How to open a coworking space in a small town. Business secrets. How coworking earns. Disadvantages of the coworking niche

  • 16.09.2021

Co-working centers opened their doors in our country relatively recently, although in the West they have already become a very common phenomenon. They are anti-cafe establishments; the difference between them lies only in the fact that people visit anti-cafes for recreation and entertainment, and co-working centers - for work. What unites them is that visitors can rent a place for themselves for a while, cooperating with like-minded people to solve various problems.

In fact, a coworking center is a large office where you can temporarily "settle" without getting an official job. This type of workflow organization is becoming more and more popular, therefore, as a business idea, coworking has the right to life. But how to open such a business without fear of burning out?

  • More about coworking centersWhat is a coworking center
  • How to open a coworking spaceGetting Started
  • Cost calculation
  • Profitability
  • Conclusion

More about coworking centers

What is a coworking center

First of all, in such a place, of course, they work. For this, the most come here different people but mostly freelancers. They work for one or more employers remotely, that is, without the need to visit a real office, often located in another city, or even in another country.

Of course, they can work from home, but not everyone is happy with this option. Some freelancers need to hold meetings with clients, others need to confer with colleagues, or they just need a work environment to get rid of procrastination.

What is a coworking center

Not everyone can afford to rent a full-fledged office - a coworking center comes to the rescue

Another type of regular visitors are startups. They usually do not have a large budget, all investments are spent on business, and not on renting real estate. For them, a coworking center is an ideal place, because here you can not only meet with your team, but also hold presentations and business meetings.

The workspace is just one area of ​​a good coworking space. There should also be a place for respite and for food.

Such centers are constantly being opened around the world, but only those who can combine the following traits achieve real success:

  • reasonable cost of rent;
  • sufficient level of comfort;
  • pleasant working atmosphere;
  • good location.

If you can find a balance between cozy and business atmosphere, as well as correctly position your center, then a business of such a plan will definitely pay off and begin to bring good income.

How to make coworking profitable

The creation of the interior must be approached with all the attention - it should be given a twist so that customers want to return.

How to open a coworking center

Before starting development detailed business plan, you should understand how to make coworking profitable. To do this, you need to learn the basic principles on which the development of the center will be built.

The opening of such an enterprise can be divided into several simple steps. And the first of them is evaluation and market research. You need to understand what is the situation with the implementation of such ideas in your city. Perhaps you have already opened coworking centers (or at least anti-cafes).

If previously opened centers / anti-cafes are successful, they should be visited, evaluated strengths. If the business has gone bankrupt, it is worth contacting the owners to find out where they went wrong.

It is also worth considering the size locality. In a city with a small population, one coworking center is enough, the second one simply cannot stand the competition. In a big city (more than a million people), one center may not be enough; in addition, it is quite possible to open a specialized institution - for programmers, designers or journalists - with a set of options corresponding to the subject.

The next step is team building. It is not possible for one person to raise an entire coworking center; you will need an administrator, a good designer who can make a large space cozy, a manager.

coworking franchise

The main team will consist of at least 4 people, it must be professionals who receive a salary.

Of course, you need a simple workforce - people who will help make repairs in the center, take care of advertising, etc. It can already be volunteers - your friends and like-minded people. Remember that the payback period for a coworking center is relatively long. You can start earning operating profit in 4-6 months, net profit But it won't go until a year and a half or two years later.

The key to the success of coworking as a business is a constant influx of customers. This requires a good location of the center, so the selection of premises is one of the most important stages in starting a business. Of course, the best place- This is the city center.

It is advisable to choose a building that will be as attractive as possible for visitors - spacious, with good architecture, original.

Familiar business centers in a modern style are not suitable for this. In addition, they have security, checkpoints and working hours - all this makes it difficult to access coworking, and its creative connoisseurs sometimes like to work at night.

sample coworking contract

There must be a food station in the room.

Having passed all these stages, you will only have to make a worthy repair in your center, and you will be able to open the doors for visitors. The creation of the interior must be approached with all the attention - it should be given a twist so that customers want to return.

By the way, you can also turn to future visitors for help - designers, illustrators and representatives of other useful professions will be able to contribute in exchange for benefits and discounts. And the center can be partially equipped according to the principle of barter.

Beginning of work

Before you start accepting visitors, you will have to work with the documentation. You should create a detailed price list for all services provided by your business. These should include the purchase of a subscription, and the removal of a workplace for a day or several hours.

