Rostelecom what kind of operator. Rostelecom mobile communications: Promotions, coverage area, number portability. Roaming with mobile communication Rostelecom

  • 25.03.2020

Mobile communication "Rostelecom", reviews of which in Russia are mostly positive, was created on the basis of the organization of the same name, which became the successor to the USSR Ministry of Communications. huge power, a large number of professional specialists, development potential - the company is actively implementing all this today, trying to catch up with its competitors and push out their composition of the "Big Three".

As of 2017, the organization employs more than 140 thousand employees, all of them are busy ensuring the smooth operation of not only mobile communications, but also wired home internet. Not so long ago, Rostelecom signed an agreement with Tele2 Russia, due to which both parties benefited: the first was able to significantly expand its coverage, and the second began to control the general state of affairs of the company's mobile television systems.

Rostelecom: history of mobile communications

Mobile communication "Rostelecom", reviews of the high quality of which are distributed, including due to the effect of word of mouth, initially had a great advantage over all other telecom operators. The fixed telephony base received in 1990 from the USSR Ministry of Communications helped to create a high-quality one. Most of the first mobile numbers functioned as part of the subsidiaries of this company, in particular, Skylink, Yeniseitelecom, Baikalwestcom, etc.

The situation changed in the winter of 2014, when the assets of Tele2 Russia were merged into the company. This has resulted in huge cost savings by pooling capacity and freed up resources. The money received was used to modernize the network, as well as advertising to attract new customers. As of 2016, the company's total revenue amounted to more than 295 billion rubles, and the number of mobile users has already exceeded 15 million.

Network coverage

If you decide to purchase cellular telephone, then the most The best way form an impression of Rostelecom mobile communications - reviews on the quality of coverage. As of December 2017, the company serves more than 70 Russian regions, which are conditionally divided into 7 macro branches - Center, Ural, Volga, North-West, Far East, Siberia and South . Within each of them, work is constantly underway to build and improve existing base stations that affect network coverage.

Since the company is exclusively Russian, you will not be able to use its services when traveling abroad. But you should not despair, because there are roaming partners that provide communication services to Russian operators for quite a favorable prices. Tariffication will depend on which country you decide to go to, as a rule, the most expensive are countries that are too little popular among Russian residents, a detailed list of them can be found on the official website of the mobile operator.

Company Features

If you have already purchased a device with Rostelecom mobile communications, positive reviews about the quality of communication will not be new to you. In addition to the direct service of cellular communications, the company also leases its facilities to other operators, this is quite a normal practice, due to this, they manage to reduce the cost of providing their services to customers. In addition, in some regions of Russia, Rostelecom is a monopoly operator, and local residents mainly use it, but random guests would have a hard time here if the company did not allow the use of its base stations.

As of 2017, all the company's cellular assets are under joint management, in which Tele2 also participates. During the three years of the existence of such an alliance, it was possible to completely restore the operation of base stations according to a completely new model in Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Tver, Arkhangelsk and adjacent regions. According to analysts, the company is heading to teach its customers to use the mobile Internet more often and even use it to make calls.

Moscow and region

The simplest tool that will allow you to choose a Rostelecom mobile connection is reviews. Moscow is the most convenient city for registering a SIM card. It is there that customers are offered the most convenient tariffs, for example, in December 2017, the “For all L” plan was introduced, on which for only 399 rubles a month you can get 12 gigabytes of Internet traffic and 500 minutes for calls to absolutely any Russian numbers. A distinctive feature - all components of the package can be transferred to the next month.

Rostelecom, together with Tele2, have set a course for the maximum simplification of tariffs, which is why no more than 10-15 of them are offered in each region. In Moscow and the region, “On All XL” is very popular, which includes 1,500 minutes to all numbers in the Russian Federation, as well as 30 gigabytes of Internet traffic, the monthly fee here is 799 rubles per month, which is very profitable compared to other operators.

There is also a weak link in the composition of Rostelecom - the mobile communications of the Moscow region, reviews of which leave much to be desired. Often, customers complain about disconnections and low network coverage. Of course, the company is aware of this problem and is trying to solve it, but it takes quite a lot of time. As a kind of compensation, we can consider the appearance on the market of the Super Simka S tariff plan, which provides customers with free calls to Rostelecom numbers throughout Russia, as well as 5 gigabytes of Internet traffic, the monthly fee here is only 7 rubles per day.


