Skills of the chief accountant. Ready sample resume of an Accountant (Chief Accountant, Cashier, Payroll). What should not be on a good resume

  • 14.06.2020

The professional skills of an accountant are becoming one of the main sections of the resume. Otherwise, the document will most likely be ignored by the future employer. Therefore, a preliminary study of the issue will not be superfluous.

When compiling this document, you must adhere to the rules. It doesn't matter what profession it is. The writing structure always remains standard, samples are easy to find on specialized sites.

Here are more detailed tips for filling.

Using the correct job title

The position for which the applicant has become an applicant must be indicated as clearly as possible. It is not recommended to indicate that the applicant agrees to any work in this area.

It is required to specifically write what the compiler claims. If he understands several areas, then it is better to write a separate resume for each area.

Desired SalaryIt is necessary to study in advance what size of official salaries is typical for certain positions. A wide fork is not recommended. There should be no big difference between the minimum and maximum. Salaries are not indicated to the nearest ruble, they are usually rounded to the nearest thousand.
Lists with core skillsIt is recommended to refuse exaggerations. During the interview, any information is revealed sooner or later.
Use of photos

You don't have to make the image perfect. It is enough to use recent pictures where the face is clearly visible. Desirable use business style in clothes.

Formatting, writing textErrors in the areas of grammar, syntax should be absent. It is better to use concise and short phrases, and refuse long and incomprehensible sentences.

From the summary it is worth excluding:

  1. Joking statements. The document is exclusively businesslike, even hints of humor are excluded.
  2. Jumps to personal pages for social networks. The exception is when there is a description on the site personal characteristics that matter.
  3. An accurate description of the place of residence, information from the certificate. Enough contact mobile phone, email addresses.
  4. The text is not recommended to be made too voluminous. Enough 1-2 pages.

Description of key information for the document

The document is endowed with its own characteristics for those who are looking for work. They must be taken into account in order to obtain the maximum result.

Knowledge, professional skills

Basic skills and abilities of an accountant

You can give a generalized list of skills that may be needed for those who apply for the position of an accountant:

  • work with various accounting programs, including skills in using 1C, Word, MS Excel and so on.
  • acquaintance with the provisions, basic instructions from the Central Bank of Russia.
  • skills in working with the "Client-Bank" system.
  • carrying out the analysis of activity of the enterprise from the economic point of view.
  • ability to make budgets.
  • reconciliation of settlements between participants in transactions.
  • advance billing.
  • conducting inventory activities.
  • tax reporting: registration for further transfer to the tax authorities.
  • the ability to draw up powers of attorney and invoices for goods, transport, cash orders with income, expenses.
  • processing of primary documentation.
  • accounting for compensation and sick leave, wages.
  • competent registration of mutual settlements with contractors.
  • organization of accounting for storage in a warehouse.
  • filling out cash books.
  • accounting for taxes, financial statements.

Working with primary documentation is one of the additional responsibilities, which can be shifted to representatives of any professions related to accounting.

It is necessary to provide assistance to those who work in a similar field. If such duties have been performed before, their description will be a good addition to the section on "Achievements".

It is impossible to have all the skills mentioned above at once. It is necessary to indicate those skills that are really present.

About personal qualities

Now the position of an accountant is present in enterprises, regardless of the scale of activity. But the labor market boasts a large number of offers, there are more and more specialists.

It is not recommended to ignore general rules associated with the preparation of the document. They are mandatory for representatives of any positions. And employees personnel services carefully study how these rules are observed.

There are not so many special recommendations for accountants, they are easy to remember with a thorough and timely study. Then the chances of successful employment there will be more. It does not matter how serious practical experience in a particular area was present earlier. It remains only to wait for a response from the representatives of the company.

How to write a resume for an accountant, see here:

Question form, write your

An accountant is a specialist in the field of accounting and bookkeeping. Now the profession of accountant is

irreplaceable, no organization can do without such an employee.

The duties of an accountant include: the correct and timely calculation and payment of taxes, accounting, reporting to the owners of the company and government bodies, organization of work with partners of the organization and clients, tracking the financial condition of the organization, etc.

In this article, we present a sample resume for an accountant position.

If you are not sure what exactly to write in a resume, we recommend that you also read the information provided in the review, which describes in detail the topic of creating a resume.

Sample resume for accountant position

Ivanenko Ludmila Dmitrievna

City: St. Petersburg, t. 222-456-78-11 E-mail: [email protected]


Applying for the position Accountant/Deputy Chief Accountant

About myself

An experienced accountant with more than fifteen years of experience as a deputy chief accountant in the service and trade sector, responsive, accurate, attentive, proactive and hardworking.
Date of Birth: 03/30/1964
Expected salary level: 30 000 rubles
Desired work schedule: full time or shift work


Outsourcing company LeaderPersonal (JSC): from August 2002 to the present. time
Position: Deputy chief accountant

Job responsibilities:

  • Accounting in 1C, sections: cash desk, bank, reconciliation with counterparties; checking account;
  • assessment of primary documents for compliance with legal requirements;
  • analysis of accounting accounts for accounting for settlements with counterparties;
  • reconciliation with the IFTS;
  • calculation of taxes on wages;
  • tracking receivables;
  • archiving of documents;
  • submission of income tax returns;
  • contract control;
  • reflection of individual economic and financial transactions (services, materials, etc.);
  • advising employees on accrual issues;
  • preparation of a package of documents for withholding shortages from wages;
  • formation of regular reporting for the central office of the company;
  • payroll calculation (30 types of deductions and accruals) for one hundred people;
  • delivery and formation of reports to the funds;
  • preparation and execution of cash books, registration of statements at the cash desk;
  • reflection in accounting surpluses, shortages and sales of cashiers;
  • verification of primary cash documentation (X - reports‚ slips of payment cards, Z - reports, etc.);
  • verification and formation of the sales book;
  • expense reports


Knowledge of computer programs
1C: Payroll and HR 8, Circuit-Extern‚ 1C Accounting 8, Sberbank Client Bank‚ 1C Accounting 7.7‚ Sail‚1C: Payroll and HR 7.7‚ Guarantor‚ Consultant Plus‚ Oasis, MS Excel, Word


Basic education: secondary
Prof. Lyceum No. 8 with a degree in Accounting
Years of study: from 1981 to 1984

Higher education: MOU Institute of Finance, St. Petersburg

Specialty: Accounting

Refresher courses
Course name: Payroll and reporting, accounting
Educational institution: Training Center advanced training of Rosinformresurs of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation
Year of receipt: 1999


family status: Married
Children: two children
Possibility of moving to another city: not considered

Ability to travel: yes

Often, the formulation of their professional skills and existing work experience causes some difficulty.

We bring to your attention a selection of personal qualities, skills and functional duties which may be useful for applicants for the position of accountant

Personal qualities of an accountant for a resume

  • Independence. Full independence in work with documents and accounting procedures.
  • Accuracy.
  • Attentiveness.
  • A responsibility.
  • Learnability.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Tact
  • Mobility.
  • Ability to make independent decisions within their competence
  • Flexibility.
  • Timely, accurate and competent performance of their duties.
  • In the process of performing the work, find out all the goals and technical aspects of the work in order to achieve the best result.
  • Professional and responsible approach to work‚ not only on your site.
  • Ability to clearly, clearly and reasonably present their arguments to management.
  • Sociability.

For a resume - the duties of an accountant at a bank site

  • preparation of account statements;
  • work in the "Bank Client" program;
  • maintenance of 51‚ 52 accounts;
  • bookkeeping of business transactions on the movement Money on currency and ruble settlement accounts of the organization;
  • sending payment orders to banks and monitoring their status;
  • timely reflection in accounting and tax accounting and accrual of interest on credit loans and contracts;
  • maintaining tax and accounting business transactions on credit loans and contracts;
  • entering into the 1C Accounting program and transferring payment orders to the bank;
  • registration of transaction passports‚
  • carrying out foreign exchange transactions‚
  • control over the timely execution of documents on foreign exchange transactions;
  • formation of payment orders using the "Client-bank" system‚ 1C: Accounting;
  • accounting of contracts with contractors.
  • reflection of transactions related to the purchase and sale of currency, compliance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of non-cash transfers of funds from all accounts of the organization opened in banks;
  • knowledge of the procedure for storing bank documents;

For a resume - the duties of an accountant cashier

  • Issuance and acceptance of cash;
  • reflection of operations in 1C Accounting 8.2.;
  • acceptance of funds from legal entities and individuals;
  • registration of primary documentation (PKO‚ RKO‚ cash book);
  • Conducting cash transactions;
  • collection of proceeds;
  • issuance of funds under the report;
  • calculations with accountable persons,
  • Closing the day, maintaining the book of the cashier - teller.