Next, you will need the help of a lawyer. He will draw up a sample coworking agreement for you, which you will conclude with your clients. Still, a coworking center is not an anti-cafe, and here you will have to fully negotiate the lease of a place.

It should be taken into account that in your center they will not only be engaged in ordinary work - you need to create an opportunity for lectures, training courses and trainings. This will diversify your activities and add an additional source of income.

In the first months, you will not make a profit - all income will go to cover current expenses, as well as the promotion of the institution. In addition, volunteers who helped you in the beginning will use your center at a discount or even for free - this will also affect income; and in the first month, these volunteers may even be your only customers.

How to open a coworking center business plan with calculations

In order to prevent the coworking center from being idle, it is worth starting an advertising campaign long before it opens.

Cost calculation

The basic steps of creating your own business are clear. But how much will all this cost? About how to open a coworking center, a business plan with calculations will speak brighter than any words.

A step-by-step business plan with approximate costs would look like this:

  1. Finding and renting a place. The numbers can vary enormously depending on the city, the exact location, the size of the center and other factors. On average, for a city with a million inhabitants, a room for 150 people in a popular place will cost 400 thousand rubles a month.
  2. Creation of an interior. It all depends on the chosen place, your ideas and possibilities. In some cases, repairs may not be done at all.
  3. Procurement of furniture, equipment, etc.
  4. Team salary. In the amount of about 200 thousand rubles a month.
  5. Payment for communications - light and water supply - 15 thousand rubles.
  6. Payment for communications, TV - 5 thousand rubles.
  7. Buying coffee, tea, biscuits, etc. traditionally free for visitors - from 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, the opening of a coworking center will take at least 2 million rubles. Its subsequent maintenance and development will require about 700 thousand rubles a month. How much can you earn from this?


The center's main source of income is the rental of workplaces.

For a center for 150 people, this will bring approximately:

  • at a subscription price of 12 thousand rubles per month - 1.8 million rubles;
  • renting a hall for business meetings - about 45 thousand rubles;
  • conducting trainings, lecture courses - about 50 thousand rubles.

The final income is 1895000 rubles per month. Subtract the costs, and get a net profit equal to about one and a half million rubles. Of course, the numbers will depend on many factors, and it will take a long time for your business to reach a net profit - just gaining popularity in order to sell all 150 subscriptions every month is a matter of a long time.

coworking business idea

In the first months, you will not make a profit - all income will go to cover current expenses, as well as the promotion of the institution.

To make things easier for you, you can invest in a coworking franchise, which will give you a support package that will significantly reduce the payback period of the project.


Coworking centers are places not only for work and making useful acquaintances, but also for having a good time. The organization of this business requires a large initial investment and professional promotion, followed by monthly infusions of funds, but with the right approach, such a business can very well bring a good income. Payback depends directly on the competitiveness of your center in a given locality.

Gethall can help you open, implement and promote your coworking space. Select a room, collect documentation, perform design, installation work, equip with equipment.

You can get a full consultation by writing to us by mail [email protected]

AT modern world There is an opinion that in the near future the traditional format of office work will disappear, and freelancers will replace full-time employees of companies.

If we take into account all the journalists, copywriters, designers, IT professionals who are already working on individual outsourcing projects today, this judgment really seems to be correct.

Most often, these freelancers fulfill orders and hold business meetings in modern workspaces called co-working spaces, in which they rent only one place for themselves. Such an office in neutral territory allows you to get down to business at any time of the day or night in a comfortable environment for a small fee.

In the West, as it happens, coworking centers are already a common thing, but in Russia the idea of ​​a workspace “for everyone” came relatively recently and has not yet been fully realized, although there is definitely an example of coworking in any large city.

Predicting the popularity of coworking spaces is very simple. If you think about business in coworking centers today, then by the time of acute demand for jobs, you can firmly take your place in the regional market.

Benefits of the coworking niche:

  • growing demand
  • low running costs
  • Ease of opening and running a business
  • part time job possible

Disadvantages of the coworking niche:

  • relatively expensive business organization
  • long payback of the project

Who needs coworking centers?

  1. freelancers
  2. private individuals who occasionally need to hold business meetings with clients
  3. small firms without their own premises
  4. companies with employees located in different cities

How to make money on coworking?

  • workplace rental
  • office block rental
  • rental for a specific event
  • holding seminars, meetings, lectures, round tables
  • hostel (place to sleep)

When opening a coworking center, you need to initially understand that at first you will have few so-called clients. Especially if the city already has a similar project.

The entire client base and acquaintances in one way or another will be strengthened over time. At first, you will work for the name and promotion of coworking, at first it is possible to provide space by barter - for free for those whose presence will add status and popularity to you.

The principle of working with all is the same - renting a room. But in addition to the main “product”, coworking centers earn on additional direction- organization of business events. These are both private meetings that the speaker, and large companies or government bodies(eg media conferences).

Finding such clients is your main concern as the owner of this coworking space. The more acquaintances, the more stable earnings you will have in the future. Consider a pleasant system of discounts for corporate partners or long-term leases.

How to open a coworking space?

In order for your project to become successful, you need to define its concept. It can be a universal workspace or a project focused on a specific social group: artists, designers, journalists, programmers, and maybe sales specialists.

Depends on the concept form style, the design of the premises, the list of services and, in fact, advertising campaign. As a rule, entrepreneurs choose a simple and concise style for coworking or create a loft-style space (which is convenient for a space in poor condition).

In any case, the “zest” in this place must certainly be. Add some creativity in the form of a painted wall outside the overall style, panoramic windows, a bright seating area, unusual chandeliers, hammocks and more. A nice bonus for guests will be slippers, tea and coffee, stationery and unobtrusive music at the entrance.

Concerning technical side question, then the area of ​​​​the premises for co-working, as a rule, is at least 150 sq.m. Some entrepreneurs choose a spacious office center, while others, more creative, adapt large apartments or even free-use premises.

The main thing is that coworking should have round-the-clock access. The best option location - this is the central area of ​​the city with major transport interchanges, where many young and creative people spend their time.

Calculation of investments for opening a coworking center

The amount of investment for opening a coworking space depends entirely on the area of ​​​​the premises, its condition, the design of work areas and their number. Due to so many factors that affect start-up costs, calculate the exact amount financial resources almost impossible.

But for clarity, we will take the example of a co-working center in a premise requiring repair, with a capacity of 20 jobs in the center of a large Russian city.

  1. Rent of premises not less than 200 sq.m. — 200,000 rubles. monthly
  2. Repair of the premises (cosmetic) and zoning - at least 100,000 rubles.
  3. Furniture and equipment (tables, chairs, armchairs, sofa, lamps, sockets, etc.) - 120,000 rubles.
  4. Office equipment (printer, projector, magnetic board, flipchart, etc.) — 70,000 rubles.
  5. Website (landing page or constructor) — 5,000 rubles.
  6. Advertising (Internet promotion, outdoor advertising) - 120,000 rubles.

According to our optimistic calculations, the minimum amount for opening a coworking space is 600,000 rubles, given that at the stage of preparing the office a lot of effort will be invested in the independent design of the premises.

If each workplace if you manage to “rent” a monthly subscription for an average cost in a million-plus city (not in Moscow and St. Petersburg) - 7,500 rubles, then for 20 places the total income of coworking will be 150,000 rubles. An additional source of income is renting a conference room and holding events. However, do not flatter yourself too much, because it is very difficult to achieve a stable 100% workload of the premises, especially in the first six months.

In the best case, the initial investment will pay off in 12 months.

But coworking should still be considered as a long-term project. As we wrote above, the need for such premises increases every year. In the near future, you will feel not only demand, but also competition in this niche.

Franchise coworking center

In Russian million-plus cities, and even more so in Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can count a dozen co-working spaces of different formats and styles. Some of them help beginners and experienced entrepreneurs open the same center in their own city on a franchise basis.

Any business has its own nuances, which you can only know about in practice. A coworking franchise allows you not to make mistakes at the very beginning of work and entrust the design of the workspace to professionals with taste and business flair.

The article discusses the main elements coworking center business plan. Coworking centers in Russia are only gaining momentum, although in foreign countries this is a well-known concept and a popular type of organization of activity. As a result, the level of competition in Russian market low, which will allow a novice entrepreneur to occupy his niche.

However, it is necessary to focus on a detailed demand analysis. This is best done within coworking center business plan. It structures all the necessary information, substantiates further steps, and also conducts necessary calculations and the financial model of the future company is built.

Key Features coworking center business plan with calculations

Features of a coworking business plan

As mentioned above, one of the main steps in the process business planning coworking centers is to study the demand from the population for this type of service. Since the circle of consumers is limited, before opening, you should study the number of potential customers and how much they will be willing to pay for it.

In addition, you should focus on calculating the efficiency and profitability of investments, as well as on the profit forecast.

Well crafted marketing plan business plan integral part of the launch coworking space.



Coworking business involves the opening of a space where people work, renting a workplace for a certain time. This space involves the provision of the following services:

  • Providing a workplace with all necessary equipment;
  • Ability to use meeting rooms;
  • Organization of educational courses and seminars;
  • Coffee and drinks are included in the price.

Thus, a territory is organized in which a working atmosphere reigns, which is important for the target audience, which includes:

  • Freelancers;
  • Businessmen;
  • Self-employed.

In a word, people whose work is not tied to a specific place, however, they need the infrastructure for meetings or they are simply not comfortable or not able to carry out their activities from home.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for launching a coworking center

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of a coworking center

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a coworking center

7 - Conclusions

The business plan of the coworking center is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business plancleaning company

We express our gratitude for the work done on the creation of a business plan for a cleaning company. With this business plan The bank approved a loan for 18 million rubles for 6 years.

Elizaveta K.L., Kazan

Feedback on a business plan for opening a pawnshop

The business plan downloaded from the site contains a very clear and accessible description of both the business in general and its financial component in particular. Calculations show a fairly clear picture of actions and are convenient to use: make changes, adjust investments, sales, expenses. All formulas are editable and transparent.

Ivan Nekrasov, city of Pskov

Feedback on a business plan for home delivery of food: pizzas, sushi, lunches, rolls, pies

The business plan was prepared by a website consulting company in accordance with the requirements, with high quality and even a little ahead of the agreed time. As a result, funds in the amount of 50 million rubles were received from a private investor.

Oleg Alexandrovich, city of Sarov

Feedback on the business plan of the typography

Extremely sound business plan. He helped our printing house get a loan from Sberbank necessary for expanding production (21 million rubles), for a period of 4 years.

Sergey V.V., Nizhny Novgorod Region

Benefits of coworking

The main alternatives to coworking centers are working from home, as well as in various cafes and anti-cafes. The benefits of using coworking are:

  • Communication with like-minded people;
  • Everything for meetings and negotiations;
  • Ability to use a scanner, printer and other equipment;
  • Cheaper than renting an office;
  • No distracting elements;
  • Comfortable conditions and creative atmosphere;
  • Good location.

It is also worth noting that, as a rule, drinks are included in the price, in addition, a separate area for meals is organized, which creates optimal conditions.

Also, specialized co-working centers are becoming very popular, where representatives of the same profession unite, for example, designers, copywriters, website creators, etc.

Mentioned advantages coworking center should be reflected in the program of marketing activities within the framework of business plan.

Premises for a coworking center

The key to success coworking business is a properly selected room, the main requirements for which are:

  • Good location. It is best if it is the central part of the city or a business district.
  • Design. The more attractive the design solution, the more people will tend to work in this place, this is especially important for creative professions.
  • Various zones are provided. For example, work zone, meeting rooms, conference rooms, kitchen, recreation area, administrative premises.
  • Good ventilation system, natural light.
  • Availability of free parking. This is especially true when located in the city center, since, as a rule, customers arrive for several hours.

Startup stages in the business plan of a coworking center

To start coworking center business you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Analysis of the market situation. Competitors, demand, pricing order, factors external environment influencing development.
  2. Description of the concept, including ideas, goals, list of services, creation of a price list, etc.
  3. Determination of the list of advertising and marketing activities.
  4. Drawing up a financial plan, calculating the feasibility and effectiveness of an investment.
  5. Register as legal entity or individual entrepreneur, registration in tax authority, choice of taxation system, opening a current account.
  6. Search for premises, approval of the design project, implementation of repair work.
  7. Purchase necessary equipment and furniture.
  8. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  9. Selection and hiring of personnel.

Thus, in the end, based on a pre-compiled business plan opens coworking center.

Investments foreseen in the coworking business plan

For start coworking business the following investments will be required at the initial stage:

  • Premises rent - xxx rub.
  • Design and repair work- xxx;
  • Purchase of equipment - xxx;
  • Registration and opening of a current account - xxx;
  • Advertising and marketing - xxx;
  • Stock of money - xxx.

Total from 5 to 50 million rubles. depending on the premises, since it is its rent and equipment that accounts for the bulk of the initial investment.

To do this, you can use both your own and borrowed funds. To get loans or attract investors, you need a professionally written business plan. Ready coworking business plan can be downloaded from the link below. The financial model is calculated there and all the necessary information is structured.

Another promising option for business development is cryptocurrency mining. will help you understand all the nuances of this direction.

Coworking equipment

For organization comfortable space coworking space the following equipment should be procured within the framework of business plan:

  1. To create jobs - computers, printers, scanners, copiers, office equipment, speakers, headphones, webcams.
  2. For conference rooms and meeting rooms - a projector, a plasma panel, a magnetic board.
  3. For the recreation area - a coffee machine, a cooler, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a kettle, a toaster, etc.
  4. Furniture - tables, chairs, sofas, poufs, cabinets, etc., provided by the design project.

In addition, it is important to provide for the mandatory connection of a high-speed wireless internet and chargers. Expenses coworking center for the purchase of equipment are included in the financial plan business plan with calculations.

Promotion of the coworking center

The main task of the entrepreneur at the initial stage is to attract as many visitors as possible. To do this, you can perform the following steps. These activities and the budget for them are recorded in coworking center business plan.

First, create a selling site and groups in in social networks for coworking business and engage in their promotion with the target audience, since customers are active Internet users.

Secondly, the presence of a bright sign and the distribution of leaflets near the nearest coffee shops and anti-cafes will become another channel for influencing potential customers.

Thirdly, it is important to provide a bonus system for regular visitors or a discount when buying long-term subscriptions. You can also do a free trial visit.

Finally, the organization of several large educational conferences and webinars will introduce you to your coworking center maximum amount human.

Coworking income and expenses in a business plan

They are displayed in financial terms business plan and serve as the basis for calculating the profit forecast coworking center.

Costs of coworking centers

Costs are necessary to maintain the coworking space and ensure its development and include:

  • Premises rent – ​​xxx rub.;
  • Utility payments and communication services - xxx;
  • Tax deductions - xxx;
  • Salary - xxx;
  • Maintenance of equipment - xxx;
  • Organization of drinks and meals - xxx;
  • Advertising - xxx.

General operating expenses business coworking centers will be from xxx rub. monthly and will be covered by the payment of services by visitors.

Coworking Profit Forecast in a Business Plan

Profit is projected based on revenue, the bulk of which is service fees coworking center:

  • For renting workplaces - from xxx rub. per month;
  • For an entrance ticket to events - from xxx rub. per month;
  • Per Additional services– from xxx rub.

Total total monthly revenue can reach xxx rubles. Then, with existing costs, the net profit in coworking business plan will be from xxx rub.

Staffing in the business plan of coworking centers

The organizational plan of the coworking center provides for the following positions:

  • Administrator;
  • Marketer;
  • PR manager;
  • Accountant;
  • Hall employee;
  • Worker.

In addition, when creating a design project, a designer will be required. Total population depending on the scale business coworking center will be 7 or more people.

The structure of the financial model of the coworking center

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - in fact it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we look at dozens of different sources
information. These are data from equipment suppliers, and industry portals, and interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such a systematic data analysis gives a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Should you open a coworking space?

The presence of a low level of competition and the demand for this product on the market create favorable conditions for the development co-working center business and making a profit.

This will require a well-built system at the planning stage in the format of a business plan. We have already prepared coworking center business plan, which included all the necessary information and all the calculations. You can download it from the link below and start implementing the idea right now. If you need additional funding, this document will help you negotiate with bankers and investors. At your request, we can also draw up an individual turnkey business plan, where we will take into account all the wishes.

Detailed study of customer needs and taking them into account in the project creating a coworking space will ensure the necessary customer flow to maximize profits.

In large cities in the West and in Russia, co-working spaces for representatives of office specialties are successfully operating. What determines success and how to open a coworking center?

What is coworking

The term coworking comes from the English co-working or coworking- teamwork. This is the name of the workspace, which replaces the office for independent specialists of various office specialties. Programmers, journalists, copywriters, designers and specialists of other profiles work in co-working spaces. In fact, coworking is a collective office, the rent of which is paid by each client.

A typical coworking space has a spacious open workspace. Installed here minimum set equipment and furniture necessary for work. These are tables and chairs, lighting, electrical outlets, WiFi routers. Also in coworking spaces there may be other utility and work rooms:



The meeting room.

Bathroom. Some coworking spaces have showers.

Sports or game compartment.

Conference hall.

For a relatively low fee, a specialist can rent a workplace. Renting a coworking space is much cheaper than renting an office. Even startups and young IT companies use this. It is more convenient for them to rent several jobs in a coworking space than to rent an expensive office.

One of the most famous co-working spaces in New York, NewWorkCity, is located in the center of the metropolis. It features a large open workspace as well as five isolated mini-offices for teams. The comfort of this coworking space will be envied by many employees large companies. The first contribution of the founders of NewWorkCity was $17,000. The guys raised funds to start a business on Kickstarter.

NewWorkCity: one of the most famous co-working spaces in New York

How coworking earns

The coworking project involves the receipt of income from the rental of workplaces by specialists. However, this is not the only source of financial income.

Coworking centers also make money by renting conference rooms and training rooms, holding paid events and training courses. New coworking spaces receive more than half of their income from paid trainings and conferences.

The premises of coworking centers are rented out for holding press conferences, filming TV shows, and photo shoots.

Some centers offer related services, such as chargeable use of office equipment. However, a more promising business model is one in which the cost of office equipment is included in the rent for the workplace.

Coworking "Kavardak" in Yekaterinburg

To attract tenants, the coworking team must be very active at the start. In addition to investing in equipping the office space, you will have to invest and organize promotional events for specialists. It can be:

Free trainings and workshops.


Creative evenings like "Hello, we are looking for talents."

Fairs of handicrafts.

Exhibitions of creative works.

Themed parties.

In order to conduct business effectively, the coworking team must create an active community based on the center, which constantly participates in various events and even organizes them itself.

With a successful combination of circumstances, the initial investment in coworking pays off within a few months. However, most Russian centers pays off in about a year.

How to open a coworking center: a step-by-step plan

To open a coworking space, the owner team must solve the following tasks: rent or buy a suitable space, renovate and equip the center, organize marketing services to attract partners and customers. More about solving these problems below.

1. What kind of space is needed for coworking

Renting a space is the best solution for future coworking owners. First, it will cost less than buying. Secondly, if necessary, the center can be moved to another building. However, if you are confident in the success of the project and the good location of the building, it can be purchased.

What to look for when choosing a room? Here are the main ideas:

Coworking should work in the city center. It is good if there are universities, entertainment venues, shopping centers, cafes or canteens nearby.

The area of ​​the room should be sufficient to organize an open space type workspace for several dozen specialists. Ideally, it should be possible to organize several zones with different functional purposes. At a minimum, a coworking space should have a conference room, a kitchen, and a seating area.

A separate entrance would be a huge plus. It will simplify the possibility of functioning around the clock.

Ideal spaces for coworking should be sought in closed or open shopping malls, abandoned industrial facilities, educational institutions.

2. Repair, furnishing and equipment of coworking space

Investments in equipment and renovations will be the main cost item for potential coworking owners. The room should look decent and be comfortable for coworkers at any time of the year.

What you will need to buy:

Office equipment: multifunctional devices, projectors, screens, audio system.

Furniture: tables, chairs, wardrobes for clothes and things.

Kitchen appliances: coffee machines, microwave ovens, refrigerators. You will also need furniture.

Equipment and furniture for a recreation area or room. It can be sports equipment, computer consoles, board games.

Quality lighting. It is necessary to install modern LED luminaires with a neutral color temperature and a high color rendering index. They will positively influence the well-being and performance of coworkers.

Organizers need to take care of the quality high speed connection to the internet. It is also worth considering the feasibility of equipping several workplaces with desktop computers.

3. Project marketing

The project of a coworking center is most profitable to promote on the Internet, since the target audience is one of the active users of the network. The site of the project should be in the center of Internet promotion. It should be sure to publish a description of the possibilities of the coworker, photos and videos of the premises. You can also publish regular photo reports from educational and entertainment events on the site.

Coworking MatrixOffice in Moscow

The coworking center website should be socialized. Connected communities on Facebook and Vkontakte should be lively, interesting and beneficial for subscribers. Half of the success in social networks depends on the activity of the coworking team. Visitors to the site and communities can be attracted with the help of useful publications, contextual advertising, retargeting.

As noted above, offline marketing should try to be built around the coworker community. Potential clients should learn about the project from satisfied freelancers who have become regulars at the center.

Instead of a conclusion, or is it difficult to open a coworking space

Technically, opening a collective office is simple. However, the success of the enterprise will depend on a number of factors. In addition to having start-up capital and a good team, you need to think about suitable premises, the format of the center, related services. Coworking will work successfully and make a profit if you can constantly maintain activity and arouse interest in the center through certain events.

  • The main roles that need to be distributed among the team members: administrator, space designer, technical issues, promotion, events, community, special projects.
  • As a rule, the main team will have 4-8 people and another 5-20 volunteers or friends of the project.
  • Salaries from the first day. A few strong professionals at the start will significantly improve the result compared to a fully volunteer team.
  • Coworking is a business of a thousand little things. You can't keep everything in your head, so you need to use wikis, Google docs or Trello / Basecamp / Asana.
  • Location: ideally, 1-2 minutes from the metro, city center, creative projects in the neighborhood.
  • Atmosphere of space: high ceilings, windows, view, brick, history of the place.
  • A good place costs money. An unsuccessful location will not pay off with any work.
  • The cuisine and 24/7 access completely change the culture of the place.

  • The city is divided into hundreds of microcultures. Most likely, you will not be able to make a place for everyone at once. Think about who you are targeting. Artists and designers gather in one place, programmers in another, salespeople in a third, young mothers in a fourth. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make the best place for everyone at once.
  • The place is defined by the brightest people who have been involved in its activities. Think about who is the dream guest for your space.
  • Try to bring maximum benefit to the people around you: promotional support, providing space, connections, sharing experiences.
  • Content: photo reports, live broadcasts, video lectures, slides, reading lists.
  • A coworking space is an ideal partner for local media: a photo location, interviews, a communications center, a distribution point, a source of events for city posters.
  • Promo support from opinion leaders and other spaces. For its part, coworking provides space on preferential terms, places posters and handouts.
  • You need to immediately write a detailed site rider and rental conditions. To whom the space is rented for free or at a friendly price tag, to whom for full cost. Make an application form, popularize the possibility of holding events in a coworking space.
  • Weekend markets and thematic conferences bring in the most money. It often makes sense to negotiate a revenue share rather than a fixed rental rate.
  • Well organized educational programs can bring almost half of the revenue of a coworking center.
  • Programs may consist of a selling (free or cheap) open program and paid courses.
  • In the first season, it is worth doing a lot of pilot programs in different directions, then focusing on the most popular ones.

space design
  • As much work and investment as possible should be done in the first month of work, at the maximum of enthusiasm and rush. Further improvements and new budgets are given much more work.
  • Design is a process. Don't count on genius general plan, in which everything will be spelled out at once. Furniture arrangement, zoning, rules change every day.
  • It is worth working with partners to the maximum on partnership terms: video broadcasts, tea, office landscaping, bicycles, architects, graphic design, art schools, videos, sound rental, frameless furniture, board games, wok delivery, coffee breaks.
  • You need to pay attention to what the inhabitants are doing: where they talk on the phone, where they read, where they negotiate, where they talk. Spot shortcomings and come up with improvements.
  • A huge common table will hold the community together and be the center of all processes on the site.
  • Each space has its own feature. Someone has a second floor and a punching bag, someone has a location in the park, someone has a slackline, a unicycle and juggling balls.
  • Good artists copy, great artists steal. Explore the experience of creative spaces and offices around the world, find interesting ideas and adapt them for your project.
  • The main task of the rules is to regulate the use of shared resources. Main issues: silence, negotiation, kitchen, dishes, jobs, change of shoes.
  • It is worth making a list of the most frequently violated rules, hang them on the walls. Who violated, goes to take out the trash.
  • The income of the coworking center consists of coworking services, rent for events, own educational programs and corporate partnerships.
  • To be profitable, you need to be more than just a co-working space. Possible options: own educational programs, cafe or “minute-ruble” model, combination with a hostel, space in the property, low rent in exchange for repairs, state support.
  • Achieving operational payback is quite real for 3-4 months of work. To recoup investments at the start, you will have to work one and a half to two years. As DeskMag writes, “Any coworking space that lasts two years is a plus.”

Every coworking space has its own way. The Action Zone tips are based on six months of active work. During this time, we had 100 coworkers, 10,000 people were in our space at open events. Now we have reached operational payback. Many lectures were broadcast live or filmed, we advise you to watch, for example,