Autumn cafe holiday in kindergarten. Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "autumn cafe". Vegetables make riddles

  • 20.05.2020

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 in Kalininsk, Saratov Region"

Scenario family holiday

in the senior group

Cafe"Autumn mood"

Prepared by:

educators MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 12


Saratov region"

Frikkel E.V.,

year 2013

Target: organization of a joint holiday of children with parents.


Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation between children and parents in the process joint activities.

Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun.

Cultivate love and respect for parents; good courtesy towards peers.

Preliminary work: learning poems, proverbs and sayings about autumn, staging songs and round dances, musical games, dances.

Materials and equipment: autumn leaves, baskets, dummies (mushrooms, vegetables and fruits), musical instruments, handkerchiefs and ribbons, vegetable masks, candies with ditties, fake cake, “cocktails” with questions.

The course of the holiday.

Presenter: Good afternoon, good autumn day, Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you in our cozy cafe "Autumn Mood"

Presenter: Today, we were invited to this hall by a romantic, mysterious, charming, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments and joyful mood.

Presenter: Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful and elegant all around.

Presenter: And no matter how it is on the street - cold or warm - the earth is always beautiful, attractive, charming!

And folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun"

So let wonderful music sound for you on this October day, and let your fun never end!

Presenter: So, we open our cafe "Autumn Mood".


  • Fall us to your cafe
  • Today invited

    So that no one is late

    Autumn asked.

  • And here we are.
  • The hall sparkles.

    Warm faces.

    It's time to open a cafe

    And have fun together.

    Song "Autumn sweet rustle"

    Presenter: But where is Autumn?

    Has she forgotten the way to us?

    With business, maybe

    A little delayed?

    Let's call autumn

    And come on, together!

    Together: “Autumn, we are waiting for you to visit”

    Autumn comes out.

    Autumn: How well you are having fun!

    Hello, friends.

    On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

    I'm glad to see you.

    I am golden autumn

    My bow to you, my friends!

    Been dreaming for a long time

    About meeting with you.

    Presenter: Thank you, Autumn, that you are with us now.

    And you give us such a generosity of colors.

    We praise you with songs, poems.

    Admire the beauty autumn fairy tales.

    We want to please you with poetry.

    Guys, come out and read poems for autumn.


    1. Spinning over me

    Rain of mischievous leaves.

    How good is he!

    Where else can you find one like this?

    Without end and without beginning?

    I began to dance under him,

    We danced like friends

    Rain of leaves and me.

    2. Autumn is walking

    In our park

    Gives autumn

    Gifts for all:

    Red beads - Rowan,

    Apron pink - Aspen,

    Yellow umbrella - Poplars,

    Fruit autumn, gives us.

    4. Indian summer has come -

    Days of farewell warmth.

    Warmed by the late sun

    The fly came to life in the crack.

    Sun! What in the world is more beautiful

    After a chilly day?

    Gossamer light yarn

    Wrapped around a knot.

    Tomorrow it will rain fast,

    A cloud covering the sun.

    Silver gossamer

    There are two or three days left.

    Have pity, autumn! Give us light!

    Protect from winter darkness!

    Have pity on us, Indian summer:

    These cobwebs are us.

    5. Gives autumn miracles,

    And what!

    The forests are dressed up

    In golden hats.

    On a stump they sit in a crowd

    red mushrooms,

    And the spider is a dodger! -

    Pulls the network somewhere.

    Rain and withered grass

    Sleepy more often at night

    Incomprehensible words

    They mumble until the morning.

    6. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

    If the birds have flown to a distant land,

    If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,

    This season is called autumn.

    Autumn: Thank you for wonderful poetry.

    Autumn is rich in harvest. And what vegetables were grown by parents with children, now we will find out.

    When you guess riddles, you will see clues.

    Riddles about vegetables.

    1. The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon,

    And the spit is on the street. (Carrot).

    2. No windows, no doors,

    Full of people. (Cucumber).

    3. Yermoshka stands on one leg,

    He has a hundred clothes on

    Not sewn, not cut,

    All in scars. (Cabbage).

    4. I also have feathers,

    But I'm not a bird or a beast,

    I am your best friend

    I am a simple green ... (Bow)

    5. Pink cheeks, white nose,

    I sit in the dark all day long.

    And the shirt is green

    She is all in the sun. (Radish)

    6.Under the green bushes

    We sit in the ground in balls. (Potato).

    7. Round, red, tasty, grown into the ground. (Beet).

    8. Grow in the garden

    green branches,

    Red kids.

    I grow in the garden.

    And when I mature

    They cook a tomato out of me,

    They put in cabbage soup

    And so they eat. (Tomatoes)

    9. Dried out in the hot sun

    And breaks out of the pods ..? (peas)

    Presenter: Our harvest is good

    Born densely.

    Both carrots and potatoes

    white cabbage,

    Red tomato.

    Autumn: Only for some time now

    They start an argument.

    Which of them, from vegetables,

    And tastier and more tender?

    Who in all diseases

    Will it be better for everyone?

    Presenter: So that there are no quarrels

    Let's hear the conversation?

    Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

    Presenter: Our cafe invites everyone to try a branded "cocktail" of comic questions.

    Questions, questions

    Autumn has thrown us

    They ask for answers

    They wear like leaves.

    Competition "Cocktail of comic questions"

    presenter: Well, now we propose to rest.

    Musicians come out and entertain the guests.


    Presenter: Attention, dear guests! Today in our cafe "Auction" is held. Autumn is a seller, guests-buyers.

    Adults and children play.

    Autumn: I will show you a fruit or a vegetable, you name it and tell you what you can cook from it.

    Whoever says last will take this vegetable (fruit).

    Auction "Vegetables and fruits"

    Presenter: And now, my friends.

    It's time to get in a circle

    Let's sing a song in autumn

    Let's start our round dance.

    Music game"Autumn round dance"

    Presenter: Golden leaves fall, fly,

    Golden leaves cover the garden.

    There are many golden leaves on the paths,

    We will collect them and dress up mom.

    Game "Dress up your tree"

    Presenter: Look, I have

    Rowan sprig.

    And in the basket are

    Beautiful scarves.

    Let's put on the girls

    Red scarves-

    Our girls will be

    Just like rowanberries.

    Dance-girls "Ryabinki"

    Presenter: You are generous Autumn for treats.

    What else can you do to please our guests?

    Autumn: I made a special cake for you. And it has a task.

    It is necessary to determine the taste of what it is made of.

    Competition "Determine the taste"

    Presenter: In our autumn cafe, the next surprise awaits you. And again a gift, but not an easy one. In sweets, you will find the last task, this time it is garden ditties.

    These ditties are a pleasure

    Who doesn't want to sing into a microphone?

    In the hall now we will ask for peace,

    You do not interfere with taking the right tone for them.

    « Autumn ditties "

    Presenter: Well ditties sang, well and okali,

    We would all like

    For you to clap us.

    Autumn: Have fun, friends

    I am glad to meet you.

    Songs, dances, good

    I feed you from the bottom of my heart!

    You nuts, fruits, honey-

    Stay healthy all year round!

    Presenter: Beautiful autumn nature

    Fragile, and sometimes proud.

    Like any time of the year

    It always brings us joy.

    For beauty and wealth

    Which to share with anyone.

    For a mischievous character, Autumn!

    We all thank you.


    1. "Scenarios of morning performances for preschoolers" N.A. Amirov, O.P. Vlysenko.

    2. "Children's ditties" by I.D. Ageev.

