Speech development on the theme of spring. Abstract of the lesson on speech development "spring". The course of educational activities

  • 01.04.2020

Fatima Khautievna

Target: development of speech on the topic« Early spring» .



broaden your understanding of spring as a season;

learn how to make a proposal lexical topic « Spring» based on pictures;

enrich vocabulary on spring topics.


activate vocabulary adjectives: spring, warm, affectionate, kind, red, yellow, bright;

learn to coordinate words in the phrase noun. + adj.

develop logical thinking through the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships in nature;

develop long term memory, continue to learn to memorize the text using mnemotables.


1. Raise skills in children learning activities(the ability to answer questions with full answers, listen carefully to your comrades)

2. Create a positive emotional mood, instill in children a love of nature.

Area integration: Speech, cognitive.

preliminary work: Observations on a walk for the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, looking at illustrations on the topic, reading poems and riddles about spring.

The course of educational activities.

1. Org. Moment

Good morning to those who are awake.

Good morning who smiled.

Good morning people and birds.

Good morning friendly faces.

Let's greet each other with a smile.

Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out what time of the year today will be dedicated to. occupation.

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And it gets warmer.

If the wind gets warmer

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the sun shines brighter

So we have come... (Spring) .

You are happy spring? (Yes.) We've been waiting a long time spring, which means what Spring? (Long awaited). What mood do you get when you talk about spring? (Cheerful, good, perky, beautiful.) And with such a mood lesson We will clearly answer, pronounce all the sounds.

caregiver: I want to tell you a story about a fight spring and sunshine. met Spring and the sun and together came to people, gave warmth and joy, and then suddenly they argued which of them was in charge. Sun He speaks: “I warm the earth, I drive away the winter with heat”, a Spring: "I'll drive the winter away without you". The sun was offended and gone. BUT spring tries hard, could not defeat the winter and went to the sun, but only could not wake the sun. Does this story really end so badly? What happens if they don't make up and the sun doesn't come out? children's answers.

How we can spring help? How do we find our way to the sun? Follow the tracks.

caregiver: Each step-trace is a question from spring. We'll go from trail to trail, we'll follow spring and collect all the answers and the sun will wake up.

1. The game "One and many". I name one object, and the one who caught the ball - many of the same objects. Started:

stream - streams

Rain - rain

Snowdrop - snowdrops

Starling - starlings

nest - nests

Icicle - icicles

leaf - leaves

Insect - insects

Tree - trees, etc.

2. Compiling a story about spring according to the mnemonic table.

3. Game "Sweet words" Now let's play a little. We stand around me. I'll throw the ball, and you guys will have to think carefully and replace simple words to affectionate.

The sun is the sun

brook - brook

wind - breeze

chick - chick

branch - branch

Drop - drop

flower - flower

Grass - grass

Leaf - leaf

4. Working with the mnemonic table.

caregiver: It is necessary to call the sun, remember the poem.

According to the mnemonic table, children remember the poem « Spring is red» :

You, Spring, spring is red,

What did you bring with you?

I brought for the meadows

flower bedspread,

Brought for the Christmas tree

new needles,

For aspen and birch

A whole load of fresh leaves.

5. Physical Minute: "Come out, come out sunshine"

The teacher gives "Sun" to one of the children, who is in the center of the circle of children, the children sing and show together.

"Come out, come out, sunshine!

We will sow the seed.

A sprout will soon grow

Stretching to the east

Stretches to the east.

The bridge will be thrown over.

We will go over the bridge

Let's go to the sun."

6. Compiling a story about spring by painting.

The teacher takes over Sun:

We must reconcile spring and sunshine.

Let's tell the sun what will happen if they make up.

Sunny, listen, what a story about in the spring the guys turned out but without you

no way, you're the main thing. Did the sun like your stories? Why?

7. Game "Sun spring» What is it, the sun spring? (Warm, round, bright, red, cheerful, radiant, spring) .

8. Productive activity.

caregiver: The sun liked your stories, it will make peace with warm the earth in spring, But trouble happened when the sun quarreled in the spring, the wind blew and tore the pictures "Spring Holidays" into small pieces. Our task is to collect them into a single picture and name which spring holiday and what date it is celebrated. (March 8, Cosmonautics Day, May 9).

9. Summing up:

caregiver: Guys did you like our occupation? What do you remember and like the most? What is your mood?

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Program content: Summarize children's ideas about spring: name the signs of spring, knowledge of the spring months. Enrich sensory experience through speech, replenish vocabulary with a variety of definition words. By facial expressions, recognize the mood, correlate with natural phenomena in the spring. Develop an interest in theatrical games. Painting work.



Learn to name the signs of spring, know the names of the spring months.

Expand vocabulary on the topic "Spring".


Develop connected speech.

Develop articulatory motility and facial muscles.

Stimulate the mental and speech activity of children.


Cultivate respect and love for nature.

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Dictionary activation: Spring, spring months: March, April, May. Signs of spring: it is getting warm, the snow is melting, the trees are waking up, flowers are appearing. Sun, streams, icicle, thawed patches, flowers, migratory birds.

Preparatory work: Reading poems and stories about spring; viewing illustrations on the topic; learning poems, proverbs and sayings, songs, games; work on the theatrical fairy tale “How a gingerbread man met spring”.

Equipment: painting “Spring”, layouts of flowers. Tape recorder, cassette with relaxation music. Costumes (or hats) of animals: a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox, a gingerbread man, an umbrella.

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys!

How warm and bright today! Look out the window, what time of year is it? (Children look out the window)

What spring months do you know?

March April May.

Well done! You know.

Guys, can you confuse winter with spring? (Development of the ability to select antonyms)

Let's check.

Winter is gone, and spring - ... - has come.

In winter - cold, frosts, and in spring? (children's answers)

In winter, the sun is low on the horizon, but in spring? (Children's answers) The sun rises high, it warms more, it becomes warmer.

Snowdrifts are high in winter, but in spring? (Children's answers) The snow begins to melt, icicles drip, streams run, thawed patches form, etc.

Days are short in winter, but in spring? (children's answers)

All right, well done.

2. Painting, development of coherent speech. Actualization of vocabulary on the topic "Spring".

Guys, take a close look at the picture.

Now answer my questions:

What season is shown in the picture? - Spring.

How did you guess? By what signs? - The sun is shining brightly. Sky is blue. The trees are still without leaves. Buds swell. The grass is green. The first flowers appeared.

What is the sun? - bright, affectionate, kind, warm.

And what is the grass? - green, tender, small.

Listen, the breeze is walking on the spring grass. He is still very weak.

Let's help the wind. Children blow on their palms (development of speech breathing).

How does the wind blow? - Sh-sh-sh

And the first spring bugs stirred in the grass. How do bugs buzz? – F-F-F

3. Physical education"Sunflowers"

And now, guys, we ourselves will turn into spring sunny flowers (an audio recording of pleasant music is turned on).

We are sitting in the ground like seeds (the children sat down).

We rise to the sun, up, like sprouts (children get up and stretch on their toes up).

Dissolve like flowers (children spread their arms to the sides).

Well done guys, what wonderful sunny flowers bloomed in our group. They looked at each other and smiled.

4. Fairy tale“Like a gingerbread man met spring.” The development of interest in theatrical games, the development of coherent speech.

Children, do you all know the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"? - Yes.

And now we will play a fairy tale about a kolobok in a spring way. And it is called “How a gingerbread man met spring”. (Children participating in the performance put on costumes)

Dramatization based on the fairy tale “HOW A KOLOBOK MET SPRING” by Tatyana Evtyukova

Grandmother: Oh, what is this?

Gingerbread man: Hello, grandma! Are you waiting for Spring to visit? How cool it will be fun party! I'll swing along the path towards Spring.

Grandmother (addressing the children): Look, guys, the gingerbread man is already on the path. Rolling, rolling, and towards him the Hare.

Hare: Hello, Kolobok. I will eat you.

Gingerbread Man: Don't eat me, Hare. I'll sing you a song. (singing)

I am a cheerful Kolobok

I have a rosy side

And I roll along the path

Meet the red spring

Then we will all be together

Songs to sing and dance

Hare: You sing well, but still I will eat you. Although ... If you guess the riddle, I'll let you go, hello.

Kolobok (addressing the guys): Guys, can you help me?

Well, listen to the riddle from the hare:

A warm south wind blows

The sun is shining brighter.

The snow is thinning, soft, melting,

The loud-mouthed rook flies.

What month? Who will know?

Children: March!

Wolf: Hello, ruddy Gingerbread Man! We met right away! I'm so hungry...

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Wolf. I'll sing you a song. (sings his song)

Wolf: Oh, you sing well! Well, guess the riddle - I'll leave it alone.

Grandmother: Listen to the riddle from the Wolf:

The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us?

Children: April!

Bear: Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Mishenka. I'll sing you a song, do you want?

Sings the song again.

Bear: Eat anyway. Although okay, I'm kind today. If you guess my riddle, I'll let you go.

Grandmother: Riddle from a bear:

The fields are green,

The nightingale sings

The garden is dressed in white

The bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess,

What month is this?

Children: May!

Bear (surprised): Right. Well, I'm letting you go. Say hello to spring!

Grandmother: The bear left on his important business, and the bun rolled further. Rolling, rolling, and towards him the Fox.

Lisa: How ruddy and delicious. He must have come running to me! I will eat you!

Gingerbread Man: What is it, they won't let you meet Spring! Lisa, you are so cunning and smart, you know a lot of wisdom! Let's do it this way: if I don't guess your riddle - eat me, but if I guess it - you will let me go for good. Good?

Fox: Okay, try to guess.

Grandmother: Riddle from the fox:

She comes with affection

And with my own story.

magic wand

will wave,

Snowdrop in the forest

Will blossom.

Kolobok (thoughtfully):

Children, help me again!

Children: Spring!

Fox: That's right, Spring. Oh, I didn't have lunch. But I will not break my word, I will not touch you. Say hello to Spring! (The fox runs away)

Educator: Well, did the gingerbread man find Spring? But spring has already arrived. Spring came!!! That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done !!! (Bow of the artists)

5. Completion of the lesson. Repetition, consolidation, generalization of the material.

Children, what season are we talking about today?

About spring.

What spring months do you now know?

March April May.

What signs of spring do you now know?

In spring it becomes warmer, the sun strongly heats the earth, flowers and grass appear, snow melts, birds fly from warm countries.

Well done, everyone did a good job today, and now it's time to play.

6. The game “Sparrows and Rain” (development of the ability to act on a team, development of the ability to recite poems in chorus, rallying the children's team).

Children walk in all directions, clap their hands, stamping under the text:

A sparrow jumped from a birch onto the track!

No more frost chirp chirp!!!

At the signal “It’s raining, hurry home!” everyone runs and hides under an umbrella held by an adult.

List of used literature:

1. Ushakova O.S. Children's speech development program preschool age in kindergarten M: TC Sphere 2002

2. Scenario of the spring holiday for children 3-5 years old “HOW THE GINGER MET SPRING” Tatyana EVTYUKOVA, especially for the children's portal “Solnyshko”. Published February 4, 2002.

Target: activation and enrichment of the children's vocabulary with concepts denoting spring phenomena and animal behavior in spring.



Clarify and systematize children's ideas about spring changes in nature.

1. Activate the vocabulary of children with concepts from the topic of the lesson.
2. Develop coherent speech: the ability to understand others to express their thoughts, to use grammatical structures correctly.
3. Develop dialogic and monologue (explanatory) speech, the ability to correctly build complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words: what, when, which, because.

1. Cultivate a respectful attitude to the answers of peers.
2. Contribute to the formation of children's interest in nature.
Dictionary work: spring is red, drops, buds swell, sap flow, sunny, streams, nests, thawed patches, wake up from hibernation.

Previous work: observing children in nature, reading fiction looking at illustrations.

Materials for the lesson: illustrations depicting natural phenomena in different periods of spring; ball.

Lesson progress:

The teacher reads folk chants:
Look out, sun, from behind the mountains,
Look out, sun, from the morning.
Have you seen, the sun, the Red Spring?
Did you, red one, meet your sister?
Did the sun see the old Yaga,
Old Yaga, witch Zima?
How did she, fierce, leave Spring?
I ran from the red
She carried a cold in a bag,
I carried the cold in the bag,
Cold shook the ground!

Guys, what is this poem about? (It talks about how winter turns into spring).
- Why do you think the author calls the winter "the witch, the old Yaga", and the spring - "Red"?
- Think about why the “fierce winter” has left? (The sun warmed up, it became warmer).
- Yes, spring has come - red. So the people called spring, because it is very beautiful, everyone rejoiced at its arrival: both children and adults.
- Listen, guys, how did the people call the spring months and try to guess why?
March-dropper, protalnik.
April-Aquarius, birch.
May-herb, pollen.
- Spring is a celebration of the awakening of nature. All people, animals, plants expect joy and warmth from spring.

On the board are illustrations depicting spring phenomena in different periods, animals and plants in spring. As needed, we turn to them together with the children.
- Guys, let's remember and look at the pictures, what changes occur in nature in the spring.
What does the sky look like in spring? (Blue, light, cloudless). And the sun? (Warm, bright, affectionate, spring).
- What happens to the snow? (With the onset of warm days, thawed patches appear in the snow, the snow begins to melt, streams flow, icicles hang from the roofs).
- How many of you guys know what a drop is? (Icicles melt quickly under warm sunlight, and drops of water often, often drip from the roofs.)
- Correctly. At this time, the whole earth is saturated with moisture, sap flow begins near trees and shrubs.
- Guess what sap flow is?
I listen to children's assumptions and summarize:
- From the roots to each branch comes the juice that nourishes each kidney. They increase in size, swell.
- And what happens to the kidneys next? (They burst, and small sticky leaves bloom).
- And what else amuses our eyes? Not only trees and shrubs are dressed in a young haze of greenery. (The ground is covered with grass).
The snow is melting, the meadow came to life,
The day is coming.
When does it happen?
- Of course, in the spring. And how do you understand the words "The day is coming"? (The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter.)
- Does it somehow affect the state of nature, the weather? (When there is a lot of sun, the weather gets warmer).
- It also gets warmer because the sun rises higher and higher in the sky, warming everything around with its warmth.
Why are there so many birds in spring? What are they so concerned about? (They flew in from warm lands, make nests).
- In winter, the birds ate the preserved seeds of plants, but this was not enough for them. Remember how we helped them? (Fed up: various feeds were poured into the feeders.)
- And in the spring, what do they eat, because insectivorous birds have arrived? (Insects appear in the spring, and birds feed on them).
- Right. Bugs, spiders, insect pupae spent the whole cold winter under the bark of trees, hiding in old stumps, in the ground, under fallen leaves - they were motionless. Having warmed up, they crawl out of their shelters.
- And what happens to those animals that have hibernated since late autumn? (Hedgehogs, bears, badgers wake up from hibernation in spring).
- Yes, guys. In the spring, all nature seems to have awakened from its winter sleep. What beautiful words can be said about spring? (Spring is red, sunny, affectionate, warm, green, beautiful, etc.)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up
Didn't want to sleep anymore
Moved, stretched -
Soared up and flew.
(Repeat 2-3 times).

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center with the ball in his hands.
- Guys, let's play the game "One and many". I name one object, and the one who caught the ball - many of the same objects. Started:
stream - streams
Rain - rain
sun - sun
Starling - starlings
nest - nests
Icicle - icicles
thawed - thawed
leaf - leaves
drops - drops
Insect - insects
Tree - trees, etc.

Guys, new bright colors appeared in nature in spring. Which? (Leaves, grass - green; sky, icicles - blue; sun - bright yellow; many first flowers bright colors etc.).

Summing up: what did we talk about today, what did we learn new, what did you like the most?

You are all great - you all did a great job!

Program content:

- reinforce children's knowledge senior group about the distinguishing features of the seasons;

- enrich the subject dictionary (thaw, thaw, drops, sowing, seedlings, etc.); - exercise children in distributing a complete simple sentence with homogeneous additions or definitions;

- learn to compose a coherent narrative story about spring changes in nature based on a diagram.

Material: plot pictures of the same landscape at different times of the year; set of subject , ; diagram for writing a story about the seasons.

Lesson progress

AT. What season do you like the most? Why do people rejoice in the coming of spring? When does spring come? Name the spring months!

Game "Where did spring come?"

Children are divided into teams: "city", "field", "forest". Assignment: to tell about the signs of spring only “on your own territory”. The team with the most signs wins.

AT. Consider four similar landscapes. Determine the spring months from the pictures and arrange them in order. Which picture is missing? (Autumn.) By what signs do you distinguish late autumn from early spring? (Dark snow, clear skies and bright sun.)

Game "Conclusions".

  • Why is there no ice drift in late spring?
  • Why doesn't an apple tree bloom in early spring?
  • Where do streams come from?
  • It's spring outside now because...

AT. Say with the word “spring (-ya, -ee)”: day, weather, rain, mood, thunderstorm, sun, months, forest, grass, sky, flowers. What does the expression "spring mood" mean?

Fizkultminutka.Hands raised and shook - These are the trees in the forest. Hands bent, brushes shaken - The wind blows away the dew. Hands to the sides, gently wave - These are birds flying to us. We will also show how they sit down: Wings folded back.

AT. What birds come to us in spring? How do they know it's time for them to go home? Why do people rejoice at the return of birds? How do we help birds in spring? Tell about the sequence of arrival of birds according to the subject series of bird paintings. (The pictures show a lark, a starling, a finch, a warbler, a cuckoo, a swallow, a redstart, an oriole and a bullfinch.) the edges. Pick up more definitions to the word "bird". Tell about the starling, swallow, crane (in subgroups), using the definition words you have named. (Children make common sentences with homogeneous definitions.)

Listen to the familiar melody of P.I. Tchaikovsky (collection "The Seasons") and show the plastic sketch "How does a flower wake up?". What spring flowers do you know? Which flower appears first in spring? (Snowdrop.) Why is it called that? We will again divide into subgroups: "forest", "garden", "meadow" - and decompose the pictures of flowers according to their place of growth. Which of the groups will cope faster and without errors?

Tell us what grows in the forest in spring? In the garden? In the meadow? (Children make common sentences with homogeneous additions.) Think and say who is “friends” with flowers, but is very afraid of birds? (Insects.) What insects do you know? How are all insects alike? (They have six legs each.) Make a beetle out of the palms of both hands: the thumbs and forefingers are intertwined and held, like a torso, parallel to the table. The rest of the fingers are on the table with pads, like all six paws. Show how the bug crawls! Let's all sing together the song of a little beetle (in a quiet and thin voice): w-w-w; and the song of a large Maybug (loudly and as long as possible, without stopping): F-F-F. Who can have a cockchafer fly longer without stopping (long and even exhalation)?! During the exercise, children raise their hands in the "beetle" position above the table or above their heads.

AT. Look at the diagram for a description of the time of year. What will we talk about first? (About inanimate nature - the sun, sky, clouds, precipitation.) Make a few sentences, starting like this: “In the spring ...”

  • In spring, the sun warms more strongly, shines brighter and longer than in winter.
  • In spring, the snow melts and thawed patches appear.
  • In spring, the sky is clear, high, the air is transparent; breathe easily.
  • In spring the clouds are light and white; there are few of them and they fly high.
  • In the spring there are rare rains and thunderstorms begin.

AT. The next point of the scheme is indicated by a tree picture. Let's talk about plants. What changes in plant life in spring?

  • In the spring, the trees begin to sap, they “wake up”.
  • In the spring, buds swell on the trees and the first leaves and flowers appear.
  • Snowdrops appear in spring.
  • In the spring, seeds of various plants begin to germinate. The following is a schematic representation of an animal (bird, insect).

AT. Tell us about the life of wild animals (birds, insects) in spring.

  • In the spring, the bear wakes up and gets out of the den.
  • In spring, the hare changes its white coat to a gray one.
  • In spring, migratory birds return to their nests.
  • In spring, the insects wake up and crawl out of their burrows. Etc.

AT. The next picture of the scheme is children's clothing. What is the difference between the clothes you wear in winter and the ones you wear in spring.

Winter clothes for children:

  • winter hats, scarves, coats, overalls, fur coats, winter jackets, felt boots, etc.

Spring clothes for kids:

  • jackets, raincoats and rubber boots, caps, shoes, vests, etc.

AT. Thus, we have compiled a large and complete story about spring. Task: memorize the scheme and tell parents at home about spring changes in nature. In the next lesson, we will determine who can make more sentences about spring without prompting, who will make a beautiful and complete story. If you can draw pictures for your story, then we will make a whole book with your stories and drawings.


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: spring, March, April, May, snow, icicles, thawed patches, sun, streams, messengers of spring, flood, ice drift, drops, flood, puddles, moisture, crops, planting, awakening, snowdrop, thaw.

ADJECTIVES: cold, murmuring, sonorous, talkative, violent, noisy, high-water, spring, radiant, warm, bright, friendly, red, wet, March, spring waters, azure, clear, clear, birdlike, cool, sunny, loose, harsh .

VERBS: came, advances, flew in, flew out, spinning, curling, fussing, twisting, murmuring, running, ringing, flooding, moving, singing, breaking through, melting, shining, warming, warming, dripping, flowing, breathing, smelling, waking up, settle.

Spring came
Floating -…
Duet - ...
Run - ...

The sun is warm and shining...
Clouds - …
Snow - …

The earth is black, cold, frozen...
Sun - …
Birds - …

Clean, fast, sonorous - a stream
Bright, radiant, warm - ...

Blue ice is like (glass...)
Thick fog...
Fluffy clouds - ...
Icicle - ...

Why does the snow melt? The snow is melting because...
Why do streams run?

Dear parents!

Have your child answer the following questions:
What time of year do we celebrate? (We are seeing off the winter.)
What season starts? (Spring begins.)

Introduce your child to the signs of early spring:
in spring nature wakes up;
the sun shines brightly and begins to warm;
snow melts, streams run, thawed patches appear;
icicles appeared on the roofs;
the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter;
buds swelled on the trees and leaves sprouted;
the first grass appeared;
snowdrops bloomed;
sparrows chirped merrily,
the first migratory birds from hot countries will soon arrive;
the insects woke up;
rose after hibernation wild animals;
people took off their warm winter clothes.

Read a poem about early spring, memorize:

Drops jump loudly from the roof,
Icicles are crying above the window.
Drops jump into my palm,
And grandma's cat
On the stairs, on the railings.
The cat even opened its mouth.
Drops jump from the roof loudly.
Spring is coming to us. We hear:
Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap!



Spring came. The sun is warming. Snow melts and streams flow. Lots of water around. Children rejoice - you can float boats on the water, splash through puddles in rubber boots. Trees rejoice - they will drink melt water and will turn green and bloom. The rooks rejoice - there are a lot of worms in the wet earth in the fields. The rooks are full. Sparrows rejoice - they drink water, swim in puddles and chirp loudly: "Spring has come!"

What time of year does spring come after?
- What does the sun do?
- What happens to the snow?
- Who needs melt water?
- What are the children happy about?
Why do trees need water?
- Why are the rooks happy?
- Why do rooks need worms?
- Who bathes in puddles?


Spring is coming. The snow is melting, the drops are ringing. The sun shines brightly in spring. Ice breaks on the river. Buds burst on the trees and fragrant leaves appear. Snowdrops bloom in the forest. Children hang birdhouses on trees, launch boats. Insects wake up, birds build nests. Spring came!


loose snow
melting in the sun,
The wind plays in the branches
Ringing bird voices
Came to us ... (Spring)

She comes with affection
And with my own story.
magic wand
will wave,
Snowdrop in the forest
Will blossom. (Spring)

beauty walks,
Lightly touches the ground
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snow, and on the flower. (Spring)

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.
When does it happen? (Spring)

I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is ... (Spring)

The snow turns black in the meadow,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the pantry.
It's that time of year. (Spring)

Green-eyed, cheerful,
Beautiful girl.
Brought to us as a gift
What everyone will love:
Greens - leaves,
We are warm
For everything to bloom.
The birds followed her
Songs to sing all masters.
Guess who she is?
This girl is ... (Spring)

At snow-covered bumps,
Under the white snow cap
We found a small flower
Half frozen, a little alive. (Snowdrop)

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small. (Snowdrop)

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Brook)

Not a pedestrian, but walking.
Wet people at the gate.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
A very difficult puzzle? (Rain)

white polka dots
On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

Rustle inaudible
White pearls
Fresh tender tiny
From under the snow
Rushed towards the sun. (Snowdrop)

yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
Sheltered from the frost
In their branches ... (Mimosa)

He is the flower prince-poet,
Wearing a yellow hat.
An encore sonnet about spring
Will read to us ... (Narcissus)

You can find them in Holland
They are respected everywhere.
Like bright glasses
In the squares there bloom ... (Tulips)

A warm south wind blows
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting,
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know? (March)

The streams run faster
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow happy with the weather
A month looked at us ... (March)

In warm sunny boots
With a light on the clasps,
A boy runs through the snow
Snow scares, little rascal:
Just set foot - the snow melted,
The ice on the rivers broke.
Captivated by his excitement.
And this boy is ... (March)

The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? (April)

The bear got out of the den,
Mud and puddles on the road
In the sky the lark trills
Came to visit us ... (April)

In the night - frost
In the morning - drops,
So, in the yard ... (April)

Wakes the forest, fields and mountains,
All meadows and gardens.
He knocks on everything,
Sings by the water.
“Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile!”
A flute is heard in the distance.
It wakes everyone up… (April)

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this? (May)

The garden tried on white
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our land is dressed in greenery
We are warmly welcomed ... (May)

A baby runs in bast shoes,
You hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms
He laughs - everything sings.
Hid happiness in the petals
At the lilac on the bushes.
"My lily of the valley, fragrant!"
Cheerful commanded ... (May)

Housewarming at the starling
He rejoices without end.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We made ... (Birdhouse)

Here on a branch someone's house
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there.
This house is called ... (Nest)

On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

In the midst of
dripping juice
From snow-white bark. (Birch)

The streams run faster
The sun shines warmer
Sparrow is happy with the weather -
The month came to us ... (March).

The bear got out of the den,
Mud and puddles on the road
In the sky the lark trills -
Came to visit us ... (April).

The garden tried on white
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our land is dressed in greenery -
We are warmly welcomed ... (May).

Housewarming at the starling -
He rejoices without end.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We made ... (birdhouse).

The snow is melting, the meadow came to life,
The day is coming. When does it happen? (Spring)

An ice bag hangs outside the window,
It is full of drops and smells like spring. (Icicle)

I run to my mother-river and cannot be silent.
I am her own son, and I was born in the spring. (Stream)

He was the first to get out of the ground on a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop)

Black, agile, shouting: "Krak!"
Worms are an enemy. (Rook)

The house was built for the singer
No windows, no porch. (birdhouse)


April, April! Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.
Soon the ants will come out after the winter cold.
The bear makes its way through the forest deadwood.
The birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed.