The project is the most necessary professions for kindergarten. The project "All professions are needed, all professions are important" in the preparatory group. Project business card

  • 20.05.2020

Sections: Primary School

Project business card

Project theme:

All professions are needed - all professions are important.

Subject, class:

The world around, 1st grade, Russian language 4th grade.

Brief summary of the project:

Choosing a profession is one of the most important life decisions. We determine for ourselves not only the main occupation, but also the circle of friends, lifestyle, and sometimes fate. The 1st grade program around the world provides for the acquaintance of children with various professions. Work on the project begins in the third quarter when studying the section "What Surrounds Us" and continues in the fourth quarter.

Project goals:

  1. Expanding students' ideas about professions.
  2. Acquaintance with the professions of parents.
  3. Formation of information and communicative competence of students. This project aims to develop research abilities junior schoolchildren, it will help to expand children's ideas about the professions of their parents and their native village, learn about unfamiliar professions.

In the course of work, the children will take part in the exhibition of drawings "Our moms and dads at work" - 1st grade and "All professions are important, all professions are needed" - 4th grade, they will create albums "Professions of my family", "Professions of our village ", "Rare and interesting professions". In the course of working on a project, students learn to plan future activities in a group and individually; find the necessary information in different sources; evaluate your work and the work of your comrades; develop communication skills.

Project type: educational local.

Target educational standards:

This project is focused on the implementation of state standards for the outside world within the framework of the "Human Economy" section and the Russian language.

Planned results of activity:

Upon completion of the project, students will acquire the following skills:

Personal: to establish a connection between the purpose of the activity and its result, to show interest in ways to solve a new particular problem, to explain to oneself what one does with pleasure, with interest, what works well and what does not.

Meta-subject: regulatory - to determine and formulate the purpose of the activity, to detect and formulate a learning problem in a dialogue with the teacher and classmates, to evaluate their work according to specified criteria.

Cognitive: gain new knowledge: ask questions, find answers to them, using your life experience and information received in the lesson; process the information received and convert from one form to another; communicative - to formulate one's thoughts orally and writing, listen and understand the speech of others, perform various roles in the group.

Subject: to distinguish between the professions of people, give examples of mutual assistance of people of different professions.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question

How to survive in this world?

Problematic issues

How to choose a profession? What is the best profession?

Study questions

What is a profession? What are the professions? Who do you want to become? Why do you need knowledge about professions?

Necessary basic knowledge, skills, abilities:

Subject: general information about professions in agriculture, the service sector, industrial enterprises and transport.

Communication skills: the ability to listen and ask questions, the ability to clearly and interestingly express one's thoughts; team planning skills; the ability to help in a group in solving common problems.

User skills of work on the personal computer: skills of work in the text editor; Internet skills; creating and editing presentation slides.

Learning activities

  1. Questioning of project participants in order to obtain information about students' knowledge of professions.
  2. Creation of a booklet for parents with brief information about the project.
  3. Acquaintance with the goals and objectives of the project with the help of a kick-off presentation.
  4. Formation of groups according to desire and interests.
  5. Drawing up a group work plan.
  6. Material selection.
  7. Conducting consultations for groups.
  8. Classroom hours "Kaleidoscope of professions", "Journey into the world of professions".
  9. Registration of research results in the form of presentations, albums.
  10. Role-playing games.
  11. Analysis of the work of groups and each member of the group.
  12. Presentation and defense of the project.
  13. Final reflection.

Project plan

The project is expected to be implemented in three stages.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Diagnosis of children to identify initial knowledge about professions (questionnaire).
  2. Formation of students' interest in the project with the help of the teacher's starting presentation.
  3. Dividing students into groups. Definition of tasks, main sources of information, deadlines.
  4. Awareness of parents about upcoming activities, familiarity with the project method of teaching (booklet).

Practical stage:

  1. Collection of information on the topic and systematization of the collected material into thematic groups: to create albums "Professions of my family", "Professions of our village", "Rare and interesting professions"; to create a presentation.
  2. Registration of exhibitions of drawings "Our mothers, our fathers at work" 1st grade, "All professions are important, all professions are important" 4th grade.
  3. Holding class hours 1st grade - "Kaleidoscope of professions", 4th grade - "Journey into the world of professions".
  4. Conducting role-playing games by fourth-graders in the 1st grade.
  5. Preparing to defend the project. Registration of results of work - creation of products of work on the project.

The final stage:

  1. Presentation of research results.
  2. Evaluation of results.
  3. Parents' awareness of children's knowledge of professions.

Project implementation

Preparatory stage.

At this stage, the diagnosis of children of the 1st grade was carried out to identify the initial knowledge about professions (questionnaire). The children were asked the following questions: What is your mother's job? What is your dad's job? What professions do you know? Who would you like to become? To generate interest in the project, the students were offered the starting presentation of the teacher ( Attachment 1), after viewing the presentation, the guys got acquainted with the goals and objectives of the project. In accordance with the interests of the children, 3 groups were formed: "Journalists", "Correspondents" and "Inquisitive". Further, the guys got acquainted with the list of proposed books, electronic materials, recommendations were given on the implementation of the project. The students got acquainted with the criteria for evaluating the results of the project. At the parent meeting, parents received information about the project, were familiarized with the goals and objectives of the project (booklet for parents of students ( Appendix 2)).

Practical stage.

Discussed with the students the work plan of each group. We identified the main sources and methods of information search. At this stage, the group members selected the material. Summarized and formalized the results of research in the form of presentations, messages on the topics: "Professions of my family", "Professions of our village", "Rare and interesting professions". The children took part in the exhibition of drawings "All professions are needed, all professions are important." Pupils of the 4th grade conducted role-playing games with students of the 1st grade. "At this stage, the project participants consulted with teachers about the design of the collected material.

The final stage.

Analyzed and systematized the material collected by the children. We assessed the quality of the work of the project participants and summed up the results of the work in the project.

Example of student project activity product

Presentation “Unique professions”, presentation “Professions of my parents”, presentation “All professions are needed”, presentation “All professions are needed. All professions are important”, messages of first-graders about the professions of parents, riddles about professions, final presentation (

Purpose: To develop in children a sense of belonging to the world of adults through acquaintance with professions. Project objectives: Consolidate children's knowledge of professions Expand the horizons and cognitive interest of children in professions. To form respect for the work of adults of different professions. Determine the importance of professions. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.

Relevance of the topic: In the senior preschool age It is important for a child to expand their ideas about various professions. Some elements professional activity it is still difficult for him to understand, but in every profession there is an area that can be represented on the basis of visual images, specific situations from life. Every person dreams of finding in life a favorite thing that brings joy to himself and benefits people. Therefore, it is so important to introduce the child to professions, to talk about the qualities of character that this or that profession requires. It is better to start cultivating these qualities in yourself from childhood. In the older preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and the objects created by their labor acquires special significance for the full development of the child's personality. Familiarization with professions ensures the further entry of the child into modern world indulging in its values. Problem: From a conversation with children, it became clear that they have superficial ideas about professions, so we decided to introduce children to professions closer.

Stage 1 1. Setting the goal and objectives of the project; 2. Select illustrations about professions. 3. Find literature that tells about professions 4. Pick up games, poems, knots, conversations. 5. Prepare excursions to enterprises. Stage 2: Create a developing environment. Add pictures to the group. Fill up the corner of the book with the following works: Mayakovsky "Who to be?" D. Radari "What does the craft smell like?", "Who needs what?". Introduce didactic games and board games: Who needs what for work. Associations of professions Lotto-puzzles. Prepare attributes for role-playing games Nod. Excursion Association "Who needs what for work?". Stage 3 Conducting the node “We are chefs today” Presentation of the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important”. Conclusions and effectiveness of work on the project. -preschoolers have an interest in this topic -a holistic view of labor activity adults - got acquainted in more detail with the work of a kindergarten cook - Learned riddles and poems about professions.

Elena Golubeva

Project theme:"All professions are needed, all professions are important."

Implementation timeline: short.

Project type: research and creative.

Educator - Golubeva Elena Viktorovna

Project participants:

pupils and parents of the preparatory group of MBDOU "Birch" in Kostomuksha.

Project relevance:

In the older preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and the objects created by their labor acquires special significance for the full development of the child's personality. Familiarization with the professions of parents ensures the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarization with its values, ensures the satisfaction and development of the sexual cognitive interests of boys and girls of older preschool age. That is why the idea of ​​creating this project was born. An in-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, and the development of evidence-based speech. The right choice of profession determines life success.

Objective of the project:

expand and generalize children's ideas about professions, tools, labor activities. Development of interest in various professions, in particular in the professions of parents and their place of work.

