Ready-made project for opening a private kindergarten. A ready-made business plan for a home kindergarten: the necessary documentation, calculations and profitability. Share this page with your friends! Thanks

  • 03.03.2020
MS Word Volume: 50 pages

Business plan

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A well-executed business plan kindergarten will provide a person interested in such a business with a real opportunity to quickly, correctly and legally realize his dream. And the dream of your own mini kindergarten can be very profitable! We all see how last years the birth rate has increased, what queues arise annually when children are enrolled in kindergarten, how much effort, time, money parents need in order to arrange their child.

By purchasing a document on the organization of a private kindergarten and putting it into practice, you give your fellow citizens a worthy alternative to state institutions for children. And we know that such gardens have never been exceptionally good. That is why, using a well-thought-out project, you can offer a garden best quality in which children will be given maximum attention.

It should be understood that a home kindergarten or a private one located in a separate building will be profitable if you take finished project, invest in it not only strength, money, but also the soul, the desire to help people. In this case, your kindergarten will never be empty, and the kids will go there with great pleasure.

The surge in the birth rate, which has been observed in recent years, has led to the fact that in our country there is a serious shortage of places in preschool educational institutions. In such a situation, the opening of new kindergartens would be in place, but since there are certain difficulties with this, private kindergartens would help solve the problem. And there are people who are ready to open their own private kindergarten, while hoping for material assistance, state support, and with this in our country there are just great difficulties.

Organizing a business like private garden, begins with overcoming many bureaucratic obstacles. If in America it is necessary to prepare only two certificates to create a private kindergarten, then in Russia the package of documents for opening a group in a kindergarten or organizing a home kindergarten is so voluminous that one gets the impression that local officials are doing everything in order to complicate the process of creating private kindergartens as much as possible. .

In order to open a private home kindergarten, a businessman needs a lot of documents - licensing, reviews, registration. In this regard, the general characteristic of private kindergartens is that most of them are illegal businesses. This means that entrepreneurs work without permits.

As the experience of creating private kindergartens shows, this business is the best suited for young mothers. It is extremely convenient to be engaged in raising your child, and at the same time provide care for other people's children, whose mothers cannot afford to stay at home. There is no need to talk about the special profitability of this business: the costs are too high, and excessive high pay will only scare away customers.

The legal registration of a business can discourage even the most punchy women, and yet the obligatory license for a kindergarten is difficult to dispute. After all, the organizer of such a business bears, according to the law of the Russian Federation, a huge responsibility for a child in kindergarten. If you are law-abiding citizens, be prepared to go through this difficult path, dotted with by no means rose petals. To obtain a license, you will first of all have to agree on the premises. Not every building is suitable for renting a kindergarten. For each child, it should have at least 6 square meters. m., it is necessary to have special rooms for games and sleep, serious requirements are placed on equipping the kitchen of a kindergarten.

After obtaining permits from the fire inspectorate and sanitary doctors, one should obtain state accreditation and attestation, submit a list of educational and educational programs that you plan to use in your work, provide a description organizational structure private kindergarten. It is clear that this option is acceptable only for a large-scale project, and not for creating a kindergarten at home.

In order for a business project to open a private kindergarten to look more or less attractive in terms of investment, an entrepreneur needs to use professional example business plan for opening a kindergarten with ready-made calculations. This document contains detailed description the work of the kindergarten, including the organization and activities of accounting.

The fact that state preschool institutions are far from always able to ensure the normal comprehensive development of the child, which he needs so much at an early age, is known to all mothers. What kind of development can we talk about if the teacher is torn apart every day, trying to keep an eye on a group of kids from 25-30 people? A completely different matter is a private kindergarten, the opening of which has become a good alternative to municipal kindergartens.

The peculiarities of a private preschool institution lie in the small filling of groups, which makes it possible to pay individual attention to each child. How to open a private kindergarten, where to start? Such questions are invariably asked by all novice businessmen. The organization of the work of a private kindergarten should be built taking into account the competent equipment of the premises, which, by the way, must meet the most stringent requirements.

Where can I rent a kindergarten? The full answer to this question can be found in the SNiP standards, which should be read very carefully, because even the height of ceilings and window sills, as well as the type of paint used to paint the walls of the building, matters.

Most best option for renting a private kindergarten - a building that previously housed a state preschool institution, in this case, it is possible to additionally rent space for a kindergarten with an adjacent territory where kids can take daily walks.

