Unified collection of digital resources. A single collection of DER - free cheese without a mousetrap

  • 13.04.2020

A project in Russia to connect schools to the Internet has raised a lot of controversy about what resources should be primarily available to schoolchildren.

The fears of our teachers are understandable that students will not use the best Internet materials, sometimes not adapted for the child. This problem has two solutions: either try to block access to all harmful resources, or place as many useful educational and developmental programs on the Web as possible.

One example of solving the problem according to the second scenario is the project to create a unified collection of digital educational resources (DER), which can be used by both teachers and schoolchildren.

Over the past decade, a lot of training programs, educational multimedia disks, interactive digital models etc. Basically, these programs are available on CD-ROMs and are distributed on a paid basis, so not all schools can use them. The idea behind the DER project is simple: for educational resources to be widely available, they must be free. A single collection is being created in the course of the project "Informatization of the education system", implemented by the National Foundation for Personnel Training on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. The organizers of the project finance the development of the most popular projects that were developed as part of the creation of certain educational CD-ROMs, and put them on the Web for free non-commercial use.

The collection is formed in several stages. Already now on the site http://school-collection.edu.ru (Fig. 1) you can get access to a large number teaching materials.

The collection includes a variety of digital educational resources, methodological materials, thematic collections, tools (software), digitized video materials, audio recordings of works of art. It also presents numerous tasks, lesson notes on selected topics school curriculum, video recordings of lectures by leading scientists and teachers, dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias. All DERs refer to some class/classes and subject/subjects. It is possible to search for educational materials corresponding to several grades and/or subjects.

The collection contains not only educational materials but also means of automating the educational process. In the subsection "Tools for organizing the educational process" are placed software systems"1C: ChronoGraph. School 2.5" and "1C: ChronoGraph 3.0. Master". "1C: ChronoGraph. School 2.5" is information system administration educational activities and is a platform for creating a common information database of a general education institution. The program also provides the ability to create basic information, systematize student data; automation personnel work, issues of planning and organization of the educational process, administrative, financial and economic activities.

«ChronoGraph 3.0. Master" is a system of organization and operational management of the educational process of a general educational institution, a computer technology that optimally combines a multifunctional mechanism for scheduling training sessions and operational management of the educational process with wide additional features creating and maintaining a database learning activities, full-fledged data exchange with other software developments, as well as the creation, editing and export of output forms.

The "Regional Collections" section contains links to collections created on the basis of regional coordinating centers (RCCs) of the "Informatization of the education system" project. Currently collections are ready in such regions as Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Perm Region, Republic of Karelia, Chelyabinsk Region, Stavropol Territory, Kaluga Region.

The collection is updated daily with new digital educational resources. For example, teaching materials are currently being developed in Russian and English, physics, mathematics, natural sciences, biology, ecology, history, geography, art, as well as for elementary school. The first stage of filling the collection will end on June 30, 2008.

It is simply impossible to list all the resources of the project. As an example of what is already available and will be available this June, here are some programs in physics, chemistry and history.

Physics and astronomy

Physics is one of those subjects where many processes are difficult to explain without the use of computer visualization tools.

The collection contains a number of interactive flash movies illustrating certain laws of physics. For example, the operation of a jack can be explained using an interactive flash movie (Fig. 2) or a video clip voiced by an announcer. special attention deserve demos. Thus, the demonstration model on the topic "Forced vibrations" (Fig. 3) visualizes forced vibrations of a load on a spring on the screen.

The external force changing according to the harmonic law, applied to the free end of the spring, causes it to oscillate according to the law y = ym cos w t, where ym- oscillation amplitude, w - circular frequency. An external force begins to act on the oscillatory system when the Run button is pressed, due to which the computer model demonstrates not only steady forced oscillations, but also the process of their establishment (transient process). You can change the weight of the load m, spring stiffness k and coefficient of viscous friction b. Graphs of dependence on time, load speed and other oscillation parameters are displayed. The resonance curve is shown, that is, the dependence of the amplitude xm steady-state forced oscillations from the frequency w of an external source of oscillations.

A model of charge motion in an electric field (Fig. 4), a model of rotation of binary stars (Fig. 5), and a model illustrating Kepler's laws (Fig. 6) were constructed according to the same principle.

In all models of this kind, the student can change the parameters and observe physical processes with different initial data, see processes and analyze graphs.


The COR collection contains many visual materials on chemistry, including demonstrations of chemical experiments. Of course, nothing can replace the real chemical laboratory, however, not all experiments can be done in the classroom, and even more so at home - chemical experiments are best observed on a computer. Demonstrations of dozens of experiments are available in the virtual laboratory, preparation for which will take a matter of seconds (Fig. 7).

If virtual chemical experiments only duplicate real experiments in the school laboratory, then it is possible to consider a three-dimensional model of a particular substance only on a computer. The collection features interactive 3D chemical formulas from the Open Chemistry course. The user has the opportunity not only to see a three-dimensional image, but also to work with the formula as with a three-dimensional model (Fig. 8): rotate and rotate it, observe it from any angle of view.


Of the materials on history, we note the program "Contemporaries 2.0" - a project that has been developing for many years and an updated version of which was released specifically for the collection.

The idea of ​​this project (Fig. 9) is to place the most significant historical characters on a temporary about th scale. Each figure is indicated on it in a rectangle, the length of which is equal to the duration of his life. This form of presentation of the material allows us to trace which of the celebrities of the past were contemporaries (and for how long), to assess their possible influence on each other, as well as the continuity of ideas and discoveries. In addition, the icons indicate the events related to the corresponding periods. Having built a chain of contemporaries almost three millennia long and superimposing historical events on the same scale, the authors of the program give the user the opportunity to take a fresh look at the historical process - as a series of rulers, scientists, discoverers and other famous people, that is, those who made history .

The program has both reference and game modes. Reference mode allows you to view historical figures in chronological (temporal) about scale) or alphabetically. By clicking on the screen on any surname, you can get a portrait and biography of a historical figure.

The goal of the game "Contemporaries" is to place on a temporary about th scale as many historical figures as possible. The player's actions are reduced to the choice of one figure from the three proposed in the menu. If the choice is made correctly, the chain lengthens, but if the figure falls inside an already occupied time interval, it shortens. Thus, the well-known domino principle is implemented in the game, when the game chain can be continued by adding only a deliberately chosen link. The player must also answer questions that periodically appear on the field of events.

The new version significantly expanded the database, added a mode in which you can compare the time about th scale of figures from different categories by adjusting the degree of fame, occupation and geography. A mode has been implemented in which you can edit the database and add new historical figures and dates of events (Fig. 10). Thanks to this, the program can be adjusted by the teacher to a particular lesson.

A new game has also been added - "Historical Tetris", in which falling figures with the names of historical figures must be placed on a number line.

The above resource is complemented by another interesting program - “ interactive map formation of the Russian state” (Fig. 11). With its help, you can trace which territories joined Russia under certain rulers.

To view the annexed territory and information on the ruler, you need to click on the button with the Roman numeral related to a particular ruler, or on the area on the map itself. The program allows you to trace how the territory of our state was formed since the reign of Ivan the Terrible. 18 periods are considered: the first - before the beginning of the reign of Ivan IV, then there are 16 periods corresponding to different rulers, ending with Nicholas II. The last map corresponds to the modern territory of Russia.

In addition to displaying the annexed lands for each period, a brief summary of the ruler, his political course and the events that resulted in the annexation of certain territories is given.

It is quite difficult to analyze on the map separate territories related to the acquisitions of different periods. Elementary animation (for example, when all areas attached to one ruler blink) significantly increases the visibility of the map, making it interactive.

Collections of digital and electronic educational resources

Federal educational portals

Educational federal project

Petersburg education

Center "SNEIL"

Educational portal on the use of ESM in educational activities

Single window of access to educational resources

Specialized educational portal innovations in education

Information technology at school

Portal of information and technical support software for educational institutions of the Russian Federation

Education of the Urals

District Department of Education of the Department of Education of Moscow

TEACHING COUNCIL "Problems of integration of information and communication technologies in general education subjects"

Regulation on Content Filtration

Safe gate
safe internet for everybody

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional vocational education(training) specialists "Educational and methodological center of Chelyabinsk"

Building a unified information and educational environment municipality
system based
"Network City. Education"

Computer advice comp-security.net

school sector.
Network community of students and adult teachers and librarians of schools in the cities of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, etc., actively working in Internet projects and competitions

Club "Computer Security"

Security Encyclopedia

Independent pedagogical publication "Teacher's newspaper"

Computer Information Portal

All about WEB design
Internet User Security

Collectionsdigital and electronic educational resources

Unified collection of digital educational resources. A collection of diverse DERs in various formats http://www.school-collection.edu.ru
Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources. The largest DER catalog in various formats http://fcior.edu.ru
Single window of access to educational resources. ESM catalog for subject teachers http://window.edu.ru
Electronic educational resources. Lesson Plan Repository, ESM Collection http://eorhelp.ru
All-Russian competition pedagogical skills in the use of ESM in the educational process. The materials of the participants of the competition may be useful to the teacher http://www.konkurs-eor.ru/materials
Russian educational portal. DOR collection http://www.school.edu.ru
PEDICAL COUNCIL.ORG. Media library, including DER and methodological developments http://pedsovet.org/m
Primary school - for children, parents, teachers. Elementary Teacher Resource Library http://www.nachalka.com
Creative Teachers Network. Library of methods for conducting lessons and ready-made educational projects http://www.it-n.ru
Open class. Network educational communities. http://www.openclass.ru

Resources providing distance education

Moscow Institute of Open Education. After completing the course, it is possible to obtain a state document. sample. http://mioo.seminfo.ru
The project covers almost all levels of education - preschool development, the introduction of new technologies in elementary and high schools, in addition, the education of persons with disabilities and the disabled, the provision of equal opportunities for students of various universities, improving the quality and efficiency of the use of electronic educational resources (EER). After completing the course, it is possible to obtain a state document. sample. http://eor.it.ru/eor
The Unified Educational Information Environment Portal is a project of the Moscow Department of Education. This portal is a communication environment for the professional community, offering new features, services and collections of materials. It is designed to provide access to information resources for all interested users, for methodological and information support teachers of educational institutions, for the formation and development of a unified educational information environment for communication. http://eois.mskobr.ru/
Intel Educational Program "Training for the Future". You will be able to complete distance learning and receive a certificate confirming the completion of courses (not a state document). http://www.iteach.ru
Internet university information technologies http://www.intuit.ru
Explore Office applications with self-paced training courses and videos http://office.microsoft.com/
Skillopedia.Ru is a video encyclopedia of knowledge that helps people learn new things. With the help of Skillopedia you can find lessons, go through distance learning and receive instructions in almost all areas of life. View various video courses and trainings, study telling and showing interactive manuals and instructions. http://www.skillopedia.ru
Microsoft Education Initiative "Your Course". You will be able to complete distance learning and receive a certificate confirming your level of knowledge in specialized centers, one of which is the OMC of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. http://ycdl.ph-int.org/
Large selection of block-modular courses on various topics. Convenient training schedule. Paid. http://www.specialist.ru/
You can listen to more than 300 authorized IT courses on various products and areas. IT-specialists are trained under the guidance of certified trainers with rich practical experience. Paid. http://www.softline.ru/
Distance education at Moscow State University http://www.msu.ru/
InterEducation Distance learning portal. http://www.interobuch.ru/
Open College. You will be able to receive individual tasks via the Internet (tests for self-examination), which are generated taking into account the class of study, the topic of the desired level of complexity, as well as electronic consultations from leading Russian teachers who will answer your questions in mathematics, physics, chemistry, English language, biology, geography. You will also have the opportunity to remotely receive initial, basic knowledge in the field of business and economics. "Open College" - an educational Internet portal that includes teaching schoolchildren (mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology and other subjects) and courses for vocational education http://college.ru/
Center distance education"Eidos". Paid http://eidos.ru
All-Russian innovative educational portal ALL-KNOWLEDGE.RF http://all-knowledge.rf

Resources to help the teacher

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements http://www.fipi.ru/view
Federal portal of Russian education http://www.edu.ru/
Information and communication technologies in education http://www.ict.edu.ru/
Creative Teachers Network http://www.it-n.ru/
The Internet is the State of Teachers http://intergu.ru/
Lessons.Net http://www.uroki.net/docinf.htm
Klyaksa.Net http://www.klyaksa.net/
Newspaper "Informatics" of the publishing house "First of September" http://inf.1september.ru/
Journal "Computer Science and Education" http://infojournal.ru/journal/info/
MTsNMO http://www.problems.ru/
Methodical piggy bank teacher of computer science http://www.metod-kopilka.ru/
Training course flash animation http://flash.lutskiy.ru/
Virtual Computer Museum http://www.computer-museum.ru/
Publishing house "Binom" http://www.lbz.ru/
Olympiads in Informatics http://www.olympiads.ru/
CAD KOMPAS -3D in education file http://edu.ascon.ru/news/
Law in the field of education http://zakon.edu.ru/
Standards general education new generation http://standard.edu.ru/
Exemplary programs of basic general education http://mon.gov.ru/
Official website of the Unified State Examination http://www.ege.edu.ru/
Portal of information and technical support of open source software http://www.spohelp.ru/
Gimp - graphics editor http://www.gimp.org/
openoffice http://ru.openoffice.org/
Pinta is a raster graphics editor, great for computer science lessons. http://pintaproject.com/
Inkscape - free vector graphics editor http://inkscape.org/
Computer science tests http://www.junior.ru/wwwexam/
Informatics and ICT in education http://www.rusedu.info/
Resources to help carry out project and research activities
Portal dedicated to research activities http://www.researcher.ru/
Site of the competition of multimedia, project research work"Grant of the Prefect of the Central Administrative District for schoolchildren" http://www.grant-prefekta.ru
Website of the city conference "POISK-NIT" http://poisk-nit.ru/
Website of the All-Russian open competition research works to them. V.I.Vernadsky http://vernadsky.info/
Electronic educational magazine for high school students and teachers "Potential" http://potential.org.ru/
Internet portal of the magazine "Technique of Youth" http://www.technicamolodezhi.ru/
Scientific and educational journal "Computerra" http://www.computerra.ru/
An Internet portal about scientific and technical creativity, including the following sections: Moscow NTTM institutions, project expertise, how to equip your community, etc. http://4nttm.ru/

Popular Software Resources

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Kaspersky. Antivirus http://www.kaspersky.com/
Radmin. network administration http://www.radmin.ru/
netop school. Software package designed to organize training in computer classes http://www.netop.ru/
ABBYY. translator, dictionary, text recognition http://www.abbyy.ru/
PROMT. Professional translation system. http://www.promt.ru/
Pinnacle Studio. Video editor http://www.pinnaclesys.ru/
Acronis True Image 9.1 Server for Windows - 1-9 Cohies. backup, recovery and protection solutions operating systems and data across physical, virtual and cloud environments http://www.acronis.com/
ACDSee Photo Manager 12 Full Version Educational/Government software. image and illustration software http://www.acdsee.com/
QuarkXPress Passport. A powerful publishing system with an intuitive interface and an advanced set of word processing tools http://www.quark.com/
Adobe. graphic editor http://www.adobe.com/en/
Corel. creating vector illustrations, page layouts, photo editing and bitmap tracing http://www.corel.ru/
Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 Professional Concurrent ELS. tools for designing, building, optimizing and managing databases and applications on different platforms and programming languages http://www.embarcadero.com/en/
Compass-3D. Design and construction in mechanical engineering, license. http://ascon.ru/
Kerio WinRoute Firewall. The software provides corporate IT security, transparency, ease of installation, configuration and operation of firewalls for full-scale control of user access on the Internet http://kerio-shop.ru/
LabVIEW Full. graphical programming platform for developing test, control and embedded systems http://www.labview.ru/
Sony Vegas Movie Studio. video production, audio editing http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/
Symantec Endpoint Protection. A product that includes Symantec AntiVirus and Advanced Threat Prevention that protects laptops, desktops, and servers from malware. http://www.symantec.com/
AutoCAD. designed to solve the problems of land management, design of the general plan and linear structures http://www.autodesk.ru/
1C: Accounting. A universal program for automating accounting and tax accounting in commercial organizations http://www.1cbit.ru/
ESET NOD32 Business Edition. Antivirus http://www.esetnod32.ru/
AVG Internet Security. a software package for comprehensive computer protection against all the most serious Internet threats,
including viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, hackers and spam.
Xara3D. Program for creating various 3D labels and 3D buttons http://www.xara.com/us/products/xara3d/
Auslogics BoostSpeed. clean your computer of system "garbage", fix registry errors, defragment disks and optimize Windows settings. http://www.auslogics.com/
Childwebguardian. program to restrict children's access to the Internet http://childwebguardian.ru/
TheBat! Program for working with email, which ensures the speed and efficiency of business and personal correspondence http://www.ritlabs.com/
Dr. Web. Antivirus+Antispam http://www.drweb.com/
Sound Forge Pro. sound editor with a wide range of possibilities http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/
Net Support Manager. computer remote control program http://www.netsupportmanager.com/
videoport. software for organizing video conferences in working groups of any size within corporate network any complexity. http://trueconf.ru/
Sibelius. allows you to conduct group classes in music theory with students in computer class, the program allows teachers to design and publish processing, transcriptions, arrangements of musical works for students. http://cis.rudn.ru/
UNESCO Institute for IT in Education. The mission of IITE is to serve as a center excellence and provide technical assistance and advice on the application of ICTs in education. http://ru.iite.unesco.org/
Federal Center for Innovation and Educational Resources. The project of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources (FCIOR) is aimed at distributing electronic educational resources and services for all levels and levels of education. http://fcior.edu.ru/
A site for open education enthusiasts. The site is dedicated to the OER movement (open educational resources) and the ideas of open education. http://oer.snosakhgu.ru/
Single window of access to educational resources. Catalog of educational Internet resources and a full-text electronic educational and methodological library for general and vocational education. http://window.edu.ru
Distance education at Moscow State University. The information portal of the School of Distance Education is a single shell of the distance education system at Moscow State University, which allows you to open the entire range of university knowledge through digital libraries, textbooks and courses, audio and video materials, as well as support for highly qualified specialists from among the teaching staff of Moscow State University in the process of mastering knowledge using distance learning technologies. http://www.distance.msu.ru/
Network educational communities. Project "Development of electronic educational Internet resources of a new generation, including cultural and educational services, systems of distance general and vocational education (e-learning), including for use by people with disabilities" http://www.openclass.ru/
Unified collection of digital educational resources. The purpose of the creation of the Collection is to concentrate in one place and provide access to a full set of modern educational tools intended for teaching and studying various academic disciplines in accordance with the federal component of state educational standards for elementary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education. http://school-collection.edu.ru/
Distance Learning and Advanced Training Center of DSTU. Complete courses, learning materials, modules, tutorials, videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, and technologies used to provide access to knowledge. http://de.dstu.edu.ru/
Russian State Children's Library:
provides users with access to safe and high-quality information in order to improve the quality of children's reading, to preserve the book as a cultural phenomenon;
maintains and develops a single space for library and information services for children in Russia;
studies reading, information behavior of children and serves as a creative laboratory for library work with children;
collects, preserves for future generations and promotes the best informational resources for kids. Resources in testing

Resources to help educational psychologists, speech therapists

federal portal. Russian education http://www.edu.ru/
Official website of the publishing house "Enlightenment" http://www.prosv.ru/
Website "Moscow school" http://www.mschools.ru/
Publishing House "First of September" http://1september.ru/
Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "First of September"

Figure 1.7. Site "Single collection of DER"

Unified collection of digital educational resources ( http://school-collection.edu.ru) was created in the period 2005-2007. within the framework of the project "Informatization of the education system" (ISO) (Fig. 1.7).

The purpose of creating the Unified Collection is to concentrate in one place and provide access to a full set of modern educational tools designed for teaching and studying various academic disciplines in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.

The collection is formed according to the subject-thematic principle and consists of the following main sections: catalog, collections, tools, electronic editions, regional collections, news.

One of the advantages of the Unified Collection as an educational Internet resource is the availability of methodological support for the use of its resources in the educational process.

The main part of the digital educational resources of the Unified Collection can be used with various methods, pedagogical technologies, in teaching materials with various paper components, at various stages of the school transformation process - both in accordance with modern standards and in teaching in accordance with new standards. All DER Collections are provided with licenses for the right to use them in the educational process.

The Unified Collection contains the following types of resources:

1. Information sources for the education system:

· elementary information sources(graphic image, description text, photographs);

· information sources of simple structure(educational text, explanatory texts);

· information sources of complex structure - IISS(Hypertext: links to resources can be included in the text);

2. Information tools:

· educational activity tools - resources intended for creating, editing and arranging text documents, graphic objects, arrays of numerical data, sound and video, computer laboratories.

· tools for organizing the educational process - resources for methodologists, teachers and school administrators, the use of which will automate the preparation and maintenance of the schedule, control and analyze the knowledge of students and the progress of the educational process, etc., i.e. carry out informatization of the management process educational institution;

3. Educational materials focused on achieving qualitatively new educational results:

· innovative educational and methodical complexes - IUMK.

Demo materials:

poster - illustration (Fig. 1.8);

Figure 1.8. poster illustration

poster-scheme (Fig. 1.9);

Figure 1.9. Poster diagram

· interactive table (Fig. 1.10);

Figure 1.10. interactive table

presentations (Fig. 1.11);

Figure 1.11. presentation slide

Video clips (video clips, video tours, animations) (Fig. 1.12);

Figure 1.12. Video clip

Materials for practical classes:

tasks-constructors (Fig. 1.13);

Figure 1.13. Constructor tasks

tasks (Fig. 1.14);

Figure 1.14. Math problems

Materials for control and certification (Fig. 1.15)

Figure 1.15. Materials for control and certification

On the site of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources in the heading "Innovative Educational Materials" there are several information sources of a complex structure. Let's consider some of them.

IUMK "Graphics plus. Technology for creating and processing graphic and multimedia information” (CJSC "E-Publishing") (Fig. 1.16).

Figure 1.16. IUMK "Graphics Plus"

The main purpose of this resource is to provide students with an understanding of digital video, digital audio, 3-d modeling technologies, as well as practical skills in sound, video and graphics processing.

The complex covers the following topics: the basics of computer graphics, color representation in a computer, raster graphics, digital video, digital sound. The complex includes licensed software (Fig. 1.17).

Figure 1.17. Screensaver of the "Graphics Plus" complex

Information source complex structure "Fundamentals computer networks» (JSC "E-Publishing") supports the teaching of the course "Telecommunication Technologies" with the help of sets of animated audio lectures, illustration slides, tests, etc.

The resource includes a lesson constructor for a teacher, as well as a school website constructor (Fig. 1.18).

Figure 1.18. Screensaver IISS "Telecommunication Technologies"