Charter snt standard form. Snt charter - download sample. Personal gardening

  • 10.12.2019

Land plots (LL) are intended for the needs of use and differ from each other. This is reflected in their intended purpose, it is indicated in the accounts and communicated to the purchasers of allotments.

Horticultural non-profit partnership(snt)- a legal entity, which is an organized group of landowners on the rights of "common shared ownership".

SNT buys or acquires for a long-term lease from an economic entity a land massif with highly fertile soils, which are strikingly different in useful properties from the soils in the territory:

  • DNT - dacha non-profit partnership;
  • DNP - dacha non-profit partnership;
  • IZHS - memory designed for.

Refers to agricultural land. Unlike DNT and DNP, it does not always regulate the area of ​​​​the memory; here it is permissible, at the request of a member of the SNT, to provide a completely massive territory that will accommodate not only a garden and a vegetable garden, but also a large-sized capital building. But, unlike the lands of individual housing construction, it is not intended for permanent housing.

For a family, especially in the presence of young children, a number of conditions are met:

  • Conducting engineering infrastructure, proximity to the roadway, transport accessibility.
  • Providing the building with heating, the availability of water in the winter. Specifications, allowing living in the frosty period, in conditions of snow drifts.
  • Having a postal address. To do this, the Partnership should be located in a zone of small indentation from the settlement or within it, which will allow you to set the street, house numbering and, most importantly, postal indexing.

The required conditions are not so easy to fulfill, because agricultural plots are remote from settlements, their location is established by cadastral numbers and correspondence to cadastral quarters. This creates conditions, but does not allow you to create a postal service on the spot.

It is not always possible to resolve the issue of year-round water supply to the territory of the Partnership.

Since fractional ownership involves the expenditure of membership fees on the events adopted by the meeting, they do not include those that meet only individual needs.

So, if several families express their desire to live in the village all year round, the remaining owners will refuse to sponsor such a project, and bear the cost of providing them. If the charter includes a clause on the admissibility of such an enterprise, it will be executed in accordance with the constituent documentation.

If the conditions created in the SNT meet the requirements, the owner should contact the local administration to which the lands belong, writing an application addressed to the head of the administration with a request for registration.

The application is considered within a month, by the decision of the executive committee a commission is appointed, authorized to verify the compliance with the conditions for the year-round stay of citizens in the village.

A positive decision, based on the consideration of the issue by the administrative commission, will allow citizens to obtain registration. A negative decision of the commission will be issued in the form of an extract with a reasoned conclusion. Members of the Association will be able to challenge it in court.

SNT laws

The constitutional provisions of articles 30-35 state that it is unacceptable to force citizens of the Russian Federation to be in an association or join it. Based on this, other members of the Partnership are trying to arbitrarily interpret the structure of the SNT, which is a legal entity.

Such cases once again indicate the need for a thorough study of the documentation, when purchasing land plot(cm. ).

The territory belonging to SNT is legally defined as “common property”, which allocates shares for use to each gardener, indicating the location of the allotment, and the individual owner of the land.

This state of affairs arose back in 1998, with the publication of the “law on gardeners”, No. 166-FZ. It is also regulated by the legislation issued for the founders of NCOs on August 8, 2001, No. 129-FZ. Not the last role is played by legislative documentation:

  • On the requirements for registering the right to a memory in Rosreestr, which is indicated by Law No. 122-FZ adopted on July 21, 1997.
  • Regulations "On the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN)", dated July 27, 2007, No. 221-FZ.

These types of documentation require the entry of processes occurring in horticulture into cadastral records, in the local regional office GKN.

The constitutional freedoms of citizens made it possible to determine the admissibility of leaving the SNT, legally formalizing their share as an individual allotment.

In this, significant legal support was provided to them by "", adopted in 2006 and allowed them to stand out from joint land ownership.

The main role is played by the legislative codes of the Russian Federation:

  • civil;
  • land;
  • tax;
  • administrative.

Local acts and regulations provided for use in a particular horticulture are correlated with both federal and regional legislative regulations, and with the founding documentation of the Partnership.

Paying taxes in SNT

The land tax charged to land users replenishes local budget, respectively, paragraph 1, article 389 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is imputed to both physical and legal entities.

Members of the SNT make payments as individuals if their share is allocated for individual use, which is fixed by the protocol and included in the cadastral records.

Disputes often arise as to who is the taxpayer under joint law - a legal entity or members of a partnership. The law states that for persons using a land plot, payment of a tax is charged. The founder, not using the memory, does not acquire the obligations of the taxpayer. This provision is enshrined in clause 1, article 391 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

But in other partnerships, a procedure has been established based on the provisions of the Soviet period on payment for land. It provided for the payment of land tax from the entire division by the founders, from the funds received from the payment of membership dues.

Today this rule has changed, but other founders prefer to carry out this function by submitting annual declarations.

On leased lands from the municipality, the Partnership tax is not charged.

In addition to land, citizens are charged property tax. In the cases provided for, it is paid to the inspection of the Federal Tax Service upon the sale of real estate.

If the board makes a profit from commercial activities- income is subject to accruals, in accordance with the Tax Code. The same happens in the presence of vacated and paid at the expense of membership fees, positions on the board.

Receipt and distribution of membership fees in the SNT

Contributions are given by landowners to the Partnership fund. This is the main income item, which allows you to:

  • improve the common area;
  • conduct communications;
  • pay for the services of service companies;
  • build roads etc.

The contributions are determined by members of the horticulture, based on monitoring by the board or activists.

It is discussed and adopted by the protocol.

If it is necessary to increase their size or organize the collection of targeted revenues, the issue must be resolved by the meeting, with the act of the counting commission attached. If admission or share fees are provided for entrants, this must be reflected in the charter.

The Board is not authorized to withdraw funds without authorization, even to pay for joint needs.

Individuals designated for individual use lands, contributions are not paid. Because of this, they are not entitled to use the joint property owned by SNT.

Charter of SNT

Like any non-profit society (NPO), horticulture forms a package of constituent documentation. Only after it is collected, the NPO is subject to registration as a legal entity.

Registration is carried out in the regional branch of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE). The founders are individuals who have formed and registered the activities of the NPO. Their list is given in the records of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This includes all personal information.

After registration, the holders of the constituent documentation begin to act as a legal entity.

Charter of the Partnership - the main local document having legal force. On the basis of the regulations adopted in the charter, the fact of recognizing the legality of the types of interaction between the horticultural board and its members is established. Unlike other constituent documents, the charter is adopted by the SNT meeting.

Its draft text is drafted by the founders and offered for preliminary review. The meeting makes adjustments, or accepts the text in full.

To adopt a charter, you will need:

  • vote with more than 50% of the votes;
  • draw up an extract from the protocol;
  • draw up an act of the counting commission;
  • attach the act to the extract from the protocol;
  • the voting results shall be attached to the text of the charter.

The Law on Gardeners announces the procedure for introducing provisions into the charter, among which it is required to plan all the rules and nuances of interactions that comply with regional and federal legislation.

Holding a SNT meeting

The Assembly is the highest body that manages and manages the activities of the SNT.

They accept:

  • the charter and the current additions and corrections made to it;
  • the number and composition of board members;
  • questions about membership fees;
  • questions about the articles of incorporation.

Today, correspondence meetings are gaining popularity, which are held online. In addition to the direct landowners, it may be attended by family members and persons using the site. The presence of persons by proxy, which is certified by the chairman, is allowed.

The meeting is scheduled to meet once a year.

In addition, it is permissible to organize it unscheduled, at the initiative of one of the parties, as well as at the request of the Audit Commission, to provide documentation on financial statements.

Such conditions are presented in case of suspicion of abuse of official position.

Functions of the chairman of the SNT

The general meeting elects the board, and from among the persons constituting it - the chairman. Elections are held by simple voting, when the votes are counted and the act with the voting results is attached to the minutes of the meeting.

The chairman is elected for a period of 5 years, during which he will have to perform a number of duties:

  1. SNT management based on compliance with legislative norms regulated by federal, regional and local acts.
  2. Supervising the activities of the board of SNT, checking and rechecking financial reporting documentation.
  3. Formation of orders relating to the activities of NGOs, work with the nomenclature (and other) office work.
  4. Formation of relations with other constituent organizations, administrative and legal institutions.
  5. Preparing and conducting reports before the meeting and inspections of public services.
  6. Preservation and strengthening regulatory framework NGOs. Monitoring compliance with standards during construction in SNT.
  7. By decision of the meeting - conducting commercial activities and its legal support.
  8. Control of financial receipts, their expedient spending on the maintenance of a legal entity, provision of income and expenditure documentation.

If an official performs duties in bad faith, and the term of the appointment has not expired, it is permissible to re-elect the board of directors by the meeting.

AT new composition an unscrupulous leader should not be included, removing him from the circle of managers.

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A lot of time has passed since September 1, 2014, and it would seem that the requirements of FZ-99 dated May 5, 2014 "On Amendments to Chapter 4 of Part One of the Civil Code Russian Federation and on the invalidation of certain provisions of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation "must be implemented by all legal entities. That is, all horticultural associations, to whom it concerns, by today, constituent documents must be brought into line with the norms of Chapter 4 of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. But Moreover, many SNTs have not done anything until today, as they continue to wait for the legislator to return the organizational and legal form of SNTs, absolutely not understanding that "the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave ". "There will be no return to the past," - the representatives of the legislator unambiguously assert from sources close to the State Duma.

The inaction of the board of SNT and individual "experts" in the laws explain that the state is trying to squeeze land from gardeners by replacing SNT (with not very clear functions and areas of activity) with a completely adequate legal form(OPF): association of real estate owners. The thought should immediately arise of some kind, beyond the control of reason, a force that is called upon to carry out the wringing out. Why? Yes, because the replacement of the organizational and legal form of any legal entity does not lead to the seizure of land. Even in the subtext of the law, including the innovations in the Land Code, nothing of the kind can be traced ..

The new OPF is designed to bring the activities of SNT in line with what horticultural associations are actually doing now. Question: "What are they doing today, and what then is the horror story for gardeners at the suggestion of not very literate members of the board?" Let's try to explain briefly.

In essence and practice, today and yesterday, SNTs are and were engaged in the management of property owned by a legal entity and the management of public property (Article 1 "General Concepts" of the Federal Law-66 of 15.04.98). And this activity is very distantly related to the species economic activity"horticulture" with its cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Another question arises: "And who (what) is engaged in gardening?". And this "action" was, is and will be engaged in by the owners of individual land plots with the type of permitted use of the land "horticulture". It is possible that in order to legally separate two types of activity: gardening and property management, and a new organizational and legal form was invented TSN.

It can be assumed that this OPF was already ripe when, on December 23, 1992, the Federal Law "On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive private ownership and to sell land plots for personal subsidiary and summer cottages, gardening and individual housing" was published. construction" followed by the Decree of the President of October 27, 1993 "On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia". After all, it was then that citizens began to register their land plots as property, and garden partnerships from a single organization with a single indivisible land plot were divided into individual garden plots and land plots for common use. Horticultural activities in the common areas as such were not carried out.

Now try to answer the following question: "Where is the state squeezing the land and destroying horticulture?" No answer. The change in the legal form from SNT to TSN does not destroy anyone or anything, but it brings all the activities of horticultural associations into line with the prevailing realities of today, taking away their uncharacteristic "horticulture" function, and imputing property management. Will TSN be a horticultural association after such a transformation? It is unlikely, because it is not gardeners who unite in the organization, but the owners of garden plots. And in this case, the activities of TSN with the gardening of members of the association do not intersect.

So what do we have now in SNT if nothing is done? And here's what: legal form"SNT" does not exist in the Russian Federation since September 1, 2014. If we look at the norm of paragraph 2 of Article 48 of the Civil Code "A legal entity must be registered in the unified state register of legal entities in one of the organizational and legal forms provided for by this Code", then today your native SNT operates in the OPF, which does not exist. And here is what Article 1 of the Civil Code says in this regard: 3. When establishing, exercising and protecting civil rights and in the performance of civil obligations, participants in civil legal relations must act in good faith. So what good faith of a legal entity can we talk about today if it is registered in OPF, which is not? It follows that all civil rights and performance of duties can be recognized as unfair and limited to them by SNT as a legal entity. Moreover, a legal entity can be held accountable for non-compliance with the law, and the chairman can even be held criminally liable.

Like it or not, what to do with SNT, and how to live on, you can read on the page: Horticultural non-profit associations (partnerships, partnerships, consumer cooperatives) after 09/01/2014

For our topic, we emphasize that the main condition for changing the legal form of a legal entity is the approval of the charter of a non-profit organization in one of the new OPF selected from Article 50 "Commercial and non-profit organizations" of the Civil Code. The most appropriate organizational and legal form for SNT is TSN.

The charter proposed on this page for approval by the partnership of real estate owners is not a dogma and can be changed and supplemented during the discussion on the forum SNT "Pishchevik" by chapters, as well as independently at the discretion of any SNT, taking into account local conditions. To carry out the procedure for changing the legal form from SNT to TSN, the charter is supposed to be developed by the autumn general meeting of 2015. Late, but better late than never.

Draft Charter Associations of property owners"Pishchevik" meets the requirements of three new federal laws that have amended parts 1 and 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to the Land Code of the Russian Federation (No. 100-FZ of 07.05.13, No. fz dated June 23, 2014 "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation").

You should carefully approach the direct copying of the developed text of the charter of the TSN, because. correction of errors and bringing the text in line with the norms of the Civil Code will be carried out until mid-autumn 2015, and will not stop after the approval of the Charter by the meeting. Comments on sections and paragraphs of the Charter will be written a little later after the complete completion of all work on the wording of the text, which is associated with the search for the most acceptable word forms and checking for compliance with legal norms.

The charter of 1995 does not contain information for those who live permanently in St.

Read the article on my page about the dacha constitution, you will be required to pay all payments from this year, regardless of whether you are a member of the SNT or not.

It doesn't matter how long a year you live in a house in SNT.
Regardless of your CNT membership, you are required to participate in CONTENT and TEC. REPAIR property, both owned by ALL owners of land plots in the SNT, and provided on behalf of the SNT for use by these owners who are not members of the SNT.
You are also required to pay for other necessary services, which are provided both to members of the SNT and owners of land plots who are not members of the SNT.

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It is necessary to edit the current charter in St. How much is it. Thank you.

Lawyers have different rates. Please contact anyone for a personal consultation. You can find a specialist in your city
You always have the opportunity to discuss your problem in detail with any lawyer (lawyer) of the site, in private messages, at a paid consultation.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

Everyone has their own rates, contact the lawyer who inspires you the most confidence and find out from him personally about what his rates are.

Contact any lawyer on the site, he will help you make adjustments for a fee.
Thank you for visiting our site.

Hello Natalia! On this issue, you can contact directly any lawyer from our website and find out all your questions. With respect and willingness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

1. Adoption of the charter in new edition
2. Election of members of the board and chairman of the board
3. Election of members of the audit and legal commission
4. Report of the board and accountant
5. Adoption of estimates for 2017
6. Miscellaneous.
You must have a passport, membership book, certificate of state registration of the right to a land plot (whose land is privatized)

Charter of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Solnyshko"


1.1. Horticultural non-profit partnership "Solnyshko" (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership), organized in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ "On horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations of citizens", as well as in accordance with other regulations Russian Federation.

1.2. This version of the Charter of the Partnership was developed and approved in order to bring the constituent documents of the Partnership in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On horticultural, horticultural and country non-profit associations of citizens"

1.3. The partnership is non-profit organization, a voluntary association of citizens - owners of garden land provided or acquired by them for growing fruits, berries, vegetables, melons or other crops and potatoes, as well as for recreation (with the right to erect a residential building, outbuildings and structures).

1.4. The partnership was established without limitation of the period of activity.

1.5. The organizational and legal form is a horticultural non-profit partnership.


2.1. Legal status partnerships, the rights and obligations of the founders and members are determined by this Charter, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal law"On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens."

The Partnership is a non-profit organization that does not have profit making as the subject and main goals and objectives of its activities and does not distribute the legally obtained profit among the members of the Partnership.

2.2. The partnership is a voluntary association of citizens on the basis of membership in order to meet the needs of participants in gardening, carried out by combining its members with property entrance, membership, targeted contributions, voluntary donations.

2.3. Members of the Partnership are not liable for its obligations, and the Partnership is not liable for the obligations of its Members.

2.4. The partnership is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, owns separate property, income and expenditure estimates, a seal with its full name in Russian. The partnership has the right to open accounts in banks in the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure, to have stamps and letterheads with its name, as well as an emblem registered in accordance with the established procedure.

2.5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the property of the partnership created at the expense of the contributions of the founders and members.

The property produced or acquired in the course of the activity of the partnership belongs to it by the right of ownership. The partnership exercises possession, use and disposal of the property owned by it at its own discretion.

2.6. The partnership carries out business activities only in accordance with the subject, main goals and objectives of the activity and within the limits provided for by the provisions of this Charter, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Federal Law "On horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations of citizens".

2.7. The organization and development of the territory of the Partnership is carried out in accordance with the projects developed in accordance with the requirements sanitary norms and rules and approved by the body local government. The erection by citizens on garden plots of buildings exceeding the dimensions established by the plan for the organization and development of the territory of the Partnership for these buildings is allowed after the approval of the construction projects for such buildings by the local government.

2.8. From the moment of its state registration, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the Partnership may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in courts.


3.1. Full name of the Partnership: Horticultural non-profit partnership "Solnyshko".

3.2. Abbreviated name of the Partnership: SNT "Solnyshko".

3.3. Legal address of the Partnership: Irkutsk region, Irkutsk district, 26 km. Goloustnensky tract.


4.1. The subject of the activity of the Partnership, as an organization established on a voluntary basis by citizens - owners of garden land, is to meet the needs of members in organizing healthy recreation for members and their families, as well as assistance in organizing the life and recreation of members of the Partnership and their families.

4.2. In accordance with the subject matter of the Partnership, its main goal is to combine the efforts and capabilities of the members of the Partnership to assist them and their families in solving common social and economic problems of gardening.

4.3. In accordance with the purpose, the Partnership carries out the following activities:

□ organizing the provision of communal services (electricity, water, gas supply, garbage disposal, etc.) to members - owners of garden plots and organizing payment for these services to the relevant services;

□ organization of cultural and recreational work of the members of the partnership on the basis of facilities created for these purposes within the boundaries of the territory of the partnership;

□ attraction and effective use financial resources for the implementation of targeted projects and activities in the field of horticultural development;

□ organization and implementation of activities for the reconstruction, maintenance, repair, operation of the property of the Partnership and the common property of members of the Partnership;

□ ensuring the proper technical, fire-fighting, environmental and sanitary condition of garden land plots, common property, common land and property of the Partnership, as well as adjacent territories;

□ ensuring that members - owners of garden land plots comply with the requirements for the intended use of their plots, urban planning, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other requirements (norms, rules and regulations), rules for the use of common property and property of the Partnership, as well as rules internal regulations partnerships;

□ protection of property and non-property rights and interests of members of the Partnership - owners of garden land plots (on legal relations arising from their membership in the Partnership);

□ representation of the common interests of the members of the Partnership in the bodies state power and local governments;

□ solution of other issues of the current life of the Partnership, aimed at assisting its members in the construction of real estate, arrangement of the necessary infrastructure, organization of cultivation of fruit, berries and other agricultural crops (sale of highly productive seedlings, cultivation and sale of seedlings of vegetables and flowers, etc.), in the organization of mutual exchange (purchase and sale within the Partnership) of surplus agricultural products grown, in the organization of transport to meet the objective needs of members of the Partnership and their families.

4.4. A partnership, as a non-profit organization, has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities that correspond to the goals for which it was created.


5.1. The partnership has the right:

5.1.1. to carry out the actions necessary to achieve the goals and objectives provided for by the Articles of Association of the Partnership;

5.1.2. finance projects, programs and activities aimed at the implementation of the statutory goals of the tasks of the Partnership;

5.1.3. freely disseminate information about their activities;

5.1.4. be liable for their obligations with their property;

5.1.5. acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf;

5.1.6. attract borrowed funds;

5.1.7. conclude contracts;

5.1.8. act as a plaintiff and defendant in courts;

5.1.9. apply to the court, arbitration court with applications for invalidation (in whole or in part) of acts of state authorities, acts of local governments or violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the Partnership by officials;

5.1.10. join associations (unions) of garden non-profit associations in the manner prescribed by Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Profit Associations of Citizens";

5.1.11. open their representative offices in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens";

5.1.12. exercise other powers that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The partnership is obliged:

5.2.1. ensure that the members of the Partnership comply with the requirements of this Charter, the legislation of the Russian Federation, acts of local governments, applicable norms, rules and regulations on issues related to the activities of the Partnership;

5.2.2. fulfill contractual obligations in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.2.3. ensure the proper technical, fire-fighting, environmental and sanitary condition of the common property and the property of the Partnership;

5.2.4. to act in the interests of the members of the Partnership as a customer of utility services and represent the interests of land owners when paying for such services in relations with the relevant services;

5.2.5. to ensure the observance of the interests of all members of the Partnership in establishing the conditions and procedure for the possession, use and disposal of common property, the distribution between the owners of land plots of the costs of maintaining and repairing common property in the Partnership;

5.2.6. in cases provided for by law, the Articles of Association of the Partnership, decisions of general meetings to represent the interests of the members of the Partnership in property relations in the Partnership, as well as in other relations with third parties;

5.2.7. provide citizens who conduct gardening on an individual basis on the territory of the Partnership, the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership for a fee on the terms of contracts concluded in the manner prescribed by law and this Charter.

5.3. The Partnership is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by its Charter.

5.4. The partnership is liable for its obligations with all its property. The partnership is not responsible for the obligations of the state. The state is not liable for the partnership's obligations. The partnership is not liable for the obligations of its members. Members of the Partnership bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the Partnership within the limits of the paid part of their additional contribution collected to cover the resulting losses.



6.1. The funds of the Partnership are formed from the contributions of the members of the Partnership, funds received as payment for agreements on the use of common property, fines and compensations for non-participation in collective work, proceeds from its economic activity, funds provided by organizations, enterprises and government bodies to the Partnership to support members of the Partnership in accordance with Articles 35, 36 and 38 of the Federal Law "On horticultural, horticultural and country non-profit associations of citizens", voluntary contributions and donations from citizens, interest on bank deposits, other income.

The funds of the Partnership are kept on the account of the Partnership in the bank and/or at the cash desk of the Partnership (in compliance with the requirements of the procedure for conducting cash transactions).

6.2. An indivisible fund is created from the funds of the Partnership listed in clause 6.1 of these Articles of Association, which includes the following property: access roads, the office building of the partnership’s board of directors with an adjacent land plot, a water station, an electrical switchboard or other sources of power supply, a well (regardless from the location, i.e. it can be on a fixed site - in this case, this site is declared the property of the partnership), water tank, external perimeter fencing (grid, fence), power transmission network with supports, water supply networks, telephone exchange

6.3. To carry out its activities, the partnership forms funds that are established by this Charter and the general meeting of authorized persons and can be of special purpose for specific purposes and a reserve fund required only to cover the losses of the partnership. The expenditure of general funds and funds of special and reserve funds is carried out in accordance with the income and expenditure estimate approved by the general meeting of authorized persons.

6.4. For the purpose of acquiring or creating (construction, manufacturing, overhaul, modernization, reconstruction) of public facilities, the Partnership, by decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), forms trust funds. The Board prepares and submits to the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) proposals for the acquisition or creation of a specific object, the required amount of the trust fund calculated on the basis of its value and the amount of the target contribution attributable to each member of the Partnership, as well as the deadline for making such a contribution.

6.5. In the event that the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) decides on the acquisition or creation of an object of common use, it is not entitled to reduce the size of the formed trust fund and the target contribution proposed by the Board. If there are doubts about the validity of the calculations presented by the board, the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) has the right to postpone the decision and instruct the persons elected by the meeting to verify the calculations. In this case, the decision may be taken later by absentee voting (by poll).

6.6. Receipts of targeted contributions to trust funds formed by decision of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meetings of authorized persons), and expenses from such funds are accounted for separately for each trust fund. By decision of the board, a separate bank account, including a deposit one, may be opened for the storage and accumulation of funds of the trust fund.

6.7. The amounts of the target contribution attributable to each member of the Partnership must be equal. It is not allowed to provide any benefits to any categories of members of the Partnership, with the exception of an installment plan until the deadline for making a contribution approved by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), as well as changing the deadlines for paying contributions and exempting low-income members of the Partnership from paying fines (by decision of the General Meeting members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons)).

6.8. By decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), the Partnership forms a special fund. The special fund consists of entrance and membership fees of members of the Partnership, interest and compensation paid by them, interest on deposits in banks, including from accounts opened for holding trust funds, income from economic activities, as well as funds provided to the Partnership to support members of the Partnership, other supply. At the expense of the same funds, a payroll fund for employees who have concluded labor contracts with the Partnership is formed, approved as part of the income and expenditure estimates of the Partnership by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

6.9. The funds of the special fund are spent for purposes corresponding to the tasks stipulated by the Charter of the Partnership, including the acquisition and creation of common property and current expenses for its maintenance. The funds of the payroll fund are spent on the wages of employees who have concluded employment contracts with the Partnership, and the payment of taxes and other mandatory payments from their wages.

6.10. The procedure for the formation of a special fund, the size of entrance and membership fees, the amount of penalties and compensation for non-participation in collective work, the size of the wage fund and the salaries of employees are determined by the decisions of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) on the proposal of the Board of the Partnership upon approval income-expenditure estimates for the next year. If the conditions of the Partnership's activities change during the year for which the General Meeting of the Partnership's members (the meeting of authorized persons) approved such an estimate, the Management Board has the right to submit to the extraordinary meeting an adjusted estimate and other amounts of payments. Voting on these issues may be held in absentia (by poll).

