How is the abbreviation tr. Engineering and technical worker (ITR): requirements for the candidate. How are engineers paid?

  • 07.05.2020

Facing some professional features, you can find many abbreviations, for example, ITR. Deciphering it sounds like an engineering worker. These are specialists involved in the organization and management of production processes. It should be borne in mind that the assignment of an employee to the number of engineering and technical employees is carried out depending on the position he occupies. The education of the employee is completely irrelevant in this matter. And to get this job, a person must be a qualified technician or engineer.

Worker groups

The decoding of the ITR suggests that there are a lot of professions related to this abbreviation. Basically, such employees are very much needed in the industrial sector. Engineering specialists are involved in the creation of material benefits for society of various plans. There are several groups of such workers, which are divided based on activities, tasks assigned to employees of firms, and other factors.

  1. Constructors. The main activity of these workers is the development of drawings and specialized design documentation.
  2. Technologists. These employees are involved in the description technological processes occurring at the enterprise, as well as the development of technical documents.
  3. Economists. Their field of activity captures the conduct of various calculations and analysis economic activity companies.
  4. Organizers. Their functions include the solution of all organizational issues of the company.


What is an ITR? First of all, these are qualified employees who are able to solve the tasks assigned to them. Among them may be specialists who have not received higher education, but have achieved a high level of professional skills. Among them may be workers with secondary technical education and many others. Each employee has his own qualification level, based on this, he can be assigned a rank.

So, for example, what is an engineer of the 9th-12th category? This is an employee who has received high qualifications and knows all the nuances of his work, but without education or, conversely, with higher education, but with a lack of sufficient professionalism. The 13th-15th categories are received by employees with higher education and high qualifications. But the 16-18th category can only be received by those workers who are involved in the production process itself and occupy high positions in company.


What is an engineer will become clearer if we consider their responsibilities in enterprises. Probably the most important function such an employee is the development of new, more efficient technological production processes and measures for their implementation. These professionals develop and establish a work plan, determining the sequence of actions that will help achieve the desired results.

In addition, specialists are developing new methods for monitoring the conformity of the quality of work or products, filling out technical documentation. The work of engineers includes ensuring the smooth operation of production. They develop and implement new technologies, monitor the condition and serviceability of equipment in production, and are engaged in its adjustment and maintenance.

Labor rationing

Many production issues directly depend on the process of rationing the work of employees. These issues include the system of work and structural improvement of management personnel. If the efficiency of the work of engineering and technical staff increases, the level of costs for the maintenance of these workers decreases.

But there are some difficulties here, because the engineering staff are primarily people who work mentally, not physically, so it is very difficult to measure or observe their activities. Since these specialists are more paid, the determination of salaries, resource costs, etc. will help to significantly reduce the financial losses of the company for their maintenance.


How much a specialist working in the position of engineer will receive depends on the efficiency of his work and the level of qualifications received. It can also be influenced by working conditions. Basically, management determines a clear salary corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, but sometimes these figures may change depending on the profitability of the company.

If we consider the payment of engineering and technical workers in construction, then floating salaries are most often used here, which are reviewed monthly depending on the effectiveness of the work performed by the employee. As for bonuses, many companies apply such incentive manipulations to employees, but the amount of bonuses is usually kept at the level of half the salary of a specialist.


The engineering and technical worker is the leader and directly reports to the technical manager. To obtain a position, an employee must obtain the necessary work experience at a hazardous industrial type facility or a certificate confirming the attestation of engineering and technical personnel in industrial safety.

If an employee is absent due to illness or vacation, his duties are performed by a person appointed by management who has received the necessary qualifications and knows all the rules of the company. This employee must work according to a clear plan, certified by senior management. In addition, he must submit monthly progress reports to the manager to whom he reports directly.


Engineering staff are employees who must have a certain amount of knowledge. Employees are required to clearly know and comply with all the rules and charter of the organization, how production is controlled, with the identification of violations of industrial safety at the facility. The knowledge of the employee must include all federal laws, norms and rules. He must know how all equipment is used in production, as well as its operating modes, performance properties, and so on.


The employee has the right to receive everything social guarantees provided by law, as well as to receive overalls for engineers. He can be at any time at the site of production, which is in his competence. He has the right to get acquainted with all the documentation necessary for him to perform his duties. He has the right to require employees subordinate to him to maintain all equipment and devices in good condition.

He has the right to take part in inspections, investigations of industrial accidents, etc. In addition, he may offer management incentives or penalties from individual employees who have distinguished themselves in their work. He may take part in conferences, general meetings and other events where issues relating to his competence and duties are raised. He also has the right to improve his skills and demand from his superiors assistance in matters that he cannot solve on his own.


The employee is liable for non-performance or improper performance of his work, for offenses that affect the Administrative, Labor or Criminal Code of the country. He can also be held liable if his actions led to material damage the organization in which he works.


Understanding what engineering and technical workers are, you can consider many professions and job responsibilities, but the main thing you should pay attention to is employees, thanks to whom production develops and keeps up with the times. It is engineering and technical workers who create new methods of production processes, develop techniques for optimizing the costs of human and material resources.

Create new equipment, invent and move technical side development of our world forward. Since the appearance of these workers, industry has advanced a lot. There are many nuances and moments in the work of these employees, which depend not only on their education, qualifications and professionalism, but also on the conditions of their work. A lot depends on the company, the scope of its activities, the scale of production and other factors. Instructions, rules and labor protection for engineers are prescribed in each organization separately, but they must take into account the current legislation of the country. Only a person who really understands all the nuances of his work, who knows how to create something new and take responsibility for making decisions, can become an engineering worker.

The labor rationing of engineering and technical workers (ITR) and employees is necessary for the correct calculation of their number, the objective distribution of duties between employees, the growth of their labor productivity, and objective conditions for material incentives.

To engineering and technical workers include employees who organize the production process, technical, economic and managerial management. It is necessary to distinguish between engineers and specialists. The basis for classifying workers as engineers is the position held (engineer, technician, agronomist, livestock specialist), and not education, therefore, they also include practitioners who do not have special education.

Specialists These are employees who have completed higher and secondary specialized education. They can be both engineers and employees.

Specialists include employees engaged in engineering, technical, economic and other work, employees - employees who prepare and draw up documentation, accounting and control, economic services (secretaries, commandants, clerks, cashiers, timekeepers, freight forwarders, etc.).

Taking into account the peculiarities of the work of engineers and employees, their work is rationed with the help of various methods analytical rationing of the labor intensity of work and the number of performers. The choice of the rationing method depends on the complexity of the work performed, the variety of methods and approaches to solving problems, and the frequency of work. Accordingly, three groups can be defined:

1. Works that do not require great creative effort and are characterized by a small variety of operations performed

They require the exact implementation of the established order, rules, methods, instructions, standards (for example, shorthand, office work, accounting operations, detailing and copying documents, their design and reproduction, calculations according to a given program). Time limits for these works are established by analytical methods.

Consider how the work of a contractor is normalized to create a piecework order for work performed at an industrial enterprise.

Example 1

Creating an order for work performed contains a number of sequentially performed actions (algorithm; see diagram).

When performing work on creating an outfit, the contractor must act according to the algorithm. Knowing the initial data (the number of workers), it is possible to estimate the complexity of this work. Taking into account the fact that the contractor performs other works, for which there are also prescribed algorithms, it is possible to calculate the total labor intensity and, accordingly, determine the number of contractors at the enterprise.

2. Works requiring creative work

These works are not only technical activities (preparation of materials, design, drawing up diagrams and calculations), but also creative - the study various materials and search for solutions to problems. These are design, calculation, design, planning and other works.

The first part is normalized by the methods of analytical normalization, the second - the creative part - cannot be normalized by these methods. They apply to:

  • the method of analogies according to the categories of complexity of the work performed;
  • expert method;
  • method by typical representatives.

So, analogy method consists in the fact that previously developed topics, designs, technological processes are divided into the simplest elements of work, for which the actual time costs are recorded. When normalizing the development labor intensity, the value of time is taken from analogues and corrected (tightened) taking into account the growth in labor productivity.

Practice shows that in the designs and technology of their manufacture up to 50-60% are repetitive elements of work.

For your information

The labor intensity of that part of the work, which has no analogues, is calculated using conversion factors that take into account the complexity and originality of the work. Conversion factors are set mainly by the expert method.

To normalize the work of designers and technologists, you can use analytical and calculation method, which is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, when issuing work to a designer (technologist), only the type of work is indicated and an approximate time limit is set. This is necessary in order to calculate the monthly workload plan for an employee.

At the second stage, when the work is done, the quantitative and qualitative rationing of labor costs is carried out. Quantification answers the question of how many standard 1A4 formats fit in a finished drawing. Qualitative assessment allows you to attribute the drawing to a certain group of complexity.

Consider an example of labor rationing for designers of a machine-building enterprise.

Example 2

All products developed by designers are divided by expert into four groups:

  1. simple products;
  2. products of medium complexity;
  3. complex product;
  4. product upgrade.

Regardless of the complexity, the development of each product consists of a number of successive stages:

For each group of products for each stage, on the basis of the time actually spent, the time norm is determined (Table 1).

Table 1

Table of preliminary production rate for the development of a new product, h

No. p / p

Stages of design development of products

Simple product

Product of medium complexity

Complex product

Product upgrade

Development of a draft model of the product

Development of a 3D model and design documentation for prototype

Supervising the creation of a prototype

Correction of drawings and preparation of a complete set of design documentation

Correction of design documentation based on the results of the pilot batch

Drawing up and approval of the act of transfer to mass production

Based on this table, the load of each designer is calculated, the product release date is determined, and the need for design bureau employees is determined.

3. Management work, including the work of the heads of departments of the administrative apparatus

The most difficult standardized work. A method is used to determine the number of employees according to the norms of manageability and management functions.

Controllability rate is the number of people who are directly subordinate to the manager.

The optimal rate of controllability is 7 people. This is due to the feature random access memory of a person to store information about seven unrelated objects.

IN real life manageability can reach 40 people. It depends on the abilities, experience of the manager, the homogeneity of the tasks performed and many other factors, for example:

● type of activity of the organization;

● location of management objects (due to the geographical location of branches or departments of the organization, in some cases it is impossible to achieve optimal manageability indicators);

● qualifications of employees (the level of control over employees' activities depends on their skills and motivation);

● type organizational structure(hierarchical, matrix, design);

● level of task standardization;

● level of activity automation, etc.

It is important for a company to determine total number employees for each function. It is calculated using the methods of correlation analysis, which takes into account the influence of the most significant factors on the labor intensity of work on this function.

The number of managers according to the functional responsibilities of implementing the main management functions can be calculated from the data in Table. 2.

table 2

Determining the number of managers

Calculation formula for the number of employees of the management apparatus by management functions

K y \u003d 23.6615 + 0.0011 × M p + 0.029 × K pr

K st \u003d 0.05 × (K new + K otk)


K spp \u003d 1.85 + 0.0051 × K pr

K otiz \u003d 11.2142 + 0.0031 × K ppp

K op \u003d 12.0716 + 0.0286 × K pr + 0.523 × H sp

K peo \u003d 5.015 + 0.0006 K ppp + 0.0006 × M p

K boo = 3.9603 + 0.0013 × M + 0.0045 × K ppp

K ok \u003d 2.2129 + 0.0012 × K ppp

Occupational Safety and Health

K otitb \u003d 1.1 + 0.0062 × M p

K d \u003d 1.7883 + 0.0019 × K ppp + 0.0002 × D

Explanations for conditional abbreviations in Table. 2:

K y - the total number of managers of different levels;

M p - the number of jobs in the main production;

K pr - the number of workers in the main production;

K st - the number of employees of standardization and certification services;

K new - the number of employees involved in the development and implementation of new technologies and equipment;

To otk - the number of employees of the department technical control;

K cpp - the number of employees of the pre-production service;

To otiz - the number of employees of the wage department;

To ppp - the total number of industrial and production personnel;

K op - the number of employees of the department of technical support of production;

H cn - the number of independent structural divisions enterprises, units;

To peo - the number of employees of the planning and economic department;

K boo - the number of employees of the accounting and financial departments;

M - the number of names, sizes and article numbers of materials, semi-finished products, purchased products, units;

K ok - the number of employees of the training service;

To otitb - the number of employees of the department of labor protection and safety;

K d - the number of employees of the department of office work and economic services;

D - annual document flow, units.

The total number of independent structural units, their deputies and assistants, who are directly subordinate to the first head, is calculated by the formula:

H cn \u003d 7.78 + 0.00019 × K ppp.


These calculation methods were developed in a planned economy and were used in large industrial enterprises. Therefore, in modern conditions they can only serve as a rough guide.

Example 3

According to the method presented above, we calculate the number of managerial personnel.

The initial data are presented in table. 3, the results of the calculation - in table. 4.

Table 3

Determining the number of managers based on management functions



Number of jobs in the main production (M p)

Number of workers in the main production (K pr)

Number of employees involved in the development and implementation of new technologies and equipment (K new)

Number of employees of the technical control department (K otk)

Total number of industrial and production personnel (K ppp)

The number of independent structural divisions of the enterprise (N sp), units.

Number of names, sizes and article numbers of materials, semi-finished products, purchased products (M), units

Annual document flow (D), units

Table 4

Number calculation

Description of the functional responsibilities of managers and their departments


General (line) management of the main production

Standardization and certification of products, technological processes and other elements of production


Organization of labor and wages

Operational management of the main production

Technical and economic planning

Accounting and financial activities

Recruitment and training

Occupational Safety and Health

General office work and economic management


If we compare the results of calculations with the number at a real industrial enterprise, then with regard to labor protection, recruitment and training of personnel, preparation of production, we can see that estimated number staff is very close to real.

With regard to accounting functions (PEO, accounting, O&M, office work), the calculated data are overestimated by 2-3 times. The work of these divisions is quite automated and does not require such a number of employees.

R. V. Kazantsev,
CFO "MC Teplodar"

Engineering and technical worker (ITR)- this is an employee who has a higher or secondary engineering education, and who organizes or manages the production processes at the enterprise.

TO basic functionality these employees include: development and implementation of processes and production modes, setting the order of work and the sequence of performing labor operations, determining the main methods of quality control, maintaining technical documentation, creating technology or their implementation (installation, adjustment and operation of equipment, various measures to improve efficiency production), maintenance of existing production lines, setting them up for the production of a particular product, eliminating emerging malfunctions, installing and adjusting production lines, as well as improving existing ones.

engineers account for a lot work with information(schemes, graphs, programs, etc.); Besides, contact with technical devices , and communicate with other people employed in production.

TO modern requirements presented by the employer to ITR includes:

  • narrow specialization of the employee;
  • knowledge of the industry in which the engineer will work;
  • knowledge of the markets for products;
  • knowledge of Russian and world technologies, developments in their field of activity.

How many graduates with engineering education in the Yaroslavl region?

In 2010, 20% or so 2,000 graduates institutions of higher education and 25% or 1 500 graduates secondary vocational educational institutions entered the labor market, having received an engineering education.

In the Yaroslavl region there are the following areas of training engineering and technical profile:

  • metallurgy, mechanical engineering and material processing;
  • chemical technology and biotechnology;
  • automation and control;
  • construction and architecture;
  • vehicles;
  • electronic engineering, radio engineering and communication;
  • technology prod. food and consumer goods;
  • information security, etc.

More specifically, then higher engineering and technical education available in the following specialties:

  • materials science and technology of materials;
  • design and technological support of machine-building industries;
  • chemical Technology;
  • power engineering;
  • quality control;
  • technological machines and equipment;
  • radio electronic systems;
  • technology of transport processes;
  • thermal power engineering and heat engineering, etc.

Secondary vocational schools areas offer training in the following specialties:

  • installation and tech. operation of industrial equipment;
  • engineering technology;
  • technology of catering products;
  • organization and management of transport;
  • modeling of garments;
  • welding production;
  • production of aircraft engines, etc.

More information about the engineering and technical specialties that are taught in the Yaroslavl region can be obtained by asking " Question to a specialist", on our portal.

Who is in demand in the Yaroslavl region?

In the labor market of the Yaroslavl region in 2010 it was required 1500 specialists with higher and secondary engineering education. Among them are 950 engineers, 170 technicians, 100 programmers and 40 technologists.

Engineers and technologists in demand in industrial enterprises ( OAO NPO Saturn, OAO Avtodizel, ZAO Yaroslavl-Rezinotekhnika, OAO Tutaevsky Motor Plant, OAO Raskat, OAO Russkaya Mekhanika, OAO Yaroslavl Radio Plant, ZAO Yarpolimemash-Tatneft, OAO "Shipbuilding Plant", LLC "Factory of felted shoes", JSC "Eldin"and so on.), at enterprises of transport, construction, Agriculture, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, in design offices and research organizations.

Most in-demand engineers today are a process engineer, a design engineer, an occupational health and safety engineer, a software engineer, an electronics engineer, an engineer for the organization and regulation of labor, an energy engineer, a design engineer, a mechanical engineer, a quality engineer and an engineer for protection environment(ecologist).

Programmers in demand in all sectors of the economy, but especially in last years the demand for these specialists in the service sector, education and health care has increased.

Techniques, which, unlike previous specialists, is enough of an average vocational education in demand in industry, construction and in the budgetary sectors of the economy. Technologists and technologists for various industries and transport organizations are in special demand in the labor market.

How much do they pay an engineer, technician, technologist?

The average monthly salary of an engineering and technical worker in the registered labor market ranges from 13 000 rubles.

But, as in any other profession, the level of remuneration can vary greatly in enterprises of various sectors of the economy. So, for example, if average salary engineer in the Yaroslavl region is 14 000 rubles, then in some industrial (chemistry and petrochemistry, mechanical engineering), transport or construction organizations can offer payment from 30 000 rubles.

Similarly, with the specialization of the worker. The highest level of wages today, construction supervision engineers and commissioning and testing engineers - from 23 000 rubles. Also, higher than the average "engineering" salary is offered to an I&C engineer - from 18 000 rub., engineer for automation and mechanization of processes and production - from 16 000 rubles, design engineer, -mechanics, -electronics, -energy - from 15 000 rubles. AND lowest wage for engineers in the organization and regulation of labor and environmental protection (environmentalists) - from 9 000 rubles.

Average monthly salary constructor at the enterprises of the region - from 15 000 rubles, technologist - from 14,000 rubles, programmer can count on a salary 11 500 rubles.

The lowest paid engineering worker is technician whose salary varies from 7,000 rubles electrical technician and from 16 000 rubles- energy technician, designer, technologist.

What are the problems of a modern engineering and technical worker?

Engineering problems today can be divided into two groups :

1. Reasons beyond the employee's control

  • low salary. Even if the worker learns and comes to production, there is no guarantee that he will not go to trade or private business exchanging your favorite job for a decent pay for your work. In the Yaroslavl region, high wages Engineers are offered at machine-building, metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industries. But in the textile, clothing or food industries, wages are often more modest.
  • technologies are improving much faster than the system of vocational education is being modernized. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem by updating the training base. As a rule, the technologies and equipment of modern industries are very expensive and often unique, so it cannot be transferred to educational institution. It is much easier to bring students to study in production.
  • the desire of the employer to see the employee not only with good education but also with experience. The solution to this problem is seen in a more thorough practical part of the educational process. technical universities.

2. Reasons related to the original wrong choice professions

  • There are difficulties that young people create for themselves. The main problem is not entering with the goal of becoming an engineer or technologist, but with the aim of avoiding military service, joining a company with friends, or simply getting a higher education. If somewhere it can pass and, at the very least, having gained experience, it will turn out to work by profession, then an engineer, like, for example, a doctor, does not become without the ability and desire.
  • Of course, it is possible to enter and even unlearn the prescribed term, but in the end, the specialists turn out to be appropriate. And since the employer today has a special demand for engineers, those who turn out to be unsuitable for the profession go into trade or the service sector. And it’s good if future activities are even remotely related to the knowledge gained.

Thus, we can sum up:

  • if we compare the total number of graduates of technical universities and the employer's need for them, it is clear that the point is not in the total shortage of engineering and technical personnel, but in the discrepancy between the quality and specialization of graduates.
  • despite the tragic shortage of engineers at the enterprises of the Yaroslavl region, among the unemployed registered with the employment service, there are engineers, technicians, and programmers, which is often associated with unwillingness to work for the offered salary or lack of interest and abilities in the profession received;
  • Engineering education is in great demand today, and its prestige is growing along with the development of industry and the scientific sector in the region. If the employer sees a capable employee, he will hire him without experience, train him for the specialization of the enterprise at his own expense, offer decent pay and all kinds of social guarantees.

Faced with some professional features, you can find many abbreviations, for example, ITR. Deciphering it sounds like an engineering worker. These are specialists involved in the organization and management of production processes. It should be borne in mind that the assignment of an employee to the number of engineering and technical employees is carried out depending on the position he occupies. The education of the employee is completely irrelevant in this matter. And to get this job, a person must be a qualified technician or engineer.

Worker groups

The decoding of the ITR suggests that there are a lot of professions related to this abbreviation. Basically, such employees are very much needed in the industrial sector. Engineering specialists are involved in the creation of material benefits for society of various plans. There are several groups of such workers, which are divided based on activities, tasks assigned to employees of firms, and other factors.

  1. Constructors. The main area of ​​activity of these workers is the development of drawings and specialized design documentation.
  2. Technologists. These employees are engaged in the description of the technological processes occurring at the enterprise, as well as the development of technical documents.
  3. Economists. Their field of activity captures the conduct of various calculations and analysis of the economic activities of the company.
  4. Organizers. Their functions include the solution of all organizational issues of the company.


What is an ITR? First of all, these are qualified employees who are able to solve the tasks assigned to them. Among them may be specialists who have not received higher education, but have achieved a high level of professional skills. Among them may be workers with secondary technical education and many others. Each employee has his own qualification level, based on this, he can be assigned a rank.

So, for example, what is an engineer of the 9th-12th category? This is an employee who has received high qualifications and knows all the nuances of his work, but without education or, conversely, with higher education, but with a lack of sufficient professionalism. The 13th-15th categories are received by employees with higher education and high qualifications. But only those employees who are involved in the production process itself and occupy high positions in the company can receive the 16-18th category.


What is an engineer will become clearer if we consider their responsibilities in enterprises. Probably the most important function of such an employee is the development of new, more efficient technological and production processes and measures for their implementation. These professionals develop and establish a work plan, determining the sequence of actions that will help achieve the desired results.

In addition, specialists are developing new methods for monitoring the conformity of the quality of work or products, filling out technical documentation. The work of engineers includes ensuring the smooth operation of production. They develop and implement new technologies, monitor the condition and serviceability of equipment in production, and are engaged in its adjustment and maintenance.

Labor rationing

Many production issues directly depend on the process of rationing the work of employees. These issues include the system of work and structural improvement of management personnel. If the efficiency of the work of engineering and technical staff increases, the level of costs for the maintenance of these workers decreases.

But there are some difficulties here, because the engineering staff are primarily people who work mentally, not physically, so it is very difficult to measure or observe their activities. Since these specialists are more paid, the determination of salaries, resource costs, etc. will help to significantly reduce the financial losses of the company for their maintenance.


How much a specialist working in the position of engineer will receive depends on the efficiency of his work and the level of qualifications received. It can also be influenced by working conditions. Basically, management determines a clear salary corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, but sometimes these figures may change depending on the profitability of the company.

If we consider the payment of engineering and technical workers in construction, then floating salaries are most often used here, which are reviewed monthly depending on the effectiveness of the work performed by the employee. As for bonuses, many companies apply such incentive manipulations to employees, but the amount of bonuses is usually kept at the level of half the salary of a specialist.


The engineering and technical worker is the leader and directly reports to the technical manager. To obtain a position, an employee must obtain the necessary work experience at a hazardous industrial type facility or a certificate confirming the attestation of engineering and technical personnel in industrial safety.

If an employee is absent due to illness or vacation, his duties are performed by a person appointed by management who has received the necessary qualifications and knows all the rules of the company. This employee must work according to a clear plan, certified by senior management. In addition, he must submit monthly progress reports to the manager to whom he reports directly.


Engineering staff are employees who must have a certain amount of knowledge. Employees are required to clearly know and comply with all the rules and charter of the organization, how production is controlled, with the identification of violations of industrial safety at the facility. The knowledge of the employee must include all federal laws, regulations and rules. He must know how all equipment is used in production, as well as its operating modes, performance properties, and so on.


The employee has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law, as well as to receive overalls for engineers. He can be at any time at the site of production, which is in his competence. He has the right to get acquainted with all the documentation necessary for him to perform his duties. He has the right to require employees subordinate to him to maintain all equipment and devices in good condition.

He has the right to take part in inspections, investigations of industrial accidents, etc. In addition, he may offer management incentives or penalties from individual employees who have distinguished themselves in their work. He may take part in conferences, general meetings and other events where issues relating to his competence and duties are raised. He also has the right to improve his skills and demand from his superiors assistance in matters that he cannot solve on his own.


The employee is liable for non-performance or improper performance of his work, for offenses that affect the Administrative, Labor or Criminal Code of the country. He can also be held liable if his actions led to material damage to the organization in which he works.


Understanding what engineering and technical workers are, you can consider many professions and job responsibilities, but the main thing you should pay attention to is employees, thanks to whom production develops and keeps up with the times. It is engineering and technical workers who create new methods of production processes, develop techniques for optimizing the costs of human and material resources.

They create new equipment, invent and move the technical side of the development of our world forward. Since the appearance of these workers, industry has advanced a lot. There are many nuances and moments in the work of these employees, which depend not only on their education, qualifications and professionalism, but also on the conditions of their work. A lot depends on the company, the scope of its activities, the scale of production and other factors. Instructions, rules and labor protection for engineers are prescribed in each organization separately, but they must take into account the current legislation of the country. Only a person who really understands all the nuances of his work, who knows how to create something new and take responsibility for making decisions, can become an engineering worker.

We will tell you who belongs to the engineering and technical staff, what functions they perform, how they standardize and pay for the work of such employees. Here is a list of positions of engineering and technical personnel, forms and samples of job descriptions.

In the article

Engineering staff - who are they?

Consider in detail, engineering staff - who are they? The engineering and technical staff includes employees who are tasked with ensuring the smooth operation of all technical means. Depending on the specifics of the organization's activities, the decoding of ITR may vary:

  • designers create drawings, prepare the necessary documentation;
  • technologists describe, according to the submitted technical documentation, the technical processes that are implemented at the enterprise;
  • economists solve the issues of carrying out calculations, provide an analysis of the economic activity of the company;
  • specialists-organizers solve current and strategic organizational issues for the smooth operation of production.

Engineering qualification

An engineering and technical worker is a specialist with a certain level of education and qualifications; conventionally, employees can be divided into several groups:

  • without higher education with extensive work experience and a high level of professionalism;
  • with secondary specialized technical education;
  • with higher education and a high level of qualification;
  • with higher education and the highest level of qualification, with an awarded academic degree or title.

engineering staff, qualification characteristics are given in the Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 08.21.1998 N 37)

Who is included in the engineering and technical staff: list of positions

Engineering and technical workers, who are they? Let's consider this question in detail. We will also focus on the standard list of positions under No. 531.

The engineering and technical staff includes chief or senior specialists, the names of the positions may be different, it all depends on the specifics of the enterprise. These can be: senior managers of production sites, stations, offices, groups, sectors, points, expeditions, cameras, cash desks, and so on. The full list of positions that are included in the engineering and technical staff is quite extensive. Overalls for engineers must comply with the specifics of the enterprise.

The position of engineer may have a different name. The abbreviation is applicable to researchers, engineers, leading economists, technicians, laboratory assistants. Regardless of the title of the position, the engineering and technical staff is responsible for the management, development and technical support activities.

Certification of engineering and technical workers

Certification of engineering and technical personnel is carried out for compliance with the position held. Depending on this, the appropriate rank is assigned, if provided. Qualification guide. In addition, employees are certified in safety, operation of electrical equipment.

Initial briefing is carried out upon hiring. Repeated passes all engineering and technical personnel annually. The qualification group of persons responsible for the electrical economy in the organization must not be lower than the fifth.

When operating electrical equipment over a thousand watts - not less than the fourth. Employees who inspect electrical equipment are instructed to obtain a permit once every three years. Engineering certification is carried out by specialists from Rostekhnadzor. More details about the assignment of the group on electrical safety will be told by the expert of "Personnel Systems"

What are the functional responsibilities of the engineering and technical staff?

Engineering and technical workers are engineering and technical workers. Ensuring the efficient operation of the company. IN functional responsibilities specialists include the development and implementation of information technology processes. Employees included in the organizational group establish the basic order and sequence of work to achieve the planned result, implement quality control methods, and ensure the preparation of technical documentation.

Depending on the specifics of the organization's activities, functional and official duties ITRs are different. But at the same time, all activities are aimed at ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation, the introduction of modern modification systems that reduce overall costs and improve the quality of products or services provided.

How is the rationing and payment for the work of engineering and technical personnel?

The rationing of the work of engineering and technical workers plays a crucial role in solving the majority production tasks. Increasing the efficiency of the work of such specialists allows minimizing the total amount of expenses for the maintenance of engineering and technical personnel.

The difficulties of labor rationing lie in the fact that in most cases labor is almost impossible to measure in certain units, but at the same time it is possible to track the results of activities and quality. The number of labor costs determine the required number of specialists. Remuneration depends on the volume and quality of work performed.

Wage of engineers

The remuneration of engineers depends on the level of qualification. The administration of the organization can establish official salaries and bonus payments for employees.

Bonus payments and their amount are established by the employment contract. When changing salary to basic employment contract constitute an additional agreement.

Engineering personnel are engineering and technical workers who are entrusted with the organization of technological processes, management production activities enterprises. The title of the position depends on the specifics of the organization and what tasks the employee performs. The functional duties of specialists include the development and implementation of information technology processes.