Grant Centre. Department of social protection of the population. are eligible for subsidies

  • 16.05.2020

The main tasks of the USZN department of the administration of the Borisovsky district are:

  1. Ensuring high-quality and timely performance of all functions, tasks and responsibilities assigned to the specialists of the department.
  2. Implementation of legislation in terms of appointment and payment various kinds benefits and compensation. Providing information to citizens during a personal reception and through the media on the appointment and payment of benefits and compensations provided for by law.
  3. Timely preparation of documents, appointment and recalculation of benefits and compensation payments, pensions for long service to municipal employees in accordance with legislative acts, as well as the formation of an electronic database for this category of the population. Control over the processing, accounting and storage of documents.
  4. Implementation of methodological guidance for the administrations of rural settlements and the village of Borisovka in terms of resolving issues aimed at social protection of the population, as well as preparing documents for the appointment, recalculation and payment of benefits and compensations.
  5. Reception of citizens, consideration and decision-making on proposals, applications and complaints of citizens.

In accordance with the assigned task, the department for the payment of benefits and compensations performs the following functions:

  1. Makes the appointment and payment to citizens with children:
  • monthly allowance for a child;
  • a one-time allowance at the birth of a child;
  • monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years;
  • monthly allowance for children of military personnel who are in military service on conscription;
  • monthly allowance for the birth of the third and subsequent children;
  • appointment of regional maternal (family) capital.
  1. Makes appointments and payments to persons with disabilities and certain categories citizens:
  • compensation to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • social allowance for burial in cases provided for by the federal law "On Burial and Funeral Business";
  • monthly payment to "Honorary donors of Russia" and "Honorary donors of the USSR";
  • monthly allowance for combat invalids;
  • monthly cash payment to veterans of labor, veterans of military service, home front workers, rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression;
  • compensation payments family members to pay utility bills;
  • compensation of insurance premiums under the OSAGO agreement;
  • monthly compensation to disabled people due to military injuries.

Department of appointment and payment of housing subsidies

The department for assigning and paying housing subsidies is structural unit labor administration and social protection of the administration of the Trunovsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory and was created for the purpose of social support for citizens in the form of subsidies for paying for housing and utilities in the Trunovsky district, in accordance with Art. 159 of the Housing Code Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000 “On the provision of subsidies for payment for housing and utilities”.

The subsidies department carries out its activities in cooperation with the local authorities of the municipalities of the Trunovsky District, the administration of the Trunovsky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory, public and other organizations and enterprises, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Stavropol Territory, as well as with other management departments.

The main tasks of the Subsidy Division are:

Implementation on the territory of the Trunovsky District of laws and other regulatory legal acts on the provision of subsidies to citizens for paying for housing and utilities (hereinafter referred to as subsidies).

Ensuring clear, high-quality work on the appointment and payment of subsidies to citizens in accordance with applicable law.

Collecting and summarizing information from authorities local government, management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Trunovsky district and other organizations on the issue of granting subsidies.

Preparation of the necessary analytical and digital material on the provision of subsidies for the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Stavropol Territory, the administration of the Trunovsky municipal district.

Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reporting data on the provision of subsidies.

Consideration of letters, applications and complaints of citizens on issues related to the provision of subsidies.

Performance qualitatively and in time of current tasks and powers within the limits of the competence.

Preparation of information and explanations on the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities for publication in the media.

Departure according to the schedule to all villages of the district to collect the necessary certificates and documents on the issue of providing subsidies, consultations of citizens.

Participation in inspections carried out by control and auditing and financial authorities for the provision of subsidies.

Dear residents of the region!

Since 1995, a system of social support for families and citizens living alone has been operating in the Trunovsky District, in the form of subsidies for paying for housing and utilities.

Subsidies are provided to citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the provision of housing subsidies for payment for housing and utilities" dated 01.01.2001 No. 000.

The right to subsidies are those families whose expenses for paying for housing and utilities, calculated on the basis of the size of regional standards for the normative area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises used to calculate subsidies and the size of regional standards for the cost of housing and communal services exceed the value corresponding to the maximum allowable share (15%) of expenses citizens to pay for housing and utilities in the total family income. At the same time, for families with an average per capita income below the established subsistence minimum, the maximum allowable share of expenses is reduced in accordance with a correction factor equal to the ratio of the average per capita family income to the subsistence minimum.

When assigning a subsidy, the following are taken into account:

- regional standards for living space;

- standards for the consumption of utilities;

- subsistence minimum by socio-demographic groups;

- total family income, existing benefits.

Regional standards residential area:

33 sq. m. - for a citizen living alone;

21 sq. m. - for one member of a family consisting of two people;

20 sq. m - for one member of a family consisting of three people;

19 sq. m - for one member of a family consisting of four people;

18 sq. m. - for one member of a family consisting of five or more people.

Living wage for the 4th quarter of 2009(approved by the Decree of the Government of the UK dated 01.01.2001) for socio-demographic groups is:

For the able-bodied population - 5115 rubles;

For pensioners - 3925 rubles;

For children - 4837 rubles;

The calculation of the subsidy is made for the following services: payment for housing, payment for hot and cold water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas supply (including the supply of domestic gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including the supply solid fuel with stove heating).

The following are eligible for subsidies:

Users of residential premises in the state and municipal housing stock;

Tenants of residential premises under a contract in a private residential premises;

Members of a housing or housing cooperative;

Owners of residential premises (apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building)

Subsidies are assigned upon application from the 1st to the 15th day from the 1st day of the current month, and when applied from the 16th to the end of the month from the 1st of the next month, after providing all the required documents in full.

Subsidies are provided for a period of six months.

Recipients of subsidies have the right to use subsidies to pay for housing and any types of utility services provided to them.

Subsidies are provided to citizens in the absence of arrears in payment of housing and communal services or upon conclusion of an agreement with organizations - service providers for its repayment.

Family receiving subsidy , is protected from the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services, since when the tariffs are increased, the subsidy is automatically recalculated.

The transfer of subsidies is carried out to the bank accounts of citizens or delivered through post offices.

Documents required to apply for grants:

1. Copies of documents confirming the legal grounds for classifying persons living together with the applicant at the place of permanent residence as family members (certificate of family composition, marriage (divorce) certificate).

2. Copies of documents confirming the legal grounds for the applicant's possession and use of the residential premises in which he is registered at the place of permanent residence.

3. Documents containing information about persons registered jointly with the applicant at the place of his permanent residence.

4. Documents confirming the income of the applicant and his family members for the last six months preceding the month in which the application for a subsidy was submitted.

5. Documents containing information on payments for housing and utilities accrued for the last month before submitting the application, and on the presence (absence) of arrears in payment for housing and utilities.

6. Copies of documents confirming that the applicant and his family members are entitled to benefits for paying utility bills.

7. Copies of documents certifying that the applicant and his family members belong to the citizenship of the Russian Federation (copies of passports)

When calculating the subsidy, it is unacceptable to exclude from the applicant's family members registered at the place of residence in this residential area its members who temporarily reside in another residential area in the same or another locality and registered in it at the place of residence.

Making it easier for pensioners to collect the necessary certificates and documents for receiving subsidies, the department monthly forms requests to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Trunovsky District about the amount of pensions.

To collect the necessary certificates and documents on the issue of providing subsidies, issuing calculation results, consulting citizens, specialists from the department for accrual and payment of housing subsidies make monthly trips to all villages of the district according to the schedule, every first Thursday and Friday of the month.

Granting of the subsidy is suspended if:

Non-payment by the recipient of the subsidy of current payments for housing and (or) utilities within 2 months;

Non-fulfillment by the recipient of the subsidy of the terms of the agreement on repayment of arrears in payment for housing and utilities;

Non-fulfillment by the recipient of subsidies of the requirements to submit documents within a month after the occurrence of events that entail a decrease in the amount of the subsidy or termination of the right to receive a subsidy (change of the place of permanent residence of the recipient of the subsidy and his family members, grounds of residence, citizenship, family composition);

The decision to suspend is communicated to the beneficiary of the grant in writing.

The grant will terminate if:

Changes in the place of permanent residence of the recipient of the subsidy;

Changes in the family composition of the recipient of the subsidy, grounds for residence (if these changes resulted in the loss of the right to receive the subsidy);

Provision by the applicant (recipient of the subsidy) and (or) members of his family of knowingly false information that is essential for the provision of the subsidy, its amount;

Non-repayment of the debt or non-approval of the debt repayment period within one month from the date of notification of the recipient of the subsidy on the suspension of the provision of the subsidy (in the absence of good reason her education).

Unjustifiably received as a subsidy funds are credited against the future subsidy, and in the absence of the right to receive a subsidy in subsequent months, these funds are voluntarily returned by the recipient of the subsidy. In case of refusal to voluntarily return these funds, they will be demanded upon a claim in judicial order in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For advice and registration of a subsidy for paying for housing and utilities, residents of the district can contact the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Trunovsky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory, at the address: with. Donskoye, visiting days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from to 16-00; visiting days in all villages of the district: the first Thursday and Friday of each month, contact phone: 36-5-19.

Head of Department

From citizen(s): _____________________
phone number: _________________

on the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities

1. I ask you to provide a subsidy for the payment of housing and utilities to me and my family members currently registered at the place of permanent residence in a residential building at the address: ___________________________________

When granting a subsidy, please take into account information about family members and co-owners who are not registered at the specified address.

No. p / p

Degree of relationship with the applicant

Registration address (only family members and co-owners registered at a different address are filled in)

Availability of benefits (measures of social support, compensation)

I ask you to transfer subsidies to my bank account or by delivering funds through post offices: ______________________________

2. To confirm the rights to receive a subsidy, I provide the following information and bear full responsibility for it. Type of housing in which the family is currently registered at the place of residence and lives (underline as appropriate): state housing stock; departmental housing stock; cooperative housing; privatized; privatized (private) housing occupied as a result of a secondary transaction (inheritance, donation, etc.); Housing in the private sector; Meters (underline as appropriate): gas, hot water, cold water; Tot. sq. ___ sq. m., residential area. ____ sq. m.
3. Documents submitted by me and copies of documents in the amount of ____ pieces, including:
- about belonging to family members (certificate of marriage, divorce, birth certificate of a child) _____pcs.
- on the basis of possession and use of residential premises ________;
- about the income of the applicant and members of his family ______ pieces;
- on accrued payments for housing and communal services ___________pcs.;
- presence (absence) of arrears in payments _____pcs.;
- on benefits, measures of social support and compensation for payment of housing and communal services ______ units;
- on registration at the place of residence (house book, apartment card, contract of employment (gratuitous use)) ________ pcs.;
- about citizenship (passport, birth certificate) ______ pcs.
- other_________________________________________________________________________

4. I am warned about the responsibility for providing incomplete or deliberately false information and documents.
5. I undertake to use subsidies only to pay for housing and communal services (including for the purchase of solid fuels in the presence of stove heating and liquefied gas cylinders) and in the event of a change in circumstances in the family (change of permanent residence, grounds for residence, citizenship, composition families) provide supporting documents within 1 month after the occurrence of these events.
6. I am acquainted with the established Rules for the provision of subsidies, including verification of the submitted information on income in tax and other authorities (organizations), including the conditions for suspension, termination of the provision of subsidies, and I undertake to comply with their requirements.
7. In case of unreasonable receipt of subsidies, I undertake to reimburse their amount to the budget of the Stavropol Territory after receiving notification _________________________

8. I do not object (I object) to the receipt by the administration of labor and social protection of the population of the administration of the Trunovsky municipal district without my participation of the information:

From the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation information about my income and the income of my family members, confirmed by the documents of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

From organizations and enterprises of housing and communal services of various forms of ownership, information on the amount of monthly payments for housing and utilities and on the presence (absence) of debts for their payment;

Verify the information I have provided, obtain information from other organizations, and process my personal data in the prescribed manner for the purpose of transferring housing subsidies .

Application and documents in the amount of _______ pcs. accepted.


Application accepted by:

(decoding of the applicant's signature) (signature)

(full name official) (signature of the official)

(date of submission of application)

(date of application acceptance)

State social assistance involves the allocation financial resources citizens (payments, benefits, subsidies) that are part of any unprotected layer.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The most important document guaranteeing state assistance to the population is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This is where it talks about social basis country, on creating conditions for a decent existence and free development of the individual.

Information on the legal and organizational framework for providing financial support to families and single citizens whose income level does not reach , is contained in Federal Law No. 178, adopted by the Duma in 1999.

The law of the same name "On State Social Assistance" contains information about sources, types, amounts, the procedure for assigning benefits and other important issues.

No less important is the Federal Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation”, dated 1997.

The concept and purpose of the provision

State support is expressed in the provision of certain payments (compensations, subsidies, benefits), as well as in the allocation of vital goods to citizens belonging to.

The most important principle of support is in its programs (cash payments).

This approach allows you to most correctly identify the needy through following methods:

In conditions modern economy social policy occupies a very important place, because aimed at solving the following goals:

  • improving the standard of living of the population;
  • such important indicators like the quality and competitiveness of the workforce;
  • performance income official duties should be the main source of financial resources of citizens, as well as an incentive for the development of various kinds of industries;
  • effective control of the real level of income, for example, by reconciling declared income with actual expenses incurred;
  • ensuring balance in the employment of citizens (prevention of a large number and release of surplus labor force);
  • strengthening the targeting of social support through enhanced monitoring of family income and application-based assistance.

Types of state support

Article 12 of the Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" provides for the provision:

Social benefits can be characterized by the following features:

  1. Free of charge, i.e. the citizen who received the payment is not obliged to return it.
  2. Fixed size. The law does not contain information about a certain amount, but establishes limit value. Usually state aid directly depends on the income level of the citizen who applied for it and his family members. Both values ​​in total cannot be higher than the cost of living.
  3. Material aid. The current situation in the country is such that the income level of many citizens is in a very deplorable state; there are not enough funds even for basic needs: food, clothing, medicines.
  4. The payment is made by the corresponding budget. Financial assistance can be provided to citizens from the budget of any level.
  5. Purpose, i.e. A citizen can spend the paid funds only in the directions described in the law.

The state can also make compensation payments, for example, refund previously paid utility bills.

For support in kind can count on:

  • pensioner living alone;
  • a family raising a child who has not reached the age of majority, provided that both or the only parent are covered by a pension payment in accordance with the achievement of the age limit or disability of 1 or 2 groups;
  • a family raising 3 or more children;
  • a family with a minor child with low body weight or tuberculosis.

Compound grocery set determined by the local government. Often it includes: flour, cereals, pasta, butter and vegetable oil, sausage, etc. The price of such a kit is 480 rubles.

Families and single citizens with low income may apply for:

  • free hot meals;
  • bath services;
  • solid fuel.

Who is supposed to

State assists:

To receive state support of a social nature, you must submit a written application and papers confirming the composition of the family to the social protection department in accordance with the place of permanent residence.

If the reason for seeking help is hidden in difficult life circumstances, then care should be taken to collect papers confirming the occurrence of a particular event.

Social protection usually conducts additional verification of the information provided by the applicant.

If a citizen provided false information or kept silent about something, then a negative answer may come from the social protection department.

In the following situations assistance may not be assigned or terminated:

  • income has increased to an amount exceeding the subsistence level;
  • the recipient was sentenced to imprisonment;
  • the citizen began to receive full state support;
  • the information provided is not correct;
  • death of the person asking for help.

Procedure and terms of provision

State support can be assigned by social protection, which is responsible for the territory in which a single citizen or a cell of society with a low income lives or stays. All necessary actions are carried out only if the person has sent a written application with a corresponding request to the MFC or the body responsible for providing assistance.

The department of social protection has 10 days to consider the application sent by the citizen and draw up a response with a positive decision or with a justified refusal. If additional control is required, for example, in relation to the information provided on the income received, then social protection may be limited to sending a preliminary response announcing the verification. Then the deadline for issuing the final verdict changes to 30 days from the date of submission of the application.

Grounds for refusal and termination of provision

In accordance with applicable law, state support can be denied on the following grounds: the presence of incompleteness or inaccuracies in the information provided on the size of the family, on the level of income and on the property owned.

If a citizen does not agree with the refusal, then he has the right to apply with a corresponding application to the social protection department or to the court.

Each recipient of state support is obliged to inform about changes in family composition, income and property within 14 days from the day marked by the changes.

That is, if a long-awaited increase in the level wages the head of the family, as a result of which the average per capita income exceeded the subsistence minimum, then this family ceases to be poor and, accordingly, does not need material support from the state. The termination of payments is made from the 1st day of the month following the one in which the changes occurred.

About implementation federal law No. 178, see the following video: