Presentation trip to the autumn forest preparatory group. "Journey to the autumn forest." How wild animals prepare for winter lesson presentation for an interactive whiteboard for the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic

  • 11.05.2020

Tatyana Shakharova
Presentation "Autumn in the forest"

Target: To create a joyful mood in children. Cause emotional responsiveness, promote the development of interest in the world around.


To expand children's ideas about the changes taking place in nature with the advent of autumn

Develop logical thinking

Develop an aesthetic perception of the world, curiosity

To educate the ecological culture of children.

The main change in inanimate nature - cooling - entails changes in wildlife.

One of the most interesting activities at this time of the year is the assembly of a herbarium.

Quiet, warm, gentle autumn

wilted leaves spread everywhere,

paints in lemon, orange color ...

(A. Starikov).

Sounds and colors autumn around us.

Signs autumn.

Beasts autumn.

Pictures of wolf and hedgehog.

How do animals prepare for winter?

Poem by E. Golovin.

Gathered and flew

Ducks on a long journey.

Where butterflies disappear in autumn.

Birds autumn.

Pictures of wintering birds.

Pictures of wintering birds.

14,15,16 slides.

Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland (M. Prishvin).

Related publications:

So what is autumn for each of us? A dull time, eye charm or a leaf decorated with gold, a beautiful fall of leaves, a rainy day ?.

At night, both the beast and the bird sleep, Only she alone cannot sleep, - All the forest people know: Everything is the other way around for her. But the owl alone knows why and what.

NOD with children of the first junior group "Autumn in the forest" Program content: Educational area"Knowledge": 1. Form ideas about primary colors (red, blue, yellow) Educational.

Presentation "Autumn in riddles" The riddle is short description an object or phenomenon, often in poetic form, containing an intricate task in the form of an explicit (direct).

Presentation of outdoor switchgear "Walking in the forest" Presentation for an entertaining warm-up "Walking in the forest" for children 4 years old. Visual material. For an entertaining warm-up "Walk.

Presentation "Autumn" A presentation about Autumn was created to familiarize children of a group of 4-5 years old with what autumn is, what signs of autumn exist, what are the months.

Presentation "Autumn has come to us" A presentation of directly educational activities for the development of speech on the topic "Autumn has come to us" is presented. Autumn is the most charming.

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Municipal state preschool educational institution "Ternovsky Kindergarten№2" October 2012

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Educational area "Cognition": to acquaint children with different types sensory standards (color, shape); continue to teach children to find many objects and one object in a specially prepared environment, to form the ability to compare objects by basic properties (color); to support and develop children's interest in joint and independent examination of objects with an adult, various actions with him.

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Educational area " Fiction”: to maintain an emotional response to a literary work and its hero. Educational area "Artistic creativity": to develop the ability of children to use round plates in the construction, to acquaint children with the arrangement methods (in a row); to develop the ability to analyze the building and stimulate the play, expressing in speech the shape, color and attitude to the image.

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PRELIMINARY WORK: showing, examining an object, using visualization, a surprise moment, an explanation of the educator, a conversation, an artistic word, questions, an exercise for children, a game situation, individual work.

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Equipment and materials: - Stuffed Toys"squirrel", "hedgehog"; - planar trees "herringbone", "maple"; - baskets; small toys "mushrooms"; - maple leaves of yellow and red color; - planar circles of yellow color.

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DOCTORIAL WORK: "one", "many", "maple leaves", "red", "yellow", "autumn path"

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Course of the lesson: Educator: Today we will go for a walk in the forest. And this forest is not ordinary, but fabulous. To do this, we need to stand next to each other. Move around and listen carefully. Line up, are you all ready? Then go. Children line up in a column and walk to the musical accompaniment. Educator: Legs walked: Top-top-top, Straight along the path: Top-top-top, Come on, more fun: Top-top-top, Here's how we can: Top-top-top. The legs walked: Top-top-top, Right along the path: Top-top-top, Boots stomp: Top-top-top, These are our legs: Top-top-top, Stop !!!

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Teacher: Well, here we are. Look how beautiful it is here. Educator: And what kind of tree is this, which is the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree) Educator: And what color is it? (green) Educator: Guys, look who is sitting under the Christmas tree? (squirrel) Educator: The hostess squirrel, she makes supplies for the winter. Dries mushrooms, collects nuts. How many mushrooms does a squirrel have? (one) Educator: And let's help the squirrel collect mushrooms. We will go to the clearing and collect mushrooms. Rays and flowers scattered across the earth. Illuminated all around Grass and leaves. Who will collect the mushrooms And return them to the basket? Children collect mushrooms in a basket (mushrooms are placed on the carpet).

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Educator: Guys, look how many mushrooms we have in the basket (a lot). Let's give the squirrel mushrooms and move on. Educator: How beautiful in the autumn forest! And what is this tree? (maple) Look how many leaves fell from it. There must have been a strong wind and they were blown off the tree. How many leaves have fallen? (many) Colorful leaves lie on the floor. Educator: And who is rustling? Who is hiding in the leaves? (hedgehog) Shows children a hedgehog toy. Educator: Children, the hedgehog greets you and you greet him. Educator: Guys, what kind of hedgehog? (barbed)

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The hedgehog loves to collect leaves, he likes the order in the forest. But a few leaves flew away from the tree. Let's help the hedgehog collect the leaves. And what color are they? (red, yellow) Now we will take one piece of paper and put it in a basket. Teacher: I have two baskets. One with a red handle and the other with a yellow one. Whoever has a yellow leaflet will take it to a basket with a yellow handle, and we will put the red leaves in a basket with a red handle. Educator: How many leaves did Dasha bring? (one) What color is your leaf? (yellow) Educator: How many leaves did Denis bring? (one) What color is your leaf (red). Children fold the leaves and name the color. Educator: Children, the hedgehog whispers to me that you are great, they helped to restore order in the forest.

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Listen to the poem. Why are you such a prickly hedgehog? It's me just in case, Do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears. Educator: Children, why does a hedgehog need needles? (to defend against enemies) Do you know how a hedgehog defends itself from enemies? He curls up, hides his nose, there are needles at the top that protect him. Like this. (points to a toy) Educator: I suggest you play. Now you put on masks and turn into hedgehogs. Here you are hedgehogs. Now you will run around the clearing to the music, and when the fox appears, you will have to stop and curl up into a ball (group and sit motionless) The fox is gone, the hedgehogs are walking again. The game is repeated twice.

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Educator: Guys, the hedgehog played with us and forgot under which tree his house is. Let's help the hedgehog. We will build a path for him. And we will lay out the track from the circles. See what color they are. (yellow) We will take one circle and lay out the track. Children, together with the teacher, lay out the track. Educator: Look how the track turned out. Bright. Autumn. Now the hedgehog will definitely find his house (the hedgehog runs along the path). The hedgehog ran away and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. (Children leave under musical accompaniment).

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The integrated lesson was prepared and conducted by the teacher of the first qualification category T U L S K A Ya Larisa Alexandrovna

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: "A walk in the autumn forest"

This material will be useful to educators when conducting classes in the older group. It was held with pupils as part of the thematic week "Golden Autumn".

Synopsis of directly educational activity "A walk in the autumn forest" in the senior group

Compiled and hosted by: Aksenova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 95 "Rostochek" in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region
Program content: Expand children's understanding of diversity flora. To form ideas about what is environmentally friendly for a person environment is a health factor. Give knowledge about species diversity forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. Learn to name the distinctive features of trees and shrubs. Build respect for nature. To systematize knowledge about the benefits of the forest in the life of humans and animals, about the correct behavior in the forest.
Preliminary work. Conversation, reading works of art about nature. Didactic games. Solving riddles. Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest. Learning physical education minutes "Our forest is so good!".
Material and equipment: notebook; media projector; slides depicting forests, deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, mushrooms, berries and herbaceous plants; path plan

GCD progress:
An audio recording of the sounds of the forest sounds. The teacher makes a riddle:
The house is open on all sides.
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house -
You will see miracles in it. (Children: Forest)

caregiver: That's right, today we will remember everything we know about the forest kingdom. Why does a person need a forest? (children's answers)
The teacher draws attention to the media projector screen, which depicts a forest. Sums up.: “We came to the forest with you. The forest friendly and affable welcomes everyone in its domain: it protects from the scorching rays of the sun, reveals many mysteries, treats with forest gifts. The forest is the habitat of many forest animals and birds. This is their home, where they breed, find food and protection. Forest -true friend person. Walking in the forest is very important for people's health. The forest is the home of animals and plants. The forest is a farmer's friend. The forest is the decoration of the planet!

He draws the attention of the children to the fact that on the stump lies a letter addressed to them from the old man Lesovichka.
Reading the letter aloud:
"Dear Guys senior group! The old Lesovichok is writing to you. I live in the forest and I will be very glad if you come to visit me. I love the forest very much and I am always glad to see guests! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.
Invites children to remember the rules of behavior in the forest and go for a walk.Educator: I have special characters. I will show cards with signs, and you tell me how to behave in the forest.
- You can't make noise in the forest.
- You can't litter in the forest.
- You can't make fire.
- Don't destroy bird nests.
- Do not uproot plants.
- Do not break tree branches.
- In the forest, you need to walk along the paths, looking under your feet.

Child 1:
If you came to the forest for a walk, fresh air breathe,
Run, jump and play, Just mind you, don't forget
that you can't make noise in the forest. even sing very loudly!
the little animals will be frightened, they will run away from the forest edge.
do not break spruce branches. and more often remember:
Child 2:
Clean up trash from grass! no need to pick flowers!
do not shoot from a slingshot, you did not come to kill!
let the butterflies fly, Well, who do they interfere with?
there is no need to catch everyone, Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest. Here the owner is spruce and elk.
Take care of their peace, After all, they are not our enemies!

Educator: Guys, today I propose to go for a walk in the forest. - Wear down jackets, hats with earflaps. - What? (We do not have down jackets, warm hats.). - Why? (Warm). - What should we wear? (Jackets, knitted hats). - What clothes? (Autumn). - From shoes? (Rubber boots, sneakers). - And boots, for what season? (For winter). Well, what are you wearing? (Yes). What is the best way to get into the forest? (There is a discussion of the problem. We come to the conclusion that a bicycle is the best transport for a walk, because it is silent, does not pollute the air, and it is easy to go around obstacles.) We sit on bicycles. (Children imitate cycling movements). A picture of the forest is projected onto the screen. The teacher reads:
Our forest is so good!
You won't find a better forest!
We have things to do in the forest,
We are nowhere without a forest.
We will protect the forest and help everyone together,
Both animals and birds will need help.
You grow up for the joy of people
We will be friends with you
Good forest, mighty forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Educator: Notice how beautiful and quiet the forest is. Let's walk along the paths. First, let's go with our eyes along the blue path, then along the red one, turn and go along the green one.

He asks what is the name of the forest where birches, maples, oaks, mountain ash grow? Summarizes the children's responses:“Such a forest is called deciduous because deciduous trees and shrubs grow in it.”
Deciduous trees on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks what other types of trees the children know. Summarizes the children's responses:
“Coniferous trees are pine, cedar, spruce, fir and others. Such a forest is called coniferous.
Coniferous trees on the screen of a media projector.
The teacher asks:
“What is the name of the forest in which deciduous and coniferous trees grow? What forest are we walking in? Deciduous and coniferous trees grow in a mixed forest, we walk in a mixed forest. The teacher leads the children to understand that by keeping the forest clean and tidy, we are helping plants and animals.
A picture of a mixed forest is projected onto the screen.
Walking in the forest is very beneficial for health. Let's take a walk in the field.

We'll take baskets
Let's go to the forest for berries. (Children walk in a circle one after another.)
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's look for berries. (They stop, perform a “spring”, clap their hands.)
Let's run along the path (Run in circles.)
Let's jump over puddles. (Jumping on two legs.)
We look under the leaves (They sit down.)
Gather berries for dinner: (Imitate picking berries.)
Blackberries and raspberries,
Blueberries and viburnum. (They walk in place.)
Clusters of ripe lingonberries
And some strawberries. (Perform "spring", clap their hands.)

Bushes on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks:
How are trees different from shrubs? It is true that a tree has one trunk from the root, and a shrub has several rather thin stems - stems. What shrubs do you know? Tell us about the shrubs - hawthorn, blackberry, sea buckthorn, lilac, wild rose and others. (Children's answers.) Raspberries and currants are also shrubs. They grow both in the forest and in the country. The fruits (berries) of these shrubs are very tasty and healthy. What other berries grow in the forest? (Strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries.)

The teacher asks: What other plants are there in the forest? That's right, mushrooms. Mushrooms are edible and inedible. Mushroom pickers carefully cut them with a knife so as not to damage the root (mycelium). Then mushrooms will grow in this place. Mushrooms feed on people and forest dwellers. Especially loves squirrel mushrooms. She even dries them for the winter and puts them in a hollow.”
There are berries and mushrooms on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks:
What other plants are there in the forest? (Children's answers.) In herbaceous plants, dandelion, plantain, bluebell, the stems are soft, juicy. There are many beautiful herbaceous plants in the forest that bloom very beautifully!”
Herbaceous plants on the screen of a media projector.
The teacher draws the attention of the children that there is again a letter from the old man Lesovichok on the stump, and reads it out:
"Guys! How you pleased me - you observed all the rules of behavior in the forest. I want to give you pictures of forest plants. I propose to color all the plants and, together with adults, draw up the book "Plants of the Forest". This book will help you get to know wonderful world nature. And I always look forward to your visit. Walking in the forest is very useful for children and adults! All the best! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.
The teacher offers the children free time color pictures with the image of plants and make a collage "Autumn Forest".

Synopsis of organized educational activities in II junior group

Topic: "Journey to autumn forest»

Priority educational area
« cognitive development»
Integration of educational areas
"Social and communicative development"
"Speech Development"
"Artistic and aesthetic development"
Target: To consolidate ideas about autumn, about the signs and signs of autumn.
1. Teach carefully, listen to the speech of the teacher, expand and activate the vocabulary of pupils (“autumn”, “season”, “rustles”);
2. Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
3. Formation of elementary ecological ideas in children.
1. Develop interest in the world around you during the game-travel;
2. Expand elementary ideas about changes in nature
autumn, wild animals, their lives.
1. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, love and respect for nature.
Tasks by educational areas in integration
Educational activities"Cognitive development":
1. Enrich the sensory experience of children, develop figurative representations, affordable consolidating children's knowledge of seasonal change (autumn).
2. Expand ideas about wild animals living in the forest, learn to reflect the impressions received in speech and productive activity.
3. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature, to cultivate a respectful attitude of children towards nature and animals.
Educational activities Speech development»:
1. To develop the initiative, choral speech of children, to enrich and clarify children's ideas about the seasonal change in autumn.
2. Expand and activate children's vocabulary
3. Form the need to share your impressions with other people.
Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development":
1. Improve the technique of drawing with a piece of paper to depict autumn leaves.
2. To cultivate interest in reflecting one's impressions and ideas about nature, through the ability to create an artistic image.
3. Cultivate accuracy and independence
Educational area "Social and communicative development":

1. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner.
Types of children's activities
Cognitive, communicative, playful.
Methodological techniques
1. Organizing time: The appearance of the fabulous Gnome.
2. Children's answers to the teacher's questions.
3. Choral reading of a poem with children.
4. Watch the video.
5. Conversation with children after watching the video.
6. Musical-rhythmic composition "Leaf, leaf-leaf fall".
7. Didactic game: "Pick by color."
8. Productive activity "Golden Leaves"
9. Analysis of the activities of children, summing up.
Planned results
Shows a strong interest in various types children's activities: game-journey, listening and discussion, artistic creativity. Emotionally responds to the main character - Gnome. Elementary oriented in the space of the group. Actively participates in productive activities.
Knows the sequence of movements of the musical and dance composition "Leaf, leaf - leaf fall".
Materials and equipment
multimedia projector, screen
computer presentation
tree layout
colorful autumn paper leaves
pieces of paper
hypoallergenic wet wipes for babies
basket with goodies for children (nuts)

The course of organized educational activities

Educator: Children, listen, who is rustling there? You hear?

Oh, yes, this is a gnome, a forest man. Let's say hello to the gnome.
Gnome: Hello guys.
Educator: What gnome? (small). What do you think the gnome's mood is like? (good) Of course, good, the gnome smiles at us, let's smile at him too.
Educator: Look, the gnome brought us something, what is it? (leaves)
What leaves? (beautiful, colorful, red, yellow, green). Colored leaves at what time of the year are there? (in autumn) So what kind of leaves? (autumn) That's right, kids, these are autumn leaves. All of them are multi-colored, golden, so they say about autumn: “ gold autumn».
Educator: And let's guys tell the Gnome a poem about autumn:
“Golden autumn walks along the paths.
She has yellow boots on her feet.
She has colored leaves on her dress,
And in her basket there are forest mushrooms!
Gnome: Thanks guys, I liked your poem. I also love this beautiful time of the year. Do you want to visit the autumn forest?
Educator: To get into the fairy forest, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words:
“Slam, stomp, turn around.
And I will immediately find myself in the forest.
Children, open your eyes, look how beautiful it is.
(Autumn forest on the screen).
Educator: Let's quietly sit down and see what happens in the fall. (video film screening)

Educator: Guys, what did you see? What are the trees like in autumn? (colorful, beautiful). What do you think of the animals that live in the forest? (list) In a word, how can they be called, what animals? (wild). Clever, why are they called wild? (because wild animals get their own food, a person does not help them) Guys, what do animals do in autumn? (getting ready for winter). What do you think should be done in the forest? (quietly, do not make noise, do not shout, so as not to scare the animals).
Let's take a walk in the forest.
“Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly, multi-colored rustle under the feet of the guys.” (sound - the rustle of leaves).
Educator: Oh guys, look, the breeze blew and scattered all our leaves, let's try to collect them by color.
D / I "By color"
The children are doing the task.

Well done guys collected all the leaves. Beautiful, carved, and let's dance with them. (Dance with leaves - Leaf, leaf fall).

Educator: It became good in the forest, quiet, calm. But soon all the leaves will fall from the trees, and we will not see the trees so beautiful for a long time. Let's decorate this tree in memory of autumn and give it to our gnome. We have an already drawn tree on our tables, let's arrange a fall of leaves, draw leaves. But today we will draw not with brushes, not with pencils, but with crumpled paper. To do this, take a sheet of paper, crush it so that you get a paper ball (the teacher accompanies his words with actions),

then dip a paper ball into the yellow paint. We draw leaves by sticking paper.

Well done boys. The fall leaves are very beautiful.

Gnome: For your excellent work, beautiful leaf fall, I want to give you a basket of gifts.
Educator: Well, our journey has come to an end. Guys, did you like being in the forest? Whom did we meet? What did we see in the forest?
Educator: Children, let's say "Thank you" to our gnome wizard for the hotels and such a wonderful trip! But it's time for us to say goodbye and return to kindergarten.
Gnome: Goodbye, guys!
Educator: Turn around yourself - find yourself in the garden again. This is where our journey ended...
“Thank you all for your attention, we say - goodbye!”

Targets and goals:

Teaching children to recognize and distinguish features appearance lifestyle of wild animals;

To consolidate the general concept of "wild animals", to learn to guess descriptive riddles about wild animals;

To give an idea of ​​how animals in the forest prepare for winter, about the reasons for the changes in their lives;

Continue to teach children to answer questions in full sentences;

Continue to develop memory, thinking, cognitive activity through games and exercises;

Raise a caring attitude towards animals;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers, through finger gymnastics.

Vocabulary work: wild animals, molt, forester.



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Slides captions:

"Journey to the Woods" How Wild Animals Prepare for Winter

Course of the lesson: Educator: Guys We have an unusual lesson today, we will travel today. Educator: Tell me, please, what time of year do we have now? Children: Autumn Educator: Yes, that's right. In autumn, animals, people, birds, and insects prepare for a harsh winter. Today in class we will talk about how wild animals prepare for winter. Can you tell me where wild animals live? Children: Wild animals live in the forest. Educator: Here is one finger - the boy has already gone for a walk in the forest and saw many animals, now he will tell us. Finger gymnastics Finger boy, where have you been? I wandered through the forest for a long time. I met a bear, a wolf, a hare, a hedgehog in needles, I met a squirrel, a fox, I met an elk and a titmouse, I gave gifts to everyone, I thanked everyone (we bend our fingers when listing) Educator: Who did the boy see in the forest - a finger? Children: Wild animals: bear, hare, wolf, fox, hedgehog, elk, squirrel. Educator: Do you want to get to know them and find out how they prepare for winter? Then we're on our way. In the forest, mysterious, beautiful I invite you to go More interesting adventure We guys can not find, Stand one after another Hold hands tightly Along the paths, along the paths Educator: So we came to the forest. How should one behave in the forest?

Autumn forest

Children: In the forest, you must be quiet, do not make noise, otherwise you can scare the animals. Educator: Oh, guys, look, what is it? Children: This is a basket. Teacher: I wonder what's inside? Would you like to see? Children: Yes! Educator: Then sit on the stumps more conveniently - straighten your backs, legs together and I will sit down.

In the basket there are leaves, and mushrooms, and cones, and acorns, and there are riddles on them. Let's guess.

I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest, In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts. Who is it guys? Children: Squirrel Educator: True, squirrel. Where does the squirrel live? Children: The squirrel lives on a tree, in a hollow. Educator: What is the squirrel doing in the fall? Children: The squirrel dries mushrooms, collects cones, nuts and acorns - everything will come in handy in winter. The squirrel is very economic. She has a closet in the forest. Find a nut, bury it in a hole under a tree. In such pantries under different trees, the squirrel makes a lot of supplies. A very hardworking squirrel. And the squirrel changes its red coat to white for the winter.

Educator: And here's another riddle? In summer he walks without a road Near pines and birches And in winter he sleeps in a den, He hides his nose from the frost. Who is it? Children: Bear. Educator: Yes, indeed a bear. And who knows how the bear lives? Children: The bear has been preparing for winter since the summer, storing fat, preparing a cozy den for himself. With his sharp claws, the bear tears off strips of bark from pine and spruce and mixes them with moss; the bear prepares such a soft bed for himself in some hole, which he then covers with twigs. The bear decides to go to bed to sleep, spreads its paws in the needles of the window, curls up and falls asleep until spring.

Educator: And who among you knows who else sleeps in winter? Children: Hedgehog. Teacher: Where is he hiding? Children: In a hole. Educator: Yes, the hedgehog is preparing a nest for itself under a pile of leaves and brushwood. The nest is carefully lined with grass and leaves. With the onset of frost, the hedgehog digs deep into its hole and falls asleep for the whole winter.

Educator: But in a completely different way, animals prepare for the cold, which do not fit into hibernation and do not make supplies for themselves. A ball of fluff, a long ear, Jumps deftly, loves carrots. Who is it? Children: Hare. Educator: But how does he prepare for winter? Children: Changes a summer coat for a winter one. It is not only warmer, but also of a different color - it is white. Educator: Why do you think the hare changes color? Children: The hare has many enemies. Rescue his nose, sensitive ears, quick feet and an inconspicuous fur coat. The hare feeds at night - it's safer - with branches of trees, bark from their stems. Teacher: Who can tell me? What animals are the enemies of the hare. Children: These are predatory animals: foxes and wolves.

Educator: There is another riddle in the basket. Touching the grass with hooves A handsome man walks through the forest. He walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide. Who is it? Children: Moose. Teacher: What do moose eat? Children: Plants. There are many trees and shrubs in the forest. It is their bark that this big beast eats. He needs a lot of food, so the foresters feed these animals. Educator: And who is the "Forester"? Children: This is a person who monitors the safety of the forest.

Educator: And now let's take a break and play the game "Cubs" The cubs lived in the forest, They twisted their heads, Like this, like this, they twisted their heads. (Hands on the belt, turning the head to the right - to the left) The cubs were looking for honey, Together they shook the tree, Like this, like this, Together they shook the tree. (Feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, body tilts to the right to the left) Waddled and drank water from the river, Like this, like this And drank water from the river. (We walk like bear cubs, we lean forward) Here is a swamp on the way, How can we cross it? Jump and jump, jump and jump, Jump merrily, my friend. (Jumping on two legs moving forward) And then they danced, Raised their paws higher, Like this, like this, Raised their paws higher. They twirled, twirled And suddenly fell on a stump. Wow!

Teacher: Well, it's time for us to go back. Goodbye, forest dwellers! We are ready for the hike We raise our legs higher Through the bushes and bumps Through the branches and stumps Rested, frolic And sat down on the chairs. (children sit on chairs)

Educator: Guys, I have a beautiful and magical ball, it will jump into your hands and ask questions. Let's play. To whom I throw the ball, he answers the question, and for the correct answer I will give you a piece of paper. Educator Children 1. Who did we see in the forest? 1. In the forest we saw a bear, a wolf, a hare, a fox, a hedgehog, an elk. 2. Which animal sleeps in winter? 2. In winter, a bear and a hedgehog sleep. 3. Where does the bear sleep? 3. The bear sleeps in a den. 4. What animals do not stock up for the winter? 4. Do not stock up for the winter wolf, hare, fox. 5. What animals are enemies for a hare? 5. Wolf and fox 6. Where does the squirrel live? 6. A squirrel lives on a tree in a hollow. 7. Who monitors the safety of the forest and helps animals to winter? Forester (huntsman) Educator: Our lesson has come to an end. You did a good job today. And to consolidate our lesson, we look at the slides where our forest friends live.