Find out the amount of telecom personal account balance. Additional services amount telecom. Additional services sum telecom

  • 28.03.2020

Summa Telecom (Sumtel) is a Russian telecommunications company founded in 2005. Currently present in many major cities of the country and provides services to provide access to the Internet, digital television, as well as providing communications corporate clients(telephony, video surveillance, corporate networks and so on). For registered subscribers on the site works Personal Area Sum Telecom, which allows you to remotely manage your connection.

Possibilities of a personal account

Summa Telecom's personal account is a simple and convenient service that is available around the clock and from any device that supports Internet access. Thanks to him, there is no need to visit the company office or call the support service - all the main functions can be performed online:

  • Viewing the state of the subscriber account.
  • Debt control.
  • Payment for services by bank transfer directly on the site.
  • Acquaintance with the conditions of connection and other possible tariff plans.
  • Connection management (change tariff plan, freezing, change of address).
  • View the current status of a member of the bonus program.
  • Connection of additional services, service packages and notifications.
  • Making changes to account information.
  • Acquaintance with company news, special offers.
  • Consultation with specialists through correspondence.

Registration and login to your personal account

Registration of a personal account for subscribers who have a valid contract for the provision of telecommunications services is not required. The necessary data is provided when signing the documents.

The entrance to the personal account Summa Telecom is available when switching from home page website or the link below. The contract number is used as the login.

Sumtel is a popular provider

Sumtel is a federal Internet provider. Uses only the latest and innovative technologies and development, ensuring the reliability of connection and connection, high speed and excellent quality.

How to connect the Internet from Summa Telecom

You can connect the Internet from Sumtel on the official website of the company.


To get started, you will need to select your region of residence. Connection points are currently available in:

  1. Moscow,
  2. St. Petersburg,
  3. Voronezh,
  4. Krasnodar
  5. Lipetsk,
  6. Nizhny Novgorod,
  7. eagle,
  8. Rostov-on-Don,
  9. Tver
  10. and in the Republic of Dagestan.

After selecting the region, click the "Connect" button on the left side of the screen. The system will prompt you to enter your detailed address to find out if your home is connected to the internet.

In addition, by clicking on the link "Read the agreement for the provision of services" below, you will be taken to the page with the Agreement for the provision of communication services and the Procedure for the provision of communication services. This page also offers a link, by clicking on which you will be able to examine the identity documents required for the conclusion of the contract.

So, in the event that your house is connected to the network, the program will display a short questionnaire in which you will need to enter your data: first name, last name, contact phone number - mandatory data; apartment number, address Email, the number of the recommender's agreement - data to be filled in at will. You send the completed questionnaire and receive a personal connection application number assigned to you. After that, the support center specialists will contact you to discuss the details.

Another way to connect to Sumtel is to choose the tariff you like on the main tab of the site and click "Connect". The connection procedure will be the same as described above.

Also, to connect to the Internet, you can call the company number, which is listed on the official web page. In addition, the site has an online chat where you can ask questions of interest to the consultant of the company.

Sumtel serves corporate and private clients. Direct connection to the network is completely free.

How to pay online with a credit card

The procedure for paying for the Internet with a bank card from the Sumtel provider is quite simple.

On the company's website, click the "Pay" button on the left side of the screen. There is an automatic transition to the payment section and the first opportunity is payment by Visa or MasterCard bank card. All you have to do is enter your contract number (11 digits) and the payment amount. You should check your card balance in advance and make sure you have the necessary funds. Click the "Pay" button. Procedure completed.

Here you can also activate the "Auto payment" service, according to which 500 rubles will be automatically debited from your card. to an internet account. You can get acquainted with the detailed terms of the service by clicking on the links “Offer agreement of ST PETERSBURG LLC” and “Offer agreement of National Telecom CJSC”.

Summa Telecom (Sumtel) is a Russian telecommunications company founded in 2005. Currently, it is present in many major cities of the country and provides services for providing access to the Internet, digital television, as well as providing communications for corporate clients (telephony, video surveillance, corporate networks, and so on).

Clients can remotely manage all services online, through the personal account system, which works on the official website of the organization.
For registered subscribers, the site has a personal account Summa Telecom, which allows you to remotely manage the connection.

Possibilities of a personal account

Summa Telecom's personal account is a simple and convenient service that is available around the clock and from any device that supports Internet access. Thanks to him, there is no need to visit the company's office or call the support service - all the main functions can be performed online:

  • Viewing the state of the subscriber account.
  • Debt control.
  • Payment for services by bank transfer directly on the site.
  • Acquaintance with the conditions of connection and other possible tariff plans.
  • Connection management (tariff plan change, freezing, address change).
  • View the current status of a member of the bonus program.
  • Connection of additional services, service packages and notifications.
  • Making changes to account information.
  • Acquaintance with company news, special offers.
  • Consultation with specialists through correspondence.

How to use your personal account

Registration of a personal account for subscribers who have a valid contract for the provision of telecommunications services is not required. The necessary data is provided when signing the documents.

The entrance to the personal account of Summa Telecom is available when going from the main page of the site or using the link below. The contract number is used as the login.

You can recover your password by entering the contract number on the login page and clicking the "Forgot your password?" below the password field. A link to reset a forgotten password will be sent to the email address associated with the contract.

  • Official site:
  • Personal account:
  • Hotline phone: +7 499 57-500-57

The internet often fails us at the right time. No network? Maybe it's just not paid? How to find out the balance of the Internet and replenish it in time?

Features of the work of providers

When connecting, many companies forget to specify the necessary dates for replenishing a personal account. Some work from the beginning of the month, while others - from the date of connection. Thus, the connection can suddenly disappear at the right time.

  1. First, check with the service provider in advance on what scheme it works.
  2. Secondly, find out the exact payment details, because an elementary mistake or typo can lead not only to the disappearance of the Internet for a while, but also to the loss of funds.

How to check internet balance

Checking a personal account, as a rule, does not require special skills, but this opportunity largely depends on the service provider. Possible options status view Money:

  1. Checking on the site in your account.
  2. A call or visit to an online service.
  3. Using a special program to work with your Internet.
  4. Sending an SMS message with a request to a special number (if provided by the service provider).

Checking the balance for all providers is almost the same: the user enters the site with an individual login and password on the "My Internet balance" page, where he can view information about the state of the balance, view the current tariff package and choose a new one.

As a rule, such pages indicate the status of the account, the date of the last replenishment, the date of the required next replenishment, as well as the number of used and remaining megabytes (depending on the service package).

If self-viewing services are not provided by your provider, please contact your local office and provide your phone number, address, and the name of the person to whom the service was booked. Thus, with the help of this data, a company representative will identify your modem and clarify information on the balance.

If you don't want to leave the house, you can always call hotline, but it should be borne in mind that not every company is ready to disclose information about the financial status of the account over the phone.

Viewing the balance on the Internet is very simple - just know the methods used by your provider and use them if necessary. Away from home, it is most convenient to use verification via the Internet on the site or by sending SMS messages. If this is not possible, a call to the service will solve all problems.

Main benefits of workprovider Sumtel in Voronezh:

A wide range of tariffs, allowing each cosmopolitan to decide on the choice of the package of proposals that is required and convenient for him.

Loyalty system, which includes a unique service developed by the company "Moving". Even if you change your place of residence, your Internet Sumtel Voronezh will move with you. In this case, personal data will remain in your contract without any changes!

The absence of any restrictions. Subscribers can connect Sumtel and enjoy a convenient package of additional services developed by the company for its customers. For example, auto payment will help subscribers not to be left without home internet, when they need it most, and will allow you to forget about the monthly self-replenishment of the account. All worries will be taken over by Summa Telecom.

Additional services. Summa Telecom in Voronezh invites its clients to connect software for a subscription fee. You can control your children's access to various sites, protect your personal computer from harmful viruses. You will also be able to plan your finances, hold meetings and seminars without leaving your office, in a word, perform a wide range of tasks, without which the life of a modern successful person is not possible!

Everything will work out with Summa Telecom!

In the Voronezh region Sum Telecom connected in cities:



  • About 130 Russian and best TV channels in excellent quality
  • Full HD (high definition) channels
  • Free package of 20 channels
  • 8 channels for children
  • Viewing is possible on a computer and on a TV when using the media center


Now, by activating the "Auto payment" service, the system will automatically debit funds from your bank card when the amount on your personal account reaches 50 rubles


Subscriber fee "External static IP-address" - 3.5 rubles per day


Activation of the "Promised payment" service is paid, the cost is 15 rubles


The cost of installing a lock is 50Rubles, subscription fee 0 Rubles


Regardless of the tariff plan, subscribers can use unlimited Internet on top speed by connecting the "Turbo button"