Drawing who has which house the middle group. Drawing lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten “Who built a new house? “Who lives in what house…”

  • 11.05.2020

Oksana Shmakova
Synopsis of OOD on fine arts on the topic: “Who lives in what house?”

Abstract of the organization and conduct of the OOD on fine arts on the topic:

“Who lives in what house…”

Program content: To develop children's understanding of where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live.

To form the ability to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (birdhouse, beehive, kennel).

Integration educational areas: « cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Forms of organization: group, individual.

Forms of implementation of the activities of pupils:

verbal (reading, conversation, riddles);

visual (demonstration);

game (cognitive, developing);

productive activity;

physical education, finger gymnastics.

Targets and goals:

To teach the ability to arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper;

To develop the ability of children to create an image of objects consisting of rectangular, triangular parts (booth, kennel);

To consolidate the ability to draw with colored pencils, paint over without going beyond the contour of the subject;

Activate the dictionary of children (words: beehive, kennel, birdhouse);

Emotionally answer questions;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings, nature.

Materials, tools, equipment:

At the educator:- images of a beehive, nest, birdhouse, kennel;

Figurines of a bee, dog, bird, starling, snail with magnets;

A-4 sheet, marker;

puppy toy;

Recording of the children's song "Big Secret for a Small Company" performed by the Nikitins and a music center;

2-3 hoops;

Pupils: - colored pencils, sheets.

preliminary work

Observation of dogs, birds for a walk.

Examining illustrations depicting animals;

Reading fiction about animals.

The course of educational activities:

Introductory part - the children are sitting on the carpet, the teacher starts a conversation about the weather.

Educator - Guys, look out the window, what is the weather like today? (cold, rainy, cloudy sky, leaves have fallen). What do we wear when we go out? (jackets, hats, boots). And why are we dressed lightly now, why are we not cold? (because we are in kindergarten). Correctly. We are under the roof, in the garden. We can say that kindergarten is our home

Educator - Do you think animals and birds have houses? (Yes). What are they, the same or different? (various). I suggest you take a trip on a flying carpet and see different houses of different animals. Please close your eyes and imagine that we are flying on a magic magic carpet to visit ... Have you imagined? Then open your eyes, get up and repeat after me:

“Hands to the sides - we send the plane into flight. Right wing forward, left wing forward. One, two, three, four, our plane flew!”

(Following the teacher, the children repeat the movements)

Educator - Children, I ask you to go to your seats.

On the board there are images of a beehive, a nest, a birdhouse, a booth.

Main part

Educator - Look at the blackboard, please? What do you see? (houses). And who lives in them, we will find out by guessing riddles.

She flew over the flower, she collected pollen in the house Striped she, and her name is ... BEE

Educator: Let's remember what the house for bees is called? (Hive).

Educator: Right. Help the bee find its home.

The teacher invites the child to choose a house for the guessed animal, gives him a figurine and a magnet. The child attaches the figurine in the house or next to it. So after every riddle

It is fun to fly at will, to sing songs over the flowers in the field; And on a flexible branch, In the twilight of the forest, children are waiting for the songstress In their native nest. BIRD

Educator: What is it, where does the bird live? (in nest). That's right, listen to the next riddle.

This little tenant flew in from distant countries. He sat on a branch near the birdhouse and sang: “Winter is over!” Who is this fellow? What is his name? STARLING

Educator: What is the name of the bird house? (birdhouse).

Educator: What is the difference between a nest and a birdhouse? (birds build a nest from twigs, and people make birdhouses from boards)

Educator - People build birdhouses so that these birds sing their beautiful songs.

Barks loudly, guards the house. Big bully. Who is it? DOG

Educator - Let's remember what the dog house is called? (booth)

Educator - Right. And also a house for a dog is called a kennel

Let's all repeat together (kennel).

Educator - And the last riddle. "Complex"!

Who is this, in fact: he barely walks,

He wears a twisted house - behind his back. SNAIL

Educator - Where is the snail's house? (she wears it on her back). What good fellows! Everyone knows. I suggest you relax and "visit" in another house. Please stand by your seats and repeat after me!

Physical education minute

The deer has a big house, (Hands above the head - we represent the roof of the house)

He sits and looks out the window. (Support the cheeks below with both hands)

Bunny runs across the field, (Jumping in place)

There is a knock on the door to him: (Stomping feet, hands on the belt)

“Knock knock, open the door, (imitation of a knock on the door alternately with each hand)

There's an evil hunter in the forest." (Hands on the belt, turn right and left)

"Bunny, bunny, run! (Invitation - hand movements) Give me a paw.

Children sit down

Educator - Please, guys, look at the houses and tell me if they are the same shape or different? (various) And what kind of house is superfluous here and why? (the nest, because it is semicircular, and the rest of the houses are rectangular and triangular). That's right (removes the nest).

Educator - Tell me, what shape are the walls of these houses? Roofs? (rectangular, triangular). Let's repeat what the houses are called (beehive, birdhouse, booth).

Educator - Please listen to the poem.

Each house has its owner:

Birds make nests and live in them.

Bunnies - under a bush, in a small hole,

Foxes and mice run into holes.

Bear-bear - in a huge den,

The house of squirrels is a hollow,

Different herbs live by the road,

The house of all the fish shakes with a wave.

The dragonfly has a house - openwork leaves,

Mesh house - at the spider,

Here is my house, it is big and beautiful,

Educator - Guys, do you think everyone has their own houses? (No). Unfortunately, not everyone has a place to live. You have seen dogs, cats running around the streets. Do you think they are doing well? (no) Yes, they are sad and cold, especially in this weather.

Educator - Look who I found near our door (brings in a toy puppy). His name is Buddy. He's kind of sad. He probably has nowhere to live. How do you think we can help him? (draw him a house).

Educator - Come on, each of you will draw Druzhka a house, and he will choose one of them and settle in it. And first, let's prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics

drawing in the air geometric shapes using one hand, both hands.

Productive activity (drawing).

Demonstration and explanation of the educator

Educator - First we will work with a simple pencil. Put four dots and connect them. The result is a rectangle (square). At the top in the middle we put one more point, connect it with the upper points - we get a triangular roof. It remains to draw the entrance for the puppy. It can be round or semicircular.

The teacher draws a booth on the landscape sheet with a marker, the children look

Educator - Please, you can get to work. The puppy house can be painted in any color you like. Try to hatch the parts of the house in one direction and not go beyond the outline drawn with a simple pencil.

Children get to work, the teacher monitors the posture so that the children hold the pencil correctly and freely, without tension; prompts, helps children who are experiencing difficulties.

You can turn on the recording of the song "Big Secret for a Small Company."

Educator - Children, I invite you to play.

Didactic game "Whose house is this?"

Purpose: - to consolidate the ability to navigate in space,

Develop attention, the ability to move on a signal,

Correlate the logical pairs "dog - kennel", "bee - beehive", "bird - birdhouse (nest)".

Game progress: 2-3 hoops are laid out on the floor, the children stand in random order.

Task: “When the tambourine rings, you move freely around the hoops. When the tambourine stops, I say "beehive", "birdhouse" or "kennel". You jump into any hoop and make the sound of the tenant of this house - buzzing, chirping or barking of a dog. We play several times.


Educator - Well done! How well you remember everything. Now let's go back to our seats and show Druzhka how beautiful booths you have turned out.

Children sit in their seats and show each other drawings.

Now the puppy has a home, and not even one. My friend liked all the houses. Therefore, he will live in all of them in turn. And it's time for us to say goodbye to our guest. Goodbye, friend.

Guys, did you like how we worked today? - This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all!


Federal state educational standard preschool education: approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 // Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: official. website. - M., 2015. - Access mode: http://Ministry of Education. rf/documents/6261.

From birth to school: basic educational program preschool education / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015.

Approximate complex-thematic planning for the program "From birth to school". Middle group / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015.

Komarova T. S. Visual activity in kindergarten: the middle group / T. S. Komarova. - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015.

1000 riddles about everything in the world / comp. N. V. Elkina, T. I. Tarabarina. -

Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2011.

MAAM. EN: international educational portal/ founder D. V. Fonov, Ch. ed. E. A. Vovchenko. –2010-2016. – Access mode: http://www.website/

Nomination: Kindergarten, Abstract of a lesson in fine arts, abstract of a lesson in drawing in middle group

Integrated lesson: Acquaintance with the environment.
Who built the new house?
Drawing. My dream house.

Purpose: To form children's knowledge about the work of builders, workers of various specialties; to consolidate the ability to work according to the model of the labor process; develop respect for the work of adults.

And the roof is so high

What the birds can't get.

The house has ten floors,

There are thousands of people in the house.

- Guys, what house? Light, beautiful, tall, large, brick, red, colorful, gray, etc.

- And what was Vasya like and what did he become?) Sad, sad, boring, cheerful, funny, joyful, kind.

— Do you think the house can be sad? Funny? Kind? When? Why?

- Children, do you want to dream?

  • I suggest you draw a house IN WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO LIVE.

Independent work of children.

Name: Drawing lesson in the middle group kindergarten"Who built the new house?"
Nomination: Kindergarten, abstract of a lesson in drawing in the middle group, summary of a lesson in fine arts, activity, middle group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: GKKP "nursery-garden "Solnyshko"
Location: Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan

Synopsis of GCD "My home"

Material for teachers of preschool institutions.

Topic: My house

Age: Medium preschool group(4-5 years)

Direction: Cognitive-speech

Main educational area:"Knowledge"

Integrated educational areas:"Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction", Music"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the concept of "home".


Educational: To cultivate love, a sense of affection for one's home, city.

Educational: Develop coherent speech through complete answers to questions.

Develop imaginative thinking and memory. Develop attention, imagination, creativity.

Educational: Continue to acquaint children with the history of housing, with types of houses in other countries. To expand the knowledge of children about their "small homeland", the streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose. Strengthen the ability to call your address. Repeat animal dwellings.

Planned result: To form in children knowledge about the types of houses, about the history of their occurrence; consolidate the ability to call your home address.

Methods and techniques:

visual: showing, viewing.

verbal: explanation, questions, consideration, conversation, comparison, artistic word, indication.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", the game "Whose house"

Visual learning aids: demonstration material “What are the houses”, didactic game “Whose house”, house, fox and hare costumes.

Individual work: dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", memorization of a poem.

Vocabulary work: residential, public; yurt, wigwam, tent, igloo.

Preliminary work: conversations, viewing illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings, learning the song “Hello, my Motherland!”, a tour of our microdistrict, an exhibition of drawings on the theme “My Home”, making didactic game"Whose house?"


I. Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

II. Game "Whose House"

III. Conversation "My home"

1. Why do we need a house, the history of occurrence

2. Types of houses

3. The poem "Houses are different"

4. What is an address

5. Why is the street called that?

6. Song "Hello, my Motherland"


Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house. I wonder whose is he? Who lives here? It seems I know! And you will guess if you guess my riddle.

What is this forest animal

I stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head?

Educator: That's right, it's a rabbit. Let's knock and say hello to him. (Knocking) Bunny, come out soon.

The fox comes out of the house.

Fox: Hello, hello! There is no rabbit here! I live here. This is my home!

He goes back to the house.

caregiver: Guys, what happened? Why does a fox live in a bunny's house? And where is the bunny?

The hare comes out and cries

caregiver: Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?

Hare Q: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out! I was left without a house.

Educator: Guys, did the fox do the right thing by kicking the bunny out of his own house?

The children answer.

caregiver: Of course. After all, this is his house, and no one has the right to expel him from his own house. What do we do? Let's call the fox.

Children knock on the house.

Fox: Now, as soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!

caregiver: Little fox, please come out. We want to talk to you.

Fox comes out.

Educator: You did bad. You have no right to kick a hare out of his house.

Fox: And what about me? Where can I live? Has my hut melted?

caregiver: The guys and I will help you. Now we will find a suitable house for you.

Game "Whose House"

One group of children is given pictures of animals, and the other group is given animal dwellings, each finds a mate.

caregiver: Here, fox, we found your house, your mink. Are you happy?

Fox: Thanks guys.

Educator: Stay in our lesson, our guys will tell you a lot more interesting and instructive.

The heroes sit down.

caregiver: Guys, from which fairy tale did the fox and the hare come to us? (answer)

You know where the animals live, what their houses are called. Where do people live? (answer)

caregiver: Why do people need houses? Did you know that in ancient times people lived in caves. Only with time did they learn to build houses. At first it was dugouts, then wooden huts, stone houses. Now these are large multi-storey brick, panel houses. Every country has different houses. They correspond to the peculiar way of life of people. What houses do you know? (answer)

Educator: Why do you think high-rise buildings are being built in the city? (answer)

caregiver: What are the names of the houses in which people live? What public houses (buildings) do you know?

The poem "Houses are different"

(child reads)

Houses are different:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick…

It seems to be ordinary.

Useful, lovely

Houses are different.

Educator: Each house has its own number. Each house is located on a street, each street has its own name. Why do people need an address?


Educator: Guys, do you know your home address? Maybe the fox and the bunny will want to come to visit you. (They call)

caregiver: You named the streets where you live. Do you know why they are called that? For example, Gagarin street? (Answer)


Goodies! Guys, home is the house we live in, this is our yard, our street, our hometown Nizhnekamsk! Our home is our great Motherland-Russia!

The song "Hello, my Motherland!"

In the morning the sun rises

Calls everyone to the street

I leave the house -

Hello my street!

I sing and in the sky

Birds sing to me

Herbs whisper to me on the way:

"Hurry, my friend, grow up!"

ABSTRACT GCDon drawing "Who lives in what house ..."

Prepared by Lushova E.N.

Software content:

To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhere insects, birds, animals live; to evoke compassion in children for animals, birds, and insects.

To develop the ability of children to create an image of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (booth, beehive, birdhouse, kennel). To consolidate the ability to draw using colored pencils, adjust the pressure on the pencil, paint over without going beyond the outline of the object.

Continue to develop the ability to carefully use pencils when working, observing safety rules. Watch the posture of children.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings, nature. Continue to develop creativity, initiative in children.

The teacher takes out the envelope.

Educator. Children today a letter came to us, wrote it, Grandfather-Century remember him?

Educator. He writes that many animals, birds, insects do not have enough houses and asks us to help them. Can we help?

Educator: Tell me please, why are we going to help them?

Children: Because it is difficult for them without houses, we must help, protect them.

Educator: Right! And who exactly we need to help needs to guess, Grandfather-Hundred sent riddles, listen carefully.

He barks, bites, does not let him into the house. (Dog.)

The teacher puts the image of the dog on the easel)

Fun on the loose

She fly

Above the flowers in the field

sing songs;

And on a flexible branch,

In the dusk of the forest

Children are waiting for the singer

In the native nest. (Bird)

Drinking fragrant juice of flowers,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is sweet to all people,

And her name is - (Bee).

The teacher lays out the image of a bird on an easel)

Educator: Let's remember what the dog house is called?

Children: Booth.

Educator: Right. And the house for the dog is called the "kennel"

Let's repeat together...

Children: "kennel"

(The teacher lays out the image of the booth on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the booth, the roof?

Children: square, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the contour of the booth and the roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: what is the name of the bird house?

Children: Birdhouse.

Educator: Right.

(The teacher lays out the image of a birdhouse on an easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the birdhouse, the roof?

Educator: Let's trace a birdhouse, a roof with a finger along the contour.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: Let's remember what the house for bees is called?

Children: Uley.

Educator: Right.

(The teacher lays out the image of the beehive on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the hive, the roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the contour of the hive, the roof with a finger.

(Circle in illustration)

What can we do to help homeless dogs, birds, bees.

Children: draw houses.

Educator: Right!

(Children sit down at the tables, the teacher asks individually who will draw which houses, offers to draw each house in the air. Lays out samples. Shows the drawing technique, reminds you that you need to draw with your right hand, pays attention to posture, the position of the legs under the tables.)

Children's work. (The teacher prompts, reminds children who are at a loss).

Educator: Everyone did it, drew houses, well done, Let's have a rest. We'll paint later.

Find Your Home Game

Educator: Sit down in your seats, now you can paint over with any colors you like. Try to paint over without leaving the edges of the house.

(Children lay out all the work on a separate table)

Educator: Look, children, how many houses we have drawn, we will put all your work in an envelope and send it, Grandfather-Hundred will receive it, many birds, bees, animals will live in their homes. You are great!


NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development".

drawing, medium preschool age

Topic: "Who lives in what house ..."

Program tasks:

- To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhere insects, birds, animals live; to evoke compassion in children for animals, birds, insects.

To develop the ability of children to create an image of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (booth, beehive, birdhouse, kennel). To consolidate the ability to draw using colored pencils, adjust the pressure on the pencil, paint over without going beyond the outline of the object.

Continue to develop the ability to carefully use pencils when working, observing safety rules. Watch the posture of children.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings, nature. Continue to develop creativity, initiative in children.

Integration: NGO "Physical development", NGO "Speech development", NGO "Cognitive development", NGO "Social and communicative development". Preliminary work.

    Observation of dogs, birds for a walk.

    Examination of paintings, postcards, photographs depicting these birds, animals, insects.

    Reading fiction: V. Zotov "Forest Mosaic", A. Vvedensky "Bird".

    Invite parents to watch birds and animals along with their children during walks.

    Didactic game "Lotto", "Who lives where". Purpose: to cultivate observation, the ability to notice the similarities and differences in birds, insects, animals, the upbringing of quick wit, speed of reaction.

Material. Pencils (for each child); ½ album sheet. Illustrations (booth, beehive, birdhouse.) Cards for the game (dog, bee, bird.)

Individual work: To develop the skills of Varvara K., Nastya G. to overcome shyness in communicating with adults. Mark B. and Roma I. accuracy, safety when working with pencils.
Dictionary activation: Kennel, booth, beehive, birdhouse.

Methodical methods: Showing an adult, reminder, verbal, individual approach, methods of attracting and focusing attention.

GCD progress

The teacher takes out the envelope.

Educator. Children today a letter came to us, wrote it, Grandfather-Century remember him?

Children: Yes!

Educator. He writes that many animals, birds, insects do not have enough houses and asks us to help them. Can we help?

Educator: Please tell me why we will help them?

Children: Because it is difficult for them without houses, we must help, protect them.

Educator: Correctly! And who exactly we need to help needs to guess, Grandfather-Hundred sent riddles, listen carefully.

    He barks, bites, does not let him into the house.(Dog.)

The teacher puts the image of the dog on the easel)

    Fun on the loose

She fly

Above the flowers in the field

sing songs;

And on a flexible branch,

In the dusk of the forest

Children are waiting for the singer

In the native nest.(Bird)

    Drinking fragrant juice of flowers,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is sweet to all people,

And her name is -(Bee).

The teacher lays out the image of a bird on an easel)

Educator: Let's remember the name of the dog house?

Children: Booth.

Educator: Correctly. And the house for the dog is called the "kennel"

Let's repeat together...


(The teacher lays out the image of the booth on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the booth, the roof?

Children: square, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace a finger along the contour of the booth and the roof.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: what is the bird house called?

Children: Birdhouse.

Educator: Correctly.

(The teacher lays out the image of a birdhouse on an easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the birdhouse, the roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's circle a birdhouse, a roof with a finger along the contour.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: Let's remember what the house for bees is called?

Children: Hive.

Educator: Correctly.

(The teacher lays out the image of the beehive on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the hive, the roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's circle a finger along the contour of the hive, the roof.

(Circle in illustration)

What can we do to help homeless dogs, birds, bees.

Children: draw houses.

Educator: Correctly!

(Children sit down at the tables, the teacher asks individually who will draw which houses, offers to draw each house in the air. Lays out samples. Shows the drawing technique, reminds you that you need to draw with your right hand, pays attention to posture, the position of the legs under the tables.)

Children's work. (The teacher prompts, reminds children who are at a loss).

Educator: Everyone coped, drew houses, well done, Let's have a rest. We'll paint later.

GAME "Find your home"(children with cards dogs, bees, birds run, depicting a dog, bird, bee, to the tambourine. As the tambourine falls silent, the children each run to their house with an illustration of the house on the easel.) The game is repeated 2 times.

Educator: Sit down in your seats, now you can paint over with any colors you like. Try to paint over without leaving the edges of the house.

(Children lay out all the work on a separate table)

Educator: Look, children, how many houses we have drawn, we will put all your work in an envelope and send it, Grandfather-Hundred will receive it, many birds, bees, animals will live in their homes. You are great!