Scenario of autumn entertainment for the middle group “A walk in the autumn forest. "How Animals Gathered Mushrooms"

  • 13.11.2019

Tatiana Zhovnitskaya
Leisure summary "Everyone has a mother" (middle group)

Target: establishing emotional contact between teachers and parents, parents and children.

Program content:

Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from a joint event.

Encourage children and parents to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten and the group.

To instill in children a benevolent attitude and love for their mother, to cultivate respect for family traditions and values.

Preliminary work: a conversation about mom, about helping parents in the family, reading poems and stories about mom.

Materials and equipment: a projector, a laptop, recordings of “backing tracks” of songs, hats of animals (mouse, fox, bear, hedgehog, squirrel) for the scene “How animals gathered mushrooms”, hats for the game “Turnip”, postcards made by children.

Members: educators, pupils and parents of the group "Rainbow" GBOU School No. 2075.

Presenter 1: Dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we invited you to our hall so that you can forget your worries and household chores for at least one evening, feel like the most beloved and dear Mom!

Today is a holiday, and on a holiday it is customary to give gifts. We decided not to deviate from this wonderful tradition and at the very beginning of our holiday to make you a gift. Attention to the screen.

Video report with the participation of children "My mother!"

Did you like the gift? Now meet your children!

Children, holding hands, enter the hall to the music and become a semicircle.

Host 2: Today, on Mother's Day, we welcome you to our hall and want to please you with our performances. And they were prepared by your dearest and most beloved, most charming children.

1 child: I smile like a mother

Just as I frown stubbornly,

I have the same nose

And the same hair color!

2 child: The word mom is precious

Mom is to be cherished!

With her kindness and care

It's easier for us to live in the world!

3 child: Dear mothers,

We love you very much!

Song about mom

We'll sing now!

Performance of the song "Trees do not make noise" (Filipenko, Vologina).

Presenter 1: Who loves you children dearly,

Who will console, snuggle,

Who cares, caresses,

Gently shakes in his arms,

Sings good songs

In the morning at Kindergarten leads?

Children in chorus: Mother!

Host 2: That's right, mom. Mom is the closest and dearest person for each of us. Mom worries the most, rejoices most of all at our successes and loves us always ...

To the music, the children stand scattered around the hall.

Dance "Once a palm, two palms ..." (composer Evgenia Zaritskaya and poet Igor Shevchuk). After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Host 2: Mom, mommy ... How much warmth is in this beautiful word, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. Do not forget, children, that mothers should be protected and kind words should be spoken more often. And now I'll check how well you know polite words!

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm (thank you)

Even the stump will turn green.

When he hears a good (day)

If you can't eat anymore,

Tell mommy (thank you)

When scolded for pranks,

Say sorry (please)

I am absolutely calm for your mothers, you will be polite with them.

Presenter 1: What is the most important thing for a child? This, of course, is a home and a mother who is always there. How many nights have you mothers spent in cribs! As soon as they heard the children's cry, they jumped out of bed. And I think it will not be difficult for you to recognize your child by voice.

Now your children will cry like in childhood. But don't worry, they will make-believe crying. You need to guess your baby's cry. Which of the children I put my hand on the shoulder, he should cry, making the sounds "wa - wah." A mother who recognizes her child raises her hand.

Dear mothers! I want to wish you that this is the last baby cry you will hear!

We dress children with hats of animals (mouse, fox, bear, hedgehog, squirrel).

Host 2: Children, mothers read books to you. Your mothers also read fairy tales of their mothers. And now we will check how your mothers remember them.

Grandfather planted (turnip)

Scratch the bottom of the barrel, mark the barns and scrape on (kolobok)

Which fairy tale has a stove, a river and an apple tree (geese - swans)

I sit high, I look far, do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie (Masha and the Bear)

Standing in a field (teremok)

Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox. Get out, fox, get out. (zayushkina hut)

Grandfather beat - beat did not break, grandmother beat - beat did not break (hen Ryaba)

What good fellows our mothers, remember and know all fairy tales.

Mother's Day is celebrated in autumn. And I know one interesting story that happened just at this time of the year. Let's tell mothers a story.

Child: Mom used to be

She read us bedtime stories

We switched roles

And we'll tell our own story!

"How Animals Gathered Mushrooms"

Leading: Mushrooms grew in a small forest. A mouse ran past and saw mushrooms.

Mouse: These are beautiful mushrooms

I'll take them to my daughter!

Leading: What are you, mouse, what are you, mouse!

You ask the kids, all the guys say:

Children in chorus: Mice don't eat mushrooms!

Leading: A fox ran past and saw mushrooms.

Fox: That's how many mushrooms are here!

I'll take it to my daughters!

Leading: Oh, fox, don't!

Do not feed, fox, foxes!

All the guys say:

Children in chorus: Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Leading: The bear passed by, almost crushed the mushrooms!

Bear: Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here!

Eat them, let them warm the blood!

Leading: You are a funny, lazy bear!

You ask the kids

All the guys say:

Children in chorus: Bears don't eat mushrooms!

Leading: A hedgehog with a squirrel ran through and saw mushrooms.

We ask our guys: do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children in chorus: Yes!

Leading: Do squirrels eat mushrooms?

Children in chorus: Yes!

Squirrel: Dry my mushrooms

I'm on a sharp bitch.

Hedgehog: I'll take my mushrooms

Straight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

Child: There are different mothers

On our planet,

The kids love them

Children also love.

Are in the world

Mothers are childish;

There are dogs

There are cats.

But every mother

For a native son -

Most important,


The heroes of the scene sing one verse of the song "The hedgehog has mommy ..."

Presenter 1: And now it's time to play.

Game "Turnip" (a team of parents and a team of children).

Host 2: We played, rested, and now I would like you guys to show your mothers how smart and savvy you are. I know riddles about my mother and now I will guess them. And you listen carefully and try to guess them.

1. These balls on a string

Don't you want to try on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box (beads)

2. In my mother's ears sparkle

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Silver drops - crumbs

Jewelry (earrings)

3. This food is for everyone

Mom will cook for dinner.

And the ladle is right there -

Pour into bowls (soup)

4. Mom's striped beast

The saucer will beg for sour cream,

And eat a little

Our (cat) purrs

Presenter 1: Guys, we see that you love your mothers, and, of course, you are pleased when your mother is cheerful, when the smile does not leave her face. So try to upset your mothers as little as possible so that they are always beautiful and happy, like today on this holiday. And another dance for moms!

Children stand scattered around the hall at the beginning of the music, squat down, hands under the cheek, “sleep”. Dance "Sponges with a bow, eyebrows with a house ..."

After the dance, the children stay where they are.

Host 2: We are the mothers of our kind smiles

We will collect in a huge bouquet,

For you, dear, beloved,

We are singing a song today.

Child: Our mom is having a holiday

We bring her flowers

congratulations to mom

Let's sing a song.

And in this song

Few words at all

We love mom very much

Let's say this to everyone!

Children sing the song "Mom, Mom, Mom ..."

Host 2: Our holiday is over

What else can we say?

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you health!

Children in chorus: Don't get sick, don't get old

Never get angry!

So young

Stay forever!

Child: We thought for a long time, decided

What to give our mothers

After all, a gift to our mothers

Should be unusual.

Presenter 1: For our mothers, we would like to give stars and the sun. But the best gift for them is the one made by the hands of their beloved children. It's time for gifts (children hand out cards).

Well, our holiday has come to an end. We hope both kids and moms enjoy it! We wish you smiles and happiness. May there always be peace in your home and smiles of children! See you soon!

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle

yellow leaf on the palm,
It used to be green
He flew into our window,
Why did he turn yellow?
Whom friends do not ask
They say it's coming...

Children: Autumn!

Presenter: Autumn is a very beautiful time. The trees are dressed in bright festive attire and are so colorful and solemn. I propose to go for a walk in autumn forest, want to?

I hope we will see a lot of interesting things in the forest clearings. What should we ride on, because the forest is far away? Let's get on the train! ( children stand one after another and go around the hall at a stomping step, when they reach their seats, they sit down)

Presenter: We traveled by train, reached the forest. Stop! We've arrived!

(curtain opens)

Presenter: Here we are in the autumn forest. Look how beautiful!

1. Autumn has come to us again along the paths.
She began to dress up in golden dresses
And a slender birch, and bushes,
And under each bush-mushrooms.

2. Rustled with leaves Thin aspens
Autumn is golden, They look into the puddles ...
The sun no longer warms, raindrops on the branches
Starlings are flying away ... Hanging with beads.

Presenter: These are the beautiful leaves scattered by the wind along the paths.

Distributes to children and says:

Autumn leaves fly and spin
Multi-colored rain falls on the ground ...
Leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves fly in the wind ...
And the children walked through the forest and collected leaves.
The leaves are so beautiful on an autumn day!
We will show the dance now with our leaves.

"Dance with leaves" (with the end of the music they put the leaves on the floor and go to their places)

Presenter: Autumn is very beautiful painted the leaves in different colors. Let's play with leaves.

Game - attraction: "Collect leaves" (3 children collect leaves of the same color in a basket)

Presenter: Hey guys, it's starting to rain! Let's sing a song for him so he doesn't wet us.

Song: "Rain" (NEAR THE CHAIRS)

Presenter: The rain is over. The sun came out and it got warmer. Let's sit on the chairs, relax and listen to autumn poems.

1. What time of year?

The weather is gloomy

Leaves fall,

The birds are flying away.

The cloud covered the sun

This autumn has arrived!

2. It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard as in the sun.
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders ...
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...

3. Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle.
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everyone is flying! It must be
Our summer is flying by.

4. Yellow paint someone
Painted the forests
For some reason they became
Below the sky
Blazed brighter
Tassels of rowan.
All flowers withered
Only fresh wormwood.
I asked my dad:
- What happened all of a sudden?
And dad answered:
It's autumn, friend.

5. Autumn. Frosty in the morning.
In the groves yellow leaf fall.
Leaves near the birch
They lie like a golden carpet.
In puddles, the ice is transparent blue.
There is white frost on the leaves.

6. Autumn. All our poor garden is sprinkled,
Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;
Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys
Brushes bright red withering mountain ash ...

Presenter: Guys, look how many mushrooms are in our forest clearing, let's see the scene “How the animals collected mushrooms”

Scene "How the animals gathered mushrooms"

Presenter: grew upmushrooms in a small forest. And they are so different. A mouse ran past and saw a mushroom.

Mouse (child ) Here are beautiful mushrooms! I will get them for my daughter.

Presenter: What are you, mouse! What are you, mouse!
You ask the kids.
All the guys say

Children: Mice don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: The fox ran past
And I saw mushrooms.

Fox: That's how many fungi are here,
I will collect for my sons.

presenter : Oh, little fox, don't!
Don't feed the fox cubs!
All the guys say...

Children: Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: The wolf passed by
Almost crushed the mushrooms.

Wolf: Oh, how many mushrooms are here!
I would love to eat them all!

Presenter: Gray wolf, don't be ridiculous
And ask the guys.
All the guys say

Children: Wolves don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: Hedgehog ran past
And I saw mushrooms
Let's ask our guys
Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes, they eat!

Hedgehog: (collects in a basket) I'll take my mushrooms to the hedgehog children in the bushes.

Presenter: Let's go and we guys will wander through the forest, pick mushrooms ...

They collect mushrooms in a basket, give it to the hedgehog and say goodbye to him.

Presenter: good fairy tale we got it. And now let's play the game "Amanita" (A fly agaric hat is put on for one child)

The game "Amanita"

(They sit down. Lesovichok enters)

Lesovichok : Oh what a noise! What happened? Why are there so many children here?

presenter : We came to the autumn forest to admire nature, to celebrate the golden autumn holiday.

Lesovichok: And I am Lesovichok, I keep order in the forest and do not like it when animals and birds are offended. And among you guys, there are no such children? I have been living here for a long time, but I still cannot stop admiring these beauties. And autumn is my favorite time of the year.

Presenter: What are you, Lesovichok, our guys protect nature, do not make noise in the forest, do not break trees and love autumn very much. Here, listen to what song they learned for the holiday.

The song "Autumn, autumn has come"

Lesovichok: So, you really love the forest and autumn, since you learned such a song! Do you want me to introduce you to the Queen of Autumn? Where is my magic wand? Autumn, Autumn! We ask you to visit!

Enter Autumn Autumn: I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for a holiday, And I brought different leaves to the guys!I heard, guys, what songs you are, you sing about me, you tell poems. I really liked it. (Rain noise sounds) Again the rain came running after me !!

Autumn: Along the paths, along the paths
Raindrops are falling from the sky.
Yes, the rain does not scare us:
Umbrella saves from the rain!

Dance with umbrellas

Autumn: And now to us, children,

It's time to play!

the game

Lesovichok: Autumn, I know that you have fun with the guys, but I hear that someone needs help in the forest, let's go faster.Autumn: Guys, thank you for a great holiday! But it's time for us to part. Accept gifts from me! (Gives a fruit basket)Lesovichok: Goodbye guys!

Presenter: Guys, it's time for us to return from the magical forest to kindergarten. Get on the train and go! (leave for group)

Autumn Festival in the younger group. Scenario

Autumn entertainment "Visiting Autumn" for children junior group

Marchenko Olga Ivanovna,
Musical director of MBDOU kindergarten No. 13 MOSCHR village Shabelskoye

Material Description: Scenario autumn fun for children of the younger group of kindergarten. The scenario in their work can be used by educators, music directors.

Target: creation of a favorable emotional state in children through musical, motor and cognitive activities.

Equipment: autumn leaflets made of colored paper, masks of a hedgehog, fox, squirrel, bear, mouse, hedgehog toy, mushrooms, models of fruits and vegetables, 2 cars.

Entertainment progress

What a beautiful autumn
What a golden carpet!
And visit today guys
The autumn holiday has come to us.

The song "Autumn will come to visit us" op. E. Gomonova

Guys, do you want to visit Autumn?
Children. Yes
And now guys, we all get into the autumn locomotive
So that he would take us to the forest as soon as possible!
Adventures are ahead of us
Let's all say "Happy Journey"
Music sounds, the children ride in a circle, then sit on the chairs

Guys, we are in the forest.
Autumn Festival - in the forest
Light and fun.
Here are the decorations
Autumn is here!
Guys, look what beautiful autumn leaves.
/look at the papers in their hands/
Want to play with autumn leaves? (Yes)

Mobile game game "We walked through the woods"

Children walk around the hall to the music, to the words of the host: “We walked through the forest and collected leaves, we will collect when the bouquet is an autumn portrait. One, two, three yellow leaves (red) collect.
Children must collect leaves of a certain color. The game is repeated as many times as there are colors of leaves.

Autumn enters to the music.

I am golden autumn
My bow to you, my friends!
I've been dreaming for a long time
About meeting with you.
I came up with fun tasks for you,
And I will announce the holiday with pleasure now!

first task, autumn riddles.
And guess what, preschool kids.

Leaves fall off the branches,
Birds fly south.
"What time of year?" - ask.
They will answer us: "This is ..." (autumn)

Our beds are empty.
The garden and the garden are in order.
You, earth, still give birth.
We have collected... (harvest)

Leaves are spinning in the air
Quietly lie down on the grass.
Sheds the leaves of the garden -
It's simple... (leaf fall)

The wind will call the cloud
A cloud floats across the sky.
And over gardens and groves
Drizzling cold... (rain)

It became gloomy outside the window,
The rain is begging for our house.
The house is dry, but outside
Appeared everywhere... (puddles)

Well done boys.
The harvest in my garden is not bad.
I planted carrots, and cabbage, and peas.
Tomatoes ripen, cucumbers grow,
And the potatoes grow, the onions turn green.
Guys, help me harvest.

The game "Let's collect the autumn harvest!
The game involves 2-3 children. Everyone has a car. On the floor are models of fruits and vegetables. On a signal, the children collect as much of the harvest as possible into their cars. After collecting the entire crop, they return to their places.

Autumn makes a riddle:
Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And no threads. (Hedgehog)
Autumn shows soft toy- hedgehog (the hedgehog whispers something in the ear of autumn.)
- Guys, the hedgehog wants to ask you to help him prepare for winter and collect mushrooms, can you help?

Mobile game "Collect mushrooms"

(mushrooms are laid out in a circle on the floor. Children walk in a circle with words):
We will go to the forest
We will find fungus
In a fancy hat
Like chocolate
One two Three
Mushrooms, collect.
As soon as the last words are spoken, the children should quickly collect the mushrooms.

And now we want to quickly
You have become artists.
So that we get to the theater
Seen the show!

Scene "How the animals gathered mushrooms"

Presenter: Mushrooms have grown
In a small forest.
Their hats are big.
And they themselves are different.
The mouse ran past
And I saw mushrooms.

Mouse: These are beautiful mushrooms
I'll take them to my daughter.

Presenter: What are you, mouse!
What are you, mouse!
You ask the kids.
All the guys say:

Children: Mice don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: The fox ran past
And I saw mushrooms.

Fox: That's how many mushrooms are here,
I will take them to my daughters.

Presenter: Oh, fox, don't!
Do not feed, fox, foxes.
All the guys say:

Children: Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Presenter: The bear passed by
Almost crushed the mushrooms.

Bear: Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here!
Eat them, let them warm the blood.

Presenter: You are funny, lazy Misha,
You ask the kids.
All the guys say:

Children: Bears don't eat mushrooms.

Presenter: Hedgehog with a squirrel ran through
And we saw mushrooms.
Let's ask our guys:
Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms? (Yes)

Squirrel: Dry my mushrooms
I'm on a sharp bitch.

Hedgehog: I'll take my mushrooms
Straight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

Are you friendly guys? Never fight?

Our children are very friendly. And if they quarrel, they can quickly make peace. Look, we'll show you now.

Dance "Reconciled"

I love you all, children, and thank you from the bottom of my heart…

We will sing to you, Autumn goodbye

Children sing a song about autumn.

I had a lot of fun!
But it's time for us to say goodbye.
What to do? Waiting for business!

Autumn is leaving.

Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Children walk in a circle to the music.
Guys, look, autumn left us something as a gift. There is a fruit basket under the tree.