6.11. Members of the Partnership may receive payments for utilities, provided through the mediation of the Partnership, the amounts of taxes, fees and other obligatory payments of members of the Partnership, the transfer of which to the relevant budgets and extra-budgetary funds is carried out by the Partnership. Such receipts are not included in the funds of the Partnership and are used to pay utility and other payments for the members of the Partnership or to reimburse the Partnership for such payments paid in advance by it for the members of the Partnership.

6.12. The price of a utility service charged from a member of the Partnership must match the price of such a service provided to the Partnership by the relevant service. When a member of the Partnership pays utilities later than one day before the deadline set by the service providing these services, the member of the Partnership is charged a penalty fee in the amount established by such service. The amount of penalties is included in a special fund.

6.13. In case of delay in payment to the specified service due to the fault of the Partnership, the amount of penalties is paid at the expense of the Partnership's own funds and may be recovered from the official of the Partnership, through whose fault the delay was made.

6.14. Separate types utilities may be paid by the Partnership at the expense of a special fund, if this is provided for by the income and expenditure estimate approved by the general meeting.

6.15. The property of the Partnership includes common lands (roads, driveways, fire reservoirs, sites and sections of common facilities, including their sanitary protection zones), real estate objects of common use (gatehouse, engineering networks facilities, premises for storing the property of the Partnership and the work of the staff of the Partnership) and movable property of common use (inventory, tools, equipment, vehicles, etc.).

6.16. Common property acquired or created by the Partnership at the expense of a special fund formed by decision of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) is the property of the Partnership as a legal entity. Common property acquired or created by the Partnership at the expense of earmarked contributions is the common joint property of its members.

6.17. Upon withdrawal from the members of the Partnership for any reason, a member of the Partnership has the right to a share of the property that is the common joint property of the members of the Partnership in the amount of targeted contributions paid by him, taking into account the depreciation of the said property. Depreciation of property can be determined (at the expense of a member of the Partnership) according to the relevant rules accounting(accounting for depreciation) or taken into account by limiting the value of the share of a member of the Partnership in common property, by the amount of earmarked contributions paid by him for the previous two years.

6.18. The decision to pay a share in the property is approved by the general meeting on the proposal of the board simultaneously with the decision to withdraw a member of the Partnership from the Partnership. The share in the property is determined in monetary terms and is paid from the special fund of the Partnership or, by mutual agreement of the parties, can be issued with movable property of the appropriate value.

6.19. A member of the Partnership, when alienating a garden plot of land, has the right to simultaneously alienate his share in the common property to the acquirer.


7.1. Members of the Partnership may be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of eighteen years and have land plots within the boundaries of the Partnership.

7.1.1 Members of the Partnership may be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of sixteen years and have land plots within the boundaries of the Partnership.

7.2. Members of the Partnership may be, in accordance with the law, the heirs of the members of the Partnership, including minors and minors, as well as persons to whom the rights to garden land plots have been transferred as a result of donation or other transactions with land plots.

7.3. If the garden plot belongs to two or more owners on the right of common ownership, only one of them can be a member of the Partnership. If such a plot is divided among the owners, the owner of each of the allocated parts, which have become separate land plots with an area of ​​​​each of at least 6 acres, can become a member of the Partnership. One of these sections is assigned a number with a letter.

7.4. The founders of the Partnership are considered accepted as its members from the moment of state registration of the Partnership. Other persons joining the Partnership are accepted as members by the General Meeting of the Partnership's members (meeting of authorized persons) on the basis of a personal application from the owner of the land plot. The application is submitted to the Chairman of the Board of the Partnership. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the applicant's right to a land plot within the boundaries of the Partnership.

7.5. For organizational expenses for the preparation of documentation, the applicant pays an entrance fee in the amount established by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

The heirs of a deceased member of the Partnership are exempted from paying the entrance fee, paying only the re-registration, the amount of which is established by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

Each member of the Partnership, within three months from the date of admission to its members, the board of such an association is obliged to issue a membership book or other document replacing it.

7.6. The Board, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the application for admission to the membership of the Partnership, takes one of the following decisions:

□ include in the agenda of the next General meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) the issue of admission of the applicant to the members of the Partnership.

□ return to the applicant an application for membership in the Partnership.

This decision can be made only in the absence of documents attached to the application confirming the applicant's right to a land plot within the territory of the Partnership after discussing the candidacy at the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons).

The decision to accept the applicant as a member of the Partnership is made by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) by a majority vote of those present. Individuals, having fixed plots as a result of inheritance, donation, purchase and sale transactions, enjoy the pre-emptive right to become members of the partnership.

7.7. For the period from the date of taking possession of the site until the day of the general meeting, the agenda of which includes the issue of admitting the applicant to the Partnership, the applicant is obliged to pay membership and earmarked fees in the same amounts and within the same terms as the members of the Partnership. If the previous owner of the land plot had a debt to the Partnership, the applicant should ensure its repayment. Non-payment or incomplete payment of entrance, membership and target fees by the applicant may be the reason for the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) to decide to refuse to accept him as a member of the Partnership.

7.8. If the general meeting decides to refuse to accept the owner of the land plot as a member of the Partnership, the Board is obliged, within a month from the date of such a decision, to propose to him to conclude an agreement on the use of the common property of the Partnership on the terms and in the manner established by law and this Charter with respect to citizens leading gardening on the territory of the Partnership on an individual basis. Membership and target fees paid before the meeting are counted towards the payment of the agreement.

7.9. If the person to whom the right to the land plot has been transferred has not applied for admission to the Partnership, the Management Board is obliged, within a month from the day it became aware of the transfer of the right to the land plot, to offer such a person to conclude an agreement on the use of common property Partnerships on the terms and in the manner prescribed by law and this Charter in relation to citizens engaged in gardening individually on the territory of the Partnership.

7.10. Each member of the Partnership, within three months from the date of his admission to the membership of the Partnership, the board is obliged to issue a membership book or other document replacing it. The form of the membership book is approved by the Board. The personal data of a member of the Partnership, the date of admission to membership in the Partnership, data on the land plot are entered into the membership book, and information on the entrance, membership, target fees paid by the member of the Partnership and other necessary data can also be entered. The membership book is certified by the signature of the Chairman of the Board or his deputy and the seal of the Partnership.

7.11. Membership in the partnership may be terminated by withdrawal from the partnership, or by exclusion from the members of the Partnership by decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

7.12. A member of the partnership has the right to voluntarily withdraw from the Partnership with the simultaneous conclusion of an agreement with the Partnership on the procedure for the use and operation of engineering networks, roads and other common property.

A member of the partnership who wishes to voluntarily withdraw from it must submit an appropriate application to the Chairman of the Board. Before the date of withdrawal from the Partnership, specified in the application, he must pay all types of contributions by this date, and if there is a debt, pay it off. The law does not prohibit withdrawal from the members of the partnership in the presence of debts, but the Board has the right to apply to the court with a claim for payment of debts. When withdrawing from the Partnership, a member of the partnership may also agree upon the terms of payment of debts with the buyer in the sale and purchase transaction.

The Board puts on the agenda of the next General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) the question of the withdrawal of the applicant from the members of the Partnership, and the meeting is obliged to decide on his exclusion from the members of the Partnership.

7.13. For repeated and gross violations of the Charter or internal regulations, if other measures of influence provided for by law and this Charter have not taken effect, a member of the Partnership may be expelled from it by decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

The issue of exclusion from the members of the Partnership is submitted for discussion of the general meeting by the Board or members of the Partnership. The decision to expel members of the Partnership may be taken by the competent General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) by a two-thirds majority of the votes present at the meeting.

7.14. Exclusion from the members of the Partnership is possible by decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) on the following grounds:

□ systematic failure to comply with the Articles of Association or decisions of the management bodies of the Partnership;

□ non-payment of two or more years in a row of membership and earmarked fees established by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons);

□ in case of unauthorized seizure of land;

□ failure to develop a land plot for more than 3 years;

□ in case of unauthorized connection to electricity and water supply;

□ in case of systematic violations of internal regulations;

□ in case of violation of environmental and sanitary standards.

7.15. Within a month from the date of such a decision, the board is obliged to propose to the excluded member of the Partnership to conclude an agreement on the use of the common property of the Partnership on the terms and in the manner established by law and this Charter in relation to citizens engaged in gardening on the territory of the Partnership on an individual basis.

7.16. A member of the partnership who has lost the right to a land plot as a result of any transaction for the alienation of a plot, or who has been deprived of it by a court decision, terminates membership in the Partnership. The Board excludes him from the list of members of the Partnership and cancels his membership book. In case of withdrawal (exclusion) from the members of the Partnership, the entrance fee, membership fees and penalties are non-refundable. Earmarked contributions are refundable, but if the target task or activity for which earmarked contributions were collected is completed, at least partially, then this amount is reimbursed by the newcomer.

In case of exclusion from the members of the Partnership, the cost of the garden house, other buildings and plantings located on the site is subject to reimbursement in accordance with the act of appraisal. A garden house and other buildings built without proper documents (project, permit, approval, etc.) are recognized as unauthorized development (Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) with all the ensuing legal consequences. Temporary buildings that are not registered with the appropriate authorities are subject to demolition either by the retired member of the Partnership or by the Partnership without compensation for damage. The option of selling these buildings to a new member of the Partnership is allowed if he agrees in writing to buy them.

The Management Board or officially authorized persons may take part in the assessment of these buildings. The Partnership has the right, when making settlements with exiting (excluded) persons, to deduct from the payments due to this person the debts of this person to the Partnership itself.

In cases where members of the Partnership fail to fulfill their obligations to participate in common expenses, the Management Board has the right to file a claim against a member of the Partnership demanding compensation for non-payment of mandatory payments and non-payment of other common expenses, contributions established by law.


8.1. A member of the Partnership has the right:

8.1.1. elect and be elected to the management bodies of the Partnership and its control body;

8.1.2. receive information about the activities of the management bodies of the Partnership and its control body; acquainted with the documents related to the activities of the Partnership, provided for in subparagraph 20.3. of these Articles, and to receive copies of such documents;

8.1.3. manage independently on their land plot in accordance with its permitted use, produce crops at their own discretion, while not causing harm to other members of the Partnership, not to grow crops prohibited by law or environmentally harmful, while maintaining the cleanliness of the site and eliminating well-known weeds, preventing their spread both on their site and their transition to neighboring sites;

8.1.4. carry out construction and restructuring in accordance with urban planning, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire and other established requirements (norms, rules and regulations) residential buildings, utility buildings and structures - on a garden plot;

8.1.5. dispose of their land and other property in cases where they are not withdrawn from circulation or are not limited in circulation on the basis of the law;

8.1.6. when alienating a garden land plot, simultaneously alienate to the acquirer a share of the partnership’s common use property in the amount of earmarked contributions, a residential house, building, structure, structure, fruit crops located on the alienated site;

8.1.7. in the event of liquidation of the Partnership, receive the share of the common property due to it;

8.1.8. apply to the court with claims to invalidate the decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), decisions of the board and other bodies of the Partnership that violate his rights and legitimate interests;

8.1.9. voluntarily withdraw from the Partnership with the simultaneous conclusion of an agreement with it on the procedure for the use and operation of engineering networks, roads and other common property;

8.1.10. appoint (elect) its representative (trustee, authorized person) to represent his interests in the affairs of the Partnership, including participation in the management bodies, in the cases provided for by this Charter, if this does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;

8.1.11. carry out other actions not prohibited by law.

8.2. A member of the Association is obliged:

8.2.1. bear the burden of maintaining the land plot and the burden of responsibility for violation of the law;

8.2.2. bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the Partnership within the limits of the part of the additional contribution made by each of the members of such Partnership;

8.2.3. use the land in accordance with its designated purpose and permitted use, not to damage the land as a natural and economic object;

8.2.4. not to violate the rights of the members of the Partnership, other members engaged in gardening individually on the territory of the Partnership;

8.2.5. comply with agrotechnical requirements, established regimes, restrictions, encumbrances and easements;

8.2.6. timely pay statutory taxes, membership and earmarked fees, as well as other payments provided for by law and this Charter, in the amount and within the time limits determined by law and the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons);

8.2.7. within three years to develop the land plot and rationally use it;

8.2.8. comply with urban planning, construction, environmental, sanitary-hygienic, fire-fighting and other requirements (norms, rules and regulations), maintain in proper technical and sanitary order the passages adjacent to the site, driveways, engineering structures (water supply, fences, etc.), passing through its site or along the border of the site;

8.2.9. participate in activities and work carried out by the Partnership;

8.2.10. participate in the General meetings of the members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons) in person or through their authorized representative;

8.2.11. comply with the decisions of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) and the decisions of the Board of the Partnership, follow the instructions officials Partnerships (Chairman and members of the Management Board, members of the commission for checking compliance with the law (legal commission in the event of its creation), accountant, watchmen), expressed within their powers and competence; within ten days from the date of termination of the rights to the land plot belonging to him, notify the Board of the Partnership about this in writing; when alienating a land plot, pay off all existing debts for entrance, membership, targeted and other fees;

8.2.12. observe the internal rules of the Partnership, prevent actions, including by members of their family and guests, that violate the normal conditions for recreation in garden plots, take measures to prevent such actions committed by other persons;

8.2.13. comply with other requirements established by laws and the Articles of Association of the Partnership.

