The play Snow Maiden for staging in the school theater. Scenario of a musical theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snegurochka" senior preschool group. Children leave the room

  • 13.11.2019

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Snow Maiden

spring fairy tale

faces :

Spring-Red . adult

Father Frost . adult

Snow Maiden - daughter of Frost and Spring

Tsar Berendey adult

Kupava, Malusha, Radushka - Berendey girls

Brusilo, Smoking room, Kid - Berendey boys

Lel - shepherd, musician and songwriter

Mizgir - trade guest from the suburb

Berendei both sexes and all ages.

Phenomenon 1

The scenery is a winter forest. The theme is Spring. Goblin sits on a dry stump.


The roosters crowed the end of winter,

Spring-Krasna descends to the earth.

The midnight hour has come, Goblin's lodge

Guarded - dive into the hollow and sleep!

(Falls into a hole.)

Appears Spring-Red .


At the appointed hour in the usual sequence

I come to the land of the Berendeys,

Unhappy and cold greets

Spring its gloomy country.

The whistle of the wind is heard, appears Freezing


Spring-Krasna, is it great to be back?


And are you healthy, Santa Claus?



My life is not bad. Berendei

This winter will not be forgotten

Merry was; the sun was dancing

From the cold in the morning dawn

And in the evening the month got up with ears.

I love it, love it, love it, love it.


You didn’t feast badly, it’s time to

And on your way to the north.

Call the Snow Maiden to me.


Snow Maiden,

Snow Maiden, my child!

The Snow Maiden enters, stands timidly near her father.


Oh, poor Snow Maiden, savage,

Come to me, I will love you.

Beauty, don't you want to be free?

Live with people?

Snow Maiden

I want, I want, let me go!


Snow Maiden, when you feel sad,

Or the need for what come

To the lake, to the Yarilin valley,

Call me. Whatever you ask

There is no refusal for you.

Noises are heard, the music "Farewell Shrovetide", Spring and Frost disappear, leaving the Snow Maiden. Berendeys appear, they sing and dance seeing off Maslenitsa. Kupava, Malusha and Radushka see the Snow Maiden.

Kupava(with surprise)

Hawthorn! Is it alive? Live.

In a sheepskin coat, in boots, in mittens.

Malusha(Snow Maiden)

Let me ask you how far are you going

And what is your name and style?

Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden. Where to go, I don't know.

If you'd be kind, take it with you.

Berendey with songs and dances carry away the effigy of Shrovetide, the girls take the Snow Maiden with them.

Phenomenon 2

"Decoration "Village". The village, boys and girls are talking, playing games, Lel and Snegurochka are on the proscenium .

Lel (approaching the Snow Maiden)

Would you like to sing?

Snow Maiden

I dare not order

I humbly ask you. Play songs

One of my joys. If you want,

Do not work for you, drink up! And for the service

I bow.


I'm not worthy of your obeisances.

Snow Maiden

With what

Pay you for songs?


For songs

I don't expect payment. Shepherd Boy

Wretched for a song

Be gentle when they kiss.

Snow Maiden

Do you sing songs for a kiss? Is

Is he so precious?

Don't sing for them girls don't know

Prices for your cheerful songs. I

I think they are more expensive than kisses

And I won't kiss you, Lel.


Pick a flower from the grass and give

For the song, I've had enough.

The flower is not important,

A gift is dear to me

Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden(giving a flower)

Take it!

Lel takes a flower, sings a lyrical song: "Lucinushka" The Snow Maiden, almost crying, puts her hand on Lel's shoulder.

Kupava, Malusha and Radushka they beckon Lelya, he throws a flower, tries to leave.

Snow Maiden

Where are you running? Why are you dropping the flower?


Why do I need your withered flower!

Where am I running? Look, a bird has landed

On a tree! Sing a little

And flies away; will you keep her?

There, you see, they are waiting for me and beckoning me with a pen.

Let's run, joke, laugh

Let's whisper at the tyna under the guise,

From angry mothers slowly.

Lel goes to the girls, young Berendeys have fun, play, lead a round dance ..

Snow Maiden

How painful it is here, how heavy the heart has become!

Heavy resentment, like a stone,

A flower crumpled by Lelem fell on my heart

And abandoned. And I seem to be too

Abandoned and abandoned, wilted

From his mocking words.

Pregozhiy Lel is right. Run where you love

Look for love, you deserve it. Heart

Snow Maiden, cold for everyone,

And for you love will not be hammered.

Father Frost, you offended the Snow Maiden.

But I'll fix the matter: between trifles,

Beautiful beads, cheap rings

I'll take a little from Mother Spring,

A little warmth of the heart

Just to make your heart warm a little.

Kupava, Malusha, Radushka, Lel, Berendey youth, having fun, chatting, playing games. The Snow Maiden is sad on the sidelines. Mizgir enters.


dove girls,

The beauty of the girl's destroyer has come,

With girlfriends, with relatives, a separator.

Don't give out your girlfriend, bury it!

The girls surround Kupava, trying to keep Mizgir away from her, but he gives them gifts and the girls retreat.


Heart friend, your maiden will,

Friends, family, dear friend

I changed; do not deceive Kupava,

Don't ruin a girl's heart.

The girls and boys are about to leave. Lel sits down next to the Snow Maiden and braids the horn with birch bark. Kupava and Mizgir approach the Snow Maiden.


Snow Maiden, amuse your girlfriend

For the last time, the last one, let's go

Drive circles, play on Red Hill.

It won't be long for me to frolic, to have fun,

The last day of my maiden will,

Snow Maiden, the last one.


Dear friend, let's go! They'll catch up. (Makes an attempt to leave )


Stop, stop!

your girlfriend

Snow Maiden; What about Lel?

Wouldn't it be more fun

Snow Maiden to go with me?

(Snow Maiden tries to leave)

Snow Maiden, stay! Who is the lucky one

Is your lover?

Snow Maiden


Leaves. Everyone leaves next. The stage is empty.

Phenomenon 3

Scenery - "Glade with a lake." A clearing in the forest, songs and fun are heard - the Berendeys gathered for the celebration of the meeting of the Sun. The Snow Maiden on the shore of the lake calls her mother.

Snow Maiden (referring to the lake)

Dear, in tears of anguish and grief

The abandoned daughter is calling you.

From the still waters come - hear the groans

And your Snow Maiden's complaints.


Snow Maiden, my child, what

Are your prayers? Great gifts

I can console you at parting.

Snow Maiden


Everyone around me loves, everyone is happy

And joyful, and I alone yearn;

And there is no feeling in the chest; start to caress -

I will hear abuse, ridicule and reproaches

For childish shyness, for the heart


Oh mother, give me love!

I ask for love, girlish love!


I'm ready; inexhaustible spring

Love forces in my flower wreath.

Take it off! Come closer to me!

Snow Maiden(putting on a wreath)

Oh mama, what's wrong with me? What beauty

The green forest is dressed! Shores

And the lake is not to be missed.


Snow Maiden, goodbye

My child!

Tai love from the eyes of the Yaril-Sun,

Farewell, child, see you again,

And don't forget your mother's advice.

Spring disappears, exhausted Mizgir appears in the clearing


Snow Maiden, my strength is weakening,

I've been chasing you all night. Stop!

Are you afraid?

Snow Maiden

Oh no, Mizgir, not with fear

My soul is full. How lovely

In your words!

But, my dear, let's run faster, hide

Your love and happiness from the Sun,

It threatens death!



save you? Your love is salvation

Exile. At sunrise

Mizgir will show you as his wife!

Submissive hearts you used to own

But in my heart I'm not a boy - and to love,

And I know how to order: stay!

Snow Maiden

Not a whim, no. Will die in your hands

Snow Maiden!


Leave childish fears

Unknown disaster! But if really

Trouble will come - then we will die together.

Funny Berendeys appear in the clearing, among them Lel and Kupava. Berendey dance, sing "And we sowed millet"

Mizgir (bringing the Snow Maiden to the king)

Great king, your wish was

Law to me, and I fulfilled it:

Bless with the Snow Maiden for marriage.


Do you want it, girl

Snow Maiden, handing to the groom

Your fate? Together with your hand

Do you give love to him?

Snow Maiden

O king!

Ask me a hundred times, I'll answer a hundred times

That I love him.

But what about me? I love and melt, melt

From the sweet feelings of love! Goodbye everyone

Girlfriends, farewell, groom! Oh honey

The last look of the Snow Maiden to you.



From the light of day she begged to flee.

I did not listen to prayers - and in front of me

She melted like spring snow.

I am deceived by the gods; it's a joke

Cruel fate. But if the gods

Deceivers - do not live in the world!

(runs away, a scream and splash of water are heard)

The Berendeys look at the Tsar in confusion and horror.


Snow Maiden sad death

And the terrible death of Mizgir

They cannot disturb us. The sun knows

Whom to punish and pardon.

Cheerful Lel, sing Yarila a song

Laudatory, and we will come to you.

Scorching god, we praise you with the whole world!

The shepherd and the king are calling you, come!

The sun is rising. Final chorus "Light and power god Yarilo .."

Lenura Murtazaeva
Theatrical activities in senior group based on the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden"


Formation and improvement of communicative skills of children through their involvement in theatrical activities;

Development of communication and interaction skills of children in the game - theatricalization.

Disclosure creativity children.


Educational aspect:

To learn how to create an image of a fairy-tale character, using facial expressions, gestures, expressive movements, intonation;

Teach children to actively participate in the preparation of holidays, in the manufacture of attributes;

Maintain interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

Development aspect:

Develop children's diction, intonation speech, articular apparatus;

Replenish and activate the vocabulary of children;

To develop the ability of children to play scenes from familiar fairy tales using attributes, costume elements;

Develop fantasy, imagination;

Educational aspect:

Support the desire to participate in the theatricalization of the fairy tale;

Cultivate a sense of joy, a desire to speak to the public;

Cause an emotional response and a desire to move to the music;

Encourage the participation of children in the preparation for performances;

To cultivate friendly relations in the children's team: mutual assistance, support, help to each other.

Type of lesson: lesson-generalization.

Form of occupation: entertainment, theatricalization.

Pedagogical technology: personality-oriented, collective creative activity.

Pedagogical principles:

Accounting for the individual and age characteristics of children;

Principle of activity;

The principle of variability;

The principle of creativity;

The principle of integration;

The principle of projection;

The principle of performance.

Related Methods:

Verbal method (method of creative conversation);

Visual method (direct and indirect);

Situation modeling method;

practical method.

Preparatory work: reading and discussing the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", watching the cartoon, illustrations, discussing the characters, staging sketches, distributing and learning roles, making attributes for costumes, helping parents in making costumes, decorating the hall.

Heroes of the fairy tale: Storyteller:

Snow Maiden:


Entertainment progress:

Presenter: Hello, dear children! We are glad to see you in our hall, how many of you came to see our fairy tale! Guys, do you like fairy tales? Now we will check how well you know different fairy tales - I will ask you questions, and you will try to answer them!

Guys, who invents, composes fairy tales?

Who are the heroes of fairy tales? (people, animals, birds, objects, natural phenomena)

Now guess what the story is about.

The owners entered the house - they found a mess there

The mouse came to their aid - together they pulled out a vegetable

Treats different kids, treats birds and animals

The apple tree helped us, the river helped us.

We are not afraid of the gray wolf

I'll sit on a stump, eat a pie

Catch a fish, big and small

And fled from dirty stockings and shoes

Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea

And what is honey for? For me to eat

My light is a mirror, tell me ...

Calm, only calm

Do not drink from a hoof, you will become a goat

The old woman gets even angrier...

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather

Pull the string and the door will open

Girl turned into a cloud

And today we want to show you this fairy tale. So the Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden"

The hall is decorated in the form of a winter forest. There is a house in the corner. Sounds "November" by Tchaikovsky. The storyteller comes out.


Every thing in the world is going on,

Grandfather and grandmother somehow lived.

They had chickens, geese,

Pigs and bulls.

The old people lived well.

Grandfather and grandmother come out, sit on a bench near the hut.

Storyteller: They grieved about one thing

Grandmother: They didn’t make kids

No granddaughter, no grandson.

And without them there is no life, but boredom.

No one we can talk to

Someone to cheer up.

Grandfather: I've been chopping wood all day,

The oven will be hot.

Grandmother: I cooked dinner for you,

I made a shirt for the holidays.

We live well with you

We are just bored together.

Presenter: Grandfather and grandmother often watched village children play.

Children run out, sing the song "White Snowflakes", the game "Skok-skok"

Grandfather: Let's sculpt a daughter out of snow?

They say on a night like this

Things happen,

What you think, then it comes true.

Grandmother: We will deftly fashion a granddaughter

And we'll call it Snow Maiden.

Already then the three of us for glory

We will all live together.

They make a Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden appears, dances around the hall to the music.

Grandmother: Grandfather, yes, this is our living daughter,

Snow Maiden dear!

Grandfather: We have been waiting for you for a hundred years!

Snow Maiden: Hello, woman, hello grandfather.

You have been waiting for me for a long time

I will be your granddaughter.

I will help you

clean the hut,

I will embroider a tablecloth on your table,

I will sweep, I will wash the floor,

I'll go to bed early and go get some water for you.

Grandmother: And we'll go put the samovar.

They go into the hut, set the table, put on the samovar, drink tea.

Storyteller: Grandfather, grandmother and Snegurochka lived gloriously. The Snow Maiden often went with her girlfriends to play on the street.

General dance "Snow-snowball"

Storyteller: Here came the red spring

open the gate

Here comes the first of March

He brought all his friends with him.

And then April

Open wide the door.

And then came May

How much you want to play.

Blacksmith and Friend 1 come out

Friend 1: Hey, well done blacksmith

The stallion unraveled.

You hit him again

Blacksmith: Why not shoe?

Here is a horse, here is a horseshoe.

One, two and you're done.

Dramatization of the song "In the forge"

Storyteller: So the red summer has come. Flowers bloomed in the gardens, bread ripens in the fields. More than ever, the Snow Maiden felt sad, frowning, everything is hiding from the sun. Everything would be in her shade, but in the chill, otherwise it would be better under the rain.

Grandmother, grandfather and Snow Maiden come out.

Grandmother: Are you well, daughter?

Snow Maiden: Hello, grandmother.

Grandfather: Does your head hurt?

Snow Maiden: It doesn't hurt, grandfather.

Storyteller: The Snow Maiden's girlfriends gathered in the forest to pick mushrooms, pick blueberries for berries, and strawberries for scarlet.

Girlfriend: Come with us to the forest, Snow Maiden. Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: No, girlfriends, I'm afraid of the sun.

Friend 2 Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden.

Grandfather: Go, go, baby, have fun with your girlfriends.

Snow Maiden: Well, okay, persuaded.

Round dance "Thread with a needle"

Girlfriend: What a beautiful meadow. Let's play!

Friend 1: Hey guys, come out, let's play burners!

Russian folk game "Burn, burn clearly", the Snow Maiden does not play with the guys, she sits near the river and is sad

Storyteller: The children began to jump through the fire, they began to call the Snow Maiden with them

Girlfriend: Come with us, come!

The Snow Maiden jumped over the fire and melted away.

All: Where is the Snow Maiden? The Snow Maiden melted ...


The Snow Maiden turned into a cloud,

Spilled on the ground with a warm rain,

Turned into a field of chamomile -

Do not grieve, grandparents.

Every thing in the world is going on,

About everything in a fairy tale.

That's the whole fairy tale, the fairy tale is over,

And who listened - well done!

Improvised dance to the song "Stand up, children, stand in a circle!"

The children leave the room.

Evgenia Kobzeva
A dramatization of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" with a continuation of how the goat decided to build a hut


Sounds like fabulous melody.

Snow filled up all the paths,

Quietly falling snowflakes

Look how beautiful!

Snow falls on aspens,

Decorates a quiet courtyard.

The snowflakes had a dispute:

Whose dress is whiter

Whose pattern is prettier?

Let's play snowballs, shall we? Snowflake girls, come out dancing (dance of the snowflakes)

Snowflake, tell me where did you come from?

1snowflake (Eileen)

From a snow blizzard, fluttering everywhere.

Where did you get your beautiful outfit?

2snowflake (Dasha)

Blizzards give outfits to snowflakes

Blizzards are not more important for you in the world?

3snowflake (Nastya)

Snowstorm is our mother, and we are her children.

Blizzard music, snowflakes swirled and left (music "Winter storm")

The blizzard came to visit you,



Starts quietly, then gets louder

It will only buzz with the wind, but howl like a wolf,

But the blizzard subsides

The wind is fading,

Not a terrible blizzard

Nobody in the world.

Now the blizzard has become soft, quiet, affectionate. Snowflakes are tired of flying and spinning, sat down in a clearing. A blizzard will tell you a winter story.

Music, (during the music, the grandfather and the woman come out, sit down at the table).

There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived well, together. Everything would be fine, but one grief - they had no children.

Old man:

Old woman, let's make a daughter for ourselves from snow. I so want us to have children too, cheerful children's laughter was heard in the house!

Old woman:

Why not? I agree with you. Let's make a daughter out of snow.

The old man put on a hat, the old woman dressed too. they went to the garden

And took the daughter out sculpt snow.

Exit Snow Maiden.

Look - and Snow Maiden lips turned pink, eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off snow- and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

Exit to the music, grandfather and woman stand on the sidelines.

Old woman:

So our daughter turned out beautiful!

Old man:

Yes, Grandma, you and I are great tried! Everything turned out as we wanted. Let's take her to our house, Babka!

Old woman:

Let's! Let's all go home together!

The music sounds. The old man, the old woman and their daughter go to the house, holding hands.

So they began to live together. The old woman cleans up the housework, the old man repairs whatever he has to. Old people do not rejoice at their daughter. The daughter is growing up and smart, and smart, and cheerful. With all affectionate, friendly.

Here comes the spring. It will be very warm soon.

What happened to you, daughter. You were always so cheerful, sang loudly and laughed. What happened? I see you're really upset? Maybe you got sick? Maybe something hurts you?

Snow Maiden:

Don't worry, mom and dad! Everything is fine. I am healthy, I feel good.

Here comes the summer. Now it will be warm and good.

Girlfriends come to the house Snow Maiden.


- Snow Maiden Let's go for a walk with us.

The weather is so good there, so warm. We will dance, sing, have fun playing together.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, girls, I do not want to go for a walk with you.

Old woman:

What are you, daughter, sitting at home all the time? Come on, take a walk fresh air. So your girlfriends are calling you for a walk.

Snow Maiden:

Okay, I'll go for a walk with you.

The girls came from Snow Maiden in the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, dance round dances. And as soon as it grew light, they gathered brushwood, made a fire and let's all jump after each other through the fire. Behind everyone and Snow Maiden got up. She ran in her turn after her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. They turned around Snow Maiden no.

Theatricalization based on the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".

Target: Introducing children to theatrical activities through the use of classical and folk music.


Continue to enrich the musical impressions of children, evoke a vivid emotional response to works of classical and folk music.

Arouse interest and desire in children to convey artistic images by means of expressiveness.

Cultivate theater skills.

The hall is decorated like a Russian hut: a table with a samovar and cups; the bench on which the grandfather lies; a chest with a sheepskin coat lying on it; a woman is sitting on another bench, next to it is a basket of balls of

The music of A.N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Vesnyanka". The Storyteller enters.

Storyteller. Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

Every thing in the world is going on, everything is said in a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman (points to the grandfather lying on the bench, the woman puts the samovar on the table, inflates it, sits down to knit near the stove on a bench).

They lived well, together. They had plenty of everything: a cow, a sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children.

Here comes the snowy winter...

Winter enters, dancing.

Storyteller. White snow fell knee-deep.

The music continues to play.

Snowflake girls run in and dance with Winter.

Storyteller. There were snowdrifts up to the waist.

The Snowflake Girls and Winter leave.

Storyteller. The neighbor's children poured out into the street, sledding, throwing snowballs, making a snow woman.

Children run out with snowballs in their hands, throw themselves at each other.

Children perform a game with singing "Snowballs".

Two pairs of children roll clods of snow from different sides. While the children are singing and playing, on the sidelines, they dress the child in a snowman costume. The snowman stands in the center of the circle.

Children perform the round dance "Snow Woman".

The children run away laughing.

Storyteller. The old man and the old woman look at the children, think about their grief.

Grandfather . That your wife is sitting in thought, thinking about your grief, looking at other people's guys? Let's go and we will roam in our old age, we will also blind a snowman.

Woman. Well, let's go grandfather, just why should we sculpt a woman, let's sculpt a daughter - the Snow Maiden.

Storyteller. The grandfather and the woman began to gather, to dress warmly. And the snow is spinning, falling on the ground in flakes.

Snowflakes are flying.

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" sounds.

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

At the end of the dance, the snowflakes bring the Snow Maiden, cover her with a light white cloth and run away.

The music of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov's The Swan (transformation scene) from the opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Storyteller. Grandfather and woman went to the garden, chose the largest snowdrift and let's sculpt a snowy daughter. No sooner said than done.

The Snow Maiden gradually rises.

Storyteller. They blinded the handles, adjusted the legs, inserted two blue beads instead of eyes, fashioned a nose and mouth. Look, - and the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened. She looks at the old people and smiles, moved her arms and legs, came out of the snowdrift and let's dance.

"Dance of the Snow Maiden" ( with a scarf).

At the end of the dance, the Snow Maiden goes to the old people's house. Grandfather and grandmother are watching in surprise to the side.

Woman. Grandfather, yes, this is our living daughter, dear Snow Maiden.

Grandfather. We run after her quickly to the hut.

Storyteller. The Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds. Every day, it becomes more and more beautiful, and the Snow Maiden is like a white snowflake, her eyes are like blue beads. The Snow Maiden is good, affectionate and friendly with everyone. Yes, and the work of the Snow Maiden is arguing, and the song will sing, you will listen.

"Song of the Snow Maiden".

The music of A. Vivaldi "Spring" from the cycle "Seasons" sounds.

Storyteller. The winter has passed, the spring sun has begun to warm. Grass turned green on the thawed patches, birds sang.

"Bird Dance".

Storyteller. After spring and summer red came. The flowers have faded in the gardens, the bread is ripening in the fields. More than ever, the Snow Maiden frowns, everything is hiding from the sun. Everything would be in the shade and in the cold, otherwise it’s better under the rain.

Grandfather and Baba approach the Snow Maiden.

Woman. Are you well, daughter Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden . Healthy grandmother.

Grandfather. Does your daughter's head hurt?

Snow Maiden. Grandpa doesn't hurt.

Storyteller. Somehow the girls gathered in the forest for berries, they began to call the Snow Maiden with them.

Girls run in, dressed in Russian sundresses, a satin ribbon on their heads.

1 girl. Come with us to the forest Snegurochka.

2 girl. Let's go for berries, blueberries, scarlet strawberries.

Together. Let's go, let's go Snow Maiden.

3 girl. We will play games, sing and dance.

Snow Maiden. The reluctance of the girlfriend to go into the forest.

Grandfather. Go, go Snow Maiden.

Woman. Go, go baby, have some fun with your girlfriends.

Snow Maiden. Now girlfriends, I'll take a box.

Storyteller. Girlfriends walk through the forest, dance round dances.

"Round dance with scarves."

The girls are picking berries, talking. The Snow Maiden goes to the stream.

Storyteller. And the Snow Maiden sat down by the cold water, looked into the water, wets her fingers in the fast water, plays with drops like pearls.

So the evening has come.

Children in black, tight-fitting suits run in, easily chaotically running.

Storyteller. The girls decided to apply brushwood and kindle a fire.

Children in black suits take out red ribbons.

Gymnastic etude "Fire".

An attribute imitating a bonfire is placed in the center, with a backlight inside it.Storyteller. The girls began to take turns jumping over the fire and calling the Snow Maiden.

1 girl. Go, go Snow Maiden, jump over the fire.

Snow Maiden. I don’t want my girlfriends to jump over the fire, it’s scary.

All. Jump, jump Snow Maiden. One two Three...

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Swan" sounds.

The Snow Maiden jumps over the fire, throws up a light, transparent scarf and runs away.

Girlfriends. Where is the Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden!

Storyteller. How the Snow Maiden jumped over the fire, rustled over the fire, moaned plaintively. And there was no Snow Maiden. Stretched over the fire white steam curled into a cloud. A cloud flew up into the heavens. The Snow Maiden melted.

Girlfriends. The Snow Maiden melted.

Sounds like "Russian folk tune".

Storyteller. Every thing in the world is going on, every thing is said in a fairy tale. That's the whole story. The fairy tale is over, and I have a birch chest.

Program tasks:

continue to form children's knowledge about Russian song folklore, life and customs Russian people;
to consolidate the skills of choral and individual expressive singing;
continue to form the skills of performing a song in a round dance with movements; move easily, emotionally, expressively, be able to coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner;
achieve expressiveness in the image of images fairy tale characters;
improve the intonational expressiveness of dialogical speech;
develop communication skills, creative abilities of children.
to cultivate interest and love for the traditions of the Russian people.

Preliminary work. Reading a fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden".
Learning songs, elements of dances of the Russian people, round dances.
Learning scenes based on the works of Russian oral folk art.
Making costumes for participants.

