Holding an event dedicated to Victory Day. Development of extracurricular activities for Victory Day. "Congratulations to veterans" - a small presentation

  • 04.08.2021

Many years have passed since the victorious green of May 1945. But our people still remember the heroic deed of our soldiers and honor the memory of those who did not spare their lives for us. After all, what the Soviet soldiers did, what the Soviet people experienced, cannot be forgotten and erased from history. And it is not known how those terrible events would have ended if it were not for the great patriotism of the entire Soviet people, ready to give their lives for their country, relatives, for happiness and peace.

Patriotism is an important component in the education of the younger generation

Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer witnesses of those years. Not all families have relatives who took part in the war. And if adults remember the role of the Soviet Union in the fight against fascism, then some children have an idea about the war only from Hollywood blockbusters, in which practically nothing is said about the heroic deed of our people.

That is why it is so important to instill a sense of patriotism in the younger generation. Children should know about the decisive role of the Soviet people in the Victory, about the great sense of duty to the Motherland, about the heroic deeds of soldiers, partisans, and rear servicemen.

But patriotic education cannot be complete without the active participation of children in events, dedicated to the Day Victory. It is immersion in work, preparation for the holiday, decoration various materials and, of course, meeting with living witnesses and participants of those terrible events allows us to instill in the younger generation a sense of empathy and understanding of the true tragedy that has fallen on the shoulders of our people.

Where to begin

Preparation for the festive events dedicated to the Victory Day takes a lot of time, so you need to start it in advance. A couple of months before the holiday, you need to make a plan, come up with topics for speeches, identify participants and invite veterans. And of course, you need to decide where exactly the event will take place. The choice of venue is important, because a lot depends on the size of the room, including the number of guests and participants in the event. In the library on Victory Day, quite often they hold meetings and organize celebrations in honor of the holiday.

Choose a topic

It is not easy to decide on the theme of events dedicated to Victory Day. After all, it is impossible to cover all the events and heroic deeds of those years, everything seems very important and interesting. It is good if there is an opportunity to discuss with the children what topic they would like to choose. This allows them to consider issues that are really interesting for them and will help to avoid formalism in holding an event dedicated to Victory Day. You can invite students from neighboring schools to the library, offer them pre-selected topics for the holiday, or give them the opportunity to come up with the main direction of the event. Thus, children will be actively involved in the preparation of the holiday.

Distribution of roles

After the theme is approved, it is necessary to determine the participants and draw up a script for the event for Victory Day. The library, as a rule, already has ready-made texts left over from past holidays. If an already tested scenario is taken as a basis, it can still be modified and involve participants in this.

For example, it will surely be interesting for all children to talk about the heroes in their families. Therefore, they can be given the task to ask their older relatives about their veterans, find and, if possible, bring front-line letters, postcards, and photographs. Things bearing the imprint of war will become an indispensable and important attribute of any event for Victory Day. It is also necessary to invite all veterans whose grandchildren and great-grandchildren take part in the holiday to the library. After all, it is very important for them that the modern generation remembers their feat, respects the memory of the dead, does not forget the living. And the performance of their great-grandchildren will be the best gift for them on Victory Day.

Name choice

The name of the event is also important. It should be short, but at the same time clearly reflect the essence of the topic. Despite the fact that, as a rule, the library already has ready-made scripts with approved names of events for Victory Day, it is still desirable to involve the participants themselves in correcting the plan and choosing the name. Among them, you can announce a competition for the best name, vote and choose the most unusual and interesting version. It is important to understand that in the course of writing the script, rehearsals, changes may occur, adjustments may be made to the text, but there should be no deviations from the main theme.

Room decoration

It is important to prepare the library itself for receiving guests. Active participants can be given tasks to draw wall newspapers and posters dedicated to the war. Front-line songs will become an important element before the start of the event. Musical compositions must be selected in advance, with the help of the participants of the event. In the library on Victory Day, you can arrange a commemorative exhibition of photographs brought from the war years, soldiers' letters and funerals. Quests and quizzes dedicated to significant military events will help guests take a different look at those days and learn new things about the past of our Motherland.

Involving children will foster patriotism

Preparing for the main holiday of our country is a responsible matter. But, unfortunately, many organizers have been using ready scripts that are in the library. The event plan for Victory Day, if not developed, can also be found on the Internet. But such a holiday will be a burden to the presenters and will not bring any pleasure to the audience. Therefore, it is so important to involve the guys themselves in the choice of the topic, script and name. The more active participation in the organization children will take, the more lively and sincere the event will be. Adults can guide and help, but if the opinion of the participants is not taken into account, then the holiday itself will turn out to be formal.

The active participation of children in the preparation for the event can be good lesson patriotism. When they learn the heroic past of the country from the stories of veterans, collect stories themselves, read real front-line triangles, look at military photographs of their actual peers, it is then that children understand the true tragedy that our people happened to experience. But the awareness by the younger generation of the severity of those years, the horrors of fascism and concentration camps will help prevent the recurrence of that nightmare and appreciate peace on earth and in their country.

An example of a holiday script for Victory Day

The following scenario can be taken as an example. For its implementation, it is necessary to involve at least 10 students. You will also need props: uniforms of the war years, candles, costumes for dancing couples, a tape recorder and pre-selected musical accompaniment. The list of invited veterans must be compiled in advance and the required number of flowers must be purchased before the event.


The hall includes 4 presenters.

Presenter 1: The memory of time is history, and therefore people should not forget about the terrible events that shook the world at different times - cruel wars that claimed millions of lives, wiped out many civilizations from the face of the earth, and destroyed a huge number of cultural monuments.

Host 2: More than seventy years have passed since that terrible war ended, but its echoes still do not subside in our souls.

Presenter 1: We have no right to forget the horror of this war and those soldiers who gave their lives for peace. We cannot forget, we have no right.

Presenter 4:

Warrior dies twice:
In the war from the enemy's rifle.
And years later, already in the present,
From forgetfulness in the world of the living.

Presenter 3:

What if there was no war?
bled land,
Deadly attacks, mass graves
Burnt villages and concentration camps...

Presenter 3:

What if there was no war?
And people didn’t die at the machines?
And the women in our villages
Didn't fall asleep in the fields
Falling to the ground, lifeless...

Presenter 4:

What if there was no war?
And "Messer" is just a toy?
Diary of a dying Nadia
Was not written in Leningrad...

Presenter 3:

What if there was no war?
And we draw it in our minds?
But why do old people
They are so sad in May and yearn ...

Presenter 4:

What if there was no war?
And we just imagined all this?

A student in military uniform enters the hall


June... The sun was setting.
And warm nights shone
Children's laughter was heard everywhere,
Not knowing yet what grief is.
June ... Then we did not know yet,
Returning home from graduation
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in the 45th.