8.3. To the members of the Partnership for non-fulfillment of their duties, measures of influence provided for by this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation may be applied. For violations of the law, a member of the Partnership may be subject to an administrative penalty in the manner prescribed by the legislation on administrative offenses. In case of systematic or intentional violations of land legislation, a member of the Partnership may be deprived of the rights to a land plot in the manner prescribed by Article 47 of the Federal Law “On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Commercial Associations of Citizens”.

8.4. A person who has submitted an application for membership in the Partnership, but has not yet been accepted by the general meeting, is subject to all the rights and obligations of members of the Partnership, with the exception of participation in its management bodies, obtaining information about their activities and disposing of common property. Failure to comply with the duties of its members by those who have declared their desire to join the Partnership may result in the application of measures of influence to it provided for by the Charter for members of the Partnership, and (or) may be the reason for the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) to take a decision to refuse to accept him as a member of the Partnership.

8.5. The owners of privatized garden plots have the right to sell them, donate them, pledge them, rent them, use them for a fixed term, exchange them, conclude a rent agreement or a life-long maintenance agreement with a dependent, inherit by law or by will, and also voluntarily give up these plots. Garden land plots that are jointly owned by the spouses may be divided between them; land plots for common use of the partnership are not subject to division.

Citizens have the right to conduct gardening on an individual basis. In the event of non-payment of the fees established by the agreements for the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership on the basis of a decision of the Board of the Partnership, or the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons), citizens who garden individually, on privatized plots, are deprived of the right to use infrastructure facilities and other public property.

8.6. In case of refusal to pay target fees, a member of the Partnership who has debts on membership and target fees, the owner of a privatized site is deprived of the right to use the common property for which this membership or target fee was intended until full calculation. Non-payments for use are collected in judicial order. The amount of payment for the use of facilities and common property for citizens who garden individually cannot exceed the amount of payment for members of the Partnership.


9.1. Not later than one month from the date of state registration of the Partnership in accordance with the Charter, the chairman of the board of the Partnership or another authorized member of the board of the Partnership creates and maintains a register of members of the association.

9.2. The collection, processing, storage and dissemination of information necessary for maintaining the register of association members is carried out in accordance with this Charter, Federal Law No. 66 of April 15, 1998 “On horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations of citizens” and the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data.

9.3. The register of members of the Partnership must contain:

9.3.1. surname, name, patronymic (if any) of a member of the Partnership;

9.3.2. passport data (series, number, by whom and when issued);

9.3.3. phone number

9.3.4. postal address and/or address Email, by which a member of the Partnership can receive messages;

9.3.5. cadastral (conditional) number of the land plot, the owner of which is a member of the Partnership (after the allocation of land plots between the members of the association).

9.3.6. ownership document (number and date of issue)

9.3.7. plot size (hundredths, m2)

9.3.8. date of commencement of gardening (date of issue of the membership book)

9.4. A member of the Partnership is obliged to provide reliable and necessary information for maintaining the register of members of the association and timely inform the board of the Partnership about changes in the specified information.


10.1. In the Partnership, three types of fees are charged from its members: entrance fees, membership fees and targeted fees. The amount and terms of payment of each type of contributions are approved by the general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) on the proposal of the Board, unless otherwise provided by this Charter or decisions of general meetings.

10.1.1. Entrance fees - funds paid upon joining the partnership to cover organizational expenses for the formation of the Partnership.

10.1.2. Membership fees - funds periodically paid by members of the Partnership to cover the costs of maintaining common property and expenses for conducting business activities: payment of taxes, fees and other payments, for the remuneration of employees who have concluded employment contracts with the Partnership and other current expenses provided for by the estimate approved by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

10.1.3. Target contributions - funds contributed by members of the Partnership for the acquisition (creation) of public facilities, (in this case, the creation of facilities also includes their overhaul, modernization), implementation of targeted programs, in accordance with decisions approved by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons), according to the relevant estimates. The size and terms of making the target contribution are determined by the decision of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons).

10.2. Members of the Association are required to pay an entrance fee. The amount of the entrance fee is established by the decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), established on the day of filing an application for joining the Partnership. The entrance fee must be paid on the day of submission of the application for admission to the membership of the Partnership. Entrance fees immediately go to the Fund for the formation of the Partnership.

In case of refusal of the General meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) to accept the applicant as a member of the Partnership, the entrance fee is returned.

10.3. The accountant issues to the contributor a receipt for the incoming cash order, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation, and can also make an entry about the paid amount of the contribution in the membership book (temporary book of the person who applied for membership in the Partnership).

10.4. In case of late payment of the contribution, a penalty fee is charged from the overdue person in the amount determined by the general meeting. The amount of interest paid is not included in the book. The General Meeting has the right to change the terms for making contributions by low-income members of the Partnership and (or) exempt them from paying penalties. In the event of a long absence of a member of the Partnership (business trip, travel abroad, etc.), such a member of the Partnership is obliged to make contributions in advance for the entire period of his absence.

10.5. Members of the Partnership pay to the cash desk of the Partnership for utility services provided through the Partnership, compensation for non-participation in collective work, and various taxes, fees, payments, the transfer of which is carried out by the Partnership. Such payments are made out by documents (receipts) of the established form and, if necessary, can be entered into the book.

10.6. Citizens engaged in gardening on the territory of the Partnership on an individual basis, payments under agreements on the use of the common property of the Partnership are made to the cash desk of the Partnership in cash within the terms stipulated by the terms of the agreements. The cashier issues to the payer a receipt for the incoming cash order, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation.

10.7. The Board of the Partnership, in agreement with the accountant, has the right to allow non-cash payments by transferring funds to the account of the Partnership in a bank. An entry in the book can be made after the funds are credited to the account of the Partnership.

10.8. Each member of the association is obliged to pay membership dues. The amount of the membership fee is approved at the next General meetings of the members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons) upon adoption of the income and expenditure estimates.

10.9. Contributions must be paid by October 31 of the current year. After the expiration of the term for payment of membership fees, a member of the Partnership pays a penalty in the amount of 0.2% for each calendar day of delay from the amount payable.

10.10. In addition to membership dues, each member of the Partnership is obliged to pay fees for the use of electricity and water. The amount of these contributions is established by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (a meeting of authorized persons) and may vary depending on the increase in the price of electricity and water, set by the energy supply organization and the water utility.

In case of delay in payment of these payments, a member of the Partnership is obliged to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.2% for each calendar day of delay from the amount payable.

10.11. Members of the Board of the Partnership are exempt from paying membership fees for the period in which they performed these duties. The maximum amount of membership fees, from which members of the Board are exempted, cannot be more than the amount of the fee payable by a member of the Partnership in whose use is a land plot equal to eight acres. Members of the audit and legal commissions are equated to members of the Management Board.

10.12. In the event that members of the Partnership fail to fulfill their obligations to make contributions and payments, the Partnership has the right to apply to violators the measures of influence provided for by this Charter and legislation, file a claim demanding compensation for non-payment of contributions and payments, demand full compensation for losses caused in the manner prescribed by law, including judicial .


11.1. The governing bodies of the Partnership are the General Meeting of its members (meeting of authorized persons), the Board of the Partnership, the Chairman of the Board.

The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) is the supreme body of its management.

11.2. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Partnership, including the activities of its Chairman, the Board and members of the Board, is carried out by the Audit Commission elected from among the members of the Partnership by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons).

11.3. Public control over compliance with the law by the Partnership and its members is carried out by the Partnership's commission for monitoring compliance with the law (legal commission), which may be elected by the General Meeting of the Partnership's members (meeting of authorized persons).

11.4 Accounting in the Partnership, preparation of reports, accounting of employees, current office work, maintenance of cash and bank documents is organized by the Management Board of the Partnership and is assigned to an accountant hired by the Partnership under an employment contract or civil law contract.


12.1. The partnership has the right to hold a meeting of members of the partnership in the form of a meeting of authorized persons. Authorized representatives are elected from 5 members of the Partnership for a period of two years, approved by open voting or secret ballot using ballots. The rights and obligations of authorized persons are determined by law. Early re-election of authorized representatives is carried out at the request of the members who nominated him or by decision of the Board of the Partnership with subsequent approval of the decision at a meeting of authorized representatives.

12.2. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) includes the following issues:

12.2.1. amendments to the Articles of Association of the Partnership and additions to the Articles of Association or approval of the Articles of Association in a new edition;

12.2.2. determination of the quantitative composition of the Board of the Partnership, election of members of its Board and early termination of their powers;

12.2.3. election of members of the audit commission of the Partnership and early termination of their powers;

12.2.4. election of the chairman of the board and early termination of his powers;

12.2.5. admission to the membership of the Partnership and exclusion from its members;

12.2.6. election of members of the commission for monitoring compliance with the law (legal commission) and early termination of their powers;

12.2.7. making decisions on the organization of representative offices, a mutual lending fund, a rental fund of the Partnership, on its entry into associations (unions) of horticultural non-profit associations;

12.2.8. approval of the internal regulations of the Partnership, including those related to the conduct of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), the activities of its Board, the work of the audit commission, the work of the commission for monitoring compliance with the law (legal commission), the organization and activities of its representative offices, the organization and activities of the fund of mutual lending, organization and activities of the rental fund, the internal regulations of the Partnership;

12.2.9. making decisions on reorganization or liquidation of the Partnership, appointment of a liquidation commission, as well as approval of interim and final liquidation balance sheets;

12.2.10. making decisions on the formation and use of the Partnership's property, on the creation and development of infrastructure facilities, as well as setting the size of trust funds and targeted contributions and the timing of their payment;

12.2.11. approval of the income and expenditure estimates of the Partnership and the adoption of decisions on its implementation, the adoption of a decision on the formation of a special fund of the Partnership, the approval of the amounts of entrance and membership fees, as well as the timing of their payment;

12.2.12. setting the amount of penalties for late payment of contributions, changing the terms for making contributions by low-income members of the Partnership and exempting them from payment of penalties;

12.2.13. consideration of complaints against decisions and actions of the members of the Management Board, the Chairman of the Management Board, members of the audit commission, members of the commission for monitoring compliance with the law, officials of the Partnership, mutual lending and rental funds;

12.2.14. approval of the reports of the board, the audit commission, the commission for monitoring compliance with the law, the mutual lending fund, the rental fund;

12.2.15. incentives for members of the board, the audit commission, the commission for monitoring compliance with the law, the mutual lending fund, the rental fund and members of the Partnership.

12.2.16. making a decision on the acquisition of a land plot related to common property in the ownership of such an association.

12.2.17. approval of the lists of members of the Partnership;

12.2.18. distribution of land plots formed or being formed among the members of the Partnership, to whom land plots are provided in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the Federal Law No. 66 of April 15, 1998 "On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", indicating the conditional numbers of land plots in accordance with the land surveying project territories;

12.2.19. approval of the project of planning the territory and (or) the project of surveying the territory of the Partnership.

The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) has the right to consider any issues related to the activities of the Partnership and make decisions on them.

Decisions on the issue specified in subparagraph 11.2.18 cannot be made by the general meeting of members of the Partnership held in the form of a meeting of authorized representatives.

12.3. The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) is convened by the Board of the Partnership as necessary, but at least once a year.

12.4. An extraordinary general meeting of members of the Partnership is held by decision of its Board, at the request of the audit commission of the Partnership, as well as at the suggestion of a local government body or at least one fifth of the total number of members of the Partnership. An extraordinary general meeting of members of the Partnership (a meeting of authorized persons) on the issue of early termination of the powers of the chairman of the board of the relevant association or early re-election of members of the board of the relevant association may be held in the absence of a decision of the board to hold this meeting, subject to the procedure established by this article for notifying members of the relevant association about holding this assembly.

12.5. The Board may refuse to hold an extraordinary General Meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) if the procedure established by clause 11.6 of the Charter for submitting a proposal or making a request to convene an extraordinary General Meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) is not observed.

12.6. Procedure for filing an application or request to convene an extraordinary meeting:

a) the initiator of the application must publicly announce the convening of an extraordinary meeting, no later than 30 days before the meeting;

b) under the application it is necessary to have the signatures of those members who agree to convene an extraordinary meeting and the obligatory presence of these members at the meeting;

c) the application must be accompanied by Required documents to ground the convocation of an extraordinary meeting;

d) in cases where an extraordinary meeting did not take place due to non-compliance with these requirements, the initiators reimburse the material costs spent on organizing and holding all events for the meeting (advertising, renting premises and office equipment, postage and stationery, etc.).

12.7. The demand or proposal to hold an extraordinary general meeting must indicate the date of its submission to the board and the content of the issues submitted for discussion. These issues should be within the competence of the Partnership and not contradict the Charter and the law.

12.8. The requirement of the audit commission must be signed by the majority of its members. The proposal of a local self-government body must be signed by an official of such a body having the appropriate authority and sealed.

12.9. The proposal of a group of members of the Partnership must be signed by at least one fifth of the total number of members, and in addition to signatures, the names and numbers of the sections that signed the proposal and are members of the Partnership must be legibly indicated.

12.10. The Board of the Partnership is obliged, within seven days from the date of receipt of the proposal of the local government or at least one-fifth of the total number of members of the Partnership or the request of the Audit Commission of the Partnership to hold an extraordinary general meeting of members of the Partnership, to consider the said proposal or demand and decide on holding an extraordinary general meeting or on the refusal to carry it out.

12.11. If the Board of the Partnership decides to hold an extraordinary general meeting, the said general meeting must be held no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the proposal or request to hold it.

12.12. If the Board of the Partnership has decided to refuse to hold an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Partnership, it informs in writing the audit commission of the Partnership or the members of the Partnership or the local government requiring an extraordinary general meeting of the reasons for the refusal.

The refusal of the Board of the Partnership to satisfy the proposal or demand to hold an extraordinary general meeting of members of the Partnership, the audit commission, members of the Partnership, local government may appeal to the court.

12.13. Notification of the members of the Partnership about the holding of a general meeting of its members is carried out by placing appropriate announcements on information boards located on the territory of the Partnership, by phone, SMS alerts, emails, media messages, as well as other available methods and means, but no later than 2 weeks before the expected date of its holding. The specified notification is brought to the attention of the members of the Partnership no later than two weeks before the date of the meeting. The notice of the general meeting of the members of the Partnership must indicate the content of the issues submitted for discussion.

The attendance of members of the Partnership (authorized) at the meeting must be mandatory, absence without good reasons is regarded as a manifestation of disrespect for the meeting and all members of the Partnership.

12.14. The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) is competent if more than fifty percent of the members (authorized persons) are present at the said meeting. A member of the Partnership has the right to participate in voting personally or through his representative (trustee), whose powers must be formalized by a power of attorney certified by the chairman of the Partnership. The chairman and secretary of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) are elected by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the General Meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

12.15. The Chairman of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) is elected by direct or direct secret ballot of those present.

12.16. Decisions on amendments to the Charter of the Partnership and additions to its Charter or on approval of the Charter in a new edition, exclusion from members of the Partnership, on its reorganization or liquidation, appointment of a liquidation commission and on approval of interim and final liquidation balance sheets, on the formation and use of the property of the Partnership , on the creation and development of infrastructure facilities, on the establishment of the size of trust funds and relevant targeted contributions are adopted by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) by a two-thirds majority.

Other decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) are taken by a simple majority of votes.

12.17. Decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) are brought to the attention of its members within seven days after the date of adoption. these decisions by posting an extract of the operative part of the decision on the stand, as well as by other available methods and means. In addition, the Board is obliged to provide the members of the Partnership, at their request, with copies of the minutes of the meeting for review.

12.18. Excluded from the Partnership within the specified period sent (by mail or handed in person) a written notice (extract from the minutes), certified by the signature of the chairman of the meeting and the seal of the Partnership.

12.19. A member of the Partnership has the right to appeal to the court the decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) or the decision of the governing body of the Partnership that violate his rights and legitimate interests.

12.20. If necessary, the decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) may be taken by absentee voting (by poll).

12.21. Absentee voting is carried out by ballots, the ballots are signed by the members of the Partnership who voted (filled them out). Absentee voting cannot be secret. Absentee voting is considered to have taken place if more than fifty percent of the members of the Partnership took part in the poll.

12.22. The decision is considered adopted if the required majority of votes (two-thirds or a simple majority, depending on the issue put to the vote) that took part in the poll has been submitted for it.

12.23. The procedure and conditions for conducting absentee voting are established by the decision of the Board of the Partnership on holding absentee voting, which should provide for the text of the ballot for absentee voting, the procedure for communicating to members of the Partnership the content of the issues under discussion, familiarizing themselves with the necessary information and documents, making proposals for including additional issues on the agenda, and also an indication of the end date for the absentee voting procedure.

12.24. If the agenda of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association includes the issues of amending the charter of the association or approving it in a new edition, liquidating or reorganizing the association, approving the income and expenditure estimates, reports of the board and the audit commission (auditor) of the association, conducting on such issues, absentee voting (by poll) is not allowed, unless the general meeting of the members of the association, which was held by the joint presence of the members of the association and the agenda of which included these issues, did not have a quorum provided for in subparagraph 12.14


13.1. The Board of the Partnership is a collegial executive body and is accountable to the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

In its activities, the Management Board of the Partnership is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts local authorities and the Charter of the Partnership.

The Board of the Partnership is elected by direct secret ballot from among its members for a period of two years by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons). The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) may determine by its decisions a different voting procedure. The number of members of the Board is established by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

The issue of early re-election of members of the Board may be raised at the request of the Audit Commission of the Partnership, at least one third of the members of the Partnership, as well as by the decision of the Board itself or during the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) by the decision of the meeting.

13.2. Meetings of the Management Board of the Partnership are convened by the Chairman of the Management Board within the time limits established by the Management Board, and also as necessary. Meetings of the Management Board are competent if they are attended by at least two thirds of its members. Decisions of the Management Board are taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Management Board present. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Board is decisive.

The decisions of the Board of the Partnership are binding on all members of the Partnership and its employees who have concluded employment contracts with the Partnership.

13.3. The competence of the Board of the Partnership includes:

13.3.1. practical implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons);

13.3.2. making a decision to hold an extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (a meeting of authorized persons) or to refuse to hold it;

13.3.3. operational management of the current activities of the Partnership;

13.3.4. drawing up income and expenditure estimates and reports of the Partnership, submitting them for approval by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons);

13.3.5. disposal of tangible and intangible assets of the Partnership to the extent necessary to ensure its current activities;

13.3.6. organizational and technical support for the activities of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons);

13.3.7. organization of accounting and reporting of the Partnership, preparation of the annual report and its submission for approval by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons);

13.3.8. organization of protection of the property of the Partnership and the property of its members;

13.3.9. organization of property insurance of the Partnership and property of its members;

13.3.10. organization of construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, structures, engineering networks, roads and other public facilities;

13.3.11. purchase and delivery of planting material, inventory, fertilizers, pesticides;

13.3.12. ensuring the office work of the Partnership and the maintenance of its archive;

13.3.13. employment in the Partnership of persons under employment contracts, their dismissal, encouragement and imposition of penalties on them, keeping records of employees;

13.3.14. control over the timely payment of entrance, membership and target fees;

13.3.15. adoption of a decision on the election of the Chairman of the Board and early termination of his powers;

13.3.16. assistance to members of the Partnership in the gratuitous transfer of agricultural products to orphanages, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, preschool educational institutions;

13.3.17. implementation foreign economic activity partnerships;

13.3.18. compliance of the Partnership with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the Partnership;

13.3.19. preparation and submission for consideration of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) of draft amendments to the Charter, internal regulations and other internal regulations of the Partnership;

13.3.20. application of measures of influence provided for by the Charter and legislation to members of the Partnership who do not comply with the requirements of the Charter, internal regulations, decisions of the general meeting or the Board, instructions of officials of the Partnership issued within their competence;

13.3.21. conclusion and control over the execution of contracts with citizens engaged in gardening on an individual basis on the territory of the Partnership, on the use of public property;

13.3.22. consideration of applications of members of the Partnership;

13.3.23. maintaining a register of members of the partnership;

13.3.24. making transactions on behalf of the Partnership;

13.3.25. consideration of other issues entrusted to him by the general meeting.

The Management Board of the Partnership, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter, has the right to make decisions necessary to achieve the goals of the Partnership and ensure its normal operation, with the exception of decisions that relate to issues referred by law and this Charter to the competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized ).


14.1. The Board of the Partnership is headed by the Chairman of the Board, elected from among the members of the Board for a period of two years. The Chairman of the Board is elected at the meeting by the members of the Board.

The powers of the Chairman of the Board are determined by the Law and this Charter. If the Chairman of the Management Board disagrees with the decision of the Management Board, he has the right to appeal this decision General meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

The Chairman of the Board of the Partnership acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Partnership, including:

14.1.1. chairs meetings of the Board;

14.1.2. has the right of first signature under financial documents that, in accordance with these Articles of Association, are not subject to mandatory approval by the Board or the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons);

14.1.3. signs other documents on behalf of the Partnership and minutes of the Board meeting;

14.1.4. on the basis of a decision of the Management Board, concludes transactions and opens accounts of the Partnership in banks;

14.1.5. issues powers of attorney, including those with the right of substitution;

14.1.6. makes transactions on behalf of the Partnership;

14.1.7. ensures the development and submission for approval by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) of the internal regulations of the Partnership, the provisions on remuneration of employees who have concluded labor contracts with the Partnership;

14.1.8. carries out representation on behalf of the Partnership in state authorities, local governments, as well as in organizations;

14.1.9. considers applications of members of the Association.

The Chairman of the Board of the Partnership, in accordance with the Charter of the Partnership, performs other duties necessary to ensure the normal operation of the Partnership, with the exception of duties assigned by law and this Charter to other management bodies of the Partnership.

The Chairman of the Board has the right to indicate to the members of the Partnership, as well as to citizens who conduct gardening individually on the territory of the Partnership, on the need for them to comply with the requirements of the law, other regulatory legal acts, norms, rules, the Charter of the Partnership, internal regulations, as well as decisions of general meetings and the Board Partnerships.

14.2. In the absence of the Chairman of the Management Board, his duties are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, elected from among the members of the Management Board at its meeting. The Chairman shall issue a corresponding power of attorney to his deputy.

14.3. The Chairman of the Board of the Partnership and the members of its Board, in exercising their rights and fulfilling the established duties, must act in the interests of the Partnership, exercise their rights and perform the established duties conscientiously and reasonably. The Chairman of the Board of the Partnership and members of its Board shall be liable to the Partnership for losses caused to it by their actions (inaction).

At the same time, the members of the Management Board who voted against the decision that caused losses to the Partnership, or who did not take part in the voting, are not liable.

14.4. The Chairman of the Management Board and its members, in case of revealing financial abuses or violations, causing losses to the Partnership, may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14.5. Partnership maybe conclude an employment contract with the Chairman of the Board, which can be renewed an unlimited number of times.


15.1. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Partnership, including the activities of its Chairman, the Board and members of the Board, is carried out by the audit commission (auditor), elected from among the members of the Partnership or their proxies, by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) in the composition determined by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) for a period of two years. The Chairman and members of the Management Board, as well as their spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters (their spouses) cannot be elected to the Audit Commission (Auditor).

The procedure for the work of the audit commission (auditor) and its powers are governed by the regulation on the audit commission (auditor) approved by the general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

The audit commission (auditor) is accountable to the general meeting of members of the Partnership. Re-elections of the audit commission (auditor) may be held ahead of schedule at the request of at least one quarter of the total number of members of the Partnership.

15.2. Members of the audit commission (auditor) of the Partnership are responsible for improper performance of the duties provided for by law and this Charter.

15.3. The Audit Commission (Auditor) of the Partnership is obliged to:

15.3.1. check the implementation by the Board of the Partnership and the Chairman of the Board of decisions of the General Meetings of the members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons), the legality of civil law transactions made by the governing bodies of the Partnership, regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the Partnership, the state of its property;

15.3.2. carry out audits of the financial and economic activities of the Partnership at least once a year, as well as on the initiative of the members of the audit commission (auditor), by the decision of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) or at the request of one fifth of the total number of members of the Partnership or one third of the total number of members its board;

15.3.3. report on the results of the audit to the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) with the submission of recommendations on the elimination of identified violations;

15.3.4. report to the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) on all identified violations in the activities of the governing bodies of the Partnership;

15.3.5. exercise control over the timely consideration by the Board of the Partnership and the Chairman of the Board of applications of the members of the Partnership.

Based on the results of the audit, when creating a threat to the interests of the Partnership and its members, or if abuses of the members of the Board of the Partnership and the Chairman of the Board are revealed, the audit commission (auditor) within its powers has the right to convene an extraordinary General meeting of the members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons).


16.1. In order to prevent and eliminate pollution of surface and ground waters, soil and atmospheric air by municipal solid waste and sewage, to comply with sanitary and other rules for the maintenance of land plots related to public property, garden land plots and adjacent territories, to ensure compliance with the rules fire safety during the operation of furnaces, electrical networks, electrical installations, fire extinguishing equipment, as well as for the protection of monuments and objects of nature, history and culture, at the general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), a commission of such an association for monitoring compliance with the legislation may be elected, which operates under the guidance of the board of such Partnerships.

16.2. The commission of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association for monitoring compliance with legislation provides advisory assistance to members of such an association, ensures that gardeners, gardeners and summer residents comply with land, environmental, forestry, water legislation, legislation on urban planning, on sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, on fire safety , draws up acts on violations of the law and submits such acts for taking measures to the board of such an association, which has the right to submit them to state bodies exercising state control(supervision) in the relevant areas of activity.

State bodies exercising state control (supervision) in the relevant areas of activity provide advisory and practical assistance to the members of this commission and without fail consider the submitted acts on violations of the law.