For resume - duties of a payroll accountant

  • calculation of taxes;
  • Payroll;
  • Maintaining the payroll department;
  • reporting on funds;
  • personalized account;
  • formation of postings on taxes and wages;
  • advance reports‚ cash desk;
  • registration of salary bank cards;
  • maintenance of the register for the payment of taxes and charges.
  • maintenance of records for the payment of alimony, allowances, compensation mobile communications etc.

You need to choose your accountant just as carefully as you choose a doctor or a lawyer, because the consequences of a bad accountant can be just as bad. Hiring just anyone without looking closely is a big mistake that can be very costly. It is a pity that many leaders realize this after they have burned themselves.

We often have to sort out the problems that our clients inherited from their accountants. To protect you from mistakes, we have prepared an article about the necessary personal qualities ah accountant.

Much depends on the type of activity, the size of the company and the area that the accountant will maintain, but this information will help you navigate when choosing an employee.

Qualities of a good accountant

Let's start with the obvious, but no less important:

  1. Education. Accounting is one of the most dynamic areas, and what was relevant yesterday may no longer work today. Having a diploma does not guarantee up-to-date knowledge and impeccable work, but professional education is the foundation on which all further work is built. It is easier to build up knowledge on a solid basis, otherwise the employee will constantly stumble over the fact that he does not know something. Taking a risk and hiring a person with no education in the field of accounting or at least from related fields is possible only if the job involves simple operations of the same type.
  2. An experience. It is better if the accountant has already stepped on a rake due to inexperience somewhere else, and has already come to you with a “shot sparrow”. Just like a person without education, an employee without experience can be put on simple routine operations that do not involve great responsibility. Don't confuse experience with seniority. A person could have been an accountant for many years, performing simple operations, without encountering non-standard situations and responsible tasks. This does not mean that he is an experienced specialist. Be interested in real experiences, not content with dates in work book. Ask at the interview what functions the applicant performed, what difficulties he faced, what results he achieved.
  3. perseverance. The work of an accountant is most often routine. If a person needs constant activity and it is difficult for him to sit still, it is better not to take him to work. He will very quickly turn sour, become mistaken or completely leave, and you will have to start looking for an accountant again.
  4. Honesty. This is a key quality of a good accountant, because he has more opportunities to rob the firm than any other employee. Without honesty, neither experience, nor education, nor any other positive qualities are important. On the contrary, the smarter and more experienced the accountant, the greater the damage to the company if he is dishonest. What troubles do employers of unscrupulous accountants have to face and how to insure themselves from this, we told in the article How accountants deceive. Fraudulent schemes of accountants.
  5. Analytical warehouse intelligence and curiosity. The accountant who works on the knurled, does not ask questions and does not expand knowledge is bad. He will not offer anything new, he will not save the company's money (it's not his personal money).
  6. Ability to work with regulatory documents. This is an important quality of a specialist, because not everyone can translate bureaucratic language into human language. tax code, Accounting regulations, letters from the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance are full of terms and written in a complex ornate language. If it is a problem for a person to understand what is written there, the probability of errors in the work increases dramatically.

Read more about what personal qualities of an accountant to pay attention to, what knowledge he should have and how to check the qualifications, we told in this article.

The team of 1C-WiseAdvice accountants is a real team of professionals. Our HR department has a department that specializes in evaluating the professional and personal qualities of accountants when hiring. We have strict criteria for the quality of an accountant, and we hire only the best.

Negative qualities of an accountant

Avoid candidates with such qualities as restlessness, inattention and haste. All this increases the likelihood of errors, and only one mistake can lead to resubmission of reports, additional taxes, fines, disputes with customers and employees, and even litigation.

Professional qualities of the chief accountant

This is not just an employee, but the right hand of the leader, his adviser and shield. In addition to all of the above, he needs the ability to manage and organize the work of the accounting team. Without it business quality both accountants and the chief accountant himself will not get out of their jobs.

Other professional qualities of the chief accountant:

  1. Stress tolerance. The work of the chief accountant is nervous, especially when it comes to tax and even police checks. The ability to maintain composure and withstand the pressure will help not to break firewood and survive the test with minimal consequences for the company.
  2. Ability to defend your point of view. This is especially important in disputes with tax authorities. Practice shows that the more confident and assertive the chief accountant, the more cautious the inspectors behave, preferring to "fierce" with those who do not fight back.

