What should an assistant manager do? Assistant manager job description. Additional Responsibilities of the Executive Assistant

  • 05.03.2020

Sales Accounting finished products is reduced to the reflection by postings of operations on the formation of the cost of manufactured products, the reflection of the proceeds from their actual sale, the accrual of VAT and the write-off of the cost of goods. In the category of finished products, material values ​​\u200b\u200bthat represent the final result are taken into account production activities business entity. It is assumed that these products have gone through a full cycle of technological processing, they are completed, their consumer properties correspond to the standard characteristics.

Accounting for finished products and their implementation: applied accounts

Operations for accounting for the production of products and their further sale to consumers can be shown in accounting in two ways:

  • using account 40 “Product output” (provided that the company, when keeping records, is based on the standard cost, which was fixed by the plan);
  • without accumulating costs on account 40 - using only account 43 "Finished products".

In the first case, the release of products by the production workshop will be reflected in correspondence D40 - K20 (23). At the next stage, the planned cost value is subject to write-off by posting D43 - K40. If discrepancies were identified between the fact and the plan, they are indicated by debit 90 and credit 40 of the account. When an economy is formed, correspondence is posted in red.

With the second method of accounting, the cost of finished products is credited immediately to the debit of account 43, and account 20, 23 or 29 goes through the credit of the entry.

Accounting for the sale of products involves the reflection by the accountant of several stages:

  • cost formation;
  • recognition of revenue receipts;
  • acceptance of costs that were incurred in connection with the concluded transaction for the sale of material assets.

Accounting for the sale of finished products is based on the following standard correspondence:

  • D62 - K90.1 - the proceeds received by the manufacturer are reflected in the accounting;
  • D90.2 - K43 - the calculated and formed value of the cost of products transferred to the buyer is written off;
  • D90.3 - K68 - the amount of VAT has been charged on the batch of products sold.

Accounting for expenses for the sale of finished products may also include the write-off of commercial-type costs if they were formed as a result of a transaction for the sale of finished products to third parties. This is done by writing D90 - K44. The consignment of goods transferred to the buyer is shown at the selling or contractual cost estimate.

Accounting for the sale of products, works, services

Products shipped to consumers are shown as sold, regardless of the type and time of payment. The terms of sale may be based on advance or subsequent payment of the cost of a batch of products.

Example of a transaction with post-payment arrangement

The company produced products with an actual cost of 6857 rubles. The entire batch of goods produced was sold and shipped. Revenue is 9204 rubles. (including VAT 1404 rubles). Accountant accounting for the sale of products (works, services) is shown by the following records:

  1. D90.2 - K43 - the fact of writing off the generated cost in the amount of 6857 rubles is displayed.
  2. D62 - K90.1 - shows the amount of revenue equal to 9204 rubles.
  3. D90.3 - K68 / VAT - VAT was charged on the sold batch of finished products, the tax amounted to 1404 rubles.
  4. The debt for payment for shipped goods has been paid off - the operation is shown by an entry between debit 51 and credit 62, the amount of correspondence is 9204 rubles.

An example of a transaction for the sale of products on the terms of making a preliminary payment

We use the data of the previous example, but subject to prepayment:

  1. D51 - K62 / 2 - the amount of 9204 rubles, an advance payment for a consignment of goods was received from the buyer;
  2. D76 - K68 / VAT in the amount of 1404 rubles. - reflects the VAT accrued on sold products.
  3. D90.2 - K43 - finished products shipped to the consumer are accounted for at their actual cost (the amount of correspondence is 6857 rubles).
  4. D62.1 - K90.1, the proceeds from the transaction in the amount of 9204 rubles were taken into account.
  5. On the basis of the reference-calculation in analytical accounting, an offset of the prepayment with obligations to buyers was carried out. Posting D62.2 K62.1 (the amount is 9204 rubles).
  6. D68 / VAT - K76 - offset the amount of VAT in the amount of 1404 rubles. from the paid down payment.
  7. D90.3 - K68 / VAT reflects the accrual of VAT, the tax is 1404 rubles.

Accounting for the sale of products assumes that at the end of the month will be withdrawn financial results for all completed transactions. To do this, you need to compare the totals generated by the debit and credit of account 90.

Provided that the amount of credit turnover turns out to be greater than debit, the company shows profit in the amount of the difference. This is reflected in the accounting data by correspondence between D90 and K99. If a loss-making activity is recorded, the posting will look like D99 - K90.

In our example: D90 - K99 - profit from the sale of 943 rubles.

Shipment (release) of products to customers is carried out on the basis of contracts concluded with them or through a retail trading network. The release of finished products to customers is carried out in organizations on the basis of relevant primary documents - overhead. As a standard form of an invoice, a unified form No. 15 “Invoice for the release of materials to the side”, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 71a, can be used. Organizations can develop their own forms of primary accounting documents for the release of finished products, taking as a basis unified forms while adding or removing part of the details. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the presence in the form of a document of mandatory details in accordance with Art. 9 of the Accounting Act.

On the basis of invoices for the release of finished products (other similar primary accounting documents), the sales department issues invoices in the prescribed form in two copies, the first of which is sent (transferred) to the buyer no later than five days from the date of shipment, and the second remains with the supplier organization to reflect in the sales book and charge VAT.

The procedure for accounting for the shipment of finished products depends on the moment of transfer of ownership stipulated by the supply agreement (concluded between suppliers and the buyer). In the general procedure, the transfer of ownership of the product to the buyer occurs immediately after its shipment (Article 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on PBU 9/99 "Income of the organization", the proceeds from the sale of products are related to income from the ordinary activities of the organization. To account for the sale of products standard Plan accounts accounting an operational-resulting account 90 is provided, to which sub-accounts are opened:

  • ? 1 "Revenue" - to account for the receipt of assets recognized as revenue;
  • ? 2 "Cost of sales" - to account for the cost of sales, for which revenue is recognized on account 90-1;
  • ? 3 "Value added tax" - to account for the amount of VAT due to be received from the buyer;
  • ? 4 "Excises" - to account for the amounts of excises included in the price of products sold;
  • ? 9 "Profit / loss from sales" - to identify the financial result (profit or loss) from sales for the month.

At the end of the month, the sales expenses previously reflected during the month on the active balance account 44 “Sales expenses” are written off as an increase in the cost of sales. Sales expenses (commercial expenses) include the cost of packaging, product advertising, transportation costs for the delivery of products to customers, salaries of employees of the sales department and insurance premiums to social funds for this wages etc.

During the month, these expenses are reflected in the debit of account 44 in correspondence with accounts 10 “Materials”, 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”, 69 “Settlements for social insurance and security”, etc. P. At the end of the month, the amount of expenses for the sale is written off to increase the cost of sales with the entry: D 90-2 - K 44.

The sale of products, the ownership of which has passed to the buyer, is reflected in the following entries (Table 6.1).

Table 6.1

Correspondence of accounts for accounting for the sale of products

* When accounting for products at the standard (planned) cost, at the end of the month, deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the book value are calculated and written off (see paragraph 6.2):

D 90-2 - K 43-2 - deviations in value related to sold products are written off (by normal entry, i.e. additional posting or reversal);

D 90-2 - K 40 - the full amount of deviations of the actual production cost of the released finished product from its value at accounting prices is written off (by a regular entry, i.e. additional posting or reversal).

Example 6.5. Society with limited liability Mirage keeps records of the output of finished products at actual cost using account 43. In May 20XX, product A was shipped to the buyer - Yug LLC in the amount of 500 units. The unit cost of product A is 6156 rubles. (see example 5.5 of paragraph 5.4). The established margin for product A is 40% (includes VAT at a rate of 18%). The cost of packaging products amounted to 800 rubles.

The accounting reflects the following business transactions for the sale of finished products.

Business operations for the sale of finished products







Amount, rub.

Invoice, invoice

  • 4 309 200 =
  • (6 156 rubles. X 1,4) X 500 units

Written off the cost of shipped products


3,078,000 = 6,156 rubles X 500 units

Invoice, sales book

  • 657 336=
  • 4 309 200x 18/118

Reflected packaging costs


Selling expenses written off to increase the cost of sales



Example 6.6. Mirage Limited Liability Company keeps records of the output of finished products at the standard (planned) cost on account 43, with the opening of two sub-accounts:

  • ? 1 "Accounting cost of finished products";
  • ? 2 "Deviation of the actual cost of finished products from the book value."

According to accounting data, the standard (planned) cost of the balance of finished products in the warehouse at the beginning of March 20XX is 300 thousand rubles, the actual production cost of this balance is 330 thousand rubles. (the amount of deviations (overspending) - 30 thousand rubles).

During March 20XX, products were released from production at the standard (planned) production cost in the amount of 950 thousand rubles, the actual cost of production amounted to 990 thousand rubles.

The standard (planned) cost of products shipped in March 20XX amounted to 680 thousand rubles. The proceeds from the sale amounted to 1,180,000 rubles. (subject to VAT at 18%). Let us determine the actual production cost of products shipped in March and the balance of finished products at the end of March 20XX (Table 1).

Calculation of deviations of the actual production cost of finished products from the standard (planned) for March 20XX

Table 1





cost price


cost price


(gr. 4- gr. 5) (+, -)

The balance of finished products in stock at the beginning of the month

Received from production

The ratio of the amount of deviations to the standard (planned) cost

5.6% = 70,000: 1,250,000x 100

Products shipped

  • 718 080 =
  • 680 000 + 38 080

680 000 X 5,6%

The balance of finished products in stock at the end of the month (p. 3 - p. 5)

The following business transactions for the production and sale of finished products are reflected in accounting (Table 2).

Business operations for the production and sale of finished products

table 2

The ending

A document base





Amount, rub.

The amount of revenue is reflected - the cost of shipped products at sales prices (including VAT and excises)

Invoice, invoice

Accrued VAT payable to the budget from the amount of revenue

Invoice, sales book

1 180 000x 18/118

Written off the standard cost of shipped products


At the end of the month, deviations in value related to products sold are written off (overrun)

Help-calculation of accounting

If the contract concluded between the supplier and the buyer provides for a different general order transfer of ownership of products (for example, when exporting products), then account 45 “Goods shipped” is used to account for the shipment.

The shipment of products, the ownership of which has not been transferred to the buyer, is reflected in the entry: D 45 - K 43. When the ownership of the products is transferred to the buyer, its value is written off by the entry: D 90-2 - K 45.

Entries on accounts 90-1, 90-2, 90-3, 90-4 are made accumulatively during the reporting year. The financial result of the sale of products for the reporting month (profit or loss) is determined by comparing the credit turnover of account 90-1 and the total debit turnover of accounts 90-2, 90-3, 90-4. The resulting amount of the financial result is written off to account 99 “Profit and Loss”:

D 90-9 - K 99 - written off profit from the sale of products for the reporting month;

D 99 - K 90-9 - the loss from the sale of products for the reporting month was written off.

Example 6.7. In continuation of example 6.5. The financial result (profit) from the sale of products for May 20XX was written off:

D 90-9 - K 99 - 573,064 rubles. = 4 309 200 rubles. - ((3,078,000 rubles +

800 rubles) + 657,336 rubles).

In continuation of example 6.6. The financial result (profit) from the sale of products for March 20XX was written off:

D 90-9 -K 99 - 281,920 rubles. = 1,180,000 rubles. - ((680,000 rubles +

38,080 rubles) + 180,000 rubles).

On the basis of invoices for the movement of finished products and other primary documents, accounting registers are formed on account 43. Debit transactions are recorded in the statement on account 43, on credit - in the order journal on account 43. With an automated form of accounting, the forms of registers can be different . For example, in automated system accounting on the PPP "1C: Accounting 8.0" you can get documents such as "Account Card", "Account Analysis" (for the period and by date), "Turnover balance sheet for the account".

Generalization of the material on the topic "Accounting for finished products and their sale" was made using the scheme (Fig. 6.1).

1. Sales accounting documents

The basis for the shipment of finished products to buyers or leave from the warehouse are orders-invoices of the organization's marketing department, which include two documents: an order to the warehouse and an invoice for leave.

The order-invoice is issued in two copies: one is sent to the forwarder to indicate the number of places sent, the amount of the paid railway tariff for transporting products to the buyer's station; the second copy remains with the storekeeper, according to it, the quantity of released products is entered in the warehouse accounting cards and the document is transferred to the accountant.

On the basis of the order-invoice and the receipt of the transport organization, the accounting department issues a payment request for settlements with customers through a bank and an invoice. It indicates the assortment, quantity, selling price, cost of packaging and the railway tariff paid by the buyer.

Invoices must be issued by all enterprises and organizations that sell goods (works or services), both taxable and not taxed on value added. On the basis of the invoice, the IDS subject to is calculated. payment to the budget. The buyer of goods (works, services) needs an invoice to reimburse VAT from the budget.

The invoice is issued in two copies. The first is transferred to the buyer, and the second remains with the organization that sold the goods (performed work, provided services). The invoice can be completed by hand, using a computer or typewriter.

Invoices received from suppliers and issued to buyers are stored in the invoice ledger.

Sellers take into account invoices issued to buyers in chronological order, and buyers take into account the numbers of their receipts from sellers. The enterprises-importers in the Journal of accounting of received invoices must store freight customs declarations(GUD) or their certified copies, as well as payment documents that confirm the actual payment of VAT to the customs authority.

Invoices drawn up by the seller are registered in the sales book. They should be drawn up in relation to all goods (works, services) that are subject to VAT, including at the rate of 0%, and are exempt from taxation.

After the shipment of goods (performance of work, provision of services), an adjustment entry is made in the sales book on account of payments already received, which reduces the previously accrued tax amount. At the same time, the supplier issues an invoice (in duplicate) for the actual shipment and records it in the sales book.

Data of payment requests are daily recorded in the record of sales of products (works, services).

2. Accounting for the sale of products

The process of implementation (sales) is called a set of business transactions related to the sale, sale of products. Sales of products are carried out in accordance with the concluded agreements or by way of free sale through retail trade.

The sale of goods, works or services by an organization means the transfer on a reimbursable basis (including the exchange of goods, works or services) of ownership of goods, as well as the results of work performed or the provision of services by one person to another person (Article 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) .

Sales of products (works, services) are carried out by organizations at the following prices:

At free selling prices and tariffs increased by the amount of VAT;

At state regulated wholesale prices and tariffs, increased by the amount of VAT;

At state regulated retail prices (excluding trade discounts) and tariffs, including VAT.

When accounting for products at the actual production cost, entries are made to accounting accounts 20, 43, 45, 90, 62, depending on the chosen method of reflecting the sale of products in accounting:

1) when accounting for the sale of products as the buyer pays settlement documents (If the contract for the supply of products establishes that the transfer of ownership of it occurs only after payment for the products by the buyer):

Dt 43 Kt 20 - finished products were credited to the warehouse according to the actual production. cost;

Dt 45 Kt 43 - finished products shipped to the buyer;

Dt 62 Kt 90 - reflected the proceeds from the sale;

Dt 90 Kt 68 - VAT is charged on proceeds after shipment;

Dt 51 Kt 62 - received money from buyers;

Dt 90 Kt 45 - the actual production cost of shipped products was written off;

2) when accounting for the sale of products as they are shipped and presentation of settlement documents to the buyer:

Dt 43 Kt 20 - finished products are credited to the warehouse at the actual production cost;

D-t 62 K-t 90 - finished products were shipped and settlement documents were presented to the buyer at the sale price;

Dt 90 Kt 68 - calculated IDS after shipment;

Dt 90 Kt 43 - the actual production cost of shipped products was written off;

Dt 51 Kt 62 - the shipped products have been paid.

When setting selling prices and concluding contracts, a free place is indicated, that is, at whose expense the costs of delivering products from the supplier to the buyer are paid. For example, a free-station destination means that the supplier pays for the cost of shipping products to the buyer, and they are included in the selling price. Free station of departure means that the supplier pays the costs only until the finished product is loaded onto the wagons. All other shipping costs for the finished product must be paid by the buyer.

3. Determination of the financial result from the sale

The sale of products is carried out in accordance with the concluded agreements with buyers (customers). The purpose of reflecting business transactions on sales in accounting accounts is to determine the financial result from the sale of products (works, services). At the end of each month, the financial result (profit or loss) from sales is determined on the basis of documents confirming the sale of products (works, services).

The financial result from the sale of products (works, services) is determined on account 90 "Sales". The account is active-but-passive, not a balance sheet, not a balance sheet.

On account 90, both for debit and credit, the same sales volume is reflected, but in different estimates: for credit - at sales prices (free, contractual, etc.), including VAT and excises , for debit - at full cost, including sales costs, VAT, excises and other obligatory payments.

Operations on account 90 are reflected when the proceeds from the sale are recognized in the accounting records at the time of transfer of ownership of the products, which is established in the contract and enshrined in the accounting policy of the organization.

The chart of accounts also provides for the possibility of keeping records on account 90 “Sales” using special sub-accounts:

90.1 "Revenue" - to account for the receipt of assets recognized as Revenue;

90.2 "Cost of sales" - to account for the cost of sales;

90.3 "Value Added Tax" - to account for the amounts of VAT due to be received from the buyer (customer);

90.4 "Excises" - to account for the amounts of excises included in the price of products (goods) sold;

90.5 "Export duties" - to account for the amounts of export duties;

90.9 "Profit / loss from sales" - to identify the financial result (profit or loss) from sales for the reporting month.

When using these sub-accounts, the accounting of operations for the formation of income and expenses from ordinary activities will be carried out as follows:

Entries on sub-accounts 90.1 “Revenue”, 90.2 “Cost of sales”, 90.3 “Value added tax”, 90.4 “Excise taxes”, 90.5 “Export duties” are kept during the year;

The financial result from sales for the reporting month is determined by comparing the total debit turnover on sub-accounts 90.2 "Cost of sales", 90.3 "Value added tax", 90.4 "Excise taxes", 90.5 "Export duties" and credit turnover - by subaccount 90.1 "Revenue";

Monthly final turnovers, the financial result from sales is written off from sub-account 90.9 “Profit/loss from sales” to account 99 “Profit and loss”;

Synthetic account 90 "Sales" has no balance as of the reporting date;

At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts opened to account 90 "Sales" (except for sub-account 90.9 "Profit / loss from sales") are closed by internal entries to account 90.9 "Profit / loss from sales".

Correspondence of accounts for accounting for income and expenses from ordinary activities (using separate sub-accounts):

Dt 62 Kt 90.1 - reflection of sales revenue;

Dt 90.3 Kt 68, 76 - reflection of VAT on revenue;

Dt 90.2 Kt 20,26,43,44, etc. - reflection of expenses included in the cost of sale;

Dt 90.9 Kt 99 - monthly allocation of the amount of profit from sales revealed at the end of the reporting month from a separate sub-account to the profit and loss account;

Dt 99 Kt 90.9 - monthly allocation of the amount of loss from sales identified at the end of the reporting month from a separate sub-account to the profit and loss account.

In general, account 90 “Sales” does not have a balance at the end of each month, however, all sub-accounts during the year can have balances and their value will increase starting from January of each year.

Subaccount 90.1 during the year can only have a credit balance, and subaccounts 90.2, 90.3, 90.4, 90.5 - only a debit balance. Subaccount 90.9 can have both a debit and a credit balance.

4. Calculation of taxes on revenue

After reflecting in the accounting of the shipment of products, goods (performance of work, provision of services), it is necessary to reflect in the accounting the accrual of taxes that are an integral part of the price (value added tax, excises).

To account for the amounts of VAT received from buyers as part of the proceeds, use subaccount 90.3.

The moment of determining the tax base for VAT for all taxpayers is the earliest of the following dates:

Day of shipment (transfer) of goods (works, services), property rights;

The day of payment, partial payment against the upcoming deliveries of goods, performance of work, provision of services subject to transfer of property rights, that is, the day the advance is received.

The amount of VAT payable on advances is calculated at the estimated rate. Upon receipt of an advance payment, the taxpayer must:

Calculate VAT from its amount as follows:

Amount of VAT from the advance

The amount of payment received, partial payment against future deliveries of goods

18/118 (or 10/110)

Issue an invoice for this amount in a single copy and register it in the sales book.

Upon shipment of goods (performance of work, provision of services), for which an advance payment was previously received, even if its amount was 100% of the value of the shipped goods (work performed, services rendered), the taxpayer:

Calculates VAT on the cost of shipped goods (work performed, services rendered), not including tax;

Issues two copies of the invoice, which is registered in the sales book;

The invoice previously issued for the prepayment amount is registered in the purchase book;

Accepts for deduction VAT accrued from the amount of prepayment (partial payment) received on account of the forthcoming delivery of goods. If a partial shipment of goods has been made (the value of the shipped goods is less than the amount of the advance payment received), then VAT is also deductible only in part of the value of the shipped goods.

