The name of the products sold on the beach. Ideas for implementing a profitable business on the beach. Planned income from product sales, profit and profitability of the project

  • 08.06.2020

Good evening!
Much will depend on what exactly your outlet. Unfortunately, you didn't specify that in your question.
If we assume that you will carry out a peddling trade, then you need certificate about state registration you as a sole trader and permission body local government for peddling on the beach.
You also need to notify the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities, ensure the availability medical books, as well as compliance in the course of trading with the requirements of the "Rules for the sale certain types goods", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 and “SP 2.3.6. Organizations Catering. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials. Sanitary and epidemiological rules”, approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation November 6, 2001"

4. The range of goods offered for sale, the list of services provided, as well as the forms of service are determined by the seller independently in accordance with the profile and specialization of their activities.
When implementing retail at the location of the buyer outside the stationary places of trade: at home, at the place of work and study, on transport, on the street and in other places (hereinafter referred to as - peddling) it is not allowed to sell food products (with the exception of ice cream, soft drinks, confectionery and bakery products in the packaging of the manufacturer of the product), medicines, medical products, articles made of precious metals and precious stones, weapons and cartridges for them, copies of audiovisual works and phonograms, programs for electronic computers and databases.
10. The seller is obliged to bring to the attention of the buyer the company name (name) of his organization, its location (address) and mode of operation, placing the specified information on the signboard of the organization.
Salesman - individual entrepreneur must provide the buyer with information on state registration and the name of the body that registered it.
If the activity carried out by the seller is subject to licensing, then he is obliged to provide information on the number and validity of the license, as well as on the authority that issued it.
The specified information is placed in places convenient for familiarization of the buyer.
Similar information should also be brought to the attention of buyers when trading in temporary premises, at fairs, from stalls and in other cases, if trading is carried out outside the permanent location of the seller.
When carrying out retail trade, the seller's representative must have a personal card certified by the signature of the person responsible for its execution and the seller's seal, with a photograph, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the seller's representative, as well as information about the seller.
19. The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of uniform and clearly defined price tags for the goods sold, indicating the name of the goods, grade (if any), price per weight or unit of goods, the signature of the financially responsible person or the seal of the organization, the date of issue of the price tag.
When selling goods carried out through retail trade, the seller's representative must have a price list certified by the signature of the person responsible for its execution and the seal of the seller, indicating the name and price of the goods, as well as services provided with the consent of the buyer.

In the beach TOP, the 1000 Ideas portal has collected for you unusual ways to make money on seemingly typical beach attributes. These are beach mats, and inflatable sunbeds, and umbrellas, and women's swimwear, and even pebbles with used rubber slippers! In a word, those ideas that literally lie under our feet and are waiting in the wings!


In Kenya, a group of craft artists are collecting flip flops lost by vacationers and turning them into rubber souvenirs with local African flair. It is not necessary to go far for the “catch” - the sea regularly brings torn slippers to the shore. Naturally, worn shoes are only part of what goes into it. Every year, a Kenyan company that makes money on garbage souvenirs fishes and recycles 400,000 tons of rubber and plastic from the ocean!


Entrepreneurs from Omsk have created an inflatable sofa mattress, which requires neither a pump nor healthy lungs to inflate. "Bevan", that's what it's called unique product, it is simply inflated: it is “stuffed” with air. To do this, you just need to open the "Beavan" on one side, move it back and forth, and after 15 seconds a small bundle will turn into a 2-meter lounger, ready for use. If you want - lie on the beach, if you want - swim in the river or the sea, if you want - take it with you on a hike. In a word, the master-master. The idea broke the record of the domestic crowdfunding site, having raised 3,890,140 rubles to start production.


Quite often, on the beach you can encounter a lack of places for changing clothes, or even with their complete absence. Entrepreneurs from California found a way out of this situation. At least for women. The dress designed by them completely replaces the beach cabana. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary long dress to the floor. However, the whole secret is in two pockets cut through. By stuffing both hands into these slit pockets, you can easily change from underwear to swimsuit and back again.

4. Shark warning app

In Australia, there are even sharks on Twitter. They "registered" there, of course, not of their own free will. The fact is that the local surfer rescue society is tired of looking at the sea with constant apprehension. In Western Australia, sharks were even offered to be exterminated due to private attacks on people, but thanks to animal rights activists, another way was found. More than 320 sharks have geolocation sensors implanted in their fins. When a shark approaches the shore at a distance of a kilometer, a short tweet appears on the Surf Life Saving WA Twitter page in the microblog. He reports the location of the shark, its breed and size. Interestingly, there are a lot of such applications today. However, the warning about approaching dangers does not mainly come from the sensors, but from the users themselves, for example, if we are talking about a flock of jellyfish or a cloud of mosquitoes.


From the endless debate about whether a sun tan is good or not, only one thing is clear. Sunbathing if possible, then only in moderation. But how to find this golden mean so that the benefit does not turn into harm? Two fashion brand Building Block + Waka Waka decided to help sunbathers with the invention of a bag that can sunbathe in the sun. As soon as the bag changes its color to chocolate, the fashionista is given a signal that it is time to move away from the direct sun. Vitamin D received abound.


Why shouldn't a fabric umbrella work simultaneously as a solar panel and an eco-friendly solar battery that accumulates daytime natural insolation and converts it into electricity? One of the first stores to offer such a unique product was the Hammacher Schlemmer gadget store in New York. In 2013, such an umbrella, capable of charging smartphones, cost almost $500.

7. Drawings on pebbles with acrylic paint

Residents of seaside resorts are well aware that a cool souvenir can be made from anything. Even the most ordinary pebble stones can be sold for a lot of money if presented to the buyer in an unusual form. So, for example, does the Italian artist Ernestina Gallina. On round pebbles with acrylic paints, she draws amazingly beautiful fairy tales and animals.

8. Drinkable sunscreen

Osmosis Skincare's Harmonized H2O sunscreen isn't exactly common. It does not need to be applied to the skin, but should be taken orally as a medicine. 99% of the idea is not in the uniqueness of the product as such, but in an unusual marketing move and a stylish bottle design. For every 60 milliliters of ordinary water, there is only 2 milliliters of sunscreen, which helps as well as regular cream. The “victims of marketing” should take this dose once every 4 hours.

9. Absorbent swimsuit

This swimsuit, shown in the picture, can hardly be considered as an idea that can bring millions. However, some individuals who have fallen into the "green wave" of obsession with ecology will clearly like the idea. Being placed in the waters of the sea or ocean, The Sponge Suit makes her look cleaner. Inside, the swimsuit has a powerful layer of carbon filter, which acts as an absorbent. Thus, bathing turns into an exciting garbage collection, as a result of which the swimsuit becomes heavier from 54 grams to 1 kilogram 350 grams.


And another idea from the series "How you can make big money on banal things"! As a last resort, the Portuguese company Vertty decided to use conventional beach covers. Only instead of the usual four corners, the entrepreneurs decided to make ten. And of course, they began to advertise to everyone how cool, stylish and unusual it is. And sell them for $59 each. To enhance the wow-effect, the mats were armed with the ability to instantly absorb water and provided with a fastened pocket for smartphones.

28.07.2016 11:38:46

Even more interesting

Fitness is a field that is teeming with business ideas and innovation. New formats and startups, apps and fitness equipment, sportswear and gadgets - we'll talk about it all in this collection.

The first warm days have already begun to please the Russians, which means that the long-awaited vacation is just around the corner. The warm sea, sand and soft drinks beckon people, making them forget about work and everyday problems.

Someone chooses foreign resorts with a five-star hotel, others buy a train ticket to visit domestic beaches and sanatoriums. But both of them are united by the feeling of having a good rest, carelessly spending the money earned during the year. That is why residents of resort towns rub their palms with anticipation, because they will make good money on rental housing, trade and beach activities.

Business on the beach is considered the simplest and most profitable type of income in the resort; every year it brings its owners thousands of dollars in profit in just three to four months. The beach business is considered one of the most profitable and highly profitable.

Earnings on beach activities are seasonal, usually lasting from three to four months a year. But, despite such a short time, organized business on the beach can bring profit, which will make it possible to live carefree for the rest of the year or open a new business. In addition, these three-four months working days will be spent on the beach, near the warm sea, so it is difficult to imagine a more pleasant working atmosphere.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the type of beach business. Usually all options successful business on the beach are divided into several types:

  • No major investment. A type of business that does not require a serious initial investment from the owner.
  • With significant investment. This category of business will require owners to invest in expensive equipment, repairs and improvements.

Experienced entrepreneurs say that in order to open small business on the beach you need only five hundred or seven hundred dollars. These funds can be found by anyone who wants to without much difficulty. For example, for the sale of seeds, dried fish, corn, “penny” will be required, and the profit will pay back all expenses tenfold.

In order to start offering your services and goods on the beach, it is not even necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but if you are a law-abiding citizen, then you can go through this procedure.

Whether you need to rent a place on the beach or you will be a free wanderer with a bag of groceries on your shoulder depends on the type of business you choose.

Cons of the beach business

Opening a business on the beach is a very promising business path, but it also has its drawbacks.

  • Working on the beach is very exhausting. The whole day is under the scorching sun, not every person can, and it is unprofitable to trust a hired employee. Often, the staff hides part of the proceeds from the owner or even runs away with it.
  • SES employees will monitor your business very closely, waiting for the moment when you can be fined. As already mentioned, many beach businessmen work without a permit, because obtaining these documents carries a large cost.

Business types

Now let's give some beach business ideas that will bring long-awaited profit to the owner.

Providing comfort

The Russians are already accustomed to relaxing in comfort, no one goes to the beach with a towel on which he will sunbathe. Everyone wants to take a sun lounger and an umbrella for a comfortable stay. Therefore, renting umbrellas and sun loungers is the most popular beach business. The cost of purchasing equipment pays off from the owners in the first days of the season, and then brings stable profit before closing.

People are already used to paying for comfort, so renting sun loungers and umbrellas is a profitable business.

Dry closets, showers and changing cabins are the next point of a comfortable stay. People do not mind giving twenty to thirty rubles for the convenience that the owner of this type of business opens up for them. Indeed, for one person this is a trifle, but if you count the number of daily visitors, it turns out that this type of income is very promising.

Beach visitors are ready to pay even for comfortable changing of swimwear and swimming trunks.


The most popular beach business is the opening of attractions. Entertainment, both on land and on the water, is in constant demand among beach visitors. Of course, this type of business will require investments, but they will pay off their owner with interest.

The most popular attractions on the beach are:

All these types of attractions bring joy and fun to customers, which is the main objective of this business. The main expenses are the cost of buying equipment for attractions, renting and registering a business in all instances: SES, tax, state inspection for small boats. But all these little things will be justified by the profit received from the rental of attractions.

Renting three or four water scooters brings owners a decent daily income.

Remember: The Entrepreneur must be tested for knowledge of the rules for organizing recreation on the water in the shipping company.

The total investment of this type of business is three hundred to four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the purchased equipment. For example, a rubber water zorb costs twenty thousand rubles, in order to make a good profit, you need to purchase 4-5 balls. A ground trampoline, depending on its dimensions, costs from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, but costs can be reduced if you rent a trampoline. A water scooter costs from forty thousand rubles, for full-fledged work you will need to purchase 3-4 such scooters.

Rolling down the water slide is a great pleasure for both adults and children.

Rent for the occupied place will cost from 15 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the attraction. The salary of employees who instruct clients and collect money is 18-20 thousand rubles. But it is possible to save on this if the entrepreneur himself does this.

Sale of gifts and souvenirs

Any person who comes on vacation at sea will definitely buy a souvenir as a keepsake, as well as gifts for his family and friends. Unique souvenirs that are hard to find in your hometown are especially popular. Often these souvenirs are figurines made of shells, bracelets made of sea stones, talismans, wicker things.

In order to sell these products, you will need to find suppliers who are local craftsmen, as well as rent a place on the beach. The markup for such a product averages from one hundred to three hundred percent, so this type of business is considered very profitable.

Each person seeks to bring a memorable souvenir from the resort.

Sale of ice cream and draft kvass

Ice cream and kvass are the most popular products on the beach. The queues near the ice cream stalls and kvass stalls do not decrease from morning to evening. Therefore, this beach business option attracts many entrepreneurs.

Starting investment to open a point for the sale of ice cream and kvass, they are approximately the same and amount to about one hundred thousand rubles. Usually points of sale do not take up much space on the beach, so the rent will not exceed thirty thousand per month.

Help to escape from the heat draft kvass and ice cream, so selling this product on the beach is never a problem.

beach shop

A swimwear shop is another type of highly profitable beach business. Vacationers are no doubt ready to spend money on buying inflatable circles, balls, suntan creams and lotions, diving maxi, towels, swimwear, swimming trunks. Also, in addition to the sale, it is possible to rent equipment - surfs, balls, circles and even boats.

Every year, enterprising businessmen find new types of services to entertain vacationers, however, there is enough profit for everyone. Therefore, if you choose where to start your journey in business, then stop at the beach business. Because more than sixty percent of people doing business on the beach pay off their business and make a steady profit during the season.

IDEAS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING BUSINESS ON THE BEACH The first warm days have already begun to please the Russians, which means that the long-awaited vacation is just around the corner. The warm sea, sand and soft drinks beckon people, making them forget about work and everyday problems. Someone chooses foreign resorts with a five-star hotel, others buy a train ticket to visit domestic beaches and sanatoriums. But both of them are united by the feeling of having a good rest, carelessly spending the money earned during the year. That is why residents of resort towns rub their palms with anticipation, because they will make good money on rental housing, trade and beach activities. Business on the beach is considered the easiest and most profitable way to make money in the resort; every year it brings its owners thousands of dollars in profit in just three to four months. The beach business is considered one of the most profitable and highly profitable. SEASONALITY Earnings on beach activities is seasonal, its duration is usually three to four months a year. But, despite such a short period, an organized business on the beach can bring profit, which will make it possible to live carefree for the rest of the year or open a new business. In addition, these three-four months working days will be spent on the beach, near the warm sea, so it is difficult to imagine a more pleasant working atmosphere. WHERE TO BEGIN? First you need to decide on the type of beach business. Usually, all options for a successful business on the beach are divided into several types: Without large investments. A type of business that does not require a serious initial investment from the owner. With significant investment. This category of business will require owners to invest in expensive equipment, repairs and improvements. Experienced entrepreneurs say that it will take only five hundred to seven hundred dollars to open a small business on the beach. These funds can be found by anyone who wants to without much difficulty. For example, for the sale of seeds, dried fish, corn, “penny” will be required, and the profit will pay back all expenses tenfold. In order to start offering your services and goods on the beach, it is not even necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but if you are a law-abiding citizen, then you can go through this procedure. Whether you need to rent a place on the beach or you will be a free wanderer with a bag of groceries on your shoulder depends on the type of business you choose. CONS OF BEACH BUSINESS Starting a business on the beach is a very promising business path, but it also has its drawbacks. Working on the beach is very exhausting. The whole day is under the scorching sun, not every person can, and it is unprofitable to trust a hired employee. Often, the staff hides part of the proceeds from the owner or even runs away with it. SES employees will monitor your business very closely, waiting for the moment when you can be fined. As already mentioned, many beach businessmen work without a permit, because obtaining these documents carries a large cost. TYPES OF BUSINESS Now let's give a few business ideas on the beach, which will bring the owner long-awaited profit. PROVIDING COMFORT Russians are already accustomed to relaxing in comfort, no one goes to the beach with a towel on which to sunbathe. Everyone wants to take a sun lounger and an umbrella for a comfortable stay. Therefore, renting umbrellas and sun loungers is the most popular beach business. The cost of buying equipment pays off from the owners in the first days of the season, and then brings a stable profit until closing. Dry closets, showers and changing cabins are the next point of a comfortable stay. People do not mind giving twenty to thirty rubles for the convenience that the owner of this type of business opens up for them. Indeed, for one person this is a trifle, but if you count the number of daily visitors, it turns out that this type of income is very promising. ATTRACTIONS The most popular beach business is the opening of attractions. Entertainment, both on land and on the water, is in constant demand among beach visitors. Of course, this type of business will require investments, but they will pay off their owner with interest. Riding in water zorbs (giant balls); Running in a large inflatable ball is one of the favorite pastimes of vacationers. Trampolines; The trampoline can also attract the attention of vacationers Banana rides and water slides; Water scooters and ATVs. All these types of attractions bring joy and fun to customers, which is the main objective of this business. The main expenses are the cost of buying equipment for attractions, renting and registering a business in all instances: SES, tax, state inspection for small boats. But all these little things will be justified by the profit received from the rental of attractions. Remember: The Entrepreneur must be tested for knowledge of the rules for organizing recreation on the water in the shipping company. The total investment of this type of business is three hundred to four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the purchased equipment. For example, a rubber water zorb costs twenty thousand rubles, in order to make a good profit, you need to purchase 4-5 balls. A ground trampoline, depending on its dimensions, costs from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, but costs can be reduced if you rent a trampoline. A water scooter costs from forty thousand rubles, for full-fledged work you will need to purchase 3-4 such scooters. Rent for the occupied place will cost from 15 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the attraction. The salary of employees who instruct clients and collect money is 18-20 thousand rubles. But it is possible to save on this if the entrepreneur himself does this. SALE OF GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS Any person who has come on vacation at sea will definitely buy a souvenir as a keepsake, as well as gifts for his relatives and friends. Unique souvenirs that are hard to find in your hometown are especially popular. Often these souvenirs are figurines made of shells, bracelets made of sea stones, talismans, wicker things. In order to sell these products, you will need to find suppliers who are local craftsmen, as well as rent a place on the beach. The markup for such a product averages from one hundred to three hundred percent, so this type of business is considered very profitable. SALE OF ICE CREAM AND DRAFT KVASS Ice cream and kvass are the most popular products on the beach. The queues near the ice cream stalls and kvass stalls do not decrease from morning to evening. Therefore, this beach business option attracts many entrepreneurs. Starting investments for opening a point for the sale of ice cream and kvass are approximately the same and amount to about one hundred thousand rubles. Usually points of sale do not take up much space on the beach, so the rent will not exceed thirty thousand per month. BEACH SHOP A swimwear shop is another highly profitable beach business. Vacationers are no doubt ready to spend money on buying inflatable circles, balls, suntan creams and lotions, diving maxi, towels, swimwear, swimming trunks. Also, in addition to the sale, it is possible to rent equipment - surfs, balls, circles and even boats. Every year, enterprising businessmen find new types of services to entertain vacationers, however, there is enough profit for everyone. Therefore, if you choose where to start your journey in business, then stop at the beach business. Because more than sixty percent of people doing business on the beach pay off their business and make a steady profit during the season.

  • Tyr
  • Catapult (blob)
    • Difficulties in this case
    • About Flyboard
        • Similar business ideas:
  • We bring to your attention 6 summer attractions that will definitely bring you profit. Naturally, subject to proper organization, including a good location, the quality of the attraction and the level of work of operators.

    If you ask an entrepreneur which of the attractions in his mini-park is the most proven and reliable in terms of earnings, then you will probably hear in response - a trampoline - a slide! And indeed, children love trampolines so much, and if it also has a slide, not a single child can pass by such a miracle.

    Installing a trampoline slide in any crowded place with children will definitely bring profit. This is such a proven business that it can be compared to a bread stall.


    How much money do you need for trampolines

    The recipe for success in this business is extremely simple. A trampoline slide is purchased, costing from 300,000 rubles. Everything that is cheaper, as a rule, does not look very interesting, which means it attracts less attention. The slide should be big, like the trampoline itself, then the children will come to it again and again. During the summer season, some children jump on the same trampoline at least 20 times, and parents leave several thousand rubles on just one attraction. The advantage of the trampoline slide is that it works even in the sleeping areas of the city. The more young families living in the district, the better. For this reason, there are a lot of places to place this attraction. The payback of a trampoline slide, subject to a good location, is no more than 2 months.


    Another verified entertainment business for all time is shooting range. First of all, we are talking about a classic, pneumatic shooting range. In any resort town, on any beach and city park, shooting ranges are constantly in demand. Where there are a lot of vacationers spinning, shooting galleries are constantly packed with arrows.

    How much can you earn by opening a shooting gallery

    Shooting ranges are profitable because they are equally interesting for both men and women. The cost of the game, as a rule, does not exceed 50 rubles, which is an excellent bait. But after all, things never end with one shot, so the average client leaves at least 300 rubles in the dash.

    How much money do you need to open a shooting range

    For a novice entrepreneur, a shooting gallery is attractive because it requires minimal start-up costs. Often, it takes no more than 100 thousand rubles to open a tent with pneumatics, and everything invested can pay off in a couple of city celebrations (May 9, Youth Day).

    It may seem to some that 5-d attractions have long gone out of fashion. Yes, there is no hype anymore, but the business still generates income. Children love this entertainment very much, and parents can take it with them. 5-d attraction (or 7-d) can be safely called family entertainment. Unlike real amusement park rides, 5-d cinemas seem completely safe and at the same time bring no less thrills. In our town (100 thousand inhabitants) for the past 5 years, starting in the spring, they have been putting up a 5-d cinema, and in the same place. And they don't complain about attendance. As you walk past, you can always see a few people waiting in line. The main criterion for success is to update the tracks on time and customers will come again.

    Step-by-step plan for opening a 5-d attraction (or 7-d)

    You can choose two formats of work - stationary, when the attraction is always in one place and mobile, when the cinema moves around small regional cities and settlements. The first option is good because it requires less hassle and earns on regular customers. However, there is also a minus - over time, entertainment becomes boring, and the cinema begins to bring less profit. The mobile format of work, on the contrary, is more labor-intensive, but the organizer always receives excess profit. Since the arrival of such a wonderful entertainment in any village causes a storm of positive emotions in local residents and 2-3 days from those who wish there is no end.

    Catapult (blob)

    Perhaps one of the most striking and exciting beach attractions is a water catapult or blob. Installing such a thing on any beach causes a storm of admiration and crowds of people who want to get adrenaline or just show off in public.

    The attraction consists of only two components: a jumping tower and an inflatable cushion, like a trampoline. The length of the pillow (blob) is on average 6 meters, and the width is at least 2.5 m. The flight range from the catapult depends on the height of the fall and the mass of the jumper.

    How much can you earn on a water catapult

    The average price of a jump from a blob is 200 rubles. It takes no more than 10 minutes per client, including briefing, preparation, putting on a vest and the jump itself. For one beach day, the attraction can take up to 35 people, thereby earning 7000 rubles. The water catapult itself can be purchased directly on the Internet, and the tower can be ordered at any local factory that welds metal structures.

    Difficulties in this case

    The main difficulty in this case is to “knock out” permission to install an attraction. Depending on who owns part of the beach, you should contact either the local administration or the owner land plot(more specifically, the tenant). You can count on a quick payback blob only in resort towns, where there are always a lot of vacationers who are ready to spend money on any entertainment. On the city beaches of the middle zone of the Russian Federation, the blob will work for no more than a month, due to weather conditions.

    Flyboard rental is a business idea for resort towns. This is a mega-flying novelty that captures the attention of absolutely all vacationers.

    About Flyboard

    Flyboard is a jet water board, which due to jet boots allows you to rise above the water up to 10 meters. The rider can not only rise, but also dive into the water. It looks very cool and unusual. The following video demonstrates how the flyboard works:

    The operation of the entire system comes from the jet ski motor. If you install a similar rental in a resort town like Yalta or Sochi, there will be no end to those who wish.

    How much can you earn on a flyboard

    The average price for 15 minutes of rental is 3000 rubles. Even if only 5 people use the rental per day, the revenue will be 15,000 rubles. For 20 - 25 days of work, you can earn about 350,000 rubles, and for three summer months - more than a million. Although in fact, the income can be 2-3 times more if the number of rentals per day is 10 - 12. The only drawback of the attraction is its price. For a set that includes a flyboard, boots, an 18m hose, a pipe-connector to a jet ski, you will have to pay at least 250,000 rubles. Plus, you will have to purchase a jet ski, which doubles the amount of investment.

    Collecting record holders net profit at mass festivities are the attractions "horizontal bar" and "ladder". Oddly enough, they are still in demand, although they are no longer considered novelties. Attractions always gather crowds of people, one has only to try to climb the stairs or hold out for a few minutes on a spinning horizontal bar.

    How much can you earn on the attraction

    For one brisk holiday, the costs invested in the purchase of a horizontal bar or stairs can pay off 2-3 times. Rough calculation:

    • Ticket price - 100 rubles. (given 2 attempts)
    • Number of attempts per day - 200
    • Revenue - 20,000 rubles.

    Even if someone manages to get to the main prize (for example, mobile phone), the organizer still remains in profit.

    How much money do you need for an attraction

    Buying a new attraction will cost 8 - 10 thousand rubles, but you can also find used ones. y. options. In any case, earnings entirely depend on the attraction worker. We need a person who knows how to work with the public, active and with a sense of humor. Best Places to accommodate the attraction - embankments in resort towns. Here, the horizontal bar or stairs will work at least 100 days a year (while the holiday season lasts). The most difficult thing in this case is to knock out a place for the placement of the attraction. As a rule, high-passable places (namely, such places we need) are far from cheap in terms of rent. Attraction queue: