Household for individual use. Private farm from scratch. About possible misunderstandings

  • 11.12.2020

Comments ( 73 )

    LPH in Russia is doomed. Even if we take agriculture, we immediately face a bunch of problems that the state not only cannot solve, but simply does not want to. There are too many hangers-on and freeloaders who, since the times of the USSR, have been accustomed to skimming the cream without doing anything. And in Russian times, this number multiplied. Why plant, grow something, look for buyers, suppliers. if you can drive the farmers into bondage, screw up the tribute and live happily ever after. Personally, in my segment, many agricultural entrepreneurs are former oil workers, officials, and simply people with extensive connections who can solve all issues without leaving the office.




    The main mistake leading to failures in household plots and peasant farms is precisely the approach that separates the way of life and agricultural production, and it does not matter in what form of management.
    An attempt to turn agricultural production into a factory shop is impossible.
    An attempt to turn a farmer or owner of a household plot into a "shop manager" for the production of agricultural products is also impossible.
    There are too many factors in agriculture that cannot be calculated and even predicted, ranging from the vagaries of the weather, epidemics, outbreaks of pests and diseases, the mood of the district or the head of the district tax inspectorate, the mafia in the market, government "concern", or a sudden hail ...
    In addition, the social atmosphere is quite strong and active in the countryside. And it affects the same farmer very strongly. He can be respected, or he can be set on fire ...

    So start Eugene with social issues. And in relation to them, one can very approximately determine whether agribusiness is possible in a given village or not. If possible, then you need to take a pencil and a piece of paper in your hands to calculate the economic feasibility and efficiency.


    I have no specific connection to any village. I want to make a frame, stringing the data of a particular region (village) onto it, you can form a model. In addition, I have no idea how to digitize the social atmosphere, but if you suggest a methodology quantification various non-financial risks in the area farming- it will be, at least, innovative.


    Dear Eugene,
    if this study is done as for example graduate work or a dissertation on a given topic, then it is absolutely indifferent which model will be sucked out of your finger and presented as a rod on which any Russian village can be strung.
    If you take it seriously, then even in two nearby settlements the same model does not work.
    Do you want examples?
    Above, in one of my messages, I wrote about a very successful and economically implemented project: "The Village of Krivyanskaya". Moreover, it was implemented not with the help of some theoretical models or research by scientists and business theorists, but in spite of everything that prevented its implementation.
    The results are clearly visible when viewing the territory of this locality from satellite. I give you a direct link. %D1%8F&hl=ru&ned=ru_ru&tab=nl
    Some settlements around follow the example of their neighbors, such as Bessergenevskaya, partly Bogaevskaya. Nevertheless, very close, for example, the village. Manychskaya, Arpachin, pos. Persianovsky, art. Krasyukovskaya are completely free from this vice. Of course, there are homesteads there too. And also something is grown and produced on them. But if we compare the volume of production and, accordingly, income, then they will differ by an order of magnitude.
    Here's a comparison for you. And the region is one, and the people are one, but the results are absolutely opposite.

    So. In order to "digitize the social atmosphere", you apparently need to go to the settlements already indicated and selected for you.
    Go. Live there for a month or two, conduct sociological surveys and get for yourself a complete picture of why Ivan Ivanych has a successful and profitable household plot, while Vasil Vasilyich, his neighbor, does not have one.


    We are not talking about a diploma, or a term paper, or any other forced study. This is an exclusively personal initiative, dictated by my interest in the field of farming. Moreover, this interest is both social and public (I want to produce something more than an intangible asset) and commercial in nature. By the nature of my work, I had to digitize extremely different spheres of human life: from gas stations to entertainment. Moreover, these studies and calculations were not custom-made, but were used for personal interests. Hence the difference between the theoretical babble that fills most consulting business plans and the practical applicability that I fundamentally observed in my work. You are talking about the social component, human factor. I have no doubt that the success of the economy depends on this by 50% (or maybe more). But I'm not going to develop instructions for human behavior in conditions of hard farm work. I want to show "as is", "how can be" and "what to work on" in numbers. The economy is a tool with which you can achieve a certain result. And it is these two phenomena (tool and result) that I want to describe from a financial point of view, setting benchmarks that you can rely on. Another question is how the manager will use the available tool. When purchasing a car, a person finds out what fuel consumption, maximum speed, torque, etc., and in the store they tell him the characteristics set by the manufacturer, but they don’t say: “you understand, you live in Russia, so it’s dangerous to drive on our roads faster than 100 km / h, and the fuel consumption indicated in the passport will not be like this, because at our gas stations the fuel is diluted, etc."


    Dear Eugene.
    My previous message is rather harsh, but I ask you to understand: I have had to deal with farming affairs since the autumn of 1988.
    And in practice.
    There were at one time attempts to use the business models of what is used in the West. For the most part, none of this was successful. There are several factors that in Russia will not allow, from my point of view, either to develop an effective model of a normal form of land management, or to allow existing forms to develop dynamically.
    - 1. The state economic policy is quite illiterate in the field Agriculture and is not directed at all to the development of the producer, and even more so in agriculture.
    - 2. State ideology. She doesn't exist as such. There is a kind of incomprehensible mixture of Soviet ideas with Wall Street impulses. A villager, a peasant, a farmer, are not the "navel of the earth" and the roots of society, as in most countries of the world.
    - 3. Memory. In the people's memory, slogans of the last century such as: "land for the peasants" are alive, after which the systematic extermination of the peasantry began, and first of all, strong owners, farmers of the early twentieth century. Prodrazverstka - dispossession. Forced collectivization. Therefore, there is no trust in the regular slogans and calls of the authorities. Farming, which got off to a strong start in the early 90s, was almost gently stifled, and even the word "farmer" disappeared from the media since 2000, despite the fact that more than 15% of domestic agricultural products are produced by farmers.
    - 4. A part of the rural population to this day still has the rejection of the rural owner brought up earlier. People sometimes refer to farmers as "class enemies".
    - 5. Relocation of a significant part of the active rural population to cities.
    - 6. Price disparity.
    - 7. Practical lack of infrastructure.
    - 8. Low technological level.
    - 9. Lack of qualified specialists.
    - 10. Unwillingness to learn new agricultural technologies and business management techniques.
    - 11. Land market. Taking advantage of the legal and economic illiteracy of the rural population, active businessmen, by hook or by crook, bought up significant areas of agricultural land. Often for nothing. The peasants, having received land shares in due time, did not use them for their own purposes, especially for business purposes. I repeat, the lands were bought up for next to nothing, in some cases by raider methods. Today, many "cool landowners", owning several collective farms, often cannot give mind to either the earth or those unfortunate inhabitants of it who have exchanged their land share for a couple of bottles of vodka ... So thousands of hectares hang between heaven and earth . Well, the land market trends are evident. And they will get worse.
    - 12. General uncertainty about the future, primarily socially psychological reasons and due to the fact that none of us can calculate what trick the central, provincial or local authorities will throw out tomorrow morning ...

    I'm sorry this is such a sad picture.
    There is definitely a way out. You need to change the mentality. And starting from the very top and ending with the very bottom. This is done simply. It is enough for the media to work in the right direction for half a year, naturally under the pressure of "political will", and political will, someday, will inevitably have to understand and recognize that the country must feed itself on its own. They will not understand and do not recognize - a holy place is never empty. Let's learn Chinese.

    Our discussion in this and neighboring topics is a good illustration of what I'm talking about.
    Here we can meet sellers and buyers of collective farms, initiators of dubious projects and revolutionary technological solutions, philosophers and theorists, young guys who have successfully made a career and business in the city and are now looking into the countryside.
    That's just with practices tight. There are almost none.
    Example: St. Petersburg residents are looking for a livestock specialist. The topic has been hanging out for probably a week, but there are no answers or suggestions in it .... 1, What is the tangent of 45 degrees - I don’t know
    2. In what year did the Second World War - 1941
    3. VAT rate for grain - 18%
    4. What is the cost of 1 hectare in the production of cereals - I do not know.
    5. Where the Lena River flows - I don’t know
    6, I don’t know where the Yenisei River flows
    7. Where the Dnieper River flows - I don’t know

    8 Capital of Italy - Paris
    9 The capital of Ukraine - I don't know
    9 Do you have a computer?
    10 Is there a 1C program - no
    11.Is there an EXCEL program no
    12. Are there any Asya programs?
    13 Is there a photoshop - yes
    14 Is there Mirka - is.
    15 Are there any games, network.
    16 Is there "Google Earth" no
    17 where will you go to work after graduation - I want to go to the Economic Crime Department.
    18 And why do you want to work in the Economic Crime Department - they make good money there.
    19 Where do you want to live - in the city
    20 In what city - in Rostov
    21 And why in Rostov, and not in Moscow - I have acquaintances there
    22, When you plan to get married - not earlier than in 8 years, but why.
    23 Do you plan to build your own house - did not think about this issue.
    24 Where the Manych river flows - I live on it. I do not think that in other non-agricultural higher educational institutions it will be possible to obtain, when testing third-year students, results that are seriously different from those given by you. I don’t know such a river, I live on the Oka.
    I want and will be a farmer.

    Here is what awaits me in particular.))


    Dear Sirs, a very interesting discussion has arisen, I want to inform you that a project is being implemented in the Ulyanovsk region to create family farms(several cattle farms for 24 heads with a train, separate pig farms for 10 sows, a goat farm and a small poultry house) each family works at a specific facility, whether it be a dairy farm or a pigsty. People unite only in the preparation of fodder. By the way, Mr. Rubinstein can tell about the experience of feeding centers in Israel. In my opinion, the main thing is the organization of the business, and the coordination of the undertaking with the local administration will not cause additional problems in marketing and further development. Our officials are very fond of being consulted with them, and it is up to everyone to follow their advice or not. "do not offend" bureaucrats, they also need to report on the work done, and if you give them a specific topic for a report, then this will only bring you pluses in the future! Detailed information I promise to inform those interested in personal correspondence about the project of family farms, otherwise I foresee too many remarks, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand such male pressure :-)))

    We arrived from Ryazan with my husband to give birth to a child in the fresh air in the village to my grandmother. Not exactly a village, a small town. A plot of 19 acres, an old barn, two goats, a dozen chickens ... The standard is shorter ... They gave birth to a child, six months later they decided again ... it happened)) Milk from goats was just enough for children. They lived like everyone else: they went to the market for meat, they took two cans of milk a week from an aunt with a cow, they only had enough eggs for themselves.

    And then she came! TOAD! And started to choke me...))

    Why can an arthritic aunt keep a cow (very lazy, by the way aunt), but I, young and strong, can’t? There is a queue for meat in the market, and an uncle with obviously Brazilian pork was in good demand, but if local meat appeared, that is, a freshly slaughtered pig from the local economy, this pig went for half an hour and a half times more expensive, along with ears and a tail ...

    And it hit me in the head. Why buy milk when you can sell it? Why buy meat when you can sell it? Plus, a cow produces a calf every year, and in six months it is a fresh veal, and there are many children in our village, as well as dietary and diabetic aunts ... Sales are obvious ...

    In general, bought a cow. And from the side of my friends the same thing was heard: You're crazy! She needs care! Where do you want a cow with two children!!!
    And then these same acquaintances for God's sake asked for milk at least a jar a week!!! I had exactly a liter of milk left for my daughter, the rest was dispersed, and people come for milk themselves, to my house. Now about pigs. We bought two pigs for 2000 rubles. Six months later, they should already have 100 kg. Based on the price of domestic pigs, I will sell them for about 200 rubles per 1 kg, totaling 20,000 rubles. Well, they won’t gobble up 18,000 with all their desire ... A maximum of 5,000 ... Here it is real agriculture !!

    You don't have to think long. It is necessary to do it, and then figure it out)) It is necessary to put yourself within the framework of necessity, and not whine about bureaucracy and taxes.

    Not a single person has yet asked me for a certificate for milk, and they have not asked grandmothers from the market ... The veterinary station issues a certificate for pigs. 30 rub. Per head.

    Plus, the attitude to work plays a big role. For my husband, for example, work is not something that brings money as a fact, but the fact that he is where they say from eight to five and will receive money on the 15th ... Kranty ...

    And for me, what brings money is work ... The ladies in the workshop at our factory for working from 8 to 5 receive the same money that I do from a cow, only I spend 1.5 hours a day on it and they 9 .. .

    Work?? For them - no... Do you know why?? Because Soviet thinking flourishes in ALL villages and small towns. Not Tired Means Not Working!!!

    Now I am in my sixth month of pregnancy, this does not prevent me from doing all the cattle, 3 hours a day, and doing all the housework, and this is with two children, while my husband comes home from work and tells me how tired he is ... USSR. ..
    Now I want a farmstead, 7 hectares of land, and more cattle...
    I will provide sales... I have this land, and I don't have it... Is it funny? If it weren't so sad... My grandmother has a share in the collective farm, she is ready to give it to me, the collective farm lands come close to the village. Ideal! The head of the collective farm will not give me these lands! He has the right to allocate a share to me from all the lands, for example, across the river in a ravine ((For crop rotation is sacred! And I don’t care about everyone that nothing has been growing on this land near the village for ten years, not sown or plowed ... And a building permit it takes years, and I don’t need land without a farm, because I physically can’t work it away from home.
    And I am sure that you will succeed.
    Well, put your husband to work with you, as it looks like you will have to expand. And push it harder. It is possible to pay a surcharge, all the same, he is obliged to bring it to you.

    Concerning the land share of the grandmother. Talk not to the head of the collective farm, but contact the district administration of the agricultural district, the land administration, and as a final, go to an appointment with the head of the district administration. If it doesn't help, contact the area. You can connect the local press along the way. Leave a documentary trail everywhere. Come in handy. Yes, and officials are afraid of official papers. Require everywhere, at every stage, the registration of all applications and the registration mark on your copy. The fact that you are now pregnant with your third child is an additional plus.
    The land (land share) must be allocated to you not in a ravine, but where it will be convenient for you to work. Remind the local authorities about all sorts of presidential and other state. decisions aimed at raising private household plots.

    In our village, many have the main income just from the household plots in greenhouses. If in numbers, then it turns out something like this:
    3.5 bushes are placed on 1 sq m of land. The estimated yield from a bush (average variety) is 7.5 kg, that is, about 25 kg per meter. The price for early cucumbers is approx. 100 rubles per 1 kg, then drops to 20-30 rubles. On average, you can count 50 rubles. 25 kg * 50 rubles \u003d 1250 rubles If you keep a greenhouse 6 * 3m, this is not profitable, but if you cover at least 1 weave 100 m * 1250 rubles 125000 rubles ... something like this ... At one time my grandfather built a house in a greenhouse. It was back then when it was a shame to trade, and they went by boat across the river to Vyksa.

    The calculation, of course, is approximate ... Moreover, early cucumbers are only traded for two weeks, then less efficient gardeners catch up, and the price drops. Or a crop failure happens... Yes, everything happens, as in any job there are risks.

    Well, I decided this year to make 6 * 12m and then add more. And from this money to build sheds and a house on their own land ...

    But in general, life is strange ... The main thing is to want it very much, and you don’t notice where everything comes from ... At least for me))

    By the way, in this topic for some reason LPH is considered mostly from the side of animals. And vegetables and fruits are unfairly offended) And one more thing. There is not income from personal farming, but the absence of expenses, that is, if I leave my piggy for stew, then I will receive this meat at cost, and at the same time save a decent amount.
    I realized the difference in lifestyle after living here for 2 days. From our garden we have: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, beets, radishes, pickles, etc. If you have your own meat, you can only go to the market for sugar, matches and sweets. oil.
    Moreover, surplus products are sold in 3 hours at the local market ...
    Farming is a way of life. And you can not consider each component separately. For example, a cow gives me not only milk, which can be sold, but also fertilizer, which I will no longer buy. Total savings.))

    I will be glad if I help someone with my example))
    Sincerely, Ekaterina.


    Yuri Fatenko.
    The consumer society is veiled under cooperation trade Organization, and agricultural producers now need vertical cooperation in procurement, processing and marketing with their own and, of course, deliverers of raw materials, procurement structures, processing industries and trading network. Such can only be an agricultural consumer cooperation (hereinafter referred to as SPOK), which also plays the role of a structure that manages the entire agro-industrial complex. The state, having delegated the functions of management to the market, left agribusiness, and the market did not cope with the task. Chaos ensued, leading to a predominance of imports of dubious quality. The agricultural authorities, out of old habit, are bristling, trying to manage the agro-industrial complex without having the authority and not being responsible for the decisions made. What hinders the development of agricultural consumer cooperation? The state does not develop it and does not spend money on it, and the villagers do not have understanding, faith and money for share contributions. There are two ways out, and both of them must be used - the State builds the entire chain from the field, the farm to the buyer and transfers it to the agricultural consumer cooperation for rent, redemption, initiating the creation of the SPOK itself with incurring costs for the formation period. There is simply no other way - villages are dying out, demographics are deteriorating. Following the situation, the authorities are optimizing, reducing the service sector to a wedge. The peasants, let's call them in a generalized way, can and should gradually move towards each other, cooperating in production, procurement, processing and marketing. Will the state in the current personalities in the Government and the State Duma be able to realize this and do it? If not, then it is necessary to create "Voters' Clubs" in every urban and rural area, financed by each family, say, 1,000 rubles a year, which will select 2-3 out of 70 registered parties and tell the people about them. For them, the people will vote in the State. Duma. Who agrees? Please vote (Joke).


Personal subsidiary farm(LPH) - the form is not entrepreneurial activity for the production and processing of agricultural products. The activity is carried out by a citizen or a citizen and members of his family cohabiting with him and (or) jointly carrying out personal subsidiary farming with him in order to meet personal needs on a land plot provided and (or) acquired for personal subsidiary farming.

Law N 112-FZ of July 7, 2003 was adopted for owners of personal subsidiary plots and regulates all types of relations that arise in the process of organizing and maintaining private household plots. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Law in detail - it is small in volume, clearly stated and clarifies a lot.

The Federal Law on personal subsidiary farming contains sections:

  1. the concept of private household plots;
  2. the rights of citizens in the organization and management of household plots;
  3. land plots for household plots;
  4. relations between authorities of all levels and owners of household plots;
  5. property in the conduct of private household plots;
  6. legal relations with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  7. accounting and termination.

If you do not have time to read this bill, then here is how I understood this law:

  • Personal subsidiary farming - an activity that is not considered entrepreneurship, despite the fact that the grown products are considered the property of the owner and can be sold. Since the activities of private household plots are related to agriculture, it is most appropriate to compare this form with a peasant farm (KFH).
  • Our plot is only 20 acres, there are several fruit trees near the house, we have a vegetable garden and we grow a dozen chickens. We do not plan to expand yet, but even if someday there is a desire to sell what has been grown, this type of activity will not be considered entrepreneurship. According to the LPH law, it refers to non-commercial activities if members of the same family are employed in it.

How to arrange a personal subsidiary plot

It is possible to open private household plots on a plot purchased or leased, provided that the land plot has the type of permitted use: "For personal subsidiary farming." It is not necessary to register private household plots as a legal entity - you can grow fruits and vegetables or breed animals and poultry from the moment you receive the right to land.

Accounting for all private household plots in the territory is maintained by the local Department of Land and Property Relations (DISO). To legalize the farm, it is enough to contact the administration of the settlement to enter data about your new farm in the household book.

The following information will be required when registering a farm:

  1. Full name and date of birth of the owner or tenant of the land, as well as data on family members;
  2. The area of ​​the plot and its cadastral number;
  3. The number of animals and (or) birds, the number of hives;
  4. List of agricultural machinery, equipment and vehicles.

If a land plot under private household plots you don’t have yet, then the situation can be easily corrected.

How to get a land plot for private household plots from the state

In short, in order to obtain a land plot for private household plots, you will have to:

  1. Find an unformed land plot on the public cadastral map of RosReestr;
  2. Order the layout of this land plot (SRZU) on the cadastral plan of the territory. You can order the scheme without leaving your home. To do this, I recommend a service that sends a document ready to agree on a lease within 2 days. The cost is 1900 rubles, the data is official and compiled by a cadastral engineer in accordance with Decree No. 762 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.
  3. Contact the administration of the settlement on whose territory the land plot is located with a statement “On approval of the layout of the land plot”. At the same time, indicate your personal data, the area of ​​the newly formed plot and the purpose of the lease - for conducting personal subsidiary plots;
  4. After the approval of the SRZU (up to 30 days) or immediately, submit another application addressed to the head of the Administration: “On preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot”;
  5. In case of a positive answer, go to the cadastral engineer to register a new and already agreed land plot for cadastral registration. The service is paid - from 5 thousand rubles;
  6. When the cadastral passport is on hand, and the boundaries of the land plot you have found will begin to be displayed on the cadastral map, we submit an application: “On the provision of a land plot for rent for a period of 10-49 years”;
  7. We conclude a lease agreement with the Administration and register the transaction with RosReestr through the My Documents MFC.

The layout of the land plot, which I recently ordered through

What is the maximum area of ​​the plot for private household plots

You can organize private household plots on household land or outside the settlement - on a field plot. The size of the land plot is determined by the authorities local government on the basis of the norms in force in a particular subject of the Russian Federation. On the plot you can build housing and other buildings. True, in some regions there are restrictions on building residential buildings- no more than 10% of the area. It is forbidden to build capital houses on field lands, but it is allowed to install greenhouses, paddocks, sheds, etc.

According to Part 5 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law on private household plots, the area of ​​private household plots is limited - the plot of one subsidiary farm should not be more than 0.5 hectares. Regional authorities have the right to increase the size of the plot by 5 times (for example, for the Leningrad region - this is 0.99 hectares).

If the size of the allotment is more than the maximum allowable (50 acres), the excess part must be alienated. Otherwise, it will be necessary to draw up not a personal subsidiary plot, but an individual entrepreneur or a peasant (farm) farm. Urban residents can also obtain land using the scheme described above, if there is free land in the selected locality.

How to make money on a personal subsidiary plot

After collecting the documents, you can rightfully begin the development of a subsidiary farm and, if desired, derive income from the sale of products. After receiving a decision from the administration of the settlement confirming that agricultural land has been transferred to you for personal subsidiary farming, you have the right to:

  1. Grow any agricultural crops.
  2. Install greenhouses of any size.
  3. Keep farm animals.
  4. Raise poultry.
  5. Maintain an apiary.

First of all, you should decide on the type of occupation. If you have experience of living in the countryside, there will be no problems with the choice, it is better for urban residents to start with gardening and horticulture or breeding poultry. Make a plan of action and start purchasing planting material, young birds or animals.

You have the right to cultivate your land on your own or with the involvement of relatives of any degree of kinship. Non-relatives may be involved as long as they live with you.

Even with your own hands, you can provide a stable income. Here are some options for profitable activities in private household plots .

Growing vegetables

Vegetables are in demand at any time of the year. If you build a greenhouse and collect even a small crop all year round, the profit will be guaranteed. For small business registration is not required.

Pig breeding

You will be able to sell animals live weight or fresh meat. If possible, it is possible to establish the production of sausages or semi-finished meat products, such as cutlets or dumplings. True, this will require confirmed compliance sanitary norms. You can keep as many pigs as you can accommodate in the allocated area without violating the rules for keeping pigs in private farms.

Mini poultry farm

How to sell grown products

Products produced in a personal subsidiary plot can be sold legally. To do this, you need to get a certificate from the local administration. This document must indicate that your product was produced in private household plots.

Help may be required for:

  1. transportation of meat, vegetables or other products to the point of sale;
  2. delivering meat to a sausage shop, etc.;
  3. transfer of goods to the point of sale.

As you can see, you will have to get a certificate even for the sale of cabbage

What taxes will you have to pay

Proceeds from the sale of products produced in household plots are not taxed. VAT also does not have to be paid, since this tax applies only to individual entrepreneurs and organizations. The only regular payment is the land tax, approximately 0.3% of the cadastral value of the plot.

Under current legislation, income from the sale of products of animal and vegetable origin is not taxed, however, two conditions must be met for tax exemption:

  1. The area of ​​the land plot should not be more than established by law No. 112-FZ. The allowable size of the plot is 0.5 ha, unless a larger plot is allocated by decision of the local administration.
  2. Personal subsidiary farming is carried out without the involvement of hired workers.

In order to be exempt from taxes, it is necessary to obtain a document confirming that the crop, meat and other products were produced on a plot of area permitted by law. The certificate must be issued by the local administration or the board of the dacha (horticultural) partnership.

However, there are nuances that you should pay attention to:

  • If you decide to produce biohumus, biosoil, etc. on your site. and sell it wholesale or retail, you may be required to pay taxes. Fertilizers are not considered a product of animal husbandry, their production is considered as the result of entrepreneurial activity, and, therefore, is subject to taxation. Also, the legislator does not classify turf and soil mixtures as crop products.
  • To obtain a tax exemption, you need a certificate only from the administration of the locality or board non-profit association(gardening, country). A document issued by another organization is invalid.
  • Only income from the sale of products produced in household plots is exempt from tax. If you manage to get a government subsidy, you will have to pay taxes. Amounts received from the budget for reimbursement of interest on a targeted loan are not taxed, the rest of the subsidy funds are subject to taxation.

How to get a subsidy for household plots

Pursuing a policy social protection, the state supports low-income citizens by allocating funds for development within the framework of a social contract for the development of personal subsidiary plots. If certain conditions are met (income per family member is less than the subsistence level, a legally allocated land plot and the absence of debts to pay for it, the presence of three or more children), a citizen can apply to the social protection authorities with a request to allocate him Money for the development of private household plots.

The size of the social contract is set by local authorities. Such subsidy can be allocated no more than once every three years and spent on the purchase of:

  1. Pets, poultry, bees or feed;
  2. fertilizers or planting material;
  3. machinery, equipment for cultivating the land and caring for animals.

For its part, the participant of the social contract is obliged:

  1. Develop and submit a plan for the use of allocated funds;
  2. use the allocated money for its intended purpose, without deviating from the plan;
  3. to insure the property acquired with the funds of the social contract;
  4. implement plan activities and provide reports.

How to get a loan for household plots

Any business at the start requires financial investments. If you decide to breed animals or poultry in a subsidiary farm, you will need money to purchase young animals, feed, and build a building. For year-round cultivation of vegetables, a greenhouse is needed, the construction and equipment of which also requires money.

Loans for the development of household plots are issued by the Russian Agricultural Bank, Sberbank and 2-3 more banks with state support and lending programs to farmers. Rosselkhozbank specializes in supporting agricultural producers and offers loans on mutually beneficial terms. A loan for the development of private household plots can be obtained under one of the programs:

  • Under the construction of communications. Loan up to 500 thousand rubles. can be taken at 15.5%.
  • For the development of personal subsidiary farming. Target loan up to 700 thousand rubles. at 14% for repairs, gasification, purchase of animals, feed, fuel, etc.
  • « Reliable partner". The program is designed for regular customers jar. If you took a loan and successfully repaid the debt, it is possible to get a new loan at 13.5%.
  • "Gardener". Loans under this program are issued for gasification and repairs. Interest rate - from 16%. Possible loan amount - up to 150,000,000 rubles.

Loan conditions for household plots

The bank considers applications of citizens Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration. The main terms of the loan for household plots in the Russian Agricultural Bank:

  1. Age from 18 to 60-65 years.
  2. Solvency, confirmed by a certificate of salary or other permanent income.
  3. Availability of collateral.
  4. Guarantee.
  5. Extract from the economic register.

Is it possible to build a residential building on the lands of private household plots

I bought a plot with a built house, but I finished building something on it myself: greenhouses, a bathhouse, a workshop. To avoid misunderstandings with a building permit, I had to deal with the legislation in detail, at the same time I found out whether it was possible to build a house on the lands of private household plots. Briefly about the most important.

A land plot for private household plots can only belong to two categories:

  1. Land for a personal plot within the settlement. On a personal plot of land, you can build a residential building and any other buildings (subject to the rules that are the same for everyone - construction, fire fighting, sanitary and hygienic and others, and you can also produce agricultural products (any: plant plants, breed animals and birds, put an apiary) In a residential building built on a personal plot of land, it is possible to register at the place of residence, and it is also possible to receive a property tax deduction.
  2. Field land for growing crops. On a field plot, you can only produce agricultural products and build non-permanent buildings for this (without a foundation). It is forbidden to build a residential building, and if it is built, it may be obliged to demolish it. Naturally, there is no question of registration in such a house.

How to get a building permit for private household plots

According to the law, construction on private household plots in settlements has no restrictions, but a request to the local administration should still be made, since there are restrictions at the local level. For example, in the Kaliningrad region, no more than 10% of a household plot for household plots is allowed to be built up with residential buildings, but in practice no one observes such a restriction.

Construction may not be allowed if the site, for example, is located outside the boundaries of the settlement or does not adjoin them. If there are no restrictions, then you can build housing and other premises, for example, a garage, a barn, a bathhouse, a greenhouse, a pigsty, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to coordinate actions with town planning regulations regarding this site.

Local authorities are not entitled to refuse to issue a building permit if the conditions and procedure for obtaining it comply with the law. The Town Planning Code provides an exhaustive list of possible grounds for refusing construction, as well as a list of documents for obtaining a permit.

How to register on the lands of private household plots

A house built on the lands of private household plots and put into operation is recognized by law as residential. In such a house, on the basis of an application from the owner in the passport office, one can obtain permanent registration (propiska) in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Advantages of personal subsidiary farming

  • Ease of organization (LPH does not require legal registration);
  • lack of registration with the tax office and tax reporting (accounting is kept in household books by local authorities based on information provided by the owners);
  • various benefits (exemption from personal income tax under certain conditions, preferential transport tax on equipment, etc.);
  • the possibility of an independent decision on pension insurance (the owner of private household plots decides whether to pay contributions to the pension fund).

Cons of personal subsidiary farming

  • Restrictions on the area of ​​land for private household plots. The size of the plot cannot be more than 0.5 hectares, although the local administration has the right to decide on a five-fold expansion of the allotment.
  • the state does not support private household plots by providing preferential loans and subsidies:
  • certain types of activities subject to certification are prohibited, and declarations of conformity are not issued.

commercial breeding cattle on the plot for private household plots will be problematic


Thanks to the import substitution program, private household plots have received a new round of development. Farming is now done not only by rural residents, but also by part of the urban and even the oligarchy. For example, the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Lushkov, also took up agriculture - he grows buckwheat in the Kaliningrad region.

In the first half of this year, the volume of agricultural production in Russia grew by 3%, with a general decline in GDP. Facts and figures create a favorable background for lowering interest rates on loans and guaranteeing demand for household products in the future.

LHP activity is an additional source of income for residents countryside and carried out in a free, from the implementation of its main labor activity, time.

Some time ago, in the days of the USSR, as personal subsidiary farms, they assumed the type of activity of the inhabitants of the state in growing agricultural products on specially allocated land plots.

Residents of villages, villages and townships of various sizes, who worked in collective and joint farms, and received a monthly wages, could, after the official working day, grow vegetables and fruits on their plot of land, as well as keep various farm animals and poultry.

Useful information:

Part of the grown products remained for personal consumption, and its surpluses, which in terms of quantitative indicators could significantly exceed those left for themselves, were sold on the collective farm market, and also handed over to the state through the procurement offices of consumer cooperatives. Through the sale of self-grown products, rural residents could purchase for themselves the necessary expensive industrial goods produced in the city, or spend money on health improvement or tourism.

LPH - what is it

AT modern conditions ideas about personal subsidiary plots have changed somewhat. For a large number rural residents, this activity has become the main source of income in our time.

If you have purchased land and a house that is documented in the Bureau of Registration and Technical Inventory of Real Estate, then you automatically become the owner of a personal subsidiary plot. If you have a desire to sell agricultural products grown on your own plot, you will need to take a document from the relevant authorities at the place of residence confirming that you are the owner of a private household plot.

In the Russian Federation, the functioning of such forms of ownership is regulated by the Federal Law "On personal subsidiary plots". It should be noted that this activity does not apply to business types activities. After receiving a certificate that confirms that your products are really grown on your own in private household plots, you can sell them at retail. Should be paid Special attention that such a certificate is valid only for a certain period of time.

How to apply for LPH

The right to maintain private household plots and dispose of real estate located on its territory belongs to able-bodied citizens who are provided with a land plot for these purposes. In this case, this area may be located:

  • in municipal property;
  • in state ownership.

The right to conduct a personal subsidiary plot of its owner comes from the moment of registration of rights to a plot of land used for these purposes.

Provision of land plots for organizing the activities of personal subsidiary plots is carried out on the following conditions:

  1. First of all, a citizen who is registered in a rural area at his place of permanent residence can receive such a plot for organizing his private household plot. Also, those who are registered in the cities have the right to receive a plot for the implementation of private household plots. For this category of citizens, land plots for the indicated purposes are given to applicants if there are free ones available;
  2. If a household plot is used to maintain private household plots, the owner of private household plots has the opportunity to erect various kinds of buildings on it. It can be a residential building, industrial and domestic buildings and structures for other purposes. At the same time, it is imperative to comply with all necessary fire-fighting, hygienic, environmental and other norms and requirements;
  3. In the case of field plots, there is no opportunity for the construction of various kinds of buildings and structures on them. The user of such land may use it exclusively for the production of agricultural products.

It is worth noting that there are some norms on the size of land plots that can be used to carry out the activities of personal subsidiary plots. The documents established that the property (regardless of its type) of a citizen engaged in the maintenance of household plots can be up to 0.5 hectares. earth. But, it is worth noting that this figure, if desired, can be increased. The legislation provides for the possibility of increasing the area allocated for private household plots owned by the owner of the farm, with the help of the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation. At the same time, this indicator cannot exceed the above norm by more than 5 times.

What taxes?

The Tax Code indicates that the retail sale of agricultural products grown in household plots, except for ornamental plants and flowers, and products of its processing not taxed. The main condition is that the products must be grown in the Russian Federation. This is confirmed by a certificate issued by the authority at the place of residence.

But, there are certain types of such activities related to the functioning of household plots, which subject to taxation.

Let's take an example. The owner of a household plot sells vegetable seeds on the market that he has grown on his own land. To officially confirm this fact, he has the necessary certificate. In this case, his activities are not taxed. If there is no document, then payment of tax is mandatory. Moreover, this must be done no more than 5 days before the date of sale of the goods.

If the owner of private household plots sells seedlings and flower seeds, he must have a certificate and pay the tax for any number of days, but not exceeding a month. If the owner of private household plots does not have a relevant certificate, then the tax is paid no more than 5 days in advance.

It can be seen that organizing the activities of private household plots is not so difficult. You just need to learn a number of relatively simple rules.


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Personal subsidiary farming is a term that defines a legal form of activity and private property at the same time. Entering into relationships with government bodies in any field of production, it is necessary to clearly know your rights and obligations. It is worth studying all the nuances legislative framework, the pros and cons of owning a plot for private household plots.

What is LPH

The activity of citizens, together with their family members, in the production and processing of agricultural products on the allotted plot of land was called personal subsidiary farming (PSP). This concept is fixed federal law“On personal subsidiary farming” No. 112-FZ of 07.07. 2003. LPH lands can be bought or rented by issuing the relevant documents. The maximum size of such a land allotment, according to the law, should be no more than 0.5 hectares.

A private household plot is a land allotment within a settlement or beyond its borders, the permissible size of which is determined by the local government, depending on:

  • areas of unused land suitable for farming within the given district;
  • their level of demand.

Land plots for personal subsidiary farming, which are in state and municipal ownership, are allocated to citizens in accordance with Articles 9-11 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ. For questions about their acquisition and execution of relevant documents, you must contact the administration of the regional department of the local government.

Appointment of household plots

The state allocates private household plots to citizens for non-productive activities, which means:

  • Hired labor is not used. All work is carried out only by family members.
  • The main goal is not to generate income. The goal is to obtain agricultural products and products of its processing for personal needs.

Agricultural lands are areas with fertile soils that are not intended for development. If a land allotment is allocated to a family from this category, then the construction of a residential building and other capital buildings on it is prohibited. Such land allotment is intended exclusively for agricultural production. On field plots it is allowed to erect temporary structures without a foundation.

Members of a personal subsidiary farm can choose for themselves any type of agricultural activity:

  • animal husbandry:
  1. cattle breeding;
  2. poultry farming;
  3. beekeeping;
  4. rabbit breeding, etc.
  • crop production:
  1. gardening;
  2. cultivation of decorative flowers;
  3. melon growing;
  4. viticulture, etc.

A citizen may be the owner of several plots for household plots. Their total area should not exceed the established by law. Local authorities have the right to increase the area of ​​allotments for personal subsidiary plots up to 2.5 hectares. Processing of agricultural products is another area of ​​activity for private household plot owners.

Surplus products obtained as a result of part-time farming can be sold. This does not require a patent and a cash register. The proceeds are not subject to taxation. The law does not provide for the registration of the activity of a personal subsidiary plot as an individual or legal entity, because it is not considered entrepreneurship.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you buy private household plots, you should analyze all the pros and cons, correlate them with the desires and capabilities of the family. Maintaining a personal household plot has:



  • accessibility and ease of organization;
  • does not require registration;
  • the right to operate exists as long as the land is the property of a person;
  • you can implement your projects in the field of agriculture;
  • the land can be rented;
  • work is carried out outdoors;
  • local governments must provide the necessary communication and infrastructure facilities (electricity, water supply, gasification, access roads, etc.);
  • you can get a residence permit at the address of the house built on the site;
  • the family provides itself with environmentally friendly products;
  • you can sell surplus production;
  • no tax reporting required;
  • benefits are provided (preferential transport tax on equipment, exemption from personal income tax).
  • responsibility and work performed lies entirely with the owner and his family;
  • farming requires a lot of time, attention, labor;
  • limited area of ​​the allocated allotment;
  • high land tax rate within the settlement;
  • support from the authorities is carried out reluctantly and not in full;
  • types of activities that are subject to certification are prohibited;
  • forbidden capital construction on allotments of private household plots allocated outside settlements;
  • annual information should be provided to the local self-government body for maintaining a "household book".

You need to understand that when running a personal subsidiary plot, the owner or tenant will have to comply with sanitary, fire safety standards, urban planning regulations and other requirements of the municipality for the maintenance and operation of the land. If a building with a foundation is built on a site located outside the settlement, it will be demolished by decision of a special commission. The owner who committed the offense will be fined for misuse of the land.

Law on household plots

The federal law "On personal subsidiary farming" regulates the legal relations between persons running a household and state bodies. Articles 2 and 4 of this law define the concept of private household plots and the conditions for its maintenance. In meaning, they are intertwined with Article 217 (p. 13) tax code RF, where it is indicated that in order to be exempt from taxation of income, the owner of private household plots must provide a certificate from the local government.

This certificate must confirm the fact of maintaining a subsidiary farm and its size. This document is a confirmation that all agricultural products produced are private property. In order to work successfully for the benefit of the family, it is advisable to study the regulations of the regional department of the local government regarding the management of household plots in this territory.

Other articles of the law state:

Article number

What regulates, what regulatory legal acts confirms

A citizen can be considered the owner, and his activity - legal, after the registration of the allocated area by the relevant authority. The registration process is enshrined in the law "On state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it” No. 122-FZ dated July 21, 1997.

The size of land plots allocated for household plots is determined by local authorities, guided by the maximum area specified in the law. Requirements for field plots are specified in normative act“On the turnover of agricultural land” No. 101-FZ of July 27, 2002.

Guarantees non-interference by the authorities, subject to compliance with the requirements of the law. The owner of the subsidiary farm must remember the criminal liability for growing plants containing narcotic substances.

The list of property necessary for housekeeping is listed. The use of inventory, vehicles, buildings and structures on land owned is not contrary to law.

Measures to support farms by state authorities have been determined. Based on this article and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/27/1996. No. 758 "On state support for gardeners, gardeners and owners of personal subsidiary farms" owners of household plots can apply to local governments and other authorities on:

  • infrastructure;
  • sales of manufactured products (opening stores, markets, etc.);
  • providing new types of plant varieties and animal breeds, land allotments for haymaking and livestock grazing;
  • free veterinary examination;
  • organization of veterinary services;
  • providing loans and subsidies for the development of household plots.

It says about the method of accounting for private household plots. The data is submitted on a voluntary basis and is issued in the form of a household book. The form and procedure for conducting it is approved by the local government. The article spells out the basic information about the economy to be accounted for:

  • Full name, date of birth of the owner and family members;
  • animal husbandry: species and quantitative composition (including apiary bees);
  • crop production: what is the area of ​​land under crops, types of crops;
  • agricultural machinery, equipment, vehicles owned by the family.

Indicates mandatory pension insurance for citizens leading personal subsidiary plots. The period of conducting a personal subsidiary plot is equal to the period of validity of documents confirming the right to own a land plot.

What is the difference between IZHS and LPH

Deciphering the abbreviation IZHS - land acquired for individual housing construction. Before you decide to buy a plot of land, you need to figure out which acquisition option is more suitable:

Points of difference

primary goal

production and processing of agricultural products for own needs

construction of housing and utility rooms for personal use

Construction restrictions

capital construction (buildings with foundations) on field plots is prohibited

residential building must have no more than 3 floors

Method of acquiring land

can be bought or rented

Where is the land allotted

backyard (in the countryside) or field (outside the settlement)

in the city

put on price

lower than IHS

Cadastral value

Communal payments

Environmental conditions

better than IZHS land is allocated in rural areas

Allotment area

more than IHS

Construction project and its approval

not required


Construction period

no restrictions

it is necessary to build a house within 10 years from the date of registration of ownership

How to issue

A document on the ownership of a land plot is necessary for the owner when it is sold or exchanged for an apartment. To obtain and register a land allotment as a personal subsidiary farm, it is necessary to act as follows:

  • For an informed choice, study information related to private household plots:
  1. Laws, regulations (state and regional), regulating the relationship between authorities and the owner of the land.
  2. Criteria for choosing a land plot.
  3. Economic aspects of running a personal economy (taxation, types of subsidies, etc.).
  • Get advice from a competent specialist in the local administration about:
  1. Possible land area.
  2. her whereabouts.
  3. Availability of engineering networks.
  4. Support program from the local government.
  5. Procedure, terms of registration, etc.
  • Fill out an application, submit it to the administration of the local government. In addition to personal data, it must include:
  1. Basis for purchase.
  2. The method of obtaining the allotment (ownership or lease). The right to privatize the allocated land plot will come after 3 years of lease.
  3. Desired land area.
  • Provide an extract from the household book. It is issued by the local government body to the owner or his representative based on copies of the power of attorney and the passport of the trustee.
  • In a special design organization it is necessary to obtain a passport (scheme) of the allocated land plot.
  • The technical passport of the site with the necessary package of documents is submitted to the local administration for approval of the boundaries of the land allotment. Chapter municipality by its resolution must secure the right of transfer of ownership to the applicant.
  • Assembled package required documents transferred to the cadastral chamber to assign the corresponding number to the land plot and draw up a plan.
  • Documents issued by the cadastral chamber are submitted to the local government for the final confirmation of land ownership.
  • After making sure that in the documents confirming the ownership, there is a note that the site was purchased for the maintenance of private household plots, it is necessary to register it in the regional registration chamber.

Construction on the site

It must be remembered that capital buildings on a private household plot are allowed to be erected only on lands belonging to the category of settlements. Before the expiration of the “dacha amnesty” (March 1, 2019), to register a built house, only a documented ownership of the plot is required, indicating its purpose - maintaining a personal subsidiary plot.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future, it is better to obtain a building permit. Penalties for construction without a permit amount to 2-5 thousand rubles and can be imposed repeatedly. The permit is issued by the local government within 10 days after submission necessary documentation. The architectural department of the municipality must submit:

  • Owner's statement.
  • A document of title to a piece of land.
  • Urban plan of the site. The administration of the executive committee issues it free of charge at the request of the land owner within 30 days from the date of application.
  • Scheme of the planning organization of the site, on which the construction object is indicated. It is done by the builder.

Upon completion of construction, it is necessary to legalize a residential building and utility rooms. To obtain a certificate of ownership, it is necessary to collect a package of documents and submit it to Rosreestr:

  • application of the owner of the land plot in a standard form, provide a passport;
  • a document of title to the land or a lease agreement;
  • building permit (not required before March 1, 2019);
  • housing project;
  • act of commissioning;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Only members of the owner's family can register in the constructed housing, provided that the building meets the standards of an individual residential building:

  • contains no more than 3 floors;
  • the area is not more than 1.5 thousand square meters.

There is a possibility of increasing the area of ​​private household plots. This process is called land redistribution. It is possible if the area of ​​the formed plot of land does not exceed the maximum allowable size of private household plots in this region. In this case, the new site should not:

  • include parts of land belonging to another category;
  • go beyond the boundaries of the settlement;
  • enter the common area;
  • affect building boundaries.

Sometimes it's worth changing special purpose allocated land, which is owned. Such a need may arise if the owner of the land decides to build a capital house on it. For example, the owner of land for gardening, before starting the construction of a building, must change the status of his site to "permitted use for personal subsidiary farming." Similarly (under favorable conditions), it is possible to change the status of a private household plot to industrial land.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation regulates the requirements for the procedure for approving the rules for land use and development in the territories of local governments. Based on these rules, the following procedure for changing the status of a land allotment is assumed:

  • The owner of the land submits an application for a change in the rules of land use and development to the local administration.
  • The relevant commission shall issue its opinion on this issue.
  • It is approved by the head of the municipality.
  • Conduct public hearings on this issue in the presence of the owners of neighboring land and real estate.
  • The relevant local authority approves the requested change.
  • The changed status of the land plot is registered in the State Cadastre and the USRR.


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PSF - what is it, the size of the land plot, the purpose of the activity and the necessary permits