    3. Magazine "Musical Director" No. 6 2013

    4. Magazine "Musical palette" №5 2010.

    Frikkel Elizaveta Viktorovna

    Script for an autumn family holiday
    Cafe "Autumn Mood"
    a) Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation between children and parents in the process of joint activities.
    b) Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun.
    c) To cultivate love and respect for parents; good courtesy towards peers.
    Leading: Good afternoon, good autumn day, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our cozy “Autumn Cafe”.
    Presenter: Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, charming, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments. And, of course, in the autumn pensive and at the same time joyful mood.
    Presenter: Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful and elegant around and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year - winter.
    And also, because in the fall there is a wonderful holiday, the holiday of our beloved mothers - whom we congratulate with love today.
    Host: And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun." So let wonderful music sound for you on this November day, and let your fun never end!
    Host: So, we are opening our festive “Autumn Cafe”!
    Presenter: The honorary right to cut the ribbon and open our “Autumn Cafe” is granted to the director of the House of Children's Creativity (music sounds, the ribbon is cut)
    And now I want to introduce the autumn hunters for the intellectual, creative harvest - our wonderful families.
    On this autumn, beautiful day, the most friendly, active, one might say brave families gathered in our hall.
    And to your warm applause, dear friends, I present the teams!
    (Representation of family teams).
    Host: In our cafe we ​​have prepared for you - the first - a completely unique entertainment program and original treats, the second - funny competition tasks, the third - unexpected musical numbers - surprises.
    Leading: Let's not waste time in vain, and continue our holiday program with the introduction of our fair and very competent jury:
    Well, now we're moving on to competitive program, so support our teams with your cheerful mood and enthusiasm.
    Host: And the first creative competition for family teams will be the design of napkins. Teams will prepare their materials to complement the already beautiful tables. (napkins, a set of flowers, leaves) Make up " autumn composition».
    Competition “Autumn Composition”
    Moderator: In the meantime, the teams are trying, I will talk with our fans.
    (games, riddles, autumn questions)
    Moderator: So, together with the jury members, we are ready to join for a small dialogue with our guests - teams, to ask a few questions about our competition.
    What name would you give to your creative invention?
    What mood is your bouquet filled with?
    What feature of autumn could you read in the details of this composition?

    Moderator: The jury sums up creative competition, and we are pleased to offer you our treat in the style of "Autumn Cafe" - our signature cocktail of joke questions.
    Questions, questions
    Autumn has thrown us
    They ask for answers
    They wear like leaves.

    So, please take out the treat!
    It sounds like a musical beat.
    A separation is taken out, on which glasses with cocktail tubes are placed, and inside, comic questions are written on multi-colored sheets of colored paper. (2 pcs.)
    Competition "Cocktail of comic questions."
    Moderator: So, are there any ready-made answers? Or wishing to answer the question ahead of schedule?
    Question one (reads the question and waits for a response from the participant).
    Moderator: A little mental stress won't hurt, but we won't let you stay too long today.
    Leading: Autumn is a time of wondrous transformations of nature, a time of rich decoration of forests and fields, an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Autumn is sung by poets and artists are painting canvases, and in the next competition we will draw a whole still life of vegetables and fruits, but the participants will do this without seeing their masterpiece, since we will simply turn a blind eye to everything.
    Presenter: We invite artistically gifted mothers and their young assistants to participate in the competition. And your job is to eyes closed you will draw on the paper that your assistants will hold for you, with a marker those vegetables and fruits that I will name. Whose work will turn out better, he is the winner.
    Presenter: Blindfold, open markers and, assistants - easels, are you ready? Competition "Autumn palette".
    Props for the competition: 4 halves of a sheet of whatman paper, 4 markers, 4 scarves.
    Presenter: So, I’ll try to convey what inspires me: I see a beautiful basket, wicker with a handle, in which round barrels of peach simply shine, next to it lies a melon in a section, next to it are 3 cucumbers with “pimples” and a couple of tomatoes, next to them a handful of cherries with ponytails, and higher is a bunch of grapes - such a big bunch of 1.5 kilograms. and, its leaves are large and carved, and near the basket are 3 apples and a half-opened banana and a couple of plums. How delicious it was dreamed of, and now we'll see how you were able to convey this to the canvas.
    Host: Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso are “resting”, and we continue to have fun and delight you with treats.
    HOST: Well, now raise your hands, my young participants who dream of becoming an artist, who want to act in films.
    Competition "Shooting a movie!".
    Host: This time we will treat you to ice cream from the filming of the movie "Sketches of Autumn"
    Spacing in the "studio"! Those who wish to taste our next competition can help themselves.
    Presenter: Before you are original fake portions, in each of which the role that you will now play.
    Presenter: Now, right here, on the spot, a film will be shot in which you are entrusted to play the main roles. You see this camera, you have leaflets in your hands. They indicate what role you have. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role in the postcard - welcome to the set! You can use attributes, but at the same time try to bring your own flavor to the performance of your role. (Rain is the third, general role)
    So: camera, motor, started! Quietly “A movie is being made! ”
    (Props for the competition: disposable cups, napkins, sheets with roles, text.)
    HOST: I would like to thank all the participants of the shooting.
    Leading: And again we invite you to relax at the table task. We bring to your attention "Vegetable crossword". In it, you must enter the names of vegetables as quickly as possible. And write below what the hostess forgot to buy. Which team will do it faster and more correctly, that one gets a certain number of points.
    “Competition “Vegetable crossword”.
    (Props for the competition: 4 sheets with a crossword puzzle, 4 pens for teams)
    Host: Assignments can be submitted to the jury, and we have the following competition:
    "Dress up the garden."
    Host: I want to ask our young team members if they help their mothers in the garden? And with what desire do they do it?
    We all know with what (with irony in our voice) “hunt” we have to help our parents in the garden, apparently, that is why they work so hard to equip us for this collective work.
    Moderator: I will ask the family teams to show how it happens, so I ask you to come out to demonstrate this story.
    Leading: The conditions are clear and simple - one dresses the other in a garden outfit, but the task is performed by both blindfolded.
    Props for the competition: boxes - 4 pcs., 4 shirts, 4 vests, 4 baseball caps,
    4 - shorts, 8 scarves.
    Leading: Here is a box with outfits for each mother. Here are two handkerchiefs with which you will blindfold yourself and your garden assistant. And as soon as the music starts, you will start dressing your assistants. Started!
    Leading: And the pair of the fastest and most dexterous gardeners wins!
    Moderator: Well, now, I think we can take a breather. Even to say more - to arrange a small snack, with the help of our next competition, which is called "Skilled Chefs".
    Leading: We take out our branded cake, and there are tasks in it.
    1. The facilitator gives the teams leaflets with tasks, and the jury - a form with answers, and observes the course of the competition.
    1. Emphasize an extra drink: Coca-Cola, fruit drink, Borjomi, Fanta, lemonade. (Morse is a non-carbonated drink.)
    2. Make up the names of the dishes from the letters and underline the superfluous: AYATSINCHI, MEOTL, YAZGNALLU, NSRYIK. (Cheesecake - no eggs are used for cooking.)
    3. Insert the word that ends the first and begins the second word: TVO (...) ALIK. (Horn)
    4. Write the name of the product needed to prepare the dish: RAS(...)NICK. (Salt)
    5. Pick up the words in brackets: (male name) + (pronoun) + s = flour product. (Pasta)

    Host: Today, as we promised, we have as many treats for you as you never dreamed of, and the next one is already on the way to the hall.
    Host: Continuing our garden theme, the next competition awaits you.
    And again a gift from our cafe, but, as you understand, not an easy one. When you open the box, you will find the next task, this time it is garden ditties. We give you time to prepare, and turn on the soundtrack. (Teams getting ready)

    This competition is a pleasure
    Who doesn't want to sing into a microphone?
    In the hall now we will ask for peace,
    You do not interfere with taking the right tone for them.

    Treat - “Box of chocolates
    (Props for the competition: empty boxes of sweets, a sling, notes with tasks - ditties.)
    Host: The teams tried their best, thank you all, and we give the floor to the jury.
    Moderator: The members of the jury are ready to announce the results of the competitions, they have the floor.
    Presenter: Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we have celebrated its arrival. We thank autumn for gathering us all in our festive autumn cafe.
    Leading: Winter, spring, summer are ahead. And then autumn again. How many more will be in our lives! We hope that the cozy lights of the “Autumn Cafe” will light up for all of us more than once in our House of Creativity.
    And the last musical number for you, our young, beautiful, charming mothers.

    Scenario of the harvest festival in the cafe "Autumn"

    Scenario of the show program for children 6-7 years old

    The hall is decorated in the form of a cafe. On the central wall is an autumn landscape. Tables are arranged, which are served with dishes of vegetables and fruits (salads, vinaigrettes, juices, compotes, jelly, etc.).

    Sounds like Russian folk music on the record. Children and their parents enter. They are met by the owner of the cafe.

    Mistress. Hello dear guests! Welcome to the cafe "Autumn".

    Leading. Hello dear hostess. We did a very good job in our gardens, with mom and dad, in the garden in kindergarten reaped a big harvest.

    hostess. Yes, today we have a harvest festival. Please taste the dishes prepared from vegetables and fruits grown by you.

    Children and parents are seated at the tables.

    hostess. We treat everyone who solves riddles in our cafe.

    ✓ A red maiden sits in a dungeon,

    And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

    ✓ No windows, no doors,

    Full of people. (Cucumber)

    ✓ Yermoshka stands on one leg,

    He has a hundred clothes on

    Not sewn, not cut,

    All in scars. (Cabbage)

    ✓ Touch your finger - smoothly,

    And take a bite - sweet. (Apple)

    ✓ Grew up first in the wild in the field,

    In the summer it bloomed and spiked,

    And when he thrashed

    He suddenly turned into grain,

    From grain to flour and dough

    Took a seat in the store. (Bread)

    The hostess takes out bread on a towel, music sounds.

    hostess. Yes, children, there is no holiday without bread. Bread is the head of everything.

    Children read proverbs about bread.

    hostess. Try our bread.

    The hostess delivers bread to each child and parents. They, according to Russian custom, break off a piece, dip it in a salt shaker.

    Leading. And where there is bread, there is always joy and fun.

    hostess. Please, guests, eat.

    Children and parents eat. Music sounds. After a while, the conversation about autumn continues. Children come out, read poems, sing autumn songs.

    1st child.

    How good it is to visit autumn,

    Among the golden birches.

    They wouldn't drop the gold longer,

    The forest would have been purple and quiet.

    2nd child.

    More often the sun is tired

    Stayed in the golden garden

    To protect from the wind

    Elegant autumn beauty.

    3rd child.

    Trees on an autumn day

    Such beautiful ones.

    Now we'll sing a song

    About golden leaves.

    The song "Autumn" is performed, words by E. Avdienko, music by T. Popatenko.

    presenter. Autumn is rich in harvest. Children, what a rich harvest you have gathered in the garden in kindergarten, and our chefs have prepared excellent dishes. Moms also tried to please you with delicious drinks, salads. I know that you helped them in the gardens. And to make it more fun, let's play.

    Game "What is missing?"

    On the tablet, fruits are drawn in several rows. For example: apple, pear, orange. In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What is missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. You can also play with vegetables and berries.

    Game "Name a vegetable, berry, fruit"

    Children stand in a circle, in the center with the ball leading. He throws the ball to any child and says, "Vegetable." The child, having caught the ball, quickly names a familiar vegetable. If the driver says: “Berry”, then the child must name the berry.

    Children sit at tables.

    hostess. Attention, dear guests! Today in our cafe there is an auction. I am the seller, you are the buyers. Both parents and children play. I explain the game. I show you an apple, ask what can be cooked from it. Whoever speaks last takes the apple. Clear? So let's start.

    The hostess shows an apple, the players call it: compote, jam, jelly, marmalade, etc.

    presenter. Our auction is over, you can dance.

    The dance "Quadrille" is performed.

    Leading. It is clear that ingenuity is needed for everyone. She will help us both in life and in studies. Who is savvy? Who is sustained? Now we will play a new game. It's called "Guess, Answer". The hostess of the cafe will be our driver, she will leave the door. (The hostess leaves.) Now we will guess some vegetable, fruit or berry. What do you want to guess? (Children thought of a cherry.) Now the driver will come here and ask questions, you must answer them only with the words “Yes” and “No”. In other words, you can't answer. You can't name a berry. The hostess must guess what you thought of her.

    The hostess of the cafe comes in and asks questions.

    Mistress. Is it a vegetable?

    Children. No.

    hostess. Is it a fruit?

    Children. No.

    hostess. Is it a berry?

    Children. Yes.

    hostess. Is she big?

    Children. No.

    hostess. Is she black?

    Children. No. Etc.

    The driver asks questions until he guesses. You can choose both parents and children as drivers. Play several times.

    hostess. Our holiday continues. In our cafe today tasting dishes prepared by your parents. What is a tasting? This is a definition by several people of the taste, the quality of the product. But we know that your mothers and our chefs cook very tasty, so we will check what products (vegetables, fruits, berries) this dish is made from.

    The hostess calls those who wish. The dish to be tasted is on a separate table in the center of the hall. Clean spoons and forks nearby. The person who wishes takes a spoon, tries it and says aloud what this dish is made of. If not recognized, the next one is called. You can taste several dishes.

    Leading. Children, tell me, what does the forest give us in autumn?

    The kids are in charge

    Leading. That's right guys. Do you know how to collect mushrooms? (Children's answers.) Now we will check. Who wants to play?

    Game-attraction "Collect mushrooms"

    Two people come out, each approaching an empty basket. Silhouettes of mushrooms lie next to the basket. Children take turns picking a mushroom, name it and put it in a basket. The one who "collected" the most mushrooms wins.




    "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 22 "Ship"


    "Autumn Cafe"

    Musical director

    Svetlana Yurievna Saburova


    Lakhtionova Marina Anatolyevna,

    Makarovskaya Elena Albertovna

    Kotlas, 2016

    The hall is decorated in the form of a cafe. Tables are set, which are served with dishes of vegetables and fruits. Parents sit at tables.

    The course of the holiday

    To the Russian folk melody, children enter the hall, go around the circle and

    stand facing the guests.


    Hello dear guests! Welcome to "Autumn Cafe"

    Leading: Hello dear hostess! We have worked very hard in our gardens, we have harvested a great harvest.


    Yes, today we have a harvest festival. Please taste the dishes prepared from vegetables and fruits by your mothers.

    1 child:

    In the autumn it is sometimes pleasant to walk through the forest with gold.

    But I won’t hide my tender sadness - it’s such a pity for me to see the birds off.

    2 child:

    Fly south, dear ones, come home in the spring

    Dashing winds will blow here, and it will be cold in winter.

    3 child:

    And now, in a multi-colored scarf, the beauty of autumn is standing.

    With a farewell greeting from summer, a leaf flies under your feet.

    Song "Leaves"

    (Children sit down at the tables with their parents)


    We treat everyone who solves riddles in our cafe.

    This delicious yellow fruit

    Sailing straight from Africa

    Monkeys in the zoo

    Gives food all year round. (Banana)

    Itself it with a fist,

    Has a red barrel

    Touch - smoothly

    And take a bite - sweet. (Apple)

    He looks like an orange

    With rough skin, juicy.

    There is one drawback -

    He's very sour. (Lemon)

    Grandma is sitting in the garden

    She's all in patches

    And tear off the patch -

    Pay and leave. (Onion)

    Born to fame

    Round, white, curly.

    Who loves soup very much,

    Find me in them. (Cabbage)

    Was green and small

    It got big and red. (Tomato)

    They dug me out of the ground

    Baked, fried, boiled

    And then they all ate

    And always praised. (Potato)

    Guess easily and quickly:
    Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
    He is black, he is white
    And sometimes burnt (bread)


    Yes, children, there is no holiday without bread. Bread is the head of everything.

    And who among you knows proverbs and sayings about bread?

    (Children and parents tell).

    And where there is bread, there is always joy and fun!

    I invite you to Pair dance.

    1 child:

    How good it is to visit autumn among golden birches.

    Longer if the gold had not been thrown off, the forest would have stood crimson and quiet.

    2 child:

    More often the weary sun would visit the golden garden,

    To protect the beauty of elegant autumn from the wind.

    3 child:

    The trees are so beautiful on an autumn day.

    Now we will sing a song about golden leaves.

    Song "Raindrops"


    Autumn is rich in harvest, I know that you helped your parents in the garden. Do you want to play?

    Game "Harvest"

    Children at the first table gather vegetables,

    At the second table - fruit,

    For the third - mushrooms.

    Game "Umbrellas"

    Open umbrellas are laid out in a circle. Children stand in a circle behind umbrellas. (One more than umbrellas). They move in circles to the music. At the end of the music you need to take an umbrella. Those who do not have enough are out of the game.

    Musical game "Hedgehog" ( catch-up)


    Our holiday continues. In our autumn cafe, tasting dishes prepared by your parents.

    (Music sounds, everyone eats fruit canapés).


    Children, tell us what autumn gives us?

    (Children call signs of autumn)

    The song "Harvest"


    Well done, guys, they had a lot of fun and celebrated the autumn holiday. After all, it’s not in vain that folk wisdom says: “Finished the job - walk boldly!”

    Rhythmic dance "Colorful game"

    The hostess treats everyone with a pie and tea.

    Entertainment on autumn theme in kindergarten. Scenario for senior group. Cafe "Autumn"

    Integration educational areas: "Music", "Cognition", " Physical Culture", "Health".
    Target: expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

    Tasks: to consolidate song, dance skills, ideas about vegetables, features of the autumn period.

    Planned results: shows interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercises, sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; the child has the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various kinds children's activities.
    Content of organized activity

    Leading. Hello dear guests! Welcome to the cafe. Today is our harvest day. And the hostess at this holiday will, of course, be Queen Autumn.

    Autumn enters with a retinue of vegetables, sings the song "Yellow Leaves."
    (music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Shaferan).

    Autumn. Hello guys! We are very happy to attend your harvest festival. I didn't come alone. I am accompanied by my loyal subjects, the vegetables. Now they will introduce themselves to you.

    Vegetables are riddles.
    Curious red nose
    Rooted into the ground
    Only stick out in the garden
    Green heels. (Carrot)

    There is a green hook on the wattle fence,
    A chest hangs on a hook.
    There are five guys in the chest
    They sit quietly side by side.
    Suddenly the chest crumbled
    Everyone scattered around. (Peas)

    There was a green fruit
    Did not ask in the mouth.

    Put in bed
    He changed clothes:
    put on red-
    Ripe for food. (Tomato)

    Red, not viburnum
    Bitter, not aspen.
    Round, not a basket,
    There is a tail, not a cat. (Radish)

    Leading. And now all together we can song.

    The song "Let's go to the garden for raspberries" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

    Autumn. We invite everyone to the competition. I will ask ten people to come out and divide into two teams.

    Leading. Remember what flowers you know. The team with the most color names wins.

    Competition "flower garden"
    Leading. We invite teams for the game-attraction.

    The game “Called yourself a load-get into the back!”
    Leading. The hoop is the “body”, you guys are the “mushrooms”. Now let's see which “mushrooms” will get into their body faster. When the music starts, the first “bunch” runs up to the hoop, flies through it, puts the hoop in place and runs after the next “bunch”, with which they run together, they also fly through the hoop, then they run after the third “bunch”, etc. d.

    Autumn. The winning team receives the prizes of the Golden Kingdom (shows potatoes).

    Leading. Attention, dear guests! Today in our cafe there is an auction. I am the seller, you are the buyers. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you name a dish that can be prepared from it. Whoever will have the last name of the dish, he takes the vegetable or fruit for himself.

    Car auction “Recipes”.

    Autumn. The auction is over, but you can dance.

    Dance "Sunflowers".

    Leading. Now let's play the Ten Words game. Two people are invited. On command, the players alternately take ten steps, for each of which they pronounce the name of a vegetable or fruit!

    Ten words game

    Leading. Now we will find out the name of the best chef of our cafe. To do this, you need to select two pairs. There are vegetables on the tables, from which you must prepare any dish and come up with a name for it.

    Competition "Smak".

    Leading. While our chefs are working and inventing an unusually delicious dish, we will listen to a song.

    The song "Cossacks" (music and lyrics by O. Stupina).

    Leading. I suggest stretching and playing. Get ready, be careful! If I name a vegetable that grows on the surface of the earth, for example, pepper, you stand up to your full height. If I name a vegetable that grows in the ground, like a potato, you should squat down.

    Garden game.

    Autumn. Let's sum up the results of our culinary competition.

    Food tasting.

    Leading. Hello autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
    On larch quietly spent with a brush
    The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,
    Aspen purple, only green oak.
    Autumn comforts: do not feel sorry for summer,
    Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

    The song “Together with fun to walk” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).