Breeding cattle at home. Cultivation of cattle for meat and milk. How much money is needed to start a cattle breeding business

  • 03.03.2020

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


Starting a cattle breeding activity, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for your activity. It will help to provide for all stages of the business, to take into account many nuances. The plan has certain sections. After filling them out, the entrepreneur will see how much finance he will spend on his enterprise, what profit he will receive from it.

A business plan must be presented to credit organizations in order to receive a loan. The state supports animal husbandry with grants. To get them, they draw up a business plan.

If the plan is drawn up in order to receive investments, then 1 section is drawn up. This is an abstract of the entrepreneur's activity. It contains all the details of the farmer: the address of the registration of the enterprise, telephones, address Email, registration numbers in tax authority, PFR, TFOMS, FSS and statistics. It is necessary to indicate the settlement account through which the main financial flow will be carried out.

What follows is a short message about the farm and the animals. It describes what property is available: buildings, vehicles, pastures, hectares of land for the construction of a farm or a finished cowshed. It is necessary to mention what number of cattle is planned to be bred or has already been acquired: what breeds of cows and bulls, how much milk yield and slaughter weight.

Part 2 of the plan is a summary of the project. In it, the entrepreneur describes what he wants to buy, for what purposes. What is the projected profit the farmer can receive at the end of the project. It is not necessary to paint everything in detail. Only general phrases and numbers.

Part 3 - production. It includes all production costs. An entrepreneur wants to start an activity such as a business of raising cows for milk. What should he do first?

If you buy heifers for 2-3 months, then milk from them will not be soon. The chick needs to grow up. This will take an average of 10-11 months. Everything will depend on how she gains weight. There is a young heifer - 8 thousand rubles. There is no guarantee that her adaptation to new conditions will be normal, and she will not get sick.

If the heifer is accustomed to a new place, eats well, then at 12-13 months she is led to mating. The calf bearing period is 285 days, which is 9.5 months. She begins lactation, but milk from her can be taken only after 1.5 months. The entrepreneur will have to wait almost 2 years to start selling milk. For fattening a heifer, he will need feed in the amount of 40 thousand rubles.

If you buy heifers, they will cost more - 20 thousand rubles, but the milk from them will be in about a year. They require more food than a one-year-old calf. The same amount is set aside for food. The entrepreneur benefits from the cost of caring for the animals.

A dairy cow will cost an average of 40 thousand rubles, depending on the breed of the animal. She immediately gives milk, the sale begins from the first days of buying an animal. Having made the calculation, the entrepreneur decides which animals to buy.

In addition to heifers, it is necessary to purchase bulls. They are necessary for the fertilization of heifers so that they have milk. The cost of a bull for 3 months is 10 thousand rubles. He will become an adult at 13-14 months, depending on the breed. During the period of growing up, he will need food, on average, in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. In some cases, they acquire one-year-old bulls. It will cost more, at least 20 thousand rubles. Per head. The farmer saves on feed.

In addition to animals, it is necessary to consider their content:

  • build a barn or rent it;
  • purchase equipment for milking and boxes for cows: feeders, drinkers;
  • lay plumbing, connect electricity, install heating if necessary;
  • establish automatic control of all processes in the barn;
  • rent or buy meadow fields to be able to harvest hay; you need to think, maybe hay is cheaper to buy;
  • build a hangar for storing feed;
  • equip a silo pit;
  • decide on the export of manure: the best option is to conclude an agreement with a vegetable farm;
  • establish staff units of workers, milkmaids, veterinarians;
  • purchase milk containers;
  • transport for the transport of milk.

You will also need sawdust and straw to sprinkle on the flooring in the stall. Equipment for cleaning dirt in the barn. The construction of sheds for storing inventory, hangars for the fleet is being considered. The business plan for breeding cows determines all the costs that an entrepreneur will undergo when opening a business in the livestock sector.

Part 4 of the business plan for breeding cows is economic. In it, the entrepreneur calculates his projected profit from the enterprise. It signs the amount of milk that is planned to be sold. If the farmer sells manure, then its value is indicated. Additional business may be the sale of young animals or the slaughter of bulls.

The 5th part of the plan is analytical. An analysis of the entire enterprise is carried out. What was the profit, taking into account the cost of maintaining and purchasing animals. If the farmer has already registered with the tax office, then he will have to pay taxes and contributions to state funds.

Next comes the investment part. If previous calculations showed that there is not enough money for the cow breeding business, then the loan amount is determined. In the investment part, a calculation is made of what it is planned to purchase for this amount, and what income the entrepreneur, credit institution and the state budget will receive from this.

Business plan: production part

Breeding cows requires certain costs. They need to be counted. To begin with, it was decided to purchase 10 dairy heifers, 3 bulls and 10 cows for milk production. This will be spent in (thousand rubles):

  • heifers - 10*20 = 200;
  • year-old bulls - 3 * 30 \u003d 90;
  • cows - 10*50 = 500.

790 thousand rubles will be spent on animals. At the same time, it is necessary to resolve issues with milking, feeding, keeping animals. If farming is already developing, everything necessary is equipped for the livestock of cattle, then this item of expenditure is no longer needed. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide for the following expenses in (thousand rubles):

It is necessary to take into account the cost of wages for workers and milking operators. Expenses for water and electricity: 50 thousand rubles. Animals are vaccinated, medical examinations are carried out, milk analysis is taken. 30 thousand rubles are allocated for these events.

To start selling milk from, you need to spend 2280 thousand rubles. With the condition of keeping cows in stalls, acquiring land ownership, buying a truck with a milk tank. 790 thousand rubles are added to this amount. from the value of the animals. To develop an enterprise for the sale of milk, 3,070 thousand rubles will be required.

In the future, less funding will be needed. The farmer already has a cowshed, animals, pastures, transport. The main part of the expenses will fall on feed, veterinarian, barn maintenance.

In this part, income from all lines of business is considered. In this case, the sale of milk. Cows will start giving milk immediately. If we take into account the period of adaptation of animals to new feed and conditions, then from 1 individual you can get 16-20 liters per day.

The calculation is made for the year in (thousand rubles):

  • for the lactation period, which lasts 305 days, 6100 liters of milk are obtained from the cow;
  • from 10 cows - 61,000 liters;
  • 1 liter of cow's milk costs at a wholesale price of 25 rubles;
  • from 10 cows, milk revenue will be - 1525;

By the end of the lactation period of cows, milk will appear in heifers. The same calculation is made, but taking into account that after the first calving, they will give less milk than adult cows. The sale of milk by the entrepreneur will be constant.

For a year, an average of 500 thousand rubles will go to feed cows, bulls and heifers. The calculation is made taking into account seasonal feeding. During the warm period, cows do not need to be given succulent feed and concentrates separately. They get their main food on the pasture.

Business plan - analytical part

This section summarizes the entire enterprise for the year. All expenses that the entrepreneur has made to develop the business and the gross profit from the sale of milk are taken into account. The data is analyzed and the payback of the project is calculated.

AT new project 3070 thousand rubles were invested. From the sale of milk received - 1525 thousand rubles. The next year, the amount from the sale of milk will be identical. The project will pay off in 2 years. For the 4th year, the profit will be double, because the cows that were purchased earlier as heifers brought offspring. At 4 years old they will become adults. After calving, they will give milk:

  • for the 2nd year, sales from milk will amount to 1,525 thousand rubles;
  • for the 3rd year - 1525 thousand rubles;
  • for 4 years - 3050 thousand rubles.

Payback in 2 years is a good option business. Investments were made to generate profits in future periods. In the future, it is possible to trade calves or select bulls for rearing in order to get meat. If an entrepreneur has issued an IP, he will have to pay taxes to the budget: 6% of the profit. In 1 year, this will amount to 91.5 thousand rubles.

When calculating a business plan, you can clearly see all the costs and income from the project, determine the payback period of the new enterprise. If an entrepreneur does not have enough funds to start a business, he can take a loan from a bank or apply for a grant from the state. In this case, it is required to calculate the animal feed base. The calculation is carried out for each unit: hay, silage, concentrates. A business plan scheme is provided by a credit institution.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Food products will always be in demand by the population. To get more profit from dairy products, livestock farms are opened, but the business of cows and milk is specific. It requires large financial and physical costs.

Experts believe that it is better to start a business with a small homestead. See how much was invested in cattle, how much milk was sold, what was the net profit. There is no need to set up a private sector. If the entrepreneur is satisfied with everything, he likes the business he is doing, then you can expand, draw up an IP. Lawyers advise using a simplified taxation system: income minus expenses. In this case, the tax will be 6%.

If the activity began with a household, then the entrepreneur has already taken into account all the advantages and complexities of the business. When expanding the farm, it is necessary to pay attention to the following questions that the farmer will definitely face:

It is necessary to analyze the dairy market, study milk prices, the direction for the sale of calves and cows in the region and beyond. Do not consider only nearby enterprises. It is necessary to study areas in which animal husbandry is underdeveloped. There, for sure, dairy and meat products are required.

How many individuals need to be purchased? To obtain milk, dairy breeds of cattle are purchased. For the meat business, they put bulls for fattening. There is no need to hurry with the choice. It is necessary to assess the climatic conditions of the region. Not all cows endure both heat and cold equally. Some animals need high humidity, while others do not.

White breeds of cattle are most often meat. They are hardy, have good immunity. Red, motley, black and white animals have milk productivity or milk and meat. Individually suited to each breed. The quality of meat and the fat content of milk are different. Experts recommend purchasing individuals from local factories or farms in nearby regions. Animals do not have to adapt to new climatic conditions.

Cows need to be properly maintained, to organize optimal conditions for their care. It is recommended to consider the seasonal keeping of cows in the warm and cold seasons. If the corral is open in summer and spring, and it is planned to make it on pastures, then a lease is agreed with the local authorities required area meadow land. One individual should account for at least 0.5 ha. An open camp should not be located far from the pasture.

For the winter, cows are put in stalls or kept in closed pens. The optimum temperature in the room should not be below +10 degrees. Usually, walls and roofs are insulated in a barn, but in cold regions with harsh winters, it is necessary to establish a heating system in them.

For the full maintenance of dairy cows, a certain diet is built. One individual should eat up to 6 kg of succulent feed, 12 kg of silage, 2 kg of dry feed per day. They think over the location of the silo pit, storage rooms for dry feed and hay. It is recommended to build a farm near vegetable farms in order to save money on the supply of vegetables.

If the number of cattle is more than 10 heads, then it will be difficult for one farmer to cope with them. They hire workers who keep the room clean, milk the cows, and control the operation of all automatic devices on the farm. The health of the animals is monitored by a veterinarian. It can be a full-time unit or an invited specialist from a veterinary clinic. An agreement is concluded with him, in which all preventive measures for the improvement of animals are prescribed.

You also need to worry about markets. Milk is a perishable product. It will not be able to stay in the refrigerator for a long time without heat treatment. Sales of milk should be daily. Think over the transportation of products: ways of delivery and mode of transport.

How to write a business plan?

To visually see the construction of a business on cows and milk, calculate all the estimated costs, calculate future profits, provide for investments, predict the return on the farm, they draw up a business plan. It is necessary, first of all, for a farmer to properly organize a business. If there is a need to take a loan from a bank, the credit institution will ask you to present the business plan of the enterprise. What is reflected in the document?

Section 1 is the introduction. The name of the enterprise, address, TIN, statistics codes, bank account number through which all commercial transactions are carried out are indicated. Here are the registration numbers of the PFR, FSS, TFOMS (medical fund number). The characteristics of the farm are briefly described: production and sale of milk, breeding and sale of calves of milk productivity.

Section 2 - production plan. The section reflects all the expenses that the farmer will make:

  • rent land plot or buying land in the property to build a cowshed;
  • rent of pastures and areas for summer camp animals;
  • barn costs: premises, equipment, automation. How much money will be spent on the arrangement of closed boxes for cows, on the heating system, supplying electricity, organizing feeding and watering;
  • the farm must provide a separate room for hardware milking. It organizes a room for washing animals, disinfecting the udder, hooves and belly;
  • sanitary standards provide for a separate room for calving;
  • equipment of boxes for sick animals;
  • shower rooms for cows, if there is a need to wash them;
  • purchase of heifers or dairy cows;
  • provide for the number and cost of milking machines;
  • purchase of bulls;
  • feed stocks: hay, silage, concentrates, dressings, vitamin supplements, salt, pulp;
  • purchase of milk storage containers;
  • refrigerators for milk and meat;
  • personnel costs. Experts recommend hiring 1 specialist for 10 heads of cattle;
  • medical and veterinary expenses.

All indicators are recorded in numbers. A general calculation is made so that the farmer sees the total costs of the enterprise.

Section 3 is economic indicators. It reflects the projected profit:

  • for clarity, make a table. Monthly income from milk is signed: liters, cost, revenue;
  • the same table is made for the sale of meat;
  • if the farmer plans to sell young animals, then a calculation is made for this type of activity.

All income from the farm is calculated. The farmer clearly sees to come from a certain amount cows and bulls. Separate records are kept for each cow, how much milk she gives per day. The seasonality of milk production is taken into account. Cows reduce their milk supply in winter.

Section 4 - analytical. The farmer analyzes the calculations and calculates the monthly and annual profit or loss. If the finances that were spent on organizing a business were personal, then the farmer analyzes when this enterprise will pay off. good indicator considered 3 years.

Section 5 - investment. It is necessary for credit institution to take out a loan. The farmer requests a certain amount of credit from the bank and makes a technical justification for it. It indicates what he wants to spend the money on, what profit he will receive by putting it into circulation. Which enterprises-buyers the farmer works with. How long can he take out a loan?

Banks usually require a separate technical justification. It makes a predictable profit calculation. In the business plan, the investment section is needed only for the farmer. He sees how much money he lacks for effective activities.

Key business risks

Each commercial activity comes with certain risks. In animal husbandry, the main danger is animal diseases. Even if the farmer has acquired a good, healthy young stock, and his business is developing successfully, diseases can befall other farms in the region. Some entrepreneurs save on animal vaccinations. The cows are sick.

FMD disease is dangerous. They mainly suffer from cattle and domestic animals: cats and dogs. This is a viral disease that has 100% infection. Calves have a high mortality rate. If the veterinarian recognizes foot and mouth disease, he is obliged to report this to the regional authorities.

The initial organization of any business requires mandatory compliance with certain actions. Among them is an adequate assessment of one's own strengths and capabilities (breeding calves requires dedication and time). It is also important to take into account the conditions of the region, since raising large animals requires large areas. It is impossible to organize the process in an urban area.

When planning the supply of meat to facilities Catering and shops will require mandatory business registration.

An important question on which the specifics of the case depends: “What does the farmer choose: the purchase of young animals or independent?”. Buying individuals eliminates a number of problems:

  • acquisition of bull semen (or maintenance of a breeding bull);
  • carrying out fertilization;
  • organization of a separate building.

REFERENCE! In order for the bull to gain weight, optimal conditions should be created. Growth and development will depend on the amenities created.

Calves should only be kept in dry barns. The stalls should have a dense and reliable floor. Daily cleaning required. It is recommended to clean the floor with a stiff brush, and in warm period- Rinse it with running water.

Case Features

The activity is specific. Calves need to be actively fed until a certain age, then slaughtered(or sell live weight). The peculiarity of the business is small investments.

The main difficulties are associated with the expenditure of time and effort to care for animals. There are usually no problems with the sale of meat products: a wide sales market allows you to quickly sell the finished product.

Among the features of keeping gobies are the following:

Is it profitable?

The period of growth of meat for slaughter is from 12 to 20 months. The average weight of one bull is 350 kg. The cost of meat and profit margins will depend on the conditions of each particular region. The case will fully pay off in 1-2 years. Work will generate income only with proper implementation. People who are not afraid of physical labor need to start such a business.

ADVICE! If you donate meat directly to shops or restaurants, then the income will be much higher than when selling to wholesalers.

Characteristics of a suitable site

The preferred area for growing beef bulls is a plot with a large and free area of ​​​​land. It could be a mini farm old dacha, private backyard. There must be a place for organizing a corral and walking livestock.

In summer, the animals will begin to actively gain weight - this will require daily walking (keeping in a stall will increase aggressiveness and cause illness). Near the barn there should be meadows or fields for grazing.

We equip the building

Area per head - 10 sq.m. (includes food storage). A brick or slab is suitable for building a barn (inexpensive, but high-quality material). From an economic point of view, it is more profitable to rent a ready-made complex with everything you need.

Bulls are clean animals, so the barn should be equipped so that it is easy to clean. Attention should also be paid to the selected area: water should not accumulate on it.

Barn organization

The characteristics of a suitable building are warm (not lower than 8 degrees), good ventilation and the possibility of ventilation. Under a categorical ban, drafts - they provoke diseases. With a herd size of more than 10 heads, it is better to automate the process of supplying water and feed.

It is important that the animals have constant free access to feeders and drinkers (but it is undesirable to put them on the floor, the optimal height is 8-10 cm from the floor level). To clean the air inside the building, farmers use ash - it absorbs ammonia and gases. You can pour it on the tracks or fall asleep in boxes.

How to choose animals?

When choosing a breed, you need to consider several important indicators:

  • Live weight: whether the calf meets breed standards.
  • The level of development, general physique, the presence of defects or shortcomings.
  • Pedigree of the calf (mother's productivity and father's weight).

Purchase of young animals

When selecting individuals, attention should be paid to weight (optimum 90-100 kg) and age.

It is preferable to buy young animals on special farms that are engaged in breeding. You can also purchase calves from breeding breeders.

Dairy bulls have a low purchase price (up to 3 months they need to be fed with milk).

Common types

Some features of cultivation and the payback period depend on the breed. Farmers recommend buying fast-growing young animals, but do not forget about the taste characteristics of meat.

Before choosing a breed, you need to find out which individuals are suitable for keeping in the region of residence (expensive breeding bulls may not take root in a particular area). List of the best breeds:

  1. charolais;
  2. Kazakh white-headed;
  3. Simmental;

Young animals must be kept separate from adult bulls (a separate barn must be built for calves). It is allowed to keep bulls with cows - so the temper of males will be more calm.

In summer, it is possible to keep gobies in the open, but the corrals will need to be additionally equipped with special plastic booths. Manure cleaning occurs 3 times a day, immediately after feeding.

IMPORTANT! The growth of the hoof horn should be controlled. 2 times a year you need to clear and trim the hooves.

The walking area should be fenced with the strongest possible materials. It is allowed to let adult bulls out into the street with a special stick and a leash. The stick is fixed in the nose ring of the individual. Simultaneous walking with females or young animals is not recommended.


In productive bulls, the meat index is not less than 70%. To achieve this result, you need to provide intensive feeding. You won’t achieve high performance with hay and juicy grasses: The following foods must be present in the diet:

The addition of concentrates will make it possible to replenish the supply of vitamins and trace elements in the body. The basis of the diet in winter is hay, mixed fodder and root crops. In summer, the main product is juicy and fresh grass. Individuals must spend at least 15 hours on the pasture.

About reproduction

How to breed bulls? A breeding bull fertilizes up to 50 cows per year. You can keep it in your own household or use the services (manual mating - a cow is led to the bull). When mating heterogeneous individuals, crossing or crossbreeding occurs. Among natural breeding technologies:

  1. manual (mating under control);
  2. cooking method;
  3. free method.

Note! Today, methods of natural reproduction are practically not used.


Selling meat is a profitable business that will provide a stable income. The main business model is to rent a plot and buy young animals, grow them and then sell them.

For payback, the number of herds should not be less than 10 goals. It is especially important to create suitable housing conditions and maintain a balanced diet for animals. Up to 15 heads can be handled on their own, over 15 - hired personnel will be required.

Do you need clearance?

Business registration is a prerequisite for sales and deliveries. The farmer becomes individual entrepreneur and receives the appropriate quality certificates. Several other options are suitable for registration:

  1. personal economy (does not apply to entrepreneurial business);
  2. peasant-farm plot (requires the involvement of partners).

Recruiting staff

As assistants, you need to choose people who know how and love to follow the animals. It is also important to pay attention to personal qualities(responsibility, discipline).

For a livestock of 20 bulls, 2-3 helpers are enough. Be sure to have a veterinarian on staff. This may be a permanent position or an invited specialist.

Quantitative indicators: spending and profit

The initial costs go to the arrangement of the barn, the purchase of young animals and the purchase of a forage base. On average, it will take up to 500 thousand rubles to open a farm and form a herd of 20 heads.

Feed costs will be up to 20 thousand per year per 1 bull. Later, additional expenses will appear: a mini-tractor, a refrigerator, automatic feeders.

Attention! The initial investment will pay off in 16-18 months. Average amount net profit- from 400 thousand per year.

Making a plan

The document contains the goal, directions of activity, calculation of costs and profits. The business plan for raising bulls for meat, breeding and maintaining a herd of 20 heads includes the following costs:

  • Buying young.
  • Rent and subsequent arrangement of the barn.
  • Veterinary control and purchase of feed.

Is it profitable to breed gobies for meat? Based on current prices, revenues are calculated. The estimated amount and period of partial and full payback must be included in the business strategy.

Raising calves for meat is a cost-effective undertaking. Remember that such activities require time, cost and physical effort. At proper organization and reasonable distribution of processes, you can establish a client base and receive stable profit.

Useful video

Watch a video about raising bulls for meat:

Dairy products have always been in demand in our country.

Without them, it is impossible to imagine either a festive or daily table.

Therefore, many private entrepreneurs, choosing a field of activity for themselves, prefer breeding as a business.

The profitability of such a business is undeniable, especially as modern technologies genetic modification of products, which makes it difficult for people to find quality products.

If you provide the consumer with a quality product, very soon the manufacturer will have a good reputation, a lot of regular customers and business will be successful.

Since the market is constantly demanding fresh and quality dairy products, it makes sense to start breeding as a business.

It is profitable or not to grow them for milk production can be understood if you familiarize yourself with the numbers a little.

Statistics show that if you keep a cow farm for milk production, then the annual profit is about one million six hundred thousand rubles.

Breeding bulls for meat will bring one million three hundred thousand rubles a year. Another opportunity to receive money from keeping cows is the sale of manure as a soil fertilizer. It can in in large numbers to be purchased by farmers involved in the cultivation of cultivated plants in the fields. Thus, all funds spent on promoting the business will be returned in one to two years.

The expected market for milk sales is mainly in:

  • Production shops for the manufacture of dairy products such as cheeses, kefirs and oils.
  • Large markets that always need a huge amount of fresh produce.
  • Counters of small sizes, which are located in towns, villages and on the outskirts of the city.

Also, when starting a dairy business, competition should be taken into account. So that later there are no many problems, it is better to immediately choose such points of sale and a place to build a farm where there are no similar enterprises nearby.

Amount of starting capital

The initial capital for starting a dairy business will depend on how many livestock the farmer plans to keep. This determines the size of the premises, and the purchase of feed, and the hiring of full-time employees.

In total, the costs can be as follows:

  • For the construction or reconstruction of the premises, it may take up to two hundred thousand rubles.
  • It will take about three hundred thousand rubles to purchase livestock (if you buy seven or eight).
  • To complete all the documentation for doing business, you need about twenty thousand rubles.

As a result, you will need about five hundred or six hundred thousand rubles, depending on the number of livestock.

The annual cost of doing business will be:

  • Three hundred and sixty thousand rubles for renting the premises (if it is your own, part of the money will go to pay utilities and other taxes).
  • Sixty-five thousand rubles for the purchase of feed.
  • Five hundred and forty thousand rubles for the issuance of a regular wages regular employees.
  • One hundred thousand rubles to pay off state taxes.
  • About a hundred thousand rubles for other expenses, such as the purchase and maintenance of equipment and the treatment of animals.

Consequently, in order to keep about a dozen cows, more than one million rubles will be required per year. If the business develops well, the owner may want to increase the number of livestock. In this case, expenses will increase, but income will also increase.

A certain part of the costs of organizing a new business can be covered by the state. If you are familiar with the laws and rights, you can apply to some services and authorities to receive subsidies for the purchase of livestock and buildings for their breeding, as well as for the purchase of feed. However, this option is not always available. For details, contact your local public institutions involved in development .

Where to start business development

It is not so easy to raise cows as a business. Where to begin? The development of any business should begin with the collection of information in this area.

First of all, you need to learn all about the following topics:

  • Varieties of cows for milk and meat, their advantages.
  • Features of keeping cows of the selected breed.
  • The nuances of raising livestock at different times of the year, their response to an increase and decrease in temperature, different humidity.
  • Opportunities for the sale of milk, meat products and manure. Learn about exchange and wholesale options.

Selection of cows for breeding

When choosing a breed of cows and purchasing a herd for breeding for milk, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the following factors:

  • The growth rate of young heifers.
  • Large size and weight of animals when they grow up.
  • Good health of all individuals in the herd.
  • High level of animal performance.
  • The ability of cows to produce one healthy yearly.
  • The ability of cows to produce large amounts of milk for many years in a row.
  • Good adaptability of livestock to different climatic conditions and the ability to rapid adaptation to change.

Cows that meet the above requirements are distinguished by the following description:

  • The abdominal area of ​​the body of the cow has a barrel-shaped, round belly, the skeleton is thin in appearance, but of high strength. This suggests that the animal's digestive system and lungs work well.
  • The shape of the head is elongated, it has a small weight. The horns are small and not wide. The withers are not sharp and not forked. The line of the back is even, without excessive bends.
  • The udder is large and heavy. It has a thin and soft hairline. Its volume becomes significantly smaller after milking, and soft and elastic folds appear behind the udder. The most high-yielding udder is in the form of a bowl or bath.
  • The first third of the lactation period of cows is considered the most productive. The closer the end of this period, the less milk it gives. When a cow is no longer young, she is less productive. Usually the amount of milk increases until the seventh lactation, after which it begins to gradually fall.

Farm arrangement

The old building can be bought or rented. When choosing, pay attention to the following features:

  • To maintain a herd of ten individuals, a room measuring about 34 x 6 m is required. If the population is small, animals can be kept inside the stall. Their average size can be equal to two square meters.
  • It is desirable to locate the farm in an area where there are many fields for growing crops. This will allow you to quickly find buyers of manure and transport it without difficulty.
  • In order for the cows to be healthy and the milk to be of high quality, there should be a meadow for grazing animals near the buildings for their maintenance. Juicy greens are an important element of the feed, and getting them from them is free. natural resources will help save money.
  • In the stall, it is necessary to provide a drain and a door for manure.

If a farm with several hundred cows is planned, grazing in the meadows will be unlikely, and all feed will be distributed using special machines directly inside the farm. In this case, the specifics of the area may be different: the building for keeping the herd and storing food will take up more space, and the presence of a meadow nearby is not so important.

Catering and animal care

The diet of cows should include the following ingredients:

  • Compound feed.
  • Dried grass.
  • Fresh greens.

Also, it is necessary to add all kinds of vitamin bait to food. The feed should be varied and nutritious so that the animals do not lose weight and give a lot of milk.

According to statistics, for one cow per day, it is necessary to spend from nine to fifteen kilograms of hay. But this figure may vary depending on the season and climatic conditions. When the herd is grazing in the meadow, then being in the stall it will consume much less food. However, in winter, the animals have a considerable appetite, so you should calculate in advance the amount of hay and feed that you need to stock up on so that the herd is full and productive.

Animals will bring a lot of income, since milk can be used to cook butter, cheese and other fermented milk products, freeze meat, sell it fresh or close the stew. Another option for generating income is the cultivation and resale of young animals. The first step of a novice farmer is a thorough analysis of the slightest nuances of the future business.

Before understanding how to breed cows, you need to understand the ultimate goals of this action.

  1. Analysis of the conditions of the region of residence (are there fields for grazing).
  2. Economic factor (competitors and sales market).
  3. Features of keeping cows in winter and summer.
  4. Finding out the final goal (obtaining meat, milk or complex products). Selection of appropriate breeds.
  5. Environmental factor (where to sell manure).

Cows are large in size, have a good appetite (they consume a lot of feed) and are demanding on the conditions of their place of residence, but all these aspects are quickly covered by finished products.

How to write a business plan

Before creating a business on cows, each farmer is recommended to study in depth what the whole process of raising horned animals consists of. In the case of cow breeding, several basic points stand out:

  • feeding the cow and keeping it in the stall;
  • regular walking and grazing of the animal in the pasture;
  • harvesting hay for the winter;
  • milk collection;
  • breeding and raising offspring (both dairy cows and bulls);
  • conducting timely veterinary examinations, as well as vaccination against the most common ailments.

Knowing how to do detailed business plan, you can set good start to develop your own business. However, first write down the main points for growing cattle and then already determine what costs will be needed for a particular process.

Suitable site

How much land is needed for 1 cow? The required sowing area for cereals is 0.60 ha, perennial grasses – 0.60 ha, silage crops – 0.20 ha, vegetables – 0.06 ha. On average, there is 1 hectare of land per 1 cow.

When taking into account the stock of hay for the winter, another 1 hectare is added. So, 1 livestock will require up to 2 hectares of water meadow. If the field is not fertile, this figure may increase further.

We equip the building

The best option for maintenance is an old farm. Building a building from scratch is not an economically viable option. An alternative is to rent a ready-made adapted barn.

The room should be away from residential buildings and water sources. According to sanitary norms, the minimum distance to the house is 15 meters, to the wells - 20 meters. It is preferable that it be located next to the garden (manure liquidation).

If you decide to build a barn yourself, pay attention to the materials. Brick or foam concrete is suitable for construction - they retain heat well. The floor should be made of cement - it is durable and hygienic. Wood is not recommended as the material absorbs odors and rots quickly.

Stall organization

With a large number of animals, it is necessary to equip the stall. For comfortable keeping of 1 cows, 2 sq.m. is enough. Be sure to make a slope for waste to drain. The stall should have a separate door for cleaning (located on the opposite side of the feeder).

If you want to receive large volumes of milk, think over the water supply and purchase milking systems. It is more profitable to buy a special device than to regularly pay milkmaids.

A useful addition to the barn is the attic. This is a convenient place to store hay. It will also allow you to additionally insulate the ceiling.

Purchase of young animals

The purchase of calves is selected in connection with the purpose for which you need them: for meat or dairy products. Breeding cows for milk as a business (you can find a video on this topic at the end of the article) will be a pretty good start for a beginner. To choose the right dairy livestock, you should pay attention to several features.

When buying animals, be guided own experience and expert advice

Cows that are best for milk have a round midsection and underdeveloped muscles, so their belly is often oddly shaped. In addition, they have thin horns and a more elongated head. In dairy cows, the withers are quite sharp, and the loin is compatible with the croup of the cattle's body. Together they form an almost straight line. Of course, the udder should be very large and completely hairless. After the end of milking, it greatly decreases and forms small folds.

It is necessary to pay attention to the age of the individual, as over time it will give less and less milk. How many years an animal lives can be calculated by the horns, that is, by the number of lines on them. When you count all the rollers on the horns, then just add two more years to this number and get the exact age of the cow. Everything is more than simple.

Large income will bring not only the sale of milk, but also the breeding of cows for meat. So, now let's pay attention to the selection of these breeds. They differ in such features:

  • big weight;
  • carcass suitability;
  • adaptability of a cow to climate change;
  • a healthy uterus so that the cow can bring calves every year;
  • rapid growth of young animals.

Such cows are bought very rarely for sale, most often they are taken for the sale of meat. This type of business is the most profitable business, but also the most difficult.

The best breeds for breeding cattle in a private household

The first task of a novice farmer is to choose the breed of animal, depending on the chosen direction.

For milk

The most common dairy breeds are the following:

On the meat

The following breeds are considered the most productive in the meat direction:

  1. Hereford- famous for the delicate taste of marbled meat. Calf weight at birth 26–34 kg, daily weight gain 700–1200 g, slaughter age 18 months. Weight: bulls - 850–1000 kg, heifers - 550–650 kg; meat yield 62%.
  2. Belgian blue cow- is considered the most productive, meat can be called dietary due to the small amount of fat. At birth, the weight is about 50 kg, the daily weight gain is up to 1500 g. At 15 months of age, the weight of the bull is on average 1100 kg, the weight of the heifer is 800 kg; meat yield at slaughter 80%.
  3. Kian breed- originally from Italy, it is considered one of the largest. Calf weight at birth 48 kg, weight gain up to 1400 g. At 15 months, the weight of a bull is 1300–1600 kg, a cow weighs up to 900 kg; meat yield 65%.
  4. Auliekolskaya- bred in Kazakhstan, marbled meat does not contain much fat. Newborn calves weigh 25 kg, daily gain up to 1700 g. At the age of 16–18 months, the weight of a bull is 1050 kg, the weight of a heifer is 550 kg; meat yield 63%.

Breeding bulls as a business for the production of meat products in a paddock is less expensive than stall keeping. One of the reasons for this conclusion is that much fewer employees are needed to work.

Combined breeding method

For business, such universal breeds as Simmental, Lebedinskaya, Swiss, Red Gorbatovskaya, Kostroma are suitable. All of them are able to achieve a large body weight, and females give milk yield on average from 3000 to 5000 kg per year. For slaughter, almost every breed is able to give out from 50% of the weight. The growth of calves is quite active and by six months they weigh quite impressively.

All listed living creatures have high rates of taste of meat and dairy products. For successful business this is a clear plus.

Sales of products

This is an equally important stage of business. Having decided what kind of product should be the output - meat or milk - the farmer needs to sell it.

If the farm is aimed at breeding and growing meat heads, then after acquiring the young, the meat will be in about a year. Dairy cows give milk all the time, except during calving. You can also supply related products. These are skins, milk (cheese, butter, kefir, sour cream), semi-finished meat products. At the beginning of the article, it was also mentioned about such a direction as the sale of young animals. With the ability to organize the rearing of calves, this can be an additional profit.

Any of the goods, be it milk or meat, can be sold wholesale or retail. Many processing plants often cooperate with farms. It is also possible to conclude an agreement with catering points and shops. Guided by the main advantage - the environmental friendliness of products - it is necessary to establish high-quality sales of products.

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The specifics of building a farm for profit

Breeding cows on farms can be considered quite profitable business if you follow the basic rules of housekeeping. The breeder must be aware of the following:

  • varieties of livestock for dairy and meat products, what are their differences and advantages;
  • features of growing livestock of the selected breed;
  • nuances of content in different seasons and seasons;
  • sales and marketing opportunities for dairy and meat products.

The farmer will need to draw up a business plan, which will include:

  • initial costs, start-up capital;
  • fixed and variable costs;
  • possible profit from the sale.

Based on the calculations, it is possible to assess the real opportunities from farming.

Important features of starting a business are the need for documentation and compliance with production standards.

Disease prevention

important preventive measure in the fight against common diseases is vaccination, which must be carried out from the age of two months. You will need to be vaccinated against pasteurellosis, brucellosis, foot and mouth disease, anthrax and rabies.

In order to prevent the occurrence and development of infectious diseases, it is also important to keep the barns clean and dry. Once a week, it is desirable to treat the premises with slaked lime or caustic soda. In addition, it is important to avoid contact between livestock and wild animals and rodents.

To prevent many diseases, it is necessary to vaccinate cows in a timely manner.

The health and well-being of cows must be systematically monitored. In case of lethargy, refusal to eat, discharge from the nose and eyes, it is necessary to call a veterinarian.

Sanitary and veterinary standards

In addition to constant comfortable temperature(not lower than ten degrees Celsius) it is recommended to maintain a relative humidity of at least forty percent and no more than eighty. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that for each individual an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least four square meters must be allocated.

Young animals are recommended to be kept separately from adult animals. Infected and recovering individuals must be quarantined.

Is breeding profitable?

Many beginners are thinking about whether it is generally profitable to keep a cow on the house plot. Whatever you say, but based on the opinions of experts, in last years there is a significant reduction in the number of cows in the country. However, in fact, all this is due to the laboriousness of the process of caring for animals, and not because of unprofitability. Agree, a cow will have to devote a lot of time. Grazing regularly, feeding, milking twice a day, veterinarian checks and keeping the barn clean will all take a lot of your energy.

Nevertheless, you can make money on this business, and not bad. It is believed that a high-yielding cow is capable of producing from 3.5 to 6 thousand liters of milk per year. This means that on average a farmer can earn up to 220 thousand rubles from one cow. Provide quality conditions for the animal, take care of it, and the business will soon give the first visible results.