Growing trout in a pond as a business. Fundamentals of trout farming. The initial investment will be used to purchase

  • 10.04.2020

Such a business area as trout farming, with the right approach, can bring a high and stable income. Breeding valuable fish species is a profitable industry Agriculture. This process is characterized by low initial investment, limited area of ​​the reservoir, value and popularity of the final product. To achieve the desired goal, you should decide on the methods of breeding, volumes and marketing options. Let's dwell on each stage of this interesting, but complex event.

Salmon species are highly valued among gourmets. Products are used for conservation, smoking and fresh cooking.

As a business, breeding trout at home for sale has the following advantages:

  1. Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, in comparison with other species. The fish easily adapts to any water, artificial and natural reservoirs.
  2. High palatability. Meat, caviar and even a skin are valued. The lack of bones makes eating enjoyable and safe.
  3. Availability and a large selection of feed. Salmon are omnivorous, they can eat insects, meat and plant foods.
  4. The opportunity to create a mini-farm for breeding fish using river, sea and lake water.
  5. The presence of a technology worked out to the smallest detail, a system repeatedly tested in all conditions.

To create a mini-farm for breeding salmon, you need to register a private enterprise and obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. The product is perishable, the issue with its implementation should be resolved in advance.

What types are bred

Under natural conditions, representatives of the same species can vary greatly in size, color and body shape. The reasons for this variation lie in the habitat conditions: the volume of the reservoir, the characteristics of the food base, the purity and chemical composition water, seasons and climate. The identification of the belongings of individuals is carried out according to invariable signs: the shape and size of the scales, tail, pectoral and dorsal fins. In our country, preference is given to brook and rainbow trout, the cultivation of which is available even for beginners.

Both species live in clean water with any level of salt content. They live in mountain streams and taiga rivers. The advantage of this choice is the availability of all conditions for keeping fish: practically unlimited water resources, the availability of energy carriers, the availability of free space, equipment and feed, which you can do with your own hands. The choice in favor of one or another type is carried out on the basis of an analysis of all the pros, cons and possible risks.

It should be noted that fish grow faster in salty sea water. Minerals contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, strengthening the immunity of fry and juveniles.


In accordance with its name, it lives in streams and small mountain rivers. It has an elongated narrow body, a small hump on the head. On the sides are dots of black, brown and red. Thanks to this coloring, it is almost impossible to notice the fish against the background of stones and vegetation. Leads a predatory lifestyle, feeds on flying and crawling insects, larvae and fry. Reaches a length of 35 cm and a weight of 300 g.

The greatest activity is observed in the cold season, when the temperature drops to 4-6ºС. If you do not know how to grow trout, then heating the water above 23ºС can kill all the fry. A constant supply of cold, oxygenated liquid and regular cleaning of the reservoir from dirt are necessary.


Distributed throughout the mountainous and taiga parts of the country. The body is flat and wide, covered with orange spots. The diet is similar to that of the stream species, but is supplemented with cereals during their ripening period. In captivity, individuals weighing up to 12 kg and 80 cm long can be raised. The fish tolerate high temperatures well, but become lethargic and indifferent to food.

Of the reservoirs, the trout livestock prefers a pond, to which a spring, stream or artesian well is connected. It will be necessary to install devices, installations to maintain a constant circulation of water and enrich it with oxygen.

Arrangement of the place

When choosing an area for the construction or arrangement of a reservoir, you should look for places protected from the wind, away from automobile and railways. When trout breeding is carried out, the mini-farm must be completely isolated from the impact of man-made factors. Otherwise, the likelihood of growth retardation and even death of the livestock increases.

For individuals different ages it is necessary to prepare several reservoirs, differing in area and volume.

Tank classification:

  • nurseries - 0.6 ha;
  • feeding - 0.7 ha;
  • uterine - 2.0 ha;
  • repair — 0.3 ha;
  • quarantine - 0.25 ha.

Depending on the size of individuals, their density per 1 m² of water surface varies from 3 to marketable products up to 1500 - for fry.

It is necessary to prepare a preliminary reservoir (for cleaning and cooling the liquid) and a reserve one (for transplanting in case of an accident or cleaning).

Subject to the technology of construction and equipment of tanks, the meat of artificially grown trout will not be inferior in taste to that of species that have developed in natural conditions.

Growing technology

Depending on the chosen method of growing trout, initial and subsequent investments of different volumes will be required.

There are such cultivation options for the stream and rainbow species:

  1. In gardens. The advantage is the presence of a large volume of liquid. Depending on the type of reservoir (sea, river, lake), cages with a volume of 40–100 m³ are used. Pumps are installed in standing areas to provide a constant supply of oxygenated water. The distance from the shore is 5–50 m. Piles, inflatable and steel pontoons are used for attaching cages.
  2. In the pond. The peculiarity of growing the breed is that it will require large expenses for enclosing the pond with a fence next to locality. You can't do without protection from poachers. In addition to water supply recirculating water supply, you will need seines to catch the offspring. In addition, it will be necessary to apply the method of artificial insemination, associated with injuries of sexually mature fish.
  3. Breeding trout in the RAS. The use of recirculating water supply systems makes it possible to recreate the natural conditions for the growth of salmonids in closed systems. With minimal power consumption, continuous movement of water, its purification and saturation with oxygen are ensured. Sealed aquariums do not require special maintenance, since most of the functions are performed by automation. The tank maintains a constant temperature and salinity, and the scheduled light stimulates the appetite of the fish.

The disadvantages of this method are the high cost of equipment and the cost of building premises.

Acquisition of fry

Experts recommend approaching the issue of purchasing young stock in a comprehensive manner. So, caviar and juveniles are acquired at the same time. Planting material comes in containers, which are placed in a special incubator, where optimal conditions are created for the emergence and growth of larvae. Transplantation into cages, ponds and RAS is carried out after the juveniles reach the age of one month.

With serviceable circulation and heating equipment, the purchase of fry is carried out when they are created. the necessary conditions for their maintenance: cleanliness, salinity, water temperature and protection from birds. Experienced fish farmers recommend buying juveniles weighing 10-15 g and 8-12 cm long. As they grow, the fish must be sorted to prevent eating small individuals that are lagging behind in development.


When deciding what to feed trout at various stages of growth, you should not save. You need to choose the highest quality products from trusted manufacturers. The feed should contain amino acids, fats, vitamins, proteins. The carotenoid gives the meat a red color, which improves its presentation and increases the cost.

  • larvae - every 2 hours with beef spleen and starter feed pellets;
  • fry - 8 times a day with ground beef and granulated feed RGM-6M;
  • juveniles - 6 times a day with food RGM-8M, paste from meat, fat, flour and premix;
  • commercial individuals - 4 times a day with feed, for example, 114-Latlg, RGM-8M, Aller.

In the presence of subsidiary farm entrails, bones and skins of slaughtered animals are used.


Having figured out how to breed trout, it is necessary to provide the proper conditions for its growth and reproduction. The key to the health and activity of fish lies in the state of the water: temperature, purity, saturation with salts and minerals. Silt, fallen leaves and waste products should be regularly removed from the bottom of the pools. Every year, during the transplantation of fish, it is recommended to drain the water and disinfect and clean the reservoirs. Bushes and trees should be planted to strengthen the banks and create shade.

Trout breeding is considered. Fish from the salmon family enjoy in great demand in the consumer market. Trout farming as a business is attractive because it does not require large investments to start production. If desired, you can organize a small family business right on your own site.

  • Rainbow trout;
  • stream (pied).

The first variety has high fertility and rapid growth. Pied trout is not as large as rainbow trout, but its meat is distinguished by a delicate taste and dietary properties. For a novice fish farmer, the best solution would be to purchase a grown fry. Without certain skills, it will be difficult to grow planting material.

Breeding methods

The next step on the way to the implementation of the business idea will be the choice of trout breeding technology. The most profitable ways to grow fish:

  1. In the pond. If the reservoir is located near the farm, this will reduce the initial cost of starting a business. Despite the material benefit, the method has disadvantages. The main ones are the impossibility of natural reproduction, the lack of necessary equipment for the life of fish, the risk of loss of offspring due to poachers.
  2. Growing trout in RAS. Closed-water recirculating trout is used by most large farmers. It provides an excellent growing environment for fish, maintaining ideal conditions at every stage of trout development. The main disadvantage is the high price of the equipment. This installation will cost the entrepreneur several million rubles. The profit that he will receive from the introduction of technology will be just as high.
  3. In the pools. This breeding method is common in small fish farms. You will need to buy the pool itself, install filters, pumps, and a feed supply system. The water in the tank can be either fresh or salty. The method allows you to get a low, but stable income for the family.

Note! To increase income, combined methods of growing trout are used. For example, fry can grow in a pond, and adult fish are placed in a pool.

Requirements for keeping salmon species:

  • in the reservoir must be observed temperature regime for a comfortable stay of trout: + 15-18 C;
  • the depth of the pool or pond for professional fish breeding is 2 m;
  • the water must contain calcium and a sufficient amount of oxygen;
  • grown fish are sorted and moved to another tank.

Note! The profit of the farm depends on how fast the trout grows. On average, it reaches the required size in 2-3 years. The optimal weight for sale is considered to be a kilogram fish.


The main expenses of this business are related to the feeding of trout. The quality of the feed is reflected in the taste of fish meat, so you should not save on it. The reddish color of the meat is provided by krill, which is contained in special bait mixtures. In addition, the diet should contain proteins.

Juveniles are fed every hour. An automated power supply system helps to comply with this mode. Adults are fed 4-5 times a day. The daily diet of trout depends on the breed and conditions of keeping, but should not exceed 10% of its mass.


To become a full-fledged market participant, you need to officially register the farm. For a small enterprise, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC as a form of ownership. Bureaucratic complications can arise if a farmer is going to rent a fish pond. You will need to collect a package of permits, which will take a lot of time. To grow trout at home, permission from the authorities is not required. It is enough to obtain a safety certificate in the veterinary service and fish farming.

Trout sales

The search for buyers must begin when planning a business. The main buyers of trout are:

  • pavilions selling live fish;
  • supermarkets;
  • fish processing plants, smokehouses;
  • future farmers buying fry.

Note! If a farmer breeds trout in an open pond, additional income will be paid fishing.

Trout farming business plan

Production costs will depend on the way the fish are raised and the equipment installed. Business plan for a small family farm:

The amount of expenses will increase if the farmer plans to rent a pond for trout breeding.

Delicious fish, inaccessible to a simple fisherman, is always in demand and highly valued in the market. One of these is trout. In stores, the cost of this type of salmon can reach almost a thousand rubles per kilogram. And therefore, breeding trout in a pond is a good way to earn money. This fact is confirmed by experienced farmers who receive a tidy sum from this business. However, initially trout farms require considerable costs, great effort and responsibility. All this will quickly pay off if you approach this business wisely.

A little about trout

In total, 20 species of these salmon fish are known. Only two highly productive trout are usually bred for sale. These are rainbow (mikizha) and stream (pied). Their growth rate and fecundity are almost 40% higher than other trout fish. It is worth saying that both species are predatory, which is reflected in their diet. They feed on small frogs, bugs, dragonflies and small fish such as topfish, minnow and ide. This feature must be considered before starting trout breeding in a pond as a business.

Brook trout

This species lives in cold waters that flow into the Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas. Usually, under natural conditions, adults reach 12 kg. But in artificial reservoirs, such results can be achieved with remarkable work. For breeding, you need to be patient: fish will not spawn for the first few years if they are purchased as fry.

The average lifespan of a brown trout is 12 years. In the first year, the fish will weigh 20-25 grams, two-year-olds - 130-170 grams, and in the 3rd year - half a kilogram. The fertility of this trout depends on the weight of the female, so you can find such a wide spread from 2 to 15 hundreds of eggs. The fish will start spawning no earlier than the 3-4th year of its life. Egg incubation usually occurs in autumn, when the water temperature rises to 2-8 degrees.

Rainbow trout

This species got its name due to the beautiful iridescent scales. Rainbow trout appeared in North America, and in Russia it began to be cultivated quite recently. These fish grow better than stream fish and tolerate low temperatures very well. This attracts the attention of businessmen rainbow trout. Breeding in a pond is still best done in warm water (16-18 degrees). At this temperature, good growth will be guaranteed.

The fish become sexually mature after 2-3 years. Females, depending on age, are able to produce from 8 to 30 hundreds of eggs. Their incubation usually takes place in the spring. Rainbow trout fry weigh up to 30 grams, one-year-olds - 100-125 grams, and at 2 years old - already from 200 grams. The difficulty of breeding mykizhi is that it is very difficult to stimulate reproduction. Most often resort to artificial insemination. Just in case, farmers take precautions and purchase both species for breeding: both rainbow and brook trout.

Starting a Trout Business

How to start breeding trout in a pond? The first step is to visit existing farms and see how the economy is organized and the work is built. Experienced trout breeders will be happy to share the nuances and subtleties of this business. At the same time, you can look after your future suppliers of fry or adults. Better pay attention to farms that stand firmly on their feet. They will not only sell fish, but also give competent recommendations. After that, it's time to think about the place of breeding and the acquisition of the necessary equipment. By the way, in some cases it will cost a lot.

If after that the desire to breed trout has not disappeared, then feel free to go to tax service. The future enterprise can be registered as individual entrepreneurship. The OKEVD code must be chosen "05.02" - this is fish farming, which is suitable for growing salmon with subsequent sale.

As soon as the paperwork ends, you can purchase everything you need and look for customers. And after the appearance of trout for sale, it is worth getting acquainted with the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Every fish farmer is simply obliged to obtain an opinion on proper quality products.

Where to grow fish

You can organize trout breeding in a pond in a country house, on the territory of a country house or in a reservoir that is specially purchased or rented for farming. This type of salmon is grown in several ways:

  • In an open pond.
  • In gardens.
  • In an artificial closed reservoir.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

outdoor pond

It is believed that this is the most unprofitable and inconvenient way of breeding. To grow trout, you will need to find an already functioning pond or build it yourself. At very low temperatures, both mykizha and pied will grow poorly and it will take at least 5 years to go on sale. For this reason, breeding trout in a pond in winter is simply out of the question.

Catching fish from open water for subsequent fertilization or sale is not an easy task. For its implementation, experienced specialists are usually hired, who take a tidy sum for their work. There is also a high probability of occurrence of diseases and theft of trout by local poachers. And treatment and security guards are additional costs.


This breeding method differs from the first one only in that some part of it is enclosed in an open reservoir. The borders are cages - metal gratings or net deli on stakes, inside of which the bred fish is placed. Since only part of the reservoir is used for trout breeding, paid fishing for amateurs can be organized on the remaining area. It is also a plus that it is much easier to follow a part of a reservoir than an entire lake. For these reasons, fish farmers believe that cage-farming of trout in a pond is a more profitable business.

However, due to the dense planting of fish and active feeding, the problem of pollution of the reservoir will be acute. It will constantly need to be cleaned. Because of this, it is impossible to grow trout in ponds with drinking water.

artificial reservoir

For both large and small volumes of fish, the installation of an artificial closed pond is an excellent option. Moreover, you can place it directly in the room at your dacha or in a rented warehouse. However, initially large investments are needed to purchase the necessary equipment. These are pools, generators, sediments and filters. For a small farm of 4 tons per year, experts estimate their cost at almost 1.5 million rubles. But due to the circular movement of water between the components of the system, the life support of the fish is ensured. In such a closed pond, you can recreate the most comfortable conditions for growing trout.

And the minus in this method is only expensive equipment. Otherwise, breeding trout in a closed pond has one advantage - no pollution environment and depending on the weather, timely cleaning and health assessment, convenient fish extraction.

Artificial spawning as business difficulties

Sometimes, in captivity, trout refuse to breed on their own, and you need to be prepared for this. In such cases, fish farmers resort to artificial insemination, which is carried out according to a certain scheme.

1. During the expected spawning period, farmers select the best sires from mature individuals and place them in separate tanks.

2. When the females have mature caviar, it is carefully squeezed into a separate container. Pre-fish wrapped in a towel.

3. After that, the male sperm is decanted onto the eggs and carefully distributed. A bird feather is ideal for this purpose.

4. A little water is added to the eggs, in which fertilization will occur within five minutes.

With this method of reproduction, additional costs should be taken into account. These are anesthetics for a comfortable separation of eggs and stimulating solutions to increase the percentage of fertilized eggs. Experienced farmers prefer artificial breeding trout in the pond.

Technology and equipment

Brook and rainbow trout are quite unpretentious varieties. But the success of the business will be guaranteed if the cultivation technology is observed:

  • Experienced fish farmers recommend laying a natural reservoir around the perimeter with concrete slabs. This will protect it from hitting the ground, washed out by precipitation.
  • The depth of the pool must be at least two meters.
  • It is worth adding calcium to the water, since its content must be quite high for breeding trout.
  • Be sure to install equipment to create aeration. Trout are very sensitive to the oxygen content in the water.
  • In the pond, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 15-18 degrees. To do this, you need a water heater and a thermometer to control.
  • You can run fry into the pool no lighter than two grams. In the future, it will be necessary to constantly sort out, since salmon grow unevenly. On the selection of individuals, trout breeding in the pond is built. Weighing equipment, as practice shows, is simply necessary.

  • Constantly monitor the condition of the fish. Otherwise, sick individuals will infect others, and then the entire livestock may die.
  • Use automated system feeding. It will help out a lot, because adults need food 3 times a day, and fry do every hour.
  • For implementation, select only those trout that weigh at least half a kilogram.

Sales of products

It is worth thinking about selling trout in advance by finding potential customers already at the initial stage of the business. The main and regular customers can be:


Food pavilions;

Cafes and restaurants;

Sanatoriums and country hotels;

Individuals (if you open your own point of sale on the market or at your own farm);

Future trout farmers who wish to purchase fry or adults for breeding.

However, it should be borne in mind that there will be few people who want to buy live fish right on the spot. Not only breeding trout in the pond, but also its subsequent cutting and transportation will fall on your shoulders. will also a big plus organization of paid fishing. It will help to save a little on the transportation of trout and will provide additional income.

Financial part

If you decide to open a small farm and try to save money, then the costs will be distributed as follows.

1. Fry - 300 thousand.

2. Feed - 200 thousand.

3. Equipment - 1.5 million.

4. Salary to employees - 300 thousand.

5. Other expenses (rent of a pond, transportation, treatment of fish) - 200 thousand.

In total, it will take about 2.5 million. They will pay off after 3 years of breeding.

Be sure to think over to the smallest detail the breeding of trout in the pond. A business plan will tell you how much money you need to start, and save you from losses. Of course, everything will depend on the region. For each individual case, you need to make individual calculations of expenses and income.

Trout meat is dietary and healthy, and also has a high cost. If you want to pamper yourself with fresh fish more often and at the same time not devastate the family budget, you should think about breeding it, especially since such an activity can even be turned into a business. How to breed trout at home - let's try to find out.

Out of more than 20 existing species This fish is suitable for breeding only 2 - brook (pied) and rainbow. They are predators, so they can equally be given as food as dragonflies, beetles, frogs, and small fish species.

Otherwise, they have many differences that should be taken into account when breeding.

The pied beetle can live up to 12 years, and its maximum weight reaches 12 kg. Spawning begins after 3 years. Fertility - 200-1500 eggs, depending on the weight of the female.

The duration of the incubation period varies depending on the temperature:

  • +8°С - up to 3 months;
  • +2°С - up to 7 months.

Egg incubation takes place in autumn. This species does not grow as fast as the rainbow trout, but it is quite possible to keep them together.

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 2 years. You can notice this by a wide and clear iridescent strip on the body of the male. Females produce between 800 and 3000 eggs.

Fish do well in cold waters, but in warm water their growth is accelerated. It is optimal to keep at + 14-16 ° С.

Choose subspecies such as Donaldson Trout and Deep Sea Canadian Camloops. They are more prolific than others (by 30%), moreover, they grow several times faster.

Choosing a place to grow

You can choose several places for breeding fish - combined methods help to achieve good growth. There can be one container for eggs, cages for young and adult fish, and separate reservoirs for large individuals. Bred in a pond, cages, pools, recirculating water supply systems (RAS).

You can use an existing pond or you can build it yourself. The first option is less desirable - it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for fish breeding there and it is almost impossible to protect the reservoir from poachers.

In a pond where trout is bred, you need to make a current: this will ensure the flow of fresh and cool water. The stagnant water will be saturated with oxygen, and the pond itself will be cleared of food and waste products of the trout.

If you dig a pond yourself, it will be difficult to maintain a temperature there of at least + 2 ° C without special devices, which will slow down the growth of trout. You can check whether this method is profitable after at least 5 years - the fish will already give birth.
Problems can also arise with reproduction - in such conditions, the fish itself does not spawn, so it is necessary to help it with fertilization. Individuals are taken out of the water, then eggs are removed from females and seeds from males, which are then mixed. After 7-10 minutes, fertilization can be considered complete. Caviar ripens in incubators.

The advantage of a home-made pond is that it will not be necessary to spend money on feeding trout: in a natural pond, it will find it itself - it can be beetles, mosquito larvae, dragonflies. It will only be possible to launch inexpensive small fish for feeding.

Population density - up to 30 pieces per 1 cubic meter. m.

This method is considered the most profitable. Cages - a reservoir fenced with a structure made of a metal or dense nylon mesh stretched over stakes. It looks like a big net - a floating mesh bag in a frame.

Such a structure is built in open running waters, in a natural environment. They are different in shape and volume, but not more than 20 m in diameter. It is necessary to make such a room for growing trout at a depth of at least 6 m - from the cage to the bottom it is necessary to leave at least 1 m. You can anchor the structure.
Gardens are:

  1. with warm water - automated cages with a volume of not more than 100 cubic meters. m, can be remotely from the coast, use without flow;
  2. with cold water - installed on the northern lakes, there are sectional, pontoon and stationary, the volume is not more than 100 cubic meters. m;
  3. with sea water - pontoon or automated cages, the volume of which will not exceed 60 cubic meters. m.

Population density - no more than 100 individuals per 1 cubic meter. m.

Important! Sea water is the most favorable for trout breeding: the metabolism in such conditions accelerates, and the fish grows faster.

The most expensive and effective way to breed fish is to install recirculating water supply. It looks like this: in a small pool with special equipment, they create close to natural conditions for the life of trout. The water is constantly filtered and filled with oxygen.

To create an RAS, you need:

  • swimming pool;
  • filters and biofilters for water;
  • denitrification system;
  • pumps;
  • disinfection systems;
  • oxygenator;
  • heating systems.

This equipment will ensure the constant circulation of water and its purification. Up to 15% of fresh purified water must be constantly added to each tank. Usually in such systems, the fish are fed with compound feeds, and not with natural food.
You can highlight the advantages of this method of breeding:

  • fully controlled process - from the state of the water to the amount of feed;
  • the ability to maintain the required temperature;
  • the result is an environmentally friendly product - the conditions of detention do not allow any external pollutants.

Population density - up to 100 pieces per cubic meter. m.

Trout growing technology

Before you start choosing a place to breed fish, you must have permission to create a fish farm in a particular reservoir (if it is an open source). Next, you need to prove that it will not harm the environment.

You will need the following equipment:

  • incubation devices;
  • automatic feeders;
  • aerators and compressor stations;
  • oxygen cones;
  • filters;
  • devices for measuring pH and chlorine in water;
  • water purifiers;
  • buckets, nets.

Fry are immediately populated in a breeding place - cages, a pond or an ultrasound. When the fish matures for breeding (from 2 years old), the best individuals are selected and transplanted separately into cages - up to 30 pieces per 1 cubic meter. m.
After the caviar in females matures, it is gently squeezed out and mixed with the seed. Before hatching, the eggs are kept in special incubators for up to a month. In the first year of born fry, it is advisable to settle in a separate cage.

Clay dams are created for breeding fish in the pond. To prevent them from being washed away over time, concrete slabs are built around the reservoir. It will also help avoid unwanted water pollution.

Did you know? In hot weather, in its natural habitat, trout can be caught by hand - it falls into a coma.

Regardless of the breeding site, aeration devices will be needed so that there is a constant flow of fresh and cool water. The temperature must be monitored - indicators less than + 2 ° C and more than + 20 ° C for trout can end in death. Therefore, it is important to provide a reservoir with heaters.

It is better to buy fry at the age of 1 year, then the probability that a predator will eat it is reduced by 90%. When buying, keep in mind that up to 10% of the fry will die during the growing process, and the rest will reach a weight of about 500 g in a few years.

It is better to buy them on fish farms: there you can see in what conditions they keep and what they feed the fry. After consulting with experienced breeders, you can learn the intricacies of growing this fish and ask for advice to get more profit.

At least 100 fry are purchased at once, an adult formed individual can be caught no earlier than after 4-5 years.

The fry should be active, with an appetite - you can see this just by watching them on a fish farm. Babies should be kept in water from +10° to +14°C.

The chemical composition of water

Pay attention to:

  • oxygen- the normal rate is 7-11 mg / l: the smaller the individuals, the greater the rate; in the aeration column, adjust the level of water saturation with oxygen to 95%;
  • pH, or concentration of ions in water- the optimal indicator is from 6.5 to 8, when it falls, the trout stops breeding, and when it rises to 9, it may die;
  • carbon dioxide- no more than 25 mg/l;
  • ammonia- 0.1 mg/l;
  • rigidity- 8-12: can be increased by adding lime;
  • nitrates- concentration from 100 mg/l is already toxic for trout;
  • chlorine- it should be no more than 0.01 mg/l.


The growth rate, the color of the meat and its taste qualities depend on the nutrition of the fish. The meat of trout grown on organic feed will be juicier and tastier, and not dry. When cataxanthin is added to the diet, fish meat acquires a rich red color.

They start feeding individuals even with larvae - they prepare zooplankton with egg yolk and spleen for them. When they grow up to fry, they prepare mash for them: this is a grated spleen, meat and fish meal and fish oil.
Diet - up to 9 times a day. For a thousand individuals, 90 g of feed is needed. For artificial nutrition with feed, you can choose a special one for this category. Compound feed can be floating and sinking.


Dry or live food is suitable for this group. Their combination in the ratio of 40% to 60% is possible. You can feed with ground meat and offal of animals, fish waste, shrimp, mollusks, beetles, insects. Fiber is not absorbed in the body of a trout, but it is suitable for loosening feed.

Temperature regime

Sudden fluctuations can harm trout, so it's best to keep the temperature steady. In winter, it is difficult to heat water in natural reservoirs, so it is better to temporarily move the fish to the UZD, where the temperature will be from + 14 ° C - it should gradually rise from the figure that was in the natural reservoir.

Caviar ripens at +6-12°C, fry are comfortable at +10-14°C, adults function well at temperatures up to +16°C.


For fast and high-quality growth of fish you need:

  • maintain water aeration, normal temperature;
  • purify water on an ongoing basis (with filters);
  • weaker and smaller fish are better to be resettled; also, with separate additional feeding, they will grow faster;
  • check water indicators with special devices (acidity, pH, salinity, presence of nitrates, chlorine);
  • to relocate the best individuals during spawning for artificial insemination.

Did you know? Trout moves almost twice as fast as other freshwater fish - it can reach a speed of 16 km / h.

With proper care, you can observe the following growth rates in rainbow trout:

  • fry the first year weigh up to 30 g;
  • from a year the fish gains up to 125 g;
  • from 2 years - about 200 g.

For brook trout:
  • one year old weighs up to 25 g;
  • two year old- 150-170 g;
  • at three years old- up to 500 g.

The following factors can lead to diseases:

  • dense placement of fish in the reservoir;
  • buying already sick fry;
  • wrong conditions.

Important! In case of any manifestation of the disease, the fish should be quarantined, separately from healthy individuals.

If improperly fed, diseases of the liver and stomach are possible, therefore, fish should not be fed with stale food, feed with cottonseed meal in the composition, and it is also not recommended to exceed the required amount.

Infectious diseases can be expressed in a change in the color of the fish (the scales brighten), slowness, and refusal to eat. Such individuals are immediately visible among the rest, and they must be removed to avoid infection.
For the prevention of diseases you need:

  • feed quality granular or live food;
  • sort fish by age and remove small individuals, as they are weaker;
  • measure water temperature at least 3 times a day;
  • control the process of water purification and aeration;
  • do 2-3 times a year chemical analysis water;
  • when transporting or purchasing new fry, the fish must be quarantined for some time.

Is it possible to switch to salt water

In salt water, trout grows much faster, and the taste of its meat also improves. If initially fish breeding was started in fresh water, then the transition to salt water should occur gradually.

The young growth normally functions at a rate of 3 to 9 ppm fish, from 2 years old it is already possible to live in water with a salinity index of 12-15. Fresh water change to salty no more than 1 liter at a time so that the fish can adapt to the change.

Common Mistakes

Inexperienced fish farmers make the following mistakes:

  • they let trout breeding go by itself - they don’t do water tests, don’t measure temperature, don’t carry out cleaning;
  • buy cheap feed - this can lead to the loss of up to 50% of individuals;
  • save on the volume of reservoirs - you need to adhere to the norms of fish population density for each of options breeding;
  • savings on equipment;
  • purchase of fry from unauthorized farms.

Video: how to grow trout in 3 ways

We have found that trout farming is a laborious and expensive process. But after 5 years, you can make a profit from grown individuals. In addition, this occupation can be cyclical if trout are artificially propagated.

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102 times already

Breeding trout at home is not very difficult, but profitable business - trout is in high demand, so the fish farm is guaranteed to bring you great profits.

Here is a list of what will be needed first:

  1. reservoir or RAS;
  2. fry;
  3. control equipment;
  4. feed mixtures and additives.

Buying baby trout

Since it is difficult to raise fry on your own, not to mention the fact that this will require expensive incubation devices, it is easier to buy fry. The best place for purchase - a large fishing industry.

The optimal weight of the fry is from 2 to 50 grams. On average, the cost of planting material is from 4 to 7 dollars per kilogram, and the smaller the planting material, the more expensive it is, since in this case more adults can be raised.

The best breeds of trout

The most popular are the following breeds:

  • "Kamloops": large, with a pronounced iridescent color, optimally suited for open tanks with cold (no more than +10 degrees) water;
  • "Adler": has an early ripening period in the spawning season and perfectly takes root in any reservoirs;
  • "Donaldson Trout": characterized by rapid growth, early maturation and fertility, it takes root equally well in warm and cold ponds.

Where is the best place to breed trout?

Fish can be kept in a pond, in RAS tanks installed in a heated room, in pools, or in cages.

In the pond

A pond fed by a cold stream or springs can be an ideal place to set up a fish farm. But this method is not suitable for all regions: the fish does not tolerate high temperatures, and if the reservoir is not cooled enough, it may die.

For a full cycle, several separate reservoirs are needed: auxiliary, several production (for young animals, grown-up individuals, uterine, feeding and for wintering), as well as quarantine.

Growing in pools is carried out in a similar way, differing only in nuances. So, in the pool it is easier to control the quality and temperature of the water.

In cages

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