Igor Kudryashkin. Khoper region as a forerunner of the Civil War Kudryashkin Igor Gennadievich UMMC

  • 04.07.2020


OJSC "Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company" (UMMC) is a vertically integrated holding that combines mining, metallurgical, metalworking enterprises, as well as the construction industry, located in Russia and in the countries of the former CIS, into one technological chain.
Founded in 1999.

Makhmudov Iskandar Kakhramonovich
- the head of the company.

Governing body:
Kozitsyn Andrey Anatolievich
- CEO of the company.
Starkov Konstantin Evgenievich- Technical Director.
Kudryashkin Igor Gennadievich - Commercial Director.
Olyunin Viktor Nikolaevich- director of personnel.
Beloglazov Vladimir Alekseevich- director of general issues.
Degtyarev Sergey Anatolievich - Chief Accountant.
Melyukhov Oleg Fedorovich- Director of Corporate Relations and Special Projects.
Rudoy Grigory Nikolaevich- Director of Mining.
Abramov Valery Veniaminovich- director of security and regime.
Zadorozhny Igor Vasilievich- Director of non-industrial and civil construction.

Liaison activities with authorities state power the company is engaged in:
Bochkarev Mikhail Ivanovich- adviser CEO.

Company turnover:
Unaudited consolidated revenue of the UMMC group in 2005 under IFRS - 65 billion rubles, EBITDA - 15.8 billion rubles, net profit- 4.2 billion rubles

The history of development:
In 1975, on the basis of the Pyshminsky copper electrolytic plant, the Uralelectromed plant was created.
In 1992, the plant was transformed into JSC "Uralelectromed", the future parent company of UMMC.
In 1996-1999, the industrial and technological chain of enterprises of the copper sub-industry of the Urals was gradually restored around JSC Uralelectromed, and the process of consolidating the assets of the future holding began.
In October 1999, the founding documents for the creation of the UMMC were signed. A state certificate of registration of OJSC UMMC has been received.
July 1, 2002 established Management Company LLC "UMMC-Holding".
In August 2002, permission was obtained from the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy for the consolidation of assets 11 largest enterprises companies. From this moment, the implementation of the principle of a single management vertical begins. On the key enterprises UMMC, the level of share capital consolidation of which is determined by a qualified majority, holds meetings of shareholders that secure the rights of the management company UMMC-Holding LLC as the sole executive body.
In 2003, with the inclusion of the Vladikavkaz Electrozinc plant into the UMMC, the company turns into a polymetallic holding.
In the autumn of 2006 LLC UMMC-Holding receives the right to manage the assets of one of the largest coal mining companies in Russia - OAO UK Kuzbassrazrezugol.
In 2007, a management company for non-ferrous metal processing enterprises was created.

About the organization:
The company produces about 40% of cathode copper and zinc in Russia, controls a quarter of the domestic market for rolled non-ferrous metals, as well as more than half of the European market for copper powders. According to Vedomosti-Novosibirsk dated May 31, 2007, No. 98 (1872), about 80% of the UMMC shares belong to Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Kozitsyn, the rest belongs to their partners. The structure of the company includes raw materials, metallurgical, processing, construction, machine-building, electro-technical complexes, a scientific base, a coal mining company, charitable foundation, affiliated companies.

Areas of activity of the organization:
Extraction and processing of copper raw materials and production of refined copper in the form of cathodes; production of high-readiness products from copper and other non-ferrous metals (copper rod, cable products, copper powders, products made from copper powders, non-ferrous metal rolled products, radiators, etc.); extraction of metals contained in copper raw materials (production of gold and silver in ingots of banking purity, production of selenium and tellurium); production chemical products(sulphuric acid, copper sulfate, nickel sulfate, tripolyphosphate, superphosphate, xanthate); extraction and processing of zinc raw materials, production of zinc and zinc-based products; processing of secondary lead-containing raw materials, production of lead and lead alloys; mining of iron ore and production of iron ore concentrate; production of rolled steel and calibrated steel; coal mining; production of building products (bricks, etc.); implementation of projects for the development of residential buildings, retail and office space; Agriculture; galvanizing services for metal structures.

Igor Kudryashkin could join the ranks of Soviet scientists who contributed to the study of metals and alloys. However, receiving the title of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences at the age of 28 did not lead him to new scientific discoveries, but to the chair of the commercial director of UMMC-Holding. Under his leadership, the corporation concluded hundreds of significant transactions and opened dozens of factories throughout Russia. The fortune of 900 million dollars and the need to manage a global corporation did not become an obstacle to the large-scale philanthropic detail of the businessman, his support for the Russian Orthodox Church and sports, and writing scientific articles.

Short information:

  • Date of Birth: November 22, 1967
  • Education: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (1984).
  • the date of the beginning entrepreneurial activity/age: 1995, aged 28
  • Type of activity at the start: production of refined copper and non-ferrous metals, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (1990).
  • Current activity: mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering.
  • Current state (2017, Forbes):$900 million

The mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy and alloys were areas that interested the student of MASiS Kudryashkin and even encouraged him to enter graduate school. However, the title of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the harsh 90s did not promise a bright future. The scientist became an entrepreneur, an unknown native of the Sverdlovsk region - a well-known person in the Forbes rating.

Igor Gennadievich Kudryashkin- Russian millionaire, commercial director and member of the Board of Directors of UMMC-Holding, whose business is concentrated in the mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering. The businessman avoids publicity, but is known as an adherent of science, who at the same time supports the Orthodox Church, a skilled manager and a generous philanthropist. In 2017, his fortune increased by $400 million, which allowed him to take the 115th place in the rating of "200 richest businessmen in Russia" according to Forbes.

Figure 1. Dynamics of I. G. Kudryashkin’s fortune in 2013-2017, million dollars
Source: Forbes

The MASiS student has always been interested in non-ferrous metals and alloys. He even devoted his dissertation to these unique minerals, and after defending it, he remained the head of the university laboratory. However, he failed to continue his scientific career: fate brought him into big business. It was there that his talent as a manager showed himself in full.

The success story of the current "copper tycoon", "king of metallurgy" Igor Kudryashkin began in 1995, when his engineer scientific center, was invited to the post of commercial director of the corporation OJSC "Uralelectromed".

  • 1995-2002 - commercial director of OAO Uralelectromed.
  • Since 2002 - commercial director of UMMC-Holding LLC.

businessman success in professional activity have received numerous honors and awards.

Interesting fact! In the busy schedule of the commercial director, Igor Kurdyashkin finds time for scientific work: He is the author of numerous articles on copper and non-ferrous metal alloys.

Kudryashkin, once a simple researcher, now owns solid assets in the field of metallurgy and mining: his portfolio includes not only an impressive stake in UMMC-Holding, but also securities of Kuzbassrazrezugol, UMMC-Trans and the European Media Group radio holding .

Successes in science and business did not interfere with the patronage of Igor Kudryashkin: for trusteeship in the construction of churches in Baltiysk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Gorodets, as well as participation in the revival of Orthodox shrines in the Urals, the Russian Orthodox Church honored him with:

  • Order of Prince Daniel of Moscow III degree (1999);
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree (2004);
  • letters of the patriarch in consideration of the assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church (2016);
  • St. Alexander Nevsky Prize and a silver badge (2017).

Reference! In 2011, Patriarch Kirill personally visited the UMMC-Holding plant, talked with the workers and presented Igor Kurdyashkin with the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, III degree.

AT short biography The millionaire also has pages dedicated to sports: Igor Kudryashkin heads the fight club of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, and is also vice president of the UMMC women's basketball club and vice president of the Avtomobilist hockey club.

Scientists conquer business: how the story of Igor Kudryashkin began

The history of the current head of UMMC-Holding began quite typically: he was born into a working-class Soviet family on November 22, 1961 in Kirovograd, a small town in the Sverdlovsk region.

Interest in chemistry and physics during his school years explained his admission to the MASiS at the Faculty of Technology of Special Materials of Electronic Engineering. The talented physics student decided to continue the research he had begun in graduate school, where he entered in 1990. In parallel, he worked as a laboratory assistant, and a little later - as the head of the institute's laboratory.

In 1995, he defended his dissertation on the use of non-ferrous metal alloys in electronics and received the title of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Scientific success determined him to the position of chief engineer at the scientific and technological center "Ecology", but a few months later the young scientist received an offer to become the commercial director of OJSC "Uralelectromed".

Reference! In 1995, the former commercial director was promoted to the position of general manager. In its place, it was decided to take young specialist, well versed in the profile of the enterprise - the production of refined copper, the processing of non-ferrous metals and the manufacture of alloys. The choice fell on the young scientist Igor Kudryashkin.

Figure 2. At the celebration of the birthday of UMMC-Holding, 2017.
Source: UMMC official website

To the heights of the business Olympus

Not only professional quality, but also the remarkable managerial talents of Igor Kudryashkin. In many ways, it was thanks to his competence and responsible approach to business that the enterprise managed not only to stay afloat, but also to generate interest among investors.

Reference! In 1998, a deal was made to acquire Uralelectromed OJSC and its partners, after which the UMMC-Holding corporation was created on the basis of it and six other enterprises in the mining and metallurgical industries.

The president of the industrial group immediately noticed the talented manager Igor Kudryashov. Already in 2002, on his initiative, a recent scientist received the position of commercial director of the whole.

Reference! The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is a Russian industrial holding that unites the assets of about 50 enterprises in the mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering; its work is provided by over 70,000 employees. UMMC plants currently operate in Russia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic.

The head of the UMMC Andrey Kozitsyn is dissatisfied with the behavior of his own top managers. According to sources close to the company, we are talking about key associates of the CEO. Many of them have own business: someone came to the company as an existing entrepreneur, someone established own companies after making a career in the holding. Per last years the appetites of structures owned by top managers have grown, and now their interests often conflict with the interests of the company itself. Znak.com studied what kind of business UMMC executives own.

A family
Let's start with Andrei Kozitsyn's close relatives. According to the SPARK system, Elena Kozitsyna, the widow of Alexander Kozitsyn, who died in January 2009, is now a co-founder of O'DAR LLC. The company was registered back in 2005 by Alexander and Elena Kozitsyn, as well as Tatyana Gushchina, who was a longtime business partner and trustee of business brothers (she is a co-owner and general director of many companies in Verkhnyaya Pyshma engaged in retail food products, confectionery, etc.).
The largest contribution was made by the Kozitsyn family - 570 thousand rubles. Gushchina's contribution was 65 thousand rubles. This company owned shopping center Kuprit, as well as enterprises Catering- cafe "Metallurg" and cafe "Kuprit". Now the co-founders of this LLC in equal shares are Tatyana Gushchina and Elena Kozitsyna. In addition, they together own Neo-Dar LLC.
In addition, Elena Kozitsyna is a co-founder of Proculesto, a financial intermediary company registered in Verkhnyaya Pyshma at 1 Osipenko Street. Two other firms are located at the same address. The first is LLC "Grace", which is also listed as a widow. The firm works in the field of law, and the post of general director in it is Dmitry Alexandrovich Kozitsyn, probably the son of the late Alexander Kozitsyn.
Another company registered on Osipenko Street is Panorama Plus, the main owner of which is Dmitry Kozitsyn. "Panorama plus" is engaged in metal processing.
Also, Dmitry Alexandrovich is a co-founder at Verkhnepyshminsky Granite Quarry LLC, which is engaged in the extraction of stone for monuments and construction. In addition, Dmitry Kozitsyn is a co-founder of Transgazservice 1 LLC in Yekaterinburg and UralKomplektPostavka LLC, which makes money by renting construction machinery and equipment.
Top managers
Igor Gennadyevich Kudryashkin - commercial director, member of the board of directors of UMMC, has been working in the company since 1995. In the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia - 2013" Igor Kudryashkin takes 163rd place, his fortune, according to the magazine, is $ 600 million. Igor Gennadievich heads the board of directors of Koltso Urala bank. It is noteworthy that in February last year, the Ring of the Urals disclosed the structure of the shareholders of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. As it turned out, Kudryashkin controls a 7.5% stake in UMMC through the offshore Burgend Investments Limited.
In addition, the commercial director of the holding is a co-owner of LLC Ural Appraisal Company, registered in Yekaterinburg. The company is engaged in the evaluation of business, securities, real estate.
Vladimir Alekseevich Beloglazov - General Affairs Director. Has been with the company since 2001. At the end of January, there were rumors that Andrei Kozitsyn had decided to resign his longtime colleague. According to one version, the reason was the materials on the activities of Beloglazov, prepared by the internal control and audit department. However, the UMMC website still has a page of Vladimir Alekseevich and nothing is officially known about his dismissal. There is an assumption that Beloglazov wrote a letter of resignation, but so far it has not been signed. The top manager is allegedly removed from important issues, but continues to perform representative functions. So, at a recent meeting between the acting governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky and the oligarchs, Beloglazov represented the UMMC.
Beloglazov is a co-owner and director of Nikita Corporation LLC, registered in Yekaterinburg. The company is engaged in preparation for the sale and purchase of real estate. He also has a small share in the advertising group - Polygon Print LLC - together with Inna Batalova, the company's CEO. It is curious that in 2002, when Beloglazov held a high post in the Sverdlovsk regional office party "Union of Right Forces", Inna Batalova tried to participate in the elections to the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma, entering the list of candidates from the Union of Right Forces.
Oleg Fedorovich Melyukhov - Director of Corporate Relations and Special Projects, has been working in the company since 1996. He is a co-owner in the Nizhny Tagil plant of metallurgical structures. In addition, Melyukhov is a co-owner of ZAO Legal Agency Private Law. Also, the share in this company belongs to UMMC - Insurance LLC.
Grigory Nikolaevich Rudoy is the director of mining operations, has been working in the company since 2000. He owns LLC "Intellect-invest", the main field of activity of which is marketing research and study public opinion. Unfortunately, not a single study conducted by this company in public access could not be found.
Sergey Anatolyevich Degtyarev - chief accountant, has been working in the company since 1997. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Koltso Urala Bank. Also, Sergey Anatolyevich is a co-owner in Guardians of the Urals LLC. "Guardians of the Urals" is a project for the construction of two towers in the center of Yekaterinburg, in which the main investor is UMMC.
In addition, Degtyarev is the director and co-owner of Coupe Master LLC, which manufactures furniture. The chief accountant of the UMMC also has Asteroid LLC, which rents out its own real estate. Earlier, the notorious businessman, one of the founders of the "City Without Drugs" Igor Varov and a certain Degtyarev Anton Sergeevich, possibly the son of Sergei Degtyarev, were also among the co-owners. It should be noted that Anton Degtyarev is now a member of the non-profit partnership "Association of the owners of the building on Gorky 63". At this address in Yekaterinburg, there is a Class B business center commissioned in 2008.
Valery Veniaminovich Abramov is the director of external relations of the UMMC, as well as the general director and owner of NSS LLC (National Insurance Systems), registered in Moscow. Previously, he was a co-owner of the Arsenal Basis private security company, which has now been liquidated. Abramov himself has been working in Moscow in recent months, which is interpreted inside the UMMC as a disgrace, a “link”.
Sergey Evgenievich Erypalov - director of capital construction and investments, has been working in the company since 1995. In addition, he heads the Yekaterinburg-CITY company, which is implementing the UMMC project to build a business district in the center of Yekaterinburg.
Sergo-Shahzada Mamadalievich Kurbanov - Deputy General Director, has been working in the company since 1996. In addition, he is a co-owner of Trans Atlantic Group LLC, which is registered in Moscow and is engaged in retail trade in cars and spare parts.
Own business interests of top managers often become the pretexts for scandalous situations within the UMMC, but usually dirty linen is not taken out of the hut. The same Vladimir Beloglazov, sources in the metallurgical industry say, previously oversaw the construction direction in a copper company, but after an internal conflict he was removed from this job. Lost influence and his ally Valery Abramov.
Less obvious than indicated above, a number of suppliers of the holding's enterprises are associated with the top management of UMMC, says one of Znak.com's interlocutors. In this case, the conflict of interests of the top manager and the company becomes obvious: UMMC needs to buy raw materials (for example, scrap) cheaper, and it is profitable for the company controlled by the top manager to sell it at a higher price. Since the decision is made by the same leader, the costs of UMMC enterprises often turn out to be higher than the market, which is why the company suffers. “Now the holding is fighting this phenomenon,” says the interlocutor of Znak.com. – Relatively recently accepted unwritten corporate rule prescribes that managers should not engage in outside businesses. In other metallurgical holdings, such a norm has been adopted for a long time.”

Russia, December 4 - Corruption.NET. Oligarch's daughter and singer Nastya Curls celebrated her birthday on a grand scale, spending nine million rubles on it. The holiday was held on a ship-restaurant in the capital, where 120 guests “flocked”, writes Super.ru.

Not everyone can celebrate their 18th birthday like this: only one bill for a banquet in a restaurant cost 1,899,360 rubles; performed on the stage of the restaurant group "Beasts"» ; Among the guests is the daughter of the General Director of Transenergo Airlines Olga Pleshakova Natasha and the eldest son of the singer Jasmine Michael.

The celebration took place last Saturday, but only this week the news of the magnificent event spread across the Internet. The hero of the occasion was a young singer and the daughter of a permanent resident of the Forbs list Igor Kudryashkin.

As the newspaper writes, the table setting with an incredible amount of strong drinks and the amount of smoke above them looked more like the 30th anniversary of another secular rake than a teenage party. However, the degree of officialdom decreased after the first glasses of alcohol soared into the air. The main ringleader at the celebration was the 19-year-old son of a Russian artist Boris Krasnov Daniil, who constantly gave out toasts in honor of the birthday girl, plying between the tables with a glass and a cigar.

Group "Beasts"

Some time later, the hostess of the evening changed her elegant white dress for a comfortable and simple suit in order to sing a few of her songs to her friends. After her performance, the girl's boyfriend, the son of the ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, took the stage Yuri Osipov Yuri. Further, the golden youth was entertained by the "Beasts" and the singer Creed. The actor acted as an entertainer Pavel Priluchny.

Birthday girl and her boyfriend

According to the publication, 25 bottles of champagne, 23 bottles of vodka and the same number of bottles of whiskey were ordered for this birthday, in addition, 50 bottles of red and white wine. There were 30 hookahs at the evening, the total amount for them was 120 thousand rubles, not counting the generous tip. A decent part of the festive budget fell on the performance of artists and decoration of the celebration. In total, for the holiday for his only daughter, Kudryashkin did not regret nine million rubles.

Nastya Kudri and Yegor Creed

Son Jasmine Michael and party guests

Friend of the birthday girl Michael Bazov

Daniil Krasnov

The heir to the restaurant business Emil Emanuilov with his girlfriend Alexandra Milayeva

Who is Igor Kudryashkin?

Igor Gennadyevich Kudryashkin was born on November 22, 1961 in Kirovgrad, Sverdlovsk Region. In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS). He also completed full-time postgraduate studies there and worked as the head of the laboratory. From 1990 to 1995 - Chief Engineer scientific and technological center "Ecology", and then - commercial director of OJSC "Uralelectromed". It is known that the businessman supports the Russian Orthodox Church, is a trustee of the church in the name of St. Ambrose of Optina in his native Kirovgrad.

Since 2002, he has been appointed commercial director of UMMC-Holding LLC. Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is the second largest Russian manufacturer copper and zinc. Kudryashkin is also vice president of the UMMC fight club. He has a high state award, Order of Friendship, "for labor achievements and many years of conscientious work."

In the Forbs rating "200 richest businessmen of Russia - 2013" Kudryashkin is listed as 163rd. The size of his fortune - $600 million. In addition, the commercial director of the holding is a co-owner of LLC Ural Appraisal Company, registered in Yekaterinburg. The company is engaged in business, securities and real estate valuation.

What is he involved in?

Kudryashkin also heads the board of directors of Koltso Urala Bank. It is noteworthy that in February last year, the Ural Ring Bank disclosed the structure of shareholders of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. As it turned out, through the offshore Burgend Investments Limited, Kudryashkin controls 7.5% stake in UMMC. At the same time, Forbs characterizes UMMC as one of the most closed and non-public metallurgical holdings in Russia.

In 2014 Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Glazyev criticized the UMMC on the "nickel issue". Then the scandal erupted due to the development of nickel in the Voronezh region, which was extremely outraged by environmentalists. Glazyev said that the licensee of the Elansky and Elkinsky ore occurrences - UMMC - belongs to offshore companies, and therefore the holding does not take into account the "context of development Russian Federation in general, as well as specific areas.

According to media reports, Selmareco Limited owned 85% of the shares in the parent company of the holding, Burgend Investments Limited and Talberg Investments Limited 7.5% each. In Selmareco, 58.8% belongs to Fesco Investment, which is controlled by the president and founder of UMMC through three more offshore companies. Iskandar Mahmudov, and for 20.5% - two structures of the general director of UMMC-Holding (the management company of UMMC) Andrey Kozitsyn, writes Moscow-post.

That is, according to available information, Mr. Makhmudov controls 50% of the shares of OJSC "UMMC", and Mr. Kozitsyn - 34.9%. Burgend is owned by Kudryashkin, and Talberg is owned by the deputy general director of UMMC-Holding, the general director of Trading house UMMC Eduard Chukhlebov.

As journalists assumed, the fact that UMMC is controlled through offshore companies suggests that, perhaps, Mr. Makhmudov wants to avoid paying taxes to the Russian budget.