Summary of the occupation of the profession junior group. Project in the second junior group “All professions are needed. All professions are important. Musical game "Hello, hands"

  • 13.11.2019

Summary of the lesson "Professions" in the second junior group

Topic : « Professions »

Target : Consolidate children's knowledge aboutpeople's professions .

Tasks :

Educational :

Summarize children's knowledge aboutprofessions ;

Exercise children in naming and distinguishingprofessions ;

To improve the ability of children to understand and answer the teacher's questions in separate words and simple sentences.

Educational :

Develop coherent speech, the ability to respond with complete, common sentences;

Develop memory, attention.

Educational :

Arouse interest in the work of adults of differentprofessions ;

Stimulate attention and endurance with the help of visual material;

To instill in children respect for the work of adults and a careful attitude to its results.

Methods and techniques :

Visual : viewing illustrations on the topic, tools of differentprofessions

verbal : explanation, clarification of the educator;

Artistic word - questions for children, hint, reminder, conclusion of the educator.

Practical : simulation activities, excursions to medical office, canteen.

preliminary work :

1. Conversations aboutprofessions , professions of parents .

2. Drafting short stories "What will I be when I grow up?" ;

3. Reading poems : B. Zakhoder"Chefs" , Poems for the little ones"O professions » ,

4. Reading fictionliterature : V. Mayakovsky"Who to be?" , D. Rodari“What do crafts smell like? What color are the crafts?

5. Making riddles.

6. Consideration of illustrations, didactic material.

7. Verbal didacticgames : « Professions » , "Who has what?" , "Who's doing what" , "What's extra?" , "Collect a picture"

Independent activity :

Coloring pages aboutprofessions and their attributes ;

Material :

Illustrationsprofessions , a magnetic board, a bag, a saucepan, a ladle, a board, scissors, a comb, a hair dryer, a wand, a whistle, a hammer, a brick, a thermometer, a syringe, cotton wool, a steering wheel, keys, a tape recorder, a song melody.

vocabulary work :

Cook, ladle, saucepan, hot, delicious, sweet, fragrant, hairdresser, scissors, comb, hair dryer, policeman, wand, uniform, whistle, security, builder, hammer, brick, doctor, heals, temperature, prick, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, chauffeur, driver.

Lesson progress:

I. Motivation-incentive stage

1. "Greetings" .

caregiver : That's all gathered. We can start! But first, you need"Hello" to tell!

Say"Hello" hands - children wave their hands.

Say"Hello" eyes - children blink their eyes.

2. Game"Quiet-loud" .

caregiver : And now let's say in a whisper(loud quiet) .

caregiver : Sit down, guys, please, on the chairs.

II. Main stage

1. Conversation on illustrations.

caregiver : - Guys, today we will talk aboutprofessions .

What kindprofessions you know ?

Children, look at the picture and tell me who is in it?

Children : Cook.

Let's say together that this is a chef.

All : Cook.

Give the cook food :

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes...

And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Who is the poem about?

Children : About the cook.

What is the chef doing?

Children : Cooking soup(hot) , compote(delicious, sweet) ; fries cutlets (fish or meat, scrambled eggs; bakes casseroles(curd, fish) ; makes salads; bakes pies(fragrant)

A tour of the kitchen.

Children : The hairdresser.

Let's say together that this is a hairdresser.

All : The hairdresser.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

Hairdresser by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Children : About the hairdresser.

What does a hairdresser do?

Children : Cuts hair, dyes hair;, makes beautiful hairstyles.

Children : Police officer.

Let's say together that this is a policeman.

All : Police officer.

If you are in trouble,

Phone 02 was dialed.

The police will come to you

He will help everyone, he will save everyone.

What does a policeman do?

Children : Responsible for security, keeping order.

Well done boys! Now, let's look at the next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children : Builder.

Let's say together that this is a builder.

All : Builder.

He puts bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for children.

Not a miner and not a driver,

A builder will build a house for us.

Who is the poem about?

Children : About the builder.

What is the builder doing?

Children : Builds a house, a school, a kindergarten, a garage, a fence, a gate, builds a bridge.

Well done boys! Let's look at the next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children : Doctor

Let's say together that this is a doctor.

All : Doctor

If your ear hurts

If your throat is dry.

Don't worry and don't cry

After all, a doctor will help you.

Children : About the doctor.

What does the doctor do?

Children : Heals the sick, measures the temperature, gives an injection, listens to the heartbeat, prescribes the medicine.

Excursion to the medical office.

Well done boys! Next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children : Driver.

Let's say together that this is the driver.

All : Driver.

What is another name for a driver?

Children : Chauffeur.

Traffic rules,

He knows without a doubt.

Instantly he starts the engine,

The driver is in the car.

Who is the poem about?

Children : About the driver.

What does the driver do?

Children : He drives a car, carries people, food, garbage.

Excursion to the laundry.

Excursion to the musical director.

Here we are with you and remembered aboutprofessions . Now let's play.

2. Game"Who needs what"

(Prepare accessories in a bag, for eachprofessions .)

Guys, identify by subjectprofession .

Children take out items from the bag that are necessary for a particular activity. According to the subject, children must nameprofession in which the item is used.

(pan, ladle, board, scissors, comb, hair dryer, wand, whistle, hammer, brick, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, steering wheel, keys.)

3. Fizkultminutka. "We are chauffeurs"

Let's go, let's go by car. Simulate driving movements.

We press the pedal. The leg is bent, stretched.

Gas turn on, turn off, Imaginary lever

We look closely into the distance. Put a palm to the forehead.

"Wipers" clean off the drops, hands are bent at the elbows in front of them,

Right left. Purity!

Hair ruffled by the wind. Move your fingers above your head.

We are drivers anywhere! Raise the thumb up.

Board game "World of Profession".

III. Final stage. Reflection.

1. Children's story aboutdads professions .

2. Final questions

What are youprofessions remembered ?

What did you like?

Conclusion : Allprofessions are needed , allprofessions are important .

municipal state preschool educational

establishment of the city of Novosibirsk

"Kindergarten No. 238 of the combined type"

Novosibirsk - 136, st. Kyiv 7/1, tel./fax 340-22-30

TIN 5404154277 KPP 540401001 PSRN 1025401486604

Summary of the lesson "Professions"

in the second junior group

Educator: Vorontsova O.V.

Alexandra Pisarenko
Summary of the lesson "Professions" in the second junior group

Topic: « Professions»

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge about people's professions.



Summarize children's knowledge about professions;

Exercise children in naming and distinguishing professions;

To improve the ability of children to understand and answer the teacher's questions in separate words and simple sentences.


Develop coherent speech, the ability to respond with complete, common sentences;

Develop memory, attention.


Arouse interest in the work of adults of different professions;

Stimulate attention and endurance with the help of visual material;

To instill in children respect for the work of adults and a careful attitude to its results.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: viewing illustrations on the topic, tools of different professions

verbal: explanation, clarification of the educator;

Artistic word - questions for children, hint, reminder, conclusion of the educator.

Practical: simulation activities, excursions to the medical office, dining room.

preliminary work:

1. Conversations about professions, professions of parents.

2. Making up short stories "What will I be when I grow up?";

3. Reading poems: B. Zakhoder "Chefs", Poems for the little ones "O professions» ,

4. Reading fiction literature: V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like? What color are the crafts?

5. Making riddles.

6. Consideration of illustrations, didactic material.

7. Verbal didactic games: « Professions» , "Who has what?", "Who's doing what", "What's extra?", "Collect a picture"

Independent activity:

Coloring pages about professions and their attributes;


Illustrations professions, a magnetic board, a bag, a saucepan, a ladle, a board, scissors, a comb, a hair dryer, a wand, a whistle, a hammer, a brick, a thermometer, a syringe, cotton wool, a steering wheel, keys, a tape recorder, a song melody.

vocabulary work:

Cook, ladle, saucepan, hot, delicious, sweet, fragrant, hairdresser, scissors, comb, hair dryer, policeman, wand, uniform, whistle, security, builder, hammer, brick, doctor, heals, temperature, prick, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, chauffeur, driver.

Lesson progress:

I. Motivation-incentive stage

1. "Greetings".

caregiver: That's all gathered. We can start! But first, you need "Hello" to tell!

Say "Hello" hands - children wave their hands.

Say "Hello" eyes - children blink their eyes.

2. Game "Quiet-loud".

caregiver: And now let's say in a whisper (loud quiet) .

caregiver: Sit down, guys, please, on the chairs.

II. Main stage

1. Conversation on illustrations.

caregiver: - Guys, today we will talk about professions.

What kind professions you know?

Children, look at the picture and tell me who is in it?

Children: Cook.

Julia, who is this pictured? (Arslan, Sasha)

Let's say together that this is a chef.

All: Cook.

Now Katya will tell us a poem about a cook.

Give the cook food:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

About whom did Katya tell the poem?

Children: About the cook.

What is the chef doing?

Children: Cooking soup (hot), compote (delicious, sweet); fries cutlets (fish or meat, scrambled eggs; bakes casseroles (curd, fish); makes salads; bakes pies (fragrant)

Children: The hairdresser.

Nastya, who is this pictured? (Elisey, Katya)

Let's say together that this is a hairdresser.

All: The hairdresser.

Now Nastya will tell us a poem about a hairdresser.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

Hairdresser by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Who did Nastya tell the poem about?

Children: About the hairdresser.

What does a hairdresser do?

Children: Cuts hair, dyes hair;, makes beautiful hairstyles.

Children: Police officer.

Let's say together that this is a policeman.

All: Police officer. (Repeat Artyom, Lisa)

Now Elisha will tell us a poem about a policeman.

If you are in trouble,

Phone 02 was dialed.

The police will come to you

He will help everyone, he will save everyone.

About whom did Elisha tell the poem?

Children: About the policeman.

What does a policeman do?

Children: Responsible for security, keeping order.

Well done boys! Now, let's look at the next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children: Builder.

Ilyusha, who is this pictured? (Arslan, Nastya, Veronica)

Let's say together that this is a builder.

All: Builder.

Now Artyom will tell us a poem about a builder.

He puts bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for children.

Not a miner and not a driver,

A builder will build a house for us.

Whom did Artyom tell the poem about?

Children: About the builder.

What is the builder doing?

Children: Builds a house, a school, a kindergarten, a garage, a fence, a gate, builds a bridge.

Well done boys! Let's look at the next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children: Doctor

Let's say together that this is a doctor.

All: Doctor. (Repeat Sasha, Katya, Elisha)

Now Julia will tell us a poem about the Doctor.

If your ear hurts

If your throat is dry.

Don't worry and don't cry

After all, a doctor will help you.

Whom did Julia tell the poem about?

Children: About the doctor.

What does the doctor do?

Children: Heals the sick, measures the temperature, gives an injection, listens to the heartbeat, prescribes the medicine.

Well done boys! Next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children: Driver.

Let's say together that this is the driver.

All: Driver. (Repeat Julia, Veronica, Ilyusha)

What is another name for a driver?

Children: Chauffeur.

Now Sasha will tell us a poem about a driver.

traffic rules,

He knows without a doubt.

Instantly he starts the engine,

The driver is in the car.

Whom did Sasha tell the poem about?

Children: About the driver.

What does the driver do?

Children: He drives a car, carries people, food, garbage.

Here we are with you and remembered about professions. Now let's play.

2. Game "Who needs what"

(Prepare accessories in a bag, for each professions.)

Guys, identify by subject profession.

Children take out items from the bag that are necessary for a particular activity. According to the subject, children must name profession in which the item is used.

(pan, ladle, board, scissors, comb, hair dryer, wand, whistle, hammer, brick, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, steering wheel, keys.)

3. Physical education. "We are chauffeurs"

Let's go, let's go by car. Simulate driving movements.

We press the pedal. The leg is bent, stretched.

Gas turn on, turn off, Imaginary lever

We look closely into the distance. Put a palm to the forehead.

"Wipers" clean off the drops, hands are bent at the elbows in front of them,

Right left. Purity!

Hair ruffled by the wind. Move your fingers above your head.

We are drivers anywhere! Raise the thumb up.

III. Final stage. Reflection.

1. Children's story about dads professions.

2. Final questions

What are you professions remembered?

What did you like?

Conclusion: All professions are needed, all professions are important.

3. Song cook

"Cook, cook, porridge"

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1 MKDOU "DS OV "Beryozka" Purpe village Purovsky district Project "All professions are important, all professions are needed" The second junior group Educators: Romanova O. A., Kozyreva L. N. March 2014

2 Project type: group, informational, creative, game, short-term. Project participants: educators, children of the second younger group, parents. Purpose: to show how many professions there are. Tasks: To introduce children to such professions as a cook, a seamstress, a doctor, a driver, a hairdresser, a laundress, their work processes, with assistant items; Cultivate respect for work, arouse a desire to work. Expected results of the project Children's knowledge of such professions as a cook, a seamstress, a doctor, a driver, a hairdresser, a laundress; Children's understanding of the importance of these professions; Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge; Showing appreciation and respect for the work of adults; Creation of the "Professions" folder. Design the album "Poems about professions." Stage 1: Preparatory. Create a developing environment: Fill the "Kitchen" corner with the following attributes: aprons, dishes, vegetables, fruits. Replenish the game "Hospital" with attributes: syringes, thermometers, phonendoscope. Introduce didactic and board games: “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Collect a picture from cubes”, “Who does what”, “Wonderful bag”, “What is superfluous?”. To replenish the library with books by B. Zakhoder “All works are good”; V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"; K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa". Design the album "Poems about professions." Include in the group the pictures "Doctor", "Hairdresser", "Cook", "Tailor", "Driver". Add transport to boys corner: trucks, cars, tractor, etc. Organize directly the educational area: Cognitive development "Excursion to the laundry", "Journey to the country" Professions "" Objects around us. Seamstress assistants”, Speech development “Conversation“ Me and my mother ”,“ The story of the educator and the profession of a seamstress ”; Modeling "Fruits for toys";

3 Visual activity "Beautiful napkin for mom"; Artistic work "Decorate clothes" applique; Organization of joint activities of the educator with children: Excursion to the laundry; Excursion to the kitchen; Conversation about the professions of parents; Didactic and board games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Who does what”, “What is superfluous?”, “Collect a picture from cubes”, “Wonderful bag”; Role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let's make Masha's hairdo”, “Treat Dasha's throat”, “Delivery cargo”; Finger games "Cook compote", Guessing riddles about professions; Reading fiction; Design of the album "Poems about professions". Organization of independent activities of children: Coloring the coloring pages "Professions", "Vegetables and Fruits"; Examination of paintings on the topic of the project; Board and didactic games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Who does what”, “What is superfluous?”, “Collect a picture from cubes”, “Wonderful bag”; Role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let's make Masha's hairdo”, “Treat Dasha's throat”, “Delivery cargo”; Interaction with the family: Telling parents about their work to children; Selection of illustrations, poems, riddles about the professions.

4 Stage 2: Project implementation. Forms of work Content Directly educational activities Team work with children in regime moments Cognitive development: “Excursion to the laundry” “Objects around us. Seamstress assistants "Journey to the country" Professions "(open lesson) Speech development:" Conversation "Me and my mother" "The story of the educator and the profession of a seamstress" Modeling: "Fruits for toys" Visual activity: "Beautiful napkin for mom" Artistic work: “Decorate clothes” application Game activities: role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let's make Masha's hairdo”, “Treat Dasha's throat”, “Delivery cargo”; Didactic and board games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “Collect a picture from cubes”, “What is superfluous?”, “Who does what”, “Wonderful bag”; Excursion to the laundry; Excursion to the kitchen; Finger games "Cook compote", Guessing riddles about professions; Reading fiction; Independent activity of children Coloring coloring pages "Professions", "Vegetables and fruits"; Examination of paintings on the topic of the project; Board and didactic games “Professions”, “Who has what?”, “What is superfluous?”, “Collect a picture from cubes”, “Who does what”, “Wonderful

5 bag"; Role-playing games “Cooking dinner”, “Let's make Masha's hairdo”, “Treat Dasha's throat”, “Delivery cargo”; Interaction with the family telling parents about their work to children; organization of the photo exhibition “Profession of my parents”; selection of illustrations, poems, riddles about professions. Stage 3: Presentation of the project. Creating a folder "Professions"; Design of the album "Poems about professions". Application Finger games for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: “Cook” We will cook compote We will cook compote, We need a lot of fruits. We will chop apples, we will chop pears,

6 Squeeze out the lemon juice, put the drain and sand. We will cook compote, Treat honest people. "Postman" What did the postman bring us? He walks with a thick bag. Translation, magazine, newspapers. There are 2 cassettes in a parcel. And a letter from Aunt Vali, To wait for her arrival. (we bend our finger) “Roofer” It’s not hail, it’s not thunder-roofer on the roof. He beats loudly with a hammer - the whole district hears. (knocking fist on fist) He covers the house with iron so that it is dry in it. (show the roof with your hands) “Professions” There are many noble professions, (Connect the fingers of the right hand with the thumb.) Both useful and pleasant. (Connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb.) Cook, doctor, painter, teacher, Seller, miner, builder (Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.) I don’t name everyone at once, (Squeeze and unclench the fists.) I suggest you continue. (Extend arms forward, palms up.)

7 Physical education minutes for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: “We are drivers” “We are driving, we are driving a car, We press the pedal, We turn on the gas, turn it off, We look intently into the distance. "Wipers" clean the glass, Left, right. Purity! The wind will ruffle your hair, We are drivers anywhere! "Pilots" "It's good to be a driver, But it's better to be a pilot. I would go to the pilots, let them teach me. I pour gasoline into the tank, I start the propeller. Take the engine to heaven, so that the birds sing. "Professions" The cook cooks porridge. (Imitation with rotation of the hands) The dressmaker sews a cloak. (Mahi hands) The doctor treats Masha. (Open and close the mouth, sticking out the tongue) The blacksmith forges steel. (clapping) The woodcutters are chopping. (Mahi with slopes) Build masters. (Imitation with jumping up) What will he do, (Raising shoulders) Our kids? Riddles for the project "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

8 "Who in the days of sickness is more useful than all And heals us from all diseases?" (doctor) “He walks in a white cap with a ladle in his hand. He prepares dinner for us: porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.” (cook) I see a plane in the sky Like a luminous lump, The pilot controls it, It's just different ... (Pilot.) All the roads are familiar to me, I'm in the cockpit like at home. A traffic light flashes for me, He knows that I am (Driver.) Every day early in the morning He takes the steering wheel in his hands. It twists and turns this way and that, But it won't eat it in any way! (Driver.) This sorceress, This artist, Has not brushes and paints, But a comb and scissors. She has a mysterious power: whoever she touches,

9 He will become handsome. (Hairdresser.) Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so tasty, Smelly cutlets, Salads, vinaigrettes, All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook) Poems for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: Kindergarten cook In the sky, an asterisk sparkles, A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball, Only the cook can’t sleep The cook gets up in the dark. The porridge gurgles gently, And the scrambled eggs sizzle, And under the delicious noise and hubbub Appetite enters the bedrooms. We will sit together in the dining room, Like a huge family. I'll be a cook in the dining room So I decided myself! Hairdresser Give scissors, a comb, He will do your hair. The hairdresser will certainly cut your hair in a modern way.

10 Driver Skillfully he drives a car After all, he has been driving for more than a year! Slightly rustling tight tires, He takes us around the city. Drivers rustle along the roads And in the back - important, Urgent cargo: Cement and iron, Raisins and watermelons. The work of drivers is difficult and complex, But how people everywhere need it!.. We are firefighters In a bright red car We rush forward. The work is hard and dangerous We, firefighters, are waiting. The howl of a shrill siren Can deafen, We will be both water and foam We will put out the fire. And people in trouble

11 We can help, After all, we will fight the fire Boldly day and night! All professions are important About the tailor, about the coat and about something else My brother says to me: - My coat hurts. Even the whip turned away and looked down somewhere. Then a rag doctor came, Or simply a tailor, He groaned and groaned: - What happened? Where is the patient? My brother says: - My coat hurts. And I don't understand why? The rag doctor Looked at the coat from all sides And with a smile and with a sigh He finally answered: - It's easier than semolina. That's why the coat hurts, That at your button Life hangs on a sharp point. What do you want to be, kids?

12 What do you children want to be? Answer us quickly! I want to be a driver. Carry different loads. I dream of ballet. Better not to have him in the world. I want to be a great doctor. I will treat everyone with medicine. Very tasty, like candy. Ate it - there are no diseases! In paints I do not have tea. I dream of becoming an artist. Order me a portrait. I'll do it, no doubt! You are with me, friends, do not argue, I want to be the first in the sport. To score a puck for me is a trifle, I play for Spartak! I want to become a pianist. A wonderful artist. Music has been with me since childhood, I love it with all my heart. My dream is to become a teacher of children. Sing, walk, play with them. Celebrate birthdays. All professions are great. All professions are important. We know that our hands will be needed by the Motherland! L. Olifirova

13 For vitamins, and for manta, and abrasions of the dressing, Thank you, let's say to the nurse, for kindness and affection! Galina Anatolyevna!

14 For breakfasts and lunches, for cabbage soup and compote, for high-calorie food, for good care, For what was satisfying to us, thanks to our cooks! Thank you Rafiga Rashidovna!

15 We will say thank you to the one who teaches us to dance! Who played the button accordion for us more than once and songs, and polka, and a waltz! Thanks to Elena Nikolaevna!

16 Thank you, we want to say for clean beds, for round eyelets! Maria Zinovievna!

17 We want to say thank you to Valentina Dmitrievna for clean robes and smooth mattresses!

18 The accountant knows mathematics, he will quickly count the numbers! Here is the expense, and here is the income, nothing will be wasted! Thanks to Gulnara Khasanovna!

19 and ut It fries, soars and bakes here a pie, here is porridge And for that honor to him, our gratitude! Thanks to Nadezhda Alekseevna!

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Scenario for conducting organized educational activities

Topic:"Professions" / junior group /
OO"Cognitive Development"
(Formation of a holistic picture of the world)
Types of children's activities: communicative, motor, cognitive - research.
Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development.
Children's age: second junior group
Forms of organization: subgroup
- to expand knowledge about the world around;
- to expand the knowledge of children about the professions of people;
- to consolidate the vocabulary of children at the expense of words denoting the names of professions, tools, action verbs;
- develop coherent speech, the ability to respond with complete, common sentences;
- develop memory, attention, thinking.
- to cultivate respect and love for the employees of the kindergarten;
- arouse interest in the work of adults of various professions;
- to form in children realistic ideas about the motives and results that drive people in work;
- cause respect and desire to imitate adults, to work conscientiously.
Methodical methods: examining subject pictures, didactic game "Who is doing what?", riddles about professions, didactic games "Objects - helpers", outdoor game "Needle and thread".
Material: pictures with images of the professions of a doctor, cook, teacher, hairdresser, seller, artist, seamstress, janitor; toys: hammer, wrench, screwdriver, scales, fruit basket, hair dryer, combs, scissors, phonendoscope, syringe, heating pad, newspapers, magazines, postman's bag.
Equipment: screen, projector, laptop. Educator: Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day?
Children: go to work.
Educator: why do people go to work?
Children: answer.
Educator: Do you all know where your parents work?
- Where, Sonya, does your mother work? By whom?

And for you, Andrey, where and by whom does your father work?
- Well done, you already know where your parents work. I suggest you guys make a trip to the country of Professions. But in order for us to get there, we need to unravel “Who is doing what?”. I call the profession a, you indicate what the person of this profession does.
The doctor heals, the teacher teaches, the seller sells, the builder builds, the artist draws, the seamstress sews, the writer writes, the cook cooks, the hairdresser cuts.
- Well done, you are all ready and I invite you to a very comfortable house, come in, take your seats. People of different professions work in this house. Guess my riddles, who are they:
1. He is in our dining room in the morning
Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (cook)

2. Early in the morning for exercises
We hurry into the hall in order.
Dealing with Desire
Physical education.(physical education instructor)
3. I mess around with babies
I spend all my days with them.
I never get angry
For the tricks of the kids.
I go for walks with them
I put them to sleep.
And of course I love
I am my profession. (Educator)

4. I need these things:
Hammer, screwdriver, pliers,
Key, file and hacksaw,
And all you need is skill. (Locksmith)

5. If your ear hurts,
if your throat is dry.
Don't worry and don't cry
After all, it will help you ... (doctor)

6. Rakes snow with a shovel,
sweeps the yard with a broom,
guess you guys
Who keeps cleanliness? (janitor)
You have solved all my riddles. Where do all these people work? Yes, this house is called a kindergarten. What other professions are there in kindergarten? ( junior caregiver, speech therapist, music director, methodologist, supply manager, manager, locksmith, watchman).
- Yes, many people work in kindergarten. What should be the people working in kindergarten? (Caring, kind, affectionate, attentive, loving children, patient, intelligent, skillful).
- Yes, these qualities are possessed by people working in kindergarten. And we continue on our journey to the street "Unnecessary Items".
I suggest you different professions: hairdresser, locksmith, seller, postman, doctor. Choose any one for yourself. On the table I have various objects - helpers - choose for yourself objects that help you work.
Hairdresser - hair dryer, scissors, comb.
Locksmith - hammer, adjustable wrench, screwdriver.
Doctor - phonendoscope, syringe, heating pad.
The seller - scales, a basket, products.
Postman - magazines, newspapers, postman's bag.
- Make a sentence about a person in your profession (children make sentences and explain why they need these items, with a little help from the educator).
- Let's thank the items that help professionals work, and continue the journey. On the street "Tailors".
- It is sewn correctly with a needle and thread. Let's play the needle and thread game. One of you will play the role of a needle, and the rest of the children will be a long thread, standing up one after another holding hands. The needle will lead us from corner to corner, and the thread should not break. And who will be the needle, we will determine with the help of a counting rhyme.
“On the golden porch sat:
King, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor -
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Good and honest people!”
- Liked. Well done.
- Children, and which of you will tell where we were now? What were we doing there? What do you remember the most? What did you like? What is a profession?
This is the work to which a person devotes his whole life, so the profession should bring joy to both the person himself and the people.
You are all great. Thank you.

Target: Acquaintance of children with professions.



  • To expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about the professions of people;
  • Improve the ability to roll lumps of plasticine between the palms with circular movements of the hands;
  • Encourage children to talk about work activities
  • occupations familiar to them (driver, doctor, hairdresser)
  • Expand the vocabulary of children at the expense of nouns (names of objects - tools of various professions).


  • Develop auditory perception, speech hearing, communication skills;
  • Develop speech, observation, ingenuity.


  • Cultivate friendships;
  • Cultivate interest in various types professions.

Vocabulary work: doctor, salesman, driver, hairdresser, educator, cook, manager, watchman, methodologist, nurse, junior educator, laundress, janitor.

Preliminary work: Talk about professions, reading passages “What to be?” In Mayakovsky, viewing illustrations, role-playing games “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, “Builders”, “Drivers”.

Material: Katya doll, presentation “Guess the professions”, didactic game “Who needs what for work?”, yellow plasticine, modeling boards, paper napkins for each child, metallophone.

GCD progress

Music game"Hello, palms"

Teacher: Come on guys.

We have guests today. Let's say hello

Educator: Someone is knocking on our door. Katya doll came to visit us. She will soon grow up, become an adult, but does not know what to become? Let's help her guys. After all, you know many professions.

Katya, the children will name the professions of people who work in kindergarten. Who calls, sits on a chair.

Children list the professions of kindergarten workers: manager, senior teacher, nurse, teacher, junior teacher, laundress, janitor, watchman, cook.

(Children take their places).

Educator: Children, today I came to kindergarten with good mood because I always look forward to seeing you. I love my job. Today we will talk about professions. My profession is called an educator. Who knows why it's called that?

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, I am raising children.

Tell me, what is a profession?

Children: Work that a person does for other people.

Educator: What professions do you know? I will show the slides, and you call in chorus.

Viewing the presentation “Guess the professions”

Educator: Katya, that's how many professions our children know.

And now we will turn into pilots (metallophone sounds) and play the game "Airplanes".

Fizminutka "Airplanes" (to the music)

Educator: Now take your places on the chairs.

Let's spend didactic game“Who needs what for work and what is superfluous?”

Didactic game “Who needs what for work”

Educator: You all coped with the task.

Educator: And now go out onto the carpet, hold hands and make a circle. We will play the game “When I grow up, I will...”

Doll Katya: When I grow up, I will be a teacher.

(Children pass Katya's doll to each other and name professions).

Educator: Guys, you all correctly named professions .

Katya, our children, like real bakers, have learned to bake pancakes, pies, bagels.

Now they will prepare a treat for your girlfriends.

(Children sit at the tables and sculpt treats from plasticine for Katya's girlfriends).

Doll Katya: Thanks guys. I will treat my girlfriends and tell them that I have learned a lot of professions. Now I know what I will be when I grow up. Thank you. Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, I think that you all tell your parents about the professions that you remember.