Connecting the client to the Internet. Connecting via Ethernet: tips and instructions. Ethernet is a one-stop solution

  • 29.03.2020

Dial-up connection via modem. To date, the cheapest way to connect to the Internet is access to the provider's computer via analog and analog-digital lines of telephone networks via a modem. The oldest session (dial-up) method of connecting to the Internet has disadvantages: low speed and a busy line. The upper speed limit is 56 Kbps.

Dial-up connection via ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) allows you to transfer data at speeds up to 9 Mbps in the forward direction and 1 Mbps in the reverse direction over conventional telephone lines.

Dial-up connection via ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) allows connection to the Internet through networks in which the access line to providers can be completely digital. This allows you to transfer a digital signal from one computer to another without conversion. Due to this, information is transmitted at speeds up to 384 Kbps.

Connection via leased lines. You get the opportunity to use the Internet 24 hours a day without paying for the services of the telephone company at a temporary rate. In this case, a fiber cable is laid up to the user's premises optical cable. The speed and quality of transmission over the channel in this case is guaranteed.

Frame relay connection. With uneven information loading of lines, it is often more profitable to use a connection over frame relay networks ("variable structure"). The principle of operation of such networks is simple: the minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the channel is determined, and if necessary, the bandwidth is expanded to the possible limits. Such "forced" transmission of information is allowed if the line is not loaded by other users. It is obvious that such networks should be used in a small office, where the likelihood of several services accessing the network at the same time is low. From a financial point of view, a frame relay network is quite profitable.

Connection via cable television networks. In the case of the implementation of this technology, we immediately get a TV, telephone and Internet. Transmission speeds enable high-quality Internet telephony, real-time video conferences, broadcasting of TV programs on the World Wide Web. Data transmission is carried out via an HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) cable - a combined opto-coaxial cable. In this case, the data transfer protocol will remain IP (Internet Protocol) or newer protocols.

Connection via radio modem. This method will get rid of the telephone company.

Gets widespread Connectionthrough mobile devices.

Internet Services

Internet services or services are usually understood as the types of services that are provided by servers that are part of the network. The following are the oldest services available since the birth of the web:

1. Usenet (teleconferences, newsgroups) - an outdated service that allows you to organize network discussions on certain topics.

2. FTP - file transfer service.) allows you to send and receive files from FTP file servers connected to the Internet.

3. Telnet - a service for remote access to computers.

4. Electronic mail (e-mail) - a message transfer service.

5. World Wide Web (WWW, Web, "World Wide Web") - a service for searching and viewing hypertext documents, including graphics, sound and video.

Of the above services, the last two remain popular so far. Other services and services have been added to them. Currently, the most popular services can be arranged in the following order: E-mail. WWW (search engines, news sites, forums, blogs, social networks), IRC messaging services (chats), Internet shops, electronic payment systems, Internet telephony. In addition, popular modern services include instant messaging (ICQ, GoogleTalk, Skype), wikis, bulletin boards, Internet television, social networking services, virtual dating service, exact time service, distributed computing, cloud computing, YouTube, etc.

To date, Ethernet connectivity can be called the only technology that is potentially ready for a fairly rapid development of any kind of service or application. Of course, the best is the enemy of the good, but people are so eager to make the Internet connection more reliable, faster and cheaper that sometimes it seems that this is not the case. Thus, recently appeared and began to become widespread new technology- More and more people prefer to use Ethernet connection instead of traditional connection options.

Everything new is the long forgotten old

It should be noted that this technology was quite actively used before, but only recently experts began to consider it as a full-fledged analogue of the existing connection options - initially as equivalent, and over time as the most promising among all existing approaches to the access network device. According to Cisco Systems, whose equipment is actively used today by almost all leading Internet service providers, the main advantage of this technology is that it is used not only to provide access to the Internet, but also to provide a number of other services. , including voice transmission, building corporate networks and many others. At the same time, the cost this decision, if we consider it from the point of view of operational and in most cases it turns out to be less than the use of traditional technologies such as ATM / FR or SDH.


In parallel with the growing competition between alternative and traditional operators in the field of local lines, these same operators are beginning to optimize their own networks in order to provide a more favorable cost of providing their services to the end user. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a single package is used, which includes the transfer of data, speech, multimedia, as well as the provision of full access to the Internet.

Also, Ethernet connectivity providers can attract new customers through the use of future-proof solutions, using a variety of network architectures that can be used to rapidly grow bandwidth-intensive applications, including IP video surveillance, as well as a variety of multimedia applications. .

DSL and its fall

Years in Europe, a real breakthrough began to occur in the field of broadband access, and many operators have begun to actively offer their DSL services, with some of them completely demonopolizing their subscriber circuits in order to provide access to many other alternative operators. Modern cable television operators began to roll out to provide their customers with combined Internet and cable television services, and governments almost immediately began auctioning FWA broadband licenses.

Ethernet is a one-stop solution

After the euphoria concerning DSL technologies, as well as the use of cable modems to provide broadband access has gradually faded away, attention was paid to the operational, technical, organizational and legal problems related to these services. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand for higher and higher bandwidth, both providers and equipment vendors are increasingly looking at an alternative broadband access option - Ethernet connection using fiber optic cable.

What is Ethernet?

The solution to the problem is to broadcast speech, images and various data through an extremely simple, but at the same time relatively inexpensive Ethernet network. The unique advantage of this solution is that its use with fiber as a transmission medium allows for gigabit access over the network directly from the premises of the customers themselves.

How are these networks connected?

In modern megacities there are a large number of buildings that are extremely attractive for network service providers - these are commercial business parks, office complexes, apartment buildings, universities and many other similar objects. In order to provide a new connection to the Internet through a router using Ethernet, network service providers use specialized "dark" fiber. Among the main advantages that distinguish this technology, it is worth highlighting the maximum possible speed and distance of the network - up to 100 km without the use of any intermediate amplifiers or regeneration. However, it should be noted that such an Internet connection through a router using Ethernet implies potentially unlimited bandwidth, and this is already very, very tempting for providers.

What are its benefits?

Gigabit Ethernet is very, very relevant, because it is an almost ideal ratio of performance and price, representing an almost ideal choice for backbone applications not only in some individual corporate networks, but also for building full-fledged carrier networks. A fairly good solution for wiring inside a particular building is multi-mode or single-mode fiber, as well as belonging to the fifth category. Originally designed to provide Ethernet connectivity to local computers, this network eventually became one of the most cost-effective yet extremely high throughput, especially when compared to DSL and various wireless and cable modems. .

A typical architecture used in the networks of modern providers is the implementation at the first stage of 10-Mbit or 100-Mbit Ethernet channels, which are routed to separate rooms or apartments of a certain building and connected to the service building using a specialized switch from Cisco catalyst. In order to provide a connection to USB over Ethernet or the MAN city network, a full-fledged gigabit or even multi-gigabit Ethernet connection is formed. The aggregation of the schedule of various ring city networks is carried out using a third-level switch.

A service provider that is committed to providing broadband access may provide its customers with an Internet connection that will be conducted directly to individual users or entire small businesses. By providing Internet service provider services in the city, the company can also offer new integrated value-added services. In order to ensure the most efficient use of the ETTH network, the service provider must ensure that subscribers spend the maximum possible amount of time and money in internal network instead of consuming access to global resources.

How to connect?

In order to provide an Internet connection via a cable using Ethernet technology, you need to have a specialized network card, a cable, as well as directly the network to which the connection will be made. It is worth noting that different networks may be configured for different speeds, so you should make sure that your network card is compatible with the network you will be connecting to.


It should be noted right away that no one connects the Internet through the phone using Ethernet technology. The connection itself is carried out as follows:

  1. We go to the "Devices" tab.
  2. Click the "Create" button on the toolbar.
  3. We select from the options available to us "Ethernet connection" (the options are located in the "Type of connection" list), after which we press the "Forward" button.
  4. If your board is already in the equipment list, then you need to select it from the list under the heading "Ethernet Card". If it is not in this list, then in this case you need to select the "Other Ethernet card" item in order to use the equipment available to you. It is immediately worth noting the fact that the installation utility completely independently determines whether the Ethernet devices it supports are connected, and therefore offers you to configure them. If the configuration was carried out by you during the installation process, then in this case the devices will be shown in the list in the "Hardware" tab.
  5. If "Another Ethernet card" was selected, then a window titled "Select an adapter" will appear. In this window, you will need to select the manufacturer, as well as the model of your board and the name of the device itself. If the first such board is installed in the computer, then in this case you can choose eth0 as the name, and then simply change the number with each new board. In addition, the "Network Setup" program will also allow you to carefully adjust the resources of your network card. After completing all the procedures, click "Next".
  6. In the network window, you will need to make a choice between a static IP address, as well as DHCP. In the event that your device receives different IP addresses, you do not need to specify the host name each time you connect to the network. Click "Forward" again.
  7. Now click "Apply" and use the Internet.

On a note

Now you can add various features, such as connecting to a computer via the Internet, or any other that you need. After you add a device, you will be able to change the settings for its operation by yourself - it will be enough just to select a device from the received list, and then click "Change" on it. For example, after adding a device, it will automatically start working at boot time, but if you want to change this behavior of your equipment, you will need to go to its settings and change the value in the "Activate device at computer startup" paragraph. You can also set up a printer connection via Ethernet.

It is worth noting that after adding the device does not turn on, in order to activate it, you will need to select it from the list, and then click on the "Activate" button. If your system is designed to automatically turn on when you start your computer, then you should not repeat this step.

The most common ways to connect to the Internet today are:

  • Modem connection (Dial-up access) - Dial-Up, ADSL
  • Leased line connection (fiber, etc.)
  • GPRS - access (via cell phone)
  • radio access
  • Satellite Internet

All of them differ from each other in the principle of operation, data transfer speed, reliability, complexity of setting up equipment and, of course, price. The main characteristic of any Internet connection - data transfer rate - is measured in the amount of information transmitted to the user per unit of time (per second) and is usually measured in kilobytes / sec (KB / s) or kilobits / sec (kbps). For high-speed channels, the speed measurement is already in megabits or megabytes per second.
In principle, pastime on the Internet can be divided into two groups - requiring a large number traffic and not requiring it. For web surfing (browsing), the speed of a regular modem connection is sufficient. However, this speed will not allow you to comfortably download large files - movies, high-quality music, and so on. Therefore, to fully use the possibilities of the Internet, high-speed access is required.

Modem connection (dial-up)

The oldest and most widely used connection method, but is now gradually being replaced by others. Modem (dial-up) connection is now relatively popular only in cities where there is not a wide choice of providers.
With this method of connection, the user each time to access the Internet will have to use a modem to dial through the telephone line to the provider's modem pool. This is where the first disadvantage of dial-up comes from - the busyness of the telephone line while on the Internet. Next, the provider processes the user account name (login) and password and checks them. Then the subscriber is assigned a free IP, thanks to which he gets access to the Network.
The advantages of such an Internet connection are: ease of setup and installation of equipment (only an analog modem is required), low price equipment, and many tariff plans offered by providers.
There are many more disadvantages of a modem connection. As noted above- the subscriber's telephone line is busy, the data transfer rate is low (usually 3-4 KB / s), and the connection and data transfer quality is poor due to the wear and tear of telephone lines.
With the speed provided by a modem connection, it is almost impossible to download large files from the Internet - videos, distributions big programs and so on.

Required Equipment

  • Analog modem - from 300 (internal) to 1000 (good external) rubles.
  • Connection - most providers are free.


More promising than dial-up at present is the ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology. This is a technology that allows you to provide high-speed broadband Internet access over ordinary analog telephone lines. At the same time, the speed reaches 8 Mbps. In addition, this technology does not load the subscriber's telephone line due to the separation of signal ranges in the telephone line. The subscriber also does not need to call the provider. Cons - a rather high cost of traffic - 2-2.5 rubles / MB.

Required Equipment

  • ADSL - modem (splitter is usually included) - from 600 to 2000 rubles.
  • The right to connect for the population - up to 1000 rubles. (depending on the region).

GPRS connection

Due to the rapid development cellular communication in Russia, almost every person has a cell phone. Why not use it to access the Internet? Almost all providers today offer the service of using cell phone instead of a traditional modem. At the same time, free channels of the mobile operator are used to access the network.
For the user, such an Internet connection is good because, with the support of GPRS phone of the additional equipment, only a device for connecting a mobile phone to a computer (USB cable, infrared port or Bluetooth) is required. The advantage is also the mobility of this type of connection.
The data transfer rate depends on the mobile operator and the equipment used, but in general it is also low - only two times higher than the modem one.
The defining disadvantage in the first place is the high cost of traffic received by the user (5-7 rubles / MB).

Required Equipment

  • USB - cable, infrared port, Bluetooth - about 400-500 rubles.

Leased line connection

The provider conducts a leased line (twisted pair or optical fiber) to the subscriber's computer and issues a range of IP addresses for the subscriber to access the Internet.
At the same time, the user receives a free telephone line, constant connection to the Internet, high quality connection and data transfer, high speed (up to 100 Mbps).
However, the cost of installing and configuring such a connection directly depends on the distance of the computer to the connection point. a, and, in any case, is quite large compared to other connection methods. And when moving the computer to another place, you will again have to lay a cable to it.

