Abstract of the lesson in the senior group, on environmental education on the topic “Birds of our region. Lesson on ecology in the senior group “Let's talk about birds Summaries of classes on bird ecology

  • 27.05.2020

Abstract of the lesson on ecology in preparatory group"Birds of our land"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about familiar birds, their living conditions, the role of man in the life of wintering and migratory birds; learn to recognize birds by habits, appearance, songs
Equipment: illustrations of wintering, migratory birds; and a set of flight and down feathers; bird voice recording
Vos: Guys, today we will talk about birds.
(I turn on the recording with the voices of birds)
Questions: what birds did you recognize by voice?
Can you hear them now in nature?
Why not?
Why did they fly away?
What food do these birds eat?
Where are the insects now?
To summarize: the birds flew away to warmer climes, as winter came, there was no food for them.
Vos: Name them in one word, show them by pictures. (migratory)
Vos: Now we will go to visit other birds that have not flown away from us. How can we call them in one word? (Winterers). Look at the blackboard who do you see? Children's answers. How did you guess what kind of birds? (Bullfinch - red-breasted, black-winged; crow-important, loud-mouthed; magpie-white-sided, long-tailed, fidget; dove-blue-winged; sparrow-merry, nimble little.
Vos: Let's remember what birds we saw on a walk? Children's answers
Vos: Guys, tell me, are all birds adapted to independent food production?
Find out: All birds are adapted, but in winter there is little food, so they need help
Vos: how can a person help them (Answers of children)
Vos: right, people who love nature feed birds in feeders
Vos: Guess who sings “Blue-blue-blue” (Cracks. Chirps, coos, croaks? Now let's see what the bullfinches do (Glue rowan)
Show how they do it. And what does the sparrow do (Pecks, jumps, flies) and how they do it, show me. And forty? (jumps, jumps in the snow) Show how she does it. Tit? (Sings) Show (In a low and high voice. Pigeons? (cooing: gru-gru) show. Crow (Walks importantly, croaks loudly). We will show.
2. Let's play the game "Guess which bird"
Vos: What is around us (air) When can air be felt? Is it possible to see him (Children wave their arms, bounce, trying to take off)
Vos: Now I will show you the experience. How does this happen. Demonstrates the fall of two sheets of paper, one of them is even and smooth, the other is crumpled and turned into a ball. He asks to explain why a paper ball falls quickly, like a pebble or a ball, and a smooth one slowly. What we conclude: a smooth sheet is light and wide; when falling, it rests on the air, so it can fly a little
Vos: And now, I invite you to think and explain why birds can fly through the air. After the children's statements, the teacher gives the children feathers to examine (Machine and down) and asks questions: how do feathers differ from each other; which of them warms the bird and is called downy; where down feathers grow on the body of a bird; where are the flywheels.
Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
Gently wave our hands
The birds are flying towards us
How they sit down, we'll show
Wings we fold back
(Movements are performed according to the text)
Educator: Winter is a difficult time of the year for all birds, especially in our region. Our winters are cold and frosty. There is no food for them under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. In winter, in order to survive, birds need to eat even more than in summer. Therefore, we must take care of them. After all, the birds faithful friends gardens and forests. We need to support the birds in winter. Come on, what can you feed the birds in winter? CHILDREN: sunflower seeds, melons, pumpkins, oats, millet, wheat bread crumbs. The teacher invites the children to make bird feeders from pre-prepared bags, which everyone hangs on the kindergarten site and puts food there. Educator: guys, did you like our lesson. What did you learn new (children's answers)
Our lesson is over

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  • Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Kolokolchik" of the Yegoryevsky district of the Altai Territory

    Abstract of ecology

    "Feed the Birds in Winter"

    Completed by the educator

    Khoroshilova Svetlana Mikhailovna

    S. Novoegoryevskoe 2014

    Target: expansion and systematization of children's ideas about wintering birds, their lifestyle, connection with environment, the role of man in the life of birds.


      expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of the life of wintering birds;

      to promote the accumulation in children of ideas about wintering birds, to develop cognitive activity;

      activate the vocabulary of children on the topic;

      develop the ability to draw conclusions, establish connections and interactions between man and nature;

      to cultivate a sense of empathy and a desire to help in difficult times.

    Preliminary work:

      bird watching on walks;

      looking at illustrations depicting birds, an album about birds;

      reading books and riddles about the life of birds;

      modeling a bird;

      games "Sparrows and car", "Owl";

      bird watching while walking;

    Materials for GCD:

    Caps for birds, illustrations depicting wintering birds, a letter from the Old Woman-winter, cards for the games “The Fourth Extra”, an audio recording of bird voices.

    Integration of educational areas:

    "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Labor", "Health".

    Planned results:

    He knows how to maintain a conversation about birds, express his point of view, shares various impressions with the teacher and other children. Express positive emotions. Observes the elementary rules of behavior in nature (ways of safe interaction with birds, respect for the environment).

    GCD progress:

    Introductory conversation.

    Guys, what time of year is it?

    What has winter brought with it?

    - Think about it, does everyone like what Zimushka-winter is proud of?

    Winter has a different mood: sometimes it is joyful, sometimes grumpy and even angry.

    - What natural phenomena do you think winter expresses its joy with?

    What natural phenomena winter expresses its anger?

    Reading an excerpt from the story of K. D. Ushinsky "The pranks of the old woman of winter."

    “The old woman winter got angry, she decided to kill every breath from the world. First of all, she began to get to the birds: they bothered her with their cry and squeak. Winter blew cold, tore the leaves from the forests and oak forests and scattered them along the roads. There is nowhere for the birds to go, they began to gather in flocks, to think of a thought. They gathered, shouted and flew over the high mountains, over the blue seas, to warm countries ... "


    Music sounds, birds fly in.

    Educator: Who are you birds? Where?

    I'm in a bright red beret,

    In a gray satin jacket

    I am a friend of all trees,

    And everyone calls me ... (woodpecker)


    Yellow-breasted bird.

    I eat lard and wheat,

    And my name is ... (titmouse)

    I've been catching bugs all day

    I eat worms.

    I'm not flying to a warm land,

    Here, I live under the roof.

    Chick-chirp! Don't be shy

    I am experienced ... (sparrow)


    hello little bird

    Yellow-breasted titmouse.

    Hello, woodpecker, our friend.

    Good afternoon sparrow.

    How did you get here

    After all, the old woman drove away all the birds in the winter?

    Birds: Yes, we wintered here, we didn’t fly anywhere, we are not migratory.

    Educator: Guys, what can we call these brave birds that do not fly away from us in winter?

    Children: Wintering.

    Educator: (to the birds) You suffered a lot of troubles and hardships in the harsh winter, and we have warmth and food waiting for you, come in, have a rest. (Children-birds sit on chairs)

    Educator: What wintering birds do you still know?

    (Crow, magpie, bullfinch, dove, crossbill, nuthatch, waxwing). As the children name the birds, the teacher puts pictures with their image on the board.

    The game "Find out by description."

    1. “On the sides, the feathers of this bird are white, the head and wings are black. The tail is also black, but with a very beautiful green tint, long and straight, like an arrow.


    Educator: Tell me, what nicknames do you know for magpies? (white-sided magpie, chirping magpie, thief magpie, "forest newspaper")

    Why is she called that?

    2. “This is a big, cunning, dexterous and resourceful bird. It does not stand out for the brightness of the color. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and legs are black, and everything else is gray.” (Crow)

    - Why are crows called cunning, resourceful and friendly birds?

    3. “The back of this bird is black. The wings are also black, but with white specks, and the specks on the white abdomen are black. On the head is a bright red beret"

    What is the woodpecker called and why? (Forest doctor)

    4. “The plumage of this bird is bright and beautiful, it seems that the bird is dressed in a yellow blouse with a black tie and a green cloak, and adorned her head with a dark cap”

    - Tell us how the titmouse pecks the seeds?

    5. “The male of this bird has a bluish-gray back, a dazzling white undertail, a black tail and wings with metallic reflections, and a bright red breast. The female is painted more modestly, her breast is not scarlet, but dark gray.

    - What sign about the bullfinch do you know?

    (If bullfinches appeared, the fallen snow will no longer melt)

    - Well done, guys, you know a lot about wintering birds, and now we will rest and play game "The sparrow flew, flew."

