The role of the workforce in enterprise management. Participation of labor collectives in the management of the organization. Setting the right problem

  • 24.06.2020


  1. The concept of a work collective………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  2. Types and structure of the labor collective……………………………………6

  3. Socio-psychological characteristics of the team……………..10

  4. Workforce management……………………………………..13

  5. Management through committees……………………………………...17

List of used literature…………………………………………...21

The implementation of radical socio-economic and political reforms, as a rule, is associated with a certain dehumanization of relations between people included in various management systems. The situation in Russia is no exception. Nevertheless, overcoming the crises that arise at this stage is impossible without refusing to ignore the problems of relations with personnel, from the desire to manipulate personnel. And more and more, personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of an organization's life, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the concept itself "personnel Management" is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

At the heart of the approach of the team of authors - representation of the sphere of personnel management as a special "human dimension" of the organization. To a large extent, this angle of view was determined by the professional basis of the members of the group of authors - basically humanitarian. But not only this.

The practice of advising Russian organizations over the past five years indicates a serious strategic turn in the management approaches of most successful firms towards greater attention to the human, primarily professional and cultural component of their activities. And this requires a comprehensive consideration of the sphere of personnel management. Wherein important aspect analysis becomes an idea of ​​the holistic organizational and managerial context of the functioning and development of the organization.

  1. The concept of the workforce

Under the conditions of the existence of various forms of ownership, market and competition, the role and importance of labor collectives is significantly changing.

A labor collective is an association of workers who work together at a state, cooperative, public, private enterprise (association, firm, concern, etc.), institution, organization.

As part of a single labor collective, there are labor collectives of shops, departments, sections, brigades and other divisions. The powers and independence of the collective in making various kinds of decisions, in the development of management and self-government are gradually expanding. To create a work collective, at least the following conditions are required:

A) the presence of at least two people who consciously consider themselves part of this group;

B) the presence of at least one goal, which is accepted as common by all members of this group;

C) the presence of group members who deliberately work together to achieve a goal that is meaningful to all.

The role and importance of labor collectives in the development of society is enormous. The prosperity of society, the level and quality of life of people ultimately depend on the efficiency and quality of work of workers. The way to the success of each labor collective is to reduce the cost and production costs, increase its efficiency, technical and technological level and the level of organization of production; increasing the volume and quality of products and services; maximum consideration of consumer requests and price reduction in order to conquer the sales market, as a result - the improvement of the entire economy and the standard of living of the population in particular. Each work team has its own working environment.

Human labor is defined as a purposeful human activity, in the process of which he (man) creates material and spiritual values ​​to meet essential human needs. Labor is always performed in a certain space and time by certain means of labor within the framework of specific social relations that arise between people in the course of their labor activity. In this case, the environment can be understood as a set of conditions and influences that exist in a certain environment. human labor activity carried out in the working environment. Therefore, the working environment refers to the means, working conditions and relationships of individuals participating in the labor process.

The working environment includes physical factors - these are air, temperature, humidity, lighting, labor registration, noise level, etc., as well as technical and technological factors - these are means of labor, objects of labor and technological process. Means of labor, objects of labor and people in the labor collective are in constant interaction. The elements of the physical work environment are subject to constant change. These changes occur more rapidly among elements of the physical working environment that are the product of human labor and generate a range of social consequences. The change in the material elements of the physical working environment, which are part of nature, occurs more slowly and up to a certain point with less social consequences.

The position of a person in the labor collective can be different and depends on whether the physical working environment is dominated by material factors that are part of nature, or material factors that are the product of human labor. The relationships that people enter into in the process of labor activity form a social working environment.

In the course of labor activity, people enter into social relations, and within the framework of these social relations, interpersonal relations and mutual behavior of individuals are formed. The nature of interpersonal relations in the work team is determined by the social status and role of the individual in the work team and has a significant impact on human behavior in the work environment and the achievement of the effect of labor activity. The behavior of workers and the efficiency of labor activity are also influenced by such factors as the forms of organization and remuneration of labor, production and living conditions, the living environment of workers, etc.

  1. Types and structure of the labor collective

The group can act as a managing, managed or self-governing structure with varying degrees of cohesion of its members - from an unorganized crowd to a single team. To be considered a collective, a group must satisfy several criteria, the main of which can be considered the presence of a common goal for all its members (see paragraph 1). The latter can be formed as a result of the mutual influence of their individual goals or be set from the outside in accordance with the mission of the organization, but it will always be joint, the same for everyone, and not just the same. Another sign of the collective is the psychological recognition by the members of the group of each other, identification with it, which is based on common interests, ideals, principles, similarities or mutual complementarity of characters, temperaments, etc., although these points should not be overestimated.

