Pig breeding business. Pig farming as a business. Raising pigs: technologies, reviews. Pig Farm Advertising Company

  • 21.11.2019

In the case when you are just deciding what kind of business to do, it is best to opt for the area of ​​​​activity that is considered the most profitable from year to year.

In the national economy, this is pig breeding. Its profitability averages twenty-five percent. At the same time, it is worth considering the interest in the development Agriculture Russian governing bodies.

Such an enterprise is a good idea for a novice businessman. Initially invested capital will bring high permanent income. However, the success of any pig farm will be possible with a well thought out and drafted business plan.

Sales of products

The business plan of the pig farm should reflect the ways of marketing the products. Only after thinking through the channels of implementation is it worth starting to invest in the development of the business. The first profit capital will bring only after the sale of three generations of pigs.

Selling adults is easy. Problems arise only with the implementation of the young. The most optimal solution that a pig farm business plan should reflect is the sale of livestock through small private farms.


Before organizing your own business, you will need to find the necessary premises for a pigsty. It is not easy to build such a building. In this regard, it is more profitable to rent or simply buy ready-made premises that remained after the closure of farms.

Be that as it may, disinfection will be required before starting work in the pigsty. In the room where the animals will be kept, it is important to organize the correct heat exchange. This figure will depend on many factors. affect heat transfer processes age category and sex of pigs, layout of the premises, as well as available energy resources.

A business plan for a pig farm may include the installation of appliances that will directly burn fuel. This will significantly reduce costs. In addition, to create the best climatic conditions in the pigsty, you will need to organize ventilation system. If possible, it is advisable to purchase manure removal equipment. It is also important for creating favorable conditions for keeping animals.

Slotted floors

The business plan of the pig farm should contain a description of the arrangement of the premises in which it is planned to keep the animals. At the same time, it should be taken into account that energy saving indicators will largely depend on the quality and type of floors that are part of the heating system in the room.

Their future reproduction depends on the conditions of keeping piglets. That is why the arrangement of slatted floors is recommended for growing. This will facilitate the work of personnel, effectively remove manure and save a significant amount of electricity.

Slotted floors help to reduce the number of colds and intestinal diseases in animals. Consequently, less investment will be required for the purchase of veterinary drugs.

Slotted floors can be concrete, plastic or cast iron. They greatly facilitate the maintenance of pigs and are used throughout the entire rearing process. This equipment must provide good conditions for animals, which will allow the company to receive economic benefits from its work.

Water supply

Equipment for a pig farm must necessarily include drinking bowls for animals in its list. They must be installed next to the feeders. Then the pigs will be able to regulate the consistency of the feed they consume.

Installed drinkers can be of two types. They are produced in nipple and cup forms. At the same time, according to the type of material, drinkers made of PVC, stainless steel or brass are distinguished. For each group of fattening pigs, piglets and sows, this equipment has its own differences. Drinkers have their own nipple dimensions and connection diameter.

Ventilation and manure removal systems

Roof diffuse ventilation can be used. With this scheme, the inflow and outflow of air is carried out through the roof. To create comfortable conditions for animals, ventilation through supply and exhaust shafts will also be effective.

Manure removal system will become a necessary equipment for a pig farm. With its self-alloying type, the need for additional flushing with water is eliminated and drafts in the room are eliminated. This is important when raising piglets. The main advantages of a self-alloying system are low investment, fast installation, reliability and durability.

Such equipment is a network of sewer pipes with manure storage tanks installed above them. The principle of operation of this system is quite simple. Manure flows through the drain hole into the sewer pipes and is removed from the room through them into special containers.

Feed systems

The equipment of the pig farm must include a system for feeding the animals. It includes various accessories. So, with the help of this equipment, dry feeding is carried out and liquid feeding of pigs is carried out.
One of the elements of this system is a poppet type fixture with a built-in nipple. It is installed in the center of the room. The design of such a feeder allows for a dosed or constant supply of feed.

The principle of operation of this equipment is very simple. From the thick-walled galvanized bunker, which is located outside the pig farm, the feed is fed through the conveyor to a special separating device located inside the premises. After that, it is transported to the feeders. For dosing, an opening device with divisions is installed.

A special approach is required when feeding sows with piglets. No special equipment is required to organize their food. Enough arrangement of the most simple feeders, which should receive food at regular intervals.


The business plan for breeding pigs should contain the requirements that will be required when staffing. For the care of animals will require the selection of specially trained people.

At the same time, their number will directly depend on the equipment of the pig farm with mechanized equipment. The staff should include a livestock specialist and a veterinarian. An enterprise will not do without a manager and an accountant.

Purchase of pigs

With special responsibility it is necessary to approach the purchase of animals. As a rule, pig breeding as a small business begins with the cultivation of three hundred to three hundred and fifty heads. Before purchasing animals, you should first study all the nuances of this issue.

Initially it is recommended to have a population of one hundred and fifty sows, ten boars, and the remainder should include pigs for sale and fattening. It should be remembered that the purchase of heterosexual individuals cannot be made from one supplier. Only in this case there will be no problems with related couples that bring weak offspring.

Recently, the Vietnamese bellied pig has been very popular with producers. Profitable business With this breed, many entrepreneurs have already liked it. What are the advantages? To the mass required for slaughter, a bellied Vietnamese pig grows in just four months. Grass is used as food. This pig is ready to breed at the age of six months. It is also beneficial that the animal is extremely unpretentious in care.

Purchase of feed

Pigs are omnivores. That is why for their cultivation should be purchased different kinds fodder. The daily diet should include components of both plant and animal origin. This will have a positive effect on the entire process of raising pigs.

Proteins are of great importance in nutrition. However, it should not be in excess in animal feed, as this can cause disease. However, the lack of protein also negatively affects the productivity of livestock. Important for animals and carbohydrates. Their main role in the body is to maintain body temperature and form fat.

For fattening and rearing pigs, various types of feed are purchased. Their list includes the following:

Concentrated (bran, grain of corn, barley, rice, as well as grain feed);
- green (the mass of alfalfa, clover and peas, as well as nettles and tops of garden crops);
- juicy (beets, potatoes and carrots);
- rough;
- animal origin;
- additional.

A start-up business with a livestock of three hundred to three hundred and fifty pigs will require about thirty-five tons of grain and three hundred kilograms of various additives annually. Much attention needs to be paid to the quality of the purchased feed. The weight and health of the pigs will depend on this. Particular attention should be paid to the feeding of sows and small piglets. Experienced farmers advise for such animals to purchase feed not from factories, but from pig breeders who have positively recommended their products.

Financial indicators

Calculating the revenue side of a pig farm business plan is quite difficult. It depends not only on the number of pigs, but also on the installed equipment. One of the conditions for profitability is qualified personnel.

A mini-pig farm, according to experts, pays off in three to four years. This is facilitated by a stable demand for meat, which allows you to set a high price. Production is accompanied by the possibility of selling by-products - hides, bones, fat and lard. The success of the business also depends on the growth rate of pigs, which allows them to be sold in the shortest possible time.

Today, the farming business is actively expanding and gaining popularity. With the right organization, the business brings a stable income and has great development prospects. On the this moment there is not yet much competition in this business area. The only thing that can deter businessmen from investing is the long wait for profit. But from the experience of successful farmers, one can understand that the costs of developing such a business are justified. The main thing that is needed is to have skills and professional knowledge in the field of agriculture.

Pig farm as a business

Pig production is usually sufficient profitable business, as high-quality meat on the market is always in demand and a high margin. Simplicity technological processes such business attracts entrepreneurs. The whole point is to raise animals and sell them.

At the stage of creating a business such as a pig farm, a plan for the sale of meat must be thought out in advance. It all depends on the scale of the enterprise. If you plan to create a small pig farm, then you can sell the finished product yourself. In the case of large production, it is necessary to find a place of sale, large distributors in advance, pay taxes regularly and provide a large package of documents for obtaining permits. The advantage of such a business is that you can start your business with just a few pigs and constantly increase momentum.

Pig farms and complexes can generate income not only from the main products (meat and lard), but also from the sale of blood, skins, etc. For wider development, you can create an oil lamp. Smoked products have a longer shelf life and good demand from consumers.

Basic rules for opening a pig farm:

  • find a market for the purchase of feed;
  • calculate the costs of opening a business and maintaining a pig farm;
  • calculate all possible risks, ways to solve problems;
  • involve veterinarians or livestock specialists in the case.

Profitability of the farming business

Pigs are familiar in agriculture and extremely practical animals in farm business. There are several arguments in favor of doing this type of business:

  1. The piglets are growing fast. For six months, the weight of the livestock increases to a centner.
  2. A sow produces 10-14 piglets at a time. For the year you can get 20-30 pieces. livestock (but a cow has only one calf per year).
  3. A pig uses feed much more productively (assimilates about 30%), while, for example, chickens absorb only 20% of the feed.

Required documents for starting a business

Most businessmen at the initial stage have a question: "How to open pig farms and complexes, what documents need to be issued?" Making money on pigs is a difficult and responsible business, where you need to have a full package of permits for activities on hand.

First you need to decide in which area the pig farm will be located, since it is in this area that communication with officials will take place. It is necessary to coordinate the location of the future farm with the district administration. To prove to officials the seriousness of intentions, it is necessary to have on hand ready business plan. In most cases, the administration has a positive attitude towards the formation of new jobs. To do this, the authorities can register a land plot for a business, help in obtaining public investment, and also assist with the registration of documents.

If the volume of production of pigs is small, you can register your business as a personal subsidiary plot (PSP). In the case of a large production of livestock, it is necessary to open individual entrepreneurship, you will also need to pay a single agricultural tax. To open such a business, you need to contact the following authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, fire and veterinary control, SES.

Farm organization

The organization of pig breeding must be approached very seriously. Experts in this field argue that profitability depends on such factors:

  • conditions for keeping animals;
  • proper feeding;
  • pig breeds.

Such a business can be organized on your own land plot, where the minimum land area can be equal to 50 acres. The site should be located away from residential buildings so as not to interfere local residents. In addition to the pigsty, you will need a granary and a workshop.

Equipment and premises

After receiving all necessary documents for permission to conduct entrepreneurial activities, the second step in creating a business will be the design of pig farms. This may be an old building that will need to be repaired and equipped for a pig farm. A pig farm built from scratch will cost a lot more.

If you plan to organize a farm for 100 or more pigs, then you will need to hire working staff who will take care of the livestock. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to allocate premises for the office, production and laboratories. Approximately 5,000 m² will be needed to house 300 animals.

The room must be clean, bright, without drafts and fully comply with sanitary standards. Much attention is also paid to the installation of specialized equipment. The purchase of the latest equipment, automated distribution of feed on pig farms will help create the appropriate conditions for livestock. In the future, this will reduce costs to a minimum.

Most of the pig farms in Russia use equipment that is over 20 years old (equipment that has gone out of working order). This leads to wasted feed, increased disease in animals, etc. If the pig farm is fully automated, this will reduce the risk of livestock diseases and increase the income of the enterprise.

Necessary equipment for a pig farm

The mechanization of the pig farm is essential to build successful business on pigs. Without equipment and tools in such a case, one cannot work for a long time. On hand you need to have a hammer, crowbar, drill, nails, etc. Other necessary equipment for the purchase includes:

  • grain crusher;
  • drinkers, feeders;
  • truck.

Choosing a pig breed for a farm

Today, there are about a hundred breeds of pigs of various productivity, so when choosing a herd, you need to think through everything well and make the right choice. Professionals who have been engaged in a pig farm for several years advise to purchase approximately 400 heads of piglets and pigs to begin with. Before buying, it is better to visit several farms, see the conditions in which the herd lives, and study the pedigree.

Most farmers today stop at breeding Vietnamese pigs. Features of this breed:

  • multiple pregnancy of pigs;
  • high business profitability;
  • resistance of livestock to diseases;
  • bacon performance direction;
  • The breed is in high demand.

When creating suitable conditions (a place for a spacious range and a warm room), Vietnamese pigs can bring a good income to the enterprise. Due to their good adaptability and many advantages, the Siberian breed, Northern and Large White pigs are popular with farmers.

Feeding and breeding piglets

In order for the enterprise to generate income and quickly become profitable, it is necessary to think over the reduction in the cost of feed for the herd in advance. Only feed mixtures balanced for each age will lead to constant profit and business prosperity.

Responsible, knowledgeable personnel must be hired to work with sows and newly born piglets. You also need to involve a veterinarian. Only qualified specialists with experience in the field of pig breeding will be able to help avoid mistakes during the mating of pigs, proper care of the sow during pregnancy and childbirth. All of these conditions will help reduce the risk of flock mortality.

Farm staff

Since this type of business needs professionals, it is extremely important to hire people who understand the field of agriculture. Helpers should be familiar with piglet care. Also, a veterinarian must work in the pigsty. This will help to keep the livestock and avoid problems in case of infection or infection. This activity will require an accountant, manager and operator of pig breeding complexes and mechanized farms.

Pig farm business plan

When basing your business on pigs, you need to write a business plan. The following is an approximate calculation for 10 goals. For a year, you can get about 40 heads of young animals. First you need to rent an old farm and make repairs. Hire a veterinarian and a helper. Primary costs include:

  • registration of the enterprise - about 12 thousand;
  • farm repair - about 120 thousand;
  • purchase of pigs - 240 thousand;
  • purchase of equipment and other expenses - 118 thousand rubles.

The total amount of initial investments will be about 490 thousand rubles.

Current expenses:

  • feeding - 540 thousand;
  • rent - 660 thousand per year;
  • salary to employees - 420 thousand;
  • veterinary examinations - 55 thousand;
  • payment of taxes - 150 thousand rubles.

Every year, investments in the business will amount to about 1 million 825 thousand rubles. In order for the piglets to gain the desired weight (120 kilograms), it takes a year. As a result, you get 84 kg of pure meat from each individual. The total income after the sale of meat will leave about 2 million 352 thousand rubles a year (actual figures can be much higher). Consequently, the profit will be about 527 thousand rubles a year, which will make it possible to recoup the investment in just a few seasons.

Specialists who have managed to succeed in organizing a home mini-farm have gained vast experience in the farming business. A few tips from successful entrepreneurs:

  • it is better to focus on two sources of income: the sale of young animals and lard, meat;
  • you should buy only purebred piglets;
  • it is desirable to acquire livestock not from one breeder, but from several (so that there is no degeneration);
  • dense pigs need to be fed to the maximum in order to get income earlier;
  • pig farm profitability ( standard project we examined above) is about 25-30%.

Farm in the Stavropol Territory

The pig-breeding farm of the Stavropol Territory called "Gvardiya" became the first enterprise in the framework of the national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex". Today, it is one of the leading livestock farms in the city of Stavropol and is the most promising farm.

The first phase of the pig farm was put into operation in September 2006. Her plans included the annual fattening of 80 thousand pigs. More than 600 million rubles were invested in the complex itself.

After the commissioning of the second stage, the productive capacity of the limited liability company "Gvardiya" amounted to about 400 thousand heads per year. The total investment amounted to four billion rubles.

Domestic and foreign specialists in this field work at the pig farm. By using laboratory research the safety of products of the company "Gvardiya" was confirmed.

In September 2010, the limited liability company "Gvardiya" put into operation a meat processing plant, which today is the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District. The slaughtering capacity is one hundred and eighty pigs per hour and four hundred thousand pigs per year. This will allow to produce up to 45 thousand tons of pork.

Today the company manufactures products primary processing meat and cuts - semi-finished products in small pieces and large pieces, half carcasses. In the future, they plan to produce highly processed meat products with high added value.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 6 minutes


Pig farming as a business is probably one of the most common and productive types of animal husbandry. Raising pigs for meat is quite profitable and not the most difficult task. In the current economic situation, the government of our country began to pay more and more attention to the development of domestic agriculture.

It follows from this that if you choose for your entrepreneurial activity such an industry as pig breeding, it is quite possible to receive state support in organizing and developing your business from scratch.

Pig farming as a business. Where to begin?

First of all, you should decide what kind of pig breeding you plan to do. Based on this, you should choose the breed of pigs that is best suited for the chosen direction.

Currently, the choice of such breeds is truly huge, however, all varieties of these domestic animals are divided into three main areas (depending on the type of product obtained): meat and tallow, tallow and meat (bacon).

Of course, you can not get hung up on one and choose several pig breeding directions at once.

However, for example, such a type of these animals as meat and tallow produce two types of products at once, so it’s worth looking at these breed groups first.

On the territory of our country, the most popular meat and tallow varieties of pigs are: Liven, North Siberian, Ukrainian steppe and Yorkshire. In addition to the direction itself, when choosing the breed of the future herd, you need to take into account the availability of food supply and the climatic conditions of your region.

Required documents

Once you have made the decision to engage in commercial pig farming, it is worth thinking about the legal registration of your business so that it is legal and meets all legal requirements.

Any registration requires a certain package of documents, a list of which you can get from the tax authorities at the place of residence. If you consider yourself a legally savvy person and you have enough free time, then you can assemble this package and register a business yourself. If you still have any difficulties, it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist (their services are usually not very expensive).

The simplest form of registration of your business in terms of registration and in terms of subsequent submission of reports is an individual entrepreneur. However, keep in mind that such registration is only necessary if your planned herd size exceeds 100 units. If your initial plans are more modest than the announced figure, it is easier to arrange the simplest household plot, which will still allow you to sell the surplus of the products received.

If you still need individual entrepreneurship, remember the OKVED code ( All-Russian Classifier Types of Economic Activities), which must be specified at the time of registration. Its number is 01.46.11, which means "raising pigs for meat." In the case when you plan in advance to receive additional income from the cultivation and subsequent sale of breeding animals, immediately enter one more code - 01.46.12, meaning "breeding of breeding stock of pigs." The number of such codes for one entrepreneur is not limited, so if you have any other type of business in your plans, then experts will help you choose OKVED for it.

Many people at the mention of the word "pig" immediately imagine dirt and sewage. This is a common and widespread misconception. In fact, they are very clean animals.

In addition, they grow and reproduce much better in conditions of clean and relatively warm room. Pigs do not like drafts and dampness. Optimal for them temperature regime It is considered such at which the ambient temperature does not fall below 12 degrees Celsius. When keeping young animals, this indicator should not be lower than 16 degrees.

What is needed for pig breeding in the first place?

A novice pig breeder must remember that before buying a herd, it is necessary to equip a good room for him in advance.

Most the best option- a building with brick walls with a thickness of at least 50 centimeters and a floor covered with boards (or concrete). There should be no cracks on the surface of the floor covering to avoid possible injury to animals. The floor should be insulated by pouring a mixture of clean sand and sawdust on it, with a layer thickness of at least 20 centimeters.

In fact, in many cases it is not necessary to build a pigsty from scratch.

It is cheaper and easier to find a more or less suitable abandoned room (of which there are quite a lot in Russia) and make repairs in it. If you still decide to build your own building, then you should pay attention to prefabricated buildings made of metal frame and sandwich panels. Such structures are cheaper than brick ones and are built much faster. It is only necessary to choose the right contractor company with a good reputation in the market and a large number of buildings built by it and already functioning.

An important point in the construction or arrangement of a pigsty is the possibility of convenient and quick regular cleaning in it, in connection with which, usually, sewerage and water supply are immediately provided for in such a room. If you plan to keep animals in a pigsty year-round, you will need a heating system. A prerequisite is the presence of the correct drinkers and feeders.

If you plan to keep a herd of more than 100 heads, you should take care of the automation of the distribution of water and feed.

Otherwise, a large number of workers serving pigs will be needed. When breeding these domestic animals, it is necessary to have a separate room for pregnant sows. It must be well heated in order to provide comfortable conditions for the birth, growth and normal development of born piglets.

Next to the pigsty, it is necessary to provide a platform for walking animals.

Regular exercise in the open air contributes to rapid weight gain and reduce morbidity. In addition, the presence of a walking area makes it easier to maintain cleanliness in the room, since pigs are more likely to defecate in the open.

At least once a month, it is imperative to carry out measures to disinfect the pigsty.

In the cold winter period, for this purpose, it is possible several times a week to remove all adult pigs from the premises to the street and ventilate it well, lowering the internal temperature down to minus. This one is simple but effective method helps to get rid of most of the pathogenic bacteria and viruses.


In order for pigs to quickly gain weight, it is necessary to correctly approach the issue of compiling their diet.

Until the age of three months, piglets need to be fed 5 times daily, from the age of three to the age of five months they need to be fed 4 times a day, after which they should be transferred to three meals a day.

After each feeding, you should carefully clean out the uneaten food residues from all feeders.

Feed for feeding pigs is also on sale in the form of ready-made mixtures, but in order not to overpay for them, it is better to cook them yourself.

To quickly gain live weight and improve the quality characteristics of meat, the following types of products should be included in the diet of animals: grain feed (barley, millet, rye), root crops (carrots, beets, potatoes), legumes (peas). Pumpkin is also well suited for these purposes. In some farms, pigs are given corn and buckwheat. Wheat and barley bran must be present in the diet.

has a negative effect on quality characteristics fat and meat feeding products such as oats, soybeans and cake.

The main key to a successful pig business is getting offspring, so when choosing the breed of your herd, pay attention Special attention on its food preferences, resistance to the climate of your region and immunity to all sorts of diseases. It is very important that the acquired animals do not have even the most distant degree of relationship, since inbreeding often leads to non-viable offspring.

Puberty in pigs occurs at six months, but animals should not be allowed to mate before they reach the age of 10 months. The weight of an animal that is allowed to be mated must be at least 100 kilograms. Pregnancy lasts approximately 110 days. The duration of labor is from one and a half to six hours. The fertility of these animals is at a high level. Females up to a year usually give up to 8 piglets at a time, after a year - from 10 or more. Despite the fact that sows give birth without assistance, it is still desirable to have people at farrowing, as the animal may need help. During the period of gestation, females are transferred to enhanced nutrition with a predominance of grain feed.

hired personnel

If your herd has more than 20 animals, you need an assistant. Usually the number of pigs is calculated according to the scheme 20 pigs - one worker. The rest of the staff is taken to the whole herd.

These professionals include:

  • veterinarian;
  • livestock specialist;
  • laborers (depending on the number of livestock and the volume of the premises for keeping animals).

Pig farming as a business. Where to start and how to succeed?

All of the above features of doing this business require certain costs.

Therefore, before you start organizing your business, you should definitely draw up a business plan, the essence of which is to compare initial capital investments and current expenses with expected income.

This will allow you to evaluate the payback period and overall profitability. Successful project You should always start with a business plan.

For example, consider the expenditure and income part of the pig business based on 100 pigs.

Main items of expenditure:

  1. construction and equipment of a pigsty - from 1,000,000 rubles;
  2. remuneration of personnel - from 800,000 rubles / year;
  3. purchase of animals - from 500,000 rubles;
  4. costs for the purchase of feed - from 200,000 rubles / year.

Total minimum investment for the first year amounted to 2,500,000 rubles.

The income part consists of:

  • income from the sale of meat - from 600,000 rubles / year;
  • proceeds from the sale of offspring - from 300,000 rubles / year.

The total planned income of the first year of operation amounted to 900,000 rubles.

Even this very rough calculation shows that the payback period is at least three years, subject to a gradual increase in the revenue side due to the growth of livestock.


Pig farming as a business is a promising idea for several reasons:

  1. There is a consistently high demand for these products.
  2. a mini-farm does not require any outrageous initial investment. You can even start with a small herd.
  3. pigs do not need special conditions of detention. Their maintenance requirements are minimal.

The disadvantages of this business idea include a two-three-year payback period with a population of 100 animals. If you start with a few animals, then you can pay off in about six months (maximum - a year), however, the income will be insignificant.

In general, with a competent approach and good organization of the economy, profitability starts from 30 percent.

The economic situation in Russia is pushing many entrepreneurs to work in the food business niche, namely the breeding of pigs, since the meat of these animals is always in demand. A product niche is a win-win business opportunity when approached in the right way.

