Scenario of the autumn holiday in a group of different ages. Scenario of the autumn holiday for a kindergarten group of different ages (2018). The song "Golden Autumn - Yellow Leaf" is performed

  • 14.03.2020

Khanazarova Vlada Alakhverdievna
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 17, Kindergarten "Daisy"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-04 Scenario autumn holiday for all children age groups DOW Khanazarova Vlada Alakhverdievna MBDOU No. 17, Kindergarten "Daisy" Synopsis script autumn entertainment for children of all ages DOW groups

Scenario of the autumn holiday for children of all age groups of the preschool educational institution

All kindergarten groups sit on benches, on central platform DOU No. 17, "Chamomile".

Leading. Invisible autumn -
Comes to visit us.
And autumn steps are inaudible.
yellow-red brush
Conducts along the branches -
How beautiful autumn footprints!

"Autumn, Autumn has come" common song

1st child: Autumn will come inaudibly,
Quietly stand at the gate.
Cherry leaf in the garden
It will fall on the path.
This is the first clue
That summer is leaving us.
2nd: And the second is a raspberry bush
In the threads of the white web.
The day will be a little shorter
The clouds will darken
Like a shadow covers them
The river will become cloudy -
3rd: The third sure sign:
Autumn wanders close somewhere.
In the early morning on the meadows
White fogs fall
And then, wait, don't wait,
Drizzling rain
Shroud tighten prosin -
So autumn has come.
4th:.Cranes fly south,
Hello, hello autumn!
Come to the holiday with us
Very, very please.
5th: Here we are a joyful holiday
We meet cheerfully.
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden!
Children sing the song "Where are you, dear Autumn?" music by Z.Root..

Leading.How loud the music sounded
A wonderful holiday awaits us today,
And secretly I knew
That autumn will come to visit us.
It's time for her to be here...

Autumn comes to the music
Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
Are you glad to meet me?
Do you like the outfit of the forest,
autumn gardens and parks?
I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun.
I want with everyone here
Make strong friends.

Leading.The fruit is harvested in autumn.
A lot of people joy after all the work.
Round dance song "Hello autumn"

Leading.And our little friends want to sing for you, listen to their song.
The song "Autumn came to us, the rain brought" 2 ml of the group

Autumn. For a juicy harvest. Ripe and fragrant, he needs good watering. And who will water the harvest best of all?

Children. Rain.

Autumn. And we are not afraid of rain at all, really guys!

"Sun and rain" Game for kids
Autumn. One, two - and you're done! Agree, who is not a coward!
If you don't see a vegetable - Guess it to taste!
"Taste Vegetables" THE GAME(All older children participate.)
/ Pieces of vegetables (carrot, radish, cucumber, tomato, cabbage) strung on skewers are laid out on a tray. The number of pieces of each vegetable corresponds to the number of children. The child closes his eyes, the Host comes up to him and gives him a piece of a vegetable to eat. The child must taste to determine which vegetable he ate. /

Autumn.Here are the guys so guys!
All riddles solved.
And the riddles are not easy,
And vegetable riddles!
And now let's have a little quiz about what you know about the harvest.

1. When do they start laying the future crop of vegetables and bread?
2. In ripening vegetables and fruits, we eat either tops or roots. What kind of tops do people eat? What kind of roots do you like?
3. What agricultural machines do you know?
4. What needs to be done for a good harvest?
5. What prevents you from growing good harvest? That's right, weeds, heat interfere with a good harvest, Harmful insects - locusts, caterpillars.

Music from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune"

(Heat appears, little Weed.

Heat.There are only a few days left before the last harvest. We must litter the fields so that people do not understand where the vegetables are, where the weeds are.
Autumn. Guys, who came to us? How should we deal with weeds? Yes, you need to weed them out!
The heat presses down on the weed.
Weed. Don't worry, Heat. They have lazy guys, I saw one - he barely moved when weeding flowers.
Heat. If there are such guys, come to us!

Autumn.We don’t have such guys, everyone loves to work with us. Come on, step back, we need to harvest vegetables and fruits, sort them and take them to the base.
Autumn. Here is our harvest. Some carry vegetables, others bring fruits.

The relay race "Sort vegetables and fruits into baskets" is being held.

Senior groups are playing.

Weed (sings).I'm a fun weedlitter the flower garden

And beans and peas, so that the crop withered! /Rep. 2 times/

Heat.Quiet, ish, cheered up. Listen! Even though I didn't go to school, I came up with a chemical weed powder.
Weed. What it is?
Heat. I will sprinkle powder on you, and you will not be alone, but MANY! Directly 10 times more. Let's try. Let's make a pun!

The characters go to the central wall. The heat "pours" powder on the weed.
Weed takes a basket and scatters weeds (plastic leaves).
Heat. Good powder helps, weeds grow.

Autumn. Guys, take the buckets, water the weeds as soon as possible.


Children collect leaves in buckets.
Heat. Oh, just look how they work, now there will be nothing left of you, even chemistry does not help! Well, wait, now I'm going to blow the heat on you!

The heat is beating.Heat up, heat up! Heat up the air quickly!

Autumn./to any child/Timosha, quickly pour water over the Heat, let it cool down.
/The child runs after Zhara, douses her with a spray bottle, she hides/
Weed. Nice little guys! Don't weed us out! It's you, Jarulya, who ruined everything! We promise you not to grow in the fields anymore. We will grow in the deserts, in the forest, in the meadow.
Heat. Agree! And now we want to go to the North Pole to warm up the polar bears and penguins a little. / asks Weed / Yes?

/Weed nods his head/

Autumn. Well, forgive them guys? /children - Sorry!/

Heat. Autumn time has come, it began to get colder quickly.

Well, my dear Weed. It's time for us to run!

Goodbye, we'll go

And we'll be back for you in the summer!

(runs away holding hands).

Autumn. I don't know how to thank you.
I will do so many miracles!
I'll go and gild the whole forest
I will give red beads to mountain ash,
Birches - yellow scarves.
And the wind, how happy it will be,
When the leaves fall!
Leading. Dear Autumn, today you amused us so much, entertained us. Do you want us to sing a song about yellow leaves?

Autumn. Well, of course I do!

"Yellow Leaf" common song of the younger groups

Leading.Now let's play with leaves.

“We are walking through the woods” / ml. groups/Game

Autumn.What a beautiful fall song! Thank you my dears for such a wonderful gift.

For this holiday bright, bright.
I brought gifts for the children
Here they are for the kids.


Scenario of a matinee in the older age group:

"Colorful Autumn"

Educator: Larina Olga Gennadievna


Target: Create a joyful, festive mood in children.


To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through the expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, games.
- develop musical and creative abilities in children, develop a sense of collectivism.
- educate respect for nature.

Material: hats-leaves, hats-mushrooms, multi-colored leaves for the game, vegetables-carrots, potatoes, a hoop, two buckets, an umbrella for the game, an umbrella with sweets for a surprise moment.


1. Host, Autumn - adults

2. Leaves, wind, mushrooms-children

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall, and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

Ignat: Who painted the leaves so beautifully with paints?
Who in the garden softly covered the paths with leaves?

Arina: Why are maple and aspen leaves so reddened?
Why did birds eat rowan berries so tasty?

Damir: Why do honey agarics sit in a flock on the stumps?
Why are the guys going to sweep the paths to the garden?

Vova: Because autumn has come - a wonderful time!
She gilded everything, leaves - a whole mountain!

Vasilisa: She summoned flocks of birds, painted the forests,
Queen of the miracle ball - Autumn, Russian beauty!

Kolya: Along the forest paths, along the forest paths

Walks-wanders somewhere Autumn - invisible.

Let's sing the song of Autumn and get into the woods!

