Holidays at school 8 types of fairy tales. Scenario of the holiday "Autumn Tale" for elementary school (VIII type). Autumn colors gold

  • 01.04.2020

storytellers - 2 children,
Snow White.
Servant, prince.
Gnomes 7.
A long time ago, in a distant kingdom.
There lived a husband and wife.
They lived peacefully, did not grieve.
They raised a beautiful daughter.
Daughter with heavenly beauty.
With skin like silk, lovely.
Black hair, sharp eyes.
Cheeks are on fire.
called snow white
And trouble was not expected.
It just happened so soon.
That their joy was darkened:
After the third.
The queen is dead.
The king grieved for a long time.
Time has healed the pain.
The king remarried.
Too bad he rushed.
The Queen enters the stage.
queen on stage with a mirror
Stepmother was beautiful
Wayward, proud.
She had a mirror
Of sparkling stones
She looked every day.
Spinning in front of the mirror
Loved myself
Constantly saying:
Who can compare with me
The beauty of wondrous skin?
If there is such a lady
Show yourself in mirror copper.
I look to the right
I look to the left...
You are the most beautiful in the world
Our queen!
(Snow White appears on the stage. She picks flowers.)
And meanwhile slimmer
Snow White became
Every day the pigtail twisted
Everything is longer and more magnificent;
The cheeks were getting redder
black-browed eyes
Steel is like heaven.
Here, one fine day,
The lilac just bloomed
The queen got up in the morning
She took out her mirror
And she asked:
Mirror, mirror,
You say soon:
Who is the most beautiful in the world
Better and smarter?
I'm sorry, but it happened...
Our Snow White is more beautiful -
Look in the mirror bowl.
Oh, you vile glass!
I know you're lying to spite me!
Ta-a-ak! That is,
Gotta kill the girl!
Servant come here (A servant appears.)
Snow White in the wilderness
Start, connect, live
Leave it there under the pine
To be eaten by wolves.
The queen leaves.
Snow White where are you?
Gets on one knee
Come with me…
the servant leads Snow White into the wilderness of the forest.
Here's a terrible challenge!
What is my punishment?
Destroy, you have no urine,
You are like a daughter to me all my life!
You step forward
May God protect you.
I will pray for you
I won't forget you forever!
the servant runs away, Snow White, weeping bitterly. Snow White is alone in the forest. Wandered into the forest thicket (crying)
Snow White: Oh where should I go
Oh, my legs are tired.
I'll go faster along the path. Walks along the road into the deep thicket of the forest.
She fell to the ground and wept bitterly. Animals approach and lead to the hut.
What do I see. Oh hut. small as a toy
Maybe I'll find a place to sleep here
And I'll get some rest. Enters the hut
Everything in this hut was small, but it was so clean and beautiful that it was impossible to say. In the middle of the hut stood a table with seven small plates, and on each plate a spoon, and then seven knives and forks, and with each utensil a glass. Around the table stood seven cots, covered with snow-white bed linen.
Snow White, who was very hungry and thirsty, tasted vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each glass, because she did not want to take everything from one. Then, tired from walking, she tried to lie down on one of the beds; but not one suited her in measure; one was too long, the other too short, and only the seventh was just right for her. In it she lay down,
When it was completely dark, her owners came to the hut - seven gnomes who dug in the mountains, extracting ore. They saw that someone had visited them, because not everything was in the order in which they had left everything in their housing.
The first one said, "Who was sitting on my chair?"
Second: "Who ate my plate?"
Third: "Who broke off a piece of my bread?"
Fourth: "Who has tasted my food?"
Fifth: "Who ate with my fork?"
Sixth: "Who cut with my knife?"
Seventh: "Who drank from my cup?"
Then the first one turned around and saw that there was a small wrinkle on his bed; he immediately said:
"Who touched my bed?"
Everyone else ran to the beds and shouted: “Someone lay down in both mine and mine!”
And the seventh, looking into his bed, saw Snow White lying asleep in it. He called the rest, and they ran and began to exclaim in amazement,
"Oh my god! they exclaimed. How beautiful this little one is! - and so everyone was delighted with her arrival, and woke her up.
"What is your name?" “My name is Snow White,” she replied. "How did you get into our house?" the gnomes asked her.
Then she told them that her stepmother ordered them to be taken to the forest, the servant spared her - and so she ran all day until she came across their hut.
The gnomes told her:
“Would you like to look after our household chores—cooking, washing for us, sewing and knitting? And if you do all this skillfully and neatly, then you can stay with us for a long time and will not suffer a lack of anything. —
“If you please,” answered Snow White, “with great pleasure,” and stayed with them.
She kept the house of the gnomes in great order; in the morning they usually went to the mountains in search of copper and gold, in the evening they returned to their hut, and then food was always ready for them. (Animals help and sing a song)
All day Snow White remained alone in the house, dressed, and therefore the good gnomes warned her and said:
"Watch out for your stepmother! do not let anyone into the house but us.”
(the gnomes take their tools and go to work to the music)
Leading: So they began to live,
And make good to everyone:
Gnomes mine stones
Snow White rules the house.
The next day the queen, as usual, asked her mirror
"Who is the cutest in the world?"
Mirror: Queen, you are beautiful, but Snow White, who lives in the forest with the seven dwarfs, is a thousand times more beautiful. The Queen was frightened; she knew that the mirror never lied, and she realized that the houndsman had deceived her and that Snow White was alive
The queen got very angry. And she began to think about how she would exterminate her stepdaughter, because envy did not give her peace and she certainly wanted to be the first beauty in the whole country.
Finally she came up with, she tinted her face, dressed as an old merchant and became completely unrecognizable.
In this form, she set off on her way over the seven mountains to the hut of the seven dwarfs,
(The Queen comes to the hut and knocks. Snow White comes out)
Queen: Hello, beauty. I want to treat you to an apple. (serves and leaves)
Snow White: Thank you grandma. (He enters the hut and bites off an apple and falls asleep. Lies down on the bed) But as soon as she bit off a piece of it, she fell dead on the bed. Then the queen-stepmother looked at her with malicious eyes, laughed out loud and said: “Here you are as white as snow, and ruddy as blood, and dark as ebony! Well, this time the dwarves won’t be able to revive you!” Now I am the most beautiful in the world! ha ha

And when she, having come home, stood in front of the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all? —
The mirror finally answered her:
You, queen, are the sweetest here. Well, finally, I'm the most beautiful in the world ha ha ha.
The dwarves, returning home in the evening, found Snow White sleeping and wept bitterly.
It happened somehow that a prince drove into that forest and drove up to the house of the gnomes to spend the night
Prince: O dwarfs, what happened?
Why are you so sad?
What a beautiful girl.
And the gnomes told about their grief
(the evil queen, out of envy, poisoned our Snow White by treating her with a poisoned apple)
Prince: I will save Snow White, I will kiss her. (kisses her on the cheek)
Presenter: Snow White woke up and smiled at the prince
"Oh how long I slept"
The prince takes her hand and dance (all together)
Leading: in a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil, and in our fairy tale, goodness and friendship won.
Snow White and the Prince lived happily ever after


"Christmas story"


Presenters - 2, gypsy, hare, wolf, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, fox, Baba Yaga, little red riding hood, snowman

Presenter 1:

Attention everyone, gentlemen!
Hurry to the hall, here.
There will be a joke, there will be laughter,
We will entertain you all!

Host 2:

We invite everyone to the hall today,
Have a fun holiday
Never be discouraged!




"Christmas story"


Presenters - 2, gypsy, hare, wolf, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, fox, Baba Yaga, little red riding hood, snowman

Presenter 1:

Attention everyone, gentlemen!
Hurry to the hall, here.
There will be a joke, there will be laughter,
We will entertain you all!

Host 2:

We invite everyone to the hall today,
Have a fun holiday
Never be discouraged!

Presenter 1:

In the hall, the Christmas tree sparkles,
He invites you all to visit.
She has bright toys
All here: friends, girlfriends!

Host 2:

All for the holiday - New Year!
Come on, honest people.
Everyone who is cheerful is invited,
school holiday open!

Presenter 1:

We'll let you know before it's too late
We have one condition:
Today be serious
We are forbidden!

Host 2:

It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!

Presenter 1:

Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily, to tears.
In every joke - the share of a joke,
The rest is serious.

(snowman appears)

Snowman: Decree!
Everyone have fun at the Christmas tree,
Spinning in a slow waltz.
Play noisy games
Here do not whine, do not get bored.
Take part in everything
Wishing everyone health and happiness.
Dancing and making friends
Lead a round dance together
Sing songs loudly
friendly New Year meet!
- Gentlemen, have you heard the decree?

The guys answer:

Did you promise to have fun?

They promised!
Hold hands together
Stand around the tree.
Let's sing all about the Christmas tree
We will start a round dance.

(The song “Little Christmas tree is cold in winter” sounds)

The Hare and the Wolf run out and start running around the Christmas tree.

(musical intro sounds from the m / f "Well, you wait!").

Suddenly the Hare stopped and listened.

The wolf crept up and growled, he wants to eat the hare.

Hare : Wait for it! (shrugged off the wolf)

Wolf: Bunny, what's wrong with you, my friend?
Eat you like a pie!
One two Three…

Hare: Yes, back off! You look!
In the hall of the New Year with us!
There is a magician, every class,
So let's show a miracle!

Wolf: Where to take it? Where?

Hare: Rake snow at the Christmas tree,
And find the magic ball.

Wolf: You need to row
You need to search
Shmakodyavka you oblique ...

Hare: Shut up! And then stay.