    The sparrow flew, flew

    I flew, I flew young

    By - beyond the blue sea.

    I saw, I saw a sparrow,

    I saw, I saw young

    How ... (crows fly, woodpecker knocks, titmouse jump)

    Magpie flies in with a letter, shouting: “News! News! Forest news! Letter for you".

    Educator: Thank you, Magpie, come in, sit down with us. I wonder who wrote the letter to us? Let's read it.

    The forest and fields are covered with snow,

    The earth sleeps under the snowdrifts.

    What do I see - birds in winter!

    Who gave them permission to argue with me?

    There was an order for everyone to fly away,

    No, they stayed for the winter.

    I will now be angry and stricter,

    I will definitely freeze them all!

    However, I will soften, I will not be angry.

    I improved this morning.

    But you must help the birds.

    Which one of you is not averse to work?

    If you agree, then do not yawn,

    Complete my tasks quickly.

    Educator: Guys, did you guess who this letter is from?

    - Let's complete the tasks of the old woman of winter?

    1. The game "The fourth extra"

    Purpose: To form the ability to analyze, find signs of similarity and

    Differences and, on their basis, combine objects with similar features to distinguish from the group an object that differs in some way.

    Sparrow, crow, magpie, rook.

    Tit, sparrow, owl, bullfinch.

    Woodpecker, nuthatch, starling, crossbill.

    Magpie, titmouse, swallow, dove.

    2. The game “Guess which bird sings? »

    3. "Tell poetry."

    Children read a poem by Alexander Yashin.

    Feed the birds in winter!
    Let from all over.
    They will flock to you, like home,
    Stakes on the porch.

    Their food is poor.
    Need a handful of grain
    One handful - and not terrible,
    They will have winter.

    How many of them die - do not count,
    It's hard to see.
    But in our heart there is
    And the birds are warm.

    Is it possible to forget:
    Could fly away
    And stayed for the winter
    Along with people.

    Train the birds in the cold
    To your window
    So that without songs it was not necessary
    We welcome spring!

    Educator: Well done, guys, you have completed all the tasks of the old woman of winter. Now she won't freeze the birds.

    - Tell me, what is the worst thing for birds in winter, cold or hunger?

    What needs to be done to help the birds survive the hard winter? (Make feeders and pour food there)

    - In order to properly feed the birds, it is necessary to observe some regulations:

    - during feeding, do not litter, do not leave on the street plastic bags, cans, boxes;

    - feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, the birds will fly by this time;

    - feed the birds regularly, daily, you can not feed from time to time, it is in the cold that food is needed every day in order for the birds to survive;

    - put a little food, just in order to feed, support in difficult times.

    What are we going to feed the birds with?

    (Seeds of various plants: oats, millet are pecked only by sparrows, bread crumbs are also suitable for them; besides seeds, titmouse put lard or meat.)

    - Guys, today on a walk we will hang up the feeders that your dads made, and we will help the birds survive the winter. If we take care of the birds in winter, the birds will take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc. in summer.


      Aleshina N.V. "Introducing preschoolers to the environment"

      Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. "Summaries of classes in senior group kindergarten. Ecology” — T.Ts. "Teacher" Voronezh, 2004

      Veraksy N. E., T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school." Approximate basic general education program preschool education- M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.

      Dybina O.V. "Classes on familiarization with the outside world" - M .: Mosaic-Sintez, 2011.

      Lobodina N.V. Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Senior group / - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.


    Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson

    on environmental education

    with older children preschool age

    Educator Bashenko I.V.

    Topic: "Come, birds, to your native land"

    Target : To form children's ideas about migratory birds, Systematize and deepen children's knowledge of birds, distinguish between wintering and migratory birds. To consolidate knowledge about the role of birds in human life.


    Educational: Develop observational and creative skills of pupils; develop attention, memory, logical thinking, speech of children.

    Developing: : To acquaint with the legends about the bird, to teach to convey their impressions of the works they heard in visual activity; develop cognitive interests.

    Educational: To instill in children a love of literature, respect for birds, the desire to protect them. Cause joy and pleasure from bird watching, listening to works of art. Cultivate love and respect for nature.

    Physical development: Exercise children in game motor exercises, improve motor skills.

    Speech development : Enrich the vocabulary of children, improve articulation, improve the ability to build a story, guided by a plan, learn to compose and guess riddles; support the desire to recite poems by heart.

    Preliminary work: reading stories, legends about birds; looking at illustrations, reading fiction; learning poems, riddles.

    Material and equipment : illustrations, maps - diagrams for compiling descriptive stories and riddles, audio recording of bird singing,colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, scissors, glue.

    Lesson progress: The teacher begins the lesson with a riddle:

    I open my kidneys
    into green leaves.
    I dress the trees, I water the crops,
    Movement is full, they call me ...

    The snow turns black in the meadow,
    The weather is getting warmer every day.
    Time to put the sled in the pantry.
    What time of year is this?

    Educator: Do you think spring has already arrived?What signs did you notice the arrival of spring?

    (Children substantiate their answers by listing the signs of spring: the snow has melted, it has become warmer outside, the grass is turning green, buds are appearing on the trees, warm countries birds are flying).

    Educator: And what birds come back to us from the south?(Children list birds, naming migratory ones. In case of a mistake, the teacher turns to other children for help).

    Educator: Today I invite you to a garden near the house. Close your eyes and listen carefully to the sounds of spring.

    (Sounds of bird singing.)

    The teacher invites the children to look at the diagram card and guess the riddle.

    She lives under roofs
    He builds his nest out of clay,
    Busy all day long
    Doesn't sit on the ground
    Flying high in the clouds
    Midges eat on the fly,
    In a black tailcoat, honey,
    And it's called?…. .(Martin)

    Educator: What birds are we talking about now?(About migratory). Why are they called that? And why don't the swallows spend the winter with us?(Children explain, justifying their answer).

    Can you guess what kind of bird it is?

    Doesn't care about kids
    Looking for nests on branches:

    unlucky girlfriend,
    And her name is...(Cuckoo)

    Please tell us about this bird:

    Children consider a diagram card, naming the characteristic features of this bird.

    - This bird is small in size,

    - plumage black color,

    -lives in a birdhouse

    -does not hibernate

    - feeds on insects.

    This is a starling.

    Remember the poem we learned:

    G. Ladonshchikov. Spring song.

    Haven't sung a drop yet,
    The stream rang on the pavement,
    When they flew from warm countries
    Starlings are cheerful home.

    More Alyonka and Alyoshka
    From the sun squinted in a dream,
    When the starling is over their window
    Suddenly he sang a song about spring.

    He praised the clear day of April,
    My dear birdhouse
    Yes, so skillfully sprinkled trills,
    What not to be able and a nightingale.

    Slowly opening the window
    The guys listen to the starling.
    The cat listened to the singer,
    With a kitten sitting on the porch.

    Dynamic pause "Starlings"

    Oh, the starlings were flying.
    Everyone flew, sang songs,
    Wings flapped. (Mahi hands)

    They sat down on the ground,
    They ate the worms. (Turn towards the feeder)

    Key, key, key, key, (squat down)

    Key, key, key, key,
    how i love worms. (Index fingers tap on the floor)

    Clean up the feathers
    To be cleaner. (Rub your forearms with your hands, as if hugging yourself)

    Like this, like this
    Like this, like this
    To be cleaner.

    Jumping on the branches
    To become stronger children.(turn towards the trees outside the windows)

    Jump-jump, jump-jump,
    Jump-jump, jump-jump,
    We jump on the branches.

    Then the dog came running
    And scared away all the starlings (Turn towards the dog - a toy or a picture)

    Woof-woof-woof, the starlings took off,
    And they flew into the birdhouse.(Mahi hands)

    Educator: Well, now tell me what kind of bird built its nest:

    Sharp, red long nose,

    But a huge nest

    Still knows how to build.


    Yes, these birds have already arrived from warm lands. And they even wintered in Africa. They had to overcome a difficult path, although storks from the south fly very fast, 30 km per hour.

    (The teacher asks the children if they know where the storks build their nests?)

    At home. On the tree. On a pole.

    Educator: This bird settles only with kind people, and if he built a nest on the house, then the owner is pleased with this, because the stork brings happiness, peace, harmony to the house, and a child can also be born in the family. If the stork's nest was destroyed, people believed, all sorts of troubles could befall the attacker, even the house could burn down.

    Preschoolers also learn that the father, the stork, is the first to return from the warm regions - he chooses a place, builds a nest, and only then the mother, the stork, arrives, lays eggs, and storks appear from them. A bird family can settle in the same nest for several years in a row if it likes the owners.


    Stork is a huge bird:
    The wingspan is gigantic.
    The stork nests on the towers,
    And high houses

    Settles closer to people
    Like a sparrow and a goldfinch...
    He is offended by nature -
    He has no voice!

    Just not developed ligaments,
    What is responsible for the cry ...
    Crack your beak without fear
    The stork is used to it from birth!

    Loves - not fruits, not sweets -
    Lizards, toads and mice...
    He brings happiness to people.
    And - sometimes - babies! ..

    Educator: Now look carefully: what color does the stork have legs and beak?(Of red color). If you want to know why this is so, then listen to the legend:

    "The Legend of the Stork"

    In one village, people found a wounded stork, cured him and released him into the wild. Once a house caught fire in the village, and there were two boys in it, whose parents had not yet come from work. At this time, a stork flew past the house. He circled over the house, gurgled plaintively and rushed into open window through which smoke was already swirling. The stork took out the babies, but burned his legs and beak very much - they became bloody, and burned his wings - their tips blackened like coals. The owners thanked the savior and attached a wheel from a cart to the top of the tree so that the stork would always build a nest here and hatch chicks.

    Mobile game "Stork and Frogs"

    A stork walks through the swamp, bending its legs high, and frogs jump. Once close to the storks, the frogs run into the water. Whoever the stork catches is out of the game.

    Educator: I see that you like this wonderful bird - the stork. Protect him, because whoever offends the stork will do great harm. The people have always loved and respected the stork. Birds were embroidered and painted. And storks, although they winter in distant warm lands, annually return to us, because this land is native to them, their nests are here, and here they breed their chicks. And nowII suggest you make a beautiful spring

    application "Storks". We will perform this application using cotton pads, the storks will turn out to be voluminous and fluffy. But first, let's get our hands ready for work.

    Finger gymnastics "Birds"

    Fingers - the head of a bird, palms - wings.(Thumbs are interlaced, the rest are closed). The bird sits on the ground. So she took off and flew up, and now she flew to the right, went down, flew to the left. Here the bird flies slowly, faster, even faster, and again slows down the flight. She quietly sank to the ground.

    The teacher explains the order of execution.

    Draw and cut out all the details. Make the head and body of the stork from cotton pads. Beak, eyes - made of paper.

    Glue the tree and the nest first.

    Now add one bird.

    Glue the sun and the second bird, then the third.

    Children perform the application, at the end of the lesson an exhibition of children's works is organized.

    Educator: You have wonderful birds. May the stork bring you much happiness and health on its wings.

    Ecology lesson

    Senior group

    Topic: plant travel

    Target : the formation of children's ideas about the structure, growth, development and seed propagation of plants.


    Exercise in guessing riddles;

    Expand children's ideas about the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flowers) and their functions;

    To consolidate the idea of ​​the change of seasons;

    Develop imagination and logical thinking;

    Learn to plant seeds

    Start a series of experiments and research on the cultivation of various plants;

    To cultivate interest and caring attitude towards growing plants and nature in general.

    materials : pictures with plants, yarrow herbarium with a structure diagram, music "The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, white sheet, bags of water and biscuits, a spray bottle with water, a toy bee on a stick, hats - flowers, a bag of sensations, a home garden and tools, a collection of seeds, a watering can with water, a table with a seed planting scheme.

    Literature : the program of education and training in kindergarten edited by Vasilyeva, scenarios for classes on environmental education of preschoolers senior group, L.G. Gorkova, A.V. Kochergin, L.A. Obukhova; N Ryzhova "Growing up together" method of organizing children's research on growing plants in a preschool institution.

    P preliminary work: a series of observations of plants - trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, etc.; observation of the features of the appearance of plants; collecting seeds and compiling a collection of seeds; children learn poems, soak seeds for their quick germination.

    Lesson progress

    Children wash their hands before class.

    The children come in and sit on the chairs.

    Introductory conversation.

    AT: Hello guys!Greet your guests.

    AT: We respect nature

    We care and understand.

    Us at any time of the year

    Wise nature teaches.

    Birds learn to sing

    Spiders of patience.

    Bees in the field and garden

    They teach us how to work.

    Reflection in water

    Teaches us truth.

    The sun teaches kindness

    Weasel, justice.

    Us trees of all kinds

    They teach strong friendship.

    Nature all year round

    Need to be trained.

    AT: Today we guys will talk about extraordinary travelers. And in order to understand what kind of travelers these are, I will ask you to listen carefully to the riddles and find answers:

    Planted a seed - raised the sun. Sunflower

    Delicious earrings grew on a tree,

    Round and red, slightly sour.

    To not waste words

    Let's just say: it's... cherries)

    What tree is with you
    Will we decorate in winter? ( Spruce)

    She has a curly tail
    Long, thin, pointed nose!
    This red bastard
    Not a fox, but... carrot!

    AT: Well done boys! Solved all the riddles about plants. We have already talked about the fact that plants are called plants because they grow all the time. Plants grow all around us. Look, there are a lot of indoor plants in the group. In the garden - vegetables grow, in the park - trees and shrubs. Surrounds us around vegetable world. Plants grow in all countries, on all continents, on our entire planet.

    But how is it that plants have spread everywhere, because they do not have legs. How does it happen that a tree grows, and then suddenly another tree grows next to it? This is what we will learn about today.

    Main part

    1. plant structure

    AT: Consider, please, this picture.

    All plants look different, but almost all of them have common organs:

    Here are the roots. Why do you think the plant needs them?

    The children answer.

    This is a stem or trunk. What function does it perform?

    The children answer.

    These are leaves. What are they needed for?

    The children answer.

    This is a flower. It decorates this plant very much, but this is not its main task. After the flower has pollinated, faded, a fruit with seeds is formed in its place. There are plants whose seeds can fly with the help of the wind, some seeds are carried with the help of animals. People also help many plants to travel: they collect seeds in one place, and they can plant them in a completely different place. This is how plants travel.

    2. Didactic game"Seed Germination"

    AT: Let's play?

    I want to offer you a new game called "Sprouting a Seed".

    Erokhina Nastya, Zhigunova Nastya, Koltyreva Nastya,

    Varvara and Sasha come up to me and imagine that you have turned into a seed of some plant.

    These girls will be our seeds, and the rest will help me.

    What seed have you become? (the question is asked to each child).

    Autumn has come...A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds” P.I. Tchaikovsky, on the screen pictures of autumn.

    The seeds are already ripe and have fallen to the ground.

    The children sit on the carpet.

    Valeria Yulusova recites a poem:

    Sparrow V.Stepanov

    Autumn looked into the garden
    The birds have flown away.
    Outside the window rustling in the morning
    Yellow blizzards.
    Under the feet of the first ice
    Crumbles, breaks.
    The sparrow in the garden will sigh
    And sing -
    He is shy.

    Seeds are preparing for a long winter rest. To start life in the spring, after a long winter, each seed has its own supply of food.

    The teacher distributes bags of water and cookies to the children.

    But in order to survive and develop into a strong and healthy plant, the seeds do not eat their food supply until the spring rains.

    Winter has come… A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds” P.I. Tchaikovsky, pictures of winter on the screen.

    Marina Kharitonova recites a poem:

    Blanket A. Corinthian

    - Why, dear, does it snow in winter?
    - Nature weaves a blanket out of it!
    - A blanket, mom? And why is it?!
    - Without him, the earth would become cold!
    - And who, dear, should look for warmth in it ?!
    - For those who have to spend the winter:
    Baby seeds, grains of bread,
    Roots of blades of grass, cereals and flowers.

    In winter, the seeds dormant. Snowflakes are spinning in a round dance, and the snow covers each seed with a soft, fluffy blanket.

    The teacher covers the children with a sheet, which depict the seeds.

    Spring has come…A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds” P.I. Tchaikovsky, pictures of spring on the screen.

    Kudryashov Vova recites a poem:


    Spring sends greetings with a smile
    awakened nature;
    Everything after the winter storms and troubles
    Breathe free.
    Powerlessly angry and grumbling,
    Winter, wicked old woman,
    Runs from the hot beam
    Burning under the sun.

    The snow has melted.

    The teacher removes the sheet from the children.

    The sun gradually warms the earth, and the seeds slowly wake up.

    Children begin to stir and yawn.

    Here comes the first spring rain.

    Spray with water from a spray bottle.

    The seeds have roots.

    Children stretch their legs.

    Seeds began to use food reserves.

    Children eat cookies and drink water.

    Food added strength to the seeds, they had the energy to germinate from under the ground. Sprouts pull their leaves towards the sunlight. The sprouts sway and rejoice in the sun.

    Children raise their hands up, shake them. They smile.

    Summer has come... A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds” P.I. Tchaikovsky, summer pictures on the screen.

    Kitova Kristina recites a poem:

    Summer song T. Belozerov

    Summer laughs again
    In an open window
    And the sun and the light
    Full, full, full!
    Again panties and t-shirts
    They lie on the shore
    And the lawns bask
    In chamomile snow!

    Plants have grown big. They got flowers.

    Children stand up, put flowers on their heads.

    Insects fly to the flowers.

    The teacher guides the bee, which collects nectar from each flower.

    But summer, alas, ends, autumn is getting closer. Flowers fall off.

    Children take flowers.

    In place of flowers pollinated by insects, fruits appear.

    Children spread their arms to the sides, depicting the fetus.

    The fruit gets bigger and bigger, then it ripens and falls to the ground.

    Children depict this process with the help of movements.

    And inside the fetus are ... what?

    Children: seeds.

    The teacher reads the poem. On the screen again autumn.

    Quietly the summer is leaving
    dressed in leaves.
    And stay somewhere
    in a dream and in reality:
    silver fly
    in spider webs
    not drunk mug
    steam milk.
    And a glass stream
    And the warm earth
    and above the forest glade
    buzzing bumblebee.

    Autumn comes quietly
    dressed in mist.
    She brings with her
    rains from different countries.
    And heaps of yellow leaves
    and mushroom flavor
    and dampness in dark holes.

    And somewhere behind the wall
    alarm clock until dawn
    chirping on the table:
    "Until the bu-du-sche-th-le-ta,
    to bu-du-sche-go le ... "

    Tim Sobakin

    And everything starts over.

    3. Reproduction of plants.

    AT: Here we are with you guys not only played the game "Seed Germination", but also saw how plants reproduce by seeds.

    This process is called -plant propagation. Children repeat.

    AT: Plants reproduce not only by seeds, there are other ways, but we will learn about them in the next lessons.

    4. Physical education

    AT: Something we sat up, let's get up and play a game.

    We are leaves, we are leaves

    We are autumn leaves.

    We were sitting on branches

    Children form a circle

    The wind blew - they flew.

    Run around the room

    We flew, we flew

    Run flapping wings

    All the leaves are so tired!

    And fell on chairs.

    They sit on chairs.

    5. Didactic game "Whose seed is this?"

    AT: A magical bag of sensations came to visit us today. There is something inside it. What is it you have to guess?

    Each child puts his hand into the bag and takes out dummies of fruits and vegetables, seeds of some plants. The child must name what kind of fruit or seed of which plant it is. If a child has a model of a fetus, he must find his seed on a plate.

    6. Home garden

    AT: Each of you has seeds, and now we will plant them in our home garden, which we have prepared before.

    The teacher with the children moves to a corner of nature.

    AT: some seeds we pre-soaked for quick germination.

    Children plant seeds in their home garden. Watered with warm water. Wash their hands.

    AT: I will record everything in this table, and then you, like real scientists, will observe your seeds, how they sprout, grow, draw scientific conclusions, and take care of them.

    7. Summing up.

    What fun did we do today?

    The children answer.

    What new did you learn today?

    The children answer.

    AT: Let's join hands.

    Let's be friends with each other

    Like a bird with the sky

    Like a field with a meadow

    Like the wind with the sea

    Grass with rain

    How friendly the sun is with all of us!

    Let's strive for it

    To be loved

    Both the beast and the bird

    And they trusted us everywhere

    As the most faithful to your friends!

    Let's be

    Protect the planet!

    There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

    There is only one in the whole universe

    It is given to us for life and friendship!

    AT.: Thanks guys. Our lesson has come to an end.

    Svetlana Gorodnyanskaya
    Abstract of the lesson on ecology on the topic "Birds"

    Kantemirovsky orphanage

    Ecology lesson.

    Topic: « Birds» .

    caregiver: Gorodnyanskaya S.I.

    Software content. Continue to consolidate and systematize knowledge about birds.

    Activate Dictionary: migratory, wintering, songbirds.

    Develop an interest in life birds. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    preliminary work:

    1. Observation birds while walking.

    2. Riddles.

    Material: Illustrations and photographs depicting birds, bird flocks; records "Vote birds» , a graphical model with generalized features birds.

    Lesson progress:

    1. Children sit at tables.

    2. Riddles:

    Apples on the branches in winter

    Collect them quickly!

    And suddenly apples fluttered, after all. (Bullfinches)

    I've been catching bugs all day

    I eat insects, worms.

    I don't fly away for the winter

    I live under the ledge. (Sparrow)

    On a pine tree, in a dense forest

    Sitting carpenter with a chisel:

    In a frilly shirt

    In a red cap. (Woodpecker)

    He comes every year

    Where the house is waiting.

    Who is our meeting dedicated to? Yes, just what there are no birds! (See illustrations and photographs). What time of year more birds. What is called birds who fly to warmer climes for the winter? What about those who stay with us? And what kind of wintering birds you know? And why are so many birds fly away? Maybe they are afraid of the cold? Let's discuss. We already know that in autumn many insects disappear: either die or hide. So if birds eat insects... (they have nothing to feed themselves in winter). And what insectivores birds you know? How to distinguish them? Do not know? By beak: it is straight, elongated, pointed, so that it is more convenient to catch insects. Look at the photos. Here is a starling, a bullfinch, a sparrow, a woodpecker.

    What happens if we don't have birds?

    How can we help birds?

    How can we help birds in spring(build birdhouses with moms and dads, hang pieces of cotton wool and fur on bushes and tree branches)


    The birds were flying

    By itself small.

    How did they fly

    All the people were watching.

    How did they sit down

    All the people were amazed.

    Sit down, sit down

    Soared, flew

    The songs were sung.

    Do you want to know which birds return to us first, and which last?

    The teacher reads the story of V. Bianchi "Arrival, flight, flight". Who's to say what birds arrive first, and which are the last. And who flies north in the spring?

    Didactic game "Arrived birds» .

    I will now only call birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake, then I need to be stopped. So. Begin:

    Arrived birds:

    pigeons, tits

    flies and swifts

    storks, crows

    jackdaws, pasta.

    Sparrows, cuckoos

    Mosquitoes and owls.

    Arrived birds:

    Pigeons, tits

    Jackdaws and swifts

    Chibis, siskins

    Storks, cuckoos

    Even the owls

    Swans, starlings.

    All of you are great!

    Didactic game "Which extra bird» - work with illustrations. From migratory birds choose and name the wintering one.

    Didactic game "Do you know"

    1. Who has the most beautiful tail?

    2. Who has the longest neck?

    3. Who has the longest legs?

    4. Who has the biggest eyes?

    5. Who has the longest beak?

    6. Who sings the best?

    7. Who flies the highest?

    Bird This is a wonderful creation of nature. Pro birds compose many songs, poems, legends, fairy tales. I propose to draw fragments of fairy tales about birds.

    Related publications:

    Abstract of the integrated lesson on ecology "Migratory birds" (older age) Synopsis of an integrated lesson on ecology in the senior group " Migratory birds» Purpose: to continue to develop and consolidate knowledge about migratory activities.

    Synopsis of an integrated lesson on ecology in the middle group "Migratory birds" Purpose: To introduce children to migratory birds. Objectives: Educational - to introduce appearance migratory birds and their way of life; Developing.

    The form: Complex lesson. Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the spring forest and wild animals living in our forest. Tasks: Educational: 1.

    Topic: "Poultry" Objectives: 1. Development of coordination of movements with a change in tempo depending on the tempo of the music. 2. Improving the function of breathing.

    Tasks: Form generalized ideas about birds Continue to instill interest in all living things Develop the ability to compare, establish.