Write a story about an autumn morning. Composition on the topic: "Autumn morning outside the window." Compose a short story on the topic "Morning in the autumn forest ..."

  • 02.04.2020

Write a short story on the topic morning in the autumn forest ...

write a short story on the topic "Morning in autumn forest»using key words - quietly. not a breeze. leaves are falling. birds are flying away. 6 sentences morning came in the autumn forest. in the morning it is so quiet and peaceful. you can hear how the leaves fall from young trees and lie on the slightly damp earth soaked with rain. there is no wind in the autumn forest. birds are already flying south to warm their little chilled wings. I really love the forest in autumn.

Compose a short story on the topic "Morning in the autumn forest ..."

Morning. In the autumn forest, colorful leaves fall from the trees. Quietly, calmly, not a breeze is heard, not the noisy streams of a small river, only in the distance are heard the last cries of rooks, nightingales, cranes ... Birds fly south. There they will spend the whole winter, but in the spring they will return again.

A story on the topic Morning in the autumn forest using key words ...

Morning. Silence in the forest. You can't hear the birds singing. The breeze naughty and then fell asleep. Yellow leaves slowly swirl in the air. Rowan is standing in a red dress. Thin cobwebs stretch from tree to tree. Dry leaves crunch underfoot. The air is filled with freshness.

How to write a story Morning in the autumn forest with supporting words quietly?

autumn forestRussian languagetheme of the storymorning0Complain—>AnswerGood question? Like it! 0More likes - more replies! Share this question with your friends: ZnaychikFor each answer - thank you very much, +1 to the rating and +100500 to karma! =) Answers to the question: 0 + 10 to your popularity per answer The audience of the site asks questions every minute. Do you know the answers to them?

Dilnaza Aug 31 2015, 11:33:06 (3 years ago) Rating + 0 - Good question 0 Complaint Reply + 0 - Potapovaalenka Aug 31, 2015 2015, 13:05:12 (3 years ago) In the morning in the autumn forest it is very quiet, you can not hear the breeze, nor how the leaves fall. The birds have all flown south. And it became a little sad and cold already. It's good in the forest in the morning. Freshly. You can get away from pressing problems. Go and think. And at the same time, think nothing.

Help me come up with a story on the theme of morning in the autumn forest.

Morning has come in the autumn forest. in the morning it is so quiet and peaceful. you can hear how the leaves fall from young trees and lie on the slightly damp earth soaked with rain. there is no wind in the autumn forest. birds are already flying south to warm their little chilled wings. I really love the forest in autumn.

They were asked to write an essay on the topic: "Morning in the autumn forest" with ...

Next question >> It's morning in the forest. like a carpet. Leaves fall from the trees, leaving the trees bare. But soon, winter will replace autumn

Literature: Compose a short story on the topic "morning ..."

It's quiet in the forest on an autumn morning. Walking along the paths, you can hear the leaves falling. You can watch the birds fly away. The weather is so good that there is no breeze or clouds. Rate the answer

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Morning in the autumn forest story

Morning in the autumn forest in the morning in the forest very beautifully vague forest, as it were, comes to life, wakes up from a bit of sleep, the birds begin to chirk, the squirrels jump all the morning starts in the forest throughout the forest, the birds are sober, as it were, it would be very naked to me almost naked on the extensions of Ross with droplets. SAD IN AUTUMN

A story on the theme of MORNING in the autumn forest. supporting words. quiet, not ...

In the morning in the autumn forest it is very quiet, not a breeze is heard, nor how the leaves fall. The birds have all flown south. And it became a little sad and cold already. It's good in the forest in the morning. Freshly. You can get away from pressing problems. Go and think. And at the same time, think nothing.

How to write a story Morning in the autumn forest with supporting ...

write a short story on the topic of morning in the autumn forest, using reference words: quietly, not a breeze, leaves are falling, birds are flying away A beautiful Autumn forest! The trees have shed their leaves, the birds are flying away. I hear the whistle of a hazel grouse. A small tit squeaked over a tall oak tree. Suddenly a crow croaked muffledly. The autumn forest fell silent.

Make up a short story on the topic "Morning in the autumn ...

The autumn forest is beautiful! The trees have shed their leaves, the birds are flying away. When you walk through the autumn forest, you feel as if you are in a fairy tale. From the spruce forest I hear the whistle of a hazel grouse. excellent student Answer 2: Autumn morning has come. Leaves fall quietly, birds fly away, no noise or breeze, but only the cries of birds are heard. Sasha and Yura went to the autumn forest and made a bouquet of leaves. And they gave them to their mothers, good autumn in the forest! I like autumn.

Please help me write a short story on the topic morning ...

Compose a short story on the topic “Morning in the autumn forest”, using the key words: quietly, not a breeze, leaves are falling, birds are flying away. Quiet morning in the autumn forest. Not a single sound can be heard, not a breath of wind. The leaves just fall quietly. The beauty!
Yellow, crimson leaves cover the ground with a motley carpet. Already full of eyes!
Let's look at the high blue sky, and see how the birds fly away to distant lands, to the south, so that after wintering there, they will return to their native lands again in the spring.

A story on the theme of MORNING in the autumn forest. Key words. Quiet, no.

The composition “Autumn Forest” or “Forest in Autumn” How beautiful it is in the autumn forest! Trees and bushes were dressed up in different colors: golden yellow, cherry red, dark green. Among the motley colorful foliage, black or blinding white trunks stand out clearly. Each tree has its own special outfit, its own shades of flowers. It all depends on his breed.

Autumn morning. What does the poet say about silence? Morning in the autumn forest

Detailed solution part 1 (page) 79 in literature for grade 2 students, authors Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. 2018 1. Have you ever watched autumn leaves fall from trees? Tell. Compare your impressions with those of M. Prishvin.

Write a short story on the topic of morning in the autumn forest ...

After a hot, sonorous summer, the autumn forest looks unusually quiet: leaves fall silently, birds fly south, and therefore the usual cheerful hubbub and fussy chirping are not heard, and it seems that the air seems to have frozen - not a breeze anywhere. Didn't find the right answer?

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A short story on the theme of morning in the autumn forest


What a beautiful autumn morning! The sun, waking up, caresses the golden foliage with its rays. Nature is painted with all the colors of autumn.

Here the bashful mountain ash plays with crimson. Bright berries in yellow-red foliage, like lights. There will be something to profit from thrushes in the winter cold. Cheerful sparrows chirp loudly, rejoice in the last warm, autumn days. Either they jump from branch to branch, or they drive in small flocks around the yard. The wind picks up yellow leaves from the alley and circles them, as if playing. The trees whisper softly. Their colorful leaves tremble, they want to dance with the playful wind. The mischievous one played out more and tore off several leaves from the birch. Flew, circling in the dance, pale yellow ballerinas.

Important, unhurried clouds float across the sky. From time to time they hide the autumn sun behind them. It becomes sad and depressing. Gray houses seem gloomy. But as soon as the sun shows its ray from behind the clouds, the colors come to life. As if the artist picked up a brush and paints and painted everything around!

A gusty wind came up. The clouds ran faster and the sun is almost invisible. The low sky darkened. The first drops of rain fell. Now they were drumming on the windowsill, faster and faster. This capricious beauty autumn cried, shedding tears. Doesn't want to give way to winter. The birds calmed down, and the cat hid under the bench. Small puddles appeared with many blurring circles on the surface. Passers-by hide under wide caps of umbrellas. The street was enveloped in a real autumn mood.

But now, a timid sunbeam broke through the menacing clouds and looked into the room. Blurred silhouettes of the autumn landscape are visible through the wet glass. The horizon turned pinkish blue with dark patches of dove-gray clouds. The rain gradually subsided. Now small droplets glow amber, hanging from the branches. Wet leaves lit up even brighter in the morning light. Orange, yellow, golden, brown, reddish and yellow-green clothes of trees seemed to sparkle outside the window. What a beauty!

Autumn is not always gloomy. How many bright colors gave us this morning. Autumn is also the aroma of ripe apples, blooming chrysanthemums and wet leaves. It is only in autumn that the clouds sink so low that it seems that they can be reached by hand. Nature puts on her most expensive dress. Amber and rubies are scattered around. The earth is covered with a golden carpet, preparing for winter sleep. Beautiful poems and paintings are created in autumn. Any artist will envy such a palette of colors as in autumn. Many poets are inspired by this wonderful time of the year. And even the autumn morning rain is beautiful in its own way.

Unforgettable summer days are warmed by the rays of the gentle sun, fanned by the fresh wind, washed by the cool rain. These are the days of green grass, sweet fruits and radiant flowers. Summer is the most beautiful time of the year. In summer it is beautiful both at the sea and in the mountains, but it is best in the summer in the morning forest.

Morning in the forest always comes quickly and unexpectedly. The queen of the night still reigns in the dormant forest - and then in an instant morning dew appears on the grass, leaves of trees and shrubs, which are stretched by branches, startled. Birds, waking up from their sleep, fill the air with their songs, fly up to the tops of the trees. The red sun emerges from behind the forest, and the birds joyfully greet it with discord. The majestic sun opens the scarlet mantle, the stars grow pale, and after a while they disappear along with the silver moon.

The first rays of the sun, the morning dew and the singing of birds awaken the forest flowers: they wake up from the dew, raise their heads and pull them towards the sun. The scent of the flowers awakens the butterflies, which begin to flutter their colorful wings.

There are trees around me, the whole air is saturated with the scent of pine. High overhead between the pine branches, I see a turquoise sky and a shining sun. And here is the lawn, where the sun's rays penetrate little. On the green carpet of grass are bright red strawberries, as if someone had lost bright beads. I sit down on the grass, lean my back against a tree and try to make out between the dense tops of the forest a piece of the sky or a ray of the sun.

The fresh morning breeze, playfully flying between the trees, dries up the remaining dew, which sparkles in the sun with gemstones.

Life begins to seethe in the forest. Ants wake up and start running back and forth in a chain, collecting food; the rumble of bees and bumblebees is heard in the air, spiders scurry their web in the hope of finding prey.

The voices of the forest birds become louder, as if they greet the morning sun, rejoicing in the new day. A hare appeared from behind a bush, looking closely at something delicious to eat. It is hard to notice, it is disguised as summer colors. A bunch of rotten leaves stirred. A hedgehog from a large family appears from it: it's time to start the morning hunt.

Looking closely among the dense branches, you can see a red squirrel with a fluffy tail. This animal is very resourceful: although winter is just around the corner, she already has a hiding place full of tasty and healthy food.

Next to me I saw a bump. Rejecting it, a small mushroom appeared to my eyes, which timidly showed its right to exist in the summer forest.

A real paradise in the summer forest: the air is clean and fresh, you want to breathe deeply. The bright pink sky turns to light turquoise, and then to pure blue. A fresh summer morning changes into a bright summer day. It floats far beyond the horizon, only to return again after a long summer day and a short summer night.

Quiet autumn morning. Wake up in the village, slowly roll over onto another barrel, lie down and look out the window. You lie like that for a long time, and you don’t want to get out from under the warm blanket. You don't want to, but you have to. You get up, throwing on a raincoat and pulling on warm socks, you run outside to wash yourself. You leave the house, and on the street a fairy tale. Nature put on her most colorful dress. You will reach the well, wash yourself with cold water, it smells like rotten leaves, and you think: "Here it is - the smell of autumn!" Returning to the hut, you will find an old grandmother's sweater in the chest, put on a warm hat, rubber boots, take a basket, put a knife, bread, a compass and matches in your bag. You lock the door and go into the forest, you go quickly, but quietly.

You entered the forest and immediately you are blinded by a bright carpet of autumn leaves. You are walking through the forest and thinking about something of your own, about what warms your soul, when you suddenly hear a rustle and freeze for a moment. You try to find the reason, you turn your head to the right and to the left, your gaze stops at some small animal jumping on the ground, it turns out that it is a squirrel. You go further and find the first mushroom - a boletus, admire it for a long time and only then carefully cut it off, trying not to damage the mycelium. And here is another mushroom, and another, running from one mushroom to another. And so a whole basket of mushrooms is recruited. Deciding to take a break, you sit down under a tree, take out bread from your bag and eat half of the piece. You sit under a tree for a long time, you are warm and comfortable. Then you get up and, having found a birch, hug it, gain strength. Something inside warms your soul. Full of energy, go home.

You carefully step on the golden leaves, when you suddenly stop and peer into the amber distance. You see a hare running somewhere in the distance, followed by a fox, you involuntarily smile and continue on your way. For a second it may seem that you are in a golden palace. Everything around is shining, thin birch trunks, bent from moisture, form arches, and wide oaks, like relief columns, stand impregnably for many years and will stand for centuries to come. Only spruce stands out from this endless cycle of red, yellow, red, brown, gold, amber leaves. She stands like a throne for the queen of nature herself. Silence... You only hear the leaves rustle in the air and under your feet. And time seemed to stop ... Suddenly, knock-knock-knock, the woodpecker began his work. And again the chirping of birds, again the smell of rotting leaves. Coming out of the forest, you turn to face him and bow to the ground. Tears of happiness appear before your eyes by themselves, you wipe them with a long sleeve of a sweater that smells of home, native fields and forests, lakes and rivers, and it seems that the warmth of someone's very familiar hands warms your cheeks.

Entering the yard, you go into the hut and heat the stove, make yourself tea, sit on the porch and, sipping from a mug, look at the sunset, at the leaves, which, like birds, just plucked from a branch, hang for a second in the air and fall, spinning in slow waltz. You sit like this for a long time, it’s already getting dark, and you sit and think about your own, and time is not important for you ...