Waltz is playing. Couples are dancing on the stage.

Suddenly, the music is interrupted by the sounds of bombing and air raids. The couple freeze. The message about the beginning of the war sounds.

Host 2: June 22, in the morning, at 4 o'clock ... It was then that everything changed for millions of inhabitants of our Fatherland - vacations, exams, love, weddings ... All this was gone, it became unimportant in the face of a huge danger - the War.

Host 1: Neither who did not wait, and no one was ready ... But already on June 22, people were dying, giving their lives for their homeland. Already on June 22, the earth was torn from shells, groaning under the caterpillars of tanks. The countdown has begun - exactly 1418 terrible days, and each of them is filled with grief from losses, overwork and endless waiting for letters and news from the front.

The song "There is a people's war ...".

Presenter 3: Countries but got up. Everyone was on the defensive! Yesterday's schoolchildren added to their age in order to get to the front. They left not to return. After all, almost everyone who graduated from school in 1941 did not return home ...

Sounds like "Goodbye boys!"

Presenter 1: Everyone, young and old, fought to the death for their native land. And the Nazis went wild. There was no place on the front line that was not affected by the explosions of shells. But our fighters went on the attack again and again.

Host 2: What helped them survive in this bloody meat grinder, when each attack could be the last? Love! Love of mother, bride, wife and children. The letters coming from home were so welcome to the soldiers! And the soldiers in reciprocal front-line triangles tried to calm their relatives, not talking about the horror that was going on around.

3 students in military uniform enter the hall.

1 student:

Dear, dear mother!
You remember me more often
Just don't cry furtively!
And let the distant native land,
But I'll get back to you, honestly!

2 student:

Still I'm with you
All Russia is with you, you are not alone, dear!
You are in my heart when I go into battle,
Saving your Fatherland from enemies.

3 student:

I will answer your call with my heart,
I will answer for your life with courage.
And even if I'm far away, but I'll be back
And you, as before, will come out to meet me.

The students leave, the mother enters the hall. Sings L. Gurchenko's song "Prayer"

Presenter 1: War is not only death and loss, but also the highest manifestation of patriotism and courage. Images of loved ones, families, relatives helped our soldiers to survive, gave them strength to fight the Nazis.

Host 2: The war could not kill the ability to love. Memories of the days spent with relatives, understanding what they are fighting for, helped the soldiers not to give up and go to Victory!

A student in a soldier's uniform and a student enter the hall.


Dark night. The fire is burning down.
How stars are visible on the palm of your hand.
Trying to hold back a tear
You write a letter to me, dear,
Dreaming of a hug.


Warmer in the trench from the letters.-
And you see behind every line
Your love, hear your voice
Like behind a thin wall.


We will return for sure - I believe and know.
And such happiness will come!
Forget the pain and separation, suffering,
And only joy will come to us!


Someday with you
Pressing against the shoulder,
We are old letters, like a chronicle of the battle,
Let's leaf through the chronicle of feelings.

The student sings the song "Earring with Malaya Bronnaya"

4 students enter with burning candles:

1 student

We will be silent, we remember friends,
Who stayed in the earth forever...
Those who gave their lives without regret,
We will never forget!

2 student

Let's be silent to remember them
Warm, sincere, kind word,
Let them rise at least for a moment
We will see everyone as alive!

4 student

Unforgettable war.
And the memory of those whom we will not forget,
Let's stand up for a minute
And, remembering, we will be silent.

3 student

Let's observe a minute of silence in memory of all those who died in this war.

A moment of silence.

The students extinguish the candles and leave the hall. The student sings the song "Poppies".

Host 2: Eternal glory to those who during the war years defended our country from the enemy, who stood at the machines day and night, to all those who brought victory closer with their work and deed. The winners, our dear veterans, we want to congratulate today and give flowers.

Students give flowers to veterans.

Presenter 1:

This day is unusual and bright,
Many people are waiting with tears.
Victory Day - it is long-awaited!
He walks across the country!

Presenter 3:

Take care of your medals! They are for you to win
For your feat, your immortal was awarded,
Wear medals! They are all sunrises and sunsets,
Why did you walk the roads of war!

4 student:

Wear medals and orders!
On tunics, shirts and jackets,
Wear them and never take them off!
Let all our heroes see
Who was ready to give his life for all of us!

Pupils perform "Front-line soldiers, put on orders."

On that day of unforgettable May.
Silence fell on the ground
The news rushed from end to end:
We won! The war is over!

Pupils perform "Victory Day".

State budgetary educational institution school №333

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

extracurricular activity

"Victory Day"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher,

GPA educator

Tarasova Victoria Vladimirovna

St. Petersburg


Extra-curricular event dedicated to Victory Day.

Targets and goals:

  • To expand students' knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Cultivate a sense of pride and respect for the past of their Fatherland;
  • To instill a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, respect for the glorious pages of the past; love and respect for mothers who accompanied their children to war;
  • To acquaint with songs written during the war years;


  • Photos of cities - heroes;
  • Books about the Second World War;
  • Audio recordings of songs of the war years;
  • Presentation;
  • video projector;
  • phonograms "From the Soviet InformBuro", "Cranes", "Holy War" "Buchenwald alarm" "Ah, war, what have you done ..." "Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten", "Victory Day"
  • Veterans of the district are invited to the event.

The main forms of work at the preparatory stage:

  • Watching videos, films about the Great Patriotic War.
  • Acquaintance with materials about the heroes of the Second World War.
  • Analysis of terms: "Patriotism", "heroism", "fascism".

One of the main themes of patriotic education at school is the theme: "The Great Patriotic War". Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. A war like no other in history. Today we will address the question of what last years there is increasing attention to the study military history. Every year we move further and further away from the war time. But time has no power over what people experienced in the war. It was a very difficult time. The Soviet soldier knew how to look boldly into the eyes of mortal danger. By his will, by his blood, victory over a strong enemy was obtained. In memory of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, mothers, who saw off the soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army. Dedicated to all those who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945...

Event progress

Children sing a song: "And all about that spring ..."

The movie is on

The platoon is fighting

distant year

On the film of the old ...

The hard way

A little bit more

And the fires of war will burn out ...

Happy May

favorite edge,

Meet your soldiers soon...

From wounds of insults

The earth is shaking

We will warm her with the warmth of the soul ...


And all about that spring

I saw in a dream

The dawn came and smiled at the world,

What the blizzard brushed aside

That the willow blossomed

And my great-grandfather returned home from the war ...

In a dashing fight

In a foreign land

Let them take care

Love and faith

To have more of them

Came alive

And privates

And officers...

