How to advertise on facebook for your page. Facebook Ads: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started. The cost of advertising through the community

  • 13.11.2019

Update of the article (01/09/2014) due to the change in the interface of the Facebook advertising manager

This is the first part of three on Facebook Ads, in which I'll walk you through how to create and set up an ad. In the second part, I will tell you how to manage and monitor an advertising campaign, and in the third part, I will share the secrets of successful advertisements (pictures, texts - long, short) and campaigns, the features of reducing the cost per click and the factors that affect it, the choice target audience.

Facebook ads are divided into several types, which can be schematically depicted as follows:

Creation of the first advertisement

Follow this link to the Facebook advertising platform. The first time you will be asked to authorize the Facebook Ads app so that you can create and manage ads. Then click on the "Create Ad" button at the top right.

Before you will appear step by step settings advertisement(the next step will appear only after the current step is completed, so there is no confusion):

Step 1- select from the list what goal you want to achieve: 1) promote the publication to get more engagement for it, 2) get more fans for the Page, 3) more clicks to the site, 4) get not only clicks, but also conversions (targeted actions) on the site, 5) to your Facebook or mobile app could immediately set, 6) so that your Facebook application interacted more, 7) promote the Event, 8) is no longer relevant. When you hover the mouse over each of the items, hints appear. I'll choose "Page Likes" because in this article I'll show you an example of creating an ad specifically for a fan page.

Step 2- I write the name of my fan page and select it from the drop-down list.

Step 3- uploading pictures. They can be loaded from 1 to 6. In this case, Facebook will create an appropriate number of ads, which will differ only in pictures. Images can be uploaded from a computer, selected from previously uploaded images, or you can use the free image database (the “Image Search” button). Note! For ads in the right column, image sizes are 100 pixels by 72 pixels (read the section on how to choose an effective image). For News Feed ads, the minimum dimensions are 600 pixels by 315 pixels (as long as the aspect ratio is 1.91:1). Therefore, it is better to create a separate ad for the right column with a suitable image, and then create a similar ad only for the News Feed, also with a suitable image. In this example, I will create ads for the right column only.

Step 4- then go to the rest of the ad settings. On the left I fill in the required information. On the right I see the result on the preview. Near the heading "News Feed" I click delete, thereby leaving only ads in the right column. So, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • header- displayed at the top of the ad next to the name of the fan page (the number of characters is limited and is displayed to the right of the top).
  • Text- everything is clear, this is the text of an advertisement (the number of characters is limited and is displayed to the right from the top).
  • promotional news I leave a checkmark. What it is? When a new fan appears on your fan page, his friends can see an advertising message stating that "Your friend Vanya Ivanov has become a fan of the Page" (and then there is a friend's avatar, avatar and cover of the Page, its name and avatars of other friends who have joined the fanpage before, and the "Like" button). Such promotional news have a good click-through rate. They show up in the News Feed, which is very effective, so I recommend using them all the time.
  • Be sure to open the advanced options below if they are hidden.
  • Page spread goals- this is the tab that users will go to after clicking on the ad. Be sure to make and set up so as not to lose conversion.


Step 5- I choose the parameters of the target audience that will see my ad, i.e. I'm targeting ads. You can select your target audience using the following options:

The right column under the "speedometer" displays the current potential target audience according to your targeting. And in big bold numbers is the recommended range of bids per click or impressions.

Campaign, schedule and price

Step 6- here you set the budget, schedule and price for your ads.

Each of your ads must be part of some kind of advertising campaign. Therefore, you need to come up with a name for your first advertising campaign, or use the one suggested by Facebook. You can change the name later at any time.

When installing budget There are two options: "Daily" and "For the entire period of validity." If you choose the first option, then you need to specify the maximum amount (in dollars) that you want to spend on advertising per day. Once this limit is reached, ads will stop showing until the next day. If you select "for the entire period", then you need to specify the amount that will be spent throughout the entire advertising campaign.

Schedule- you can check the box "run an advertising campaign continuously, starting from this day" (for example, my fan page is constantly advertising), or you can set time limits (for example, for contest advertising).

Rates and Pricing

Initially, Facebook automatically sets the cost per click or per impression so that you don’t have to worry about this issue. For example, Facebook suggests optimizing my ad impressions for those users who are more likely to become its fans. In this case, the cost per impression will be determined automatically.

But these can be very high rates, so for beginners, I recommend setting the cost per impression or per click manually. To do this, in the drop-down list of rates, select "Bid for impressions" or "Bid for clicks". When paying for clicks, check the box "Manually set the maximum bid for clicks (CPC)".

What to choose depends on your goals. If your goal is to increase brand awareness, then it makes sense to choose Pay per impression.

If you are running an advertising campaign aimed at achieving a certain conversion (visits to a fan page, website, purchases, etc.), then you should choose "Click rate", because in this case you will only pay when someone will click on your ad, regardless of the number of impressions.

I'll select "Click bid" and then the "Manually set maximum click bid (CPC)" checkbox.

Facebook recommends a certain bid range, which it thinks will allow your ad to pass the auction and start showing to users. You can take this rate into account or not. This will already tell your experience when you spend a few advertising campaigns.

Facebook says that you will not pay above the specified range, but the price may drop below this range, which is good for us. In order for the price to fall below the recommended bid, your ad must have a high CTR (Click The Rate - the ratio of clicks to impressions). But more on that in the article. For the first time set average price per click from the suggested range.

Everything, the settings are ready. Click the "Place Order" button.

It remains to specify the method of payment for advertising. It could be bank card, PayPal or Facebook coupon (but the coupon must be linked to one of the first payment sources). There is no other way today. Therefore, if you do not have a bank debit card, it's time to open one.

Once created, the ad is sent for approval, which can take from one hour to one day (if a day has passed, but the ad is awaiting moderation, then delete it and create a new one). What can be violations? You can't use the word "Facebook", you can't offer illegal goods, the picture should not contain images prohibited by law and morality :) If there are no violations in the advertisement, then it will automatically start showing after moderation. You will receive an e-mail from Facebook about this event.


This article walked you through creating and targeting your first Facebook ad. The next article will cover how to monitor a campaign, how to create and manage multiple ads and campaigns.

But before you spend at least a ruble on advertising, you need to decide on your goals:

If you're interested in increasing traffic to your site, select the Traffic objective.

If you are interested in attracting new subscribers or customers, use the Conversions goal.​

You will be taken to the Ad Group editing window. Make sure you select site traffic if you're not promoting your app:

    Demographic and location targeting,​Audience interest and behavior targeting,Targeting by links to your business page,And also allows you to create custom custom audiences.

See detailed setup instructions.

Step 3: Choose where your ad will appear

Facebook will offer you 2 placement options: Automatic and Custom.


When choosing this goal, the following placements can be selected as placement: Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

1. First, expand the types of Facebook placement (in screenshot #1)

2. Then uncheck the placements you don't need (No. 2 in the screenshot)

Recommendation: All 4 ad placements have different display options, so if you want to, for example, advertise in the News Feed and in the right column, it is better to create 2 ad groups.

Step 4: Determine your ad budget and schedule

Daily budget. Allows you to specify how much you want to spend each day on a specific ad set. Facebook will use your budget evenly throughout the day.

Lifetime budget. Your ad budget is spread evenly over the lifetime of your ad set.

Note: You set a budget for an ad group in your ad campaign.

Let's say you created 2 ad groups with a budget of $50, which means that your advertising company you will spend $100.

How to set up an ad schedule

Step 5: Optimize your ad delivery

Facebook is constantly improving its optimization and bid selection process to give you more transparency and control.

You can also choose whether you want to pay for impressions or ad-related activities.

step by step instructions see Part 6.

Step 6. Select the design elements

Before we continue it is important that you understand the following:

The average user sees up to 1500 posts in the News Feed!

Plus messages, events and photos in the sidebar on the left.​

To grab the user's attention, your ad should stand out among hundreds of other posts on Facebook.​

Like 99% of other people, the first thing you see is an IMAGE!​

    Image . Takes up more than 50% of the space. Color.Text . Appears above the picture in the News Feed. Title . Especially important for ads in the right column.

All 3 elements greatly influence the effectiveness of your ads.

Choose an image or video

Immediately, Facebook prompts you to choose whether this ad will be with 1 image/video or multiple (format) and a slideshow:

You can create up to 6 ads by uploading multiple images at once.​

Choose from 1 of 3 image upload options.

Facebook offers 3 options for uploading images:

    Upload image from computer. Select from library. Choose from images that are already associated with your account.Use Images from free collection Shutterstock.

A collection of free Shutterstock images.

ATTENTION: An image cannot include more than 20% text. Lots of text.

The 20% rule has been scrapped by Facebook, but the more text in your ad, the better more money you pay for advertising.

Facebook advertising

Facebook gained immense popularity in all countries. It is the most famous social network in the world with more than 800 million users. The number of Russian-speaking participants is steadily growing.

What is advertising for?

Facebook advertising is a great tool for many marketing purposes. For example, it helps in the dissemination of information about the brand, the implementation of extensive advertising campaigns. Facebook advertising also encourages people to actively buy up any product, becoming interested in the brand. These are the main tasks, but in addition to them there are a number of secondary ones.

Advertising cost

Accepted to pay for:

  • Impressions
  • clicks

If you prefer to pay for clicks, then your funds will be invested in visits to your resource or Facebook page. Paying for impressions is quite risky. Of course, thousands of people will see the ad, but not all of them will go to your site, and your money will be wasted.

But the coin has two sides, so in some cases the decision to pay for impressions is justified. This option is suitable for the owners of those companies that are not faced with the task of selling the site, but there is a need to ensure that people begin to recognize the brand. If Facebook ads are placed correctly, then people registered on the site may even become fans of your cafe or store.

The price of one transition is determined by the settings targeting and type of advertising. If there are few potential buyers, then the cost per click will be small. In addition, the cost gradually decreases as your ad gains exposure. Now you understand why you need to make bright and original ads: the number of clicks will increase, and their cost will decrease.

If you want to know in numbers how much advertising on Facebook costs, then the lowest price of one click is third of the ruble. The minimum cost per thousand impressions is usually 3 dollars(about 90 rubles).

You can pay for Facebook advertising in quite a number of ways, now we will look at them in more detail. If you are wondering how to pay for advertising on Facebook, then know that this can be done as follows:

  • By plastic card mastercard.
  • By plastic card Visa.
  • By plastic card American Express.
  • By plastic card Discover.
  • By plastic card JCB.
  • Credit card.
  • system PayPal(not available everywhere).
  • Yandex money.
  • Mobile phone.
  • If none of the above methods suits you, you can see additional payment options by clicking on the appropriate link.

How to add ads on Facebook

Now you know what Facebook advertising is and how to pay for it.

The following video will show you how to run Facebook ads.

How to advertise for free

When you log into your account, the first thing that appears before your eyes is news feed.


The News Feed allows you to follow your friends' news as well as interesting page updates. To open the timeline, you must click on your name at the top of the page.

Now you need to go to

You need to find the video you want to post.

Now you need to return to Facebook and paste the link into the window where it says "What are you thinking about?"

“Facebook has not taken root with us in Russia!” Many say and continue to use the social network Vkontakte. But as our practice has shown, it has taken root.

Only Facebook has a different target audience. And it is customary to call her more mature and accomplished (no offense).

Therefore, if you are interested in directors and top managers, then Facebook advertising is just what the doctor ordered. This article - detailed instructions how to set up ads on facebook.

For better or for worse

There is a very strict security system and verification of every action. Therefore, you have to rejoice only in paid and official ways of advertising. Here is an example of such an ad:

This is just one example of what targeted facebook advertising looks like. There are many more places and accommodation formats.

And they are easy to find by looking for the word “Advertising” with your eyes, each block for monetization is marked with such a word.

Therefore, I myself, every day, begin to use this portal more and more.

On Facebook, we tune in purely to a separate layer of people: directors, top managers, politicians (the most popular types of people).

This conclusion is not final, but is based on our practice. Namely, we somehow attracted people from Facebook under the age of 25 to our marketing webinar.

During the entire webinar, it was possible to leave comments via VK and FB (Facebook's short name).

What was our surprise when we saw that all the collected people from Facebook leave comments through their social pages. networks.

This experience once again showed us that the two leaders of VK and FB have almost 100% overlap of the young audience. What can no longer be said about the more adult of a different type of people.


Well thought?!

You have landed on this article. And yet, I'm sure you're in doubt: "Do I need this?".

This is a normal thought that also visited me when I planned to start. And I came to the conclusion that almost all companies need!

Although for a number of comrades, so be it, I will say that advertising on facebook is not suitable for everyone.

Facebook, first of all, is a resource for communication (which is logical, it is a social network after all), which means that visitors are the least likely to think about purchases while moving on them. And this must be taken into account.

If you have a product that does not require maturation (preparation), then this is the perfect platform for you.

If preparation is needed to purchase your product, or rather, a person does not need it immediately, but in a specific case, then you should think several times. And for the final decision, watch this video:


OK. Let's say you've convinced yourself that life isn't pretty without Facebook promotion, and you're ready to explore this method of promotion in detail.

In that case, I'm very happy for you - it's always nice when there is another person who is interested in marketing, and not in the usual vparivanie.

This is what our blog is for. In the future, we will describe in detail all the stages of promotion, how to advertise on facebook.

Mini tip. To achieve maximum effect, I recommend reading and immediately implementing the read actions.

Stage 0. Strategy

That's right - the zero stage, not the first. After all, before you launch advertising on facebook, you must form a promotion strategy.

Perhaps a “head-on” sale would be best, or perhaps it would be more efficient to attract people to a resource or as subscribers to your page.

These options are not the only ones, because there is a wide variety of strategies, each of which is determined by the tasks you need.

For example, the last time we used a complex link to increase engagement, namely:

  1. We recorded three;
  2. Showed our first video;
  3. For those who watched the first video by 25% or more, we showed the 2nd video;
  4. For those who watched the second video by 25% or more, we showed the 3rd video;
  5. For those who watched the third video by 25% or more, we showed ads with a subscription page.

Thus, we let only loyal customers into our funnel. And even if the cost of a subscriber was prohibitive, but they immediately came in and bought, because they already trusted us.

This is a complex scheme that has many pitfalls. I showed it so that you get the idea.

By the way, I suggest you check out my relevant video on this issue, which will tell you about two global promotion strategies in social networks:

Step 1: Create an account

Perhaps this will be a revelation for you, but setting up advertising in one personal account Facebooka immediately lets you customize too.

Moreover, the differences are minimal (two or three points), in other words, if you figure out how to set up advertising on Facebook, consider that you also figured it out on Instagram.

If you still do not know what a target is, read our review article.

To get started, you need to register a Facebook account if you don't have one.

The created page will become the administrator of the advertising account. In addition, you will need to create a public or group, because adding ads is possible only on behalf of the group - you won’t be able to run ads from the personal page.

Important. The following information and interface screenshots are correct at the time of this manual's creation.

In case of discrepancies, we kindly ask you to notify us in the comments so that we can quickly correct everything.

Step 2: Create an ad account

The point here is this. An account registered for an organization differs from the one that was created for an individual.

In the future, these differences will greatly help you. Just implement it without going into subtleties.

Account registration operations are carried out on the page.

To do this, you need to go to the link above, click on "Create an account" and register in a couple of steps.

business.facebook page

The business manager is a control panel where you connect various advertising accounts, and they, in turn, can be registered both for individuals and organizations.

After the registration is successful, we click on the “Company Setup” item (upper right corner of the page) and go to the heart of your money machine.

Company setup

And for the next step, we need to register an advertising account in the business manager.

Account registration

Advice. In the currency menu, select "rubles" - in this case there will be no losses due to conversion.

In addition, the smallest daily amount will be equal to 60 rubles (by choosing dollars, you get a minimum wage already in the amount of $5).

If you plan to set up targeted advertising on Instagram in the future, then also in this business manager, you need to connect your Instagram account.

To do this, in the pop-up menu (on the left side), click on the “Instagram Accounts” item, after which, in just two clicks, you need to claim the rights to the account. Subsequently, ads will be shown on her behalf.

In the future, this panel will become the main place for launching and managing promotion. Therefore, I recommend that you add this page to your browser favorites.

Ad manager

In addition to Ads manager, there is a similar module - with the difference that it has more functionality and is used to manage multiple accounts.

His name is Power Editor, he is located at: But for now, let's leave it alone, Ads manager is also suitable for our purposes.

power editor

Stage 3. Purpose

Finally, we proceed directly to setting the target on Facebook.

In the Ads manager, with one touch of your finger, click on the “Create ad” item, after which a list of goals appears in front of us, it is with them that everything is just beginning.


In other words, at this stage we tell Facebook what it needs to optimize itself for.

Again. That is, Facebook itself learns and understands to whom, when and where it is better to show ads in order to complete the task. You could say artificial intelligence.

There are three basic strategies, which include certain tactics (they are applied depending on the goals). Let's consider in more detail.

Types of strategies:

  1. Recognition. The strategy is aimed at making your product recognizable. In other words, apply the maximum coverage
  2. . Applications - a more familiar word for everyone, which sounds like “Prospect” to many
  3. Conversion. This means setting up for a certain action, up to a purchase.

I could describe every tactic here, but I don't see the point in cramming the material with the theoretical part.

For detailed information about the goal, you just need to move the cursor over the question mark.

Information about strategies

And do not be afraid if you choose wrong, at any time you can go back a step or do it all over again.

Stage 4. Campaign setup

After defining the goal and name of the campaign (I called it “Applications to the site”), a window with detailed settings will appear.

It immediately gives the impression that this is not a window, but a control panel for a nuclear reactor. In fact, if you look closely, everything is not so difficult.

The note. For example, the goal “Conversion” was defined - it is this goal that is most attractive from a business point of view. After all, conversion is the application on ours.

Conversion Configuration

Facebook knows how to determine the presence of a target action (this is a conversion) - for which it should indicate which page the action is considered to be completed when you go to which page.

And to create a conversion, you need to select the “Site” item and click on the “Define a new custom conversion” line.

Conversion Configuration

And do not forget to place the generated code on all pages of the site in the body of the BODY tag.

A special browser add-on Facebook Pixel Helper (official) will help us determine if we did everything right.


There are many different formats for implementing your Facebook ads, and for sure when using social networks you have already seen them - videos, slide shows, just pictures. By analogy with this, we must also choose the type of display.


One image. The most used submission method. Normal static image.

One video. Video gives the highest return. Only important nuance, if your target audience is office workers, then this is not the best choice, since it is “dangerous” for them to turn on the sound during work. Subtitles can save you.

Slide show. It is enough to upload pictures (up to 10 pcs), and Facebook will convert them into an automatically scrolling slideshow lasting up to 50 seconds.

Canvas. An alternative to the “Slideshow” option, only here not only photos are used, but also videos.

Detailed implementation examples can be seen on the official Facebook instructions.