The most beautiful birds in nature. The most beautiful birds in the world. Scaled bird of paradise

  • 21.05.2020

Nature never ceases to amaze with its beauty and uniqueness. This applies not only to landscapes, rivers, forests and lakes, but also to living beings. It is impossible to imagine our planet without birds, the most amazing and positive creatures on Earth. , what are the most beautiful birds world, photos and titles are provided for each description. In total, these winged creatures live on all continents and number almost 11 thousand copies.

A selection of the most amazing birds from around the world

If you ask a child which bird is the most beautiful, most likely the answer will be: a parrot or a peacock. But is it really so, let's figure it out together.

  1. Peacock . Lives in the jungle wild forests India, Sri Lanka and Pakestan at 2000 meters above sea level. In these areas, the animal can live in the bushy thickets of nearby villages and arable land. The peacock has been domesticated by man since ancient times. This monotypic bird species has a diverse colors. hallmark peacock are large developed feathers, mistaken for a tail.

  2. Ara parrot . Its homeland is the tropical forests of Mexico, Ecuador, the shores of the Amazon. Parrots spend their lives high in the crowns of trees, eat plant foods, are tied to a hollow in which they nest for many years in a row. The body length of the parrot reaches 90 cm, the tail is up to 60 cm. The external color of the parrot is motley and bright: the head, neck, chest and upper back are red, then there is a small strip of yellow feathers, and the tips of the wings and tail are bright blue.

  3. duck mandarin duck . A heat-loving animal common in East Asia. In summer, it can also be found in Russia: in the Far East, in the Amur region and the Sakhalin region. The bird flies to China for the winter. A small duck, not exceeding 600 grams in weight, swims well, dives well and can take off vertically. The color is very bright: mirrored golden wings, a red beak and a brown back. Males are distinguished by a high crest. They feed on aquatic plants, mollusks, fish caviar. Tangerines are a rare species of birds and are listed in the Red Book.

  4. golden pheasant . You can meet a bird in China, Tibet and Central Europe at an altitude not exceeding 2000 meters. During the day, in search of food, pheasants often descend from high mountains to low-lying places, and spend the night high in the trees, guarding themselves from predatory animals. The diet of the pheasant has not been fully studied, but it is known that the basis of its nutrition is bamboo leaves and young shoots. The very bright color of the bird attracts hunters: they are engaged in catching decorative birds for sale in zoos.

  5. bird of paradise . Belongs to the order of passeriformes. It lives only in New Guinea and nearby islands. Birds live high in the mountains on the tops of trees. They are characterized by a fantastic color with blue, red and yellow flowers of different shades. In males, the sides and tail are decorated with large feathers, which they demonstrate during the mating season. Their food is varied: fruits, berries, insects, small frogs and lizards. Females nest in trees, lay and incubate only 2 eggs each.

  6. Crowned Crane . This large bird from the family of common cranes living in Africa is listed in the Red Book. She got her name due to the golden tuft on her head in the form of a fan. Lives in swamps fresh water, river banks and water meadows. The crowned crane is not afraid of man and often settles near his activities. The bird feeds on young shoots, seeds, nuts, insects and invertebrates.

  7. hummingbird . It belongs to the species of the smallest birds of the globe. Lives in the tropics South America. During the day, a hummingbird eats 120 times its weight in excess of its own body weight (2.5 grams). She finds food on flowers: small insects, nectar, dew. This bird is very mobile, energetic, especially during the feeding of chicks. The hummingbird is the only specimen that can fly backwards.

  8. Pink flamingo . Most large birds from the flamingo-like order, they reach up to 1.5 m in height and weigh up to 4 kg. They live in Asia Minor, Africa and India. Both females and males have pale pink plumage. Massive pink beak is bent to the bottom. Flamingos feed on algae, molluscs, and small crustaceans. They are often seen in the water standing on one leg. This behavior of birds is not fully understood.

  9. Swan . One of the largest birds of the Anseriformes order. An unusually long neck distinguishes swans from relatives, the plumage color ranges from pure white to black. Birds live in warm regions. The developed musculature of the wings allows the swans to fly great distances during seasonal cooling. These are the only birds that, after the birth of the cubs, take care of them up to 1.5-2 years.

This is a list of the most famous birds in nature, which are distinguished by an unusual appearance. If you look closely, then everyone can note for themselves which bird is the most beautiful. Today, everyone has the opportunity to visit different climatic zones. But do not forget that many species are classified as protected, and some have already disappeared from the face of the Earth.

With many unusual birds. The most beautiful birds of the world are available to everyone, whose photos and names can be seen when visiting photo exhibitions dedicated to the living and plant world.

Among the variety of bird species, there are those that stand out for their unusual size - the smallest and largest birds. It is known about birds with strange beaks and birds digging holes.

The biggest birds

Among the birds there are very large ones. Most large birds, unfortunately, are unable to fly. The largest birds are the cassowary, ostrich and condor.


The truly giant bird is the ostrich. She can be admired not only for the largest dimensions and impressive weight, but also for her running speed. As you know, an ostrich is able to overtake a horse. In a sprint, the bird can accelerate to seventy kilometers per hour, while it is helped by very strong legs that take four-meter steps.


Another large bird lacking the ability to fly is the cassowary. Her height reaches one and a half meters with a weight of eighty kilograms. Max speed this bird is fifty kilometers an hour. On the skull of the cassowary there is a bone plate, sometimes growing up to seventeen centimeters. For this, the Indonesians called her horned head.


Not all large birds can fly. There is a "giant" that rises high into the sky - this is the Californian condor. The Indians in the old days believed that the sun rested on the huge wings of a condor. This is not surprising, because its wingspan is three meters twenty-five centimeters. The length of the body of the condor itself is one meter thirty-five centimeters.

Albatross is also considered a large bird. He can plan in several ways. .

The smallest birds

Birds differ from each other in many ways, including size. The smallest birds are found even among predators.

bee hummingbird

The islands of Pinos and Cuba are home to the smallest birds in the world. It's about the bee hummingbird. Its weight is only 1.6 g. With a length of five centimeters, seven millimeters, along with a beak and tail. Its second name is the bird-fly.

baby falcon

The black-footed baby falcon is one of the miniature birds of prey. Approximately the same size is another predator - White-fronted falcon-baby. Their length is fifteen centimeters, and their weight is thirty-five grams. These birds live in southeast Asia and feed on dragonflies, butterflies, lizards, etc. Larger prey is not available to them, since they simply will not carry it away.

red-headed beetle

The smallest bird living in Russia is called the red-headed kinglet. Its weight is only five and a half grams with a length of nine centimeters. The red-headed beetle is extremely rare.

yellow-mouthed beetle

The yellow-mouthed kinglet is not only one of the smallest birds, but also national bird Luxembourg. The weight of this "baby" is about six grams, and the length does not exceed ten centimeters.

The most unusual birds

The world of birds is diverse, and among all this diversity there are birds with an unusual way of incubation, non-standard appearance, a special structure of the legs or beak.

Malaya Sultanka

The small sultanka, thanks to its long fingers, has the ability to swim like a duck, and climb the branches and stems of vegetation, and walk like a chicken on floating plants. All this is possible thanks to the long fingers of the sultan.

Red-billed Alcyone

In an unusual way of incubation of eggs, the red-billed alcyone stands out among the birds. It is a bird of prey feeding on songbirds, rodents, frogs, snails, etc. To incubate eggs, Alcyone builds a nest by digging a hole up to fifty centimeters long.

Indian hornbill

The peculiarity of the hornbill is its massive yellow beak. On the beak is a growth similar to the second hollow beak. By the way, scientists still cannot understand the purpose of this growth. The bird is omnivorous; it feeds on fish, a variety of fruits, and small mammals.

crowned flycatcher

The crowned flyeater at first glance seems like an ordinary bird, but if you tease it, it will spread a chic crest. In females, the tuft feathers are yellow or orange, in males they are fiery red.

The strangest bird in the world

A shoebill seems to be a strange, unusual and even prehistoric bird. It is extremely little studied. This is one of the largest birds, being a close relative of storks, pelicans, marabou.

On the massive head of the bird is a huge beak with a hook at the end. The head is wide, even slightly wider than the body of the shoebill. This strange bird lives on the banks of the Nile in Africa, preferring swampy places. Its main food is lungfish protoptera.
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The world of birds is very bright and diverse, and it is rather difficult to determine the most beautiful of its representatives. Each bird has some peculiarity: some delight with beautiful singing, nature has endowed others with unusual forms, and still others attract the eye with luxurious plumage.

The most beautiful birds in the world can be found in any climate zone. Enough to walk along the ponds or oases wildlife, carefully looking at the trees and shrubs to see beautiful feathered creatures. We present to your attention 10 birds that are the most beautiful on the planet, as well as their description and photo.

The peacock is the most beautiful bird in the world

Everyone who has ever seen a peacock will agree that it is this feathered creature that can be called the most beautiful bird. Rather, only males claim to be the first beauties, having long and beautiful covering feathers, which are often mistaken for a tail by many people.

The peacock is quite large in size:

  • body length reaching 125 cm;
  • tail length - up to 50 cm;
  • the length of the upper covering feathers is up to 160 cm;
  • weighing 4-4, 25 kg.

The peacock has a green plumage color on the back, blue on the head, neck and chest, and dark on the lower body. Females can be recognized by their smaller size and not so bright plumage. AT wild environment peacocks are found in India, where they are a sacred animal, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh. They prefer to live in wooded areas or jungles. Since ancient times, these birds have been raised in captivity.

Thanks to the very bright and beautiful plumage, the red macaw parrot is also included in the list of the most beautiful birds. This species of birds is found in the tropical zones of North and South America. Red macaws love the jungle and often nest in a hollow made in the trunk of tall trees with thick and lush crowns. Their diet includes:

  • tropical fruits;
  • nuts;
  • young shoots of trees or bushes;
  • corn.

These birds often cause significant damage to farmers, as they love to feed in the fields and plantations during the ripening of the crop.

Real admiration is caused by the bright plumage of male mandarins during the mating season. There are many contrasting colors in their color, which makes the appearance of these birds quite spectacular. Tangerines live in regions Far East, are found in England, Ireland and in the US state of California. They prefer to nest near water bodies, nesting in the hollow of a tree. Tangerines, unlike other representatives of the duck family, spend more time on trees or rocks.

These feathered creatures are distinguished by a very bright color, which is why they are also called "seven-colored tanagrams." Both females and males have beautiful plumage. Paradise tanager live in tropical forests on the territory of the South American continent. These small birds nest on the very tops of tall evergreen trees to protect their offspring from predators. Paradise tanagers are very friendly creatures. They don't keep large groups, in which there are from 5 to 10 individuals.

Kingfishers are also enchanting with a delightful view. These small birds have a bright beautiful color: a dark blue back, a black and blue upper part of the head with stripes and a bright orange belly. Kingfishers are found in Eurasia, Africa, Indonesia, New Zealand and New Guinea. They nest near clear water bodies in dense bushes or trees. These feathered creatures love solitude, so it is very rare to see them. Females and males have the same color, and it is quite difficult to distinguish between them.

It is impossible to look away from the graceful and very beautiful crowned cranes. These large birds captivate with beautiful black and white plumage and a large tuft located on the head. It is because of the golden and very hard tuft feathers that representatives of this species of cranes are called crowned. You can meet beautiful feathered creatures in Africa. Crowned cranes do not leave their natural habitat, they only wander in search of places rich in food.

The birds of this species catch the eye with a very bright and beautiful plumage: their head and wings are dark, and the abdomen has an orange color in males and light yellow in females. Baltimore Orioles are found primarily in North America. When cold weather sets in, they fly to South and Central America. These birds arrange nests in the trees, resembling elegant baskets. They are very partial to different threads and yarns, and at any opportunity they deliver such materials to their nest.

Very beautiful small birds can be seen on the shores of the Atlantic and North arctic oceans. These beautiful feathered creatures are called Atlantic puffins. They have a very spectacular color: black back, neck and upper head, white abdomen and bright orange paws and beak. Atlantic puffins live in large groups. They prefer to nest in burrows in bird colonies. These birds fly low over the water, looking out among the waves for the fish that make up their diet. During the flight, they reach speeds of up to 80 km / h.

One of the most beautiful birds in the world is the red cardinal. The males of this species of birds have a bright crimson color and a black mask around the beak. Females look much more modest: they are dominated by a modest gray plumage, and only on the wings, tail and crest there are bright red feathers. There are red cardinals in the southern part of the North American continent. This bird is very revered in the USA: the red cardinal was chosen as a symbol of the 7 states of this state.

Although swans cannot boast of very bright plumage, they simply captivate with their beauty. These magnificent birds are found in white and black colors. They are the largest aquatic birds: the wingspan of these birds reaches 2 m, and their weight sometimes exceeds 15 kg. Swans amaze with their grace. They have a delightfully long neck that allows them to search for food deep underwater. These birds are for people the personification of beauty, purity and romance.


It is difficult to imagine life without birds - beautiful, with surprisingly bright plumage. They instill in our life a lot of positive emotions and positive. Birds are one of the most interesting and amazing creatures on earth.

The article will describe some of the most beautiful birds in the world.

general information

An amazing variety of natural colors can be seen not only in plants and flowers, but also in the vast animal world, especially in the world of birds. About 10 thousand species of birds live on earth in total. Some of them are the strongest and largest, some are the smallest, some are the fastest, and there are also the brightest and most beautiful. There are truly birds of paradise among them in their beauty.

In natural conditions, there are many birds trying to merge with environment with its inconspicuous plumage to avoid any danger. The selection of birds in this article, on the contrary, represents birds demonstrating their originality bright colors his plumage. Moreover, many of them have unusual behavior.

Below are the most beautiful birds in the world.


The peacock belongs to the pheasant family and is famous for its amazingly bright tail feathers, used during periods of courtship with the opposite sex. When unfolded, they represent the shape of a large fan with "eyes".

This species is not subdivided into subspecies (monotypic), but has a number of color options.

These amazingly beautiful birds are distributed in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. They live at an altitude of about 2 km. above sea level in woodlands and jungles, in cultivated lands near villages. They prefer thickets of shrubs, river banks and forest clearings.

These beautiful birds are polygamous. The male lives in a group with several females. Up to 1.5 years in plumage, he looks like a female, and only from the age of 3 years does he begin to develop beautiful bright feathers. The life expectancy of peacocks is approximately 20 years. This bird is domesticated by man.

The length of her body reaches 125 centimeters, and the tail - 50 centimeters. Uppertail feathers are up to 160 centimeters long. The weight of the male is about 4 kilograms. The neck, head and part of the chest are blue, the underside of the body is black, and its back is green. The smaller female is more modestly colored and lacks elongated rump feathers.

mandarin duck

The most beautiful duck belongs to the duck family. Distributed in East Asia. She also lives in Russia - in the Sakhalin and Amur regions, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. They winter in Japan and China.

The male of this small bird (weighing approximately 600 g) has a crest on its head, more brightly colored than that of the female.

These ducks inhabit mountain streams with trees along the banks, the branches of which hang over the water. Mandarin swims well, but she rarely dives, only when she is in danger. Its flight is very maneuverable and fast with easy takeoff, sometimes even vertical.

These small beautiful birds feed on seeds (mainly acorns). Their diet also includes aquatic plants, mollusks, worms and fish eggs. The breeding efficiency of mandarin ducks (usually up to 14 eggs in a clutch) is affected by weather conditions, since chicks are very sensitive to hypothermia.

hyacinth macaw

This bird is one of the largest parrot species. Often it reaches 95 cm in length, and most of which falls on the tail. The wing has a length of 36 centimeters, and the macaw weighs an average of 1.5 kg.

The feathers of this species are colored cobalt blue. On the sides, the head is covered with golden-yellow plumage, only a thin strip at the mandible and the ring around the eyes do not have feathers. The tail is narrow and long gray-blue. The large dark gray (almost black) beak of the male is much larger than that of the female. The voice of the macaw is sharp and very loud, alternating with a hoarse screech.

These very beautiful birds live in the eastern, central and southeastern parts of Brazil. Inquisitive and trusting birds are easily tamed and even strongly attached to humans. Macaws have an excellent memory.

These birds build their nests among stones in crevices, in burrows on steep banks of rivers and in hollows of trees. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years. In laying most often there are only 2 eggs. Due to the fact that these birds live in rather inaccessible places, their lifestyle has not been studied much.

The bird, mostly living in Africa and Eurasia, has an unusual beautiful crest.

A feature of hoopoes is that they like to take sunbaths, spreading their tail and wing feathers on the ground, while turning their heads 180 degrees. They love both sand and dust baths.

bird of paradise

In total, there are 45 species of such birds in nature, of which 38 live only in New Guinea and on small islands adjacent to it.

Birds of paradise are members of the passerine family. To a greater extent they are forest, but there are several species that can only be found in high mountain forests. Their size can reach the size of a jay and a lark. Most of them have bright plumage, and some are dark, with some metallic tint. They are mostly red, yellow and blue. As a rule, males are brighter than females, and most of them have feathers decorating them on their heads, tails or sides, which they demonstrate during mating games.

These amazingly beautiful birds mainly feed on insects, seeds, berries, fruits, small lizards and tree frogs. They are usually solitary, pairs are rare. Some monogamous species mate for life. Nests are built on branches, only the royal bird of paradise settles in the hollows of trees, in which the female lays and incubates only 2 eggs.

golden pheasant

This bird, magnificent in its beauty, comes from China (western part). Her orange drape around her neck has a practical purpose. During the mating season, the male spreads it like a fan to demonstrate its beauty with bright colors and shades of plumage.

These birds avoid marshy, forest and open areas. They live high in the mountains. They mostly stay alone. In the spring they come together in pairs.

Pheasants feed on shoots and leaves of various shrubs and bamboo. They also eat rhododendron flowers. At night, they sleep high in the trees to avoid predators.

This unusually beautiful bird is native to Central America. In the forests of this corner of the earth, these magnificent birds have found their refuge. They have not only an original hairstyle with an amazing tuft and rich coloring of feathers, but also a great appetite.

Quezals eat almost everything: lizards, small insects, insects, fruits, etc.


These magnificent birds are generously endowed by nature not only with luxurious and light wings that allow them to soar freely in the sky, but also with an amazing coloring of their plumage, which gives them a wonderful, fabulous look.

You can admire them tirelessly and endlessly.

The first weekend of October is celebrated international days bird watching. Thousands of people around the world go to observe birds in natural conditions. And we invite you to look at the ten most beautiful birds on Earth from our selection

(Total 10 photos)

10. Lori parrots.

The color of parrots of this species is diverse, literally all the colors of the rainbow are present in it. The habitat of Lori parrots is Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is said that every spring the birds begin to fall, forcing Australians to carry them to veterinary clinics. (Cacophony/WikiMedia)

9. American kestrel.

This bird species is distributed throughout the Western Hemisphere: from Canada to the Falkland Islands. This is one of the most graceful and smallest birds of prey in the world. (Chris/

8. Atlantic puffin.

On the steep shores of the North Atlantic, colonies of the Atlantic puffin can be found. These birds feed on small fish and marine invertebrates. The name was given to these birds because of their excessive gullibility. A large number of Atlantic puffins have been destroyed by man. (Gdefon)

7. Crowned crane.

This romantic bird lives in West and East Africa. During courtship, the birds perform a kind of dance, including bouncing, running, flapping their wings, shaking their heads. (

6. Red cardinal.

This bird can be found in the eastern states of the United States, southeastern Canada and Mexico. The male has a bright crimson coloration with a black "mask" on the face. The female is grayish-brown with reddish feathers on the wings, chest and crest. (Desktopia)

5. Kingfisher.

A fairly common bird species. The paws of the kingfisher are so short that they do not allow them to move on the ground, so representatives of this species move with the help of wings over short distances. The brightness of the plumage of birds is achieved due to the refraction of light by feathers. Despite the prevalence of the species, these birds love solitude, it is very difficult to see them. (Thomas Will)

4. Red macaw.

The king of parrots cannot boast of a happy fate. From time immemorial they were hunted by the Indians. Macaw meat was used for food, and feathers were used to decorate and plumage arrows. (Marboed/

3. Tangerine.

The bird of the duck family loves to sit on the branches of trees and coastal rocks. It has a fast and maneuverable flight, taking off easily, sometimes immediately up. Mandarin is included in the Red Book of Russia. Hunting for it is prohibited. Birds of this species are bred in parks as ornamental birds. (Tim Munsey)

2. Paradise tanager.

Habitat - Eastern Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. The color of the bird is quite specific: light green muzzle, blue breast, purple chin. (Nathan Rupert)

1. Peacock.

The only bird on this list that has been domesticated by humans. A distinctive feature of the male is the strong development of upper coverts, which are often mistaken for a tail. Peacocks are reverent in the West, they are revered in the East. In Indian mythology, when the two incarnations of the god Vishnu - Krishna and Radha - dance and play in the eternal joy of love, peacocks look at them. (Ingo Arndt)