The hare runs to the Christmas tree and brings a magic ball.

Hare: Here ... we will conjure ...

Wolf: Give it to me!

Hare: Oh, you again!

Wolf: Don't bother, I know...
I invite Santa Claus here.

(Throws up a magic ball.)

Suddenly music sounds and enters the hall Gypsy and plays with children. He approaches the children in turn and “guesses” them.

Well, let me guess
I guess everything.

Oh, what a fine fellow you are -
I ate aspic at home.

You are the best athlete
Soon you will be a record holder.

You beautiful girl
If you find a king, you will become a queen.

Well, you spilled the compote,
Received a slap.

You keep in your closet
Cool feather of the firebird.

And now the time has come -
Let's dance, kids.

Children dance the dance "Clap - stomp."

Hare: Ha ha ha! Here is Santa Claus!

Wolf: I'll fix it now! What's the question?

(Throws up a magic ball.)

Little Red Riding Hood comes out to the music, she dances around the Christmas tree.

Red Riding Hood:Hello guys! Girls and boys! Did you recognize me?(children's answers) From which fairy tale did I come to you?(children's answers)

Well done! Did you just recognize me or do you know all the fairy tales so well?

And let's check! I call the first part of a fairy-tale object or the name of a fairy-tale hero, and you agree on the second part in unison. Started!

Karabas ……… Koschei………………. Carpet………… Emelya………………..

Boy……… Elena……………….Snake……………… Tablecloth……………….

Boots………….. Baba………………….Sivka………….. Sinbad………….. Brother…………….

Red Riding Hood:

Yes, you know fairy tales, they were never mistaken.

Do I have any other riddles for you?

I have mysteries
So far wise -
Who will solve the riddle
Get into scientists.

Here's your first riddle:
He has a heel behind his nose.

From the forest the princess came to the holiday,
She put on beads, blossomed with fire.

The sun will come out - cry,
There is no sun - it will hide the tears.

Apples on a branch in winter.
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered:
After all, this is….

I look out the window - there is a white cloth,
It lies all winter, and in the spring it will run away.

On the white space, two even lines,
And nearby run all the straight lines, but the points.

Red Riding Hood:I liked you guys, you are all smart and funny, but I have to go. My grandmother is waiting for me with pies. See you soon my new friends!

Hare: Oh oh! Now it's me!
We are friends with Santa Claus!

He grabs a magic ball and runs away from the Wolf. The wolf is preparing to run after him.

Hare: Help, help
Save me, bunny!

Chastushkas Babok sound - Ezhek, Baba Yaga appears merrily, noisily.

Baba Yaga:

Who called me here?

Who here today conjured?

Ba! Do you have a new year here?

Then get up in a round dance!

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds

Baba Yaga:

Kinda boring...

I offer a master class!

Don't be shy to stand up.

How fun the ducklings are!

The music “Dance of little ducklings” sounds, the guys dance with Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

Oh guys, thanks!

I liked you, but it's time for me to run -

Ivan - Tsarevich must be met: fed, watered, and washed in a bathhouse!

Wolf: Well WHAT? Conjured? Where is your Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden?

Hare: Yes, back off! Try it yourself, let's see what you can do.

The wolf conjures with a magic ball.

A fox appears to the music.

(referring to the Hare and the Wolf)

Fox: Oh my friends! What are you doing here? And why without me?

Wolf and Hare: So this story is not about you! We're from Just You Wait. Get out.

Fox: Can I play with you?

Guys, you all repeat the phrase “Once a year on New Year's Eve”. Come on together!

Listen to the poem and after my words, say this phrase.

We are celebrating this holiday……………

We decorate the Christmas tree at home……………….

In the house of friends we invite…………………

We do not go to sleep at night…………….

Until the morning we have fun………………….

The President congratulates us…………………..

And wishes health to all……………….

Fox: What good fellows you all are! But I have to go! Goodbye!

Hare: Something is not working with us! What we are going to do?

Wolf: And let the guys help us, it's their holiday.

Bunny: Guys! And let's all together call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

(they shout three times, Santa Claus appears with the Snow Maiden)

Father Frost: Happy New Year, you friends!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
They came to you again with their granddaughter,
Found your festive hall
Without difficulty, without delay
To lift your spirits!
Wish everyone good luck
Meet the New Year with you!

Snow Maiden:

Guys, did you sing songs without us?

Were playing?

Did you solve the riddles?

And did you dance?

And to whom were the poems recited?

(children's answers)

Well, then don't yawn!

Run to Santa Claus!

Read the poem!

And get some candy!

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year's dance!
To call good luck into life
It is necessary to stand in a friendly circle with us!

They sing the song “Once a frosty winter a bear went to his home ...”

Snow Maiden: You will take a deep breath,
Find happiness in yourself.
Let it live in everyone
On this glorious New Year!

Father Frost: I give everyone, friends success,
That's so big for everyone!

Snow Maiden: And luck and luck
Hard work, patience.
Let kindness live in the heart
On this glorious New Year!

Father Frost: May friendship always live here
Happy New Year, guys!

presenter : Children, now they called me on the phone fairy-tale heroes, I did not understand who, but I only know that they are in trouble and are asking for help. They were kidnapped by Koschey the Immortal. We must help them. But I don't know how to do it, but I know who can help us. Guess the riddle, who do I mean?

A hut was lost in a dense forest,

A difficult old woman lives in a hut.

Takes a pomelo, but sits in a mortar,

And then it flies over the forest like a bird! Who is it? …( Baba Yaga)

Presenter: We are going to the fairy forest. And in order to be in this forest, we must go along the musical path: sing a song about fairy-tale heroes.

Children sing the song "Visiting a fairy tale."

Presenter: And here is the hut of Baba Yaga. Guys, tell me, what words need to be said so that the hut turns to us in front?

Children: Hut, hut, turn your front to us, and back to the forest.

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Who dares to disturb me?

The phonogram of the first verse of the song "Baba Yaga" sounds (track 88, disc "Children's disco from Masha and the Bear"). Baba Yaga depicts singing.

Children: Hello, dear Baba Yaga, we love you very much! Please help us find our fabulous friends, they were stolen by Koschei the Deathless, and we don't know where to look for them.

Baba Yaga: Good! Because you are so polite, I will help you. But first I will check whether you know fairy tales well. Answer my questions:

Who in the fairy tale used his tail instead of a fishing rod? (Wolf)

What words usually begin fairy tales? (Lived once…)

Who laid not a simple egg, but a golden one? (Hen Ryaba)

Who is called by patronymic - Patrikeevna? (Fox)

Who buried 5 gold coins? (Pinocchio)

What bird did Thumbelina fly on? (Martin)

What could not be pulled out of the ground by grandfather, grandmother and their entire family? (Turnip)

From what tool did the soldier cook porridge? (Axe)

What item did Cinderella lose? (Crystal shoe)

What did the donkey Eeyore lose? (Tail)

The meeting with which fish greatly influenced the life of Emelya? (Pike)

Who said that he is a handsome and moderately well-fed man? (Carlson)

What heroes of the fairy tale ate from a jug and from a plate and both remained hungry? (Fox and Crane)

Favorite aircraft Baba Yaga? (Broom and mortar)

The dog's nickname from the fairy tale "Turnip". (Bug)

Friend of the Seven Dwarfs. (Snow White)

The name of the pig in the fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh". (Piglet)

What did Mukha-Tsokotukha buy at the bazaar? (Samovar)

What always wins in fairy tales? (Good)

What fairy-tale hero came up with the idea of ​​keeping death at the end of a needle, and a needle in an egg, etc.? (Koschei the Deathless)

Your fabulous friends are at Koshchei the Immortal. And he stole them in order to rule all the fairy tales of the world. And with Koshchei, guys, it’s not easy to cope because he hides his death well. Do you know where?

To find the way to the oak, I will give you a magic ball. But I want to warn you, the road will be difficult, and there will be many tests and tasks that you have to complete.

Baba Yaga gives a magic ball

Presenter: So guys, let's hit the road. Adventure awaits us.

The host throws a ball. The glomerulus rests on the pouch.

Presenter: And here is the first test. This magical chest contains pictures of fabulous items. We need to name what fairy tales they are from.

Shoe - "Cinderella"

Key - "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood

Hat - Puss in Boots

Testicle - "Ryaba Hen",

Pike - "At the command of the pike ...", etc.

Presenter: This is a bag of fabulous riddles. Let's guess them.

Waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were these

Small children? (Seven kids).

Bought a samovar

And the mosquito saved her. (Fly Tsokotukha).

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess. (Emelya).

I am a wooden man.

On water and under water

Looking for a golden key

I stick my long nose everywhere

Who am I? I ... .. (Pinocchio.)

The red girl is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

Tears shed, poor thing! (Snow Maiden).

There was a girl

In a flower cup.

And there was that girl

A little more than a nail.

In a nut shell

The girl was sleeping.

What a girl

How small she is!

Who read this book

Know the baby girl? (Thumbelina.)

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all. (Carlson).

She was a dwarf's friend

And, of course, you know. (Snow White).

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, comely ”(Princess Frog)

A girl sits in a basket with Mishka behind her back

He himself, unknowingly, carries her home.

So, did you solve the riddle? Then answer quickly

The name of this fairy tale ... (Masha and the bear).

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs, three pillows,

Three beds and three mugs.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears.)

The presenter rolls a ball, which stops at a box with a note

presenter : Here we are waiting for a musical test. You need to listen to the music and guess the name of the cartoon or fairy tale character who sang this song.

(phonograms of songs from fairy tales are included, children must correctly name the fairy tale.)

Children sing the song "Cheburashka".

The presenter rolls the ball, he stops at the box with pictures.

Presenter: And here is a new test. We need to make a fairy tale out of these pictures.

(children select pictures and arrange them in order).

Presenter: Well done boys! You coped with all the tasks with ease, and I hope that you will defeat Koshchei the Immortal with the same ease.

And here is the chest with the death of Koshchei, but in order for us to open it, we need to remember the second names of fairy-tale characters: Koschey - ..., Brother - ..., Ivan - ..., Serpent - ..., Elena - ..., Sister - ..., Vasilisa - ..., Tiny - …, Princess Frog - …

The presenter opens the chest, takes out an egg. Koschei the Deathless appears.

K.B.: Do not destroy me, I will let your friends go. It was just that it was very boring for me to live alone in the palace, and there was no one to even cook food for me, so I kidnapped fairy-tale heroes.

Presenter: Well, guys, let's take pity on Koshchei. (Yes.) We have forgiven you, and now you play with us.

Turnip game. Children are divided into two teams. In each team there are characters from the fairy tale "Turnip" (they put the appropriate attributes on their heads): Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse, Turnip. Teams line up in columns behind Grandfather at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall, opposite each team, they place “Turnip” on the floor. On a signal, the game begins "Grandfathers". They each run to their turnip, run around it, return to their team, take the "grandmothers" by the hand, run to the turnip, run around it, return to their team, take the "granddaughters" by the hand - three of them run, etc. she wins a team that, moving in a chain (all characters hold hands), will not break this chain and whose “mouse” will grab the “turnip” first.

Game "Find Cinderella" — two boys and six girls are selected. The girls take off one shoe at a time and throw them at the feet of the boys, sit on chairs. The boys find each girl's shoe and put it on. Who quickly.

Presenter: Do you want us to play another fairy tale? To do this, look into our magic chest.

Game "Teremok" . Masks are taken from the chest: a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a bear. Children are wearing masks. All other children join hands and form a “teremok”. "Beasts" are outside the circle.

Singing a song, the children go in a circle with the words:

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high

Here is a field, a field a mouse runs.(At this time, the mouse runs around the circle.)

She stopped at the door and knocked.(all children stop)

After singing, the mouse runs into the circle. The children again move in a circle with singing, and a frog jumps around the circle. After singing "Who lives in a teremochka?The mouse replies:I am a mouseand invites a frog into the teremok. Thus, one by one, all the other animals appear in the circle. When the bear comes and climbs onto the roof of the house, the house falls apart. The game ends.

Koschei the Deathless:I'm so glad you forgave me. I have already freed all fairy-tale heroes and sent them to their fairy tales. And do you have any treats, I really want to eat !!!

Presenter: Guys, let's introduce Koshchei to Baba Yaga, she will feed him porridge, and the two of them will live more fun. Otherwise, he will get bored again and kidnap someone again.

Children: Let's! Baba Yaga come to us!

The children call Baba Yaga and introduce her to Koshchei the Immortal. The soundtrack of the song "Tsar - Koschey" sounds (track No. 120, disc "Children's disco from Masha and the Bear"). Free dance of children with Koshchey and Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga gives everyone a treat, leaves with Koshchei the Immortal.

Presenter: Well, we freed the fairy-tale heroes, introduced Koshchei to Baba Yaga, and it's time for us guys to return from the fairy-tale forest to our group.

State Treasury educational institution Kaluga region

for orphans and children left without parental care

"Betlitsky special (correctional) school - a boarding school for orphans and children

left without parental care with disabilities of the VIII type”

Egorenkova E.A.,

teacher primary school,

first qualification category

extracurricular activity for grade 2




Teacher: - Good afternoon, dear children and adults!

Every person from early childhood strives to be inquisitive, quick-witted, smart. We all want to know a lot. And it can only happen to someone who loves to read. Our very first books are, of course, fairy tales.

And today we will take a trip to Magic world fairy tales. You will remember the fairy tales that you love, your favorite fairy-tale characters.

There are many beautiful fairy tales in the world, among them there are the most beloved and dear ones. Fairy tales are loved by both adults and children, because they teach goodness, wisdom, and justice.

Our path will lie through the forest, in which you may meet "unclean" forces, lie in wait for danger.

But if you are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, then we can begin our journey.

And at the end of the road, we must get to a fabulous city, where a surprise awaits you.


Before a long and difficult journey, so that you can perform your tasks better, I want to check you a little and do a little warm-up.

Warm up questions:

    What is the name of the fairy-tale hero who has big ears? ( Cheburashka)

    Residence of Baba Yaga. (A hut on chicken legs)

    What got into Kai's eye? ( Mirror Shard)

    What was the name of the old woman's rat Shapoklyak? ( Lariska)

    A postman from the village of Prostokvashino. ( Pechkin)

    Musician from the flower city. ( Guslya)

    What is the favorite expression of Leopold the cat. ( let's live in peace)

    Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince? ( Frog)

Guys, what thing helps you find your way in fairy tales? ( glomerulus)

And he will help us today. (The ball rolled along the path).

Oh, guys, look who's blocking the road? (SLIDE 2 - THE ROBBING NIGHTINGALING).

He won't let you through until you complete his tasks.

Exercise. It is necessary to collect the name of a fairy-tale hero from cut letters: Gingerbread Man, Dunno, Thumbelina (Individually, collect a picture of a fairy-tale hero: Carlson, Pinocchio, Cinderella) (SLIDE 3).

Exercise. Name the story from the illustration.

12 months - Fox and Crane - Thumbelina

Geese-Swans - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish - The Little Humpbacked Horse


(The nightingale-robber has disappeared).

Look who's coming towards us?


He likes to have fun, sing songs, make fun of everyone.

It wants to check if you know the songs that fairy tale characters sing.

Exercise. Find out whose song it is.

(Songs of fairy-tale heroes sound).

  • Chunga-Changa

  • Winnie the Pooh

    Crocodile Gena

    Little Raccoon

Oh, guys, who is this approaching us?


He also wants to test you and has prepared riddles for you to check whether you know well and whether you carefully read fairy tales and watch cartoons.

Exercise . Puzzles.

    Waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were

These little kids? ( goats)(SLIDE 18)

    Sweet berry flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light around, as in the daytime. ( Firebird) (SLIDE 18)

    What was the name of the cat

Would you like to make friends with mice? ( Leopold)(SLIDE 18)

    The red girl is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing sheds tears. ( Snow Maiden)(SLIDE 18)

    Bought a samovar

And the mosquito saved her. ( Fly Tsokotukha)(SLIDE 18)

    She was a dwarf's friend

And, of course, you know. ( Snow White)(SLIDE 18)

Well done! The Serpent-Gorynych flies away, and we continue on our way, following the ball.

Guys, look, someone is flying again. (SLIDE 19 - BABA YAGA).

And again on the way we have evil spirits.

She also came up with a very difficult task for you. She thinks you won't do anything. Fairy-tale characters left their things with her.

Exercise. Find out whose things they are.

Magic wand - fairy

Stove - Emelya

Golden key - Pinocchio

Arrow - frog

Crystal Slipper - Cinderella

Needle - Koschey

But that's not all (SLIDE 20-25).

And fairy tale characters left telegrams.

Exercise. Find out whose words these are (SLIDE 26)

    And the road is not easy

And the basket is high

To sit down and a stump,

Eat a pie. ( Bear)

    Caught a fish,

Both small and large. ( Wolf)

    My light, mirror, tell me!

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter. ( Queen)

    By magic,

According to my wish… ( Emelya)

    Are you warm girl

Are you warm, red. ( Morozko)

    Carries my face

For dark forests

For fast rivers

For high mountains. ( Rooster)

Oh who is it? Baba Yaga did not have time to fly away, when her Cat Bayun appeared (SLIDE 27)

So that he does not lull us with his sweet songs, let's have fun.

I suggest you dance. Do you all know "Dance of the Little Ducklings"? Come out! (SLIDE 28).

(Children dance)

Guys, look, the cat got scared and ran away. And we can continue on our way.

The ball rolls.

And again, danger is on our way, which means another test.

Koschei the immortal (SLIDE 29)

You need to remember the fairy tale. And what is it called, you will know if you guess riddle.


What a fairy tale

Cat, granddaughter, mouse,

Another dog Bug.

Helping Grandpa and Grandma

Have you harvested root crops? ( turnip) (SLIDE 30)


You have to remember the fairy tale and make application. Who stood behind whom in the fairy tale "Turnip". Unfold first, then stick. ( Practical work- application)


Now let's see how you coped with this task.

Let's tell the story together.

Check if you are right? (SLIDE 31)

Hang your work on the board.

Guys, you coped with all the trials that you met on your way, defeated all evil spirits. And look, the Fairytale City is already visible in the distance. (SLIDE 32)

Look, we got closer to him. And in it a surprise awaits you - a magic chest in which fairy-tale characters left gifts for you (SLIDE 32)

Well done! Guys, you all did a great job today, coped with all the tasks of evil spirits. You know fairy tales well. And in conclusion, I would like to say:

We will grow up, we will become different,

And maybe among worries

We stop believing in fairy tales

But the fairy tale will come to us again!

Guys, read fairy tales, they will help you in life. “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

Music with words for the program "Visiting a fairy tale" (MUSIC SLIDE 33).

Tamara Margarity
Scenario of the holiday "Autumn Tale" for elementary school(VIII species)

State educational institution of the Omsk region

Isilkulskaya (correctional) boarding school.

Holiday script

« autumn fairy tale»

For elementary school.

Compiled by the educator:

L. N. Danyukova

Target: the formation of communication skills between students of different age groups.

Tasks: enriching students' knowledge of signs autumn;

Cohesion of the class team;

Promotion of healthy eating;

Correction of cultural behavior skills in public places.


autumn a tree on whatman paper and leaves with riddles on it.

Potatoes and baskets (buckets) shoulder blades, from each class.


Costumes for participants.

Lots of chopped leaves autumn


Host 1 person


Baba Yaga.

Reading children.

The course of the holiday

The leader goes to scene and read:

Summer flew by quickly

Ran through the flowers.

Over the mountains wanders somewhere

And misses us there.

My lovely boys

Guess the riddle:

The birds have stopped singing

And on the street now

It got colder.

The rain often pours

And when it happens autumn?

1st child.

Autumn colors gold

Groves and forests.

2nd child

Scarlet and yellow

The wind rips the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air

A motley round dance.

3rd student

Autumn at the edge

I diluted the colors

Quietly through the leaves

Conducted with a brush.

4th student.

Yellowed hazel,

And the maples blushed

In the purple of rowan,

The oak is still green.

Song: « Autumn» music Kraseva, sl. M. Evensen.

5th student

The cloud grumbled in the morning,

The whole sky darkened

But the sun is a red ray

Suddenly, he looked awkward.

And smiled autumn,

BUT yellow leaf maple

Thought it was again

He became completely green.

6th student

What happened and what is the secret

Where is green hidden?

Neither in the forest nor in the garden

I can't find green leaves.

Suddenly everything turned yellow

Garden and grove, river and meadow.

Old house and fence

The sun has turned yellow.

7th student.

Yard in the sunshine

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

8th student.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly!


Let's lift the leaves now

And spin in a waltz with us.

Children perform exercises with leaves.

(Music includes autumn) .


How beautiful in our hall,

A world of comfort and warmth.

You called me poems

Finally I came to you.

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature,

Trees and fields.

And now my boys

Guess the riddles!

(Autumn makes riddles) .

Dressed up, Alyonka in her green sarafan,

She started frills thickly, her name is ... (Cabbage).

Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails .... (Cucumbers).

long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top,

Only green heels stick out in the garden .... (Carrot).

Before we ate it

We have been crying... (Onion).

And green and thick in the garden grew a bush,

Dig a little, under a bush... (Potatoes).


Well done guys, you solved all my riddles!

Autumn(Sits on a chair, puts a magic brush nearby).

Do you know, guys, which of the animals changes their coat for the winter?

Children (Hare).

Autumn: That's right, the hare is gray in summer and white in winter. Who else changes color in winter?

Children: (Squirrel).

Autumn: Well done! The squirrel was red, and is turning gray. But the chanterelle, on the contrary, was ugly, faded, and by winter it becomes fluffy, fiery red.

(Bye Autumn talks to children, "imperceptibly" Baba Yaga enters, steals a magic brush and runs away to her hut (model of the hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn(notices missing magic brush):

Ah, that's the trouble! What to do, I don't know

I don't know where

The golden brush is gone.

The magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature,

Trees and fields!

Yaga (paints his hut with a magic brush, sings).

At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

from antiquity house,

And very handy even

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

To be a tower.

The ceiling is golden

And the window

Even a door with a wall

Like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won't forget you chicken legs!

(During singing, the hut is illuminated by a spotlight).

presenter: Autumn, look, so that's who took your magic brush!

(referring to Yaga):

Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Yaga: Well, I do not! Whatever got to me is gone!

presenter: But you have this brush Autumn stole how now Autumn without a magic brush will it bring beauty? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, it's Autumn so dressed up. And also Autumn it is necessary to give golden outfits to the trees, to cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Yaga: Oh, you are cunning! Bring beauty yourself, but what do you order me to live in such a skewed, shabby hut all my life?

No, now I will bring beauty to myself and live in clover. And I won't let anyone in!

(Goes to his house).

presenter: What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga for Autumn? Invented!

(Goes to the hut and knocks.)

Yaga: Who's there?

presenter: We are your guests.

Yaga: What are the other guests? I won't let you!

presenter: Well, if you don’t want to let us visit, take us as your workers.

Yaga: You? In workers? And what, pray tell, do you know how to do, workers?

presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants.

presenter: We won't let you! And we will rewrite your good.

Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite! Now the hut will fall apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

presenter: Our guys know both letters and numbers, and they also know how to sing and play.

Yaga: I love to play! Let's play and dance! (Yaga dances her dance)

The game: "Planting the Beans"

(Two teams of 6 people build greenhouses and plant beans in it).

presenter: Did a great job.

Now we'll play a game "What grows in the garden?". I will ask questions and you will answer "Yes" or "No"

1.- Does cabbage grow in the garden?

3. Does the tomato always turn red?

5.- Do the onions turn green in the garden?

7.- Are the potatoes ripening in the garden?

9.- And on the grass, how does a green frog grow on a pillow?

11.- Is there sweet pepper in the garden?

13.- And the zucchini grows in the garden?

15.- Are the carrots lined up in a row?

17.- Does chocolate grow in the beds?

19.- Do dill, beans, peas grow?

21.- Is a big and angry bulldog growing up?

presenter: The guys want to sing a song, and you, Yaga, guess what kind of competition awaits us ahead.

Song: Colorado potato beetle.

Yaga: I know, I know about the Colorado potato beetle!

presenter: So I didn’t guess about potatoes.

Baba Yaga and Autumn choose their teams.

Relay race "Potato"(2 hoops with potatoes, next to a bucket and a spatula. 5 people participate. Take turns picking potatoes into the bucket with a spatula).

Yaga: (All the time she revolves around the children and wants to play herself).

presenter: Yaga don't disturb the children!

Yaga: What should I do?

presenter: Baley!

Yaga: How to get sick? I do not want to be ill! Who is sick here?

(runs, looks into the children's mouths).

presenter: No one here is sick! This means worrying about the participants.

Well, Yaga, here's a competition for you to hold it yourself.

Yaga: New game "Guess the Taste".

We need applicants from every class.

Children come out - willing.

We will blindfold you now, we will give you a treat. And you have to guess what it is.

children "blindly" give to eat a piece of vegetables and fruits. Participants, guess what it is?

presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Yaga: Oh, and well done, you know how to have fun. And I'm bored alone.

presenter: This, Baba Yaga, you alone are bored because you have no friends.

Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. And who will be friends with me?

presenter: Guys, do you want to make friends with them?

Yaga: Really want to?

(Baba Yaga approaches the children and clings to them in turn).

presenter: Yaga, and we have today holiday and you need to dress up - so to tell, change the image.

Yaga: Image? Exactly, I'm going to change my image! Take your brush, I'll go get ready for holiday. (Leaves, gives magic brush).

Autumn: I don't know how to thank you.

I will do so many miracles

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birches - yellow scarves.

Lay a carpet on the ground

I will warm the hedgehog mink.

And the wind - how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

And you from autumn hello-

Autumn holiday bouquet.

(Autumn hands the host a basket of vegetables).

presenter: Oh, guys, how many vegetables are in the basket, they are arguing about something here. Let's listen to their argument.

scene: "Vegetables in a basket"

(The radish next to the basket is crying)

Vegetables: (All) You, Radish, are not our sister,

We don't want to hang out with you.

And in the basket to us here

We will never miss.

radish: (tearfully) I I beg: do not kick out,

You do not offend the radish,

I'm not smoked

Just black color.

Vegetables: Black is ugly to be,

We don't want to be friends with you.

Ugly and dirty

Just ugly.

Tomato: (boastfully) Whether business - Tomato,

You can't take your eyes off

I am beautiful, bright red,

I have a satin coat.

Cucumber: I am a green cucumber,

Juicy, bright fellow,

I'm proud of my color

I'm not ashamed to show up.

Carrot: Don't boast, friends.

Most beautiful - it's me!

I, Carrot, brightest of all,

I have great success.

Peas: I am a green pea.

I'm good with color too

I do not sit in the earth,

I look at everyone from above.

Beet: I have a burgundy caftan,

Very thin, delicate, new.

Look at me.

The prettiest of all - it's me!

Cabbage: So that all of you are empty!

I am the most beautiful of all - Cabbage!

The center is white

Because ripe

And the edges are green

Juicy, juicy.

Onion (cabbage) Oh, how fluffed up you are!

It hurt a lot.

My color is the most expensive

Because golden.

Who disagrees with me

Tears will flow like a river.

Eggplant: I am handsome Eggplant,

purple caftan,

Color rare, noble -

Purebred gentleman!

Turnip: Although I sit firmly in the ground -

The dress is yellow at the turnip.

My happiest color

There is no such thing among you!

Radish: I have a wonderful color,

But I want say back:

Although the radish is not black,

I am a black radish sister!

radish: Though radishes and moles,

And stood up for me.

I'm glad to have such a sister

Bright color is good, friends,

I understand it.

You have so much beauty

Just a little kindness!

Vegetables: Tried all of us Autumn,

Forgive us, Radish, please!

radish: Exit the shopping cart,

I don't hold a grudge against you.

(Exit of Baba - Yaga).

presenter: Blimey! Guys, you don’t recognize Baba Yaga. How beautiful and young she has become!

Yaga A: Oh guys, that's right! I seem to have rejuvenated! Thank you guys so much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at the age of 300, life is just beginning. I want to treat you to this. Do you like hotels?

(Children are loved. Baba Yaga treats children with fruit.)

Music sounds.

Autumn, the presenter and Baba Yaga distribute treats to the children.

Together: Before goodbye until we meet again!