Business card in word. How to make a business card in Microsoft Word in various ways? Work with standard business card templates

  • 30.05.2020

In addition to text editing, Microsoft Office Word allows you to create various printed products such as booklets, brochures, flyers and business cards. Any businessman should always have in his pocket business card, which will indicate the entire Contact Information. You can make a card yourself and in this article we will figure out how to make a business card in Word.

Word 2007

To make a business card, follow step by step instructions:

Step 1. On the Page Layout tab, click Margins and select Narrow.

Step 2. Insert a table with two columns and five rows.

Step 3. Go to the properties of the table by first clicking on the cell with the right mouse button.

Step 4. Selecting the Row and Column tabs, set the value to 5 and 9 centimeters, respectively. Why exactly these numbers? Because this is the size of a standard European business card, which fits perfectly in a wallet or business card holder.

Step 5. In the resulting cells, create a card using standard Word tools. You can make a colored background, add text, insert a logo or link to email.

Step 6. Print the resulting table, after removing the visibility of the borders through the Borders and Shading menu.

Tip 1! Use heavy paper or cardstock to print your business cards, so it will last longer and look more presentable.

It is better to save the document in pdf format. This will prevent text distortion or table displacement when printed.

Thanks to this instruction, creating business cards in Word will be understandable and accessible even for novice users of a text editor.

Note! The above process for creating a card is similar for Word 2003.

Word 2010, 2013, 2016

In later versions of Microsoft Office Word, the process is similar, but it is possible to use a ready-made business card template. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. In the File section, look for the New line and in the window on the right, click Business Cards.

  1. From the list of templates, select the one you like and paste it into the document.
  2. Next, edit the card for your data using the already known tools of the Word editor.

There is such a situation that there is no required sample in the Word. Then the Internet and the official website of Microsoft Office come to the rescue. There you can download and add new templates to the text editor. You can also find ready-made business cards on the Internet in .doc and .docx formats that can be edited.

As you can see, it's easy to create custom business cards with Office Word. This requires basic knowledge of Word tools. You can also use ready-made business cards in later versions of the text editor, which, of course, makes it easier to create them.

It is difficult to imagine a person who, by the nature of his activity in modern world I could do without a business card, or business card. This is understandable. It contains all the necessary information about its owner, including contacts. But to create a high-quality business card, you need professional software and equipment. What to do if you need to transfer information very urgently? Let's try to consider how to make business cards in Word (Microsoft Office Word).

Features of MS Word

Many users clearly underestimate the Word program, since this package is not only a text editor, although it was originally designed specifically for working with text. The application handles graphics, tables, mathematical formulas, charts, sound, etc. equally well. So making a business card in Word in a hurry is as easy as shelling pears.

Possible options

If we consider the possibilities of the MS Word office application in terms of quickly creating business cards, among the simplest is the use of ready-made templates.

Drawing is a rather laborious process. It will be necessary to insert or draw rectangles, and only then enter text into them and place graphics. This takes a lot of time, so we will not dwell on this option.

For some reason, many people think that the simplest solution to the question of how to make business cards in Word is to insert tables. One can disagree with this, because there are some nuances here related to specifying indents, formatting the table itself and text, copying and pasting the final material, etc. It is much easier to create a business card in Word using existing templates.

Using Templates

In almost any version of MS Word, you can find special ready-made solutions for creating a particular text document, even containing graphics. Business cards are no exception in this respect. With this approach, the user does not have to spend time creating and correcting text and graphics. In addition, the standard size of a business card is 5 x 9 cm. The template itself provides this size from the very beginning.

You need to go to the "File" menu, then - "Create", and select "Business Cards" from the list of available templates. If a version of the program higher than Word 2010 is installed, such a tab may not be present in the list. Then you need to enter the word “business card” or “business cards” in the search field on Next, you need to select the desired template and simply click the "Download" button. All. The creation of the business card is completed. Now you can edit the data in the cells.

By the way, such a solution to the question of how to make business cards in Word is remarkable not only for its simplicity. And all because when editing the text in one cell, it automatically changes in all the others. And this, in turn, saves the user from the tedious process of copying the content and then pasting it into all other fields.

Business cards from the table

Many prefer the use of tables, believing that in this case you can design a business card to your liking. But the process will be more complex. A few words about how to make business cards in Word using a table.

First, in the menu "Page Layout" you need to set the margins. The value for each field should correspond to 0.5 inches, or 1.27 cm. After that, the Table command is selected from the Insert menu and the size is indicated (2 x 5 cells).

Then select the table completely (for example, Ctrl + A for the entire document) and right-click to call the "Table Properties" menu.

On the "Line" tab, check the boxes next to the "Height" and "Width" parameters and set the corresponding values ​​​​to 5 and 9 cm. On the right there is a mode window. It indicates the value "Exactly". Now in the “Cell” tab after pressing the “Parameters” button, we set all values ​​\u200b\u200bto zero.

Now you can start filling cells with text, add graphics, change font color, fill, and more. Here, as they say, what imagination is enough for. When the work is finished, you need to copy the contents of the main cell (ready business card), and then simply paste it into all the others. If desired, you can remove the table grid using the "Borders and Shading" menu for this.


As you can see, the solution to the problem of how to create a business card in Word is quite simple. Naturally, it is very far from the professional level, and it makes no sense to exchange such printouts at the highest level. Professional business cards are created using completely different programs, equipment, design and paper. Often there is embossing, which you cannot do in Word.

In principle, the business cards described in the article are suitable for quickly transmitting information, say, from a computer customizer to clients, and can also be used as a template for submission to a company or printing house that creates and prints business cards at a professional level.

Despite the fact that Microsoft Word is a powerful text editor, its toolkit allows you to perform many operations, the boundaries of which go far beyond simple creation texts. Design of tables, greeting cards, menus in restaurants and so on. It is not surprising that with the help of Word you can make business cards. Create both completely from scratch, and use numerous templates.

The easiest way is of course to use templates. To do this, go to the tab " File", open the section " Create" and in the search field enter the query " Business card". The Internet must be enabled on the device, because most of the documents will need to be downloaded before being used.

By clicking on the option you like, a preview window will open, where it will also be indicated Additional Information regarding the template: colors, editing options and the number of business cards per page.

All business card templates presented in Word itself are made taking into account necessary requirements, and when editing the text, the maximum formatting should be preserved. Of course, each of the business cards fully changes. You can adjust everything from background images to the placement of specific elements.

But given the fact that business cards are not often created using Microsoft Word, the number of templates available in the program's library is quite limited. Therefore, you can create a card yourself from scratch.

The first thing to take care of when creating business cards with Word is to prepare your workspace. To do this, free the fields as much as possible, the indents of which in this case do not play any role. To do this, go to the tab " Layout", click on the item" fields", and then to the last item" Custom fields... ". In the window that opens, you need to specify " 1 cm» for all fields.

Next, we create a table that will be the frame for future business cards. This is done on the tab Insert» à « Table». Optimal quantity business cards on one sheet of A4, given the standard size of one card - 10 pieces. To do this, you need to make a 2x5 table. After creating the table, select it, and on the tab " Layout» increase the height of each line until the bottom border reaches the bottom of the page.

Next, you need to add a background image for each business card. To do this, on the tab " Insert» press « Drawings” and select the desired picture. In the tab " Format» à « wrap around» need to choose « Behind the text". After that, adjust the size and use ctrl+ C, ctrl+ V(copy, paste) add a picture to each cell in the table. Then double-click on the picture to add a cursor to it and enter any necessary text.

It should be noted that the above actions are advisory in nature regarding the number of business cards on one page, the size of the indents and table cells. All of this is customizable.

The instructions are relevant for Microsoft Word 2016. But even older versions of the text editor have pre-installed templates and you can use similar tools to create business cards yourself. All of them have been in programs since 2003.

MS Word makes it possible not only to execute and arrange office documents.

Using the templates built into Word and their usual elements on a special panel, you will be able to create various kinds of documents, including cards for yourself or any company.