Required Equipment

  • In this case, the user only needs a network card from the equipment, and at present it is available on almost any of the motherboards.

radio access

Wireless way to connect to the Internet. Everything is installed at the provider and the subscriber necessary equipment(special radio modem, antenna), with the help of which information is exchanged between the user and the Internet.
The disadvantages of radio access are the need to purchase expensive equipment and a high subscription fee to the provider. The quality of the connection and data transfer depends on the weather and the visibility of the base transmitting station.
Its advantages include high speed connections (up to 2 Mbps) and subscriber mobility (that is, the ability to connect a subscriber device to another computer).

Required Equipment

  • Antenna - about 2000 rubles.
  • Indoor module (radio modem) - the price range is quite large

Separately, it is worth noting the connection via Wi-Fi, for which only a Wi-Fi module is needed (cost - up to 2000 rubles), but ... in the regions there is practically no Wi-Fi coverage area.

satellite connection

Satellite connection is one-way (asynchronous) and two-way. The second due to the high cost of equipment (the bill goes to tens of thousands) will not be considered by MirSovetov.
Most often, satellite Internet is called an asynchronous (or combined) access method - data is received by the user through a satellite dish, and requests (traffic) from the user are transmitted by any other connection - GPRS or terrestrial channels (ADSL, dial-up). The main requirement for the request channel is the reliability of the connection. In most cases, the best choice for him is an ADSL connection with free outgoing traffic.
Benefits of satellite Internet connection y - first of all, this is a very low cost of traffic - from 10 to 100 kopecks per 1 megabyte. The cost of a set of equipment and connection is currently affordable for almost everyone (especially compared to other access methods) and is approximately 200-300 US dollars.
Data transfer speeds vary greatly depending on provider and data plan. selected by the user. Satellite Internet providers offer a very wide range of tariff plans, including unlimited ones. A very nice bonus is also the possibility of free reception of satellite TV.
The disadvantage of satellite Internet connection is the need the presence of a channel for outgoing traffic - a telephone line or a telephone with GPRS support. However, now it is not such a big problem.

Required Equipment

  • Antenna 90 cm with a bracket - about 2000 rubles.
  • DVB card (satellite modem) SkyStar2 - 1800 rubles.
  • Converter - 700 rubles.
  • Cable - 100 rubles. (10 m)
  • Installation, configuration - 1700 rubles.

It is worth noting that in large cities of Russia, due to the growing competition of providers and the development of local networks, Internet access is becoming cheaper. Often you can install unlimited access to the Network with a decent speed and a subscription fee of 500-1000 rubles / month. in the province and small towns with this, everything is much more complicated and the prices are an order of magnitude higher. The best choice in this situation would be to use satellite Internet.
Finally, some math. Let's calculate the approximate cost of downloading a certain amount of information from the Internet. When using modem (dial-up) Internet access with time-based payment per hour, theoretically, you can get (download) 6 * 3600 = 21600 kilobytes, or 21 MB. In practice, this figure is in the region of 15-17 MB. Now let's calculate:
Modem (dial-up) access - 20 MB - 20 rubles (fee per hour).
ADSL access - 20 MB - 40 rubles (Volgatelecom) (tens of times faster than modem access).
Satellite Internet - 20 MB - from 2 to 20 rubles, depending on the download speed and time of day.
That's basically it, the choice is yours, enjoy your Internet experience.

The Internet has long become not only the norm, but even a necessity in our lives. A lot of things are tied to the use of the World Wide Web. But it is impossible to connect to it by simply plugging the cord into the outlet. Consider what types of Internet connections exist.

Over time, obsolete Internet technologies are replaced by more advanced ones.

Cable connection

Twisted pair and optical cable

This is the most popular connection type. A cable is laid to your apartment or office, through which the Internet signal is received. Two connection options are used: twisted pair and optical cable.

In the first case, a high-capacity fiber optic cable is run from the service provider to the house or junction box, and a twisted pair cable is brought into the apartment itself, which is a copper wire with a special crimped end that is plugged into a computer or router. The connection speed in this case most often does not exceed 100 Mbps.

In the second case, an optical cable is installed in the dwelling, connected to the switchgear. Among its advantages, much higher speeds are distinguished, up to 1 Gbps. Using this cable, you can simultaneously receive Internet, telephone and television services - that is, one cable instead of three. A cable connection has two options for organizing a network: local and virtual.

The local network

essence local network is that the provider assigns you a separate IP address. All computers, by and large, are a large network that has access to the Internet through a provider. There is access with dynamic and static IP.

Dynamic IP

For you, this is the easiest type of communication. All settings for each connection are assigned by the provider, and you do not need to configure anything further. You just plug the cable into your computer or router and start using the Internet.

