Projects dhow migratory birds speech development. Project for children of the senior group "Migratory birds" project (senior group) on the topic. Collective collage "Birds are our friends"

  • 20.05.2020

Project "Migratory Birds"

Senior group №2

Children's age: 5-6 years

Project type: cognitive and playful.

Project participants: children of the senior group, educators, parents.

Implementation period: from 16.10 - 27.10.2017

Project relevance: The ecological education of preschoolers by means of familiarization with birds was not chosen by chance. We are so accustomed to birds that sometimes we do not notice. But they are nearby and often need our attention and protection. There are probably no more amazing creatures of nature in the world than birds. Looking at their flight, a person has always strived for the sky. There are birds that are well known to all people. These are crows, jackdaws, sparrows, rooks and some others. There are birds that we know about and only hear their voices in the forest. And there are those that we have never heard of, and perhaps we will never hear of - they have become so rare.

Now, more than ever, the question is environmental education preschoolers. We are deeply convinced that it is necessary to inculcate love for nature from an early age.

Objective of the project:

To create conditions for the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about the varieties of migratory birds, to form a careful attitude towards them.


Cognitive development:

To acquaint children with the life of migratory birds in natural conditions: nutrition, adaptation to the environment.

Fix the idea of appearance, body parts.

Speech development:

Activate the names of birds and chicks in speech.

Exercise in the use of comparisons, the selection of definitions for a given word.

Learn to write a descriptive story about birds using diagrams.

Continue to learn to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles about birds; memorize small poems, independently compose riddles-descriptions.

Social and communicative development:

Exercise in the use of acquired knowledge in independent gaming activities.

Develop role play.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

To teach, using familiar means of expression, to convey the characteristic features of the appearance of birds.

Raise the desire to listen to musical works about birds. Transmit the characteristics of birds with the help of movements and voices.

Physical development:

To develop the motor activity of children through outdoor games, game exercises.


1 Preparatory

2 Main

3 Final

Actions of teachers

Children's actions

Member actions


(formulation of the problem

Planning, forecasting the results, products of the project)

To determine the current knowledge of children about birds. to generate interest in solving the problem.

Methodological support of the project.

Information support of the project.

Providing the project with visual materials.

Planning for future work.

Determine the level of knowledge on a given topic through conversations, surveys.

Demonstration of illustrations on the topic.

Selection of fiction, video films, educational cartoons, musical works by foreign composers (M. Glinka "The Lark", S. Maykapara "Dance of the Birds");

Production, selection of didactic manuals on the topic


Consider illustrations. discuss,

speak out on this topic. They watch birds for a walk and on weekends with their parents. Under the guidance of teachers, they decide to check the correctness of their answers.

Together with the children, they consider illustrative material and observe the object of research - birds. Read the proposed fiction.



project activity, step-by-step assessment)

Tasks: Summarize children's ideas about the characteristic features of birds.

Develop expressiveness of speech, motor skills of hands.

To form the idea that birds adapt to changes in weather conditions. Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.

Conducting classes, talks about migratory birds;

Discussion of stories about birds. Determination of the playing space, game motivation;

Selection of games;

Participation in games with children.

Organization of a drawing competition;

Preparation and holding of the competition of readers.

Acquaintance with birds;

Excursion to the park and around the territory kindergarten.

Discussion of illustrations, postcards about birds;

Reading and memorizing poems about birds; Singing songs "Andrey the Sparrow" by E. Telecheeva, "Where do finches winter?" M. Plyatskovsky, "Bird House". Y. Razumovsky.

Writing stories, riddles for children about birds. Participation in the game: "Guess what kind of bird?" (shadow images);

Participation in didactic, developing, speech, outdoor games ("Owl", "Mouse Kite"). Reading competition: "Poetic lines about birds."

Participation in the excursion;

Help in making figurines, shadow images of birds. Reading poems about birds. Riddles about birds. Participation in games;

Assistance in the production of manuals for games Participation in the competition of drawings;

Assistance in the production of decorations;

Participation in the competition of readers: “Poetic lines about birds.



Develop creative abilities. Cultivate independence in various types activities. Increase the degree of socialization of the individual.

Posts information about the project and its results. Organizes an exhibition of children's works for parents and children. Quiz "Day of birds" Organize a discussion of new knowledge and skills. Make a decision about the prospects of the project.

Show your work to your parents. Under the guidance of a teacher, new knowledge about birds is consolidated. Participation in the quiz "Bird Day"

Get acquainted with the products of children's activities.

Photo report:

Compilation of stories based on pictures

Preparation for the exhibition "Birds"

Modeling with plasticine "Birds" (bullfinch and titmouse)

Collective collage "Birds are our friends"

Mobile game "Kite and Mice"

Quiz "What I learned interesting about birds"

"Titmouse Day" in our group

Exhibition of crafts with parents "Such different birds"

The final stage
- Exhibition of children's drawings "Birds are our friends"
- Making a collective collage "Migratory birds"
- Conducting a quiz "What I learned interesting about birds"

Results of project activities:
- children have significantly increased their active vocabulary on the topic "Migratory birds";
- children began to treat birds more carefully, concluded that they should be taken care of in the winter;
All parents were involved in the educational process.

Completed by: teacher Sergeeva O.V.

Cognitive - speech project « Migratory birds»

Head: teacher Sergeeva O.V.

According to the dominant activity: cognitive, creative, playful.

duration: short term (3 weeks)

Participants: children of the senior group, educators of the group, parents, music director.

Problem: children do not have enough knowledge about migratory birds, vocabulary is poor.

Objective of the project:

  • the formation in children of ideas about the features of the life of migratory birds
  • development of cognitive interest in native nature
  • education of careful and caring attitude to birds
  • development in children of a steady interest in Russian folk culture in the process of getting acquainted with folk customs and traditions.

Project objectives:

  • expand and consolidate ideas about the appearance and body parts of migratory birds
  • expand and consolidate ideas about the life of migratory birds in natural conditions and adaptation to their habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after the flight
  • introduce children to the concepts: fly wedge , "chain" , "flock"
  • develop logical skills: proof, synthesis, analysis
  • establish causal relationships, learn to draw conclusions
  • nurture interest in wildlife, develop curiosity
  • make children want to get acquainted with oral folk art
  • develop artistic and creative activity
  • to instill in children a sense of belonging to Russian culture, a society that cherishes its past as a heritage.

Integration educational areas: Cognition, Communication,

Reading Fiction, Music, Artistic Creativity,

Physical culture, Socialization.

Expected Result:

  • Children will develop knowledge about the life of migratory birds.
  • Children will develop a steady interest in wildlife, in the culture of the Russian people.
  • Children's knowledge of oral folk art, songs.
  • Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Stage 1. Organizational.

Project activity Tasks Implementation timeline

Studying the level of knowledge on the topic Determine the current knowledge of children about migratory birds 7-8 days of the day before the start of the project

Selection of methodological literature Methodological support of the project 6 days before the start of the project

Selection of fiction Information support of the project Within a week before the start of the project

Production, selection of teaching aids on the topic Providing the project with visual materials Within a week before the start of the project

Writing class notes Planning upcoming work Within a week before the start of the project

Stage 2. Practical.

Educational areas Activities

Cognition Watching birds while walking.

Occupation "Migratory birds" .

Experiences "Why do they say" Like water off a duck's back? , How are bird feathers arranged? .

Di "Name the migratory birds" , "Name the chicks of migratory birds" , "Collect a picture" , "Whose tail?" , "Whose beak?" , "Fourth is superfluous"

Physical culture Complex of morning exercises "Birds and Insects" .

Outdoor games "Bird Flight" "Owl" , "Birds in Nests" , "Bird one, bird two" , "Duck" .

Physical education minutes "Empty birdhouse" , "The birds began to gather" .

Communication Drawing up a story based on a painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" .

Riddles about migratory birds.

Memorizing a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Country Song" .

Acquaintance with proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Artistic creativity "A palace is on the pole, a singer is in the palace" .

Application "Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard" .

Drawing "A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us" .

Music Listen to music that imitates the voices of birds.

Learning a round dance "Oh, the water runs like a stream" .

Learning music. games "Starling" .

Reading fiction Reading stories by D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey neck" .

G.Snegirev "Birds of our forests" .

V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar" , "Whose nose is better" .

Collaboration with parents Consultation for parents "Want to know everything" .

Create an album .

Stage 3. Final

Project activity Tasks

Holiday “Spring-red we meet, we invite you to visit!” Generalize and systematize knowledge about migratory birds. To form a steady interest in wildlife, in Russian folklore.

Exhibition of children's works. Present the result of the creative activity of children.

Album presentation "Migratory birds of our forest" To promote the desire to talk about birds, to express their emotions.

Performance evaluation: During the implementation of the joint project "Migratory birds" certain results have been achieved:

  • A stable knowledge about the life of migratory birds has been formed.
  • Interest in oral folk arts and crafts has been created.
  • Partnerships have been established between children and parents through joint activities during the implementation of the project.

Project type : information - creative.

Project participants : children of the 12th group, educators, parents.


Every year, within the framework of the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" program, the "International Day of Birds" is held. And it is no coincidence that this day is celebrated in April - the month of the mass return of birds from wintering.

In Russia, the holiday has a long tradition. In the old (old style) "Monthly Book" there are such holidays as March 9 - "The Day of the Meeting of Migratory Birds", March 17 - "Gerasim the Rookery", May 6 - "Day of the Swallow", etc.

Information received in the process joint work with parents, allows you to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about birds, serves to form a careful attitude towards birds, the realization that it is necessary to care for birds. It is very important for a child to be able to evaluate human behavior in nature in relation to all animals, to express their opinion on this problem.


  • to form children's ideas about the features of the life of migratory birds;
  • develop cognitive interest in native nature;
  • to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds;
  • encourage and support independent birdwatching.


  • expand and consolidate ideas about the appearance and body parts of migratory birds;
  • expand and consolidate children's ideas about the life of migratory birds in natural conditions and adaptability to their habitat;
  • educate interest in wildlife, develop curiosity;
  • develop artistic and creative activity;
  • to teach to establish causal relationships between changes in natural conditions and the habits of birds.

Types of activities and forms of work

Game activity

Didactic games:

"Who lives where? ”, “Wintering, migratory birds”, “Name what bird”, “Who eats what? "," The fourth extra.

Word games:

“Continue the sentence”, “Which word does not fit?”, “Correct the mistake”.

Cognitive and socio-communicative development

conversations:"What do we know about birds?", « Why migratory birds leave us in autumn ?», « Why do birds fly to warmer climes?

storytelling based on the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived".

reading fiction: G. A. Skrebitsky "Rooks" "Winged neighbors", N. Sladkov "Birds brought spring", fairy tales: "The Fox and the Crane", V. Bianchi "Bird Calendar", "What the magpie saw", "Who sings with what" , "Bird Talk", M. Prishvin "Guests".

reading and learning proverbs and sayings about birds.

situational conversations: "What happens if you destroy a bird's nest?",

audition singing different birds,

productive activity


"Rook" (work done with charcoal)

"White swans on the lake" (non-traditional mixed media)

Modeling:"Black Swan"

Stock production of prohibition signs - “Do not destroy bird nests”, “Do not catch birds”, “A car hitting birds is prohibited!” and etc.


paper - "Black Rook" (origami)

from the material of the Lego constructor "Birds"

Vera Beloglazova

Project« Migratory birds»

Integration of educational areas

"Knowledge", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Reading Fiction". "Music"

Type of project


Target project

Form at children generalized view of migratory birds, their habitats. Develop an interest in life birds.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about the appearance and parts of the body migratory birds;

Expand and consolidate ideas about life migratory birds in natural conditions and adaptation to their environment a habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after flight;

Development of visual and tactile perception, visual memory, attention;

To consolidate the ability of visual examination and the ability to analyze, classify objects according to their main features, visually distinguish and name groups items with similar features;

Learning visual and finger gymnasts;

introduce children with concepts: fly wedge, "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Raise interest in wildlife, develop curiosity;

Activate joint activities parents and children.

Age of preschoolers: 5 – 6 years (senior group )

Members project: children, typhlopedagogue, educators groups, parents.

Approximate duration project

Short: 10 days.

Estimated result

At children knowledge about life migratory birds in natural conditions.

At children there will be a steady interest in wildlife.

Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Implementation project.

Sections project

Types of children's activities

Game activity

Role-playing game: "Forest School".

Didactic games: "What is this bird» (classification birds on migratory, wintering); "A fourth extra?"; "Who eats what?" (pick up food)

"Guess whose footprints?"; "Guess silhouette bird» ; "Find whose house?"; "Find a part of the whole".

Board games: "Feed birds» , "LOTTO", "Logic chains".

Speech development

"An Evening of Mysteries", “Lesson on the topic « Migratory birds» , "Education retelling"The Nest Builders"(improvement of skills paraphrase using diagrams, “Compilation of a story based on the painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"", reading poems about birds and learning poems for the holiday, reading stories, fairy tales.

Game exercises: "Whose tail?" (a rook's tail, etc.); "Who will become who?", "Who has who?", "Who takes care of whom?", learning finger gymnastics "Martin", "Woodpecker", rhymes "The cuckoo flew past the garden...", "Burn, burn brightly..."

Reading fiction

Setting up a book corner collection of postcards, reading by V. Bianchi "Bird Calendar", "What the magpie saw", "Who sings what", "Bird Talk"; A. Tumbasov "Nest", G. Skrebitsky "Winged Neighbors", I. Tokmakova "Ten flock of birds", G. Snegirev « Birds of our forests» , N. Sladkov "Starlings - well done", V. Flint « Birds in our forest» , M. Prishvin "Guests", O. Dries "Bird Feast".

Artistic and aesthetic development

Application « Birds» .

Modeling from puff pastry "Larks".

paper construction "The Rooks Have Arrived", from natural material "Little Birds".

Decorative drawing

"Decorate the bird".

Drawing using strokes and stencils, coloring contour images, drawing by dots, through tracing paper.

Game exercises for the development of visual perception "What didn't the artist draw?", "Finish the image", "Drawing on semolina", "Laying out pebbles, buttons along the contour", folding cut pictures, "Labyrinths", viewing "noisy pictures"

Labor activity

Collection of natural materials for crafts. Collection of houses for birds.

Directly educational activities

Acquaintance with birds, their habits, listening to the singing of different birds, identifying them by voice. Observation of the appearance of insects. Expansion of ideas about the Earth, about its inhabitants, who need our support and care. Education for love birds desire to help them. Communion children to folk art learn to make riddles.

social development

Examination of nests, hanging on the site birdhouse groups.

Physical development

Russian folk games: "Geese", "Owl and birds", "Kite".

mobile game « flight of birds» , "Frogs and herons", "Flying, flying sparrow", "Find Your Nest", "Owl".

Theatrical play

“Ah, gotcha, bird, stop!”, "Martin".

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Learning songs, dances, games; listening to the romance of the Russian composer A. Alyabyev "Lark".

Interaction with parents

co-creation children and parents in the design bird festival groups, making costumes, birdhouses, selecting material for a book, making handicrafts for an exhibition from recycled material.

Creating a book-album « Migratory birds» .

Teachers, children, parents worked on the creation of a book-album « Migratory birds» , in which information about life and habitation migratory birds, games, sketches, logical tasks.

Bottom line design activity was a holiday at which pupils groups share their knowledge with guests.

List of used literature:

1. Bondarenko T. M. « Complex classes middle kindergarten group» . A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions Voronezh: PE Lakotsenin S. S., 2007

2. Granovich M. Educational games. "Thematic classes « Migratory and wintering birds» .

3. Davydova G. N. "Plasticineography. Animal painting».- M.: OOO "Publishing House Scriptorium 2003", 2009

4. Computer atlas determinant birds, bird nests and voices middle lane birds.

5. Lobodina N. V. “Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Medium Group. publishing house: Teacher. Series: FGT in DOW: from theory to practice. 2012

6. "Silhouettes birds in vector» .

7. "Animal footprints, footprints birds» .

8. Shvaiko G.S. Classes in visual activity in the children's garden: Medium Group: Program, abstracts. M.: VLADOS, 2000

Bulygina Valentina Nikolaevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 12 "Sun"

Project "Migratory Birds"

Project relevance: In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude to nature and the world around.
Forming a humane attitude towards nature, I try to ensure that every child realizes that man and nature are interconnected, therefore, caring for nature, for example, birds, is caring for a person, his future.
My task is to bring the children together with their parents to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the friends of our little ones.

Objective of the project: Clarify and expand children's ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring.

Project objectives:

- To give children new knowledge about migratory birds, to develop the ability to compare and generalize the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.
– Analyze the impact of the change of seasons on the life of birds, classify birds into wintering and migratory.
- To educate children in respect for nature, to teach them to take care of birds.

Predicted results:

During the project, children will develop a positive attitude towards wildlife and, in particular, towards birds. During the conversations, children learn a lot about their habitat, food, nesting. Children learn to make their own short stories about birds and their chicks. Together with parents, they will show a creative approach in productive activities. The children will become more attentive, kind and caring to the birds.

Project participants: Children 5-6 years old, educators, parents.

The first stage of the project "Preparatory"

Pick up visual material, pick up fiction on the topic for reading, didactic games, riddles about birds, information for conversations.

The second stage of the project "Phase of activity"

Types of children's activities:

Socio-communicative development

Creation of game, training situations “Choosing material and tools for work-building a feeder”, “Arrived, not arrived”, “Find and describe”, “Spring has come, brought games”

Theatrical activity: dramatization of an excerpt of a work
V. Orlov "Crow".

Didactic games “Whose beak”, “Draw”, “Whose chick”, “Who is screaming like?”, “Whose nest?”, “What kind of bird?”, “The fourth extra”.

Outdoor games " Geese - geese”,“ Sparrows and a car ”,“ Owl ”,“ Pigeons ”,“ Burn-burn brightly ”,“ Bees and a swallow ”,“ Flight of birds ”.

Role-playing games "Pet Shop", "Doctor Aibolit".

Examination of posters, cards "Migratory and wintering birds."


Conversations: “How to help the birds in spring”, “Who winters where?”, “What can not be done in the forest?”

Drawing up a story based on plot pictures on the topic " New house for starlings"

Reading fiction:

Russian folklore. “Nikolinka-gusachok”, “Knock on an oak tree - a blue swift flies”, “Rooks - kirichi”, “You are a little bird, you are a stray ...”, “Swallow-swallow”.

Tales and stories about birds: "The Frog Princess", "Swan Geese"
"Finist - a clear falcon", "Cuckoo", G.Kh. Andersen " Ugly duck”, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck", etc., V. Bianchi "Stories", etc.

Memorizing incantations, poems about birds:

Dear songbird, dear swallow,
You returned home from your native land.
Above the window winds with a live song:
“I brought spring and the sun with me.”

Bird above my window
The bird's nest is nesting,
That straw drags in the legs,
That fluff she carries.

Reading riddles, proverbs and signs:

All migratory birds are blacker,
Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields,
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird is called ... (rook).

Like a fox among animals
This is the bird of all cunning,
Hiding in green crowns,
And her name is ... (crow)

“Every bird is proud of its feather”, “Every bird is full of its beak”, “A swallow begins spring, a nightingale ends summer”, “I saw a starling - spring is at the porch”, “The nightingale sings for a month, and a crow croaks all year round”, “They cut down the bushes Farewell, birds!

Crows bathe in sand, water - for an early warming; the birds sang in the rain - soon it will be clear; if a woodpecker knocks in March, spring will be late; if the sparrow is ruffled - to frost, smoothes the feathers - to warmth; pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

cognitive development

GCD on the topic "How a person protects nature"

Viewing the children's environmental magazine "Svirel"

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten "Ready to meet the birds?"

Watching the video: "Bird Calls"

Titmouse sisters, tap dance aunts,
Kulichki-muzhiks, starlings-well done,
Fly to us from across the sea, bring the red spring!
With silk grass, with pearl dew,
With a warm sun, with a grain of wheat!

Birds are dear to us, as a part of the wonderful nature of Russia. Their melodic cheerful, sonorous songs, bright plumage enliven nature, instill in us joy, cheerfulness.

Presentation "Birds of our Motherland"

Visual activity (Productive activity)

Drawing "Migratory birds", coloring pictures
"Our Feathered Friends"

Application "Fairytale bird"

Designing paper birds using the origami method

Modeling "Birds on the feeder"

Conversation on the content of V. Bianchi's story "The Foundling"

Conversation with children based on the story by D. Volgin “The Feathers of the Curonian
braids" from the magazine "Svirel"

- V. Zhukovsky. "Lark"

- E. Nosov "Like a crow on the roof got lost"

- V. Bianchi "Masters without an ax"

- V. Stepanov "Birds in verse"

- N. Sladkov "Lentil Bird".

Working with parents

Newspaper for parents "Children about birds"

Folder - mover "Bird Protection"

Advice for parents: "Child and birds: teach to love",

"On the need to teach children proper behavior in the forest",

"For children to be kind."

The third stage "Presentation"

  1. Presentation of the project "Migratory birds"
  2. Announcement of the contest of parent-child crafts: "Our feathered friends."

  1. Conducting an ecological landing "Young Ecologists"
  2. Creation of the album "All about birds".
  3. Direct educational activities with children on the topic.

Don't destroy the bird's nest

The bird is so happy in its home.

She is calm in the nest and then,

When the storm is angry over the grove. K. Kuliev

Love birds! Protect them!