They'll come in the spring

Like my great grandfather

And to my own home

Will open doors...

I remember the light

distant years,

To your country

I will believe...

Teacher: You are now 9 years old or a little older. You were born and raised in a peaceful land. You know well how noisy spring thunderstorms are, but, most likely, you have not heard gun thunder. On May 9, we celebrate the day of the liberation of our country from the Nazi-German invaders. You see how new houses are being built in the city, but you do not suspect how easily houses are destroyed under a hail of bombs and shells. You know how dreams end, but it's hard for you to believe that a human life is as easy to end as a cheerful morning dream. You wake up peacefully and smile at your parents, the children woke up just as joyfully on that fateful day.

Mother comes out

Mother : I am the happiest mother in the world, I have nine children. Smart and handsome.

The first son comes out. (In the hands of an ear)

Mother: My first son loves the earth. He is a real magician, I would say a sorcerer, because he conjures over her from morning to evening, from spring to winter.

The second and third sons come out, with balalaikas in their hands.Songs or compositions in balalaika performance sound.

Mother: The second and third sons love music. Their balalaikas will be poured - it is heard all over the earth. I know every song. This music brings happiness, joy, and therefore must live forever.

Daughter comes out. (Comes out with a canvas and draws something).

Mother: And my eldest daughter is an artist. She paints the earth-beauty on her canvases. The first son decorates her, and her daughter perpetuates her in pictures.

The middle daughter comes out.

Mother: My middle daughter writes poetry. Poems are the same songs, only they are sung differently. They also have a melody, and it sounds in a special way. Here listen.

The middle daughter reads poetry:

"Oh, mother - Russia, -

My native corner

Majestic and beautiful

Like a green spike"

Mother: Her poems both console and give strength, how songs sound, and how prayers are read. Not only for me it is light from them, but for all people.

The next son comes out. (He is in a long cape, which was worn in the Renaissance)

Mother: My sixth son was an artist. And he played great roles.

The sixth son plays the role of Romeo:

“Oh, what kind of glitter do I see on the balcony?

There is a light there. Juliet, you are like the day!

Stand at the window, kill the moon with your neighborhood;

She's sick of envy

That you eclipsed her with whiteness!

Mother: My son is a warrior. His only dream is to defend the Motherland from enemies, He is strong, like Ilya Muromets, and smart, like Yaroslav the Wise. He will be the best defender of his country, his home.

The eighth son appears. (He has a book and a pointer in his hands)

Mother: My youngest daughter- teacher. He teaches children literacy and kindness, teaches science and wisdom.

The youngest son appears.

Mother: This son is the smallest. He has not achieved anything yet, but like older brothers and sisters, he absorbed everything: love for the land and love for the Motherland, love for music and poetry. He works with everyone on earth, and in the evening he picks up a violin, and beautiful melodies sound all over the world. Oh, how the violin sings in his hands! It just needs to be heard.

The music is played on the violin. Violin melodies grow into the melody of A. Alexandrov's song "Holy War"

Mother: Everything was fine, but war came to our land, and my children began to leave one by one.(To the sound of the song, the children put on military uniforms one by one and medical gowns leave the stage)So the youngest is gone.

June ... The sunset was fading towards evening.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

June ... Then we did not know yet,

Walking from school evenings

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

And it will end only in the 45th, in May.

It seemed that the flowers were cold,
And from the dew they faded a little,
The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,
They searched with German binoculars.
A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,
And the border guard held out his hands to them.
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left.

Mother: The war has been going on for a long time. But I believe in victory, because all my children stood up to defend their homeland.

In the background of the stage are the sons with burning candles.

Every day I go to the road to meet my bloodlines. When they come, it means that the war is over,- (short pause)And during the day I wait for my children, and at night.

And then one day the biggest star fell from the sky and it responded with pain in the heart.(The first son put out the candle and left the stage).

People appear.

First: I saw a star fall from the sky. They say that at this moment you need to make a wish. I guessed: so that the war ends as soon as possible and happiness comes.

Mother: Soon the second star fell from the sky. Behind her is a third.(covers face with hands).Stars fall from the sky one after another. Fourth…..Fifth…..Sixth…Seventh….Eighth….I hope that at least one of my children will return.(Pause). So the ninth one swept across the sky, the brightest, the most beautiful and the smallest.(Sons and daughters take turns extinguishing candles and leaving the stage)

Mother bent to the ground, covered her head with a black scarf.

I have no one else to look forward to. My stars scattered over the earth, and only I know about it, only in my heart the pain hides, and tears shine in my eyes.

The song “Victory Day” sounds, smart happy people come out.

Mother: Why are you so happy if the war is not over yet?

First: No more war.

Second: You probably did not see how the stars fell

Mother: I saw.

Third: Then you don’t know, probably, that you need to make your most secret desire at the moment the star falls, and it will certainly come true.

Fourth : We looked at the sky and made our innermost desires.

Fifth: For the war to end.

Sixth: For peace to come to earth.

Seventh: For happiness to come.

Eighth: So that bread covered the black earth with gold.

Ninth: To create new songs.

Tenth: To live happily.

Eleventh: So that the sun always shines.

Twelfth: So that mothers no longer lose their sons.

Mother: I understood: when I was raising children, I thought about my happiness, but when I lost them, it turned out that I gave happiness to all people.

That's why my stars fell: to become human happiness!

(I took off my black scarf, put on a white one and joined the happy people)

Mother: Soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of a future world in respite between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches. They believed that the world saved from fascism would be beautiful.

The song "In the dugout" is performed

Mother: Such young people met the enemy with their breasts, they defended their homeland. The only thing they were surprised at was that since the beginning of the war they suddenly became more mature. But not everyone was allowed to return home. And who returned - remembers ... Remembers the exploits, about fighting friends.

Flowers are given to veterans. A medley based on the songs of the war years is performed. Children read poetry to soft music.

Father's medals lie in the closet,

And your children go to kindergarten.

And we, to confess, only saw in the movies,

How a fragmentation projectile hits armor.

But still we hear the noise of the drip

Victorious that and early that spring,

It's good that the starlings sang again,

How good it is to laugh and fall in love

What a good time to be sad.

How to meet and say goodbye

And it's just good to live in the world!

How nice to wake up at dawn.

How good it is to have dreams at night

It's good that the planet is spinning,

How good it is in the world without war!

Teacher: Millions died so that there would be eternal peace on earth. That is why it hurts so much when you hear reports of wars.

I don't want the famine of Leningrad

He touched them with a blockade hand.

I don't want pillboxes exposed

Like a fatal tumor of the earth.

I don't want them to come alive again

And they took someone's life with them.

Let people throw up a million hands

And protect the beautiful face of the sun

From burning ashes and from Khatyn pain,

Forever! Forever and ever! Not for a moment!

I heard my child. Mine and yours.

Let the world explode with a cry: “No! No need!

I need a son not dead, but alive!”

I want our planet

The children were never sad.

So that no one cries, does not get sick,

If only our childish choir would ring

So that forever all hearts are related,

Kindness for everyone to learn.

For the planet Earth to forget

What is enmity and war.

Children sing the song "Let there always be sunshine"

Victory Day is the only holiday that unites our people to such an extent, unites with common memory, pride, pain and joy. In every village, city or school, events are held dedicated to which veterans of war and labor are invited, and at which they remember not only the heroes that the whole country knows about, most importantly, they try to pay tribute to the memory and respect for fellow countrymen.

Scenario of the holiday Victory Day "Front-line letters" will help the organizers of such meetings, concerts or class hours arrange a piercing, kind and patriotic holiday, in which everyone can bring their own concert numbers, historical episodes and names.

block" Immortal Regiment"

Metronome sound - track 1.

Loudly at first (a few seconds), and then quieter, quieter, until the Leader enters. You can make a cut from the frames of the immortal regiment, in which there will be photographs of the action of your village.


The military metronome pounded,

The songs stopped and the laughter stopped.

As if in sunny May suddenly

The chill of a terrible war broke in.


Frames flashed in memory

Black and white military chronicles,

And the aching pain came,

Blood froze in hot veins.


To the beat of a cold measured knock

Millions of hearts beat

And the full-flowing river swam

The winners of our columns.


In a million people

Our fathers and grandfathers are with us.

Strangers and relatives

All of them are heroes of the Victory!


The whole country from end to end

The regiment was assembled: man to man,

And a quiet, but important, flow

We merged into a full-flowing river.


Every house has its heroes

They have a place among peaceful life:

Each house has its own memory.

And the heroes will not be forgotten!


Today is the main holiday of our country. Today, like... years ago, we remember, we sing the most important songs. We are celebrating !


On this day, like no other, we understand: we won, we defended the world. Today, like ... years ago, we mourn, weep ...


Our village (city) small. What is 150 (other number) people nationwide? But once there were ... houses, and the population exceeded (or was even less...) (number of people).


But when trouble came to our land, no one stood aside. Every person, every resident of our village stood up for the defense of the Motherland. Someone went to the front, and someone stayed here, giving all their strength to the Victory. In every house lives the memory of those days, of people - relatives, friends, neighbors, friends ...


Let's remember everyone by name
It is necessary -
not dead!
It is necessary -

Video of participants in the war.

Leaders introduce heroes. The text is approximate, you yourself know how best to present your countrymen.

(Name, year of birth) - went to war as a volunteer, fought near Stalingrad, reached Berlin ...

(Name, year of birth) - went to the front with the first draft, died in June 1941 near Moscow

(Name, year of birth) - fought since 1943. Was a tanker...

(Name, year of birth), (Name, year of birth), (Name, year of birth) - worked on the collective farm, providing the rear and the army with food.

If there are a lot of surnames, you can make a video sequence with photographs, and the Hosts will mark only the FAMILIES who lost relatives during the war.

Administration word. A moment of silence.

Metronome sound, minute of silence - track 2


Then, in the distant 41st, they still remembered the revolution and civil war. The country gained momentum and lived a peaceful life, built and implemented grandiose plans.


And then, in the distant 1941, they worked, studied, dreamed of the future, fell in love, played weddings, gave birth to children, just as now.

The pre-war waltz sounds - track 3.

Young people are dancing.

Sounds of war sound - track 4

The dancers stop, look around in confusion, scatter


That year was the same spring,

And just like that the birds sang,

And water was dripping from the roof,

And in the same way the streams in the gardens rang.


And in that year, behind the ringing spring,

Summer has come to us, a very evil summer ...

It did not come with songs, with the war,

How thunder deafened the word.


And did not have time to meet your dawn

The boys, going into a harsh battle,

They pierced the heart, a Komsomol ticket with him,

And everything is for us, for a bright new life.


Gone are the adult men, gone

Girls, not having time to kiss,

And the women stood up, sick of the machines,

And the children began to seem like adults.

Declaration of war - track 5

Video "Goodbye boys"

Block "Front-line letters"

On the stage, in the depths - "heroes of bygone times": young (1st Soldier) and middle-aged (2nd Soldier) in military uniform, the girls - one is also in uniform (1st Girl), another in civilian clothes (2nd Girl), teenager. They read front-line letters. When they are reading, they come closer to the proscenium, having finished, they retreat deeper. You can highlight the reader with a soffit beam. If military letters are preserved in the archives of your fellow villagers, include them in this block. The selection below can be shortened.

2nd Soldier: Granechka, it's been 12 days since we broke up. Remember how I parted with you, enemy shells and bombs exploded, bullets whistled. I was leaving, and you, dear, remained on fire from me, there was no way for me to return, but there was nothing to be done, such a time had come. As soon as he arrived at the unit, he immediately had to take the fight with the German and in a row, continuously, without sleep and without rest, he had to fight for 2 days. From a letter to his wife Alexander Zhilin (Komi ASSR)

1st Soldier: To tell the truth, things at the front are bad. Our battalion is almost already defeated, it did not take big battles ... At present, 1/4 of the battalion is here or even less. Oh, this war! How many cities burned before my eyes, turned into heaps of ruins, what bridges were raised into the air, everything collapses, everything disappears! Don't worry about me. The war will end, maybe I will still be alive and come home after the end of my service life. Don't grieve . Goodbye. I will stay with greetings, loving you, Alexander Filippov. Letter to father

2nd Girl: Tomorrow I'll die, mom. You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers. Our victory is not far off! I am writing this letter before my death. You will receive it, and I will no longer be on the sow. You, mother, do not cry for me and do not kill yourself. I'm not afraid of death... Mommy, you stay with me alone, I don't know how you will live. Vera Porshneva, letter to mother.

1st Soldier: Please forward it to my mother, Lurie, who lives in the city of Kirov, she was evacuated from Latvia. Two months of fierce fighting with the enemy have passed. For me, the last stage of the struggle has come - the struggle for Tallinn. There can be no retreat. It is a pity to die at 24, but in a real struggle, where millions of lives are put on the scales of the history of all mankind, I also give mine, knowing that the future generation and you, the survivors, will remember us as liberators of the world from a terrible plague. Mother! Do not worry. I am not the first and not the last who laid down his head for communism, for the Motherland. Komsomolets of the Latvian Regiment Vina Lurie, a letter to his mother

1st Soldier: Dear, Talyushka! It's hard to start with stereotyped words: when you receive this letter, I will no longer be alive. But this is true, and we must put up with reality. Life! This word is proud. It contains sadness and joy, suffering and bliss. I don't want to be a boaster, saying that life is indifferent to me. No, it's highly rated. And it's hard to lose her. Youth! What could be more valuable than this? I do not belong to the category of "grim seekers of death on the battlefield." Playing with life is unworthy of a person. Remember sometimes that there was a person who loved you, who would not hesitate to give his life for his Talyushka. And in fact it really is. In everything in common, there is a particle of each person. And what I gave her for is also your business. I believed in your love, I know that it is crystal clear, and it is all the more gratifying for me to remember the past time ... I know that it will be difficult for you to come to terms with the thought of losing Zhenya. But please don't make any vows. Try to dispel everything gloomy as quickly as possible. Make your life happy. Evgeny Chervonny, a letter to his beloved

2nd Soldier: Dear Fainushka! I saw a fascist in an animal skin, in the role of a "well done", when he mocks the civilian population - children and the elderly, I saw how a monster kills a child in front of the eyes of a distraught mother, how he sadistically rapes his wife in front of a tormented husband. In the village of Sanniki, Novosokolnichesky district, the Nazis burned and tortured 480 people. I saw a fascist in the role of a "sheep" when he falls into the hands of the partisans, when he runs like a hare from the units of the Red Army. I remembered that I have a wife, a child, honest Soviet people are behind me, I have to protect them. And I protected them. I love life madly. She is good both in her sorrows and in her joy, but if you have to die, then know that I will die honestly, selflessly. I will not shame the Russian land, I will not shame my family; the son will have something to remember about his father, and if such a terrible hour ever happens again, then there will be someone to take an example from ... Alexander German. Letter to wife

The song is Dark Night or Dugout in own performance (for this there is a minus file) or performed by Mark Bernes and an unknown artist. characters of letters can dance, "write letters"... - track 6

Teenage boy: This is the last issue of our handwritten newspaper" trench truth". There are only 10 of us, but this ten is a powerful fist that will be a division to the enemy, and, as Major Zhidelev said, we will fight like a division. There is no force in the world that will defeat us, the Soviet state, because we ourselves are the masters, we are led by the Communist Party.Look who we are.Here, in the 52nd school:

1. Commander of the Marine Infantry Regiment, Major Zhidelev, Russian.

2. Captain, cavalryman, Georgian Gobiladze.

3. Tanker, Private Vasily Paukshtite, Latvian.

4. Doctor of medical service, captain Mammadov, Uzbek.

5. Pilot, junior lieutenant Ilita Daurova, Ossetian.

6. Sailor Ibragim Ibragimov, Kazan Tatar.

7. Artilleryman Petrunenko from Kyiv, Ukrainian.

8. Sergeant, infantryman Bogomolov from Leningrad, Russian.

9. Scout, diver Arkady Zhuravlev from Vladivostok.

10. I, the son of a shoemaker, a student of the 4th grade, Valery Volkov, Russian.

Look what a powerful fist we are and how many Germans are beating us, and how many we have beaten them; look at what happened around this school yesterday, how many of them are dead, and we, like a powerful fist, are safe and holding on, and they, bastards, think that there are a thousand of us here, and they are coming against us in thousands. Ha ha, cowards, even the seriously wounded leave and run away. Oh, how I want to live and tell all this after the victory. To everyone who will study at this school! 52nd school! Your walls hold like a miracle among the ruins, your foundation did not flinch, like our powerful fist of ten... Dear ten! Which of you will survive, tell everyone who will study at this school; wherever you are, come and tell everything that happened here in Sevastopol. I want to become a bird and fly around the whole of Sevastopol, every house, every school, every street. These are such powerful fists, there are millions of them, we will never be defeated by the bastards Hitler and others. There are millions of us, look! From Far East to Riga, from the Caucasus to Kyiv, from Sevastopol to Tashkent, there are millions of such fists, and we, like steel, are invincible! Valery "poet" (Wolf)

1st Girl: Dear front-line comrades, my dear friend Nina. If I die in this battle, then after death tell my mother that I, her daughter, honestly fulfilled my duty to the Motherland. Yes, of course, I am sorry that my life ended so early, but others will avenge me. Nina, I was a nurse. After all, this is the most beautiful thing - to save the life of a person who is fighting for us, protecting our Motherland from an insidious enemy, fighting for our future.
That's all I ask you to convey to my mother. Valya Kolesnikova.

2 th Soldier: Late autumn, the rooks have flown away, The forest has become bare, the fields have become empty... Cloudy, windy, rainy! The snow has melted, the leaves on the trees tremble and fly alone through the air. The village is deserted, people hiding in the few habitable buildings. Only the highway is animated, along which German vehicles of all types and sizes move, sometimes long echelons of prisoners. Grief has overshadowed the Motherland with its wing. Who am I and what am I? Right now, I'm mostly wounded. The wound on my leg is improving, but slowly, as I irritate it: I push from morning to evening, because I, secondly, am a medical instructor. In other words, a nurse at a temporary infirmary for the Soviet wounded. At first I was in dressings and operations and care without attachment to the wards. Now they kept general anesthesia for me during operations and attached a children's ward. There are 6 patients in it: Manya, Nina, Panya (3-5 years old), Vanya (12 years old), Dusya and Polya (17 years old). In the dim twilight from the oil lamp, the blue eye (the other is knocked out) of a boy glows painfully, a good boy with a belly torn by a fragment. L. Kulik. From the professor's letters to his wife

Teenage girl: I was ten, after finishing the fifth grade I was sent on vacation to the Pskov region. Already in July, the Nazis came there, and very soon the children were taken to the camp. Not in a concentration camp, a worker, but that didn't make it any easier. Hunger, overwork, daily death. I managed to escape with the older guys, they walked for a long time. It was cold and scary. The front line was crossed only in early spring. Then they worked on a collective farm: they carried fish on their shoulders to the regional center 17 km away. But we lived! The guys who stayed in the camp (the oldest were 15) died. When our people began to push the Germans, all the children were herded into gas chambers. There was one girl left, who was thrown away by the blast wave. She told about the death of hundreds of children. Scary. This must be remembered! From the memoirs of Zhenya Egorova

1 th Soldier: Dear father! You probably have warm April days in Moscow, as it always did... It is quite quiet here in the daytime, only occasionally the Germans open fire from mortars, very rarely, because they do not have enough mines. All of their mines fall into the swamp, and it's a pity for the poor frogs, which they jammed a lot. Their shells are also the same, they only fall and for the most part do not explode for some reason. As you can see, it's quite calm here, except for the noise of planes, don't think the Germans, but ours, which day and night bomb the Fritz. Alexander Malkov

2nd Soldier: I feel good so far, though there was a small wound in the left shoulder blade, the wound has already healed, and what will happen next is still unknown, although it’s not necessary to wait for the good, the enemy is strong and ruthless, lead and cast-iron bumblebees are buzzing around. Spring is beginning to come into its own here, the snow is melting, starlings have arrived. All around, nature begins to come to life, and on the other hand, the living dies, so young forces perish mercilessly. Anything new? Daddy is probably directing the lathe, getting ready to meet the spring game, there are probably few hunters left, but there will be a lot of game and the hunt should be plentiful, everything will depend on the state of health. I shake your hand, Peter Asanov

Sounds Song "Random Waltz" or "Autumn Dream" - track 7

The couples whirl in a waltz, stop in turn, take their places in the back of the stage. Take out folded triangles of letters.