Project objectives:

Arouse interest in the proposed activity;

To form realistic ideas about the work of people;

Help children understand the importance and necessity of each profession;

To form the ability to independently sum them up, based on their life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Develop communication skills;

Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills of hands, imagination, memory;

Develop figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected Result:

To arouse interest in the world around;

To expand children's knowledge and ideas about professions, including the professions of their parents (place of work of parents, the importance of their work; pride and respect for the work of their parents);

Help parents to properly organize joint family leisure;

Entrust the children with what they can labor obligations home in kindergarten be responsible for their implementation;

To ensure the activity of the child in the complex process of his becoming a Human.

Measures for the implementation of the project:

Working with children:

Educational area "Communication":

Speech development:

Compilation of stories on the topic "Professions"

Teach children to independently invent a story on a given topic; develop monologue speech, creative imagination

"Human Labor"

introduce children to a variety of professions; consolidate the ability to argue your answers; develop logical thinking.

"Bread is the head of everything"

give an idea of ​​how bread came to our table; pay attention to the content of people's labor, to their coherence and mutual assistance in work, to the mechanization of labor; develop mental activity; to cultivate a careful attitude to bread, respect for human labor.

"What will I be when I grow up?"

to teach children to invent a story in the first person; develop creative imagination; use descriptions, dialogue, means of expressive speech.

Reading fiction:

"City of Good Deeds" by R. Scarry

"Who to be?" I. Karpova (a series of books about professions)

"What do you have?" S. Mikhalkov

"Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky

"Builders" B. Zakhoder

"Uncle Styopa is a policeman" S. Mikhalkov

"What do crafts smell like?" D. Rodari

"Doctor Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

"Dunno in a Sunny City" N. Nosov

Educational area "Cognition":

Constructive activity:

"Young Architects"

Purpose: to exercise children in working with various natural materials; to teach how to choose beautiful combinations of shapes and colors when drawing up decorative compositions, to combine your crafts with a single plot. Encourage children to joint activities, it is proposed to combine their crafts with a common idea.

"Young inventors"

Purpose: to teach children to model designs according to schemes; to consolidate the ability to observe proportionality and symmetry, to select material, to decorate buildings beautifully and expediently; to teach children to design collectively, to use their knowledge and experience in the process of work; develop the desire for research, experimentation, creativity.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

Master class "Our pies for moms"

expand and concretize the idea of ​​the profession of a cook; develop cognitive interests; develop speech activity and dialogic speech.

Master class "Beautiful haircut".

expand and concretize the idea of ​​the profession of a hairdresser; develop cognitive interests; develop speech activity and dialogic speech.

Excursion to the Museum "Living Butterflies".

to give children an idea of ​​the profession of people who work in the museum; arouse cognitive interest in children, the desire to learn new things about butterflies.

Excursion to medical office"The profession is a doctor."

to introduce the professions of a doctor and a nurse, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten employees, to develop observation in children; replenish the dictionary of children with medical terminology, activate verbs, teach children to fully answer questions, find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

Excursion to the library "Profession - librarian".

to form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults; involve parents in the work of familiarizing children with the profession of a librarian; to educate in children responsiveness, respect for the work of adults.

Excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten "Profession - cook"

introduce children to the work of a cook; expand and consolidate knowledge about kitchen utensils.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations:

Journey to Geometry

Clarify children's ideas about geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval and their main features; learn to find geometric images in the environment.

"Solving Problems of Geometric Content"

Learn to solve problems of a geometric nature with ingenuity.

"Comparison of objects by height"

Learn to compare objects in height, establish equality between two groups of objects, distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting.

Educational area "Artistic creativity":


"Coloring Pages - Professions"

Purpose: to develop the desire to select objects for the image according to the plan; to teach to distinguish various forms, to combine ready-made colors and shapes in a drawing.

"What will I be when I grow up?"

Purpose: to continue to develop in children the ability for visual activity (a sense of color, shape, composition); to form skills related to the artistic and figurative reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in drawing.


Album "Professions are different"

Purpose: to continue to form in children an interest in collective activities; select objects for the image in accordance with the plan; develop creative imagination, fantasy.

Plot - role-playing games:


to teach children to develop creative imagination; the ability to jointly deploy the game, coordinating one's own game plan with the plans of peers; to form the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players; reinforce children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in in public places; develop initiative and organizational skills.

"A family"

form an idea of ​​collective farming, family budget, family relationships, joint leisure activities; educate love, benevolent attitude towards family members, interest in their activities.


to arouse in children an interest in the profession of a salesperson, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relations.


Arouse children's interest in the profession of a doctor; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.

"Military base"

continue to acquaint children with military professions; clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what is their service; to cultivate courage, dexterity, the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander; expand children's vocabulary.


form specific ideas about construction, its stages; consolidate knowledge about working professions; to cultivate respect for the work of builders; to form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.


To expand children's knowledge about the school; help children in mastering the expressive means of realizing the role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures); independently create a game environment for the intended game; contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plots of the game; help children learn some moral standards; cultivate fair relations; strengthen forms of courtesy; cultivate friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.


expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser; foster a culture of behavior in public places; respect, polite treatment of elders and each other; to learn to be grateful for the help and service rendered.

Working with parents:

Design of the book "Our Parents' Professions".

Parents held master classes with children. We got acquainted with such professions as: a hairdresser, a doctor, a designer, a military man, a cook.

Project result:

The project “All professions are important, all professions are needed” has realized its tasks.

The results testify to positive changes in children's ideas about the work of adults (knowledge of the direction and structure of specific labor processes, understanding the value of the work of people of different professions, the ability to transfer knowledge about the content and structure of adult work to their own labor activity, understanding the significance of one's work).

During the implementation of the project, such a form of work as a joint, partnership activity of educators, children and parents was clearly manifested. Parents have received important experience that allows them to help their children successfully adapt to new federal state requirements in the process of preparing for schooling.


The program "from birth to school" (edited by N. E. Veraksa)

A comprehensive program for the development of speech for preschoolers (T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina)

“Learning to communicate with a child” (V. A. Petrovsky, A. M. Vinogradova)

“Learn while playing” (A. I. Maksakov, G. A. Tumakova)

Program for the formation of mathematical representations (T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina)

Scenarios for classes environmental education preschoolers (L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova)

Comprehensive classes for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers

(N. V. Korchalovskaya, G. D. Posevina)

"Russian secondary school No. 5"

Project on:


8th grade student

Shepherd Elizabeth


geography and biology teacher

Robul Oksana Nikolaevna

Dubossary city, 2017-2018 academic year year.


1. What is a profession? ............................................... ......................3

2.Profession in my family…………………………………………...4

3. All professions are needed, all professions are important! .............................. 5



1. What is a profession?

If a person does not know to which pier he is on his way,

for him, not a single wind will be favorable.

Seneca Ancient Roman philosopher

What is a profession? Ancient people did not have different professions. Each person had to do everything himself. Men hunted animals, built a dwelling, made weapons, tools, boats. Women collected edible plants, cooked food, made clothes, raised children. The accumulated knowledge and skills were passed down from generation to generation. There was a division of labor, there were professions.

Profession - this is a type of work that requires a certain training, knowledge and skills from a person. And in order to do their job well, a person must know what to do and how to do it. To do this, a person must first learn, i.e. master anyprofession, and then apply the acquired skills and knowledge in the work.

There are a lot of professions in the world, no one can even say exactly how many there are. A profession should be chosen to your liking, should interest a person, then it will bring joy to a person, and the matter will be argued.

2. Profession in my family

My dad is a dentist by profession, he treats teeth, removes and prosthetics. The profession of a dentist is very difficult, it requires a lot of knowledge, requires perseverance, the ability to concentrate and attentive attitude to the patient.

Dad often tells me about his work, how he helps people get a beautiful smile. It seems to me that there is no other such important and noble profession. My dad tries to work conscientiously.

My mother chose the profession of a nurse because as a child she dreamed of working in a hospital. My mom is a paramedic. The nurse must have necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine: to be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and perform other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant. The profession of a nurse is very important. Since the knowledge and experience of a nurse is essential in helping seriously ill patients, as well as for successful various diagnostic manipulations, first aid, which can often save a human life. My mother has all these qualities.

Dad and mom love their profession because it brings kindness. I think the profession medical worker It's an honorable, respectable thing.

I am proud of my parents because they chose a wonderful profession.

3. All professions are needed, all professions are important!

I think that there are no most important and necessary professions in the world. All professions are important and necessary.

Visiting my favorite school every day, I understand how much work teachers put in for each child in order to convey their love for science. After all, thanks to the profession"Teacher", depends on who the child will become in the future. The teacher should be attentive to each student and know the answer to any of his questions.

At school, during a big break, we visit the canteen, where they feed us deliciously. Profession"cook" is very important in life, because only our chefs are responsible for our tasty, healthy, and most importantly, healthy food.

"Hairdressing" art is one of the oldest in the world. Even in ancient times, people knew how to make complex hairstyles and dyed their hair. What is a modern hairdresser? First of all, he is a high-class professional.

Many people think that a hairdresser is not so necessary. After all, we know how to comb our hair, weave pigtails, make ponytails. A hairdresser has to know a lot: how to cut hair, so that a hairstyle suits a person, give advice on hair care, make a beautiful haircut, be able to get along with people. The barber is on his feet all day. Uses various chemicals. The profession is difficult.

There is another wonderful profession"librarian". This is very interesting profession because the librarian is a very wise person. The librarian will always find useful and important information for us.

Profession"doctor", this is a very responsible job. It is the doctor who is responsible for the health and life of his patient. After all, we are vaccinated from birth, thereby protecting us from diseases. The doctor will always provide the first medical care, as well as in very difficult situations will save lives.

Profession« fireman", not only interesting, but also very dangerous, because these people, risking their lives, save another life. And the motto of every firefighter is "to keep the sleeves dry."

"Salesman", must be able to count the goods received, to sell the remaining goods in time, in the ability to foresee what kind of goods people will need. Ability to sell even stale goods; be careful not to miscalculate, not shortchange the buyer; ability to communicate with different people- polite and rude.

And then there are people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. It "drivers" or else they are called« chauffeurs." The most important thing in the profession of a driver is to understand what you you are responsible for the lives of others. A real driver strictly follows the rules traffic, remains calm while moving and is able to take the right decision even in the most dangerous situation on the road.

Profession"builder" very hard and painstaking work. People of this profession must be physically strong, attentive and hardy. After all, thanks to them we have beautiful and durable homes.

There are many professions in the world, but any of them is necessary and important! And as the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said:“Any work, if people need it, is honorable and respected”


During design work I came to the conclusion that the choice future profession It's a serious and difficult matter. There are a huge number of professions in the world, they cover various spheres of human activity, are constantly changing along with the development of society, science and technology, but at the same time, many professions retain their main features and accompany mankind for centuries.

As we grow older, we understand the importance of different professions and that the more popular a profession is among people, the more effort must be made to achieve it.

Having studied the professions of my parents and my inclinations and interests, I concluded:

    The professions of my parents are very necessary and interesting. They are in demand and well paid.

    To get these professions, you need higher or specialized education.

I think the most important thing in life is to help other people when they are in trouble. I don't know yet what I will be when I grow up. But maybe I will also become a doctor like my dad, or a nurse like my mom, I will help treat people. Finding a job you love is very important in your life.

Thomas Carlyle said:"The most miserable of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world."


    Klimov E.A. How to choose a profession. - M .: Publishing house "Enlightenment", 1984. - 160 p., ill.

    Kataeva N. Stories about professions. – Subscription popular science series “Your profession”, issue “Musicians of one orchestra” M.: Publishing house “Knowledge”, 1987. p. 4 - 9.

    Semin A.A. Stories about rare professions. - Subscription popular science series "Your profession", issue "Rare but necessary" M .: Publishing house "Knowledge", 1991. p. 3-29.

    Yurmin G.A. All works are good, choose to taste! - M .: Publishing house "Children's literature", 1986. - p.64., ill.

MDOU kindergarten "Ryabinka"

Project in the senior group

on the topic:

"All professions are needed,

All professions are important...

Educator: Leonova I.A.

Topic: "All professions are important, all professions are important..."

Project type: creative, informational, short-term;

Project participants:children senior group, educators, parents

Children age: 5-6 years old

Problem: From the conversation with the children, it became clear that they have superficial ideas about professions, so we decided to introduce the children to all professions closer. Also, many children do not know the professions of their parents, they cannot name, this indicates that parents do not talk with their children about their work, do not tell why they chose this particular activity.

Project relevance:

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarizing him with values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

What do we know?

Doctor heals people (Arima)

Each person has his own profession (Denis)

Hairdresser doing hair (Alina)

What do we want to know?

How do firefighters rescue people from a burning house? (Denis)

How do the police work? (Denis)

Who is a cynologist, and what does he do? (Denis)

What does an archaeologist do? (Arima)

What is a dentist? (Arima)

How are such tall houses built? (Diana)

What does a teacher do? (Arina)

How do we find out?

The teacher will tell us

Let's ask the parents

Let's watch presentations on this topic

Objective of the project: to expand ideas about the work of people of different professions, to show the results of labor, their social significance, to cultivate respect for working people, the desire to work.

Project objectives:

  1. To expand children's understanding of the variety of professions, specific labor activities
  2. To expand the horizons and cognitive interest of children in professions.
  3. To form respect for the work of adults of different professions.
  4. Determine the importance of professions.
  5. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.
  6. To form a generalized concept of "profession", to enrich the active vocabulary.
  7. Develop attention, memory, thinking.
  8. To cultivate positive motivation for learning, respect for the work of adults.

Expected result:

  • Full knowledge of children of information about professions
  • Understanding the meaning of the word "profession".
  • Children's stories about these professions.
  • The ability to express one's attitude to a particular profession
  • Knowledge of your parents' professions
  • What qualities should people in these professions have?
  • What clothes do people in these professions wear?
  • What technologies and tools do people of these professions use?

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

1. Setting goals and objectives of the project;

2. Select illustrations, video presentations about professions.

3. Find literature about professions

4. Pick up games, songs, dances, poems, finger gymnastics.

5. Prepare excursions in kindergarten.

Main stage:

Speech development: Theme "Professions" (composing a story from pictures).

Carrying out GCD

Playing out didactic and outdoor games on the topic

Solving game situations

Speech development: conversations, work on pictures, work with a dictionary, with proverbs and sayings about work.

Reading fiction about professions, highlighting the main meaning of the work, the ability to ask questions about the text.

Productive activities: drawing, designing, modeling, applique.

Joint activities of the educator with children

Production of educational and didactic aids (didactic games, demonstration material, folders).

Replenishment and updating of game zones.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Work on educational areas

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

DI. "Think about what to call someone who..."

Problem situation "What profession is not needed?"

Watching an informative video of the film: “Know the Bunny about Professions”

Conversation: "What is a profession?"

GCD Drawing "Who do I want to be?"

Morning exercises "Different professions"

P.G. "Cook"

DI. "Name the professions"

S.R.I. "Firefighters"

Cognitive conversation with a problem situation "If it weren't for ..."

Working with a poem

GCD Application "Future firefighters and ballerinas"

DI. "say the opposite"

S.R.I. "We are in the circus"

GCD modeling "Toy clown"

P.G. "the circus"

DI. "say a word"

GCD The world of living and inanimate "Profession cynologist"

Riddles about professions

NOD Application

"Future firefighters and ballerinas"

DI. "who will name the actions more"

GCD FEMP "Repetition"

Poems about professions (analysis)

GCD Application "Dress for a doll"

F.M. "Pilots"

DI. "Who needs what?"

S.R.I. "We play kindergarten"

GCD FEMP "Properties of objects and symbols"

GCD Reading fiction "The Adventure of the Yellow Suitcase"

NOD Plasticineography

"Each profession has its own transport"

P.G. "Professions"

CI "Pronounce it right"

S.R.I. "We are firefighters"

GCD Living and non-living world "Profession - doctor"

Work on the development of speech with proverbs

Listening to military songs

Sports competition between boys and girls

DI. "who can do what?"

Conversation on the topic: "Profession designer-fashion designer"

H.I. "Barmaley"

Interview "Who will I be?"

Additional work "I am a profession"

NOD Reading fiction "The most interesting profession"

GCD Drawing

“My future profession is to treat people!”

DI. "Chain of professions"

Kindergarten tour

Quiz: "There are many good and necessary professions"

Interaction with parents

  1. Questionnaire for parents "Me and my profession"
  2. Replenishment of play areas (dollhouse, study area)
  3. Master class on professions with parents (physical education teacher), (hairdresser)
  4. Advice for parents

The final stage

  • Exhibition of creative works of children
  • Related quizzes
  • Replenishment of the playing area
  • Replenishment of board games
  • Replenishment didactic games on this topic

Thus, we teachers are satisfied with the results of the project. During the project, the children showed interest in the project and asked many interesting questions. Parents with children began to talk about their activities, and children talked about it in kindergarten. Also, the children and I did a big creative work. The children really liked drawing on the topic "My profession is to treat people." All the material on the project topic was collected and systematized.

Preschoolers have a holistic view of the work activity of adults. Children know and name a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about labor, tools, can make a descriptive story about the profession.

Children have become more liberated and independent. In free activities, singing songs is widely used, attributes and outfits are used for this purpose.

Parents have an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, the desire to communicate with the teacher, to participate in the life of the group. Children got acquainted with new professions, such as: cynologist, mechanic, economist, lawyer ... Parents had the opportunity to introduce their profession to all the children of the group.