Microsoft Word contains all the parameters you need for this, with which you can approach the creation of business cards.
After the listed methods and techniques, you will not even need special programs and agencies for creating business cards.

1. Choose a background and texture for a business card in Word

Most of the time when creating postcards, cards or business cards, it is the design that takes away.

Usually, textures and other background images, including fonts and so on, take a very long time to select. All these elements should be combined and complement each other as much as possible.

Choosing a background color is far from simple adding your favorite shade to the background.

How to choose a business card color general rules and orientation:
- consider the audience for which business cards are made;
- take into account the fact that the color should correspond to the activity or product;
- consider the meaning of the selected shade and its perception by the person.

As a rule, a business card is small in size, which means that the use of many colors and textures with text is best avoided.
All information is presented in a clear manner. Reflect the name of the organization, the name of the representative of the organization, his position, enter the address, contact information and company logo.

Font selection and text layout

Should rely on the following recommendations when choosing text and fonts:
- Do not use more than two different fonts. It is desirable to carry out inscriptions in the same style so that the person is not distracted;
- You can use "font families" to match different forms of characters with each other;
- the color of the text (font) should "look" or contrast with the shade or image on the background of the business card;
- the size of the letters should be acceptable, from 10 to 14 tp.

2. We use Word templates "a

Each version of Word includes a certain amount of, ready-made templates for creating certain elements: business cards, title pages, postcards, advertising brochures, etc.

To go to the built-in templates for creating business cards, go to the "Create" item.

Find the "Recommended" tab and select the desired document type and design in general from the suggested recommendations. Click on it and open it in a new Word window.

Most often, the design of business cards is located completely on the sheet, about 8 - 10 copies per sheet of A4 format.

3. Using ready-made templates and loading them

If some templates are missing in Word, or there are none at all, go to the official Microsoft website and download them.

Business cards required for us can be found in a special section on the official website "Cards"

A Microsoft Word user can access these databases online. To do this, enter the program and try to create a document by selecting the "Cards" tab

Of course, you will need an internet connection to perform this action. Wait a while for existing designs to load in a specific category.

Select the required design from the proposed list and create a document with the corresponding button.

The file is now open in the required mode. In this mode, you can correct and change the business card to your liking.

To use a pre-designed, that is, a completely ready-made design from the Internet, you should download a template, which is usually located in the .doc or .docx extension. You can open this type of file in any version of Word.

Download and then open the required template, make all the necessary corrections to the information that is already in the business card.

After changing all the necessary items, you can proceed to print the document.

Advice: so that the main page parameters are not violated during printing, it is best to save business cards in PDF format.

The great advantage of working with standard templates is their versatility and versatility. They can be used on any version of MS Word.

If not all fonts are installed on the PC, then only certain inscriptions may look different.

4. Tables for creating business cards in Word

In order to create a new business card yourself, without a template, you can use regular tables, or by creating a special element in the "Canvas" mode.
We will review this method.

Word 10, 13, 16 instructions

Before creating, set the required document markup. To do this, click on the "Layout" tab. Next, select all the required field options. In the next drop-down list, select "Narrow".
The type provided is best suited for postcards and cards.

Now draw or create a table with two columns and five rows.

The table you created will become the outline for your cards. Stretch the created table to the entire sheet.

Go to the "Properties" of the table and set the height to 5 cm and the width to 9 cm.

We remove the indents that were automatically set after the table was created. You need to remove them so that the labels are displayed evenly in each of the cells.

Enter the properties, and after the table parameters. Margins must be set to "0 cm". Save your changes.

Now we create the text of business cards. But first, align all the characters with a ruler in the Word

The text can be set in the business card field at your discretion.
To create a background, right-click in a free cell. And then open a special window "Fills" and select the best background.

To add a logo or picture to the business card field, you need to use the "Insert" tab, and then select a picture or shapes.

To repeat (copy) an already created design, select the table and use the copy keys CTRL + C to paste it into the remaining rows using the key combination CTRL + P.

The logo will have to be transferred to a separate cell.