16.3. In a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association, the number of members of which is less than thirty, the commission for monitoring compliance with the legislation may not be elected, its functions in this case are assigned to one or more members of the board of such an association.


17.1. The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) or the Management Board of the Partnership has the right to make decisions on carrying out work performed collectively by members of the Partnership and related to the improvement of a land plot for common use and adjacent territories, the repair of infrastructure facilities, the construction of public facilities, the elimination of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and etc.

17.2. Members of the Partnership are obliged to take part in such work by personal labor or by the labor of members of their families. As a rule, each member of the Partnership is obliged to work at least one day during the year in such jobs. Appropriate entries may be made in the books participating in collective work. The obligation to participate in collective work extends to those who have applied for membership in the Partnership, but have not yet been accepted by the meeting, as well as to citizens engaged in gardening on the territory of the Partnership on an individual basis, if this is provided for by agreements concluded with them.

17.3. A member of the Partnership who is not able to take part in collective work is obliged to pay compensation for non-participation in collective work in the amount determined by the decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) or the Board. The amount of compensation is sent to a special fund.

17.4. If a member of the Partnership evades participation in collective work and from paying compensation for non-participation in them, the Partnership has the right to apply to the owner of a garden plot of land the measures of influence provided for by this Charter and legislation or an agreement concluded with him.


18.1. Repealed (Article 33 of the Federal Law No. 66 “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”)

18.2. Repealed (Article 33 of the Federal Law No. 66 “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”)

18.3. Erection of buildings and structures in horticultural partnership carried out in accordance with the territory planning project and (or) the territory surveying project, as well as the urban planning regulations.

18.4. State land supervision over compliance by citizens with the requirements established by land legislation for the use of land plots intended for horticulture, horticulture or dacha farming is carried out in accordance with land legislation.

18.5. Repealed (Article 34 of the Federal Law No. 66 “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”)

18.6. Repealed (Article 34 of the Federal Law No. 66 “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”)


19.1. For execution necessary work The partnership has the right to hire accountants, watchmen, electricians, other workers and specialists under labor contracts or contracts of a civil law nature.

19.2. The positions of employees (personnel) of the Partnership that can be hired under labor contracts are determined by the staffing table, which is an appendix to the income and expenditure estimate approved by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons). The staffing table indicates the salaries of employees, their official duties as well as the terms of payment for their work. Payroll staff members is made monthly with deduction of all taxes and obligatory payments. Wage paid out of the payroll fund.

19.3. Contracts of a civil law nature may be concluded for the performance of specific work in the interests of the Partnership with workers and specialists of various professions. Payment for work under such contracts is made at the expense of a special fund or a trust fund created by the decision of the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) for the acquisition or creation of a public facility, if the work is performed within this framework. As a rule, payment should be made for the work performed.

  1. Clerical work

20.1. Record keeping in the Partnership is organized by its Board. The Board elects a secretary responsible for the storage, availability, correctness of the content and design necessary documentation(document for the right to use the land plot of the Partnership, master plan Partnership with all agreed and incoming documents, all editions of the Charter of the Partnership, insurance policies, other documents stipulated by law and the Charter). The secretary of the board maintains a list (card index) of the members of the Partnership, as well as citizens engaged in gardening on the territory of the Partnership on an individual basis, indicating the numbers of plots, personal information about their owners, home addresses, contact numbers, data on documents for the right to use land, as well as , at the request of the members of the Partnership, the composition of their families, numbers of personal vehicles and, possibly, other information.

20.2. The minutes of the General meetings of the members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons) are signed by the Chairman and the secretary of such a meeting; these protocols are certified by the seal of the Partnership and are stored in its files permanently.

The minutes of the meetings of the Management Board and the Audit Commission of the Partnership, the Partnership Commission for Control over Compliance with the Law (Legal Commission) are signed by the Chairman of the Board or the Deputy Chairman of the Board or, respectively, the Chairman of the Audit Commission (Auditor) and the Chairman of the Commission of the Partnership for Control over Compliance with the Law (Legal Commission); these protocols are certified by the seal of the Partnership and are stored in its files permanently.

20.3. Members of the Partnership and citizens engaged in gardening individually on the territory of the Partnership, at their request, must be provided for review:

20.3.1. Charter of the Partnership, changes made to the Charter, certificate of registration of the Partnership;

20.3.2. accounting (financial) statements of the Partnership, income and expenditure estimates of the Partnership, a report on the execution of this estimate;

20.3.3. minutes of general meetings of members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons), meetings of the board, the audit commission (auditor) of the Partnership, the commission of the Partnership for monitoring compliance with the law;

20.3.4. documents confirming the results of voting at the general meeting of members of the Partnership, including voting ballots, powers of attorney for voting, as well as decisions of members of the Partnership during the general meeting in the form of absentee voting;

20.3.5. title documents for common property;

20.3.6. other internal documents provided for by the Charter of the Partnership and decisions of the general meeting of members of the Partnership.

20.4. The Partnership is obliged to provide a member of the association, a citizen who gardens individually on the territory of the Partnership, at their request, copies of the documents specified in subparagraph 20.3., The fee charged by the Partnership for providing copies cannot exceed the cost of their production. Provision of copies of the documents specified in subparagraph 20.3. to the local government body on whose territory the Partnership is located, state authorities of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies is carried out in accordance with their requests in writing.


21.1. A citizen who owns a garden plot of land within the boundaries of the Partnership has the right to conduct gardening on an individual basis. Members of the Partnership, conducting gardening on an individual basis, become a citizen voluntarily withdrawn or expelled from the members of the Partnership; a citizen who has received the right to own a garden plot of land by inheritance or as a result of a transaction, if he has not submitted an application for membership or has not been accepted by the general meeting as a member of the Partnership. The landlord may assign all his rights and obligations as a member of the Partnership to a citizen who disposes of a land plot on the basis of the leasehold rights of this plot from a member of the Partnership, providing for this in the terms of the lease agreement.

21.2. Citizens engaged in gardening individually on the territory of the Partnership are entitled to use the infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership for a fee on the terms of contracts concluded with the Partnership in writing in the manner prescribed by this Charter.

21.3. Citizens engaged in gardening on an individual basis on the territory of the Partnership may appeal to the court the decisions of its Board or the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) to refuse to conclude agreements on the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership.

The Chairman of the Board, on behalf of the Partnership, concludes with citizens who are engaged in gardening on an individual basis, an agreement prepared by the Board on the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership, on the terms and in the manner established by law and this Charter.

21.4. The amount of payment for the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership for citizens engaged in gardening on an individual basis, provided that they make contributions for the acquisition (creation) of the said property, cannot exceed the amount of payment for the use of the said property for members of the Partnership. The amount of the fee is determined in this case equal to the sum of membership and earmarked contributions of members of the Partnership. The terms for making payments under the agreement and the amount of penalties for late payments may differ from the terms for making contributions and the amounts of penalties for late payment of contributions and are determined by the agreement.

21.5. If a citizen who left or was expelled from the members of the Partnership or the previous owner of a garden land plot, upon leaving the members of the Partnership, received his share of the common property, the provisions of the previous paragraph do not apply to a citizen who gardens individually on the specified plot. The amount of payment for the use of the common property of the Partnership in this case is determined on a contractual basis. The new owner may reimburse the Partnership for the amount received by the previous owner of the plot as a share in the property. In such a case, the provisions of the previous paragraph of this paragraph of the Charter shall apply in full.

21.6. In the event of non-payment of the payments established by the agreements for the use of infrastructure facilities and other common use property of the Partnership on the basis of a decision of the Board or the General Meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons), citizens engaged in gardening individually are deprived of the right to use infrastructure facilities and other common use property of the Partnership. Non-payments for the use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership are recovered in court.

21.7. The contract must provide for the imposition on a citizen who gardens individually of the obligations that the members of the Partnership bear (including the obligation to participate in collective work carried out by decision of the management bodies of the Partnership), and also contain a list of measures to influence the violator, similar to the list of such measures applicable to members of the Association.

21.8. The contract may provide for the right of a citizen who gardens on an individual basis to be present at the General Meetings of the members of the Partnership (meetings of authorized persons).


22.1. For violation of this Charter or internal regulations (hereinafter referred to in this section as “violations”), measures of influence may be applied to members of the Partnership on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law and this Charter.

22.2. For minor violations committed by a member of the Partnership or members of his family or guests, the Board, Chairman of the Board, member of the Board, and in matters financial discipline- the accountant has the right to announce a remark to the member of the Partnership with the requirement, if necessary, to eliminate the violation or its consequences.

22.3. For a significant violation that may damage the property or interests of the Partnership or its members, violate the rights of other members of the Partnership, the Board of the Partnership has the right to announce a public reprimand to the member of the Partnership and explain the possible consequences of such a violation. The Board may also inform all members of the Partnership about decision by posting an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Management Board on the stand and (or) informing in other available ways.

22.4. For a gross violation that caused damage to the property or interests of the Partnership or its members, or violated the rights of other members of the Partnership, the Board or the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) has the right to warn the violator about the inadmissibility of such actions, the possibility of applying stricter measures to him and take the decision to impose on the violator the obligation to compensate for the damage caused.

Information about the decision taken must be communicated to all members of the Partnership in the manner prescribed for communicating to members of the Partnership decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

22.5. For a gross violation, expressed in a long delay or refusal to pay contributions, utility and other payments, refusal to compensate for the damage caused through the fault of the violator, the board or the General Meeting of the Partnership members (meeting of authorized persons) has the right to decide to deprive the member of the Partnership who committed such a violation of the right use of infrastructure facilities and other common property of the Partnership until the debt is repaid. The Board in this case is obliged to take measures to disconnect the site belonging to the offender from the engineering networks of the Partnership and ensure the effectiveness of the ban on the use of other common property. Information about the decision taken must be communicated to all members of the Partnership in the manner prescribed for communicating to members of the Partnership decisions of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons).

22.6. For repeated and gross violations of the Charter or internal regulations, in the event that other measures of influence provided for by law and this Charter have not taken effect, a member of the Partnership may be expelled from it by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) in the manner prescribed by the Charter Partnerships.


23.1. Amendments and additions to the Articles of Association of the Partnership are within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons). The decision to introduce amendments and additions to the Articles of Association is taken by a competent meeting by a two-thirds majority of those present.

23.2. The draft amendments and additions to the Articles of Association are submitted for discussion by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) by the Management Board or at least one fifth of the total number of members of the Partnership.

23.3. State registration of amendments and additions to the Articles of Association adopted by the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) is carried out by the Chairman of the Board or a representative appointed by the Board, or an organization involved under the contract.

23.4. The reorganization of the Partnership (merger, accession, separation, spin-off, change of organizational and legal form) is carried out in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On horticultural, gardening and country non-profit associations of citizens" and other federal laws.

23.5. When reorganizing the Partnership, appropriate changes are made to its Charter or a new Charter is adopted. Members of the reorganized Partnership become members of the newly created non-profit association.

23.6. When the Partnership is reorganized, the rights and obligations of its members are transferred to the successor in accordance with the deed of transfer or separation balance sheet, which must contain provisions on the succession of all obligations of the reorganized Partnership to its creditors and debtors.

23.7. The deed of transfer or separation balance sheet of the Partnership is approved by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) and submitted together with the constituent documents for state registration of newly emerged legal entities or for amending the Charter of the Partnership.

23.8. If the dividing balance sheet of the Partnership does not make it possible to determine its legal successor, newly emerged legal entities shall be jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the reorganized or reorganized Partnership to its creditors.

23.9. The partnership is considered reorganized from the moment of state registration of the newly created non-profit association, except for cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation. Upon state registration of a Partnership in the form of affiliation to it by another Partnership, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment it is included in the unified State Register legal entities records on the termination of the activities of the affiliated Partnership.

23.10. The liquidation of the Partnership is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Commercial Associations of Citizens" and other federal laws.

23.11. The demand for the liquidation of the Partnership may be brought to court by a state authority or a local self-government body, which is granted by law the right to make such a demand.

23.12. Upon liquidation of the Partnership as a legal entity, the rights of its former members to land plots and other real estate.

23.13. The general meeting of members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) or the body that made the decision to liquidate it appoints a liquidation commission and determines, in accordance with the Civil Code and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On horticultural, horticultural and country non-profit associations of citizens", the procedure and terms for the liquidation of the Partnership.

23.14. From the moment of appointment of the liquidation commission, the powers to manage the affairs of the Partnership are transferred to it. The liquidation commission on behalf of the Partnership acts as its authorized representative in state authorities, local governments in court.

23.15. Authority implementing state registration legal entities, enters in the unified state register of legal entities information that the Partnership is in the process of liquidation.

23.16. The liquidation commission places in the press, which publishes data on state registration of legal entities, a publication on the liquidation of the Partnership, the procedure and deadline for presenting claims of the Partnership's creditors. The deadline for submitting creditors' claims may not be less than two months from the date of publication of the announcement of the liquidation of the Partnership.

23.17. The liquidation commission takes measures to identify creditors and obtain accounts receivable and also notifies the creditors in writing of the liquidation of the Partnership.

23.18. At the end of the period for presenting creditors' claims to the Partnership, the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet, which contains information on the availability of land and other common property of the Partnership, a list of claims submitted by creditors and the results of their consideration.

23.19. The interim liquidation balance sheet is approved by the General Meeting of the members of the Partnership (meeting of authorized persons) or by the body that made the decision to liquidate it.

23.20. After the decision to liquidate the Partnership, its members are obliged to fully pay off the debt on contributions in the amount and within the time limits established by the General Meeting of the Partnership's members (meeting of authorized persons).

23.21. The land plot of the Partnership shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation.

23.22. Payment of funds to the creditors of the Partnership is made by the liquidation commission in the order of priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and in accordance with the interim liquidation balance sheet, starting from the date of its approval.

23.23. After completion of settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (a meeting of authorized persons) or the body that has decided to liquidate the Partnership.

23.24. A land plot and real estate owned jointly or owned by the Partnership and remaining after satisfaction of creditors' claims may be sold with the consent of the former members of the Partnership in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the proceeds for the said land plots and real estate transferred to the members of the Partnership in equal parts.

23.25. When determining the redemption price of the land plot and the real estate of the Partnership located on it, it shall include the market value of the said land plot and property, as well as all losses caused to the owner of the said land plot and property by their withdrawal, including losses incurred by the owner in connection with early termination of its obligations to third parties, including lost profits.

23.26. The liquidation of the Partnership is considered completed, and the Partnership is considered to have ceased to exist after an entry about this is made in the unified state register of legal entities, and the body that carries out the state registration of legal entities informs about the liquidation of the Partnership in the press, which publishes data on the state registration of legal entities.

23.27. The documents and accounting reports of the Partnership are transferred for storage to the state archive, which is obliged, if necessary, to allow members of the liquidated Partnership and its creditors to familiarize themselves with the indicated materials, and also to issue, at their request, the necessary copies, extracts and certificates.

23.28. Upon liquidation of the Partnership as a legal entity, the rights of its former members to land plots and other real estate legalized by the act of liquidation of the Partnership shall be preserved.

Approved by the general constituent assembly of members of a horticultural (gardening, country) non-profit partnership (Minutes N _________________ dated "__" ___________ 20__)

Charter of the horticultural (gardening, country) non-profit partnership "__________________________"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Horticultural (gardening, dacha) non-profit partnership "__________________________", hereinafter referred to as the "Partnership", was created by agreement of citizens by their voluntary association on the basis of membership in order to organize and equip their land plots by voluntarily combining its members with targeted and other contributions and transferring them in a special fund of the Partnership.

1.2. The partnership is a non-profit organization established in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 66-FZ of April 15, 1998 "On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Commercial Associations of Citizens", Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 "On Non-Commercial Organizations".

1.3. Full name of the Partnership in Russian: "Gardening (gardening, dacha) non-profit partnership "___________________".

Abbreviated name in Russian: "Partnership "___________________".

1.4. The partnership operates on the basis of this charter. The Charter of the Partnership is adopted by the general meeting of citizens wishing to establish the Partnership.

1.5. In case of expansion of the Partnership due to additional land allotment, appropriate amendments and additions are made to this charter.

1.6. Changes and additions to this Charter are valid only if they are adopted by the General Meeting of the Partnership members (hereinafter referred to as the General Meeting), executed in writing and registered by the authorized state body.

1.7. Location of the Partnership: ____________________________________.

1.8. The partnership is created for an unlimited period.

1.9. The partnership is a legal entity and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to:

To carry out the activities provided for by this Charter;

Acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf;

Acquire real estate, including land plots;

Attract borrowed funds;

Conclude agreements, as well as carry out actions necessary to achieve the goals provided for by the Charter of the Partnership;

Apply to a court or arbitration court with applications for the invalidation (in whole or in part) of acts of state authorities and local governments, as well as with statements about the illegality of actions of officials that violate the rights of the Partnership;

Responsible for their obligations with their property;

Create associations (unions) of horticultural (gardening, country) non-profit associations;

Open bank accounts in the prescribed manner.

1.10. The partnership acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration.

1.11. The partnership has a round seal with its name, stamps, forms, as well as other necessary details.

1.12. Members of the Partnership are not liable for its obligations, and the Partnership is not liable for the obligations of its members.

2. Subject and goals of the partnership

2.1. The purpose of the activity is to satisfy the needs of the members of the Partnership in the production of agricultural products for personal consumption, leisure and health promotion on the basis of the joint development of the land plot provided for the Partnership and its members by members of the Partnership.

2.2. The activities of the Partnership include:

- __________;

- __________________________________________________.

2.3. The partnership also has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities corresponding to the purpose of its creation.

3. Property of the association

3.1. The sources of formation of the property of the Partnership are:

Contributions of members of the Partnership;

Income from entrepreneurial activity partnerships;

Dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds and other securities and deposits;

Income received from the property of the Partnership;

Income received from operations with securities;

Subsidies and compensation payments provided by state authorities and local self-government;

Voluntary property contributions and donations;

Grants received from international and foreign organizations and individuals;

Income received from participation in lotteries, cultural and sports events;

Other receipts not prohibited by law.

3.2. The partnership is the owner of common property acquired or created at the expense of a special fund formed by decision of the General Meeting.

3.3. To carry out its activities, the Partnership forms financial funds. The types, sizes, procedure for the formation and use of funds are established by the charter. The general meeting has the right to internal document, specifying the rules for the formation and management of funds, in accordance with the charter.

3.4. Common property acquired and created by the Partnership at the expense of earmarked contributions is the joint property of the members of the Partnership.

3.5. The Partnership establishes the following funds:

Trust fund used for the acquisition of common property;

A special fund, the funds of which are spent for purposes corresponding to the statutory activities of the Partnership;

A social consumption fund used to provide support in the form of loans to members of the Partnership.

The general meeting of members of the Partnership may provide for the creation of other funds.

3.6. The trust fund of the Partnership is created at the expense of earmarked contributions of members of the Partnership.

The size and terms of making target contributions of members of the Partnership are established by the General Meeting.

3.7. Target contributions are cash contributions and are directed to the acquisition of common property.

In the event that a member of the Partnership fails to pay the target contribution within the time limits established by the General Meeting, such a member of the Partnership shall be charged a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of the unpaid contribution for each day of delay, but not more than the amount of the unpaid amount.

In case of non-payment of targeted contributions more than twice in one financial year, the non-payer may be expelled from the members of the Partnership.

3.8. The special fund is created at the expense of entrance and membership fees of members of the Partnership, income from business activities and other sources listed in clause 3.1 of the charter.

The funds of the special fund are spent exclusively on the acquisition of common property necessary for the statutory activities of the Partnership, and on activities that correspond to the goals of the Partnership.

3.9. The entrance fee is paid by a member of the Partnership in cash in the amount determined by the General Meeting within 10 days from the date of registration of the Partnership or the adoption by the General Meeting of a decision on admission to membership in the Partnership.

In case of delay in payment of the entrance fee, a member of the Partnership pays a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the established amount of the entrance fee for each day of delay, but not more than 60 days. After this period, non-payment of the entry fee is the basis for exclusion of the non-payer from the members of the Partnership.

3.10. The membership fee is set to cover the costs of maintaining the common property of the Partnership and the costs of doing business, for the costs provided for by the estimate approved by the General Meeting.

The amount and terms of payment of membership fees are determined by the decision of the General Meeting.

In the event that a member of the Partnership fails to pay the membership fee within the time period established by the decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Partnership, he shall pay a penalty for the time of delay in payment in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of the outstanding membership fee for each day of delay in payment, but not more than the established amount of the membership fee.

Failure to pay the established membership fees more than twice during the financial year is the basis for exclusion of the non-payer from the Partnership.

3.11. The profit received by the Partnership from entrepreneurial activity is not subject to division among the members of the Partnership and is directed to the purposes established in the charter.

4. Rights and obligations of members of the partnership. Partnership membership

4.1. A member of the Partnership has the right:

Voluntarily withdraw from the Partnership at any time with the payment to him of the value of his share of the property jointly owned by the members of the Partnership, in the amount of earmarked contributions;

Participate in the management of the Partnership, elect and be elected to the bodies of the Partnership;

To be accepted as a matter of priority to work in the Partnership;

Make proposals to improve the activities of the Partnership, eliminate shortcomings in the work of its bodies and officials;

Independently manage on their land in accordance with the permitted use;

Use the property of the General Purpose Partnership;

Receive from the officials of the Partnership information on any issue related to the activities of the Partnership;

To carry out, in accordance with urban planning, construction, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire prevention and other established requirements (norms, rules and regulations), the construction and reconstruction of a residential building, utility buildings and structures on a garden plot; a residential building or a residential building, utility buildings and structures - on a summer cottage; non-capital residential buildings, utility buildings and structures - on a garden plot;

Dispose of their land and other property in cases where they are not withdrawn from circulation or are not limited in circulation on the basis of the law;

When alienating a garden (garden, summer cottage) land plot, simultaneously alienate to the acquirer a share of the common use property as part of the Partnership in the amount of earmarked contributions;

Upon liquidation of the Partnership, receive the due share of the common property;

Apply to the court for invalidation, violating his rights and legitimate interests of the decision of the General Meeting, as well as decisions of the board and other bodies of the Partnership;

Carry out other actions not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The General Meeting may establish other rights of the members of the Partnership.

4.2. A member of the Association is obliged:

Comply with the charter of the Partnership, implement the decisions of the General Meeting;

Bear the burden of expenses for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the Partnership;

Pay membership, targeted and other fees on time;

Carry out the construction of a garden house and other buildings in accordance with the approved project for the organization and development of the territory of the Partnership, plant fruit trees in compliance with established norms and rules, without violating the rights of owners of neighboring plots and third parties;

Ensure the proper maintenance of the premises owned by the members of the Partnership;

Provide compliance with established regulatory and technical requirements use, maintenance and repair, restructuring and modernization of the premises or their parts without causing damage to property and violating other legally protected rights and interests of other members of the Partnership (owners of neighboring plots) and third parties;

When a member of the Partnership inflicts damage personally or by persons residing with him, as well as by any other persons carrying out activities in the Partnership in accordance with a lease agreement or on other legal grounds, to the property of other members or to the common property of the Partnership, a member of the Partnership is obliged at his own expense to eliminate the damage caused damage;

Participate in landscaping work, in the construction and operation of fire safety facilities, engineering infrastructure and maintaining cleanliness on the territory of the Partnership. If it is impossible to personally participate in the performance of the said works, make earmarked contributions for their performance in the amount determined by the General Meeting;

Comply with the requirements of land and environmental legislation;

Not to take actions that damage the Partnership or its reputation;

Rationally and carefully use the property that is the property of the Partnership;

Maintain the environmental cleanliness of the territory adjacent to the site;

Store solid household waste and construction waste in strictly designated places;

Do not disclose confidential information on the activities of the Association.

4.3. Each member of the Partnership, in proportion to the earmarked contributions made, participates in the payment of taxes, fees and other payments on common property, as well as in the costs of its maintenance and preservation.

4.4. Non-use by a member of the Partnership of a land plot or refusal to use common property is not a basis for exempting him in whole or in part from participation in the general costs of maintaining and repairing common property.

4.5. Citizens who have reached the age of 18 and have land plots within the boundaries of the Partnership can become members of the Partnership.

A citizen wishing to become a member of the Partnership submits an application in writing to the Board of the Partnership, which, on the basis of this application, introduces the issue of accepting the person who submitted the application as a member of the Partnership on the agenda of the General Meeting.

The General Meeting decides on the acceptance (or refusal to accept) the applicant as a member of the Partnership. From the date of the decision on admission, the applicant is considered a member of the Partnership.

4.6. Each member of the Partnership within three months after the day of his admission to the membership of the Partnership must be issued by the Board of the membership book or other document certifying membership.

4.7. Each member of the Partnership has the right to withdraw from the Partnership at any time by submitting a written application for withdrawal to the Board.

4.8. A member of the Partnership may be expelled from the Partnership by decision of the General Meeting due to the fact that he:

Violates the terms and procedure for payment of membership, admission and target fees;

Takes actions that cause damage to the property of the Partnership, and also contributes to causing damage to the Partnership in its business activities;

Systematically does not comply with the decisions of the General Meeting, the Board of the Partnership and violates the provisions of the charter.

4.9. A member of the Partnership withdraws from the Partnership from the moment of filing an application for withdrawal to the Board and the adoption by the General Meeting of a decision to expel him from the Partnership.

4.10. The Board, within the time limits established for notifying the members of the Partnership about the convening of the General Meeting, notifies the excluded member of the inclusion of the issue of expulsion on the agenda of the General Meeting and invites him to attend this meeting.

If the excluded member of the Partnership does not appear at the General Meeting, it is authorized to decide on the exclusion of the absent member of the Partnership from the Partnership.

4.11. The board of directors pays to the citizen who left the Partnership the value of his share in the property of the Partnership in the amount of earmarked contributions within two months after the end of the financial year in which the citizen left the Partnership.

4.12. A former member of the Partnership may conclude an agreement with the Partnership on the use and operation of engineering networks, roads and other common property for a reasonable fee.

5. Association bodies

5.1. The Partnership creates:

The Board of the Partnership is the executive body;

The Audit Commission is a body of control over the activities of the Partnership.

5.2. supreme body The management of the Partnership is the General Meeting. The General Meeting has the right to consider any issue, including those falling within the competence of other bodies.

The General Meeting is authorized to make decisions if more than 50% of the members of the Partnership are present at it.

The decision of the meeting is considered adopted if a majority of the votes of the present members of the Partnership are in favor of it. Each member of the Partnership has one vote, regardless of the property contribution. The decision of the General Meeting is documented in the minutes.

5.3. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting includes consideration of the following issues:

Approval of the charter of the Partnership, introduction of amendments and additions to it;

Disposition of the property of the Partnership;

Alienation of fixed assets and land plots, their acquisition;

Making a decision to receive borrowed money, including bank loans;

Imposition, amount, procedure for payment of fines, penalties, penalties and other penalties on members of the Partnership;

Determination of the procedure for covering the losses of the Partnership;

Introduction or expansion of the rights of members of the Partnership to make additional shares, the introduction of an obligation to make additional contributions;

Deciding on the reorganization and liquidation of the Partnership;

Consideration of conflict situations arising between the chairman of the board and the board, the board and audit commission.

Decisions on the listed issues are taken unanimously by all members of the Partnership.

Decisions on the following issues are made by a 2/3 majority vote of the members of the Partnership present at the meeting:

Approval of the Partnership's development program, annual report, budget and balance sheet;

Approval of the Partnership's budget for the year, including the necessary expenses for current activities, maintenance of common property, repair and reconstruction costs, special contributions and deductions, as well as expenses for other purposes established by law and the charter of the Partnership;

Determining the types and sizes of the Partnership's funds, as well as the conditions for their formation;

Distribution or use of income received by the Partnership from business activities;

Election of the chairman of the board, members of the board and members of the audit commission, hearing reports on their activities and termination of their powers, including early termination;

Election of temporary working commissions;

Resolving issues of admission to membership in the Partnership, exclusion from it, as well as issues related to withdrawal from the Partnership with payment of the cost of a share in the property of the Partnership;

The Association's entry into business companies, unions and associations, as well as withdrawal from them;

The procedure for granting loans to members of the Partnership and establishing the amount of these loans;

Determining and changing the size of entrance, targeted and membership fees, their payment by members of the Partnership;

Making decisions on granting easements and other rights to use the common property of the Partnership;

Making decisions on concluding transactions for an amount exceeding ___________________ minimum dimensions wages on the date of the transaction;

Determining and changing the amount of financial powers to conclude transactions on behalf of the Partnership to the chairman of the board and the board;

Approval of transactions made by the chairman of the board or the board in excess of the powers granted to him;

Establishing the amount of rent and other payments for the use of social infrastructure;

Changing the procedure and conditions for joining and exiting the Partnership;

The decision to open representative offices;

Establishment staffing, the amount of remuneration and compensation to officials and employees of the Partnership;

Consideration of disputes between owners of individual residential buildings located on adjacent (neighboring) land plots on the removal of obstacles to the use of a land plot, including in the case when its boundaries and sizes are disputed;

Consideration of disputes between the Partnership and its members, members among themselves, as well as between spouses, including former ones, regarding the division of a land plot or determining the procedure for using this plot;

Approval of the internal regulations of the Partnership, including provisions on the board, audit commission, representative offices.

5.4. The General Meeting is convened as needed, but at least twice a year. The Annual General Meeting is convened no later than two months after the end of the financial year.

The obligation to convene the General Meeting rests with the Board, and in case of suspension of the powers of the Board - with the Audit Commission.

A notice in writing about the convening of the General Meeting with an indication of the agenda, place and time of its holding shall be sent by the Board of the Partnership no later than 20 days before the date of the General Meeting.

A written notice of the convening of the General Meeting is handed to the member of the Partnership against receipt or sent to him by mail (by registered mail). The notice of the General Meeting shall indicate on whose initiative the meeting is convened, the place and time of its holding, and the agenda.

5.5. The General Meeting at its first meeting develops the rules of procedure for the work of the meeting.

The general meeting is chaired by the chairman or a member of the board and the secretary - a member of the board. In the absence of these persons, the chairman may be elected from among the members of the Partnership.

5.6. The chairman of the meeting organizes the keeping of minutes.

Minutes of general meetings are drawn up within three days and signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary, certified by the seal and stored in the affairs of the Partnership permanently. Minutes of meetings and certified extracts from them must be provided to a member of the Partnership at his request.

5.7. The decision of the General Meeting, in case of disagreement with it, may be appealed by the members of the Partnership in court.

5.8. The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened on the initiative of:

Chairman of the board;

the Board or its member;

the Audit Commission or its member;

At least 1/3 of the total number of members of the Partnership requiring the General Meeting.

Notice of an extraordinary General Meeting must be sent by the Board, and in exceptional cases - by the initiator of the meeting, but not less than three days before the start of the meeting and must contain the wording of the issue to be discussed.

5.9. In the absence of a quorum at the meeting, the initiator appoints a new date, place and time for the General Meeting. A newly scheduled meeting may be convened not earlier than three days and not later than 30 days from the date of the failed meeting.

5.10. The Extraordinary General Meeting is held in the same order as the regular one.

The decision of the General Meeting, adopted in the prescribed manner, is binding on all members of the Partnership, including those who, regardless of the reasons, did not take part in the voting.

5.11. The executive body of the Partnership is the Board, which manages current affairs, makes decisions on issues that are not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting. The Board is accountable to the General Assembly.

The Board is elected by the General Meeting from among the members of the Partnership for a period of two years, in the amount of at least three people. Re-elections of the board may be carried out ahead of time at the request of at least 1/4 of the members of the Partnership. The number of board members may be changed by the General Meeting. A board member can be re-elected an unlimited number of times. The chairman of the board is a member of the board. Members of the Management Board may at any time be suspended from their duties by decision of the General Meeting.

5.12. The Board of the Partnership is competent to make decisions if at least 2/3 of the members of the Board are present.

The decision of the board is taken by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the issue is submitted to the General Meeting.

5.13. The competence of the board includes:

property accounting and Money, their disposal within the limits of the income and expenditure estimates approved by the General Meeting;

Control over the timely payment by the members of the Partnership of the established mandatory payments and contributions;

Deciding on the conclusion of transactions in the amount of up to ________________ minimum wages established on the date of the transaction;

Organization of work on water supply, electrification, road construction, technical measures and other issues;

Carrying out activities related to the provision of services to members of the Partnership;

Control over the implementation of the Articles of Association of the Partnership, decisions of the General Meeting, the Board and the Audit Commission;

Drawing up a draft annual budget, income and expenditure estimates, submitting them for approval to the General Meeting, as well as submitting reports on the execution of adopted estimates;

Implementation of property management of the Partnership, leasing;

Organization of protection of the property of the Partnership and its members;

Implementation of measures to prevent pollution of the adjacent territory;

Organization of construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, structures, engineering networks, roads and other public facilities;

Purchase and delivery of planting material, fertilizers, garden tools;

Organization of property insurance of the Partnership and its members;

Preparation of General Meetings, their convocation and organization of holding;

Maintaining a list of members of the Partnership, office work, archives, accounting and reporting;

Consideration of conflict situations arising between members of the Partnership and its employees;

Performing other actions referred to the competence of the Board by this Charter.

5.14. The Board meets as needed, but at least once a month.

The meeting of the board is documented in minutes, which is signed by all members of the board. The minutes of the board are kept in the archives of the Partnership.

Board meetings are chaired by the chairman of the board.

5.15. Members of the Board are personally liable for failure to perform or improper performance of their functions before the General Meeting.

The Chairman of the Board and its members bear property liability to the Partnership for losses caused to it by their actions (inaction). Members of the management board who voted against the decision that caused losses to the Partnership, or who did not take part in the voting, are released from property liability.

5.16. The Chairman of the Board is elected from among the members of the Partnership by the General Meeting, is accountable to him and the Board, manages the current affairs of the Partnership, organizes the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting, the Board and the Audit Commission.

5.17. The Chairman of the Board resolves all issues of the Partnership's activities, with the exception of those referred to the competence of the General Meeting and the Board, including:

Without a power of attorney acts on behalf of the Partnership, represents its interests in relations with other legal entities and citizens;

Independently enters into transactions in the amount of up to __________________ minimum wages established on the date of the transaction;

Carries out operational management of the activities of the Partnership;

Organizes accounting and other accounting of the Partnership;

Concludes employment contracts (contracts), hires and dismisses employees of the Partnership;

Within its competence, issues orders and gives instructions that are binding on all members of the Partnership.

The Chairman of the Board is personally liable for failure to perform or improper performance of his functions before the General Meeting.

5.18. To control the financial and economic activities of the Partnership, the General Meeting elects an audit commission for a period of two years in the amount of at least three people - the chairman and members.

The number of members of the Audit Commission is determined by the General Meeting. Multiple re-election of members of the audit commission for the next term is allowed.

The Audit Commission has the right to make decisions only in its entirety.

The Audit Commission meets as needed, but at least once a quarter.

The Audit Commission carries out its activities on the basis of the Regulations on the Audit Commission, legislation and the charter of the Partnership. The Regulation on the Audit Commission regulates the procedure for its work and its interaction with other bodies of the Partnership, defines the functions and powers of the Audit Commission, the procedure for its formation and early termination of the powers of its members, the procedure for making decisions and holding meetings of the Audit Commission.

Members of the audit commission have the right to demand that the officials of the Partnership provide the necessary information, documents and personal explanations.

5.19. The Audit Commission of the Partnership is obliged to:

Conduct scheduled audits of the financial and economic activities of the Partnership at least once a year;

Check the balance sheet, annual report;

Submit to the General Meeting of members of the Partnership conclusions on the budget, annual report and the amount of mandatory payments and contributions;

Give opinions on proposals on the distribution of the annual income of the Partnership and on measures to cover the annual deficit;

Report to the General Assembly on their activities.

6. Accounting and reporting of the partnership

6.1. Operational, accounting and statistical accounting and reporting of the Partnership are carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The partnership creates without fail and stores the documentation:

Minutes of general meetings;

Minutes of the meetings of the Board of the Partnership;

Minutes of the meetings of the Audit Commission of the Partnership;

Lists of members of the Partnership indicating their surnames, names, patronymics, places of residence and the amounts of their entrance, target and membership fees;

Duty cadastral map with attached magazine.

6.3. The annual report, balance sheet and annual estimate of the Partnership before approval by the General Meeting are subject to verification by the Audit Commission and an independent audit organization.

6.4. The annual report, balance sheet and annual estimate of the Partnership are approved by the General Meeting.

6.5. At any time, a member of the Partnership or his representative, on the basis of a duly executed power of attorney, has the right to familiarize himself with the documentation and financial statements of the Partnership.

7. Reorganization and liquidation of the partnership

7.1. The partnership may be reorganized (by merger, acquisition, division, spin-off, transformation):

Voluntarily by unanimous decision of the members of the Partnership at the General Meeting;

By the tribunal's decision.

When reorganizing the Partnership, appropriate changes are made to its charter.

The reorganization of the Partnership is carried out by the reorganization commission appointed by the General Meeting. The General Meeting also determines the term for the reorganization of the Partnership.

The reorganization commission develops a reorganization plan and submits it for approval by the General Meeting.

When the Partnership is reorganized, its rights and obligations are transferred to successors in accordance with the deed of transfer. When the Partnership is divided, its rights and obligations are transferred to newly emerging legal entities in accordance with the separation balance sheet.

7.2. The deed of transfer and the separation balance sheet are approved by the General Meeting. The deed of transfer and the separation balance sheet are prepared by the reorganization commission and must contain provisions on the succession of all obligations of the reorganized Partnership in respect of all its creditors and debtors, including obligations disputed by the parties.

7.3. A partnership may be liquidated:

By unanimous decision of the members of the Partnership, adopted at the General Meeting;

By the tribunal's decision;

In other cases provided for by law.

7.4. When deciding on the liquidation of the Partnership, the General Meeting appoints, in agreement with the body that carried out the state registration of the Partnership, a liquidation commission. From the moment of appointment of the liquidation commission, the powers to manage the affairs of the Partnership are transferred to it.

The liquidation commission, on behalf of the Partnership, acts in court.

At the request of the General Meeting, the Board of the Partnership may be entrusted with the obligation to carry out liquidation.

7.5. The procedure for the liquidation of the Partnership is determined in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.6. The property of the liquidated Partnership remaining after satisfaction of creditors' claims shall be transferred to the members of the Partnership and distributed among them. The property jointly owned by the members of the Partnership and remaining after the satisfaction of all creditors' claims, with the consent of the members of the Partnership, is sold at public auction, and the proceeds are transferred to the members of the former Partnership in equal shares.

Signatures of the participants of the meeting of founders: