Ptz camera connection. IP and Analog Ptz surveillance cameras. Analog and digital models

  • 12.04.2020

PTZ video cameras are cameras equipped with an electric motor and a swivel mechanism that work in IP and analog video surveillance systems.

A distinctive feature of the popular PTZ camera is the ability to control this mechanism. The abbreviation PTZ informs about this, which can be decoded as pan-tilt-zoom. This camera is controlled remotely. The operator, sitting in front of the monitor, has the ability to rotate the camera at an angle of up to 360 degrees, change its inclination, and also zoom in using the variofacial lens. Such a wide possibility of manipulating the camera allows it to replace several cameras that have a static position and transmit an image from only one visible view.

How the PTZ camera is controlled

The actions aimed at controlling the PTZ camera are provided by an electromechanical drive built into it. With it, the camera is able to perform turns, and change the angle of inclination. The camera has a built-in optical zoom that allows you to remotely control the focal length of the lens. The manipulation of the mechanism itself can be carried out through specialized programs or through the interface of the video recorder. It is also possible to control the camera using a special PTZ remote control. The latter, by the way, is the most convenient solution, but requires additional costs.

It is very easy to manipulate the PTZ camera manually. In this case, the operator, sitting at the computer, performs turns and tilts using the keyboard buttons or a joystick.

The principle of automatic camera maneuvering lies in its response to changes in pixels in the camera's coverage area. That is, through the installed program, the camera responds to movement in the tracking focus. If the fixed object moves, then it turns and tracks its movement. If the object stops moving, the camera also stops. The camera stops and returns to its original position when the fixed object leaves it. working area. The program can be configured in such a way that the camera will not respond to areas where regular, non-hazardous movement is recorded. An example of such constant movement is a dog kennel.

Another indisputable plus of many PTZ cameras is the ability to program them to automatically patrol a given area. In this case, the camera tracks the perimeter automatically, moving along the programmed trajectory. Different modifications of the cameras will allow you to program from 8 to 200 presets.

The available "auto-flip" function allows the camera to automatically turn 360 degrees before it reaches the mechanical stop. Then the mechanism continues its "bypass" along the programmed perimeter.

On the video: How the patrol mode of the ptz camera is set.

Additional features of the PTZ camera

For analog PTZ cameras, the possibility of optical zoom of the lens can be up to 36x, for digital cameras - 22x. The digital zoom reaches a maximum of 18x.

Similar to fixed video tracking mechanisms, PTZ cameras can have sensors that respond to motion, sound effects, and so on. PTZ cameras have a day / night function at their disposal, which allows you to automatically switch to a black and white image in the evening and at night. In addition, cameras having a dome or spherical device are equipped with built-in IR diodes. This makes it possible to carry out backlighting when shooting in night mode.

Modifications of PTZ cameras

Both static and PTZ cameras designed for video surveillance can differ from each other in their body. They are also used for indoor or outdoor surveillance. PTZ cameras are available in body, dome and hemispherical versions. The most popular among customers are dome cameras as the most reliable. Safety is ensured by the closed location of the camera under the dome. The working mechanism is protected by a dome device and protects it from mechanical damage and various negative natural manifestations during its direct operation.

Dome cameras make it possible to adjust its viewing area downwards at a right angle and program a 360-degree rotation. All such cameras are equipped with good IR illumination, which can be installed due to the structural features of such models.

In the photo: Dome ptz camera for ceiling mounting

Hemispherical and domed reversing cameras designed for external observation are reliably protected from all adverse climatic manifestations, since the entire working mechanism is enclosed within a hermetic sphere.

As for case cameras, their mechanism is in direct contact with the aggressive impact environment, and the case does not protect their mechanism from the adverse effects of precipitation and other natural manifestations. Therefore, body PTZ cameras are mainly used for internal surveillance and in those rooms where there is no dust or excessive humidity.

Types of PTZ cameras

PTZ cameras, like all similar devices, are divided into 2 types: analog and digital.

Among analog PTZ cameras, cameras deserve more attention. These modern devices have an easy connection, high picture resolution (HD, Full HD), which is compatible with the IP video tracking device, which is not observed in the analog mechanisms of the old model. The modern analog AHD camera is easy to connect, which consists in the transmission of video and audio signal, as well as camera manipulation, which is carried out over a single coaxial cable. For similar old cameras, for their control, it is necessary to conduct an additional cable.

