Paper birdhouse stencil for appliqué. Summary of the lesson on the application "birdhouse for starling". Application of geometric shapes

  • 13.11.2019

GCD on the application "Birdhouse". Teacher Krivenchenko S.A.

Subject: Birdhouse.

Integration educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic creativity" (application), "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world).


educational: learn to depict objects consisting of several parts, determine the shape of the parts of the object (rectangular, round, triangular);

developing: develop color perception, shape perception, development of manual skill, fine motor skills;

educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to please others.

Material and equipment: an album sheet with the image of a tree, a tray with ready-made multi-colored figures: a house, a roof, a window, a starling; sample finished work, birdhouse; glue, napkin; illustrations depicting a starling; Magpie-white-sided; audio recording; treat.

Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello guys!

Children: - Hello!

Teacher: Good morning!

Children: Good morning!

Finger game "C" Good morning

The game is played while standing.

Good morning, eyes!

You woke up?

(With your index fingers, stroke the area around the eyes, and then use the index and thumb fingers to fold the "glasses" and look into them.)

Good morning ears!

You woke up?

(Stroke your ears with your palms, then make "ears" from the palms at the top of your head and wiggle them.)

Good morning, pens!

You woke up?

(Stroke one or the other of the hands on both sides, shake and pinch all fingers, and then clap your hands.)

Good morning feet!

You woke up?

(Stroke your knees down to your ankles, then stomp your feet.)

Good morning sunshine!

I woke up (woke up)!

Introduction to the topic.

A conversation about the signs of spring, about migratory birds.

Educator: - Guys, do you hear someone else in a hurry to us?

(Magpie is flying - white-sided, flying around the circle, stops in the center)

Educator: - Magpie flies, carries news on its tail!

Magpie: - Hello guys, I'm a funny Magpie, I'm a Magpie - white-sided!

Heard the news in the forest! I will tell the whole world that winter is long gone!

The snow is melting.

The meadow came to life.

The day is coming.

When does it happen?

Children: - In the spring!

Teacher: What season is it now?

Children: - Spring!

Educator: - Why did you decide that now is the season of spring?

Children: - The snow has melted; streams run; the sun warms more; flowers appear: snowdrops, grass; buds swell on trees and shrubs; birds return from warm lands, insects appear: bugs, butterflies, ants; people dress lighter.

Educator: - That's right, guys, it all happens in the spring. Spring is a wonderful time of the year when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long winter sleep.

Soroka: - Here, here, the birds are all returning, they are going to breed chicks, but there are not enough houses for everyone?

Educator: - Guys, how do people take care of birds in spring?

Children: - Build houses.

Educator: - That's right, people build for birds:

“A house without windows, only there is an entrance and a balcony.

It is not easy to get into the house, it is high above us!

No steps, no porch.

What kind of tenant is he for?

Children: - For the starling.

A conversation about a painting depicting a starling.

(Show a picture of a starling.)

Educator. - What does a starling look like?

Children. He is wearing a white shirt, hat, tailcoat, but there is nothing on his legs.

Educator. - Guys, do you know that starlings - migratory birds and they arrive in the spring very first?

Children. - Yes.

Educator. - Where do they come from, do you know?

Children. - From warm regions.

Educator. - Why did they go there?

Children. - In order not to freeze in winter.

Educator: - What is the name of the house for the starling?

Children: - Birdhouse.

Educator: - Guys, what do you think, we can help the birds? How?

Children: -Make birdhouses.

Birdhouse display.

Today we will make a birdhouse application with you

Take a look at the birdhouse. (Show).

On top of the birdhouse is a roof, a round entrance is called a notch.

Think about why the entrance to the birdhouse is called "letok"?

Because birds fly into it.

Didactic game "Where is whose house"

Offer the children drawings depicting seven different little animals, each of which hurries to its own house. It is necessary to attach animals near their houses.

And the starlings return to their former houses. Feathers, dry grass, leaves are dragged into it. And they start singing. The singing of a starling can be similar to the croaking of a frog or the neighing of a foal, because the starling cleverly mimics different sounds that he has heard before. Now listen to his own singing. The starling sings. (Recording of starling singing is included).

He comes every year

Where the house awaits

Sturdy wooden house

With a round small window.


Show application techniques.

Educator: - Today, we will complete the Birdhouse application with you. -Look, I have already completed the application. (Shows a sample)

What geometric figure is the house itself made of - a birdhouse?

Children: - From the square. (Individual responses of children)

Educator: - What color is the square?

Children: - Yellow. (Individual responses of children)

Educator: - What geometric figure is the roof of the house made of?

Children: - From the triangle. (Individual responses of children)

Educator: - What color is the triangle?

Children: - Green. (Individual answers of children).

Educator: - What geometric figure is the window made of?

Children: - From the circle. (Individual responses of children).

Educator: - What color is the circle?

Children: - Red. (Individual responses of children).

Educator: - Look, first I will paste the house, place it on a tree. (Showing the educator, a reminder of the methods of application). Then I glue the roof, at the top of the house. And the window is in the middle of the square. So it turned out a house - a birdhouse.

With what figure will we start gluing the house itself?

Children: - From the square. (Individual responses of children)

Educator: - What will we stick next? Where?

Children: - The roof, at the top of the house. (Individual responses of children)

Educator: - What will we paste last? Where?

Children: - A circle is a window in the middle of a square. (Individual responses of children)

Physical culture minute "Birds"

Come on, birds, fly Children slowly run after each other.

They flew and landed Slowly squat.

pecked grains, Move the nose up and down.

Played in the field They circle in place.

They drank some water Move the nose up and down.

Washed the feathers Put your hands on your belt, move your elbows.

Looked to the side They look around.

And they sat quietly on the chairs.

Application "Birdhouse"

Take your seats. And Magpie - white-sided will rest and see how you will work.

(Children work independently, musical accompaniment sounds, the teacher helps, the children, who have correctly laid out the details, begin to work.)


(The teacher posts the completed work on the board.)

Guys, what have we done today? How do you think we got birdhouses?

Children: - Birdhouses. Yes.

Magpie: - Thank you guys, you helped us a lot, took care of the birds and their future chicks, built beautiful and cozy houses for them. And I brought you a treat as a gift. And it's time for us to go to the forest. Goodbye, kids!

(Forty leaves.)

Educator: - Well done, guys! And the Magpie was helped to find out what time of year it was and they took care of the birds.

Master class for making a starling from cardboard and feathers with step by step photos.

Zimenko Tamara Alexandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Cherlaksky Kindergarten No. 2 "r.p. Cherlak, Omsk region
Material Description: I offer you a master class for making a starling from cardboard and feathers with step by step photos. Master class for older children preschool age(5-7 years old) on the topic "Starlings". This material will be useful for educators of senior and preparatory groups. This master class can be used when introducing children to birds, in preparation for entertainment.
Target: Making a starling from cardboard and feathers to decorate a corner of nature, a group room, a music hall.
To improve the ability to design from improvised materials: to be able to highlight the expressiveness of natural objects, to choose them to create an image on a given topic.
Continue to develop the ability to plan the process of creating a bird. Continue to develop the ability to consistently perform work in accordance with the planned plan.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends and the desire to create an expressive image.
Purpose of work: this work can be used to decorate the music hall for the Birds Day holiday, when implementing projects: Our Feathered Friends, Wintering and Migratory Birds.
Demo material: illustration depicting a starling.
Handout: black cardboard, feathers, glue stick, simple pencil, gouache, brushes, non-spills, starling figurine template, scissors. For the teacher: adhesive tape, black thread, cutter.
Educator:- Guys, spring has come and our old friends, starlings, have arrived! Exactly these beautiful birds cheer up our spirits with their gushing songs.

The starling is smaller than the crow,
But more sparrow -
He is from a birdhouse as from a balcony,
Sings like a nightingale!

To make a starling, we need: black cardboard, feathers, glue stick, a simple pencil, gouache, brushes, non-spills, starling figurine templates, scissors. For the teacher: adhesive tape, cutter, black thread, a tree branch for placing birds.

On cardboard, turned upside down with the colored side, a stencil of a starling figurine is outlined.

The starling figurine template is turned over to the other side and circled again on cardboard to get the second half of the bird figurine.

Both templates are cut with scissors.

Eyes are drawn with white gouache on both details, the beak is painted with yellow gouache.

Reddish shades of plumage of starlings are drawn with red gouache on both parts.

Green shades of plumage of starlings are drawn with green gouache on both parts.

Purple shades of plumage of starlings are drawn with purple gouache on both parts.

With a cutter, the EDUCER makes cuts on both parts, 2 centimeters long.

Feathers are inserted into the cuts.

The feathers placed in the cuts are fixed by the EDUCator with adhesive tape.

One part is smeared with glue and attached to another part.

Natalya Kuzmina
GCD in middle group application "Birdhouse"

Program tasks:

1. Strengthen the ability to convert finished forms by cutting them into two or four parts.

2. Continue to develop the ability to properly hold scissors and use them.

3. Cultivate interest in applications and the desire to do the job accurately.

4. Improve dialogical speech, the ability to participate in a conversation, it is understandable for listeners to answer questions.

preliminary work:

1. Conversation with children about the life of birds.

2. Looking at pictures about spring, about birds.

3. Bird watching on the site.


An oilcloth for each child; plate with details birdhouse; scissors; tassel; glue; paper; napkin;

Pictures depicting birds;

Wood (dummy) co birdhouse

Lesson progress


(Audio recording with birds singing is included)

Guys, this morning I woke up from cheerful singing, the chime of bird voices outside the window. The birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. Birds appeared on the street, which were not there in winter.

Where did the birds come from?

And why did the birds fly to us?

What birds do you know?

(pictures of birds are posted on the easel)

Correctly, among them there are starlings- this bird can make different sounds, also starlings destroy harmful insects in gardens and orchards. For this people build them birdhouses.

Guys, we also have a miracle tree! We will build houses for birds - birdhouses and hang it on our tree.

Guys, look and tell me what parts it consists of birdhouse What shape is each part?

Wall birdhouse what shape? - rectangular;

What shape is the roof? - triangular;

What shape is the window? - round.

That's right, well done.

Let's get some rest!

Physical education minute:

Let's stomp our feet,

clap hands,

We will wave our wings and we will sit down in our places!

Guys let's do it birdhouses for all birds.

Table work.

See what's on our tables?

Children's answers.

Let's make a wall birdhouse. Sheet in half, corner to corner, smooth the fold. Cut along the fold. It turned out two even squares. This is a wall birdhouse.

For the roof, a square in half, like a handkerchief, corner to corner. Smooth out the fold. We cut.

Now let's glue birdhouse.

What did we do today?

That's right, we made for the birds birdhouses! Look how beautiful, neat they turned out, the birds will be pleased to live in it.

Today we have done for the birds birdhouses, for this they will be grateful to us, they will delight us with their singing, treat trees from pests.

Related publications:

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This article explains where and how the Birdhouse application can be used. To help educators, templates for manual labor classes are offered here.

Where is the Birdhouse application used?

Those people for whom manual labor is a hobby always have something to do with themselves. They will find use even for a small piece of fabric or a piece of wallpaper.

In this regard, the Birdhouse application is very interesting. It will help decorate clothes and bedding. You can also make a wonderful scrapbooking card on this topic with your own hands. Yes, and will bring a fresh stream to the interior. And for the kids, a manual labor lesson, on which they will create the Birdhouse application, will be a real discovery. After all, they will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of birds on it.

Manual labor in the second junior group

Children from three to four years old are still quite clumsy. It is difficult for them to work with scissors. Therefore, it is best to offer the kids ready-made cut out templates. Having told at the beginning of classes that in the spring many birds, including starlings, fly to us in the middle lane, the teacher invites the children to do beautiful picture. To do this, you need to stick in a certain way the parts that were distributed to them before class.

As a result, the children should get the Birdhouse application. 2 junior group quite easy to do this job. And after everything is ready, you can tell the kids an amazing story.

How the starling drove the thieves away

Just one boy picked up a little starling under a tree. He apparently fell out of the nest. The boy fed him. Skvorushka got used to his big friend, fell in love with him.

And the neighbors had a huge shepherd dog. The dog barked menacingly when someone else approached the door. And the starling adopted her barking from the shepherd. Everyone knows that starlings are mockingbirds, they look like parrots in this sense.

Occasionally, when the boy forgot to feed on time, he was offended, cursed and barked menacingly at his friend, and even howled.

And it so happened that the boy suddenly had a fever. He was taken to the hospital. The adults also left with him. There was only a birdhouse left in the house.

It was then that the thieves decided to profit at someone else's expense. They picked up the keys, opened the lock and entered the house. Skvorushka was already very hungry. Hearing someone's footsteps, he thought they were his masters and began to swear at them. “Forgotten squa-ru-shku, woof-woof? Forget-s-yli-and-and ... Woof? Where is the food? Woof!

But it was only the boy who understood the language of the starling. And the thieves heard the formidable barking of the shepherd, got scared and ran away! When the owners returned, they saw that someone was in their absence in the apartment. And the neighbors said that they heard barking and dog howls from the neighbors, and then someone quickly ran up the stairs.

The owners of the birdhouse guessed that it was their little bird that scared the thieves so much. What a wonderful bird - the starling.

After this incident, the boy, together with his mother, made a birdhouse out of paper. Application with a bird's house hung on the wall for a long time. She reminded her family of this amazing event.

Application of geometric shapes

This story can be successfully told both in the middle and in senior group. Even junior schoolchildren she will surprise. But the task for children of four or five years old can already be complicated.

Now the guys should be invited to cut out a rectangle and a triangle for the bird house themselves. A circle that will imitate the inlet to a birdhouse can be prepared for the guys in advance. Templates of rectangles and triangles are still recommended for children to give out in advance. The teacher also gives the task: cut the wall of the house out of red paper, and the roof-triangle out of blue.

The task turns out to be quite difficult - the Birdhouse appliqué, made up of independently cut out ones.

The middle group at the same time also reinforces the knowledge gained in mathematical classes. After all, they have to work not just with patterns, but with rectangles, triangles and circles.

Spring panel on the wall

Children love to make gifts with their own hands. You can diversify your work. Let the application "Birdhouse" made by them become a spring congratulatory panel.

The middle group can easily cope with the task of decorating the birdhouse. All the details should be cut out and distributed to the children in advance. The teacher must give step by step instructions what part to take and where to mount it.