Such psychological recognition is made by the constant practical interaction of people, as a result of which the potential turns out to be significantly greater than the sum of the potentials of each of its members.

First, the interaction allows you to overcome the limitations of the physical and intellectual abilities of each individual.

Secondly, on its basis, it is possible to perform a much larger amount of ordinary work due to the division and specialization of labor and the emergence, in addition to the participants, of the spirit of competition, which mobilizes hidden and significantly increases the intensity of activities.

Thirdly, conditions are created for the successful solution of problems; for one reason or another, it is impossible to distribute responsibilities between individual members of the group.

The fourth sign of the team can be considered the presence of a certain culture, expressed in common values, symbols, norms and rules of behavior in the team, entry or exit from it, requirements for the physical and moral appearance of its members. Each team has a tendency to idealize the past, present its history in the most favorable light, and maintain traditions. This forms a complex of ideas about the own superiority of some narrow area, gives it additional strength, stability, cohesion, and prevents disorganization.

Let's consider separate types of collectives from the point of view of management practice.

The composition of the teams are homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (diverse). These differences may relate to gender, age, profession, status, level of education and other characteristics.

Heterogeneous teams are more effective at solving complex problems; they are effective in intensive creative work (brainstorming). At the same time, homogeneous ones solve simple problems better. The greater the similarity between the members of the team, the greater the influence that they have on each other, the faster a sense of community is developed. However, internal competition is sharper here, and therefore homogeneous teams are more conflicted, especially purely female ones. But in general, an effective team should still consist of dissimilar personalities.

Each team has a specific structure. She may be:

Functional (based on the division of labor and the definition production tasks each);

Political (in accordance with belonging to certain groups);

Socio-demographic (by gender, age, education, qualifications, etc.);

Socio-psychological (in accordance with likes and dislikes);

Behavioral, determined by activity, etc.;

Motivated (depending on the driving factors of behavior).

According to their status, groups can be divided into official and unofficial. The first, for example, the personnel of an organization or unit, are legally registered and operate within the legal space. The latter are based on nowhere recorded or even declared desire to cooperate with each other and the real practice of such cooperation.

According to the nature of internal connections, formal and informal teams are distinguished. Forms of communication are prescribed in advance; in informal groups, relationships develop spontaneously by themselves. The boundaries of formal and informal teams most often do not coincide, so some employees may not be accepted into them or, on their own initiative, adhering to neutrality. The strength of the informal collective lies in the fact that it is impossible to seize it in a legally organized manner and bind it to norms and rules. Knowing its composition helps leaders, especially new ones, to navigate the true state of affairs in the team.

Based on the terms of existence, teams are divided into temporary, designed to solve a one-time task, and permanent.

An important feature according to which collectives can be qualified is the degree of freedom presented to their members. At the same time, it is considered in two aspects: firstly, as the freedom to join the team, which varies in a fairly significant range - from the unconditional obligation for conscripts to serve in the army to the complete voluntary entry into the dog breeders' club.

You can also talk about the freedom of active participation in the activities of the team; in one sense it is required constantly, in another it may be episodic or even formal. This allows people to simultaneously be members of several teams and be active first where it is needed at the moment.

In accordance with their functions, groups are distinguished that are focused on achieving a specific goal, both official and unofficial; for the realization of common interests - communication. In turn, the functional classification can be supplemented and detailed by the classification by type of activity.

The implementation of certain types of activities presupposes a certain degree of intra-collective division of labor, which in fact can be very diverse. In some collectives, it corresponds only as a quantitative one, creating the possibility of complete interchangeability of work, in others, there is a specificity of individual types of labor, which makes interchangeability limited. Thirdly, there is a deep qualitative division of labor, which makes any kind of interchangeability of workers in principle impossible, so that the normal functioning of the team in cases of illness or departure of one of its members can be difficult, and this must be taken into account by the manager.

In terms of size, collectives are divided into small and large, and based not on the number of participants, but on the possibility or impossibility of directly maintaining permanent ties between members, although their potential circle is small.

In a large team, everyone performs a wide range of duties, the connection between individual and common tasks is clearer, it is easier to satisfy their needs and the audience, to get needed advice, but the remoteness of the performer from management and colleagues is greater and the interest is lower. Large groups are more economical, especially when performing simple repetitive operations, can more easily find a way out of an impasse, and they are more likely to resolve issues of succession.

Small collectives, whose members maintain not only direct, but also emotionally colored friendly contacts, are called primary. Usually they include from two to five people united by common goals and norms of behavior, personal interests, informal control.

In secondary teams, which are formed according to the functional-target principle, contacts are subject, mediated, conditioned by the solution of the tasks set. Therefore, the main importance is given here not to personal qualities, but to the ability to perform certain functions.

  1. Socio-psychological characteristics of the team

Collectives differ among themselves not only in the number of members, but also psychologically, and these differences are manifested in the nature of the internal climate, the state and degree of cohesion of their members. Let's consider these points in more detail.

The internal psychological climate is the real state of interaction between people as participants in joint activities. It is characterized by the satisfaction of employees with the organization, working conditions, relationships with each other and with management, mood, mutual understanding, degree of participation and self-government, discipline, group and place in it, the quality of the information received. In many ways, it also depends on the degree of compatibility of people.

The importance of a favorable psychological climate can be judged, for example, by the fact that a bad mood reduces the efficiency of the team by about half. Since circumstances are amenable to purposeful influence, psychological - can be formed and corrected to a certain extent.

The psychological state of the team is characterized by the degree of satisfaction of its members with their position. It is influenced by the nature and content of the work, the attitude of people towards it, prestige, remuneration, growth prospects, the presence of additional opportunities (to solve some of their own problems, see the world, meet interesting and useful people, become famous), place of implementation, psychological climate . In many ways, the psychological state of the team also depends on the ability of its members to consciously live according to its laws, to obey the established requirements and procedures.

Cohesion is the psychological unity of people in the most important issues of the life of the team, manifested in the attraction of participants to it, the desire to protect it and preserve it. Cohesion is due to the need for mutual assistance or support for each other in order to achieve certain goals, mutual emotional preferences, understanding of the growth of the collective principle in providing certain guarantees. The degree of cohesion depends on the group, social homogeneity (with heterogeneity, groupings arise), its members, the successes achieved, and the presence of external danger.

In close-knit groups, communication is closer, self-esteem of the individual is higher, but there are unpleasant relationships with strangers, arrogance, loss of criticality and a sense of reality, a sense of invulnerability, self-confidence, information filtering.

Disagreements of a close-knit team usually happen not on goals, but on the means of achieving them, in a non-cohesive team - on all issues, which negatively affects relationships and sooner or later leads to its disintegration.

Close-knit teams are characterized by organization - the ability and readiness to independently overcome emerging difficulties, coordinated actions; unity of extreme situations.

In disorganized groups, as a rule, no one wants to take responsibility for overcoming difficulties.

The cohesion of the team, the satisfaction of people with being in it also depend on psychological and socio-psychological compatibility. The basis of such compatibility is the correspondence of the temperaments of the members of the team, professional and moral qualities.

The conditions that ensure socio-psychological compatibility are:

The correspondence of the personal capabilities of each to the structure and content of his activity, which ensures its normal course, the absence of envy in relation to the successes of others;

The closeness or coincidence of moral positions, creating the basis for the emergence of mutual trust between people;

Homogeneity of the main motives of activity and individual aspirations of team members, contributing to better mutual understanding;

The possibility of real mutual complementation and organic combination of the abilities of each in a single labor and creative process;

Rational distribution of functions between members of the team, in which none of them can succeed at the expense of the other.

The result of team cohesion is the improvement of individual adaptation to others and the more active involvement of people in its activities, their sense of personal security.

  1. Workforce management


It should be noted that the concepts of "management" and "leadership" are largely identical, using them to refer to the same phenomena, purposeful actions is legitimate. However, there are certain differences between them. Managing production means, first of all, purposefully influencing all components of the controlled system in order to achieve predetermined results. In other words, production management as a process includes people, material, financial and other resources. You can only manage people, not resources.

Leadership is not only a necessary, but also the main element of the management process, which is its main content. The content of the leadership process is determined mainly by two factors: the scope of authority (competence) of the manager and the nature of the problem that he has to solve by influencing the subordinate team or individual.

The influence of the manager on the performers is a continuous process to the same extent as the production process is continuous. The impact of the subject of management (manager) on the object of management (team) is a direct link. In turn, the team of performers, implementing the orders of the manager, informs him about the progress of work, factors that contribute to the successful completion of the task or hinder it, and thus influence the manager's subsequent decisions. The impact of the management object (team) on the management subject (manager) is feedback.

The manager, understanding the importance of feedback in the process of managing the workforce, must activate the flow from the management object, first of all, of the information necessary for making informed decisions of a corrective or prospective nature. Means, Feedback- the process is controlled. The manager must actively influence the formation of the structure of information coming from the management object in order to ensure the validity and purposefulness of the management decisions developed by the management subject.

Thus, the leadership of the team is a process of continuous exchange of information between the subject and the object of management with the aim of their conscious influence on each other.

The essence and content of the management process are revealed in its functions: planning, organization, coordination, stimulation, control.

The process of managing a production workforce can be divided into three stages.

The first stage is the definition of goals that must be achieved by the team in a certain period of time - a shift, a month, a quarter, a year or for another period.

The second stage is informing the team. It includes familiarization of the team with the task, methods and techniques for performing work, sources of ensuring their necessary resources, pay systems and other incentives, working conditions and rules for safe behavior in the workplace and other information.

The third stage is the organization and conduct of analytical work in the labor collective, the purpose of which is to identify and study the technical, technological and organizational reserves for improving the efficiency of the team; causes and factors of underfulfillment or overfulfillment of production targets by individual workers and teams, etc.

The participation of the manager in the achievement of the goals set by the labor collective or individual employee is determined primarily by the content and quality of his performance of the main management functions.

As an organizer, the head of the team must ensure a high level of organization of the led team. The organization of the team is, first of all, the unity of actions of all its members, different in character, temperament, physical and mental data, their common purposefulness in solving the problems of increasing the efficiency of labor and production. Therefore, the head of the primary team, as the organizer of his work, must be able to set specific goals for the team and single out the main and secondary ones among them, rationally distribute the efforts of the team in time and space to achieve the goals set, determine the means and methods for solving specific problems, develop the initiative and abilities of the team members. skillfully use their knowledge and experience in the distribution of tasks among groups of workers or specialists.

The manager must take care that his subordinates do not stand idle due to the poor organization of their work, so that the work is fairly distributed among the workers.

The leader, as a spokesman and defender of the interests of the team subordinate to him, is empowered to apply specific incentives to encourage those who are distinguished by high performance skills, good quantitative indicators of work, and discipline. At the same time, he must apply certain forms of punishment and sanctions in relation to violators of labor discipline or persons who perform their work in bad faith in order to protect the interests of conscientious and disciplined workers and encourage the undisciplined to improve their attitude to work.

In addition, the leader must be a consumer, generator and distributor of knowledge (information). Its information preparedness allows rational management of the labor collective. Information is a kind of energy and raw material for making managerial decisions. The leader in his work uses information received both from his own team and from other teams, i.e. internal and external. Based on this information, he evaluates the state of the management object and makes decisions. The quality of the manager's decisions largely depends on the objectivity, timeliness and purposefulness of information. The higher the validity of managerial decisions, the greater the success in solving economic and social problems achieves the workforce.

The leader, in order to encourage the team subordinate to him to achieve his goals, uses a set of techniques and actions called methods. There is no single approach to the classification of management methods in the literature.

In the real life of the work collective, various methods of influence affect the individual in different ways. This necessitates the use in the process of managing the workforce at the same time various methods impact. In practice, there are no clear boundaries between them, for example, using administrative and administrative methods of influencing the team or its individual members, the manager takes into account the requirements of economic laws, labor and economic law, etc.

The economic methods of management have the greatest impact on the attitude of the individual and the team towards work.

Administrative - administrative methods are used to solve the same problems that are solved mainly by economic methods, but unlike the latter, they do not give the contractor an alternative in choosing the means of executing decisions. They are carried out in the form of orders, instructions, orders, orally or in writing, issued by a higher governing body or manager in relation to a lower performer.

Socio-psychological methods of leadership are based on the manager's use of techniques and methods of influencing individual workers or the collective as a whole, arising from his knowledge of human psychology in general, the specific features and characteristics of the psychology of individual workers in particular. The task of the leader is to use this knowledge to create such relationships in the team that allow subordinates to perceive any of his orders as reasonable, fair and in line with social norms.

  1. Governance through committees

Labor collective as a subject labor law performs mainly in state, municipal, and collective production.

The general meeting of the labor collective decides the most important, fundamental questions of the life and activity of the labor collective.

If the labor collective is large and the convocation of a general meeting is difficult due to the large number or territorial disunity, then meetings can be held in workshops, departments, sections, brigades and other divisions, where issues of interest to all members of the labor collective are discussed. The final decision in this case is made by the conference of the labor collective, the participants of which are representatives of all structural divisions of the labor collective. The order of elections and norms of delegates to it are determined separately.

Meetings of the labor collective are convened as needed, as a rule, once or twice a year.

The labor collective council is a representative body of the labor collective, which exercises its powers in the period between general meetings. The council of the labor collective is elected by the general meeting, which determines its number and duration. He is accountable to the general assembly. All members of the labor collective council perform their duties on a voluntary basis. A member of the council of the labor collective who has not justified trust may be removed from its composition by the general meeting.

Trade unions are the most massive organization of workers, created to protect their socio-economic and labor rights and interests. Although at present in Russia there is not one, but several trade unions, in specific enterprises, as a rule, there is no such diversity.

One trade union headed by the trade union committee represents the interests of all employees of the enterprise. The trade union committee has broad rights. In contrast to the council of the labor collective, which mainly decides the issues of production, improving the efficiency of the enterprise, the trade union committee performs protective and social functions (raises the question of raising wages, improving working conditions, labor protection, social development of the collective).

The charter of the enterprise provides for the principles, procedure, terms, powers and other issues of the formation and work of the bodies of the labor collective. The powers of the labor collective are defined in Art. 235 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It notes that the labor collective, regardless of its organizational and legal form:

Resolves the issue of the need to conclude a collective agreement with the administration, considers and approves its draft;

Considers and resolves issues of self-government of the labor collective in accordance with the charter of the enterprise;

Determines the list and procedure for providing employees of the enterprise with social benefits from the fund of the labor collective;

Determines and regulates the forms and conditions of activity of public organizations at the enterprise; decides other issues in accordance with the collective agreement.

The labor collective of a state or municipal enterprise, as well as an enterprise in whose property the state contributes more than 50%: considers and approves, together with the founder, changes and additions to the enterprise charter; determines, together with the founder of the enterprise, the terms of the contract when hiring a manager; decides on the allocation of one or more structural units from the enterprise to create a new enterprise; participates in resolving issues of changing the form of ownership of the enterprise.

As we can see, labor collectives, although they play a certain role, are insignificant. And we must try to increase their role not in words, but in deeds. However, this will become possible only if employees, using the system of participation in the profits of the enterprise (purchase of its shares, bonds), will simultaneously become the owners of a part (share) of the capital (property) belonging to the enterprise where they work. Then they will be vitally interested in the most effective solution of all issues of the life of the enterprise.

Thus, the labor collective is an association of workers engaged in joint labor activities at a state, cooperative, public, private enterprise (association, firm, concern, etc.), institution, organization.

Each team has a specific structure. It can be: functional (based on the division of labor and the definition of production tasks for each); political (in accordance with belonging to certain groups); socio-demographic (by gender, age, education, qualifications, etc.); socio-psychological (in accordance with likes and dislikes); behavioral, determined by activity, etc.; motivated (depending on the driving factors of behavior).

Collectives differ among themselves not only in the number of members, but also psychologically, and these differences are manifested in the nature of the internal climate, the state and degree of cohesion of their members.

Any work collective, so that it does not fall apart and continues to fulfill the target function assigned to it, must be led. At the same time, under leadership is understood as the purposeful impact of persons endowed with the functions and competence of leaders on teams and individuals, i.e. interaction between managers and executors, the purpose of which is to constantly (continuously) ensure the optimal functioning of a particular system as a whole.

The labor collective, as a subject of labor law, acts mainly in state, municipal, and collective production. Management of the labor collective with the help of committees is carried out, in particular, by the general meeting, the council of the labor collective, as well as trade unions.

List of used literature

  1. Bychkova A.V. "Personnel Management": Proc. allowance. – Penza: Penz Publishing House. state university, 2005.

  2. Durakova I.B., Rodin O.A., Taltynov S.M. "Theory of personnel management": Proc. allowance. Issue-3, Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2004.

  3. Karyakin A.M., Grubov E.O. "Fundamentals of personnel management": Methodological guide. - Ivanovo: Ivan. state energy un-t, 2003.

  4. Karyakin A.M. "Personnel Management": Proc. allowance.- Ivanovo: Ivan. state energy un-t, 2005.

  5. Makarov I.K. "Personnel Management". Visual teaching materials. – M.: IMPE them. A.S. Griboedova, 2006.

  6. "Personnel Management": Textbook for Universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1998.






Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise


in the discipline "Management"

on the topic: "Team management"

Completed by: 5th year student, group 281, specialty 080502

"Economics and management at the enterprise" Salakhova G.R.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Moreva I.V.


Theoretical basis team management

2 Types and psychological characteristics of teams

Peculiarities of team management on the example of the enterprise Ikmek LLC

2 Analysis of the team management methods used at the enterprise Ikmek LLC

3 Improving the efficiency of team management at the enterprise Ikmek LLC


List of used literature


Managing an organization - a system created by people (a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals) - is a complex job, it is also a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective focused and productive group. Management - individual managers - must recognize that each employee is an individual with unique experiences and demands. In other words, management achieves the goals of the organization through other people.

The sources of moral and psychological illnesses of the labor collective, negative behavior are the thoughts and feelings of workers. The only way to change behavior is the leader's knowledge of the inner world of a person and the mastery of restructuring him in a positive mood. Therefore, high psychological competence of leading personnel is of great importance.

First, knowledge is needed for self-assessment and self-improvement of the individual.

Secondly, you should have a complex of knowledge and skills of communicating with people.

Thirdly, psychological and pedagogical competence is necessary, associated with the implementation of the function of the educator of subordinates.

Fourthly, knowledge of the psychological patterns of the functioning of the team is needed, since the leader must accurately assess interpersonal and group relations in the organization and be able to harmonize them.

The ability to skillfully build business relationships, regulate the psychological climate - one of the main signs of the professional suitability of managers.

The basis of any organization is people, and without them the functioning of the organization is impossible. The labor collective is a formal (formalized) community of people united by joint activities to achieve certain goals (production, building repairs, scientific research).

A team (from lat. collectivus - collective) is a group, a set of people working in one organization, at one enterprise, united by joint activities within an organization. In a broader sense - people united by common ideas and interests.

Undoubtedly, studies on the improvement of mechanisms effective management teams of organizations in modern conditions arming practitioners with specific evidence-based recommendations, including on the forms and methods of interaction between subjects and objects of management, is a very important, timely and relevant task. The continuous change in the socio-economic situation, especially in the context of reforming the ideological and economic structure of the state system, as is the case in Russia, requires constant improvement of management methods professional activity any team.

Without solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of all key elements of the management mechanism, it is difficult to count on success in the activities of any industrial enterprise or organizations in today's environment. It is this circumstance that makes the problem of improving the forms and methods of forming the mechanism of managing a team very relevant.

This term paper is the consideration of interaction in the group: team management.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

to consider the basic concepts and signs of the labor collective;

to study the types and classifications of the labor collective;

explore methods of effective management of the workforce;

analyze the team management system at the enterprise Ikmek LLC


1 The concept and signs of a team

Today, people do not work alone, but as part of a group (a set of persons united by virtue of spatial community, activity, profession, random circumstances, etc.), which always acts as a single whole in relation to other groups.

Groups are real and conditional, the members of which are united statistically on some basis, but in both cases they exist objectively.

However, being part of a real group does not mean that people have to be around all the time and do work together. The main thing here is inclusion in a certain system of interpersonal relations.

Such relationships can be mutually positive, mutually negative, or asymmetric. Relationships are harmonious or only negative, or only positive.

In an organization, a group can exist as a subdivision, project team, committee, team, etc., while acting as a managing, managed or self-governing structure.

In accordance with the degree of cohesion of the participants, several types of groups are distinguished:

group-conglomerate (crowd) - consisting of persons who happened to be nearby and not related to each other;

group-association (flock) - a temporary formation for solving specific one-time problems;

The presence of a common goal for all its members. No matter how this goal is formed (as a result of mutual influence, individual goals or setting from the outside), it will always be the same for everyone, and not just the same, similar. Otherwise the group would be a union. Members of the group are not able to perform reasonable activity until there is a meaningful goal shared by all, the consciousness of the significance of which for a person is one of the foundations of the team.

Psychological recognition by team members of each other. This is based on common interests, ideals, views, similarity or complementarity of mores, etc.

Psychological recognition makes possible the practical interaction of people aimed at acquiring a goal. As a result of interaction, the capabilities of the group turn out to be greater than the sum of the capabilities of its accomplices individually. There are a number of circumstances for this:

interaction allows to overcome the limitations of the physical and intellectual abilities of each person;

due to the inevitable specialization of labor, it is possible to significantly increase its productivity;

in the process of joint activity, the participants, against their will, develop a spirit of competition that mobilizes hidden reserves and significantly increases the intensity of work;

conditions for successful problem solving are created where, for one reason or another, it is impossible to distribute responsibilities between individual participants.

The presence of a certain culture, represented by common values, norms, rules of conduct, traditions, requirements for the physical and moral appearance of participants, symbols, etc. propensity to maintain. Traditions exist in every group. As a result, he creates a complex of ideas about his own significance, superiority over others, giving him additional strength, stability, unity.

The presence of a system of public control that allows the group to influence the participants through supervision, sanctions, approvals.

The presence of a fairly well-defined structure:

functional - taking into account the production tasks performed by each;

political - based on belonging to one group or another;

socio-demographic - for example, by sex, age, education, etc.;

socio-psychological - in accordance with likes and dislikes;

behavioral, determined by the activity of people (core, undifferentiated part);

motivational - depending on the driving factors of behavior and so on.

Within a team, the following types of relationships arise between its members:

friendly cooperation, mutual assistance, which are based on complete trust;

friendly rivalry in certain areas within the framework of positive interaction;

formal cooperation with de facto neutrality;

rivalry within the framework of formal cooperation with mutual distrust;

focus on individual goals, even when working together;

rivalry and negative attitudes towards each other within the framework of common activity and mutual dependence (cooperation of antagonists).

1.2 Types and psychological characteristics of teams

Consider the classification of teams.

The composition of the teams are homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (diverse).

Heterogeneous teams, the differences between members of which may relate to gender, age, profession, status, level of education, etc., are most effective in solving difficult creative problems. Therefore, now, when versatile requests are presented to people by creation, it is desirable that the working team consists of dissimilar personalities with ambiguous capabilities. In conditions of intensive work, simple tasks are better handled by homogeneous teams. Since their members understand each other better, the possibilities for their mutual influence and the formation of a commonality of views and positions are higher here.

According to their status, groups can be divided into official and unofficial. The first, for example, the personnel of an organization or unit, are legally formalized and operate within the legal space. The latter are based on the nowhere recorded desire of people to cooperate with each other. The strength of such collectives lies in the fact that they cannot be caught legally and organizationally and tied to norms and rules.

According to the nature of internal connections, formal and informal teams are distinguished.

In formal relationships, they are prescribed in advance, in informal ones they are formed spontaneously, by themselves.

A formal team unites people only as representatives of positions, the interaction between which is initially predetermined by the technology of work.

However, a person cannot do without personal contacts, including when solving purely official problems. As a result, along with the formal, an informal team emerges as a system of unprogrammed business and emotional relationships.

As a rule, no collective can be either only formal or only informal, but contains both those and other elements. In practice, one part of the organization operates on the basis of predominantly formal principles (for example, accounting), the other - informal (scientific divisions). Depending on the situation, the ratio of formal and informal moments is constantly fluctuating.

Based on the terms of existence, teams are divided into temporary (designed to solve a one-time task) and permanent.

An important feature according to which collectives can be classified is the degree of freedom provided to their members.

Firstly, we are talking about the freedom of inclusion in the team (it varies from the obligation of conscripts to serve in the army to complete voluntariness when joining a dog breeders' club).

Secondly, we can talk about the freedom to carry out activities within the framework of the team (in one case, for example, it is required mandatory execution a person of certain duties; in another, legal membership is sufficient. This allows people to simultaneously be members of several teams and be active, first of all, where it is more expedient at the moment). The possibility of membership in many groups is due to the multifaceted structure of the personality.

In accordance with the functions, instrumental groups are distinguished, focused on solving a specific problem, and emotional, the purpose of which is to satisfy personal needs and communicate. In turn, the functional classification can be supplemented and detailed by the classification by type of activity.

The implementation of functions presupposes a certain degree of internal division of labor.

In some collectives, it exists only as a quantitative one, creating the possibility of complete interchangeability of workers. In others, there is a specificity of individual types of labor within the same quality, which already limits interchangeability. In the third, there is a deep qualitative division, which generally excludes interchangeability, which makes it difficult for the team to function normally when one of its members is ill or leaves.

Groups are divided into small and large groups.

In small, there are constant personal contacts between all the participants. This gives them additional flexibility and overall higher performance and job satisfaction. The number of members of a small team, as a rule, does not exceed 20 (optimally 5-7).

Large groups, where there are practically no direct connections between people, are called secondary. They are usually formed according to the target principle, i.e. "for the task", so the main importance here is given not to the personal qualities of the participants, but to their ability to perform certain functions. Special managers are needed to manage such teams.

If the responsibilities (both performers and managers) are clearly distributed, people here can be painlessly replaced, because there will always be a person with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Collectives differ from each other psychologically, which is manifested in the nature of their internal climate, the state and degree of cohesion of the participants. Let's consider these points in more detail.

The psychological climate is a phenomenon that reflects the state of internal relationships in the team. It is influenced by the requirements of the administration, management methods, the degree of compatibility of people, etc. The importance of a favorable psychological climate can be judged, for example, by the fact that good mood increases the efficiency of people's work by about one and a half times.

The psychological state is determined by the degree of satisfaction of people with their position. It is influenced by the nature and content of the work, attitude towards it (love or dislike), prestige, remuneration, growth prospects, the presence of additional opportunities (to solve their own problems, see the world, meet useful people), psychological climate.

The psychological state can take the form of social tension (consciousness, emotions or behavior), which manifests itself in general internal dissatisfaction, external aggressiveness, the search for the guilty, strikes, sabotage, dismissals, etc. This situation is caused by the negative impact of specific circumstances or social environment in general, as a result of which a person cannot realize his needs for a long time.