    This quality will also come in handy when communicating with the director. Business owners may not be aware of the tax consequences of their decisions, and here it is very important that the chief accountant be nearby and be able to protect them from rash actions and convince them that they are right.

    But there is a downside to the coin, when an overly cautious but convincing chief accountant slows down the work of the company and deprives the owners of profits. Here are a couple of stories from our practice:

    • A typical story about how the chief accountant can interfere with sales
  3. Engagement and desire to save money for owners. For a good chief accountant, it should be important not just to pay taxes, but to find safe ways for your company to pay less. Not just to do all the work, but to suggest how to do it faster, automate and reduce costs, etc.

One of essential qualities What an accountant of 1C-WiseAdvice should have is potential customer focus. It is quite difficult to recognize it during an interview, but there are certain markers on the basis of which a certain level of friendliness, basic goodwill, is revealed. These qualities must be present, because our chief accountants are people who communicate directly with the client.

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Professional qualities for a resume: the most important thing in 1 minute

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities - this is how you can characterize the totality of personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire throughout his career. professional activity. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, referring to them as “a developed sense of humor”, the applicant is unlikely to attract the attention of a recruiter. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host - then a sense of humor can still be called professional.

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • desire for professional growth;
  • the ability to convince;
  • increased performance;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to navigate and understand how to build communication with you and what your qualities should be better revealed at the interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be supplemented with qualities such as result orientation and a quick learner. Thus, the employer, realizing that there is no need to expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the specialist that is required. If your future employer is forward-thinking, you stand a good chance.

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, it is necessary to coordinate this list with the requirements that apply to the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be attributed to professional qualities and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a top manager vacancy. But it can be a very tangible plus for the post of secretary. Therefore, when choosing professional qualities for a resume, consider how one or another of them will be appropriate for you in a future position.

Here are a few situations related to certain professions that require some specific qualities.

An example of professional qualities for a manager's resume

  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • enterprise;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

An example of professional qualities for an accountant resume

  • performance;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • organization.

An example of professional qualities for a sales manager resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • public speaking skills;
  • the ability to quickly navigate the situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, there is a difference in professional qualities. It all depends on what position you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are just praising yourself. Show moderation - and the recruiter will appreciate your professional qualities in the resume.

Listing the professional skills of an accountant in a resume is one of the mandatory parts of this document. Otherwise, a potential employer will automatically ignore the candidate's resume for this position. We tell you what to understand by the skills of an accountant, where they belong in a resume and give real examples.

What are we talking about

What are professional skills in an accountant's resume? There is no such concept in the current legislation. There are only a number of requirements for education, experience, the presence of a criminal record. However, they relate only to accounting work in certain types of organizations.

By general rule professional skills are the ability, the ability to put into practice in the daily activities of an accountant knowledge according to the level vocational education as well as previous experience. Not a single resume is complete without listing them.

Where to list

The main task of a specialist who is looking for a job is to fully reveal the skills of an accountant in a resume. It is desirable to give examples:

  • in a separate section immediately after listing the duties that had to be performed with past employers;
  • or together with a listing of duties at previous jobs.

Please note that revealing the professional skills and abilities of an accountant in a resume as fully as possible does not mean that it is very detailed. Too long and detailed resumes do not like personnel officers and prefer not to waste their time studying them.

Often, on job posting sites, the resume template is as formal as possible. The following is an example of the professional skills of an accountant in a resume, as this one looks on one of the most popular job posting sites in Russia:

Thus, the task of the candidate for the position in question is limited to the task of marking the key accounting skills in the resume in the template. That is - the chief accountant the main words, phrases and tags corresponding to professional experience person.


So, as standard examples of key skills in a resume for an accountant, the following can be noted:

  • work with accounting programs (it is necessary to list their names and versions!);
  • work with electronic reporting (in the IFTS, off-budget funds, Rosstat, etc.);
  • work with legal reference systems (list the names);
  • passing inspections (tax, etc.);
  • annual balance;
  • calculation of costs and expenses;
  • financial statements;
  • primary accounting documentation;
  • cost calculation;
  • cash transactions;
  • tax returns;
  • financial statements;
  • calculation of taxes;
  • financial management;
  • payroll preparation;
  • VAT calculation;
  • sale of goods, works and services;
  • tax reporting;
  • accounting;
  • fixed assets and more.