is influenced by the oscillatory rhythm created by the pendulum, the vibration of quartz, the spring, etc. For several years, cesium clocks containing "atomic time" were considered the most accurate clocks. It was the most accurate long-term timekeeper in the world. Clocks can deviate by one second in one hundred and thirty-eight million years. Watches "from cesium" were jointly created by scientists from Japan and America in one of the European laboratories.

In February 2010, American scientists created an atomic clock that surpassed those made from cesium. It took several years of development, resulting in an aluminum-based watch that could be a second behind in three billion seven hundred million years. The name of this novelty is Quantum Logic Clock.

This clock is capable of dividing time into much smaller intervals, which in the future can be used to test various constants and laws of physics.

The exact time is measured in hours. These mechanisms are not always simple. Blancpain 1735 watches cost 800 thousand dollars .. You can read a detailed article on this topic.
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Time is one of the most important variables. Everything is tied to it: train schedules, transfers, appointments ... This list is endless. If you don't want to be late or miss something important, always keep an eye on the exact time. A mechanical watch can be fast or late, but the methods listed below will give you the most accurate time information.

How to know the exact time using your phone

A smartphone, which is always at hand, will help you find out the exact time. For this:

  • Put the app on your phone. There are many free clocks in the Play Market or any other app store that provide accurate time using the Internet.
  • Call the fast number 100. They will tell you the exact time.
  • For Megafon subscribers, a paid (9.99 rubles) “Exact time” function is available, which will help you find out the exact time, date and phone number. To do this, dial *155# or *122#.

How to know the exact time using a computer and the Internet

There are many sites on the net that provide information about the exact time. Here is some of them:


Time in epoch information technologies has taken on special significance for modern man. Each of us at least several times a day glances at the clock. Many people regularly synchronize their timekeeping devices through various sources, including the Internet. Accurate time sometimes plays a decisive role in cases where not even minutes, but seconds are important. For example, trading on the stock exchanges can turn into a crash for a player whose clock showed the wrong time. Let's try to set up our Digital Watch on your computer and synchronize the exact time via the Internet.

Time Synchronization Technology

In the beginning, I will talk a little about the technology by which the exact time is obtained from Internet sources. The entire process of time synchronization is carried out through a special network protocol called NTP (Network Time Protocol). This protocol is a set of various rules and mathematical algorithms, thanks to which the time on your computer is fine-tuned with a difference of several hundredths of one second. There is also a protocol for systems that do not require such precise timing called SNTP. The difference between the source and the device-receiver of time on it can be up to 1 second.

The technology for transmitting exact time parameters is a multilayer structure, where each underlying layer electronic devices syncs with the one above. The lower the technology layer, the less accurate the time derived from it will be. But this is in theory, in practice it all depends on the many parameters involved in the synchronization system and you can get a more accurate time, for example, from the fourth layer of devices than from the third.

At the zero level of this transmission chain, time reporting devices are always located, roughly speaking, clocks. These clocks are molecular, atomic or quantum time counting devices and are called reference clocks. Such devices do not transmit time parameters directly to the Internet, they are usually connected to the primary computer via a high-speed interface with minimal delays. It is these computers that make up the first layer in the technological chain. The second layer will contain machines that receive time from the first layer of devices through a network connection, most often via the Internet. All subsequent layers will receive information about the exact time using the same network protocols from the higher layers.

Time Synchronization in Windows

Let's try to synchronize time by means of systems Windows XP, Windows 2003 . To do this, click on the clock located in your tray (usually in the lower right corner of the screen) to bring up the date and time settings. Be sure to check the settings time zone”, which are in the same place and adjust them if necessary.

For Windows Vista, Windows 7 also just click on the clock at the bottom of the screen and go to the settings through the special link “Change date and time settings”

Then go to the "Internet Time" tab and click the "Change Settings" button.

The Internet time settings window will appear, similar to the one in Windows XP, 2003.

This window has an option to automatically check hours via the Internet, which is available opposite the inscription “ Synchronize with an Internet time server". If you enable it by checking the box, then periodically the time of your computer will be updated through the Internet server by the operating system itself.

Next, opposite the option “ Server:” The user can choose from a list of addresses from which synchronization will be performed. Try to select one of them and click the button “ Update now". If after a certain time an inscription about a synchronization error appears under the list, manually enter one of the server addresses below and check the connection with it.

Below is a video that will show the process of setting the system clock in Windows 7 and synchronizing them.

Change the period of automatic time synchronization in Windows

Default, operating system Windows contacts the synchronization servers only once a week. Provided that the user has set automatic time checking, of course. For some, this period may seem long enough or may be quite frequent than desired. Fortunately, the system provides for changing this setting through the registry settings.

Open the window " Run” via the menu “ Start". AT command line dial regedit and run with the button OK". You need to alternately get to the next section

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Services - W32Time - TimeProviders - NtpClient

and select the parameter in the window on the left SpecialPollInterval. Here is the value 604800 , if you convert it to the decimal system. This number of seconds is equal to one week. Here you can enter another value that you need by converting it to seconds.

In addition to the hours running on your computer, there are probably other sources of time that you have to periodically check in order not to get out of the general work schedule or schedule. Clocks can be wall, table, wrist and the accuracy of the time shown by them does not always correspond to reality. Meanwhile, trying to synchronize the time of these devices manually, many turn to television sources. However, such means can transmit a signal with significant delays, so it is impossible to guarantee the exact time even up to a minute from these sources.

Fortunately, in global network There are many timekeeping services available to help you set your watch to the correct time, down to one second. Of course, the Internet is not sinless in terms of all the same time delays in the transmission of information, but such delays with good communication usually do not exceed one second.

Multifunctional time display service. In addition to its main purpose, it allows you to check the clocks of various time zones, find out the calendar information of the current day, fine-tune the format for displaying time on the screen through the site and the display style, display the calendar of the current year, find out the time in any of the cities of the world and much more. Perhaps one of the most useful and versatile exact time services I have ever worked with.

A beautiful image of the dial with moving arrows will delight fans of stylish virtual design. In addition to information about the exact time, here you can find data on the time of sunrise and sunset in your area, as well as a link to the weather forecast for the specified city.

There is practically nothing superfluous on the screen, only basic information about the exact time, plus the ability to compare it with your system clock. However, there is a small menu with additional features, such as the remaining time until the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, a stopwatch, a date converter and a time zone map.

There are also other web resources for you that may be of assistance in solving your questions.