Finished products manufactured for sale and handed over from production to a warehouse are subject to release, shipment to buyers. Shipment operations, vacations are drawn up by a special primary document - an order-invoice, the form and content of which are determined by the organization independently and approved in the accounting policy of the organization. The invoice order is a document that combines two documents:

  • - an order to the warehouse for the transfer, release, shipment of finished products to the buyer;
  • - waybill for vacation from the warehouse of finished products.

The document is drawn up in two copies. The first copy is handed over to the forwarder - the employee who sends the goods. It indicates the number of shipped items, the weight of the cargo in accordance with the bill of lading or railway bill of lading, the cost of the paid tariff for the delivery of products to the buyer.

The freight forwarder submits an order-waybill and a receipt of the transport organization to the accounting department for issuing payment documents and paying them by the buyer (payment request, invoice, etc.).

The second copy of the invoice order is used as a supporting document for the release of finished products by warehouse personnel, as well as to reflect this operation in material accounting cards ( type form N M-17).

The basis for issuing an invoice order is the terms of contracts with buyers (contracts of sale, delivery, exchange, commissions, etc.). The document indicates the name of the buyer, the quantity and name of the product, the price of the product, the term of shipment, vacation, etc.

According to the grouped primary documents for the release (shipment) of finished products, an analytical accounting register is left - a statement of the sale of finished products.

An important condition of contracts with buyers is the moment of transfer of ownership of the product from the seller to the buyer. In accordance with the provisions of Art. 458 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the contract of sale, the seller's obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer is considered fulfilled at the time:

  • - delivery of goods to the buyer or the person indicated by him, if the contract does not provide for the obligation of the seller to deliver the goods;
  • - placing the goods at the disposal of the buyer, if the goods must be transferred to the buyer or the person indicated by him at the location of the goods. The goods are considered to be delivered to the buyer when, by the time stipulated by the contract, the goods are ready for transfer in the proper place and the buyer, in accordance with the terms of the contract, is aware of the readiness of the goods for transfer.

In the event that the obligation of the seller to deliver the goods or transfer the goods at the place of their location to the buyer does not follow from the contract of sale, the seller's obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer is considered fulfilled at the time of delivery of the goods to the carrier or communication organization for delivery to the buyer, unless otherwise provided by the contract. Thus, the sale of products, works, services is reflected in accounting as they are shipped, released, transferred to the buyer at the time of transfer of ownership of them to the buyer.

When promoting finished products from manufacturers to buyers, transportation costs arise, which are paid as follows:

  • 1) all costs are paid by the supplier. In this case, the terms of franking are called ex-warehouse of the buyer, and free (translated from Italian - free) means to which link on the way the finished product moves from the manufacturer to the buyer, the latter is exempt from paying transport costs;
  • 2) all costs are paid by the buyer (conditions of franking - ex-warehouse of the supplier);
  • 3) part of the costs is paid by the supplier, part - by the buyer. In this case, the franking conditions are:
    • - free-station of departure, when the supplier pays transportation costs (loading, delivery, etc.) to the station of departure;
    • - ex-station of destination, when the supplier pays the transportation costs to the destination station.

The sale of finished products allows you to reimburse the organization's expenses incurred for production and sale, take into account the proceeds from the sale of finished products, identify the financial result of ordinary activities, and calculate the actual amount of profit or loss from sales.

The formation of sales revenue in accounting is carried out in accordance with the norms of clause 12 PBU 9/99 "Income of the organization" (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 27, 2006), according to which revenue is recognized in accounting if the following conditions are met:

  • - the organization has the right to receive this revenue, arising from a specific contract or otherwise confirmed;
  • - there is confidence that as a result of a particular operation there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization. The certainty that as a result of a particular transaction there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization, there is a case when the organization received an asset in payment or there is no uncertainty regarding the receipt of the asset;
  • - the ownership of the finished product has passed from the organization to the buyer or the work has been accepted by the customer (the service has been rendered);
  • - the costs incurred or to be incurred in connection with this operation can be determined.

If with regard to Money and other assets received by the organization in payment, at least one of the named conditions is not fulfilled, then the accounting of the organization recognizes accounts payable and not revenue.

Accounting for revenue from the sale of products, works, services is kept on the active-passive account 90 "Sales", which has the following sub-accounts:

  • 1) "Revenue" - to account for the receipt of assets recognized as revenue;
  • 2) "Cost of sales" - to account for the actual cost of sales for which revenue is recognized;
  • 3) "Value added tax" - to reflect the amounts of VAT due to be received from buyers, customers;
  • 4) "Excises" - to account for the amounts of excises included in the price of products sold;
  • 9) "Profit / loss from sales" - to identify financial results (profit or loss) from the sale of finished products, works, services for the reporting period.

Accounting entries on accounts 90-1 "Revenue", 90-2 "Cost of sales", 90-3 "Value added tax", 90-4 "Excises" are made accumulatively during the reporting year.

When recognizing in accounting the amounts of proceeds from the sale of goods, products, performance of work, provision of services, the following entry is made:

Dr. c. 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

Set of c. 90 "Sales", sub-account 1 "Revenue".

At the same time, the actual cost of sold products, works, services and commercial expenses are written off:

Dr. c. 90 "Sales", subaccount 2 "Cost of sales"

Set of c. 43 "Finished products", 44 "Sales expenses", 20 "Main production", etc.

When accounting for finished products at the standard cost or contractual prices, the finished product can be written off during shipment, vacation, at book value. At the same time, deviations related to the sold finished products are written off to the sales accounts. Deviations related to the balance of finished products remain on account 43 "Finished products", sub-account "Deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the book value".

Regardless of the method of determining discount prices total cost of finished products (book value plus deviations) should equal the actual production cost of these products for the reporting month.

The calculation of the actual production cost of products sold for the reporting month and its balance at the end of the reporting month is based on the following data (the following are conditional data):

  • - balances of finished products in the warehouse at accounting prices (6200 rubles) and the actual production cost at the beginning of the reporting month - 5500 rubles. (according to a similar calculation for the last month);
  • - release from production of finished products for the reporting month at accounting prices (80,300 rubles) and the actual production cost - 87,000 rubles. (according to the statement of finished products release);
  • - calculation of the ratio of the actual production cost of the balance of finished products in the warehouse and its receipt at the warehouse for the reporting month to the cost at discount prices - 1.07 [(5,500 rubles + 87,000 rubles) : (6,200 rubles + 80,300 rubles) ];
  • - sales of finished products within a month according to the statement of sale of finished products at discount prices (80,000 rubles) and calculation of its actual cost as the product of the cost of shipped finished products at discount prices during the month and the ratio of the actual production cost of finished products and its cost at accounting prices (1.07) - 85,600 rubles. (80,000 rubles x 1.07);
  • - calculation of the accounting value of the balance of unsold finished products in the warehouse at the end of the reporting month (the balance of finished products at the beginning of the reporting month at discount prices plus the cost of receiving finished products from production during the month at accounting prices minus the sale of finished products at accounting cost during the month) - 6500 rub. (6200 rubles + 80,300 rubles - 80,000 rubles);
  • - calculation of the actual production cost of the balance of unsold finished products in stock at the end of the reporting month (the balance of finished products at the beginning of the reporting month at the actual production cost plus the cost of receiving finished products from production during the month at the actual cost minus the sale of finished products at the actual cost during the month ) - 6900 rubles. (5500 rubles + 87,000 rubles - 85,600 rubles).

On a monthly basis, by comparing the total debit turnover on accounts 90-2 "Cost of sales", 90-3 "Value added tax", 90-4 "Excises" and the credit turnover on account 90-1 "Revenue", the financial result (profit or loss) is determined from sales for the reporting month. Profit monthly (final turnovers) is written off by the entry:

Dr. c. 90-9 "Profit/loss on sales"

Set of c. 99 Profits and Losses.

Thus, account 90 "Sales" has no balance on the reporting date.

At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts opened to account 90 "Sales" (except for account 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales") are closed by internal entries to account 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales".

Analytical accounting on account 90 "Sales" is kept for each type of sold products, works, services, as well as for sales regions and other areas necessary for managing the organization.