Having found suitable premises, you need to do in it quality repair, perform anti- fire alarm and start decorating the garden. There are strict requirements for the arrangement of a mini-kindergarten. For example, the features of furniture for kindergartens are such that it must be made of safe materials, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates. The requirements for the equipment of a playroom in a private kindergarten, the design of the locker room are also very high, because the safety of the kids is the most important thing.

It is clear that in no case can you save on equipping a garden. And this is one of the main reasons why the payback period of a kindergarten is very long, and an open kindergarten brings a businessman not so much profit as a headache. An analysis of income and expenses in kindergarten shows that parental fee barely covers the cost of child support, after which only small amounts remain.

Using when opening a private kindergarten a competent kindergarten business plan, you will be able to minimize financial risks. You will get acquainted with the recommendations for opening a mini-garden. Having decided to open your own business - a nursery garden, do not neglect this most important financial document, on which your success directly depends.

The relevance of the theme of children's preschool institutions in our country is still high. And the organization of a kindergarten at home, as a business, is able to correct the situation, if not for the problems associated with this process. Until recently, the existing experience in opening a kindergarten, unfortunately, did not inspire optimism, since entrepreneurs - as a rule, young mothers - could not count on state support. But gradually things got off the ground, it became a little easier to open your own kindergarten at home.

In many cities, the authorities met the initiative of parents who want to organize their own business - a private kindergarten at home, in their apartment. Now you can do it quite legally. The package of documents for opening a home kindergarten in each city is different, as a rule, it includes permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor, the results of checking the premises for compliance with housing standards (at least 2.5 sq.m. should be per child). In addition, in some cities, it is required to fill out forms to obtain permission from neighbors to open a home garden - after all, the noise in such an apartment will increase significantly.

Starting a private home-based kindergarten from scratch seems to be a complex undertaking, but the benefits, in case of obtaining permission for this activity, are quite obvious. It is profitable to open a home family mini-kindergarten - hundreds of mothers who were not afraid of difficulties in creating a business have already seen this.

There are two options for events: you are allowed to organize a family group at home, which will be related to a kindergarten located nearby. Those who do not have special education and experience as an educator are sent to free courses. The teaching experience in private kindergartens goes to my mother officially, since she is accepted as a teacher in a state kindergarten. You do not need to rent premises for a kindergarten, since you use your apartment for this purpose. In addition, such a private kindergarten is provided with furniture, dishes, toys at the expense of the state. A mother who looks after not only her baby, but also a group of other children, receives the official salary of a teacher. Parents pay for home kindergarten in the usual way - to the account of the municipal preschool institution.

If you want to create real business- your own kindergarten, from which you will make a profit, then you can open a kindergarten with a short stay of children at home in an apartment. At the same time, you should not position your business as the organization of a kindergarten, otherwise it will be problematic to legalize it. It is much easier to define your activity as developing, which does not require licenses and permits from sanitary doctors and fire inspectors. Payment for such a home kindergarten will go to you, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the business will pay off for a very long time, and problems with regulatory authorities may arise.

So that opening a private kindergarten in a residential building does not turn into a serious problem for you, carefully study a professional sample home kindergarten business plan, which describes in detail how the business should develop, what role legalization plays in this, and how to shorten the payback period with the least loss.

Experienced parents understand that a lot depends on the education of the child, and the foundation quality education laid down in kindergarten. Today in public institutions there is overcrowding of groups. In addition, educators rarely use modern methods early development. For this reason, many parents prefer private institutions. This creates a good niche for development profitable business. In this case, you will need good ideas for a business plan, necessary documentation, personnel and premises.

Small groups and modern equipment - the advantage of private kindergartens

Legal registration of a private kindergarten and a list of required documents

The educational sphere in our country has always been state-owned, therefore, when opening a private educational institution, its owners will face the problem of obtaining various permits and licenses. Open a preschool individual, individual entrepreneur or entity.

If a preschool institution is opened by a legal entity, it must be registered with non-commercial form. Application for registration is considered 1 month. After that, the work is coordinated with various authorities, tax, extra-budgetary funds, state statistics bodies. To be eligible to open a day care center, you must obtain a license issued by the Department of Education.

Required documents for mini-garden:

  • premises lease agreement;
  • charter;
  • the program according to which the children will be educated;
  • documents confirming the availability of the necessary teaching materials;
  • detailed data on the number of staff and children;
  • certificate from the tax service;
  • certificate from the fire service;
  • a certificate from the sanitary service, which indicates that the requirements of SanPiN are observed in the room.

Obtaining a license to open a home kindergarten is not easy. However, the operation of such an institution without proper documentation may lead to criminal liability.

Many organizations are trying to operate without a license, positioning the home kindergarten as a learning center. However, an unscheduled problem can cause serious problems, up to serious fines, kindergarten closures, and even criminal penalties.

Requirements for the premises

One of the most challenging tasks is to find the optimal location. It must comply with the following standards:

  • for each child in the kindergarten there should be at least 6 square meters. square meters;
  • at least three zones should be equipped: a play area, a bedroom and a dining room;
  • moisture resistant materials should be used to cover the walls;
  • the height of the ceiling and window sills must comply with the norm.

A private kindergarten as a business can also be organized in an apartment. However, according to the law, premises from the housing stock cannot be used for private business. In addition, it is almost impossible to comply with all the conditions in the apartment.

Private preschool educational institutions should be located in a separate and protected area

To ensure group accommodation, it is recommended to rent a separate building. An excellent option would be to rent an unused public kindergarten. In this case, the building already meets all standards, so all that remains is to make repairs and purchase the necessary furniture, utensils, toys and educational materials.

Necessary equipment and furnishings of the kindergarten premises

The list of what is needed to open a private kindergarten must be continued with the appropriate equipment and furniture. In this case, it becomes necessary to purchase the following:

  • tables for food, activities with children and creativity;
  • small chairs;
  • beds;
  • lockers in the locker room;
  • pillows and blankets;
  • bed linen and towels;
  • utensils for eating and cooking;
  • food preparation and storage equipment;
  • washing machine;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • toys;
  • educational and children's literature;
  • stationery;
  • goods for creativity.

At the same time, furniture should be hypoallergenic, pillows and blankets should be made of silicone, and toys should be safe and modern. Materials for creativity and learning should be consistent with the curriculum.

The main requirement for equipment and furnishings is a modern appearance, bright colors and environmental friendliness

A business plan for a private kindergarten may include not only a monthly fee, but also a one-time entry fee. This will allow newly opened establishments to receive the necessary amount for the purchase of inventory, as well as cover all costs and quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Catering is one of the most important factors. In kindergarten, meals can be 3-5 times a day. The nutritional requirements of children are the first thing prospective clients look at when looking for the best preschool for their child.

Catering in a private kindergarten

Food should be healthy and complete, so saving on it will not work. In order to increase the revenue and income of a private kindergarten, it is recommended to prepare questionnaires for parents on the nutritional requirements of their children. This will allow you to prepare food for children based on their preferences.

High-quality recruitment

When solving a problem, Special attention devote to staffing. Employment of educators and cooks should be carried out even at the stage of opening the institution, because the quality of the work of a private kindergarten will depend on the staff. Experienced professionals know how to build good relationships with children, as well as win over parents.

When planning a small business, consider that for every four three-year-olds, one member of staff is required. If this is a group of ten children, then one nanny and two educators are required for its work. At the same time, educators must have the appropriate education, and all staff, including cooks and nannies, must have a health book. If the kindergarten has several groups, then an additional cleaner may be required.

A home daycare business plan can be designed to provide maximum return on investment. In this case, the nanny can perform the duties of a laundress and cleaner. To provide additional income, it is recommended to find a choreographer, English language, music. Do not forget about medical worker. It is unprofitable to hire a nurse separately, so it is better to sign an agreement with a reputable ambulance.

The presence of additional classes in a private preschool institution is the path to a successful business

How to open a family kindergarten: a marketing plan

Due to the fact that the big cities are overcrowded and many are in need of kindergarten services, it seems that competition between private educational institutions missing.

Recently, however, dozens of new establishments have opened annually. In order not to think through advertising on your own and ensure a rapid increase in income, you can consider acquiring the best franchise. Open Training Center a franchise will be easier, but in this case, additional costs should be included in the plan.

To attract customers, you can place ads in in social networks, order advertising in windows and on transport. You also need to think additional benefits. For example, it can be delivering children home or additional classes.

Profitability and payback of a private kindergarten

Without an accurate calculation of all data on income and expenses, it is difficult to calculate how much it costs to open a kindergarten. When renting a room, opening a kindergarten will include the following costs:

  • obtaining permits;
  • repair;
  • buying furniture;
  • purchase of bedding;
  • purchase of household appliances;
  • Internet connection and communication services;
  • purchase of toys, educational materials, stationery, goods for creativity.

The initial costs are approximately 500-700 thousand rubles.

A business expense calculator should also include monthly expenses. These include:

  • rental fee;
  • communal payments;
  • staff salaries;
  • food costs;
  • additional expenses.

Thus, the monthly fee is approximately 400 thousand rubles. If the kindergarten is attended by 20 children, the monthly income will be approximately 500 thousand rubles. This will make the total profit equal to about 100 thousand rubles, so the opening of the institution will pay off somewhere in a year, taking into account the fullness of the kindergarten.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 156,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 30,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 315,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a small private kindergarten with calculations.

Service Description

The private kindergarten provides services for parents to look after their young children (from 3 to 7 years old). The organization is small and is designed to serve 10-12 children at the same time. The list of services provided includes finding children in the kindergarten, meals, walks, classes. Overtime stay of the child in kindergarten is not provided. The organization itself will be located on the first floor of a residential building, the apartment will be transferred to non-commercial real estate in advance. In this business plan, we will consider the option of real estate for rent. But if you have your own apartment on the 1st floor, then your expenses will be significantly reduced, and your profit will increase.

Market analysis

Today, the problem of placing a child in a kindergarten is very acute. There are not enough government institutions like this. Parents wait a very long time for their turn, sometimes it takes several years. In such a situation, many are trying to find an alternative solution to the problem. Private kindergartens are gaining more and more popularity.

As a rule, the urgent need for childcare is felt by parents of children who already know how to talk and walk. Age category - from 3 to 7 years. The older age is not relevant at all, since the children are already going to school. Very young children require careful care and supervision. Mothers usually sit with them, they are provided with maternity leave and parental leave. Greatest Demand seen in the middle age category. It is these children that the entrepreneur will recruit for kindergarten.

This type of business is especially relevant for women with a pedagogical education. They will be able to be the owner of the business, and the educator, and the cook, and the cleaning lady, if necessary. Therefore, such an enterprise has a certain female “accent”.

The limited number of municipal kindergartens causes a large difference between the large (constant!) demand for kindergarten services and offers in this market sector. There will always be customers in this type of business. And they are likely to be regular customers. This will reduce advertising costs.

In general, it is better to open such a private kindergarten in the city area where wealthy families live. They, as a rule, resort to the services of such organizations, having greater confidence in them. In this way, portrait of a potential buyer will look as follows: these are families with a child aged 3-7 years, their income is set at an average level and above average (it is worth focusing on the latter category).

The main competitors will be other private kindergartens located nearby and municipal institutions of this type. The main weapons of struggle will be the professionalism of the staff, the provision of quality services, as well as unusual offers (for example, conducting martial arts or dance classes by a professional trainer). It does not make sense to make the cost below the average market - in this case, the costs simply will not pay off and the organization will not bring any income.

SWOT analysis

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing threats and opportunities. The former can hinder the successful development of the enterprise, while the latter, on the contrary, accelerate it and cause additional income.

The factors influencing the enterprise are usually divided into external and internal. The first private entrepreneur can not change. However, he can minimize the impact of negative factors and use opportunities for his own good. To external factor include:

  1. Capabilities:
  • The level of competition is not great, since it is quite difficult to open a kindergarten today, this type of business requires considerable initial costs.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Opportunity to attract investment in this sector of the economy.
  • Low advertising costs.
  • Changes in legislative acts.
  • Low fines for individual entrepreneurs (about 1-3 thousand rubles).
  1. Threats:
  • High level of bureaucracy in this area.
  • Decrease in the income level of the population due to the crisis.
  • Presence of financial barriers to market entry.
  • The need to process documents for the transition from the category of private kindergartens to NOU.
  • Strict requirements from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate.

The owner can try to eliminate internal factors if they are negative. And those that positively affect the business can not only be used for good, but also strengthen their influence. To internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Possibility of further expansion.
  • Choosing a territory where the level of competition is minimal.
  • Convenient location for service users (in this case, the kindergarten will be located in an area where wealthy families live).
  • A large number of specialists in this field (many will agree to work in your organization, since municipal kindergartens offer very small salaries).
  • There may be an increase in the cost of services provided.
  • Entrepreneur with experience in this field.
  • Availability of various training courses.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High level of fixed costs.
  • Lack of any customer base, the need to search for customers.
  • High responsibility, serious consequences are possible (in case of injury to a child, for example).
  • Inability to meet the increased demand (the availability of a small number of places for children will not allow).
  • The need for serious renovation.
  • The high cost of necessary equipment and furniture.
  • Decline in the quality of services due to lack of motivation among staff.

It is important to understand that certain factors may be absent in a particular enterprise. Here it is already important to conduct a study of the local market and working conditions.

Opportunity Assessment

The private kindergarten will operate 5 days a week. Working day from 7:30 to 18:00. In order to avoid problems, we arrange a teacher for one and a half rates.

A teacher in drawing and music will come to the kindergarten separately. Only 2 times a week. They can be issued as part-time employees or carried out as outsourcing. In our case, we chose the second option to exclude the cost of paying insurance premiums.

One teacher will work with children. His duties include looking after children, doing exercises, taking a daily walk (1-2 times a day), conducting developmental activities (counting, alphabet, etc.).

You can hire one of the housewives who lives in the same entrance as a cook and cleaner. She will come 3 times a day.

The kindergarten will be located in a 3-room apartment.

Please note that rooms for sleeping, playing and eating must be equipped. In our case, the kitchen will be a place for ready

ki, 1 room - dining room, 2 room - games room, 3 room for sleeping. The game room will also have a practice area.

It is worth choosing an apartment with a separate entrance on the ground floor.

At the time of admission to the kindergarten, parents must pay an entrance fee. From one child - 7 thousand rubles. This amount may vary by region. On average from 5000 r. up to 15,000 rubles We will count this money separately and direct it to pay off the initial costs. The total amount will be 84,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal aspects

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is no home kindergarten as a legal form of business. Remember that if the name contains the words “school” or “kindergarten”, then it will no longer be possible to register as an individual entrepreneur, the owner will have to register as a legal entity. In this case, you will also have to obtain an appropriate license to organize activities in the Department of Education.

  1. . We pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. If it is needed, . The OKVED code can be: 85.32 “Providing social services without provision of accommodation", 80.10.1 "Services of pre-school and primary general education 0.10.3 Additional education children."
  2. You can apply UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. Please note that it is the individual entrepreneur with the corresponding name of the organization that does not need to obtain a license.
  4. It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  5. Childcare activities are not subject to licensing. It is only important to choose the right name.
  6. According to article 48 " Education Law”, individual pedagogical activity not subject to licensing.
  7. It is important to prepare a contract for the provision of services. It is best to consult a lawyer for help in drafting.
  8. Don't Forget to Follow Sanitary Norms and Rules fire safety!

Marketing plan

Price policy:

The cost will be the same for all clients. It will be set at a level slightly above the market average. This is due to the fact that wealthy people will be the main customers, for whom the cost often becomes an indicator of the class of the service provided.

Marketing strategy:

Since the kindergarten will focus on families living in nearby houses, it will be possible to save quite a lot on advertising. Ways to progress in this case include:

  • Signboard. It should be big, bright, interesting and memorable. It is important to choose a catchy name.
  • Posting ads. It is better to do them on high-quality paper, having previously compiled a selling text.
  • Consulting potential clients, conducting "parents' day". On such an evening, parents can be introduced to the available programs and conditions.
  • Installation of pointers. This will add seriousness to the organization.

But it is better to exclude rounds of apartments. Wealthy clients may be put off by this. Ineffective in this case will be advertisements in newspapers and on television. The number of customers is small, and the cost of such advertising is very serious. In addition, the above methods will help you find potential customers faster.

Calculation of projected income

The average monthly revenue will be 156,000 rubles.

I would also like to say that 13,000 rubles is not the limit. In some kindergartens, this figure reaches 17,000 rubles and even more (If you do not take Moscow into account, because prices there are 2-3 times higher). Also, we do not take into account additional fees for trips with children to theaters, children's pools, museums and other places of leisure.

Production plan

Most likely, the owner of the business, and not the landlord, will have to repair and equip the premises. It will be a small repair, the main thing is that the room fits all sanitary standards and fire safety measures.

You will have to buy furniture, namely beds (we chose bunk beds to increase space), armchairs, tables, chairs, a kitchen set, cabinets and more. Do not buy very expensive furniture. Better choose average price but reliable things.

From the equipment you will need a refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, music center. You can also purchase a microwave oven. You can't buy a laptop.

It is worth taking care of leisure. Let there be in kindergarten Stuffed Toys, board games, drawing supplies, copybooks, notebooks. You also need sports corners with mats, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.

At first, you will have to spend a lot of money on finding customers. But then you don't have to do it.

Payments to the teacher and the cook will be fixed. The teacher receives 30,000 rubles, the cook - 25,000 rubles. This includes taxes and insurance premiums.

You can organize an additional stay of the child in the garden. For example, for a fee. After all, not all parents work until 6 o'clock. The main part of the income can be given to the teacher to stimulate him and provide additional income.

organizational plan

Initial costs will amount to 315,800 rubles.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax will be: 156,000 - 120,000 = 36,000 rubles.
  • Tax: (we consider 15% of the difference between income and expenses) = 5,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 36,000 - 5,4000 \u003d 30,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 30,600/156,000 = 19.61%.
  • Payback: (315,800 - 84,000) / 30,600 \u003d 7.6. Therefore, the project will pay off in 8 months.

If the individual entrepreneur himself works as a teacher or the apartment is not rented, but owned, then the income will be slightly higher (almost 2 times). Therefore, at the initial stage, it is advisable to consider this method. Also, do not forget that in 2-3 years there will be a new set of children and contributions will also replenish the business budget.


When opening a private kindergarten, one must not forget about the possible risks. In this area, the main difficulties that an entrepreneur may face are the following:

  1. High bureaucracy in the industry

It is impossible to fight this factor. All requirements are subject to regulations and laws.

The consequences of this risk can be small (fines for non-compliance with certain requirements) and catastrophic (up to the closure of the enterprise).

You can avoid risk. It is only necessary to study in detail the existing laws and comply with the existing requirements.

  1. Frequent audits of the organization

To a greater extent, they will relate to fire safety and the sanitary condition of existing premises. This risk can be considered part of the first.

The possible consequences for IP are not so significant. set low and usually do not exceed several thousand.

And yet, it is important that the room meets all the requirements. It will also increase the level of customer confidence.

  1. Low level of professionalism of employees

This risk is typical for almost any enterprise. Possible losses: decrease in profits, loss of customers. As a result, the company may become unprofitable. The saddest outcome is the ruin of the entrepreneur, the closure of the organization.

There are two ways to avoid this risk:

  • select personnel carefully high requirements(but remember that this also leads to high wages);
  • recruit workers with low or medium skill levels and provide training.

At the same time, it is important to constantly develop your employees by sending them to training courses, for example. The teacher (educator) should be aware of the latest effective methods used when working in kindergartens.

  1. The need for constant use of free cash

Indeed, it is necessary to spend money on wages, food, and various activities. All of these costs are quite large. If the entrepreneur does not have these funds, he will not be able to continue working in this area.

You can protect yourself in several ways:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • expand business, increasing income due to the effect of scale of production;
  • have own funds that can be invested in the business.

In extreme cases, you will have to apply to the bank for loans, which will negatively affect income. Part of the funds will need to be spent on repaying the loan and paying interest. Therefore, this method is the least attractive of all mentioned.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

Garden - evokes the association of grooming, good mood, flowering. No wonder the kindergarten and plant garden have the same name. And in that and in another place young shoots grow. The garden grows on its own. And just as a skilled gardener directs the growth of plants, so a skilled educator directs the development of children.

Children are the most important thing in our life. The future depends on them. In our country, despite the complexity of the situation, the vast majority of kindergartens and the teams of mentors in them are good, if not excellent. Otherwise, where would we have so many wonderful people?

But, as you know, the best is the enemy of the good. And many families strive to find kindergartens for their child with in-depth development, with an individual approach to each child. Which is not always possible in an ordinary garden.

In general, before considering a financial plan, you need to work out the idea of ​​​​a business. Financial plan- an important component, but without a qualitative study of the idea, without an analysis of the field of activity, it loses its meaning.

Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence. (M. Amsterdam). Let's take the best from the west, as our ancestors usually did. In order for the business to be not unprofitable, it will be necessary to offer a tempting idea for which people will voluntarily be willing to pay. But unlike the West, we will invest real values ​​there, and not props created solely for profit. The best name for such a Russian business is entrepreneurship.

Let's return from a lyrical digression to the kindergarten business plan. With a thoughtful approach, a private kindergarten is not only cost-effective, but also educationally superior to ordinary kindergartens.

It's on the idea better conditions for raising children and it makes sense to develop a business.

What is kindergarten

By and large, any kindergarten is designed to perform two unitary functions:

  • ensure the normal functioning of children during the employment of parents;
  • solve educational and educational problems.

The first function puts forward requirements for the organization of proper nutrition, sleep patterns, walks on fresh air etc. Moreover, each age category has its own peculiarities in the organization of life. In accordance with the characteristics of age.

The second function is designed to solve the problems of training, developing the necessary skills, primarily social, ethical and moral education. Socialization is one of the most important differences between education in kindergarten (among peers) and education at home by a mentor. At home, the child does not undergo socialization, and individual, high-quality knowledge may be useless.

Both the first and second functions in a good children's institution are harmoniously interconnected. For high-quality upbringing and education of preschool children in children's institutions, the following applies:

  • age division of children;
  • integrated management of the child (the child is brought up to school within the framework of one children's institution with the same educators-mentors from admission to graduation).

Age division of children

Ideally, kindergarten should be divided into groups according to age. Cases of developmental delay for various reasons are not taken into consideration. In such cases, it is desirable to place the child in specialized institutions.

The development of a child in preschool age is very fast. And a year difference is a very significant time. The approach to children of different age is sometimes radically different. In a mixed group, it is almost impossible for an educator to effectively carry out the function of teaching and educating all children. Of course, this greatly depends on the size of the group.

It is customary to divide children not exactly by age, but into groups:

  • nursery: from 1 year to 3 years;
  • younger group: from 3 to 4 years;
  • middle group: from 4 to 5 years;
  • senior group: from 5 to 6 years.

This approach is justified, since the emphasis on the organization of processes in age groups different:

  • nursery: mainly the emphasis is on full-fledged life support (natural needs, emotional balance, etc.);
  • junior and middle group: gradually the emphasis is shifted to training;
  • senior group: preparation for schooling.

Comprehensive management of children

It is also important that the same mentors guide the child throughout the preschool period. Maybe except for toddlers. In this case, the teacher has the opportunity to track the dynamics of the development of each child.

Of course, the groups should not be overcrowded.

Too small number of children in the group is also not recommended due to the deterioration of social adaptation.

Download a ready-made business plan for a private kindergarten, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.

What is required to open a kindergarten

Before developing a business plan for a private kindergarten, consider what is required to organize it.

First of all, you need to decide which kindergarten to open. Full cycle, nursery, co senior group, specialized.

Then you will need to decide on the format of the kindergarten:

  • in a separate special room;
  • kindergarten at home.


The opening of any children's institution is under the close supervision of the state. That's why Required documents should always be up to date. And frequent visits to various inspections are the norm.

The documents:

  • a package of constituent documents;
  • learning programs;
  • license;
  • documents for specialists (the manager must have the appropriate education);
  • necessary work contracts, leases, etc.

Premises, equipment

The size of the room depends on the planned number of places in the kindergarten. The premises must comply with the standards of SES, fire services.

In addition, equipment for classes for children should be installed, sleeping places, places for receiving and preparing food, etc. should be organized.


Depending on the format of the kindergarten being opened, the staff may differ significantly:

  • director;
  • educators and nannies;
  • cooks;
  • specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, nurse, etc.);
  • specialized specialists (subject teachers, sports coach, etc.);
  • laborers (cleaners, janitor, etc.).

Not everyone has to be in the state. Some may be coming under the contract.

Competition and customers

The main competition will be from state and municipal preschool institutions. Many parents prefer to send their children to them, considering these institutions to be more reliable than private ones.

There are few private preschools. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about any competition among them. Rather, here we need to cooperate, learn and learn from experience.

In order to promote the enterprise, it will have to be on par with similar state institutions in all respects. And some parameters to make more attractive. For example, a flexible schedule for visiting a kindergarten, flexible payment, additional educational services, delivery of the child to the house, etc.

An important factor is the location of the garden. If a well-established, specialized kindergarten can be located quite remotely, then for a newly opened institution, this circumstance can be critical.

It also affects the newly opened institution by the presence of a number of other gardens with which it will have to compete.

In a ready-made business plan for a kindergarten, it will be necessary describe the benefits that will attract customers. They must be significant. Other things being equal, people will prefer state institutions private.

Profit and payback

The financial part of the business plan for opening a private kindergarten is perhaps the smallest part. This is due to the huge number of preparatory documents and the development of the idea of ​​a kindergarten. As already mentioned, without a carefully thought-out concept for organizing a children's institution, starting such a business is a big risk.

Let's give a small calculation of the kindergarten calculation.

Small garden for 15 people. Premises - 60 -100 sq.m. Staff 4-6 people.


For profitability, it will be necessary to fill the kindergarten additional services. With such expenses, the monthly fee cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles. from a child. Plus about 5 thousand rubles. additional services.

We will receive 150 - 225 thousand rubles per month.

Monthly income from the kindergarten 10 - 30 thousand rubles. Payback period of 3 years or more. This is a conditional calculation. Much depends on prior agreements. advertising company and others. Significantly reduce the cost of organizing a garden at home.

This business is more suitable for people who have already been professionally raising children.

It should be noted that investments in kindergarten do not pay off quickly.. But if you manage to gain a foothold in the market, establish yourself, then the enterprise will exist stably and successfully for a long time.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

According to research data, today in the Russian Federation about 2,000,000 children aged 0 to 7 years need kindergartens, of which, approximately:

  • 25% of babies aged (1.5 - 3 years) need places urgently;
  • 41% of children of the same age - within one to one and a half years;
  • 33% of the youngest, who are not yet 1.5 years old, will need places no earlier than in 1.5 - 2 years.

Despite the measures taken by our government, the construction and re-profiling of facilities for kindergartens does not give the desired results. In this situation, small facilities for the stay of children preschool age able to solve the problem.

Based on these data, you will draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten, taking into account the Russian legal framework.

Legal aspects

The legal basis for organizing your business is, first of all, registration in tax authority. How to get status individual entrepreneur You can first study on the website of the State Services of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

There you can also take the forms of forms necessary for registration of the type of activity. Your activity codes will be 85.32 (main); 80.10.1 and 80.10.3.

If you have all the necessary data within a week, you will receive the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next, you will need to open a bank account, provide data about it to the Federal Tax Service, register with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

The organization of childcare activities does not require licensing, as well as individual pedagogical activities.

Special permission may be required if your facility will provide early childhood education services.

An important point is also to draw up a contract form with parents whose children will attend your kindergarten. Try to be as detailed as possible about the points that may be controversial, for example, describe in detail what will be included in the "implementation of early development", etc.

The contract necessarily prescribes the rights and obligations of the parties, the grounds for recalculating the cost of services, mutual measures of responsibility for violation of contractual obligations. Such a document is best drawn up by a specialist, in addition, several additions will be required to the contract.

Room selection

The second most important, after the legal registration, is the selection and preparation of the premises. Your business plan for a private kindergarten will be much more beneficial if you own suitable buildings and areas.

Ideally, this is a detached house with a plot of land where you can place a playground. In addition, you do not have to interview your neighbors, finding out their attitude to your idea, as you will have to do if you are planning to place a kindergarten in an apartment in a multi-storey building.

Remember that according to SanPiN, at least 4 m2 will be required for each child. area, while the rooms for sleeping, playing, eating should be isolated from each other.

The premises must be equipped with special furniture, the presence of a fire alarm and an emergency exit is also a prerequisite for the existence of a children's institution.

How to choose staff

It is not difficult to find employees for a private children's institution today, but it will be better if they are people who have recommendations from your friends.

Consider the issue of hiring staff, this will also require the execution of contracts and, if you draw up job descriptions, then it will be much easier to manage the team.

About the most breaking news and business trends with a franchise can be read

Minimum staff:

  • Head;
  • Educator;
  • Nanny;
  • Cook;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Security guard.

Depending on the number of children, you may need several of the same staff.

How quickly the costs pay off

Download a business plan for a private kindergarten with calculations on the cost recovery for its organization. According to the owners of such businesses, regardless of the regions, their services are always in demand.

For the stay of a child in a private kindergarten in Russia, parents, on average, pay from 10 to 30 thousand rubles a month. Of course, the cost depends on the income level of the population.

With correct calculations, the payback of costs is no more than one and a half years.

Watch the video: “Startup in detail “How to open a mini kindergarten””