Retail automation is an option for a small store. Retail Automation - Small Store Option Small Business Automation Software

  • 19.04.2020

Retail automation using our program provides reliable registration of sales and receipt printing, as well as constant access to up-to-date statistics in the context of outlets, product groups and specific products. It can work without an Internet connection, which is especially convenient for retail facilities with a small area, where it is not always possible to provide uninterrupted access to the Internet. Our program, similar to 1C, is compatible with various types of commercial and warehouse equipment, in particular:

  • with fiscal registrars;
  • with barcode scanners;
  • with printers that print labels and checks.

Doing business with our program, which is similar to 1C, will help you free up time and resources for new projects without losing control over current activities.

Retail store automation: maximum possibilities

The program with which retail automation is carried out, as well as 1C, solves many problems. The application with which the automation of business processes is carried out provides the ability to perform the following actions:

  • receive sales reports online. To get up-to-date information in real time, it is enough to connect to the Internet.
  • Control revenue and analyze sales dynamics from anywhere in the world where there is a network connection. In addition, the program, like 1C, provides the manager with all the information about the balance of goods, the number of products sold, as well as about unprofitable or, conversely, profitable positions.
  • Equip the store with everything necessary for efficient operation. The seller is able to master the program for retail within 15 minutes - it has an intuitive interface and is a kind of virtual cash register, where everything is thought out and convenient. Full automation of all cash and trade operations will save staff time and labor costs.
  • Print receipts and register sales even when you are offline.

The use of the system from the MySklad service, as well as the 1C program, is relevant, not only in retail, but also in wholesale trade. The application, which automates many processes, will provide the user with maximum reliable information about the quantity of goods and their movement in the warehouse. Just like the 1C service, our program helps to print various primary documents, edit prices. In addition, it contains ready-made templates that are enough to fill in the required details of the company.

For any volume of goods sold, trade automation is possible - an option for small shop will cost less and will greatly increase the convenience of work. There are usually two in the store. functional responsibilities- a merchandiser who receives goods and monitors their spending and timely replenishment, and a cashier who releases goods to customers and accepts payment for them.

Allows you to maintain a database of goods available for sale on a computer, at any time receive a certificate of the availability of goods, analyze the best-selling nomenclature and plan next purchases. This is the job of a merchandiser. The seller, on the other hand, may not keep in mind the prices for all goods, much less look for them in a notebook: it is enough to swipe a scanner in front of the barcode of the goods so that the information, including the price, appears on the computer screen. If you add a simple bank card reader, it becomes possible to carry out non-cash payments, which are increasingly preferred by buyers.

Even the automation of a clothing store with its several dozen products will give its results, and if the trade is stationery or food products, and the nomenclature has hundreds of positions, it is impossible to keep everything in memory, and confusion should not be allowed.

Minimum composition of equipment

Consider what the most simplified trade automation can be - an option for a small store. The smallest store is a kiosk or a miniature trading floor, the warehouse is located here, in the back room, and the duties of a merchandiser and cashier are performed by the same person - often the store owner himself. And no supply departments, remote warehouses, structural divisions, branches and other attributes of expanded trade at the supermarket level. Well, time dictates that even the automation of the U Doma store, a minimal trading format, should be carried out.

Accounting automation in a store can be based on a regular computer, not the most powerful PC or laptop. If the store owner has recently replaced his home machine with a more powerful one, the old one will still serve - the store automation system does not require large resources. To the computer without problems (if it works under operating system Windows) connects the simplest set of peripherals:

  • , a small portable device connected to a computer with a USB cable;
  • fiscal registrar or receipt printer - it depends on what taxation system is adopted in the store;
  • , necessary if the store must be ready for payment by customers not in cash, but with cards.

If you need to print barcode labels, you can use the same printer as for receipts (low-cost universal designs are available).


For Windows OS, any complexity store automation program can be chosen, including such minimal trade automation is possible - an option for a small store. Software simple, you can debug it without special skills, the peripherals controlled by it are minimal. Since everything is concentrated on a single computer, there is no need to organize a network, and the stability of the programs is high.

The only drawback that such retail automation has is that the programs for receiving goods and sales cannot work at the same time. You can work either in the program for the cashier, or in the working environment of the merchandiser. However, if one person works in the store, he is also the owner, merchandiser and cashier, then he will still go about his business in turn. At first, he will calmly accept the goods, stick labels on it, enter information into the database, that is, he will work as a merchandiser, and then he will start working as a cashier, serving customers.

Profitable automation

Not every city requires trade automation to be organized even in small stores: Moscow makes such a requirement. Therefore, most small business owners trading business Those who need a retail automation system try to choose the cheapest office equipment, software, so that they can fulfill the requirements of the authorities without any special costs, and make their work easier. If in the future it is necessary to expand trade, it is easy to separate the functions of a merchandiser and a seller by installing another simple computer and linking it to the network with the existing one.

Many owners of small stores have become more likely to use the services of our company, which is engaged in the automation of small and large stores, service industries and catering.

Accounting automation services in small stores

Why choose ours from dozens of companies? Apparently because small shop automation offered by our company is a comprehensive service for affordable prices, which includes the selection, delivery, installation, adjustment of equipment and installation of software that is simple and understandable to any user. System products Set Retail and Atol Frontol sold by us are popular in Russian market, are recommended for EGAIS and perfectly solve all problems small business, contributing to its rapid development and increased profits.

Tasks solved by the implementation of the management system

We offer the latest store automation products. Set Retail and Atol Frontol, which are distinguished by improved applications that take into account the errors of previous versions and in the process of work they demonstrate themselves as stable and effective. Moreover, they are easily configured by the user, without the involvement of programmers and other specialists, and are perfectly compatible with an extended list of POS equipment. Software improves the business, eliminates errors, simplifies its management and exercises control over the personnel of the cash zone.

The main tasks solved by automation and the control system in the inventory system and at the cash point

In the inventory system, the issues of managing purchases, sales, product balances are solved, price optimization, monitoring the profitability of the store, management financial flows and etc.

With the help of a cash register program installed directly on the cash register, you can achieve accurate accounting of goods and sales volumes. The cashier does not have any difficulties when settling accounts with clients, the functions of loading prices at the cash desks, opening and closing shifts, and printing price tags are easily performed. The program automates and monitors the sales of individual product groups.

Main features of the automation system

Using software package Set Retail or Atol Frontol, trade automation - a good option for a small store that will enable:

  • keep accurate records of goods and finances;
  • control driving dynamics Money, goods;
  • prevent theft and various kinds of fraud on the part of staff.

As you can see, the whole system is based on strict control and accounting, which are carried out with the help of the operational part installed at the cash register and the accounting part installed at the place of the accountant.

The operational part provides:

The accounting part provides:

  • control of purchases, deliveries, movements, balances, stocks of goods;
  • formation of margins on goods with minimal human participation;
  • control of financial flows;
  • control of mutual settlements with suppliers;
  • creation of a full-fledged commodity base, a base of purchase and selling prices;
  • formation of applications for goods;
  • quick inventory, accounting and revaluation of goods;
  • printing of price tags, all necessary payment, financial, tax, shipping and loading documents;
  • conducting separate accounting for different categories of goods;
  • automatic control of actions of cashiers;
  • control of sales histories, changes in selling prices.

Basic set of equipment for automation

To automate small stores, a basic set of equipment and simple software Set Retail and Atol Frontol, developed by Russian companies, with the ability to replace legacy applications with new ones.

  • POS-terminal or system unit and monitor;
  • cash machine;
  • multi-plane barcode scanner;
  • banknote detector;
  • programmable POS keyboard;
  • fiscal registrar;
  • electronic balance;
  • money box;
  • Set Retail software or Atol Frontol;
  • cash tape;
  • check tape.

After installing inexpensive but functional hardware and the best software, the store owner has an effective way to control his business. The system minimizes the number of errors, excludes abuse of personnel. The reports generated by the program cannot be corrected or deleted without being noticed. Automation is incorruptible and records every action of the personnel.


Trading is currently unthinkable without automation. Even in a small store, it allows you to solve a number of important tasks: reduces costs, simplifies labor service personnel, provides a high level of financial, commodity and management accounting, controls work with suppliers, optimizes the trading process, increases customer loyalty, provides high-quality and fast customer service and attracts more customers. Each buyer wants to be well and quickly served, not cheated, not sold defective goods.

If you do not know how to automate trading in a small store, then entrust this matter to specialists from our company. Taking into account all the requirements, wishes, financial capabilities of the customer, our company provides professional services for store automation different levels- from small shops to markets. The entire automation process takes several days from the moment you contact the company. At the same time, we guarantee high quality work at affordable prices, staff training, warranty service and round-the-clock support.

The sale of goods at retail appeared a very long time ago, replacing the barter. AT modern world it reaches its peak development, acting as the main way of acquiring goods for a citizen. But without a high-quality system for automating the work of a retail store, a point of sale of products simply cannot exist in a competitive environment. Otherwise, the pace of work will inevitably decrease tenfold, paperwork will increase, and customers simply will not be able to fully cooperate with the seller.

Features of retail sales

Sell benefiting a particular target customer is a process that always needs three main factors. The area where products are sold, employees, use acting as a seller, manager, security guard. And most importantly, the product itself, located in visual or physical accessibility for the buyer.

This method of market relations is subject to a mark-up, depending on the specifics of the product, current conditions, the commercial strategy of the enterprise and other aspects. The margin can fluctuate in giant ranges: from some 20% to huge 200-300%.

Also, the very fact of acquiring a good is accompanied by a minimized form of a contract of sale. Transaction confirmation public offer- this is cash receipt. It contains basic information: date and time, cost, company name, tax deductions in this case, the actual location of the branch. These factors are inherent in all retail automation options for both a small store and a large facility.

About the process

The transition to the electronic form of documentation, cooperation with the client, distribution of goods is always a global modernization. It mainly affects objects whose maximum area does not exceed 350 square meters. And first of all, modernization implies a transition to a self-service system.

This is a more effective model of cooperation with the client. The person himself chooses the product he likes, sorts the purchase and makes contact with the cashier only at the moment when he already decides to purchase specific items.

The system involves the transition to new form so be ready to buy modern equipment, as well as to a qualitative change in the entire perspective of work. These are new forms of accounting, registration of incoming products. It is no longer sent directly from the supplier to the trading floor, but is first registered in a virtual system so that it can then be released at the outlet.

Retail Automation: Getting Started

We present three main pillars on which the process rests:

    Transition to new equipment necessary to actually bring the idea to life.

    Software. By itself, the technique will not work, of course. To organize the entire methodology, you will need high-quality software, which must be purchased separately. In this matter, a reliable supplier is also needed, ready to offer a solution - Cleverens. The company sells high-quality equipment and various software for it for efficient operation and business.

    Training of staff in innovations.

Stages of transition to technology

Conditionally, the task can be divided into several key steps.

    Identification of reasons for modernization. It makes no sense to make this transition based on trends. There are specific reasons, and they need to be understood. This competition, increase in turnover, reduce costs, expand the customer base and increase the level of customer comfort.

    Choice of methodology for the implementation of the task. There are many types of hardware and manufacturers, as well as software vendors.

    Procurement of technical equipment.

    Placement of equipment and re-equipment of premises, if necessary.

    Installation of security equipment, surveillance cameras, fire safety.

    Employee training.

Types of transition to a new system

There are only two main methods. This is a full or partial variation. In the first case, all areas of the enterprise are undergoing qualitative changes, moving to new regulations and technical equipment. And in the second - only one specific area is affected. For example, warehouse. Or go to separate category goods.

The choice often depends on the capabilities of the owner, the quantitative factor of points of sale of products, storage facilities and logistics. Retail Automation trading network– often this is a complete transition. But a small shop can partially switch to a new technique gradually, in several stages, moving towards a complete change in the regulations.

System Capabilities

All functional features This step is difficult to describe in terms of one review. But speaking superficially, we list the following aspects:

    Operational product search.

    Reconciliation of articles.

    Usage electronic forms calculation.

    Simplified inventory.

    Use of bonus and special cards in the calculation.

    Product quality control without human intervention.

    Use of smartphones for work.

The last aspect is very important. Retail store automation, where products have a short shelf life, always relies on agility. Quick reconciliation, management, getting information and changing products on the shelves is a complex task. Therefore, integration with mobile gadgets simplifies and speeds up the process.


The specifics entirely depend on the volume of purchases, the number of products, the client base, and the areas where the goods are sold. Of course, the larger the object, the more financial resources need to invest. But you should start from three main cost branches:

    Purchase of new equipment.

    Costs for commissioning, connection, restructuring of premises.

    Buying programs.

System Benefits

    Growth in the number of customers, increasing the level of customer convenience.

    Optimization of work, performing more actions in a period of time.

    Getting rid of red tape.

    Using analytics tools at work.

    Operational pricing.

    Accelerating the work of staff, taking into account the small staff.

    Use of cashless payment.

    Operation of bonus cards.

    Accounting that does not require human intervention.

    Analytics of efficiency and demand.

Automation of supermarkets, large shopping centers is a great solution to simplify business. At such enterprises it is impossible to work with clients without technical innovations. And do not forget that based on the 54th federal law An online cash register is a must have for everyone without exception.

Reasons for failure

The only reason something can go wrong in this event is if the supplier of equipment, software provided a low-quality product. If the technology cannot perform its functions, and the software is not properly integrated, then the entire system will not be able to function normally. Therefore it is worth Special attention give to the choice of supplier.

Automated retail - a new approach to sales

It should be understood that this decision is the inevitable future. Sooner or later, but all ways of selling products will switch to a similar or even more progressive form. It is easy to understand the huge number of advantages of this technique. Therefore, it is better to go ahead than to fall behind and catch up.

Basic hardware and software

The basic set usually includes:

    Online checkout.

  • Checkout blocker.

    Special scales for weight products.

    Terminal for non-cash payment.

Naturally, for the operation of all these tools, you will need the appropriate software.

Trade accounting

Gone are the days when this was a huge problem. Especially in conditions of a serious amount of goods. How much has entered the warehouse, how much has fallen into disrepair, how much is in stock, what part has been sold, and so on. Ready-made solutions for automating a retail store allow you to solve the problem of inventory control in the blink of an eye. All commodity items fall into the database at the stage of delivery, and then each change is carefully recorded.

Accounting software

There are many ready-made box-type solutions. The Cleverens company implements both them and an individual approach. Sometimes it is more profitable and cheaper to choose the first option, and sometimes only taking into account the specifics can ensure the functionality of the software.

The main thing to understand is the direct impact of software-type software on the efficiency of the final operation of all equipment.

Automated pricing

Another aspect that can significantly speed up the work of the product release point. Considering the fact that in a modern store there can be a huge number of goods, items, each of which contains thousands of items, manually designing price tags is a large expenditure of physical resources. They can be directed in a more logical and commercially profitable direction.


In the field of storage and availability, accounting plays no less important role than the quality conditions for keeping. As well as operational fixation of products that go beyond the expiration date or operational period. So that the seller always has up-to-date information according to the availability of positions in the warehouse or in trading floor, it is worth introducing modern forms of accounting and information exchange.

Automated receipt printing

To achieve this goal, you will need a printer. This is one of the basic devices needed in any modern enterprise. Thus, the release of products itself is significantly accelerated, as well as sorting, placement and inventory management. In addition, in some cases, the check contains a mass additional information, promotional regulations, marketing and advertising information, actually acting as a way of cross-selling.

How to improve the cashier's place

To automate a store means, first of all, to re-equip working area cashier staff. It is at this point that the main work takes place, reading the signs of the product, changing its state in the server archives. And besides, weighing products, if there is such a need. Therefore, printers, fiscal registrars, cash registers, barcode scanners, scales and other means are placed here, depending on the needs of the outlet.

POS system

This is a comprehensive solution that contains a whole set of primary functions. Such technical means will be able to replace many different devices, significantly reducing not only the time, but also the final cost of each specific device.

The system is being developed on the basis of the fiscal registrar, but greatly expands its capabilities. Thus, when compared with the price of each equipment separately, some of the functions of retail automation are provided to the seller for free. After all price policy the complex is still less than the cost of a separate set of elements.

Cash register selection

It is worth focusing on functionality. After all, in various cases, the cash register combines several areas. If there is alcohol and special goods on sale, the system works according to the principles of self-service, if integration with scales is implied, accounting for promotions and discounts, payment with points - all these functions should be prescribed in the operating rules of the device.

How to choose a barcode scanner

It is impossible to make an informed choice without the whole system in the complex. The scanner may not work with certain models. Outdated equipment is not integrated into the overall new system. Therefore, a complex purchase from a specific manufacturer is recommended.

Different product prices

By using modern system Accounting for one product, you can bind different price positions. In the presence of delivery, region, costs, expiration date and date, the cost can be varied. When registering products given function available with modern technology.


This option refers to software features. Retail automation of a chain of stores often requires reservation of goods by call or personal order. To do this, it is necessary to virtually “postpone” the product in the accounting system, to fix it under certain conditions. But the availability of the function depends on the selected software. Therefore, we recommend an individual approach when choosing programs for work.

Profitability in retail

This is another area that will help improve the company's commercial performance. A thorough accounting of the products sold will generate a detailed report on the most popular positions. So you can identify products that are in demand by customers, and focus on them in the future.

Mutual settlements with contractors

By law, mistakes in this area are not allowed. Any person who has a financial relationship with the company is recognized as a counterparty. An error in calculations can be regarded as a violation of the law, even without the intent to deceive. And given the fact that the calculations are in most cases without human intervention, a huge amount of enterprise costs depend on the chosen software. Mistakes can result in severe fines.

Efficiency for wholesale

Do not assume that only retail automation matters. The same schemes apply to wholesale trade. There is also a client base, competition. Also, efficiency has a direct impact on efficiency. And a lot of tasks cannot be solved by human forces, you will need a system that independently keeps records and registers transactions. Accordingly, the introduction of new equipment and software will significantly increase the productivity of the wholesaler.

Number of impressions: 1623

Wanting to start own business, each entrepreneur makes maximum efforts, including creative and intellectual ones. It is important to find exactly the main idea that will help ensure a stable income for the longest possible period of time. However, most future businessmen understand that the most creative ideas cannot be realized without the appropriate hardware and software.

Features of process automation in modern trade

Modern trade is based on global process automation. At the same time, a functional and convenient internal accounting system is necessary even in the most modest-sized store. It is important not only, but also to build an effective model for collecting and storing information for the purpose of its subsequent generalization and transfer to regulatory authorities, or management decision-making.

Domestic market: innovative automation systems for small businesses

Trade is one of the most dynamically developing economic spheres. Gradually aging cash registers are being replaced by multifunctional and highly efficient POS systems.
Manufacturers try to adhere to the principle of focusing on a certain specificity and scale of business: be it a hypermarket, a medium-sized store or a small fashion boutique.

Modern innovative solutions for small shops deserve special attention. Systems created on the basis of the familiar, used by most people in everyday life, Android devices have already become available. The system provides the entrepreneur with:

  • maximum freedom of action;
  • significant savings in time and money.

It should be noted that in the domestic market there are a number of noteworthy innovative developments.

Trade automation: an option for a small store from the company's website

The site company offers a unique option - a compact and functional POS system ATOL Own EGAIS store. This is the ideal way to automate a small point of sale at the lowest cost. The system is especially in demand in grocery minimarkets that sell alcohol at retail.

System configuration

  • mobile device based on Android;
  • convenient fiscal registrar;
  • functional barcode scanner.

At the same time, an inexpensive tablet or smartphone is quite suitable for effective and full control of the system. The total costs are half the cost of existing analogues, consisting of traditional POS systems and inventory software with a separate workplace.

Main advantages

Even a beginner can work with it - it is enough to have minimal experience in using mobile devices.

So, for a successful start of a small store, the main thing is needed - a creative idea. Everything else will be done for you by special software used in conjunction with the appropriate equipment.

The user of the system Your store gets the opportunity to:

  • formation of an almost full-fledged commodity accounting system at a small trading enterprise;
  • independent participation in work with clients: conducting cash transactions and printing sales receipts;
  • remote control of sales;
  • establishing an effective process of data exchange with such global systems as EGAIS and 1C.

With a similar automation system, the owner small shop will not only provide for their personal needs in stable profit- he will be able to control the work of sellers without being in the store personally. The material interests of the entrepreneur will be protected as much as possible, because the access of sellers to the system is regulated by him.

It is also important to timely account for warehouse stocks in order to constantly maintain the desired assortment and avoid regrading. The system allows you to create convenient for analysis current activities and planning reports.

No less convenient for convenience stores can be the ready-made automation system ATOL Shop by the house. Highly qualified specialists of the site company are always ready to help both beginners and more experienced entrepreneurs in matters of automating business processes.