Static IP

With this type, the user needs to enter in the settings network card or router parameters that are issued by the provider and which are unchanged during each communication session. This is quite handy for online services asking you for a permanent IP address. You can find out the type of connection in the technical support of the provider, on the website of the service provider or in the contract. When using a router, most models can detect the connection type automatically.

Virtual VPN

VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network". This technology encrypts data exchange between the subscriber's computer and the provider's server, significantly increasing security.

The most popular VPN connection type. All you need to know to use it is your username and password. Operating system Windows treats this connection as a high-speed dial-up connection.


Less popular types of VPN connections. In addition to login and password, you need to find out the server address provided by the telecom operator. The difference between them is only in the encryption method, which is selected in the advanced connection settings. The most famous provider working with this standard is Beeline.

Combined connection

Combines several types of connection for access to the Internet and to the resources of the provider. VPN is used as the main type of connection, dynamic or static IP - as an additional one. The difference between them is in the manual entry of the local address or its automatic determination. Such a connection is considered the most difficult, therefore it is rarely used. You can find out the parameters from the technical support of a specific service provider.

Telephone line

Despite the fact that cable connection has dominated in recent times, in many areas it is not economically feasible to install a separate Internet line. In this case, the presence of a telephone line saves, you can only connect to the Internet through it. There are two connection types: ADSL and Dial-Up.


Modern standards provide access to the Internet at a speed of several tens of megabits, which is quite enough for most tasks. The bottom line is that with the help of a splitter, the signal is divided into different frequencies: low - for voice communication, high - for the Internet. Accordingly, you can call and use the Internet at the same time.

A modem is used to organize communication. The connection scheme is quite simple: the telephone cable that is brought into the room is connected to the splitter, and connected to the appropriate connectors home phone and an ADSL modem.


This type of connection has come to us since the nineties of the last century. It is very outdated, because when it is used, the telephone line remains busy, and the average speed is about 56 kilobits. By today's standards, this is very little. However, in some areas this type of connection is sometimes used.

It works as follows: the modem is connected to the telephone line and to the computer, the number of the modem pool is added to its settings. The modem calls this number, and after the connection is established, the subscription gives you access to the Internet.


This type of connection provides internet via TV cable. Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient for one company to pay for the Internet and TV. The cable is brought into an apartment or house, using a splitter, the signal is distributed to television and the Internet. The Internet signal is sent to a cable modem connected to a PC or to a router.

Modern standards allow you to get Internet speeds up to 300 Mbps. Despite the relatively low popularity of the technology, the telecommunications service provider AKADO connects subscribers using it in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

Mobile Internet

The development of 3G and 4G standards allows you to use the Internet at a speed comparable to a home connection. In many cities of Russia, the 4G standard is available at speeds up to more than 100 megabits. Where it is not available, 3G operates at speeds up to 40 megabits.

Recently offered unlimited tariffs, albeit rather conditional. No wires are needed, and you can connect relatively cheaply anywhere coverage is available. You can use a USB modem, mobile router or smartphone/tablet as a modem. built-in software can also determine the network settings.

Satellite Internet

The most expensive, but at the same time the most ubiquitous. Allows you to access the Internet even far from communications, even in the middle of the taiga. The only condition is the visibility of the satellite.

Everyone is familiar with satellite TV. Antenna dishes can be seen in almost every home and in huge numbers. The same plate is used to access the Internet. There is one-way and two-way satellite Internet.

With one-way access, outgoing requests are transmitted over a terrestrial communication channel, for example, through a mobile network, and incoming data comes from a satellite. With two-way access, all exchange takes place over a satellite channel. To do this, you will need an antenna with a transmitting head.

The access speed reaches several tens of megabits. The main drawback is the huge price for a set of equipment and rather high tariffs.

WiMax and WiFi

Almost everyone is familiar with Wi-Fi, almost everyone has a router at home, and in many in public places there are free hotspots. WiMax allows you to cover those areas where it is difficult to provide a cable connection in every home. This is applicable in the private sector or cottage settlements. To provide coverage, base stations are used that provide coverage within a radius of several kilometers.

To connect, you need to have a special receiver, and when moving away from the station, an amplifying antenna. The technology has not been widely used, since it still requires a cable to be connected to the village. Where it is more expedient to use the mobile Internet.


We have listed all possible types of Internet connection. If you live in a city, most likely the provider will connect you via cable. This is the cheapest type of connection in multi-storey buildings. The equipment setup will differ for different types of connection, you can read more about this issue in our article How to connect the Internet on a laptop. Also, never hesitate to contact technical support service provider for network access settings.

What type of connection are you using? Are you satisfied with the quality of communication? Write to us in the comments.