Simple front letters -

Witnesses of the great war.

For great-grandchildren, for a peaceful life

The flow of years saved.


And yellowed paper

Keeps hope and love.

There is anger and pain

and here is courage.



Frayed stingy lines,

behind each is a person. Fate...

Behind the multi-word ellipsis

Guns are heard firing.


Textbook dry lines

Can't replace a soul

Read letters from the front

To understand, not to forget.


Unfortunately, the veterans are leaving. Every year there are fewer and fewer of them. The children of war are also leaving us. The hour is not far off when the post-war generation will be the most important custodian of memory. War memories. This is sad, but it is also great: after all, more than ten generations who do not know the horrors of war have grown up and matured. And those who remained on the battlefields died for this: for peace, freedom, life!

1st Soldier: Dear Tonechka! I don't know if you'll ever read these lines? But I know for certain that this is my last letter. You offered to sign so that I belong to you alone all my life. I willingly complied with your request. On your passport, and on my receipt there is a stamp that we are husband and wife. This is good. It is good to die when you know that there, far away, there is a person close to you, he remembers me, thinks, loves. "It's good to be loved ..." Through the holes in the tank, I see the street, green trees, flowers in the garden are bright, bright. You, the survivors, after the war will have a life as bright, colorful as these flowers, and happy... It's not scary to die for it... Don't cry. You probably won’t come to my grave, and will it be a grave?

Presenter: And not without reason, probably, he came to us in the spring, when the earth is reborn, when the intoxicating smell of lilac makes one dizzy. And they, our heroes, dreamed of peace, of love, of spring. Here is what the young girl Helena Kuhlman wrote about this sister

1st girl: Life is beautiful the way it is. Difficulties often decorate it. Our life has only one goal - forward. There is no way back. Forward to the victory! If you live with only one thought, if you want to do everything to make this thought come true, then no difficulty is insurmountable. Imagine how boring it would be to live an empty everyday life. We have chosen a different, harder and more beautiful life. A life that is full of struggle and the joy of victory. And even if it were possible, we would not change it for an easier life. Don't hang your nose. Everything passing. Remember, you yourself once wrote in my album something like this thought that the storm and the rain will pass, and the sun will shine again. The greatest pain and grief will also disappear, and the time will come again when you can laugh with all your heart and be happy.

Victory lilac blossoms

Under the May sun Like the sea

Anxious, noisy, mourning...

And remembers joy, remembers grief.


Smiles, tears, memory, pain -

Mixed in lilac colors:

They contain the salt of unshed tears,

And words that have not been said before.


Noisy victorious lilac,

Remembering the pain of loss

Endless sea across the country

Pass in the memory of the soldiers.


Paying tribute to the feat of war,

And after a pause at the mournful feast,

Start the victory lilac

Hymn to heroism and peaceful life!

Sounds like a song from the movie "Officers" - track 8.

You can restart the video sequence of fellow villagers (countrymen) who survived the war

You can continue the holiday in an open area, involving all those gathered in the general performance of military songs or themed games, see an example of such a program for MAY 9

On May 25, under the chairmanship of the head of the Oktyabrsky district, S.L. Dementiev, a regular meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding holiday events, dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War on May 9. The heads of institutions and enterprises of the district reported on the stage of implementation of the activities included in the preparation plan, what has already been done, and what still needs to be done. The final meeting of the organizing committee is scheduled for May 4.

Preparations have begun in the municipality for the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

April 4, 2018 under the head of the Oktyabrsky district S.L. Dementieve hosted an organizing committee for the preparation of the main and festive events dedicated to the Victory Day. The committee considered a draft plan for the preparation and holding of events for the Victory Day. Responsible persons have been appointed and milestone dates have been set for reports in the main areas. Information was also provided on the surveys of socio-economic living conditions, the organization and conduct of in-depth medical examinations, the social support provided to disabled people and participants in the Second World War, home front workers, widows of the dead (deceased) disabled (participants) of the Second World War. The next organizing committee is scheduled for April 20, 2018.

Festive procession of columns in the Oktyabrsky district

In connection with the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in order to activate the patriotic feelings of the inhabitants of the region, to cultivate respect for the historical past of our country on May 9 on the central square of the village. Yekaterinoslavka is planned to hold a festive procession. You can take part in the procession labor collectives, organizations, institutions, enterprises of various forms of ownership, operating in the territory of the settlement.

Festive columns participate in the competition for:

- "For the best design of the column"

- "For the best performance of the column in a theatrical procession"

You can find out about all the conditions of the competition in the Regulations on holding a festive procession dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War on May 9, 2018.

The regulations for holding a festive procession can be downloaded from the link:


about mass events dedicated to the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, planned on the territory of the Oktyabrsky district.

Name municipality

Name of the event

Date, time of the event


Number of participants

KFOR Tayozhny

"Songs of a Great Feat" - concert

KFOR Tayozhny

"Our spring is our Victory" - evening of memory

SC Nagorny

Varvarovsky Village Council

"Roads of fate - roads of Victory" - holiday concert

Assembly hall MBOU secondary school

Campaign "There was 41 in your life, but there is and always will be 45"

Monument to the Warrior - Liberator

Action "George Ribbon"

With. Varvarovka

Action "Immortal Regiment"

05/09/2018 09-30

v. Varvarovka

"We are silent, looking at the sky" - rally

05/09/2018 11-00

Monument to the Warrior - Liberator

"Their names lit up with a star" literary and musical composition

Branch of MBUK "Oktyabrskaya Intersettlement central Library»

Vostochny Village Council

"How good it is in the world without war" - concert

Branch of MBUK "RDK", club

"My small motherland”, an exhibition of drawings

Branch of MBUK "RDK", club

Shares "St. George's Ribbon",

"Lilac of Victory"

05/09/2018 10.00

Branch of MBUK "RDK", club

"Everyone had their own war" - rally

With. East, Branch of MBUK "RDK", street

"The Great Victory of the Great People" exhibition - viewing

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Participation in international action Reading war books to children

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Maksimovsky Village Council

Action "George Ribbon"


With. Maksimovka

Promotion "Blue handkerchief"

Branch of MBUK "RDK", address

Action "Immortal Regiment"

st. Lenin

"Our Heroes" - rally

05/09/2018 11-00

Monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War

"You are in our hearts" - concert

05/09/2018 12-00

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

Participation in the international campaign "Reading books about the war to children"

07.05.2018 17-00

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Mukhinsky Village Council

"War through the eyes of people" - an exhibition of drawings


Campaign "Lilac of Victory"

Village area

Action "Immortal Regiment"

“We are faithful to our memory” - conversation

"Victory Morning" - quiz

07.05.2018 20-00

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

"Let's glorify the names of the fallen" - rally

05/09/2018 10-00

Promotion "Blue handkerchief"

09.05.2018 10.00

Village area

"That time is left behind" - holiday concert

05/09/201 11.00

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

"About exploits, about valor, about glory", rally

With. Cheryomushki, near KFOR

“The candle does not go out of memory” - concert

With. Cheryomushki, branch of MBUK "RDK"

Promotion "Brooch from St. George's Ribbon"

With. Cheryomushki, near KFOR

Participation in the international campaign "Reading books about the war to children"

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Nikolo-Aleksandrovsky Village Council

"Minutes that Resurrected Years" - rally

Monument, p. N- Aleksandrovskoe

"Let's warm the memory of the heart" - a festive concert

Branch of MBUK "RDK", with. N- Aleksandrovskoe

"Dear Courage" competitive program

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

Promotions: Lilac of Victory, St. George Ribbon


With. Pokrovka (subdivision)

"Salute of Victory" - rally

With. Pokrovka (division)

"These days the glory will not cease" poetry hour

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Participation in the international campaign "Reading books about the war to children"

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Novomikhailovsky Village Council

Action "George Ribbon"

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

Promotion "Blue handkerchief"

Near the monument

"Lines scorched by war", competition of readers

Branch of MUK "RDK"

“We are faithful to memory”, rally

Near the monument

"Songs of the Great Victory"

Near the monument

Paninsky Village Council

"The feat of the people to live for centuries" - concert

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

"Motherland Remembers" - rally

Obelisk to war-compatriots who died during the Great Patriotic War

Participation in the international campaign "Reading books about the war to children"

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Peschanoozersky Village Council

Action "George Ribbon"

05/09/2018 11.30

With. Sand lake

Action "Immortal Regiment" ("We will always remember them")

"What names are not on gravestones" - rally

Area with. Sand lake

“And the accordion sings to me in the dugout”, concert

"Congratulate a veteran with a postcard", action

With. Sand lake, at home

"You must remember by name!", conversation

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Korolinsky Village Council

"If you want peace - remember the war", conversation

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Pereyaslovskiy Village Council

"Memory of the Fallen Years", exhibition

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Romanovsky Village Council

"Look into the family album" - photo exhibition

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

Action "Candle of memory"

Action "George Ribbon"

05/09/2018 10-00

With. Romanovka, square near the obelisk

Action "Immortal Regiment"

Procession from the school to the square

"These days glory does not cease!" - rally

Square at the obelisk

“And the memory of the war leaves us songs” - a festive concert

Branch of MBUK "RDK"

"Victory Day" - a festive concert

With. Maryanovka (subdivision), branch of MBUK "RDK"

Promotions "Soldier's porridge"

"Lilac of Victory"

Rally "Lilac of Victory"



"73 steps to Victory" inform game

“Book about the war dear to the heart”, exhibition

"OMCB", department for servicing the adult population

Participation in the international campaign "Reading books about the war to children"

"OMCB", department for children's services

"Fiery Ram of Nikolai Gastello" Hour of Courage

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"

Participation in the international campaign "Reading books about the war to children"

Branch of MBUK "October Intersettlement Central Library"



"Visiting Veterans" concert program at the House of Veterans

House of Veterans

“The saved world remembers you”, rally

"Victory - 45", theatrical concert

"Under the bright salute of Victory", concert program


Literary and musical composition "To Remember" accompanied by an exhibition of wooden sculptures by L.N. Ivarovsky

From 10.04.- 01.05.18

MBUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum", educational institutions of the district, school museums

Frontline cinema

Yekaterinoslav Museum

"Meeting of generations" Meeting of members of the association of children of the war "Katyusha" with students of secondary school No. 1 in Yekaterinoslavka

MOU secondary school No. 1 with. Yekaterinoslavka

MBUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum"

MOU secondary school No. 1 with. Yekaterinoslavka

"Meeting of generations" Meeting of members of the association of children of the war "Katyusha" with students of secondary school No. 2 in Yekaterinoslavka

MBUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum"

MOU secondary school No. 2 with. Yekaterinoslavka

Excursions for

study educational institutions district at the exposition "Remembers the saved world"

April May

MBUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum"

Action "Immortal Regiment"

With. Yekaterinoslavka, Central square

TOTAL: planned to hold 96 events involving more than 15,550 people

Work plan for the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the Victory Day

Name of the event


I. Measures to improve the socio-economic conditions of life of disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as persons equated to them

Surveys of the socio-economic living conditions of disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (hereinafter referred to as WWII), home front workers, widows of dead (deceased) disabled people (participants) of the WWII, determination of measures to improve them

until 30.04.2018

Organization and conduct of in-depth medical examination of disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War

until 30.04.2018

GBUZ JSC "October Central Bank"

Provision of social support to veterans of the Great Patriotic War by employees of departments of social and socio-medical services at home

GKU JSC USZN for the Oktyabrsky district

GBU JSC "October Special Home for Lonely Elderly"

Organization of the work of volunteers to provide social targeted assistance to the disabled and participants of the Great Patriotic War, widows

II. Commemorative events

Organization of repair and improvement of adjacent territories of monuments perpetuating the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

until 05.05.2018

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

Carrying out landscaping, landscaping and sanitation works settlements district

April-May 2018

Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

Prevention of acts of vandalism in relation to monuments during the celebrations dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

April May

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

MO MVD "October"

Laying wreaths and flowers at monuments

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

Project preparation festive decoration venues for events dedicated to the Victory Day.

Decoration with banners of institutions, enterprises of the area

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

Department of Economics of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Heads of enterprises, organizations, institutions of the Oktyabrsky district

III. Information - propaganda and cultural events

Congratulations from the head of the administration of the Oktyabrsky district S.L. Dementyev to veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War on their birthdays, holidays

organizational department administration of the Oktyabrsky district

Visiting WWII veterans, widows of the dead, home front workers, congratulations on holidays, anniversaries, Victory Day

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Preparation and distribution of booklets, memos on payments and benefits provided for veterans of the Great Patriotic War

until 30.04.2018

GKU JSC USZN for the Oktyabrsky district

Conducting cycles of class hours “They fought for the Motherland!”, lessons of courage, competitions of drawings, essays, creative works

April May

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

MBUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum"

Oktyabrsky District Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies

Preparation of the exhibition "Octobers during the Great Patriotic War"

April - May 2018

Action "Canvas of Memory"

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Action "George Ribbon"

Department of culture of work with youth, archives, physical culture and Sports Administration of the Oktyabrsky District

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

Action "Immortal Regiment"

Until 30.04.2018

MBUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum of History and Local Lore"

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Promotion "Blue handkerchief"

April -

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

Campaign "To remember"

Department of Education of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

MKUK "Ekaterinoslav Museum of History and Local Lore"

Heads of administrations of village councils of the district

District competition patriotic song "Sing, friends"

at 11:00 am

MBUK "District House of Culture"

Festive themed concerts dedicated to the Victory Day

Department of culture of work with youth, archives, physical culture and sports of the administration of the Oktyabrsky district

IV. Coverage of events dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

1941-1945 in the media

Organization of information and explanatory work in the media and in social networks on the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the Victory Day

Administrator of the Oktyabrsky District Administration

UIA editorial office "Our Life newspaper editorial office"

Responsible for holding events


extracurricular open event

A joyful cheerful melody sounds. Students play, read books, have fun.


If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately comes to mind

Old oak, currants in the garden.

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river there is a shy birch

And chamomile hillock ...

And others, probably. I will remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

With a skipping rope stomping feet

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Music Change: "Holy War"

A student reads a poem « We go to battle».

Presenter: At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For a long 4 years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did it for the sake of future generations. For us. Let's talk about this war to children and grandchildren so that they remember.

Students come out (in military shirts, nurses, postman)

    On the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. Out of every 100 children of this age. Those who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, the war!

    The war means 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. War is 32 thousand blown up plants and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway lines /

    War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells that are aimed at civilians.

    War is 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop that has grown on the ground salted with sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

    The war is the victory at Stalingrad won by fire and blood, it is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, it is the storming of Berlin, it is the memory of the whole people.

    War ... from Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow pillboxes to Berlin - 1600. total 2600 km - this is if you count in a straight line.

    Seems a little, right? By plane approximately 4 hours. But in dashes and in a plastunsky way - 4 years (1418 days).

    People died, did not spare their lives, went to their deaths in order to drive the fascists from our land. Here, for example, 28 Panfilov. They did not let any of the 50 fascist tanks pass to Moscow. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow. Defending the capital, almost all the fighters died, but they knocked out 50 fascist tanks.

    The war means 84 thousand destroyed schools, 334 higher educational institutions.

    There was a war. Those yellowed triangles are proof. These are forward letters.

The song "Clouds in the Blue" sounds.

Presenter: In many families, soldiers' triangles-letters were preserved, which were sent from the front by fathers and children, husbands and sons, brothers. They wrote that they would return home and only with a victory. The greatest burden of the war was carried on the shoulders of a woman-mother.

Soldier 1(writes a letter)

I know you have anxiety in your heart

It's not easy being a mother of a soldier!

I know you're all looking at the road.

Where I left once.

I know the wrinkles have become deeper

And the shoulders were slightly hunched.

Today we fought to the death,

Mother. For you, for our meeting.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait a lot!

Soldier 2.(with candle)

My dear relatives!

Night. The flame of a candle flickers.

I remember not for the first time

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

What forests are hidden from the eyes,

I remember the field, the river,

Again and again I remember you.

My brothers and sisters!

Tomorrow I'm going to fight again

For their Fatherland, for Russia,

That got into a dashing misfortune.

Gather my courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without pity,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can learn and live!

The song is "Light it up" candles"

Presenter: Not only men fought in the war, but also women. They were nurses, doctors, nurses, intelligence officers, signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by kind gentle female hands.

Come outnurses (students in a scarf with a red cross, with a bag).

Guns roar, bullets whistle.

Wounded by shell fragments of a soldier.

Sister whispers:

"Come on, I'll support you!" -

I forgot everything: weakness and fear,

Carried him out of the fight in my arms.

How much love and warmth was in her!

Many sister saved from death.

Fragment from the film of the war years;

Presenter: about 40 million Soviet people died. Guess what that means? This means - 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means that every fourth inhabitant of the country died. If a moment of silence were declared for every person who died in World War II, the world would be silent for 50 years.

1. Let's remember them by name

We will remember our grief.

It's not for the dead

It needs to be alive!

2 . Remember!

Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

About those. Who will never come again - remember!

3 . Do not Cry!

Hold back moans, bitter moans in your throat

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Presenter: I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let's honor the memory of the dead with a moment of silence.

A moment of silence.


We are here with you not because of the date,

Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest.

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

You come on holidays and weekdays.

He fell without taking a step back.

And this hero has a name -

Great Army simple soldier.

The song "Cranes" sounds

(Students come out and read poetry)

    Overshadowed by the blaze of the victory banner,

The weary soldier sat down

On the steps of the Reichstag

He took off his cap

Like a hard worker after work

Wiping wed forehead

Drops of hot sweat.

Looked again

As over the enemy's capital

In the spring wind

Our banner shines

Rolled up the cigarette

Took a puff calmly

And said:

So any war will end!

2 . Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

And those who, approaching Victory Day,

Didn't leave the shop for weeks.

Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

Orphaned villages and villages.

Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and wonderful day.

3 .The sun shines on Victory Day

And we will always shine.

In fierce battles, our grandfathers

The enemy was defeated.

Columns march in order,

And songs are pouring here and there,

And in the sky of hero cities

Fireworks sparkle!

The song "Spring 1945" sounds

presenter: we, the young of Russia, will always remember the heroic deeds of our people during the years of the Great Patriotic War.

The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts. We will never forget those who, not sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations.

All program participants leave.

    scarlet banner of Victory - a symbol of friendship and happiness of people!

    Aloe Victory banner is peace for the planet of people!

    Congratulations, dear veterans!

    happy spring holidays!

Together: Happy Victory Day

The song "Victory Day" sounds ,

(participants throw up Balloons and paper doves tied to them).

Presenter: Our holiday program completed. We wish you all a clear and peaceful sky above your head!!!