Profession doctor ml gr reb and general. Project on labor education "acquaintance with the profession of a doctor". Synopsis of Directly Educational Activities "Polyclinic"

  • 13.11.2019

"Kindergarten No. 1".

The project “Child in the world of professions. Doctor"

Project author: Minina Irina Sergeevna


The project “Child in the world of professions. Doctor".

Project type: informational - educational.

Project participants: children of the senior group, educators, parents of pupils.

Age of children: 5-6 years.

Project type: group, short-term.

Relevance of the project: In kindergartens, the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically, since preschoolers do not face the problem of choosing a profession. But since professional self-determination is interconnected with personality development at all age stages, preschool age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundation for professional self-determination in future. The child's ideas about professions are limited by his so far poor life experience - the work of mom and dad, educator in kindergarten, professions of a pilot, a nurse, a doctor, but children know, as a rule, little and very superficially about these somehow familiar professions. Meanwhile, in modern world There are many types of work. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in the child's social adaptation.

Hypothesis: the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world.

The purpose of the project: to expand and generalize children's understanding of professions, tools, work activities, through the development of interest in various professions, in particular, in the profession of a doctor.

Project objectives:

- for kids : expand children's ideas about professions; to enrich knowledge about the activities of medical personnel who treat people;

Formation of the ability to develop a plot based on the knowledge gained by children during perception from the surrounding reality, from literary works; expansion of game plans; develop the skills of preschoolers to coordinate the theme of the game, distribute roles in accordance with the plot; observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game: negotiate, independently resolve conflicts.

- for teachers: creation of conditions for creative self-expression of pupils; ready the necessary conditions for its implementation; create an information base for parents on this topic. Cultivate friendly relationships between children; make attributes for the game.

- for parents: Encourage parents to introduce their children to the medical profession.

The name of the final event of the project and the form of the final event of the project: role-playing game "Hospital".

Project products:

For children: works on artistic creativity.

For educators: presentation on a pedagogical presentation project.

For parents: an exhibition of children's works, consultations: "Raising a healthy child", "To maintain health - learn to appreciate it", "How to teach a child to brush their teeth."

Activities for the implementation of the project: “Child in the world of professions. Doctor".

Educational area "Cognition".

Reading and discussion of literary works:

S. Aspen "Procedural Room", A. Barto "I'm lying - I'm sick", M. Turchin "The man got sick", S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination", "What do you have? » G. Lebedev "Ambulance", K. I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit", L. Zilberg "If mom got sick? ”, S. Osipova “Rules for taking medications”, A. Krylov “A rooster fell ill with a sore throat”, K. Tkachenko “I will correct a bandage for a hare”, riddles about the profession “Doctor”; memorizing the poem by Anna Alekseevna Kardashova “Our Doctor” (Part 1. Pedestrian.)

Examination and discussion of subject and plot pictures on the topic "Professions", "Hospital", "Rules of personal hygiene".

NOD "Dirt and germs are our enemies!"

Purpose: To give children the concept of the need to take care of their health from childhood. Explain to children the consequences of bad habits, instill a love for physical exercise, sports.

NOD " Ambulance ».

Purpose: To continue to expand children's understanding of the work of the ambulance, to cultivate respect for the profession of a doctor, to be able to determine the purpose of special transport by external signs.

NOD "Grow up healthy".

Target: To develop the idea that health is the main value of human life. To help children understand the role of the state in the protection and promotion of health. To educate the need for children in the daily implementation of the rules of personal hygiene.

NOD " Doctor's work ».

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between the work of a doctor and nurse. Determine what medical instruments are needed for work, know their purpose.

Develop the ability to distinguish useful from harmful. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to help the sick.

NOD " Polyclinic ».


NOD " Vitamins and a healthy body ».


To consolidate knowledge about the importance of vitamins for human health;

Name vitamins A, B, C, D;

Distinguish between vitamin-containing foods;

Learn how vitamins affect the human body;

Develop active and passive vocabulary;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

Activities for the implementation of the project “Child in the world of professions. Doctor":

Educational area "Socialization".

Construction: "Hospital building" - continue to teach how to build buildings from large building material, combine buildings with a common design, distinguish and name building details(cube, bar, plate); to consolidate the skill of using the created building in a role-playing game.

Design: "Hospital wards" - exercise in enclosing small spaces with bricks and plates installed vertically and horizontally; in the ability to make overlaps.

Didactic game: “Name by description” - to consolidate in children the ability to guess from the description of a special purpose vehicle (police, Ambulance, fire truck).

Didactic game: “Which doctor should Katya go to?” - to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with medical terms, to develop coherent speech of children.

Board - printed game: "If the baby got hurt" - learn to provide the first medical care for any disease.

Plot - role-playing game: "Hospital" - to consolidate children's knowledge about the activities of medical personnel; fix the names of medical instruments. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan; the use of substitute items in the game. Raising respect for the medical profession. Interaction in the game with each other. Develop the ability to take on a role.

Educational activity "Communication".

Conversations with older children preschool age"Take care of your health":

1) Conversation on the topic "So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites."

Purpose: to teach children how to care for their teeth.

2) Conversation on the topic "How to walk the kids in the spring in the yard."

Purpose: to teach to take care of your health in the spring season.

3) Conversation on the topic “You can’t cope with the trouble yourself - call the doctor home.”

Purpose: to acquaint children with the work of honey. staff, expand understanding of different types medical activities.

Excursion to medical office“Profession - doctor” - to introduce the professions of a doctor and a nurse, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten employees, to develop observation in children; replenish the dictionary of children with medical terminology, activate verbs, teach children to fully answer questions, find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

Educational area "Artistic creativity".

Pencil drawing "Ambulance".

Purpose: To develop a sense of color and form. To cultivate interest and desire to reflect aesthetic emotions and ideas received in the drawing

Application: "Vase with fruits".

Target: Formation of ideas about health, the basics of a healthy lifestyle and the rules of health-saving behavior.

Modeling "Basket with vitamins".

Purpose: To teach children to work in a team, to sculpt fruits and vegetables according to the presentation, using familiar modeling techniques, to develop fine motor skills. To acquaint children with the concept of “vitamins”, to form an idea in them about the need for vitamins in the human body, about useful products that contain vitamins.

Game situation "Katya's doll got sick."

Educational area "Safety".

Conversation on the topic "Children's health".

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about individual methods of prevention and treatment. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene and the right attitude to their health.

Conversation "If the baby got hurt!" - to teach children about the rules of first aid.

Educational area "Health".

1) Finger gymnastics.

2) Physical education minutes.

Forms of interaction with the family.

Consultation "Raising a healthy child".

Consultation "In order to maintain health - learn to appreciate it."

How to teach a child to brush their teeth.

Expected results for the project:

For children: to form children's knowledge about the world of the profession of a doctor.

For teachers: increasing the level of professional skills of teachers: a subject-developing environment in a group is organized to form and consolidate children's knowledge about the world of professions; consultation on this topic.

For parents: increasing the competence of parents in matters related to the influence of role-playing games on the formation of the child's personality; the formation of ideas of parents of preschoolers that the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world.

Synopsis Directly Educational Activities"Polyclinic".


Familiarization of children with the activities of medical staff;

Fixing the name of medical instruments;

Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game;

Raising respect for the profession of a doctor;

Interaction in the game with each other;

Developing the ability to take on a role.


Consolidation of knowledge social relations;

Teaching behavioral skills in the clinic;

Development of game dialogue;

Activation and expansion of vocabulary.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations "Polyclinic", "Hospital";

Conversation about the work of a doctor, a nurse;

Excursion to the kindergarten nurse's office;

Reading fiction: fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Telephone".

Material and equipment:

Clothing: bathrobe, hats for children;

Medical instruments: syringes, phonendoscope, vials, spatula, cotton wool, thermometer, bandage;

Documentation: medical records for each "patient".

Vocabulary work: registrar, registry, spatula, phonendoscope, complain.

Lesson progress:

Children sit on chairs

Guys, today we will play with you interesting game. First solve the riddle:

Who is more useful in the days of illness

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor)

Today we will play the game "Polyclinic". Which of you has been to the clinic? Let's remember what you saw there? (doctor, nurse, they gave an injection, looked at the throat, listened)

And who will say why people come to the clinic? When do they come? (when sick to get better)

We come to the clinic and say that we have pain. You know what it's called - "complaining". That's right, the doctor asks: "What are you complaining about?"

Guys, tell me, when we come to the clinic, do we immediately go to the doctor? (No, first you need to take a medical card)

That's right, having come to the clinic, we first go to the registry. There is a registered nurse sitting there who asks for your first name, last name, your home address, and only after that she gives you a medical card. The registrar also answers phone calls, because someone calls the doctor to the house, finds out what time the district doctor takes.

Go to the register.

In it at every window

snow-white figure

The registrar is visible.

We work all the time

We give you coupons

We make directions

We send to the reception.

Then we go with the medical card in turn to the doctor's office.

Rules of conduct in the clinic:

Are you at the clinic?

Be good.

Chur, do not run, do not rush,

Don't jump and don't freak out

Don't talk in the hallway

In the silence of the reception to wait!

Courtesy rules:

Are you going to the office? At the entrance

Don't talk about the weather

And do not stand at the door like a shadow,

And tell us: “Good afternoon! »

When you leave, be polite

Don't forget to say goodbye!

Guys, let's look at the doctor's tools.

This is a phonendoscope. What does the doctor do with this instrument? (listens) What is he listening to? (back, heart, lungs).

And this is a spatula (we show). What are they doing? (looks throat)

And this is a neurological hammer (we show). What does the doctor do for them?

(knocks on knee). That's right, so the doctor checks the patient's reflexes.

Well, who is stronger here

All diseases and colds?

Like Dr. Aibolit

Will it protect us from the flu?

I'm not afraid - I run, I jump

Visit the good doctor!


Up hand and down hand.
Pulled them up a little.
Quickly changed hands!
We are not bored today. (One straight arm up, the other down, jerk to change hands.)
Clap Squats:
Down - cotton and up - cotton.
Legs, hands stretch,
We know for sure - it will be good. (Squats, clapping hands overhead.)
We turn our heads,
Stretching the neck. Stop! (Rotation of the head to the right and left.)

Now consider the nurse's tools: thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, bandage, vitamins. The guys name what they are for, how to use them.

I will show you the tool, and you will tell me what it is called, what they do and who needs it to work.

Performed by a nurse

Appointments in the morning.

To you with a cheerful smile

Give injections quickly

Give pills and medicine

He goes down to the register.

Before we start our game, we need to assign roles.

Which one of you wants to be a doctor?

And who is the nurse?

And who is the medical registrar?

Choice of roles, children take their places.

"Let's get started..."

Children take turns coming to the reception, call the Surname, Name, Address. The medical registrar issues cards to them. Then the patients take turns going to the doctor.

Child doctor: hello, come in, sit down. What is your name? What are you complaining about?

Sick Child: Sore throat.

Doctor Child: Let's see. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah-ah." I'll take a look at you (takes a spatula. Yes, the throat is red. Go to the nurse. She will take your temperature and give you medicine).

So the children take turns going to the doctor, then to the nurse. The game continues until the last child patient.


For injections! For injections!

Get it together, kids!

Don't be afraid! I don't hurt

After all, I am a good doctor.

Raise your shirts

I listen to my stomach.

Oh oh oh! Something rumbles there

Immediately drink compote.

Here's a thermometer for your mouse,

Sit for five minutes.

I will rub you with the best ointment,

I'll put a tourniquet on my arm.

Maybe you can supply banks?

I can - believe - do not believe.

And measure the pressure

You lie down on the bed.

I'll write you a prescription

Buy everything from him.

I'll take care of the kids

Because I love them.

Summing up the game:

Did you like the game?

Did the children like the doctor? Nurse? Registrar? (yes or no, why this opinion)

Did the child himself enjoy being in the role of a doctor, a nurse, a receptionist and a patient?


Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves

He is the happiest of all!

Children are given sweet gifts-vitamins.

List of used literature.

1. Golitsyna N.S. Abstracts of complex-thematic studies. Senior group. Integrated approach. - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013.-448 p.

2. Shorygina T. A. “Professions. What are they? "- M., 2014 - 95 p.

3. Kharenko G, K. Tkachenko "Mom's and dad's professions", - M., AST - PRESS, 2008 - 58 p.

4. “Professions in pictures. A visual aid for teachers and educators ”Introduction of preschool children to the outside world. OOO Publishing House GNOM, 2014 - 28 p.

Zubkova Ekaterina Dmitrievna
Synopsis of GCD on familiarization with others. Consideration of illustrations about the profession of a doctor (second junior group)

Target: the formation of children's ideas about work doctor.


Educational: Clarify children's knowledge about labor doctor.

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding.

Educational: to form a positive attitude towards medical profession.

vocabulary work:

Vocabulary Enrichment: patient, phonendoscope, prescribe, prescribe.

Dictionary activation: hospital, doctor, caring, attentive.

preliminary work: Getting to know the nurse, reading "Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

Funds: Illustrations« Doctor» , "Suitcase doctor» , toy bear

Ways: Surprise moment, problematic situation, viewing illustrations, questions for children, a positive assessment from the teacher.

Motivational part caregiver: - Guys, look who came to visit us today? Let's say hello to Mishka.

Oh, Guys, and Mishka is something sad. What's wrong with you, Misha? Guys, Mishka says that his throat hurts. Guys, what should I do in this case? D.: you have to go to doctor!

V .: Yes, Mishka! Why don't you go to doctor? What? Are you afraid? Guys! The bear is afraid of the doctor! How can we help him?

Children express their options.

V .: Look, I have pictures about the hospital for you and for Mishka. Let's see them and tell Mishka how a doctor works

Main part Look at the picture, who is the doctor here? What is he wearing? What device is he wearing around his neck?

How does a doctor examine a patient? The doctor first asks that worries the boy, then examines the patient, listens, measures the temperature. Finding out that the child is in pain, doctor prescribes treatment, i.e. prescribes medicines.

And the doctors advise doing exercises, let's get distracted and warm up!

Girls and boys / hands on waist

Jump like balls / rhythmic jumps

Foot stomp, / foot stomp

Hands clapping / hand clapping

Eyes blink, / hands on the belt and rhythmic squinting of the eyes

After they rest. /hands down

And I have another picture for you, look what is shown on it? – Suitcase doctor. What's in the suitcase doctor? What is a thermometer / syringe / cotton wool for? How will the doctor listen to the sick doctor?

Guys! How much do you already know about doctors! How does the doctor treat patients? (with care, with attention) And what is the doctor? (kind, caring)

The final part - You see, Mishka, what doctors! Isn't it scary at all?

Well done guys, you are so much about doctors told that Mishka has completely ceased to be afraid, and now he will definitely show his sore throat doctor.

Related publications:

NOD ""Professions of the enterprise Chernomorneftegaz"". (senior group) Program content: cognitive development: to introduce professions.

Synopsis of physical education in the senior group "All professions are needed, all professions are important" Objectives: Educational area "Health" - the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; - cultural upbringing.

Summary of the integrated GCD "All professions are important, all professions are needed" in the middle group GCD theme: "All professions are important, all professions are needed." Direction of education and development ( educational area): cognitive development (.

Summary of the GCD to consolidate ideas about summer in children with disabilities (senior group) Purpose: To consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsummer. Learn to show winter and summer in pictures. Tasks: 1) continue to acquaint children with the signs.

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group for the development of speech "Review of illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov" Tasks: to evoke in children an emotional response to nursery rhymes, a desire to listen to them; perform movements in the game, in accordance with the text; carefully.

Abstract of the GCD in the senior group of the kindergarten "All professions are important - all professions are needed" Goals: 1. Expand children's ideas about the professions of adults. 2. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Professions" 3. Develop dialogic.

Abstract of the lesson for the middle group on familiarization with the work of adults. Topic: "Important professions." Purpose: To teach and generalize the knowledge of children about the work of a doctor and some of his labor actions. Expand your vocabulary with medical terminology.

Abstract of a lesson for children 4-5 years old on the topic: The profession of a doctor

Description: this summary can be used by educators preschool institutions for classes with children of the middle group (4-5 years old)
Target: Expand knowledge about professions.
- to clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the work of a doctor and some of his actions;
- expand vocabulary with medical terms;
- activate the speech of children in the use of verbs and adjectives;
- Raising interest in the profession of a doctor.

Lesson progress:

Educator:"Guys, guess the riddle, the answer will come to you."
"Who sits at the bedside of the sick,
And he tells everyone how to be treated.
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk!
Who is this?" (Doctor)
A doll-doctor comes: "Hello, children!"
Educator:"Tell me, guys, who came to us?"
"How did you know this doll is a doctor?" (She has a white jacket, green trousers, a white hat with a red cross).
- "The profession of a doctor is very important and necessary. Doctors treat us when we get sick. He, like a magician, can cure any ailment in children and adults, because he knows all the medicines, and he has a lot of all sorts of tools to help him in his interesting and responsible work.But to become a doctor, you need to know a lot, because a person's life depends on this knowledge.In addition, a doctor must be kind, he must love and pity his patients.
- "Where does the doctor work?"
- "What's the name of this place?"
- "What is he doing?"

- "Look, our doctor has an interesting suitcase. Do you want to know what is in it? What an interesting bag the doctor has in his suitcase! To find out what is in the bag, you need to feel for an object with your hand, pull it out of the bag and name it." (Children take turns pulling out medical instruments from the bag, say what they are called). Game "Wonderful bag".
"Look how many different items a doctor needs to heal people. Let's name them again." (Call medical instruments).
- "And what the doctor does with these objects, we will now find out in game "What are they doing?"
- "I will throw the ball to you, calling the doctor's instrument, and you will throw it back to me and say what is being done with it.
"Syringe" (injections);
"Thermometer" (measure the temperature);
"Bandage" (bandage wounds);
"Vata" (lubricate scratches);
"Spoon, spatula" (look throat)
"Phonendoscope, stethoscope" (listen to the heartbeat, listen to the lungs with a strong cough);
"Hot water bottle" (applied to the legs if a person is cold).
"Now we're going to play attention game "Find the extra".
Here on the table there are pictures with those items that are necessary for the doctor's work, but there are items that people of other professions need. You should remove them and name them for whom they are needed?
- "Tell me, in kindergarten, who looks after your health?" (nurse Lyudmila Nikolaevna)
- "What is she?" (kind, friendly, affectionate)
- "And if you get sick at home, what needs to be done so that a doctor comes to you?" (call, call him on the phone)
- "Who will tell us how to call a doctor by phone?" (dial 03)
- "Let's imagine that someone is sick with us and try to call a doctor (two / three guys call a doctor by dialing 03).
Physical education:
"So that the head does not hurt,
We rotate it left and right.
And now we turn our hands
And for them there will be a warm-up.
We stretch our hands to the sky,
We part to the sides,
Turns left and right
We produce well.
Leaning easily
We take out the floor with our hands.
Pulled shoulders, backs,
And now the end of the warm-up."
"Doctor, doctor, what shall we do?
Wash your hands or not?
If we wash, then what should we do?
Wash often or less often?
- "Hands should be washed with soap as often as possible: before eating, after a walk, so that there are no germs. Dirty hands are a disaster. They harm us and bring many different diseases."
- "Do you know what you need to do to be healthy? (harden, do exercises, follow the regime, eat right, keep clean and hygienic, take vitamins).
Summary of the lesson.

"Introduction to the Medical Profession". Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the work of adults

Purpose: To clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the work of a doctor and some of his labor actions. Expand vocabulary with medical terminology and activate children's speech in the use of verbs and adjectives.

Raise interest in the profession of a doctor.

Lesson progress:

Guys, guess the riddle, and the answer will come to you:

Who is sitting at the bedside of the patient,

And he tells everyone how to be treated.

Who is sick - he offers to accept drops,

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk! Who is it? (doctor)

The arrival of the doctor doll

Hello children!

Tell me, who came to our lesson?

How did you know this doll is a doctor?

What does a doctor do?

What do you think the doctor brings to people?

Look at our doctor's interesting suitcase, what do you want in it

to know? What an interesting bag the doctor has in his suitcase. To find out

what lies in the bag, you need to feel for the object with your hand and, without pulling it out, name it.

Game "Wonderful bag"

See how many different devices a doctor needs to treat people

Let's call them again.

And what the doctor does with these objects, we will now find out in the game “What are they doing? »

I will throw the ball to you, calling the doctor's instruments, and you will throw it back to me and tell me what they are doing with it

Syringe (injections)

Thermometer (to measure temperature)

Bandage (bandaged)

Phonendoscope (listen to the heartbeat)

Cotton wool (lubricate scratches)

Spoon (look throat)

Now we will play a game of attention, it is called "Find the extra"

Here on the table there are pictures with those items that are necessary for the doctor's work, but there are items that people of other professions need.

You must remove them and name who they are for.

Tell me, in kindergarten, who looks after your health? (nurse Alena Anatolyevna) Look at these faces; (pictograms)

Tell me, if they were doctors, which doctor would you go to?

Why did you go to this doctor? (kind, friendly, affectionate face)

So you think that a doctor should be gentle, good.

Who will tell us how to call a doctor? (by phone)

Let's call, go, Dasha, call, how will you invite our Alena Anatolyevna?

(the child calls the kindergarten nurse)

Nurse enters

Hello children! Did you call me? Who is sick with you?

Alena Anatolyevna we have no patients.

We have invited you to join us.


I know a lot about you: what is your name, who is your mother?

I know height and weight, who sleeps how and who eats how.

Come on, raise your hands and show your palms.

Child: Doctor, doctor, what should we do?

Wash your hands or not?

If we wash, then what should we do?

Wash often or less often?

Nurse: Hands should be washed as often as possible with soap before meals, and after a walk, so that there are no germs. Dirty hands are a disaster. They harm us and bring many different diseases.

I see my assistant doll-doctor visiting you.

I want to play with you in the game "Big - small"

If I say I have a large thermometer, then the doll has a small one. (thermometer)

I have cotton wool, and the doll has - (cotton wool)

The nurse thanks for the invitation and says goodbye to the guys.

Summing up the lesson

Tatyana Kovaleva
Synopsis of the GCD "Profession-doctor"

Synopsis of GCD« Profession Doctor» held in middle group kindergarten.

Compiled by the teacher Kovaleva T. A.

Target: Introduce children to profession doctor in a playful way.


1. expand the horizons and understanding of children about medical profession.

2. develop imagination and creativity.

3. give children the opportunity to try on the role of doctor and patient.

4. in a playful way to help children overcome fears of doctors.

5. development of dialogue speech, activation of vocabulary.

6. development of children's abilities to interact with each other in a playful way.

Materials and equipment:

1. Doctor's play case.

2. A set of toy medical instruments.

3. Dressing gowns and hats.

4. Doll "Aibolit"

caregiver: Guys! Try to guess who will be the main character of our game today?

Who is the most useful in the world,

cure any disease?

Who is always in a white coat

busy with the most important thing?

Who, as soon as you enter,

He speaks: "Open your mouth

and say out loud - ah-ah-ah!

Doesn't your head hurt?

Who is caring and kind?

Well, of course it is.

Children: Doctor!

caregiver: That's right, guys, well done! Today our guest will be a kind doctor. (We bring the doctor's doll, seat it on a chair)

caregiver: The medical profession is very important., interesting and very much needed by everyone in the world. Doctors treat us when we are sick. A doctor, like a magician, will help cure any ailment, because he knows all the medicines and he has many interesting and magical tools that help him in his professions. In addition, the doctor must be kind, must love and feel sorry for his little and adult patients.

caregiver: Children, where do you think the doctor works?

Children: In the hospital, in the clinic.

Do you guys know why doctors are needed? (They treat, help not to get sick, prescribe medications, examine)

Have you ever gone to the doctor? (Yes)


Good doctor early in the morning

Putting on his robe

Washes hands cleanly with soap,

He calls the guys to the office.

-“How did you sleep, what worries you?”

The doctor will ask the kids.

And take a close look

Throat, nose in children.

Not afraid of any illness

The doctor will ask - answer.

He will prescribe medicines for everyone

And delicious raspberry tea.

Measure the temperature

And listen to the heart beat

There will be a doctor at the reception,

The doctor is a good friend to children!

If your teeth hurt

Everyone rushes to the doctor!

He will help and suffering

Yours will stop instantly.

Well, if necessary -

The doctor will give an injection

And then, a friendly team

Let's play volleyball again.

He will prescribe medicines for us,

Take them without a hitch!

Tomorrow we wake up

Let's all be healthier!

caregiver: Guys, do you know what vaccinations are? What are they needed for? (Children: help not to get sick) Which of you have been vaccinated? Well done! There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations. They are our helpers and defenders against viruses. After all, we don't want to get sick, do we? (Children: Not) Being sick in a bed alone at home is so boring and not pleasant! Much better to have fun, play and go out with friends, right (Children: Yes)

caregiver: And now, guys, we will all guess together puzzles:

Kind doctor from a fairy tale

Heals all animals.

He sits under a tree

Good Doctor...

Children: Aibolit!

Fight germs and bacilli:

My hands are clean with ...

Children: Soap!

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician

Don't cry, don't worry

Don't you cry in vain

This is a good childish…

Children: Doctor!

He takes the temperature

And help us understand

Is it possible to go for a walk.

Children: Thermometer!

Can you gnaw and pipes

If you clean...

Children: Teeth!

If your throat hurts

Or maybe bronchitis

Very tasty medicine

The doctor will let us drink!

Even bears love him

All girls and boys!

Children: Raspberry and honey!

caregiver: Guys, let's you help me answer questions:

caregiver: What does a doctor do at his job?

Children: Heals, prescribes medicine, looks at eyes, weighs, gives injections, checks ears.

caregiver: What are the doctors?

Children: There are doctors various: dental (dentist, eye (oculist, surgeon, emergency doctor. Children remember which doctors they had to meet, the educator helps to correctly name this profession.

caregiver: Who else works at the hospital?

Children: Nurse.

caregiver: Name the instruments used by the doctor.

Children: (they call familiar objects. The teacher draws attention to the fact that some objects can be dangerous to handle. Children should not take them without adults. Specialists know how to handle them, as they have learned to use them. Children are talked about the correct use of medicines, that only a doctor can prescribe the right medicine.)

caregiver: What should be a doctor?

Children: kind, attentive, smart, courageous, to know a lot, not to forget anything ...

caregiver: Look, children, our doctor has a magic suitcase. Do you want to know what is in it?

The game "Magic Suitcase".

(children take turns, with one hand they take out the tools from the suitcase and name them)

caregiver: Look how many different items are in the suitcase. Let's name them. (children name medical instruments).

caregiver: And what the doctor does with these items, we will now find out in the game. I will show you the tool, and you will say what is being done with this item.

- "syringe" (make an injection)

- "bandage" (bandaging wounds)

- "thermometer" (measuring temperature)

- "cotton wool" (lubricate scratches)

- "spoon, spatula" (looks throat)

- "phonendoscope" (listen to the heartbeat, listen to the lungs with a strong cough).


So that the head does not hurt

We rotate it to the right, to the left.

And now we turn our hands

And for them there will be a warm-up.

We stretch our hands to the sky,

We part to the sides.

Turns left and right

We produce well.

Leaning easily

We get the floor with our hands!

Pulled shoulders, backs

And now the end of the workout.

caregiver: Guys, tell me, did you learn something new today about professions"Doctor"?

What kind of doctors are there? (Pediatrician - children's doctor, Ophthalmologist, Dentist, in fairy tales - Kind Doctor Aibolit, Veterinarian - doctor of animals).

How should you behave at the doctor's office? (Do not be afraid, there is no reason to cry, answer the doctor's questions, give the doctor an opportunity to examine you).

What should be done to avoid getting sick? (Get vaccinated, wash hands before eating, eat well, walk a lot on fresh air, play sports, do exercises, eat fruits - they contain vitamins).

What if you still get sick? What should be done and who to contact? (Contact a doctor, take prescribed medications, drink hot tea with raspberries and milk with honey).

So that the teeth do not hurt, what should be done? (Brush your teeth in the morning and evening).

Well done boys! Do not forget these rules and you will always be healthy!