Create business cards Word 2007

To create business cards in Word 2007, you need to go to the "Page Layout" tab. Select Margins, and then select Narrow Margin.

Creating your own business cards often requires specialized software, which allows you to create business cards of any complexity. But what if there is no such program, but there is a need for such a card? In this case, you can use a tool that is not standard for these purposes - the MS Word text editor.

First of all, MS Word is a word processor, that is, a program that provides a convenient way to work with text.

However, having shown some ingenuity and knowledge of the capabilities of this very processor, you can create business cards in it no worse than in special programs.

If you don't have MS Office installed yet, now is the time to install it.

Depending on which office you use, the installation process may differ.

If you subscribed to a cloud office, then installation will require three simple steps from you:

  1. Download office installer
  2. Run Installer
  3. Wait for the installation to finish

Note. The installation time in this case will depend on the speed of your Internet connection.

Installing offline versions of MS Office on the example of MS Office 2010

To install MS Office 2010 you will need to insert the disc into the drive and run the installer.

Creating a business card in MS Word

Next, we will look at how to make business cards in Word ourselves using the MS Office 365 Home office suite as an example. However, since the interface of the 2007, 2010 and 365 packages is similar, this instruction can be used for other versions of office as well.

Despite the fact that there are no special tools in MS Word, creating a business card in Word is quite simple.

Preparing a blank layout

First of all, we need to decide on the size of our card.

Any standard business card has dimensions of 50x90 mm (5x9 cm), and we will take them as a base for ours.

Now let's choose a tool for creating a layout. Here you can use both a table and a Rectangle object.
The option with a table is convenient in that we can immediately create several cells, which will be business cards. However, there may be a problem with the placement of design elements.

Therefore, we will use the Rectangle object. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab and select from the list of shapes.

Now let's draw an arbitrary rectangle on the sheet. After that, the “Format” tab will become available to us, where we indicate the dimensions of our future business card.

Here we set the background. To do this, you can use the standard tools that are available in the Shape Styles group. Here you can choose a ready-made fill or texture, or set your own.

So, the dimensions of the business card are set, the background is selected, which means that our layout is ready.

Adding design elements and contact information

Now we need to decide what will be placed on our card.

Since business cards are needed so that we can provide contact information to a potential client in a convenient form, the first step is to decide what kind of information we want to place and where to place it.

For a more visual representation of their activities or their company, business cards place any thematic picture or company logo.

For our business card, we will choose the following scheme for placing data - in the upper part we will place the last name, first name and patronymic. On the left will be a picture, and on the right contact information - phone, mail and address.

To make the business card look beautiful, we will use the WordArt object to display the last name, first name and patronymic.

Go back to the "Insert" tab and click on the WordArt button. Here we select the appropriate design style and enter your last name, first name and patronymic.

Next, on the "Home" tab, reduce the font size, and also change the size of the inscription itself. To do this, use the "Format" tab, where we set the desired dimensions. It would be logical to specify the length of the inscription equal to the length of the business card itself.

Also on the tabs "Home" and "Format" you can make additional settings for the font and display of the inscription.

Adding a logo

To add an image to a business card, go back to the "Insert" tab and click the "Picture" button there. Next, select the desired image and add it to the form.

By default, the image has text wrapping set to “in text”, which will cause our card to overlap the image. Therefore, we change the wrapping to any other, for example, “top and bottom”.

Now you can drag the picture to the right place on the business card form, as well as resize the picture.

And finally, it remains for us to place contact information.

To do this, it is easier to use the "Inscription" object, which is located on the "Insert" tab, in the "Shapes" list. Having placed the inscription in the right place, fill in the data about yourself.

In order to remove the borders and background, go to the "Format" tab and remove the shape outline and fill.

When all the design elements and all the information is ready, we select all the objects that make up the business card. To do this, press the Shift key and left-click on all objects. Next, press the right mouse button and group the selected objects.

Such an operation is necessary so that our business card does not “fall apart” when we open it on another computer. It is also more convenient to copy a grouped object

Now it remains only to print business cards in Word.