The main object of financial control is. Bodies exercising financial control in the Russian Federation (list). Subjects of financial control: intracorporate and intradepartmental structures

  • 08.12.2019

Financial control is an integral part, or a special branch, carried out in the country of control. The presence of financial control is objectively due to the fact that finance, as an economic category, has not only distributive, but also control functions. Therefore, the use of finance by the state to solve its problems necessarily involves monitoring the progress of these tasks with their help. Financial control is carried out in accordance with the established legal regulations order by the entire system of state authorities and bodies local government, including special control bodies with the participation public organizations, labor collectives and citizens.

The purpose of financial control is expressed in the fact that during its implementation it is checked, firstly, compliance with the established legal order in the process financial activities state and public bodies, enterprises, institutions, and secondly, the economic feasibility and effectiveness of the actions taken, their compliance with the tasks of the state.

Financial control is control over the legality of actions in the field of education and use Money the state and local self-government entities for the purpose of effective socio-economic development of the country and individual regions.

Financial control includes: control over the execution of the budget; budgets of subjects; budgets of off-budget funds; control over the state of external and internal debt; state reserves.

The object of financial control is not limited to checking only cash. Ultimately, it means control over the use of material, labor, natural and other resources of the country, since in modern conditions the process of production and distribution is mediated by monetary relations.

Specific forms and methods of financial control make it possible to ensure the interests and rights of both the state and its institutions, and all other economic entities; financial violations entail sanctions and fines.

State financial control is designed to implement the financial policy of the state, create conditions for financial stabilization. This is, first of all, the development, approval and execution of budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds, as well as control over financial activities state enterprises and institutions, state banks and corporations. Financial control by the state, the non-state sphere of the economy affects only the sphere of fulfillment of monetary obligations to the state, including taxes and other payments, compliance with the law and expediency when spending allocated or budgetary subsidies and loans, as well as compliance with the rules established by the government for organizing cash payments, keeping records and reporting.

Financial control over the activities of enterprises also includes control by credit institutions, shareholders and internal control.

Financial control is inherent in all financial and legal institutions. Therefore, in addition to the general financial and legal norms governing the organization and procedure for conducting financial control in general, there are norms that provide for its specifics in individual financial legal institutions.

Market relations are accompanied by the emergence of enterprises of new forms of ownership, a change in sources financial resources, the principles of financing and lending, pricing, monetary settlements, the division of income, the composition of the financial and credit system and the relationship between its parts. Under these conditions, many new areas of financial control have appeared that are not in the plans of the control bodies, which have not been given due attention in the administrative management system. A large area of ​​activity for financial control has formed.

a) verification of fulfillment of financial obligations to the state and

local governments, organizations and citizens;

b) verifying the correct use of government and

municipal enterprises, institutions, organizations,

under their economic control or operational management

monetary resources (bank loans, extrabudgetary funds and other


in ) verification of compliance with the rules for financial transactions, settlements

and storage of funds by enterprises, organizations,


G ) identification of internal reserves of production;

e) elimination and prevention of violations financial discipline.

If they are identified, appropriate action is taken.

impact on organizations officials and citizens

reimbursement provided material damage the state

organizations, citizens.

Scope of application

A necessary condition for the effectiveness of financial control is an accounting system that ensures the reliability and completeness of the reflection of the cost indicators of the activity of a reporting legal or individual. Only under this condition, the results of financial control make it possible to analyze and objectively assess the dynamics financial indicators and adjustments in the implementation of financial policy for a certain period of development of both a separate sphere of activity and the entire state.

In countries with market economy the sphere of state financial control ensures the implementation of the financial policy of the state. State financial control applies only to the links of the system public finance and covers only the socialized part of the gross product. First of all, this is the preparation and execution of the state budget, extra-budgetary government funds, local finances and finances of state enterprises. The activities of monopolies and private entrepreneurial activity are subject to state financial control only in terms of compliance with financial discipline when carried out by monopolies government orders, when providing monopolies and private entrepreneurs with subsidies and loans, when they draw up tax returns.

For the sphere state control coming out financial control exercised in the sphere of activity of monopolies and private entrepreneurship by the owners themselves financial capital or its individual components. Here, financial control is carried out, perhaps, the most uncompromising, because the financial performance of the activities of the capital owners themselves directly depends on its daily routine and severity. The ultimate goal of entrepreneurial activity in any field, as a rule, is enrichment, i.e. nothing more than an increase in the original capital.

The cost element of financial control is financial control of independent audit services. The audit is aimed at assessing the reliability of financial statements, deep economic analysis financial activities, assessment of the financial reliability of a firm, enterprise, bank, insurance organization or other controlled legal entity and preparation of an appropriate conclusion.

Financial control economic concept, which can have the widest range of interpretations. Let's consider the most popular of them in the Russian expert community, and also study a number of critical aspects this type of control.

The concept of financial control

Under financial control means a procedure or a set of procedures aimed at assessing the compliance of the activities of an organization in the field of cash management with the norms established in legislative legal acts approved at various levels.

The term under consideration is often identified with the concept of financial audit. In some cases, this is quite acceptable, but it should be understood that verification is only one of the possible methods financial control.

Along with checks financial control can be expressed as:

  • analysis;
  • surveys;
  • observations.

Let's study their specifics in more detail.

Basic methods of financial control: verification, analysis, survey, observation

The audit involves the implementation of measures aimed at identifying the facts of violations by the organization of the norms of cash management. It is quite complex and may involve the use of a wide range of additional methods.

The essence of the second procedure that forms financial control or an integral part of it - analysis - consists in detecting not only facts of violations in the procedures for managing the finances of an enterprise, but also cause-and-effect relationships that cause possible deviations in the financial activities of the audited organization from the established norms. Analysis within financial control characterized by the consideration of financial management processes at the lowest possible level, as localized as possible.

The survey, in turn, is not aimed at identifying facts of violations of financial management standards, but at a timely search for the causes that cause them.

Observation is a “lighter” version of the survey, which provides for the discovery of the causes that cause violations in financial management, but not because of their accentuated search, as in the survey, but because they become obvious in a general acquaintance with the activities of the object of control.

Consider a few simple examples of the use of certain methods financial control.

Example 1Testing and analysis method

The auditing firm "Partner" began to check the primary documents of LLC "Master" and revealed by the method of verification that they were drawn up using incorrect forms. Through the analysis, it was revealed that the reason for this is the use of an outdated accounting program, in which invalid forms of forms are prescribed.

Example 2Examination method

The audit firm "Investor" began to check the primary documents of LLC "Couturier". Using the method of surveying the infrastructure and software used by the company, it was revealed that an outdated accounting program was installed on the computers of the audited organization, as a result of which it became obvious that the primary forms created with its help were drawn up incorrectly.

Example 3. Observation Method

The expert of the audit firm "Investor", having received the chief accounting PC of LLC "Pechatnik" at his disposal, saw on the desktop operating system the icon of the accounting program in version 4.0, while version 12.0 of the program has long become relevant, and immediately notified the accounting department that the software was outdated, and the primary forms were thus filled out incorrectly.

Main functions of financial control

It will be useful to consider key features financial control as an economic institution. The key functions are the following:

  • law enforcement;
  • preventive;
  • corrective;
  • analytical.

As for the first point, here financial control acts as a tool to identify violations of legislation (budgetary, tax, administrative, civil, corporate). Thus, the auditing organization contributes to the protection of the rights of those entities that may suffer due to the shortcomings made by the object of control in terms of following the norms of the relevant branch of law.

In turn, as part of the preventive function financial control can prevent the consequences of violations of the law in these areas of law, if certain shortcomings made by the audited organization can be identified even before legally significant financial management actions are taken by the relevant entity.

The corrective function involves the involvement financial control as a tool that stimulates the necessary changes in the cash management policy of the audited organization. The supervisory authority identifies shortcomings in this area, after which the object financial control takes measures to eliminate them and thus adjusts its financial management system.

Analytic function financial control involves identifying the causes and patterns that lead to violations by the objects of control of the norms of legislation regarding the management of financial resources.

Key tasks of financial control

The most important aspect of studying the specifics financial control— Consideration of the tasks specific to this activity. Experts subdivide tasks financial control into 2 main groups:

  • those related to ensuring the legality of the procedures for managing the organization's financial resources;
  • those related to the legal protection of stakeholders related to the object financial control,— owners, managers, shareholders.

As for the tasks of the first type, the key ones can be called checking:

  • correctness and integrity of cash and accounting documentation;
  • the infrastructure of the financial management system in the organization;
  • competencies of specialists responsible for financial management;
  • compliance of actions related to financial management with legislative criteria in terms of timing, the use of certain forms, the use of document exchange channels;
  • facts confirming the targeted spending of funds by the organization.

Among the key tasks financial control belonging to the second category:

  • verification and analysis of the sophistication and stability of the decision-making system for capital management in the organization;
  • analysis of algorithms for checking the quality of making relevant decisions;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of using financial resources in terms of the profitability of the company (if we are talking about a commercial structure) or minimizing costs (if we are considering the activities of a budgetary organization).

Consider another useful aspect financial control.

Economic Importance of Financial Control

Economic importance financial control can be seen in aspects such as:

  • stimulating the desire of control objects to ensure the legality of financial management procedures;
  • optimization of the structure of capital management in a commercial firm or in a budgetary organization - as a result, an increase in the efficiency of the work of the relevant entities;
  • assistance in solving systemic economic tasks state and society - from the point of view of the stability of tax payments to the budget of the state or municipality, employment of citizens, development of market relations.

Thus, the institute financial control is of great importance both for the state economy and for local economic systems - budgetary and commercial.

Having considered the concept and meaning of financial control, we will study the specifics of its 2 large-scale varieties - state and municipal control.

The essence of state financial control in the Russian Federation

There are 2 main approaches to understanding the state financial control.

Firstly, it can be understood as the activities of state structures that carry out verification of entities legally independent of the inspection body. These can be both public institutions and private ones.

In the first case, the feature of the state financial control will consist in the fact that its subjects find out how much the activity of the audited organization in managing mainly budgetary funds complies with the established standards. But in cases where public sector entity carries out entrepreneurial activity(for example, when it comes to autonomous institution), subject financial control may also be the management of extrabudgetary funds.

If the object of control is a private firm, then the audit may be associated with the identification of violations of certain legal norms that are related to the commercial activities of the audited organization, for example, in terms of taxation and reporting.

Secondly, the state financial control can be carried out in relation to structures legally dependent on the inspection body. It involves the verification of the activities of any department of the department or body as a whole by full-time specialists or sent by a higher authority. In this case, we are most often talking about checking the efficiency of spending budget funds, but if commercial activity provided for a particular state organization, then the verification also examines the correctness of its implementation.

State financial control can also be classified according to the scope economic activity. For example, checks can be tax, customs, monetary, etc.

State financial control carried out mainly through inspections, that is, actions aimed at identifying violations of the laws governing financial management. State audits are divided into 2 categories - cameral and field.

Inspections of the first type involve the implementation by employees of the inspecting state structure of the necessary actions within the location of the relevant body. Field inspections involve the implementation of the necessary actions at the location of the audited organization.

State financial control: main legal acts

Which sources of law from among those operating in the Russian Federation regulate the state financial control? The main ones can be called:

  • the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, chapter 26;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 25, 1996 No. 1095.

The first source of law defines:

  • types of state and municipal financial control carried out in the Russian Federation;
  • objects financial control;
  • methods financial control;
  • authorities financial control;
  • the specifics and sources of official document flow between the subjects and objects of control.

Presidential Decree No. 1095 is in fact the only NLA adopted at the federal level that formalizes the institution of state financial control and defining the main organs that are its subjects. In particular, we are talking about such structures as the Accounts Chamber, the Central Bank, and the Ministry of Finance.

Note that Decree No. 1095 establishes that the state financial control can be carried out by any authorities competent in matters of receipt and expenditure of funds within the national budget system.

State control: the essence of regulations and instructions

The peculiarity of state audits is that, based on their results, the employees of the auditing authority draw up an act, in accordance with which the address of the organization that is the object of financial control, a decision or an order may be sent.

What are their features?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 270.2 of the RF BC, a submission should be understood as a document issued by an authority financial control, which reflects:

  • information about violations of the norms of budgetary legislation and other legal acts related to budgetary processes, which the audited company must consider within 30 days or the period specified in the document;
  • requirements for the audited organization to take measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings, as well as the causes and conditions that influenced their occurrence.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 270.2 of the RF BC, an order is understood as a source that records the requirements for the organization to eliminate the violations of budget law norms committed by the organization, and also, if it is assumed from the results of the audit, the requirements for compensation by the company for damage to the state caused by the object of the audit due to violations of the budgetary legislation.

If the audited organization does not comply with the order of the state control body regarding compensation for damage, then the relevant inspection structure has the right to go to court with a claim for recovery of compensation - these are the provisions of clause 4 of article 270.2 of the RF BC.

Specificity of municipal financial control in the Russian Federation

Close enough to the above concept of the state financial control is municipal control. In principle, the difference between them boils down mainly to the fact that, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, state power is separated from local power, and the corresponding institutions of financial control are characterized by legal independence.

The main difference between municipal financial control from the state, therefore, is the level of performance of their functions by inspection organizations, as well as the way in which the relevant bodies are established. State structures are formed with the participation of authorities at the federal or regional level. Municipal structures, in turn, are formed by local authorities, while they, as a rule, are not accountable to the state. However, their activities are based on the provisions of local laws and regulations, which should not contradict regional or federal sources of law. In this sense, some subordination between state and municipal entities financial control can still be traced.

From the point of view of the methods used, as well as the specifics of interaction between legally dependent or independent entities, the work of municipal inspection structures is generally similar to that of state structures. Also, as in the case of inspections of state structures, the bodies that carry out financial control in municipalities, form acts, issue resolutions or instructions. Their checks are also divided into cameral and field checks.

Typically, the authorities financial control at the level of local government, have a smaller range of powers compared to the state. In principle, the jurisdiction of municipal inspectors rarely extends to legally independent entities - as a rule, only in those cases when it is necessary to check how the municipal budget is spent.

It may also be noted that usually government bodies financial control are formed strictly vertically - the relevant departments are approved at the federal level, after which their territorial divisions are opened in the regions. Municipal authorities in the Russian Federation can, in turn, approve their own departments responsible for financial control and actively engage with external subjects of control, such as, for example, auditors, community groups, NGOs.

Financial control - this is the activity of state, municipal, public and other business entities regulated by the norms of law to verify the timeliness and accuracy of financial planning, the validity and completeness of income receipts in the relevant funds of funds, the correctness and efficiency of their use.

Types of financial control

By controlling entities financial control may be state, on-farm, financial and credit bodies, public and independent (audit).

According to the directions (objects) of financial control, it is divided into: budgetary, tax, insurance, banking, investment, customs, currency, etc.

Financial control is the most important means ensuring the rule of law in financial and economic activities. It is designed to prevent mismanagement and extravagance, to identify facts of abuse and theft of inventory items and money, to determine the purposefulness and efficiency of the use of funds of financial resources.

Effectiveness financial control exercised by various entities (public authorities, local governments, auditors, audit firms) largely depends on the degree of organization of control and audit work .

Under form of financial control understand the ways of concrete expression and organization of control actions. Depending on the time control, there are three main forms of financial control - preliminary, current and subsequent, which are carried out in the appropriate forms.

Preliminary financial control is carried out before financial and economic operations are performed in the form of: checking financial and planning documents, checking receipts and expenditure documents when they are signed by the head and chief accountant (1 and 2 signatures), registration and approval of staffing tables, checking and endorsement of contracts, checking advance reports etc. In addition, preliminary control is carried out by higher economic management bodies and institutions of the financial and credit system when considering financial (credit, cash) plans, estimates and other regulatory calculations, opening limits for budget assignments and transferring budget funds, paying for expenditure documents through territorial bodies federal treasury.

Follow-up control is carried out after the financial and economic operations are completed in order to additionally verify their legality and validity, expediency and economic efficiency. This form of control is carried out in the form of: audits, various checks (thematic, operational, in-depth, cluster, etc.), analysis of reports and balances , as well as using other forms directly on the spot - in enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Current (operational) control is carried out directly in the process of spending and receiving funds, is a type of managerial financial control carried out at all stages of a managerial decision related to the formation, distribution and use of funds of financial resources and is carried out in the form of monitoring (observation). On the basis of operational and accounting data, inventories and visual observation, current control helps prevent the commission of financial offenses, as well as regulate financial risks, ensures the achievement of management goals. object current control is the documentation directly related to the payment or receipt of funds, the execution of budgets and estimates. Actual costs are regularly compared with current spending standards in order to promptly identify variances.

Under control methods understand the techniques and methods of its implementation. The main methods of financial control are combined into 4 groups:

Methods of documentary control, which are based on the verification of documents confirming the performance of financial and economic transactions (verification of the essence of the transaction, its accounting verification, etc.).

Methods of actual control are based on checking the actual availability of monetary, material and other means (assets), establishing their compliance with accounting data (inventory, test purchase, control measurement or opening, etc.).

Calculation and analytical methods which are based on causal relationships between events and phenomena, as well as planned, accounting and reporting data (logical evaluation of information, analysis of financial statements, data sampling and grouping, etc.)

Informative methods- obtaining additional information confirming the type and size of the financial violation, the causes and perpetrators, the circumstances and other facts of its commission (written explanations, certificates, etc.).

The main method of financial control is the audit, which is carried out in order to establish the legality, expediency and economic efficiency each financial transaction and the activities of officials for their completion, assessment of the state of financial discipline at a particular facility. Legislation establishes the mandatory and regular nature of audits. They are carried out on the spot and are based on the verification of primary documents, accounting registers, accounting and statistical reporting, the actual availability of funds. As a rule, audits are carried out on the basis of a predetermined program of work. auditors, who are endowed with broad rights:

    to check primary documents, financial statements, plans, estimates, the actual availability of money, securities, inventory items and fixed assets at the audited enterprises;

    conduct partial or continuous inventories, seal warehouses, cash desks, storerooms;

    involve specialists and experts for auditing;

    receive written explanations from officials and materially responsible persons on issues arising during the audit, etc.

Audits are carried out in accordance with the plan, which is compiled in higher bodies: ministries, federal services and agencies. Scheduled audits of organizations that carry out cash transactions are carried out at least once a year, and those that do not carry out cash transactions - at least twice a year.

Methods of financial control , as well as its types and forms are presented in a fairly wide range of varieties. Let's take a look at the ones that are used the most.

As for the legislative authorities, financial control is most often carried out by the Accounts Chamber, which is formed with the participation of both chambers of the Russian parliament - the State Duma and the Federation Council. Accounting chambers are also being formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the participation of regional parliaments.

Law enforcement structures that can apply financial control are the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Prosecutor General's Office. These departments also function centrally - regional structures are subordinate to federal structures.

Subjects of financial control: banks, auditors

The subject of financial control can be both the Central Bank and commercial credit institutions. At the same time, the latter are accountable to the Central Bank in terms of carrying out the main financial activities.

Auditors can be external and internal (or departmental). The former, as a rule, exercise financial control on a commercial basis, as a service. At the same time, the results of such checks are usually provided for some external entity, for example, an investor or a bank.

Internal audit is a subspecies of internal corporate or departmental financial control. Its results are usually used within a particular organization. Most often it is implemented by the internal services of the company. But sometimes firms also turn to external auditors who provide services in the form of outsourcing.

Subjects of financial control: higher structures, public figures

Financial control can be initiated and carried out by an institution to which a firm or budgetary organization is accountable - a holding, a central office, a main department, a central office, etc.

It is quite possible to initiate financial control procedures public associations. At the same time, they can be both independent subjects of inspections (if they include competent employees capable of conducting appropriate control), and send appeals to other subjects of control, whose work is in any way related to the organization that public activists drew attention to.

Subjects of financial control: intracorporate and intradepartmental structures

The work of intra-corporate or intra-departmental subjects of financial control (they can be services and departments financial analysis or structures for conducting internal audit) is characterized, as a rule, by a significantly narrower focus in comparison with the actions that the structures discussed above can carry out.

Classification of types of control: directions of inspections

Another basis for classification types of financial control, which is distinguished by Russian researchers - the direction of inspections. It comes in 3 main categories:

  • revisions of the document flow;
  • technical checks;
  • reporting checks.

As for the first direction of financial control, auditors in this case most often examine legally significant sources on the basis of which the organization makes certain decisions on capital management.

In the technical aspect, the infrastructure used to implement legally significant actions, for example, those related to the signing of banking and other documents using an EDS, can be checked. This direction audits in a number of aspects may be associated with audit activities, for example, if it is required to establish whether the software for electronic keys complies with legal requirements.

The third direction of inspections involves the study by the inspection structure of documents related to accounting, tax and management reporting. These may be original documents unified forms, forms, internal corporate sources, extracts.

Methods of financial control: documentary verification

This group of methods is the key one from the point of view of auditing the workflow, which we described above. According to many experts, the group under consideration methods of financial control - the main, the most demanded by inspectors from the point of view of solving the tasks assigned to them.

Methods related to the group under consideration include:

  • study of documents for the correctness of details - involves reconciliation of those with a list of criteria established by law or at the level of a local regulatory legal act for specific type business papers;
  • studying the content of documents for semantic correctness, arithmetic accuracy - it happens that even if the details are observed, the document may be drawn up incorrectly due to the lack of semantic logic in it, for example, if the tax return for the 2nd quarter was signed in February; arithmetic errors may also occur, for example, if in the balance sheet the sum of indicators in lines 1110-1190 is not equal to the figure in line 1100;
  • examination of documents for authenticity - the authenticity of a document may not be recognized if, during verification, it turns out that it is signed by a facsimile, or if it appearance clearly not similar to similar sources printed at about the same time and in the same department - this may indicate that the document is forged;
  • studying the content of documents for compliance with laws and regulations - a method close to the first in the list, but deeper; it involves the study of not only details, but also the provisions of the source.
  • comparative analysis of sources is one of the methods to identify fakes, and also, if necessary, to assess the quality of the company's documentation: the compared source can be a certain reference sample that fully meets the filling requirements;
  • checking the completeness of documents - many sources are legally valid only if supplemented with other documents, for example, an advance report is valid only in conjunction with supporting documents - checks, receipts, BSO.

Methods of financial control: actual check

Methods of financial control related to the group under consideration may include:

  • checking the quality of the enterprise infrastructure;
  • carrying out measurements, tests;
  • inventory.

As for the first point, the infrastructure that the enterprise has can be checked for compliance with SanPiN, environmental legislation, various GOSTs, and internal corporate standards.

Measurements and tests can help inspectors when searching for shortcomings in goods produced by an enterprise, identifying non-compliance of premises with the requirements of laws in terms of ensuring labor safety, and if we are talking about internal verification, identifying weaknesses in the organization of production.

Inventory is a complementary method designed to identify deficiencies in the completeness of certain elements. Both from the point of view of the objective needs of the business, and in the context of the compliance of the volumes of production assets declared in the reporting with the actual ones.

Financial Control Methods: Competence Test

Checking the competency system involves working mainly in the direction of personnel management. The inspectors, who use the group of methods under consideration, interact with the employees responsible for managing the company's finances and find out how much their level of experience and skills allows them to solve the tasks.

Data methods of financial control can be represented by testing, interviews, focus groups, monitoring production possibilities employees, conducting surveys, studying employee personal cards, social media profiles, in some cases contacting previous employers or educational institutions in which the employees of the company studied.

Financial control - this is a set of actions and operations to check the financial and related issues of the activities of business entities and management (state, enterprises, institutions, organizations) using specific forms and methods of its organization. It is carried out by legislative and executive authorities of all levels, as well as specially created institutions and includes:

    control over compliance with financial and economic legislation in the process of formation and use of cash funds,

    assessment of the economic efficiency of financial and economic operations and the feasibility of the costs incurred.

Financial control, unlike other types of control (environmental, sanitary, administrative, etc.), is associated with the use of cost categories. The subject of audits are such financial (cost) indicators as profit, income, profitability, cost, costs, circulation, value added tax, deductions for various purposes and funds. These indicators are synthetic in nature, therefore, control over their implementation, dynamics, trends covers all aspects of the production, economic and commercial activities of enterprises, as well as the mechanism of financial and credit relationships. The object of financial control is monetary, distributive processes in the formation and use of financial resources, including in the form of cash funds at all levels of the national economy.

Financial control- this is a set of measures taken by the subjects of control to verify financial and related transactions, actions of state authorities, municipalities, enterprises, as well as the population.

The object of the financial control is the system of monetary relations (payments to the budget).

Subject of financial control:

    budget indicators at all stages of the budget process (a review of the implementation of the financial budget is being prepared);

    Financial performance of business entities;

    indicators characterizing monetary and credit relations (calculations made through commercial banks);

    indicators of the insurance market.

Purpose of financial control promoting the successful implementation of the financial policy of the state and economic entities; ensuring the effectiveness of the process of formation, distribution and use of financial resources.

Financial control is subject to the following tasks:

        ensure compliance with financial legislation (civil, budgetary, banking);

        ensure the timeliness and completeness of payment of tax obligations (taxes are provided by the budget);

        promote efficient and targeted use of funds;

        identification of reserves for the growth of financial resources (budget, extra-budgetary funds, organizations)

        ensure the correctness of accounting and reporting, etc.

The main purpose of financial control is to ensure the efficiency of the process of formation and spending of funds in the hands of the state. Control is an integral element of the public administration process. It contributes to the successful implementation of the tasks facing budget system countries. In terms of budget control financial control is designed to ensure 1 :

    correctness of compilation budgets different levels and their execution;

    compliance with the current budget and tax legislation, the correctness of accounting, reporting;

    effective and targeted use of public funds budget and off-budget funds; the correctness of operations with budgetary funds on accounts in banks and other credit institutions;

    identification of reserves for the growth of budget revenues and savings;

    successful implementation interbudgetary relations; efficient and reasonable distribution financial support funds regions;

    suppression of offenses in public sector, detection of financial abuse and application of punishment to the guilty persons; compensation for the consequences of illegal actions;

    improvement of financial discipline, carrying out preventive and explanatory work.