Not so long ago, a strong link appeared in the mobile communications of Rostelecom - Voronezh, reviews local residents about the company gush with positive and joy. Previously, all of the company's current customers were served by the Nizhny Novgorod Cellular Communications organization, and they constantly had difficulties in obtaining mobile communication and Internet services.

After the reorganization of the local operator, things immediately improved, and the number of connected customers in the region increased significantly. Customers note a large number of convenient and transparent tariffs, as well as noticeable improvements in the quality of communication, which allow using the services without fear that the conversation may be interrupted at any time.

Tariff plans

Despite the fact that the company also provides services, Rostelecom's main priority is mobile communications; tariffs, reviews about the company, details - all this is in the public domain for everyone. All tariff plans offered by it are mainly divided into two types: package and standard. The first ones represent a whole range of services: minutes for calls, Internet packages, SMS messages, etc. For the client, such tariff plans are the most profitable, because for relatively small price they receive immediately all the necessary services.

Standard tariff plans are gradually becoming a thing of the past, as they are much more expensive than modern ones. In this case, we are not talking about traffic packages, minutes and messages, the client uses a pre-set tariffication, while he can connect the necessary options with traffic, SMS or minutes for an additional fee. The cost of connecting tariff plans and their billing will directly depend on the region in which the client is located. As a rule, the most expensive communication is in underdeveloped areas located on Far East and in the northern part of the country.

The mobile operator Rostelecom offers its customers cellular communication services, from which any customer can choose the most interesting offer for his mobile phone, personal computer or tablet. At the same time, the mobile operator guarantees high quality of communication, and all that is needed for this is a Rostelecom SIM card.

The full list of plans is official portal of the Rostelecom network, where there is detailed information about any available cellular package.

In the article below, we present the optimal tariffs for the Rostelecom cellular network, we will tell you what to focus on when choosing a tariff, as well as about the correct configuration and connection.

Details of the tariff plan can be found at cellular provider official website.

For new users, it is possible to switch to a tariff with their own number.

The minimum tariff "New History In Conversation" will be in demand for those users who use communication services the most and practically do not go online. The other two tariffs will appeal to fans of virtual communication.

You can switch to another tariff through your personal account Rostelecom, or using SMS with the code "92" to short number. For the same purpose, you can use mobile app"My Rostelecom", which can be downloaded at Google Play and App Store.

Tariff plan "The whole story"

For active users of the network, the company has prepared a starter package "The whole story", as it includes unlimited Internet. Also included in the package is traffic without restrictions on social networks and instant messengers.

The main characteristics of the mobile tariff plan:

  • 500 minutes for calls to numbers of any operators in the region of stay and fixed numbers within Russia monthly;
  • 50 outgoing SMS messages to numbers of any operators via Russian Federation monthly;
  • unpaid calls between Rostelecom subscribers;
  • 101 TV channels as a gift in the Wink app for 12 months.

The subscription fee will be 500 rubles per month.

You can switch to this mobile package using an SMS message by sending the text "93" to the short number .

Package "Endless story" Rostelecom with unlimited internet

For users who spend a lot of time online or work on the Internet, the mobile operator offers the most advanced Rostelecom tariff "Endless story", thanks to which you can use unlimited Internet at the highest speed. Besides detailed description mobile tariff includes:

  • 500 unpaid minutes for calls to phones of different telecom operators in the home region and city numbers in the Russian Federation monthly;
  • 50 outgoing SMS to the numbers of any operators within the Russian Federation for 30 days;
  • unpaid incoming calls;
  • free calls between Rostelecom subscribers;
  • 101 TV channels for free in the Wink app for 12 months.

Detailed description of Rostelecom packages for cellular communications in Kostroma and the Kostroma region

Reviews about such a tariff plan are quite controversial. Customers praise Rostelecom's unlimited mobile Internet for a mobile phone and the company's pricing. Of the minuses, they note the unstable speed of the Internet and dissatisfaction with technical support operators. Let's hope that soon the company will correct all their mistakes.

It is possible to switch to the tariff both via an SMS message with the text "95" to number 220, and using a personal account on the mobile provider's portal.

The subscription fee will be 600 rub. in 30 days.

Tariff package "Family history"

Family customers will like this tariff, because in addition to the package of unpaid minutes and unlimited communication in social networks and instant messengers, it has 5 family rooms. That is, one main and 4 additional SIMs with a total balance. But you need to pay for such pleasure at 50 rubles for each additional phone. Cellular tariff characteristics:

  • 600 free minutes for calls to mobile operators in the host region and local numbers within the Russian Federation per month;
  • 50 outgoing SMS-messages to numbers of other telecom operators in the Russian Federation per month;
  • unpaid incoming calls;
  • 25 GB high speed wireless internet per month;
  • traffic without restrictions on social networks and instant messengers;
  • free calls within the network;
  • 101 channels free in the Wink app for 12 months.

The subscription fee will be 700 Russian rubles per month.

For many years, Rostelecom has been offering communication services to citizens. Many people know this digital giant as a provider of home telephony and television. Mobile communication was provided by a subsidiary of TELE2, but recently Rostelecom itself began to offer very favorable tariffs for smartphones and other mobile devices.

Rostelecom offers service packages to citizens. They consist of three to five options for different communication directions. Each package must include minimum set what you can do by buying a SIM card from Rostelecom:

  1. Call and write SMS messages in Russia and abroad.
  2. Have constant access to the Internet - 4G networks.
  3. Watch mobile TV.

Additional services depend on the package you connect, but each of them offers at least a minimum set of the above options.

Mobile communication is provided by Rostelecom in all regions of Russia and also operates abroad in roaming. Since the provider is one of the most common in the Russian Federation, a mobile connection does an excellent job even in the most remote corners of our country. Rostelecom's coverage is simply excellent. Many distant settlements use only it, since there is no alternative. Other carriers do not provide as wide coverage as this company.

Additional options

Rostelecom has a number of advantages over other operators. To date, there are several promotional offers and rules that have become basic for current tariffs, which simplify the use of communication and make it very profitable.

Among them:

  1. The ability to change unused minutes to gigabytes in order to surf the network longer - for limited tariff plans. 100 minutes equals one GB of traffic.
  2. Option to carry over all unused components of the package to the next month: all 200 minutes have not been spoken - they are added to the next paid package. We didn’t use all 20 gigabytes - next month you will have more Internet for exactly the rest of the traffic.

Important! The opportunity is provided by the company only if the subscription fee for the new month is paid without delay.

  1. Promotion - free landline number. Applies to family communication tariffs. It is very popular when it is necessary to contact the older generation who do not want to master smartphones.

Also, in all mobile tariffs, the cost of Internet traffic for popular communication applications is not calculated from the total number of gigabytes provided.

Wink TV-online

Mobile communication from Rostelecom also comes with a set of the most popular TV channels. To do this, the company uses the Wink application. It works not only on a smartphone or tablet, but also on a computer and on a Smart TV.

Each mobile tariff plan includes 101 basic TV channels available for viewing through the application. It is up to you to use the service or not, but the broadcast is included in the price of your service package. You can use the application without the Internet - it allows you to download your favorite movies or series of TV series, and watch them, for example, on the road, where you can not use the Internet.

In order to use this program, you need to install it through the store of your mobile OS, having previously received a promotional code using the short number *100*389*1#. This promotional code must be entered to activate access to television in the settings of the Wink program itself after downloading.

How to start using mobile communications

To start using mobile communications from Rostelecom, you will need a smartphone and a SIM card from the operator. The card can be purchased both through the Rostelecom website - it will be delivered to your home. And just in the customer service centers in your city.

The SIM card is provided free of charge.

To use a specific tariff, it must be selected in the subscriber department or on the website before the formation of an application for issuing a SIM card. After paying for the first month (you need to pay within 24 hours so that the number is not blocked), you will be able to use all Rostelecom mobile communication options.

Packages and prices

The tariff scale of Rostelecom undergoes changes every six months. The data below is current as of April 2019, Moscow region.

Rate Services in the package Rubles per month
minutes sms gigabytes Free traffic TV channels
New Story: Everywhere 200

Unlimited on Rostelecom

50 3 101 220
New Story: In Conversation 400

Unlim on Rostelecom

New Story: Online There is no package for other operators

Unlim to Rostelecom numbers.

Whole story 400

Unlim on Rostelecom

50 12 Social networks and messengers (except Telegram) 101 400
Endless story 500

Unlim to Rostelecom numbers

50 Unlimited Internet All Internet in Russia 101 500
Family history (with 5 family sim cards) 600

Unlim to Rostelecom numbers

50 25 Social networks and messengers (except Telegram) 101 700

How to upgrade to a new package

If you are an existing Rostelecom subscriber and want to connect one of the new tariff plans to your mobile, can be used in several ways:

  1. Change the tariff plan through LC Rostelecom.
  2. Send a short SMS with a code to go to number 220.
  3. Contact the subscriber department to change the offline tariff for you.

Rostelecom has long jumped the bar of an ordinary home Internet provider. The organization keeps pace with the times. If earlier mobile Internet was practically inaccessible to the masses due to its cost, today it is an urgent need. Therefore, Rostelecom has been providing mobile communication services for a long time, which we will discuss in detail in this article.

Nowadays, there are a lot of offers related to mobile communication services. Therefore, the consumer is demanding and relies on a simple rule - maximum opportunities for little money. Rostelecom follows this rule:

  • Unlimited opportunities in terms of calls and Internet traffic;

Here we ask you to carefully approach the choice of options. So, for example, free calls are possible to the numbers of Rostelecom subscribers. And Internet traffic may not be taken into account solely in in social networks or on certain websites. But this information when choosing options, you will definitely get;

  • TV online - you get access to a special application "";

It's important to note that the advantage of the feature is not that you can use the app. The main thing is that Internet traffic is not wasted.

  • 8 tariffs that are seriously different from each other;

The number may seem small. But Rostelecom has another advantage in terms of tariffs. If you do not have enough Internet, minutes of calls or SMS, for a formal cost you can buy traffic, messages, calls and so on. To some extent, any tariff can be customized additionally for yourself.

  • Received, according to the rules of the tariff, minutes, SMS and gigabytes do not burn out after a month;

This is the most convenient and loyal system in relation to the client. Let's say you have 5 GB of traffic per month. You spent only 3 GB in a month. The remaining 2 can be carried over to the next month. They won't burn out, which happens with many other carriers. A similar situation with minutes and messages.

  • Exchange minutes for GB;

This advantage is somewhat related to the previous one. If you talk on the phone a little enough, minutes will not be wasted - it is better to exchange them for Internet traffic.

Tariffs for mobile communication Rostelecom

There are 8 tariff plans in total:

"During conversation"

Price - 220 rubles / month.

0.5 GB of Internet traffic;

50 SMS;

400 minutes for a call throughout Russia;

1 free sim card.


Price - 220 rubles / month.

3 GB of Internet traffic;

50 SMS;

200 minutes for a call throughout Russia;

Unlimited calls to all Rostelecom numbers;

101 channels in Wink TV app;

1 free sim card.


Price - 220 rubles / month.

6 GB of Internet traffic;

50 SMS;

Unlimited calls to all Rostelecom numbers;

101 channels in Wink TV app;

1 free sim card.

"Whole Story"

Price - 500 rubles / month.

30 GB of Internet traffic;

50 SMS;

Unlimited calls to all Rostelecom numbers;

101 channels in Wink TV app;

1 free sim card.

"Endless story"

Price - 600 rubles / month.

Unlimited Internet traffic (50 GB of traffic per top speed);

50 SMS;

500 minutes for a call throughout Russia;

Unlimited calls to all Rostelecom numbers;

101 channels in Wink TV app;

1 free sim card.

"Family History"

Price - 700 rubles / month.

Unlimited Internet traffic (30 GB of traffic at maximum speed);

50 SMS;

600 minutes for a call throughout Russia;

Unlimited calls to all Rostelecom numbers;

101 channels in Wink TV app;

5 free sim cards.

In the case of all tariffs, 50 free SMS and access to TV Online are provided.

How to connect mobile communications from Rostelecom

We do not disclose the cost of tariff plans. Since in different cities the cost of subscription services may differ. On the official website, you will have the opportunity to indicate your city of residence. Be sure to do this if you want to know the exact price for the tariff.

Roaming with mobile communication Rostelecom

Before traveling to other countries, we strongly recommend that you clarify what the cost of mobile services abroad will be. The easiest way to do this is with the USSD command:

This is your guide to mobile phone where you will find the answer to every question related to roaming. You will receive information about the price of mobile services abroad specifically in the case of your tariff. Through the USSD command, you can connect Additional services, allowing you to save balance when communicating in other countries. The roaming menu offers the following options:

  • Providing the exact price of calls, messages, Internet traffic. At the same time, you indicate in which country you will be located so that the price is correct;
  • Ways to save money when traveling;
  • Disabling or enabling any services.

The above command is dialed as a normal number. Then press the call button. Further instructions will accompany you.

Useful USSD Commands

All necessary information can be obtained through Personal Area Rostelecom. But if you do not have access to the Internet, special commands will help out:

  • To check your account balance, dial *102# ;
  • To find out how much traffic, SMS, calls are left, dial *100*12# ;
  • For information about your tariff conditions, dial *103# .

How to connect additional mobile services

To do this, Rostelecom has a special section, which you can find at this link (//

What is meant by additional features? These are certain services. They are not always paid. Here are some of the free services:

Services are divided into five categories:

  • Internet and TV - you can buy additional traffic, unlimited messengers, exchange calls for Internet traffic, etc.;
  • Call management - connection of discounts for international calls, voice mail and many free services;
  • SMS management - purchase additional free SMS messages. Up to 300 SMS can be included in the package;
  • Subscriber in the network - absolutely all services from this section are free. Receive SMS about missed calls, promised payment, etc.
  • Numbers and SIM-cards - the ability to change the number. In this case, your tariff plan will remain the same. There is an option to get a city number.

Checking on the coverage area of ​​your address

Before connecting mobile internet you must be sure that the connection is good in the region/city/street where you live. To do this is elementary:

  1. Go to this page (// and scroll down to the coverage area category;
  2. Enter your city, street, house of residence in the appropriate column;
  3. Pay attention to what color your house is covered with.

Understanding the coverage is easy:

  • If the color is orange, it will catch 4G Internet - excellent speed, suitable for all tasks;
  • If the color is pale purple, it catches 3G - it is optimal for numerous tasks, but the speed is less than in the first case;
  • If the color is bright purple, it catches 2G - it is categorically not suitable for using the Internet, maximum for calls (communication failures may occur).

If you are interested in connecting services and want to consult, call the toll-free number technical support -

Useful services and services that can be connected together with the tariff or already in the process of use

Transferring minutes, GB and SMS to the next month

The balances of the main packages of minutes, SMS and GB included in the monthly fee, unused in the current billing period, are transferred. The balances carried over can be used during the next billing period. First of all, the transferred balances of minutes, SMS and GB are spent, then the service packages included in the tariff plan. The transfer is possible only if the monthly fee set for your tariff plan is paid on time.

Not available on tariff plans"The Whole Story", "Family Story" and "The Neverending Story"

Exchange minutes for GB

Get more internet by exchanging unused minutes from the package for additional gigabytes.

You can exchange minutes:

The main package included in the tariff;

Received as part of the transfer of balances.

Exchange rate:

  • 1 minute = 10.24 MB;
  • 10 minutes = 102.4 MB;
  • 100 minutes = 1 GB

The service is free, but is provided only if the subscription fee set for the connected tariff is charged.

The service is not provided at the time of the "Add traffic" / "500MB+" options

First of all, Internet traffic from the transferred package is consumed, after it is exhausted - from the main Internet traffic package.

The volume of Internet traffic received in exchange for minutes is transferred to the next billing period, but not more than twice the volume of the main package provided in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan. When you change the tariff plan, unused Internet traffic burns out.

You can use the service throughout Russia, with the exception of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Not available on tariff plans: "New story. Online", "Full story", "Family history"; "SUPER SIM S", "For Unlimited" and "Endless Story", including archival ones.

Find out the number of minutes available for exchange *108# View the history of minutes exchange *108*0# Exchange minutes for GB *108*number of minutes#

City number without surcharge

Available in Family Story, Whole Story, and Never Ending plans