Modern realities provide an opportunity for the development of farms. Perhaps the initial investment will not give a quick payback, but the farmer will receive a stable profit and will be able to calculate his costs for the production of meat products.

Breeding pigs pursues one goal ─ obtaining meat products for its subsequent sale. Experts note that this type of activity, despite all the competition, is profitable. indicator high profitability of this small production is the ability of animals to put on weight quickly. When pig breeding is properly organized (feeding and keeping pigs), then in 210-220 days the animals gain up to 100 kilograms of weight, which indicates readiness for sale at this stage.

There are features that you should pay attention to and that make this type of activity cost-effective, these are:

    The ability of a sow to bring a large number of piglets, one individual brings up to 14 piglets, is not uncommon and more piglets are born with proper care. it best indicator birth rate among animals bred for meat production.

    The speed of the period of bearing offspring and the subsequent feeding of piglets. From the moment the pregnancy begins to the end of feeding the piglets with milk, no more than five months pass. After 150 days from birth, the young are considered independent. Experts say that one sow can produce about 30 units of offspring (pigs) per year, this is a significant plus in breeding pigs. It is recommended to take piglets from the uterus at the age of 30 days, then you can increase the offspring by another 15 piglets from the sow. Thirty-day-old piglets are provided with comfortable conditions for supplementary feeding, and the sow can become pregnant again.

    The growth rate of young animals, if born, they weigh 1.5 kilograms, then after seven days the weight becomes about 3 kilograms. In six months, it is quite possible to get a pig weighing one hundred kilograms. A simple calculation shows that one sow per year can produce about 3 tons of live weight pigs.

    When comparing the feeding of pigs with other animals for breeding for meat, it is clear that the bull eats three times more feed than the pig, and the farmers who breed pigs get more meat. Waste percentage after slaughter cattle about 40%, then in pigs after slaughter, waste is not more than 15%.

The breeding of these animals has been going on for many years, for this reason different breeds of pigs have been bred for different purposes, better (efficient) farming.

It depends on what tasks the farmer sets for himself, which can be solved by choosing a breed of pigs, the main differences of which are as follows:

    breeds to get more fat;

    to get bacon;

    mixed production of both fat and meat.

The most popular breed in breeding these animals is the breed, a large white pig.

    Large white breed, distributed throughout Russia. A breed from England appeared, over time it has undergone many changes in better side. The pig of this breed has a white color. Breed features:

    wide body, long;

    excellent hams;

    legs without folds, I have a strong hoof, elastic pasterns;

    the skin of pigs of this breed is elastic, there are no folds;

    the bristles are not coarse, covering the entire body.

The boar weighs up to 360 kilograms, the sow can gain 280 kilograms, the length of the male reaches 190 centimeters, the pigs up to 170 centimeters. Pigs bring up to 12 units of offspring, from the moment of birth, the piglet weighs a kilogram or more of 100-300 grams. In 60 days, the piglet gains weight up to 18-20 kilograms. For 6-7 months of intensive feeding, the offspring gain weight up to 100 kilograms per individual.

    According to experts, the best breeds of pigs for breeding, presented here, are adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate. Siberian breed, feels great in the conditions of the north. It turned out from crossing local breeds and a large white. Features of the breed are:

    the Siberian northern pig has a good body structure;

    it is adapted to northern climatic conditions;

    has increased endurance;

    has a white color, long bristles;

    an adult male gains weight up to 370 kilograms;

    females of this breed weigh up to 250 kilograms, bring up to 12 piglets;

    offspring gain up to 800 grams of weight per day.

    Breitovskaya breed, when pigs are raised in the regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. The breed was obtained by crossing local pigs with the Danish breed, as well as with the Latvian Fold breed. Features of the breed are:

    large individuals with hanging ears;

    has white thick bristles, short legs;

    the meat form of the breed is well developed;

    great for grazing, loves fresh grass;

    an adult gains weight up to 320 kilograms;

    the sow weighs a maximum of 250 kilograms;

    The offspring gains 100 kilograms in six months.

Every day, young animals gain 850 grams in weight, when up to one kilogram of feed is consumed per piglet. After slaughter, meat is taken from one individual - 50% and 40% fat.

    Liven breed. It is bred in the Lipetsk and Oryol regions. Features of the breed are:

    white or variegated-dark suit, have gray spots;

    large size of animals;

    the body is fleshy, long, the head is small;

    the male gains up to 300 kilograms of weight;

    females of this breed weigh up to 240 kilograms;

    offspring up to 11 piglets.

This breed is good for farmers when crossbreeding and hybridization is obtained when it is necessary to get the best meat productivity.

    Breeding pigs at home by specialists for the Volga regions is recommended Urzhum pig breed. Obtained by crossing local individuals with imported pigs, as a breed has been registered since the beginning of the 50s of the last century. Features of the breed are:

    high legs, strong torso;

    white color;

    delicate bristles cover the entire body;

    meat productivity, excellent for breeding for bacon;

    the boar gains weight up to 350 kilograms, and the uterus up to 280 kilograms.

Sows bring 10-11 piglets, which, when grown with a feed intake of 3.5 kilograms, give a weight gain of 800 grams per day. After slaughter, the farmer receives a thin layer of subcutaneous fat, a lot of lean meat for bacon production.

Many more breeds of pigs are grown in Russia, which are presented in tabular form for selection, these are:

Breed name

Breed features

Direction of Productivity

North Caucasian

Broad head, strong legs. They have a black-and-white color, soft bristles all over the body.

Boar up to 320 kilograms, sow up to 230 kilograms, 12 piglets offspring.

Meat direction.


Widely developed in the Vladimir region. Short legs are strong. The color is white. A boar gains weight up to 300 kilograms, a sow up to 250 kilograms, up to 10 piglets.

For meat and fat.


The breed is adapted to the conditions of Siberia, the color is black with white spots, they have thick bristles.

The boar gains up to 340 kilograms, the sow up to 250 kilograms. Offspring 11 piglets.

For meat and fat.


Grown for young pork. The color is white. Long neck. A good supplement in weight for 30 days, the piglet is gaining 10 kilograms of weight.

For the production of bacon, young pork.

Red white belt

Boars gain up to 350 kilograms of weight. Sows up to 250 kilograms, offspring up to 11 piglets. Meat yield after slaughter up to 60%.

Meat direction

Ukrainian steppe spotted

The color of this breed is variegated. Boar up to 300 kilograms. Sow up to 230 kg 10 piglets.

For fat and meat.


It is bred in the Poltava region, has a black-and-white color. The boar gains up to 340 kilograms, the sow up to 230 kilograms, brings 10 piglets. They can graze.

Meat orientation.


White color. Small droopy ears. The boar is gaining weight up to 360 kilograms, the sow is up to 250 kilograms, the offspring is up to 12 piglets.

For meat breeding.


The color of the breed is white. Boars gain up to 330 kilograms, sows up to 240 kilograms. Offspring up to 11 piglets.

Meat breeding direction.

Belarusian black-and-white

The color is black with variegated spots. The boar gains up to 350 kilograms, the sow gains up to 250 kilograms. Offspring up to 11 piglets.

Production of fat and meat.

Latvian White

The color is white. Boar up to 330 kg, sow up to 230 kg. Offspring up to 10 piglets. 55% after slaughter of meat.

Meat orientation.

Lithuanian white

The color is white. Boar up to 350 kg, sow up to 240 kg. Offspring up to 12 piglets. 50% after slaughter of meat.

Meat and fat.

Estonian bacon

The color of the breed is white. Boar up to 33 kilograms of weight, sow up to 220 kilograms. More than 10 piglets can be farrowed. Meat after slaughter 60%.

Bacon production

The color is white with gray spots. The boar gains weight up to 280 kilograms, the sow up to 210 kilograms. Offspring up to 8 piglets. Demanding for feed.

Meat ham.

The nuances of breeding a white pig

The maintenance of pigs and feeding of this breed in Russia began in the 19th century, but due to the quality and parameters, it has become widespread for breeding not only in Russia, but also in many neighboring countries. The main parameter according to which experts recommend it for breeding to novice farmers is a high percentage of animal meat content after slaughter and a sufficient amount of fat.

On average, an adult male of this breed gains up to 350 kilograms of weight, sows weigh 100 kilograms less. When a pig breeder makes a reinforced diet, you can achieve great results in fattening, there are many cases of feeding a boar up to 500 kilograms.

The white breed of pigs differs from many other breeds in the high fertility of females. If everything is done correctly, the sow brings offspring up to 14-15 piglets, weighing up to 1.5 kilograms from birth.

To guide the farmer's activities in terms of meat productivity, experts say that with proper feeding of this breed, a salable weight of 100 kilograms, an individual gains in 180 days. After slaughter, about 70 kilograms of meat is obtained from one animal.

What are the methods of breeding pigs

Breeding methods for pigs can be different, ─ namely, to increase the speed of weight gain and improve the quality of pork.

A farmer breeding pigs uses two methods of breeding them, these are:

    purebred breeding method;

    method of crossing pigs of different breeds to obtain the best performance.

The purebred method of breeding is carried out by large farms, its essence is in crossing the best representatives of the same breed to obtain excellent offspring. In this method, it is necessary to cull the livestock, and inbreeding (inbreeding) is not allowed.

For mating animals, a relationship of at least 4 generations is allowed, when the main methods of breeding pigs allow inbreeding. Specialists of a closer relationship do not recommend mating, as various defects may appear.

The purebred method involves strict accounting of the mating of males and females. This must be done by the farmer in order to prevent marriage in breeding breeding pigs.

A farmer who, in addition to making a profit, sets himself the task of growing new breeds, more productive ones, has many chances to develop his production. The main goal is to develop the breed along the chosen line. Healthy breeding individuals are highly valued in the market.

Experts note that males better convey such qualitative indicators of the breed as:

    speed of weight gain;

    taste qualities of meat;


Females recognized as breeding pass on to their offspring the following qualities, this:


    milkiness of the breed;

    the ability to farrow more (produce more piglets) with the highest weight.

The technology of breeding pigs is not complete without a method of crossing, when pigs of different breeds happen on the farm, this increases the health indicators of animals, their productivity in the chosen direction, and endurance.

Crossbreeding by farmers is carried out in three ways, these are:

    A type of absorption crossing, when the sow is taken from the breed that needs to be improved, and the male (boar) from the breed that needs to be improved. The resulting piglets of mestizos are mated with each other.

    Type of crossing for reproduction. This is when the resulting breed holds the indicators of the original line well. In this form, methods of crossing two breeds, or even three, are used.

    The method of introductory crossing is designed to remove the obtained signs of marriage and deficiencies in pigs. The farmer often breeds a sow with the boar that represents the best breed of pigs. The resulting breed has the characteristics of a basic sow, but improves productivity and other parameters of the breed.

Crossing in various ways helps to maintain a herd in a commercial form, heterosis is a phenomenon that helps to obtain best performance and this crossing is called commercial. Experts define it in two types, it is: multi-breed or two-breed. The basic concept of heterosis is the ability to inherit traits such as hardiness and the best genes of the base breed.

Hybridization is a way that a farmer practices between pigs of different breeds to carry out mating. The efficiency is 10% higher than from heterosis.

How to buy piglets for breeding

Breeding pigs as a business at home, always begins with the acquisition of young animals (pigs). Experts for beginner farmers recommend choosing a large white breed. She has proven herself well, and in order to receive stable profit fits best.

After making a profit and becoming a farm, a pig breeder can also breed other breeds of pigs.

What should you pay attention to when choosing piglets?:

    it is desirable to acquire 60 day old individuals, these are already stronger young animals, which will bring less worries, the risks of viability are reduced, since they have gone through the entire cycle of feeding with mother's milk;

    choose piglets by weight, for 60 day old individuals it should be 15 kilograms, not less, when the proposed weight is less, it means that there were problems in the process of feeding, it is better to refuse them;

    carefully examine the piglets for breathing, it should be even, and the tail should be ringed, the bristle should shine;

    when choosing young animals, carefully examine it, everything should be clean and pink in color, there should be no curvature in the body, the legs are strong, the piglet should be active.

Factors that should alert an entrepreneur who wants to get into pig breeding when choosing offspring are: small head, thin limbs, arched back, snub-nosed nose.

How to start breeding pigs is a question asked by young farmers, of course with the organization of the farm and the selection of young animals. The easiest way to select piglets is to feed them. See how he eats, how he swallows. The initial investment in a farm can be minimal when the right stock is selected.

Experts recommend buying up to 50 piglets, but among them there should be 5 males, and the rest females. In a short time you will become the owner a large number animals, as the fertility of pigs is high. You can already sell piglets when you reach 60 days and get the first profit. The rest of the offspring can be fattened for meat by buying feed.

Many entrepreneurs, with the help of the state, plan to start with a large number of pigs, but experts recommend starting with no more than 300 pigs, this will make it possible to check the farm equipment and the work of employees. With this amount, you will need 15 boars and 10 sows for each of them, the rest of the individuals can be fattened for sale and meat production. In this form, the farmer makes a good profit after 5 months.

Breeding pigs for meat as a business is an excellent area for pig breeding, as these animals are unpretentious in keeping. The farmer should not build illusions on this issue; for a successful business, a pigsty must be equipped.

    the temperature inside the room should be within 20 degrees Celsius, no matter how old the animal is;

    the room should be equipped with exhaust and supply ventilation;

    the height of the pigsty should not be less than two and a half meters;

    it is desirable to equip windows in the room with the possibility of opening them;

    it is desirable to make the flooring wooden with a slope in one direction, for waste collection;

    in order to maintain cleanliness in the pigsty, the walls and ceilings must be whitewashed at a minimum, to maintain cleanliness;

    the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be based on the livestock, about four square meters are needed per individual, and for sows it is desirable to allocate five square meters.

When a farmer starts his business with a small herd of 50 pigs, he will need a pigsty with an area of ​​​​about 300 square meters. In addition, it is necessary to consider the issue of keeping piglets in a separate place after 60 days after farrowing the uterus. Provide a pasture for walking pigs. Organize outbuildings.

How to make a floor

Breeding pigs for meat means fattening them, and hence livestock waste. It is necessary to immediately think over the correct collection of sewage, for this a special floor is made.

The arrangement of a pigsty in this area affects the efficiency of all pig breeding. You must first make a concrete screed, even, over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The next step for the farmer is to install wooden boards with a slope, how to do this depends on the number and location of the pig pens. Also, for better drainage, experts advise making holes in the shields, this will extend their service life.

Business plan and profitability of a pig farm

The basis of all pig farm business is the premises in which the livestock is kept. A business plan for breeding pigs must take into account all the requirements for it. The building should have engineering communications, it is better to use abandoned cowsheds or old farms that are not used. The main indicators of the presented business plan are an area of ​​​​800 square meters, which will cost the farmer 120 thousand rubles in rent, or 150 rubles per square meter.

The purpose of the pig farm is the breeding of pigs as a business, for the production of meat products. To do this, you need to choose a breed of pigs with excellent taste of meat, as well as organize a pig farm in accordance with all the rules, namely:

    buy equipment for constant water supply to the farm;

    equip the ventilation system;

    make sufficient lighting;

    be sure to take care of heating the room in winter;

    buy a feed line.

Experts determine that on average it will take about 500 thousand rubles, to which we must add monthly expenses for electricity and water supply, plus another 20 thousand rubles.

Every pig farm must have employees, this:

    a veterinarian, his average salary is 20 thousand rubles;

    a technician to maintain equipment in working condition - 15 thousand rubles;

    farm workers (pig breeders), 4 workers are enough for 120 heads - 1 pig breeder and 3 assistants, this is 75 thousand rubles;

    workers for various assignments 2 people - 20 thousand rubles.

Purchase of piglets for a pig farm of 800 square meters, this is 128 individuals. We will need 320 thousand rubles if one pig costs 2 thousand 500 rubles.

The required amount of feed is 1070 kilograms of combined feed and 930 kilograms of cereals, it will take 25 thousand 500 rubles.

Let us calculate the profitability of breeding pigs, when after 180 days one individual gains 100 kilograms. The pig farmer left 4 individuals from the herd, for breeding, 124 carcasses were prepared for sale, this is 12 tons and 400 kilograms of meat. The average cost of a kilogram of meat in Russia is 250 rubles, then the estimated profit is 3 million 100 thousand rubles.

Let's do the math, it's:

    rent -120 thousand;

    farm equipment - 500 thousand;

    purchase of young animals - 320 thousand;

    preparation of a forage base - 25-30 thousand;

    Total: 970 thousand rubles.

The farmer's expenses:

    monthly payments for electricity and water - 20 thousand;

    wages - 130 thousand;

    Total: 150 thousand rubles.

The total number of expenses before the first profit is: (970 thousand rubles + 150 thousand rubles) \u003d 1 million 130 thousand rubles. We subtract this amount from the planned income, we get 1 million 970 thousand rubles of income. It should be noted that it is also necessary to subtract the amount of tax deductions and deductions to the employee insurance fund, the pension fund.

Like any other entrepreneurial business, pig farming requires careful study before starting to implement it. For a pig farm, it is necessary to make a careful calculation of the business plan regionally, taking into account the demand for meat products, methods of its implementation. hallmark This business is an opportunity to start with minimal expenses, since the fecundity of these animals is high. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of future expansion of the business, that is, the release of semi-finished products and other products after determining the direction in the productivity of pig breeding.

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Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


In our difficult times, many are thinking about creating their own small business to get a stable income.

Pig breeding for these purposes is the best fit. Products derived from pigs are in high demand and the production process is quite simple.

However, profitable pig farming requires a number of conditions. Let's try to figure out together - what.

First steps

Having decided to choose this industry to create your business, first of all, you should take into account that it will be necessary to radically change the usual way of life, devote a lot of time to the economy and constantly (especially at first) incur material costs. Before you start organizing a pig farm, you should realistically assess the possibility of selling the final product.

If you are planning a small business whose products you can sell on your own at a market or fair, then a personal subsidiary farm. If your requests are more ambitious, you will need to register as individual entrepreneur. Of course, this will require more serious bookkeeping, constantly paying taxes and dealing with licensing authorities, but it becomes possible to increase the number of livestock and enlarge the business.

After you decide on the size of the future herd, be sure to draw up a competent business plan (either yourself or with the help of a specialist) that you will follow for the first few years. Many started with a few animals, and then gradually increased the number. Decide on the breed and plan for the future use of your breeding animals. The main emphasis should be on the sale of meat and fat. The selection aspect should be left only within the framework of one's own reproduction needs, since, as experience shows, the emphasis on the production of young animals for sale does not always pay even the initial investment.

It is also worth considering markets for by-products (blood, skins, bristles, and so on). In the long run, your own smokehouse could be a good source, as smoked meats last longer than fresh meats, and the demand for nick is also high.

Having brought together all possible sources of income, take expenditure part business plan. It should include:

  • investments in the purchase of pigs for your herd;
  • the cost of purchasing feed (also consider where to buy it);
  • expenses for primary organization and for the subsequent maintenance of the normal operation of the farm;
  • labor costs of employees;
  • expenses for carrying out measures of a sanitary-hygienic and veterinary nature;
  • fare;
  • other unforeseen expenses.

It is also necessary to foresee the possible risks of this business, the necessary measures to minimize them and the possibility of involving veterinary and zootechnical specialists.

Documentary support

Engaging in this type of business activity requires a full package of permits and regulatory documentation. Ignorance of this issue often confuses future farmers. However, everything is not so scary as it might seem at first glance.

First, decide on the location of the future farm, since it is the local officials who will control you. Agree with them the very possibility of working in the territory under their control and the specific location of your farm. At this stage, a well-written business plan will help you a lot, which will demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions.

Usually there are no obstacles on the part of local authorities, since any administration benefits from new taxpayers and new jobs. Moreover, if your plans are serious enough, officials can assist you in choosing a land plot and in its proper registration. Also, in some cases, you may even be assigned an assistant who will accompany you at all stages of registration and collection of documents - from tax authorities to the licensing authorities.

After legalizing your business and registering all required permissions, your next step is proper organization premises for keeping animals. There are two options here - repairing the old or building a new one. The second option is more expensive, but it allows you to build a pigsty that best suits your needs.

If your herd is planned to have more than 100 pigs, you will need hired personnel who will need household, production and utility rooms.

They also need to be considered when planning a future pig farm. For example, with a population of 300 animals, the recommended area for all necessary premises- approximately 5000 square meters.

The pigsty should be clean, well-lit, completely draft-free and easy to clean. An important aspect of successful pig breeding is modern equipment.

At the first stage, you can get by with simple drinkers, feeders and manual labor, but the cost of modern equipment they pay off quite quickly, as they greatly reduce maintenance costs and reduce the share of manual labor, which leads to a decrease in the cost of production.

Choosing a breed

There are a lot of pig breeds currently bred. The choice depends on the product you want to receive, as well as on the climatic conditions of your region and the availability of suitable feed.

Those farmers who have already passed the initial stage of the development of their pig farm are advised to start with a herd of 350-400 animals, which should include 2 boars and 15 queens.

Most of the pigs go to fattening for the subsequent sale of end products in order to start recovering the initial material costs. If a start-up capital there is not enough for such a livestock, you can start with a small herd, gradually increasing its number due to its own reproduction.

Before buying breeding animals, it will not be superfluous to go to several operating farms, see several options for the proposed young animals, see their pedigree (preferably for several generations). This is needed for:

  • exclusion of the possibility of mating animals that are closely related, after which the offspring is not viable and with deviations;
  • determining the productivity indicators of purchased pigs, since they are inherited, and future offspring depend on correct selection parents;
  • protection of your investments in the business for several years ahead, since the effectiveness of your investments depends on the right selection of the breeding core.

Currently, Vietnamese pigs have become very popular. This is due to their following qualities:

Large White and Northern Siberian breeds are traditionally popular with beginners and experienced pig breeders.

They are distinguished by high meat productivity, multiple pregnancy and, which is important in most regions of our country, a good level of adaptation to any climatic conditions.

Reducing the cost of feed mixtures without compromising their quality and reducing the cost of feed per unit of weight gain are the main keys to success. Well-balanced, high-quality and feed mixtures in proper proportions for each age group pigs allow you to get a high income and, as a result, a profitable business.

The same principles underlie approaches to breeding and reproduction. Activities in these areas should be systematic, purposeful and carried out at the highest level, constantly. This requires competent and experienced staff, which is best to include a qualified livestock specialist.

A good level of hired specialists will ensure the correct mating of pigs, competent care of sows during gestation and after farrowing, which will ensure high survival of young animals, and, therefore, increase the profitability of your business.

To calculate the profitability, let's take a specific herd size of 350-400 pigs, of which 15 are sows, and two boars. In a year, such a livestock will need from 30 to 35 tons of grain and from 250 to 300 tons of various kinds of vitamin and mineral supplements. It can be served by a staff of 4-5 people.

In order to reduce the cost of feed, you can grow crops and root crops on your own land. To do this, these sown areas must be provided for in the business plan.

To calculate, we take the average fertility of 10 piglets in one litter. Then from 15 sows at a time you get 150 cubs. Since pigs give birth twice a year, we get an average annual offspring of 300 heads. Pigs will gain a live weight of 100 kilograms in a year. The net slaughter yield from one individual is 50-60 kilograms. Multiplying this number by the total number of animals destined for slaughter and by the average market price of a kilogram of pork, we get the gross income of our work for the year. On average, this value is approximately 3,150,000 rubles / year.

Now we subtract from this amount all the expenses incurred during the year (costs for the purchase or cultivation of feed, wages staff, utilities, the cost of transportation and sales of products, and so on). We receive income before tax, from which taxes still need to be deducted (depending on the chosen form of taxation). There remains about one million rubles (per year). Given the initial investment in the amount of approximately 2.5 - 3 million rubles, the payback period is 2.5-3 years. Then this million will become your net profit.

In other words, after the payback, the profitability will be at the level of 25-30 percent.

It is worth saying that the above calculation is quite approximate and largely depends on the specific region of management. Each novice farmer, when drawing up a business plan, must take into account specific local conditions and decide for himself whether pig farming is profitable for him or not.