The song "Autumn in the Forest" is performed
Autumn, autumn, autumn has come to us again,
Autumn, autumn, autumn is a wonderful time.
Parks and gardens dressed in gold.
Autumn, autumn we waited impatiently
Chorus : Param-pam-pam, param-pam-pam.
And in the forest it's wonderful, just beauty
And the path runs straight along the pond.
Berries hang on the branches of raspberries,
Hats are hidden behind a stump.
Chorus: Param-pam-pam, param-pam-pam.
A squirrel in a clearing gnaws cones,
A barefoot hedgehog is walking through the forest.
On the back of the hedgehog apples, mushrooms
Hedgehog, do you really like autumn gifts?

Chorus: Yes, yes I love, yes, yes I love
Param-pam-pam, param-pam-pam.

Game "Hello Forest"

Leading: Hello forest, autumn forest! We want your miracles!

Will we listen to forest sounds?

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Leading: Will our hands help us?

Children: Sometimes.

Leading: Will the legs help us?

Children: Top-top-top.

Leading: that walked along the road.

Children: Slap-slap-slap.

Leading: The eagle owl screams from the tree...

Children: Wow! Wow! Wow!

Leading: The cones have fallen from the tree...

Children: Boo-boo-boo.

Leading: A branch crunches underfoot...

Children: Click-click-click.

Leading: Going to his lair...

Children: Wolf, wolf, wolf.

Leading: The bird flew up from the tree...

Children: Chik-chirik.

Leading: The hedgehog in the leaves rustles ...

Children: Chic, chic, chic.

Leading: And here the leaves are spinning in a waltz, they arranged a ball.

As if in autumn forest the carnival has arrived!

Leaf girls run out

Alice: I am a butterfly!

Adeline: I am an unusual flower!

Oksana: I, like a boat, will fold my leaf!

Vasilisa: Let's make a golden waterfall from heaven!

Look, admire - the leaves are falling!

Leading: Leaves, wait, we will ask you ...

Tell me, leaves, where is Autumn hiding?

Oksana: Where is Autumn hiding? Of course in the foliage!

Look closely - there it is!

Dance "Yellow Waltz"

Leading: Guys! I seem to hear. How someone sings.

Probably, Autumn gives us a sign!

The howl of the wind is heard, the wind boys run out

Ignat: We are autumn winds, flying everywhere.

They played with a leaf and bent branches,

Rustled leaves, rang in the ears

And the furnace chimneys hummed in the houses.

Leading: Winds, stop! We will ask you...

Tell us, winds, where does Autumn hide?

Damir: Where is Autumn hiding? Yes, she is with us!

Leading: Do you winds sing with her voices?

Then play, winds, you are with us!

(Leading scatters leaves around the room in large quantities.)

The game "One, two, three - take this sheet"

Children move around the hall to the music (circling, waving their arms).

To the signal "One, two, three - take the yellow sheet!" - pick up a yellow sheet from the floor. Music sounds, the game repeats.

The commands are different: “One, two, three - Maple Leaf take",

“One, two, three - take two sheets”, “One, two, three - take nothing.”

Lyosha: A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,

Maple leaf circles above the ground

Ah, autumn again you took us by surprise

And again put on a golden outfit.

Leading: The raindrop has fallen. The rain fell.

A raindrop has fallen to the ground!

The sound of rain is heard, rain comes out

Arina: Raindrop-teardrop, they will come up with it too!

We look like balls, beads, mercury.

We sparkle, we play, we shine!

We want to turn into a silver ray!

Leading: Rain, rain, and we will ask you ...

Tell us, Dozhdinka, where is Autumn hiding?

Arina: Where is Autumn hiding? Yes - in a drop of rain!

Look, look, don't believe? In vain!

The song “Cranky Rain” is performed (Words and music by L.A. Starchenko)
1. The rain was capricious - it rains,
I was offended by the whim of people.
Only mother cloud will let go for a walk,
So everyone starts running away.
Chorus: repeats 2 times.
Drip-drip, boo-boo-boo,
The rain of tears pours and pours.
Day and night all the way
Cries and does not get tired.
2. The rain ran in puddles and let bubbles,
But the poor fellow soon got bored.
He quieted down and modestly dripped at the door,
I really wanted to make friends.
3. Sweet rain, stop crying, pour tears.
We will gladly be friends with you.
We can play catch-up together
To let boats in your streams.
Chorus: repeats 2 times.
Drip-drip, boo-boo-boo,
Rain sings a song.
Day and night all the way
And he doesn't get tired at all.

Leading: Look, guys, where the drops have fallen,

The mushroom caps have been lost.

Mushrooms come out.

Lyosha: Presented by the guest-Autumn

fruit crops,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

Kolya: Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

Raw fog creeps in.

By the fallen pines

And fiery rowans

Autumn comes and sows

Fragrant mushrooms!

Leading: Wait, mushrooms, we will ask you ...

Tell me, mushrooms, where is Autumn hiding?

Vova: Where is Autumn hiding?

If you go to the forest with a basket,

You will find it in mushroom caps!(run away)

Alice: Autumn roams the meadows

Autumn wanders through the forest

Autumn, come visit us

We are all asking...

Music sounds, Autumn enters.

Autumn: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to meet you!

And all this time I was with you.

I am in these leaves and in raindrops.

I am in mushroom caps and yellow blades of grass.

I dressed forests in a golden outfit!

I am filled with fruit in every garden,

And in the field I ripen with a grain of wheat.

Tell everyone who asks you.

Now you know where to find autumn!


The guys are always waiting for you, Queen of Autumn.
Poems will be read to you with great love.

Seryozha: Autumn how happy we are for you.

Motley leaf fall is spinning.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

Damir: The leaves are turning yellow again
Light rain drizzles since morning.
Summer flew by very quickly
It's time for autumn.

Vova: A cool breeze blew,
And soon the evening comes.
Let the sky be gloomy sometimes
Autumn also brings joy to us.

Lyosha: Ripe full baskets of apples
She brings us every year
Paves soft paths
Mushroom and fabulous calls to the forest.

Adeline: Decorate the leaves, and mountain ash
Fires flare here and there.
And, gliding along the thin cobweb,
A ray of sunshine will smile at us.

Oksana: The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Will throw leaves at our feet ...

Such a beautiful time!

A miracle has come to us again - autumn.

Autumn: Thank you friends for the beautiful poems!Guys, so many vegetables have grown in my garden this year, can you help me sort them out?

The game "Sorting vegetables!"
(Two people are playing. In the center of the hall in the garden (in the hoop) there are carrots and potatoes, on the other side there are two children with buckets. Each child, on a signal, runs to the garden and chooses either carrots or potatoes in his bucket and comes back. Who complete the task faster, he won.)

(Autumn thanks the children for their help.)

Leading : Decorated kindergarten
Autumn holiday for children.
So let's celebrate autumn
Song, dance and play.
Meetings will be joyful.
Autumn, this is your holiday!

The song “Golden Autumn” is performed (Words and music by L.A. Starchenko)

1. The sun came out,

But a little warm.

This is a cloud-lady

Crossed the road.

Chorus: Rain, rain, rain, droplets knock.

Clusters hang like beads on a mountain ash.

Ripe cranberries lead a round dance.

Golden autumn is coming to visit us.

2. Colorful boats

They float in a puddle.

Carefree leaves

The wind is playing.

Chorus: the same

Autumn: Thank you guys for such a beautiful song! And I have prepared for you autumn riddles. Do you love riddles? Listen carefully!

On birches and maples,
Once there was a green leaf
And today it's golden
Lies quietly under your feet.
Who ripped it off and threw it away?
Guessed! It…. (Autumn).

Leaves turn yellow
They lie on the ground with a rug.
Yellow leaf round dance
It happens in autumn.
This dance is every year.
What is it called? (Leaf fall)

Autumn rain walked around the city,

The rain has lost its mirror.

The mirror lies on the asphalt,

The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

If the rain drizzles
And the asphalt is flooded with rain,
You take it with you
And you go to the street
You are always dry under it,
In bad weather, he is with you.(Umbrella )

The cold scares them so much
Fly to warm countries
They can't sing, they can't have fun.
Who gathered in flocks? ...(Birds)

Who stands on a strong foot
In the brown leaves by the path?
Got a hat made of grass
There is no head under the cap. (Mushroom)

He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend! (Rain)

Leading: Who does not like to be sad

We invite you to play!

Musical game "Umbrella"

The players stand in a circle, in the center of the circle, the driver with a closed umbrella in his hands.

Children walk in a circle holding hands and sing:

The children went out for a walk

Something the sun can not see.

The clouds are gathering

The rain starts.

Kolya (Oksana, Ignat) open the umbrella.

Save us from the rain.

(The driver opens the umbrellaand brings it to two players, holds an umbrella between them. Players run around the circle, in different directions. The one who runs to it first wins.umbrella and take it in hand. He becomes the leader.)

Ignat: We say goodbye, Autumn is with you,
Winter is already near.
Thank you for the gifts
For everything that you gave autumn.

The song "Autumn in a Golden Scarf" is performed

1. Autumn in a golden scarf,
Invites us to walk.
Spank fun through the puddles,
and collect leaves.
Chorus: jump jump, jump jump!
Jump over the puddle.
And around, and around
The leaves will spin.
2. Let's walk along the paths,
We will collect a lot of leaves.
And beautiful bouquets
We'll bring it to our mothers!
3. Do not scare, girlfriend autumn,
We are neither wind nor rain.
We won't be bored at home.
Let's go for a walk anyway!

Autumn: What a beautiful song, I really liked your holiday, but, unfortunately, it's time for me to say goodbye to you.

Nice we had fun

We became very close friends!

They danced, they played

Everyone has become friends!

I love you all, children, and thank you from the bottom of my heart…

And in parting, I want to give you an umbrella, only my umbrella is not simple, but magical. It can do wonders in the fall!
Close your eyes honestly and firmly! (Children close their eyes)

(preparing a surprise moment)
Guys, open your eyes,
You receive gifts from Autumn!

Opens an umbrella - sweets are suspended there.

Autumn distributes treats. Children thank Autumn.

Autumn: Goodbye, kids!

More things are waiting for me!

(Autumn is leaving)

"Autumn get-togethers".

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the mixed-age group MBDOU DS No. 58 "Rosinka".

To the music, the children enter the hall. They stand in a semicircle in the center of the room.

Leading: We heard a lot about autumn

Beautiful and wonderful words

And so she came, she came

Let's admire her again!

1 child: Autumn is coming,

And I see in the sky

How the birds fly away

To warm climes.

2 child: Cold and damp,

Mom me again

Hooded jacket

Got to wear it.

3 child: But it's beautiful in autumn

Yellow, red everywhere

The craftswoman is not lazy

Autumn sends greetings to all of us!

4 child: The rain often drizzles,

The squirrel hurries home

She collected mushrooms

For son and daughter.

Host: Autumn is a sad time!

But we will not be sad and bored.

We've come to the party.

And games are fun to play

We will sing songs loudly

And we invite everyone to watch us.

Let's call Autumn

Let's sing a song to her together.

Children sing the song "Autumn has come"

Autumn enters to the music of the waltz.

1 child: what a beautiful autumn!

Autumn: You sang about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends!

Well hello! Did you call me?

So I came to you for a holiday,

Although the case did not let go,

But I still found the time.

And while I was visiting you,
Here is the scarf I found.
colorful, painted,
Unusual, difficult!
I offer you friends
Play with a handkerchief!

Let's get acquainted…

The game "Magic Shawl" is held.
Fun, upbeat music sounds. Children are free to move around. Suddenly, the music changes to a quieter, calmer one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening a large scarf, goes around the guys to light music and covers one of them with a scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else clap for him.

How glad I am to see you! Let's get to know each other - let everyone say their name.

Well done, what friendly guys!

They sit on chairs.

Leading: Hello, Autumn, how beautiful you are!

What do you have in your basket?

Autumn: These are my gifts and riddles.

I want for you guys

Solve your riddles.

Riddles are tricky...

But you are smart!

I'll tell you a riddle

And I'll show you the answer.

Riddles about vegetables:

1. I grow in the garden,

Red, long, sweet (Carrot).

2. The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears (Luke).

3. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (Cabbage).

Autumn: Oh, what good fellows! But this is not all the riddles from my basket. I

I've got a lot of them for you.

Leading: Autumn, and we know a song about vegetables.

Children sing the song "Ogorodnaya - Khorovodnaya"

ozhzhevelov, assovoy

Children sit on chairs.

Leading: You, Autumn, were waiting for a visit,

With leaf fall and rain,

Children are happy here

And poetry will be read to you.

Children read poetry

1st child: Scarlet and yellow

The wind rips the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air

A motley round dance.

2nd child: The sun will just peek out,

Hides again

Long, long sun

We will remember.

3rd child: Cold rain pours and pours.

It doesn't let us walk.

The road called the birds

This autumn has come to us.

Autumn: When the sun shines

You can take a walk

Clap, stomp fun,

Play in the garden.

Who will solve the riddle

He will play with me.

Riddle: Little kids

Scattered on the branches

in brown shirts

With nuts in pockets (bumps).

Autumn: Cones quickly disassemble,

Get up in a big circle with them.

And then don't yawn

Collect bumps from the floor.

The game "Bumps".

Sounds music In Shainsky "In secret to the whole world"

Children sit on chairs.

Host: On wet tracks

boots walking,

They wanted to run a little

And autumn rain

Knocks and knocks

And wet boots

Not allowed to play.

But we are not afraid of the rain

Let's have fun in the hall.

Whom the music is calling

He will go to the dance now.

Dance with umbrellas

Children sit on chairs.

Autumn: I wonder if you guys have seen how it rains?

Very well! Have you seen the rain, but have you heard ....? The rain is small, quiet, quiet, like this!

(Quietly claps his hands, the children repeat after him. It sounds quiet

music). And sometimes it rains hard, strong, like this!

(Claps his hands harder and faster. Children repeat after him.

The old music sounds, but in a louder performance). That's how

drops are knocking, making noise!

The game "What rain?" .

Autumn commands: "Quiet rain!"

"Heavy rain!", "Downpour!".

Children clap at the appropriate pace.
Leading: Autumn, and we know the song about the rain! Do you want to listen?
Autumn: Of course I do!

The song “Outside the window again bad weather” is performed.

Autumn. Well done! You sing well!

I just remembered that

When I was going to you

It lingered a little

Everyone worked, dressed up,

Distributed to all mountain ash

bright red scarves,

Elegant, conspicuous,

Noticeable from afar!

And here they are!

And now it's time

Dance for you, kids!

Girls perform the dance "Ryabinki" muses. G. Vikhareva

Autumn: I put it in a basket

colorful pictures

I will scatter around the hall

I'll guess a riddle.

Riddle: In the summer they grow, fall off in the fall (leaves).

Presenter: Leaves, leaves

Fly and fly

Multi-colored carpet

Decorate our garden.

Children read poems about leaves:

1 child: Golden autumn

She came to us again.

Let's collect the leaves

And let's go for a walk.

2 child: Yellow leaves

The wind breaks.

Straight to the track

Throws leaves.

3 child: A lot of leaves fell

To the track.

We will collect all the leaves

Little by little.

4 child: (Picks up a piece of paper)

Oh how beautiful

I have a leaf.

dance with me

Yellow buddy.

Children sing a song - a dance with leaves.

"Dance of autumn leaves" music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Makshantseva

They sit on chairs.(?)

Leader: We sang and danced

And the verses told everything

Very autumn we are tired.

So tell us a secret

Do you have any gifts?

Autumn: I have gifts.

Very tasty, my friends!

you solve the riddle

And get gifts!

Riddle: Touch with your finger - smoothly,

And take a bite - sweet (apple).

Autumn: It's fun to play with you,

Songs to sing and dance.

I thank you for everything

I give apples to children! (Gives the basket to the presenter).

Host: We thank you

We'll give everyone an apple.

And we will take autumn leaves,

Let's take it to our group.

Let's decorate the group

You, Autumn, to remember.

Autumn: Goodbye, children!

Children: Goodbye, Autumn.

Autumn leaves to the music.

The children are given apples.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end.

Thank you all for your attention.

And we, the children, will once again walk through the elegant hall

And say goodbye to the guests.

Children accompanied by cheerful music follow the leader to the group.

"Journey to the country garden."

Autumn holiday for the older group of different ages.

(Prepared by teacher Kulyasova A.V.)

Targets and goals:Create a joyful, solemn holiday atmosphere for children and parents. Cultivate the ability to see beauty in autumn nature.

Raise children's interest in theatrical activities. Involving parents in the organization and holding of the holiday

Characters : Presenter, Scarecrow, Autumn (adults), children

Materials and equipment: decoration of the hall on an autumn theme, masks of vegetables, dummies of mushrooms, autumn leaves, 2 baskets, apples.

preliminary work : Learning poems, songs. Hall decoration.

The course of the holiday

Children to the music with autumn leaves enter the hall, dance.

1st child.

We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

2nd child.The sun does not want to warm the earth,

The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.

3rd child.

Lots of yellow and red leaves

We'll pick it up on the road.

It's autumn, it's autumn

Come - we are waiting for you!

sing a song "This autumn is coming to us." They sit down on a bench.

Vedas.Guys, today we will go on an unusual journey, to the garden country. Only we can’t get there ourselves, we need a magic bell, and only autumn has this bell. Let's all call autumn together. Let's say: "Autumn, we are waiting for you!"

They shout, music sounds, autumn enters.


I am a golden autumn for a holiday to you came

I brought autumn surprises for you.

I invite you to travel with me. Now I will ring the magic bell and you and I will get to the country "Ogorodiya". Ringing, magic music sounds. Voice-over, and children wear hats.

Brought autumn for children

Lots and lots of vegetables.

What a rich harvest

Look, guys!

Autumn.Indeed, the harvest is good, a lot of things have grown in gardens, fields and orchards. But let's now check how you know vegetables. I will make riddles for you, and you name those vegetables that you recognize.

1. Red kids, but not poppy,

In the garden, not beetroot.

Juicy tasty signor,

It's delicious…. Tomato. The tomato comes out in the fall.

2. Golden and useful

Vitamin, although sharp,

It has a bitter taste...

Burns ... not a lemon. Onions, coming out in the fall.

3. vegetable garden

Hid in the basement

orange for color,

And the braid is like a bouquet. Carrot comes out

4. As in a bed under a leaf,

The chump rolled up -

Zelenets remote,

Delicious, very small. cucumber comes out

5. Although he did not see the ink

Turned purple all of a sudden

Vanya loves him, Jean,

So this is…. Eggplant comes out

6. green fat woman

She wore a lot of skirts.

Stands like a ballerina

And cape leaves. The cabbage comes out.

Scene "Vitamins from the garden beds"

Autumn.You know what vegetables look like, but can you guess what they taste like?

Agree, who is not a coward!

If you don't see a vegetable

Guess it to taste!

Competition "Guess the Taste" together with parents.

Vedas.We collected all the vegetables, guessed it, I think it's time to listen to a song about the harvest.

Song "Harvest"

Autumn rings the bell, the Scarecrow appears.

Autumn.Hello. Who are you? We didn't call you, we don't know you. Guys, who is this? The children answer.

Scarecrow.I'm scared. It stood, stood in the garden, I got bored. The harvest is all collected, there is nothing more to protect. Let me take a walk, I think. I will look at people, I will show myself.

Yes, I'm all about myself and about myself. And who are you? Children answer, if not, autumn helps.

Sounds like rain.

Scarecrow.Oh, it seems it will rain again, so sad when it rains.

Autumn.And we will teach you to have fun in the rain. Our guys have funny raindrops and they will show you a funny dance.

Scarecrow.I would love to watch your merry dance.

Dance "Clumsy rain".

Scarecrow.And I can play with the rain. And you? Let's play together.

The game. "About the rain". To the music, everyone completes the task together. You can spend with parents, but with your eyes closed.

Autumn.Well done guys, now I will ring my magic bell again and our journey will continue. The bell is ringing. Autumn notices the package.

Oh, guys, what was sent to us and who?

Open the package, read the letter.

We heard your songs, we liked them very much. We send musical instruments to hear your orchestra far, far, in warm countries. Migratory birds.

Look guys. I wanted to invite the birds to your party, but they need to fly south. And who knows why they fly away?

The children answer. And so that the birds can hear us, let's play these instruments.

Scarecrow.I also want to hear how you play.

Noise orchestra.

Scarecrow.Thank you very much guys. You are great. I really enjoyed your holiday. And I'll leave vegetables to your cook so that there are enough vitamins for a whole year, goodbye.

Autumn.It's time for us to end our holiday, so let's dance in the end. And the audience do not get bored, clap us, help.

Dance "Leaf fall".

Autumn.My magic bell no longer rings

He doesn't want me to have any more fun.

He says it's time to go on the road

Other children still need to be reached.

And for you I have prepared gifts,

So that you don't forget me

And they were invited to the holidays and guests!

Distribution of gifts.

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 10575 human

Dear Guys! Here comes autumn. Harvested in fields and gardens
harvest. The last warm days are coming. But we are not sad, then
mu that in every season there is something unusual, magical.
In the yard the leaves turned yellow, ...

Autumn Festival in the preschool "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 7906 human

1st host:
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,
A leaf fell off a birch,
And, like a carpet, covered the road.
2nd leader:
The sun is tired
You are warming up.
Yellow and scarlet
Sheets are spinning.
3rd leader:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest Friends"

27.08.2013 | We looked at the script 22291 human

To the music of the song "Autumn", children enter the hall in a group and examine it.

Presenter: Guys, look how smartly our hall is decorated. Can you please tell me which time of the year this design is more suitable for? Why?

Children answer: In the autumn! ...

Scenario of the holiday "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | We looked at the script 21646 human

To the cheerful Russian folk melody, the children of the younger and middle groups enter the hall and sit on chairs in the auditorium.

That's an artist so an artist!
He gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been removed.

Scenarios of autumn matinees - Meeting of autumn

17.08.2013 | We looked at the script 16573 human

Summer is coming: Hello children! I'm summer, do you recognize me? It's nice. Did you feel good with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, warmed water for you in the rivers, helped you sing delicious and juicy berries. But three months have flown by and it's time for us ...

Scenario for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | We looked at the script 18061 human

The autumn ball holiday, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of skits, competitions, and theatrical performances. At such an event, you can see a wide variety of scenes and theatrical performances. To autumn ball usually cook...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | We looked at the script 16025 human

To the sounds of a waltz, two children enter the hall
A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.
You bring sadness with you...

"The Extraordinary Adventures of Preschoolers." Autumn Holiday Scenario

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 18153 human

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit in autumn.
The spider bounces on a string.
What? Do you want to miss us? Strange ... But what are you ...

Scenarios of the autumn holidays "Autumn gifts"

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 19933 human

Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
Cranes are flying.

Everything flies, it must be
Our summer is flying by.

Summer flies away, and the golden sorceress hurries to meet him ...

"Autumn sisters" scenario of the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 15813 human

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, rowan, aspen, maple branches.
Children run into the hall and dance to the "Waltz" by A. Griboyedov.

1st child.
Summer flew by quickly
Migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn wonderfully spread