Musical repertoire.

"Spring" music. G. Vikhareva
"Morning" E. Grieg
Russian folk song "Oh, I got up early"
Russian folk song "How our girlfriends went"
Russian folk song "Porushka - Poranya"
Russian folk song "Lady"
Dance "At the well" Russian tunes.
Russian folk dance "Quadrille"
Russian round dance "How spring met winter"

Equipment: Music center, CD recordings with soundtrack of songs, dances, bird voices, forest noise. Fake trees for decoration of winter and spring forest.


  1. Bekina S. Orlova T. Teach children to sing, "Enlightenment", - Moscow. 1987.
  2. Bekina S. Accordion-talker, B-5, "Music" - Moscow 1987.
  3. Bekina S. Accordion-talker, V-8, "Music" - Moscow 1991.
  4. Lipatnikova T. The holiday begins, "Academy of Development", - Yaroslavl, 2006.
  5. Ryabtseva I. Come to us for a holiday, "Academy of Development", - Yaroslavl, 1999.



Grandfather adults
Tsar Berendey

Snow Maiden
April children


The hall is festively decorated. The music of "spring" sounds.
To the music, a boy and a girl come out circling.

Girl. How unexpected and bright
On the wet blue sky
aerial arch erected
In your momentary triumph.
F. Tyutchev

Boy. Nature basks, languishes,
Can't wake up yet
Waiting for the arrival of spring
And dreams at dawn.

Girl. And spring songs
Heard from all sides
They are light and fun
Like a breeze, gentle.

The song "Spring" music is performed. G. Vikhareva

Boy. spring streams
Run, run, run...
And the grass is green
Everywhere - both there and here.
Warmth and sun are welcome
birches and pines,
Birds have returned home
Spring has come home!

Scene 2

Birds sing on the recording. Spring comes out surrounded by birds.

Spring. (In the background of musical accompaniment) Hello Blue Morning!

There is no beauty of your mile.
Let the birds fly swiftly
Turning heaven into a merry-go-round
Fly, birds, from the sea,
Sit on the fence
Sing, birds
Tell me birds
Songs and fairy tales, there were yes fables.

Bird dance is performed (“Morning” by E. Grieg)

Spring. Oh, you songbirds -
Heralds of Spring
You flew, because of the blue of the sea,
High mountains, distant countries ...
Did you meet somewhere along the way
My brothers - the months of spring?

Birdie. Oh, spring is red
Our mother is a soul
Your months are on the way
And they hurry to come to you.

The birds are flying away. Spring music sounds. The spring months come one after another.

Months (Bow to Spring). Hello dear sister,
Take a bow, soul girl.

Spring. Come in, come in
Yes, look, on the threshold
About green matting
Wipe your feet clean.

March. March was the first to come - the snow fell from the fields.

April. Snow from the fields was carried away by streams into the blue sea.
Became the sun's rays, hot, hot.
In warm meadows, in forest clearings
Flowers appeared like the smiles of Spring.

May. The scent of meadows and forests, the silvery color of gardens,
Ah, Spring, my princess, I am ready to sing for you!

March. A starling flew to us - a fast-winged messenger.

April. Yes, he said that you are waiting for us to visit you.

May. We came to you not with empty hands, but with wonderful

March. Father Veter gave a bow, and with it a patterned scarf. (Gives Spring a scarf.)

April. Stream beads were presented so that you could surprise

The beauty of the whole earthly world ( Gives beads)

May. I visited the Sun, asked for its rays, those that are brighter, hot.
The sun came out to meet me, gave you a “golden” crown. ( Gives a wreath to Spring).

Spring. Thank you, you brothers - months.
March. It's good in the forest in the spring - it's quiet, the morning is early.

The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden. Hello, Mother Spring, and you, brothers of the months!

Spring and months. Hello, Snow Maiden!

Performed "Song of the Snow Maiden and Spring" muses. I. Ponamoreva

Spring. Why so sad?

Snow Maiden. I want to people.

Spring. What did you find enviable in people?

Snow Maiden. Human songs. With girlfriends for berries to walk, call around, and lead circles in the evening to songs, that's what is cute for the Snow Maiden. Without a song, life is not joyful.

The Snow Maiden performs the Russian folk song "Oh, I got up early"
The months are approaching the Snow Maiden.
March. Snow Maiden, child, go to the people!

April. Give them your smile!

May. Instill warmth and kindness in their souls!

Scene 3

The old man and the old woman are running, scolding. The old woman has a broom in her hands.

Old woman . Oh, you old rogue, lazy,
Stop, I'm telling you.
Ate some porridge
You don't want to wash the dishes.

Old man. You also ate porridge
You and wash.
Old woman. No, you.
They argue, push, then hug and cry.

Old woman. We are poor, unfortunate.
We don't have kids.

The old woman continues to cry.
To the music, the Snow Maiden comes out from behind a tree.

Old man . (Pushing the old woman. Surprised) Oh, old woman, look.

Old woman (rubs eyes). Oh, really, what is it, who is it?

Old woman. And indeed, as if alive.

Snow Maiden . Do not be afraid of me in vain.
Call me Snow Maiden.
My mother - Spring - is red,
And my father is a severe and fierce Frost.

Old man. Here's a present.
Be our own granddaughter.

Snow Maiden. Your granddaughter?
I agree.

Together. This hour, to confess, we
They both waited in vain.

Snow Maiden. I'm bored in the forest
I want to live among people.

Old man. Yes, a miracle happened
It was bad for us without a granddaughter.

Old woman. Girlfriends in Berendeevka
They sing from morning to evening.
And you, Snow Maiden,
The girls will be called into the circle

Girlfriends run out, they call the Snow Maiden for a walk.
Performed Russian folk song "How our girlfriends went"

Lelya's song sounds from afar. Recording is used.

Lel comes out.

Lel. Hello girls,
Hello reds.

Come with me to the realm of the glorious Berendey!

Scene 4

Fun music sounds. Two jesters run out.

1-th jester . Berendey's country

And rich and free.
The king rules Berendeyka -
Berendeev sovereign.

2nd jester . And in Berendeevka, friends
Fun, endless jokes.
Hey honest people get up
Welcome the sovereign.

Solemn music sounds. Everyone stands up and bows. The king enters.

Tsar . Say, say honest people
Who chased away the blizzard
Who cleared the rivers of ice
Which still yesterday,
Seemed bound forever?

Children. Prothalnik - March.

Tsar. Tell me, who woke the drops?
Who called the birds to return to us?
Tell me who will give the earth warmth
And will he give the first kidneys to drink?

Children. Prothalnik - March.

Tsar. Mighty nature is full of miracles!
Sprinkling your gifts abundantly,
She plays weird
But people don't notice it.
In the hearts of people I noticed I will cool down,
The service to beauty disappeared in them,
And Yarilo - the Sun is angry with them,
He does not want to send his rays to the earth.

Enter Lel with the Snow Maiden.

Lel. Wise king! Let me speak a word.
The Snow Maiden will help us soften Yarilin's anger.
Her eyes are like radiant springs,
A smile is like a poppy color
Soul and face - bright and pure,
And the heart is good for everyone.
With such beauty the sun will not argue
And he will appear - only he will call.
Great king! Call honest people
A merry walk is joy to the heart.

Tsar. Well, go ahead, folks!

The dance "Porushka - Poranya" is performed

Performed Russian folk song "Barynya"

Performed Russian folk dance "At the Well"

Tsar. Looking at you is a joy!
The generous people are great in everything.
He will not interfere with idleness.
Work hard - work hard
Dance and sing -
So good, till you drop!

Dance "Quadrille"

Tsar. Looking at you with a reasonable eye,
Say that you are an honest and kind people,
For only the good and honest are capable of
Sing so loud and dance so boldly.
Let us drive out the trace of the last cold from our souls
And turn to the sun!
And I believe it will greetly look at the devotion of the humble

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden goes to the middle of the hall and turns to the Sun.

Snow Maiden. Come out, sun, come out red,
It's full of sleep for you in a soft cloud.
It doesn’t suit you to be a couch potato,
Not to face pass for picky.
Rise quickly into the clear sky,
Light up the earth soon - mother!

The sun appears on the central wall.

Lel. The polite sun looked kindly,
Hands stretched out in all directions!

Tsar. Cheerful Lel! Sing Yarila a song

And we will come to you

All participants leave.

Performed Russian round dance "How spring met winter"

Lel takes all the participants out of the hall to the music.