IP PTZ cameras have high resolution, besides, they can be connected to the Internet or to a cloud server designed for remote monitoring. It also makes it possible to control the camera from anywhere on the map using any gadget with an Internet connection. The transmission of all types of signal is carried out by one UTP type 5e cable.

An example of a PTZ IP camera for street surveillance is the Hikvision DS-2DE7174-A model, with a 1.3 MP matrix and a maximum resolution of 1280x720. Wi-Fi allows you to provide a wireless connection between the camera and a router and, via the Internet, get the ability to control the device through any gadget or computer. The WDR (wide range) function provides high-quality vision in non-standard conditions of poor visibility. Reading information and controlling the device is carried out or. This camera is equipped with a motion sensor, IR filter and backlight with a range of up to 10m. The operating temperature scale for the camera is in the range from -30 to +50 degrees.

On the video: Hikvision DS-2DE7174-A Ptz camera in operation

Use area of ​​PTZ camera

The rotary mechanism of the PTZ camera is able to provide control of the entire territorial area. This camera is used in those cases where you need a general overview of the circle of the territory and within a few seconds to enlarge the frame with the scene. Such objects are shops, banks, educational establishments and other public facilities.

The greatest effect is achieved by the joint operation of static and PTZ cameras. Static cameras monitor on an ongoing basis. In the event of an unforeseen situation, a PTZ camera is connected. It gives a circular view of the place of emergency and allows you to get as close as possible to the object to determine the non-standard situation. An excellent solution to this problem is the Trassir Activedom+ software module.

PTZ cameras can be used for both indoor and outdoor video surveillance. Outdoor cameras are placed in a special casing that protects them from precipitation and aggressive environmental influences, as well as from temperature extremes. Some outdoor cameras are equipped with a heating system, which allows them to work reliably even at very low temperatures. When choosing cameras, one should take into account the possible range of negative temperatures and select the appropriate models. Basically, for PTZ cameras, the working temperature zone is in the aisles from -50 to +60 degrees.

On video: Collaboration high-speed cameras together with static, general-survey.

(starting from version 7.3.2) you can rotate and scale the PTZ camera of the interlocutor (including the camera of the remote terminal). In the classic application, only SIP and H.323 cameras of devices could be controlled through the server gateway.

How to allow remote control of cameras of SIP/H.323 devices through my server?

This section is intended for TrueConf Server administrators

Permission to remotely control cameras for SIP and H.323 connections is set separately from each other, in different menus of the server control panel.

To enable this feature, enter the section of the gateway you need (in the list on the left, selectNetwork → SIP Gateway or Network → H.323 Gatewayrespectively). In sectionGlobal Settingsenable checkboxEnable remote camera control over Q.922/H.224/H.281(it is named the same in the SIP gateway and H.323 gateway configuration menus, but in fact these are two different flags responsible for different permissions). Don't forget to press the buttonApplyto save changes.

How to control access to control your camera when making a call from TrueConf for Windows

If a subscriber participates in a conference through the TrueConf client application, then his camera can be remotely controlled only if he uses the client application version 7.3 or later.

Default PTZ control- the camera of a subscriber using TrueConf for Windows 7.3+ is available to any other useron request . This means that when trying to take control of the camera, a window will appear in front of the camera owner, where he will have to confirm that he allows it.

In the settings of the client application, you can disable this mechanism - you can prohibit sending requests (thus making the camera in principle unavailable for external control) or allow all users to access the camera with a single mouse click, without requesting and confirming permission.

To do this, enter the menuSettings → Video and sound → PTZ controland at the very bottom under the headingWho can control my camerachoose one of the options:On request, All users or Nobody.

How to control the camera?

To start controlling the camera, right-click on the video window of the interlocutor and in the menu that appears, selectShow camera control.

If the interlocutor has selected the optionOn request, the application will prompt you to send such a request. In the new application, this is done in the form of a text message, and in the classic one, an icon appears in the upper right corner of the video window, by clicking on which a request will be sent.

Once accessed, the camera control panel will appear in the corner of the video window.

When the panel is closed, a small icon of crossed arrows will appear in its place in the corner, by clicking on which you can return the window

Can I control the camera of the interlocutors during a group conference?

Yes, you can. But this can only be done .

How to control your own PTZ camera from the TrueConf app for Windows

If you have a PTZ camera selected in the client application (version 7.3 or later), then an icon of crossed arrows will appear in the corner of your video window, clicking on which will open your camera control panel.

I.V. Oleinik

This overview focuses on how to control SpeedDome integrated PTZ cameras.

The consumption of PTZ cameras has grown significantly in the market over the past 10 years. A significant reduction in the price of these devices is affecting, as well as an increase in their technical capabilities: speed, optical zoom, functionality. Now the normal rotation speed during the setting of the "preset" reaches (often exceeds) 400 degrees / s, the optical zoom has long stepped over 30x, and some cameras have even gained the ability to track objects in their field of view on their own. Modern prices for domes range from $500 to $600 for Chinese brands to several thousand euros for well-known Japanese, American or European brands. Unlike individual pan and tilt mechanisms, where control is carried out by its own pair for each degree of freedom (mainly 24 or 220 V alternating voltage), a telemetry receiver is integrated into the SpeedDome, which allows you to control the camera with just two wires (in the case of RS-485; some models require 4 wires for duplex control) or video cable. Well, SpeedDome IP video cameras do not require additional control wires at all, although they usually have the ability to work "the old fashioned way".

Controllers and keyboards

The easiest and "ancient" way to control a Speed ​​Dome camera is with a keyboard, as well as a separate stand-alone device with its own power source. The minimum cost keyboard will control pan and zoom using only buttons and RS-485 protocol. Buttons are quite enough when you only need to set up cameras and then manage, for example, presets. But if the operator needs to constantly control the cameras, the remote control will greatly slow down his work. For such cases, a remote control with a joystick will be much more convenient - it allows you to control the camera in two coordinates at once, the focal length of the lens, as well as the rotation speed with one hand movement. The higher the cost of the keyboard, the more additional features(for example, control of video recorders, display of signals from video cameras and recorders on the built-in TFT monitor) it has. Working with DVRs is limited only by the fact that they must be released by the same company as the keyboard; there are no such problems with controlling video cameras - usually remotes support several protocols, which means that you can control cameras from different manufacturers. With the advent of IP-cameras, the question of remote controllers for them arose with an edge. Of course, almost all PTZ IP cameras have the ability to control via RS-485, but it makes no sense to drag additional wires when there is already a high-bandwidth digital network. The only drawback of an Ethernet network based on copper UTP, which is the basis for 99% of IP video systems, compared to an analog network is the short segment length from the device to the switch (about a hundred meters if you do not use optics).

PTZ camera features

Here we can talk about two things. First, some camcorders have built-in advanced controls. An appropriately configured video camera constantly monitors with a maximum viewing angle. When the built-in motion detector detects motion, the camera zooms in on the area and "leads" the moving object as far as possible. At the moment of such tracking, the camera "does not see" the environment and cannot switch to another object without returning to its original position with a minimum zoom. Of course, not all cameras even have a built-in motion detector, let alone automatic tracking.

The second applies only to IP cameras. It has already been said above that the Speed ​​Dome IP camera can be controlled both using a conventional remote control and an IP remote control. However, IP PTZ cameras are, in a sense, self-sufficient devices and "have on board" a Web server. By logging in from any computer through a Web browser, you can get the image from the camera, configure its settings and control the pan and lens. It offers 2 methods - a simple one that imitates the buttons of the control panel and allows you to simultaneously control two coordinates, and an advanced one that differs for each manufacturer in details. Here you control the rotation and scaling with your computer mouse. By drawing a rectangle in any part of the camera window, you will force it to zoom in on this area or, by moving the cursor to the edge of the image, you will get an arrow hint; which you can move the camera in the desired direction (at the left edge - to the left, at the right - to the right, and so on).

Control by DVR non-PC

PTZ camera control has been an integral basic function of DVRs for a very long time. Only very cheap and very limited DVRs can afford not to have one. Cameras with non-PC DVRs are controlled in 99% of cases using the RS-485 interface. Some newer hybrid recorders that can work with both analog and IP cameras may support control over IP. According to the control method, all DVRs can be divided into 3 types: those that control using the keyboard of the DVR (from the front panel), control only the mouse (for recorders where there is no keyboard) and DVRs that support both options. The first option is acceptable only for those who very rarely use manual control of PTZ cameras (cameras are configured to bypass "presets" or "tours" in automatic mode). In most cases, using the front panel of a video recorder to control a PTZ camera is a pain in the ass, as there are only limited buttons to work with: no 3D joysticks. Mouse control can also vary greatly. The simple version is an imitation of the same limited set of buttons from the front panel, it is not much more convenient. Other NVRs may use roughly the same mechanism as described in the previous section, which is found mostly in IP cameras. Of course, you will have to configure everything using the same buttons or on-screen menu, but this is the only option for all DVRs. Total: the mouse is good, the keyboard is not very good. The good news is that there are more and more mouse-controlled registrars, but even the latter's internal software can vary greatly.

The control methods listed above have one common drawback. Any Speed ​​Dome camera has 2 control speeds. The speed of control in manual mode usually does not exceed even half the speed of turning the camera at the time of using the presets. At the same time, it is obvious that the higher the speed of such manual control, the less accurate, the accuracy of positioning the camera on the area or object of interest. It can be noted here that the camera is not used to 100% of its capabilities, and the efficiency of its use could be higher. New computer interfaces and developments are called upon to cope with this task.

Software (PC-based DVR)

Computer DVRs always outperform non-PCs. Firstly, new technologies, especially resource-intensive and complex ones, are easier to develop and debug on computers, and secondly, competition with DVRs based on embedded processors forces the same developers to constantly add new features and capabilities, make their software more flexible and powerful. . What new software developers offer us for video recording and control of PTZ cameras? If we discard the variations associated with the interactivity of control directly on the image, or the imitation of a 2D joystick, then 3 categories of new products (interfaces) can be distinguished separately. The first is adding the ability to automatically control those cameras that do not have it initially, that is, controlling the camera using a motion detector in the software. Such detectors can be more powerful and advanced than those built into cameras. The second and third ones are connected with the use of at least one more video camera (overview), the field of view of which coincides completely or partially with the rotary one at the minimum value focal length.

Manual control

In this mode, a combination of a survey and PTZ camera allows the operator to control the PTZ camera with one mouse click or, by selecting a rectangular area of ​​the image from the survey camera, to get it optically enlarged using the PTZ camera. At the same time, 2 drawbacks of the interfaces described above disappear at once, control is performed at the maximum speed1 available for the video camera (usually declared as the positioning speed according to presets), and the operator does not lose sight of the protected area - he sees the whole situation as a whole and its details with maximum optical zoom, so it can move the camera from one position to another as quickly as it could with traditional interfaces.

The fact that the Speed ​​Dome does not need to return to the viewing position in order to select new object, and this, as already noted, is the slowest part of positioning. When the camera is positioned without major zoom changes (almost not using the zoom), the speed increases significantly.

Automatic control

This implies the same bundle of overview and PTZ cameras. The motion detector analyzes the image from the overview camera and sends commands to the PTZ camera - now the control is fully automatic. Systems of this kind appeared many years ago, however, then they worked according to presets - each square of the overview camera image was assigned its own position, and as we remember, Speed ​​Dome can have up to 256 presets. However, now developers use the capabilities of not only modern detectors, but also video cameras. The detectors are smart enough to transmit not just the coordinates of the object, but also the vector of its movement, since while the camera is turning towards the object, it may already have shifted. And the cameras have the ability not only to work according to presets, but also to execute direct commands to install at certain coordinates; they also have sufficient speed. It should only be noted that not all Speed ​​Dome cameras, even from the average price range, will support these functions. You should not expect that the Chinese noname will be as fast and will have a fully implemented protocol, especially a borrowed one. If several objects appear in the field of view of the overview camera, the PTZ camera will switch between them, following each one for the set time. Today, some developers are supplying systems that allow simultaneous control of multiple Speed ​​Dome cameras, and virtually unlimited combinations of panoramic and PTZ cameras, where you can have a live view of what is happening 360 ° around, while providing high resolution and detail of moving objects. It would seem that with the increase in resolution, when there are already digital video cameras of 5.8 Mpx and more, the need for such a solution is not so high. But the optical zoom is still difficult to replace, and a combination of panoramic and PTZ cameras using, for example, a 35x zoom gives the equivalent of a system resolution of more than 300 Mpx - to achieve the same result digital cameras can soon. Again, the use of megapixel panoramic and PTZ cameras will always push this barrier forward. Of course, this system also has disadvantages. First, as mentioned, not all PTZ cameras are compatible, and not all of them are fast enough to track objects moving at high angular velocity. Secondly, the system increases in price (however, the fee is worth it - like any increase in functionality that increases the security of the facility or your enterprise). Thirdly, the system requires calibration - setting the coordinates of the overview and PTZ cameras (although there are positive shifts here - for some cameras you need to set only 9 coordinate anchor points, and the rest will be calculated by the system itself).

It can be noted in which direction we should expect the development of manual and automatic control technology:

  • transition to megapixel panoramic and PTZ cameras and the desire for higher resolution;
  • construction panoramic images, made up of pictures obtained from a variety of survey cameras, which also contain images of rotary cameras. Thus, a single interactive scene of an object or its section is created. However, it will be inferior without the ability to reproduce the archive in the same way (although this can be a serious load on the server);
  • improving the performance of motion detectors. New tracing technologies, scene and object recognition, improved tracing quality at night.

Of course, one should not rely entirely on the capabilities of the detectors. It is not worth saving on video cameras, hoping that the detector will cope with both noise and low-resolution images. General rule for any security system, the system will only be as bad as its smallest component. A cheap lens attached to an expensive camera, a cable with a low-quality connector, or any other component can wipe out all your costs.


Speed ​​Dome is a speed dome PTZ camera. High-speed in comparison with usual rotary mechanisms. Dome, since more than 90% of such cameras are designed as a cylinder with a domed optically transparent casing that protects the optics and mechanism from dust and moisture. Speed ​​Dome cameras are also called integrated, meaning that all the necessary components are assembled in one body: the video camera itself, optics, a two-axis mechanism and a telemetry receiver.

Preset - the ability of the Speed ​​Dome to be set to a pre-programmed position with the maximum available speed. Various modifications can store from 32 to 256 presets.

Tours (Tour, or Touring) - the ability of a PTZ video camera to execute a series of commands, such as a sequence of presets. The advanced option involves the camera remembering your actions and then cyclic execution. Protocol - a set of commands for controlling PTZ cameras using a telemetry receiver. Usually, large manufacturers use their own protocol, but they also necessarily integrate additional Pelco types, which have become the de facto standard due to the openness of the manufacturer's policy. Small manufacturers use only such open protocols and implement (depending on their laziness or camera capabilities) only a part of the commands. PTZ is an abbreviation for Pan, Tilt and Zoom, respectively horizontal and vertical rotation and lens control. A PTZ camera is a correspondingly integrated camera with a swivel mechanism and a zoom lens.

Until recently, cameras with a fixed angle, field of view, and focal length were predominantly used in video surveillance systems. The disadvantage of this method is the need to use a large number surveillance cameras, the presence of dead zones and the impossibility of obtaining a clear picture of the intruder at various distances from the camera.

The solution to these problems was the development of devices that allow remote control key features CCTV Cameras.

The scope of PTZ cameras is rather narrow due to their high cost. Their most effective use is on objects of a large area with a complex configuration, which have several controlled zones. In this case, the use of one PTZ video camera can replace several conventional fixed ones and will be financially justified.

If video surveillance is integrated into the security system, such video cameras can be used to check the alarm and locate the intruder. Modern systems analytical control make it possible to use PTZ cameras to actively monitor the intruder - they lead the object in the area of ​​​​responsibility.


PTZ - (Pan Tilt Zoom).

An electronic-mechanical device that performs the functions of tilt, rotation and zoom. On the this moment There are two types of PTZ devices:

  1. A separate product to which a casing is attached to accommodate a case-based video surveillance camera.
  2. The drive, as part of the mechanism integrated into the dome camera.

Varifocal zoom lenses.

Lenses with a movable lens system that move relative to each other in an interconnected manner so that when the distance to the object or the scale changes dynamically, the image is always in focus. External management can be carried out over a mechanized zoom. Remote change of the focal length will allow the duty officer to quickly bring the object closer to view individual details.

The most effective, but also expensive models are devices that have the ability to preset the position. The maximum effect of video cameras with such lenses is achieved in combination with rotary devices.



With the spread of digital IP-surveillance cameras that transmit information directly over local network Ethernet / WiFi without laying special communications, the issue of controlling video cameras through various external devices and the Internet has become relevant.

The transmission of video and control commands carried out over public cables and, moreover, over radio channels has insufficient security, despite the spread of various encryption algorithms. Therefore, such video surveillance systems are widely used in private homes and small companies. They are often integrated into security and alarm systems.

The simplest (free and shareware) programs offer a limited set of functions:

  • enable/disable recording;
  • viewing an image in On-Line mode or from an archive;
  • image search by several parameters;
  • PTZ module rotation control.
In most cases, a WEB-interface is used for management with varying degrees of automation for searching and configuring cameras on the Internet.

There are two sources software, which is used to remotely control surveillance cameras over the Internet.

The first is software supplied by video surveillance equipment manufacturers. As a rule, such software is only compatible with cameras. own production. The second source is business applications and their free versions, which offer a wide range of features, including analytics, and are compatible with most popular brands.

These programs include:

  • NetStation from Armo Systems;
  • CMS from VidStar;
  • Intelligence from iTV.

It is enough to install such software on your computer and the operator will have a rather impressive set of functions with the ability to automate many PTZ camera control processes:

  • patrolling;
  • target selection for tracking;
  • prioritization and detailing;
  • automatic selection and activation of the PTZ surveillance camera to guide the target through several areas of responsibility.

Many software modules for mobile devices have also been developed: smartphones, tablets, etc. Their functionality is aimed at viewing images and controlling PTZ cameras in real time. For example, the Line 7.0 program, which is available in various versions for the most popular operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows Mobile.


VSaaS cloud video surveillance services are one of the most promising trends in video surveillance and remote camera control. Typically, cloud services only offer remote viewing without analytics and management features. But well-known camcorder manufacturers as they release new products include the functionality and the possibility of remote control.

Cloud services are offered by companies such as:

Axis and its cloud resource Axis AVHS;

DSSL - Trassir Cloud;

Domestic companies - Satellite Innovation;

Mobile operator - Megafon, etc.

Thus, remote control of various functions and PTZ actuators of video cameras can be realized different ways, both with the involvement of large funds and specialists, and independently with a minimum budget. One thing is certain, remote control will significantly increase the efficiency of the video surveillance system at the facility.

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One of the features is the ability to controlPTZ cameras. (see prices)

To date, many buyers of PTZ AHD cameras are facing a problem.

Your recorder is a multifunction device.

One of the features is the ability to control PTZ cameras.

How to connect and configure AHD PTZ camera via analog DVR?For comparison, it should be taken into account that the IP rotary PTZ camera does not require additional configuration.AHD PTZ camera is connected via RS 485 interface, and this imposes certain difficulties.

Therefore, today's sketch will be devoted to the answer to this question.
AHD PTZ PTZ camera, when connected to a DVR recorder, requires configuration according to the instructions for the camera.

Since there are a lot of PTZ cameras, universal instruction no one can give.
But despite this problem, we can suggest what you need to pay attention to in your instructions in order to quickly set up the camera.
Considering that everything is connected, namely the PTZ camera shows the image on the DVR, and is connected to the RS 485 A/B connector.
You can start manual DVR setup. Go to the DVR menu, Settings and press PTZ.

Dthen we adjust the control settings as the instructions for your PTZ camera say.
Pay attention to what items the DVR requires to set.
Your instruction has data to fill in.
It is necessary to select the protocol, Baud rate - Bit raid.
In cases of data loss due to poor isolation or interference, the bit-raid speed can be reduced.
Date bit always 8. Stop bit 1. No parity. Everything else changes depending on your instructions.
Be careful. If one of the points is violated, the registrar will not allow you to manage rotary PTZ camera.

If you have set everything correctly, then please go to the channel that broadcasts it. And start controlling the PTZ camera.

If your CCTV system has more than one PTZ camera, then to avoid simultaneous actions of several cameras. Because there is only one A/B port.
You need to change the number in the settings of the camera itself. So that it does not match with another PTZ camera.
Some PTZ cameras are equipped with external channel switching. For example.

Knowing all these nuances, it will not be difficult for you to set up a PTZ - PTZ camera on your DVR recorder.
That's all. Enjoy your CCTV system.
Always happy to help old and new customers.

In the next article, we will cover setting up cruise control and motion detection for PTZ cameras.