The psychological state can be improved by changing the objective conditions of people's activities, teaching them to live according to the laws of the collective, to obey the established requirements and procedures.

Cohesion manifests itself as the psychological unity of employees on the most important issues of the life of the team, manifested in the attraction of participants to it, the desire to protect and preserve it. This is due to people's search for help or support from each other, mutual emotional preferences, understanding of the role of the collective principle in providing their guarantees.

In close-knit teams, people, as a rule, communicate more closely, adapt more easily, value each other more and feel more confident, work more efficiently. Disagreements here are usually only on the means of achieving goals, while a loose team - on all issues, which sooner or later leads to its collapse.

Influencing people, the team in many ways (up to 40 percent of cases) contributes to changing their behavior. The reasons are that the person:

has the opportunity through the eyes of his comrades to look at himself from the outside, evaluate his actions;

must adapt to those around him his desires, interests;

receives additional impulses that stimulate creative activity, the desire for improvement, superiority.

Depending on the nature of the collective itself, its influence on the individual can be both favorable and unfavorable. So, a positively minded team is able to resist the antisocial behavior of an individual, and a negatively minded team is able to exert a corrupting influence on it.

In turn, people also try to influence the team, to make it more "convenient" for themselves. A strong personality can even subjugate him to himself, including as a result of a conflict; the weak one, on the contrary, obeys him and dissolves in him in exchange for taking care of his well-being.

Perfect with management point From the point of view, the situation lies somewhere in the middle and is characterized by trusting partnerships between the labor collective and its members, who do not give up their own positions, but are respectful of common goals and needs.

3 Team management methods

Management methods - a set of methods and techniques for influencing the subject of management through its unity on the managed object to achieve the goal; ways, methods of influence of the subject on the object of management (not excluding the reverse impact of the object on the subject), the leader on the team and the team on the leader.

Management methods are classified according to numerous criteria. So, there are methods of direct and indirect influence. When using the former, a direct result of the impact is assumed, while the latter are aimed at creating certain conditions for achieving specific results. There are methods of formal and informal influence. Their ratio reflects the characteristic features of the management style.

The most important is the classification of management methods based on the objective laws inherent in the management system, as well as the needs and interests of the person or persons who are affected. On this basis, management methods are distinguished:

organizational (organizational and administrative, administrative);



Organizational management methods are a system of influencing organizational relations to achieve specific goals. The performance of the same work is possible in different organizational conditions, with different types of its organization: strict regulation, flexible response, setting common tasks, establishing permissible boundaries of activity, etc.

Economic Methods management - a set of methods of influence by creating economic conditions that encourage employees of enterprises to act in the right direction and achieve the solution of the tasks assigned to them. Among the economic methods of influence, planning, financing, pricing, economic incentives and cost accounting stand out.

Socio-psychological methods of management - methods of influencing the object of management, based on the use of socio-psychological factors and aimed at managing socio-psychological relations that develop in the team. Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise. Elements regulated through psychological methods include:

Psychological planning is a new direction in work with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the enterprise team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person's personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

formation of divisions ("teams") on the basis of psychological compliance of employees;

comfortable psychological climate in the team;

formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the enterprise;

minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation);

development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees;

the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education;

formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning and regulation be carried out by a professional psychological service of the enterprise, consisting of social psychologists.

Personality types characterize the inner potential of a person and his general orientation towards the performance of certain types of work and areas of activity.

Temperament is a very important psychological characteristic of a person to determine the purpose and place of each employee in a team, the distribution of managerial tasks and psychological methods of working with a particular person.

Character traits determine the direction of the human world, the level of need for communication. According to the predominance of certain character traits, people are divided into extroverts and introverts. An extrovert is extremely sociable, responds to everything new, interrupts the type of activity, sometimes without finishing work, if a new interlocutor appears, a stimulus. Motivation for activity is fickle and is directly dependent on the opinions of others, altruistic inclinations are expressed, sometimes for the sake of others a person forgets himself. An introvert is closed, in behavior he proceeds only from internal considerations, therefore sometimes his actions seem pretentious and eccentric to those around him. Intuition is well developed, he calculates the situation very accurately, his decisions are often promising and justified in the future. An introvert is emotionally cold, poor facial expressions and gestures alert interlocutors and prevent frankness in conversation.

The orientation of the personality is an important psychological characteristic of a person and is considered from the point of view of needs, interests, motives, beliefs and worldviews.

Intellectual abilities characterize the possibilities of understanding, thinking, consciousness of a person and are important for professional orientation, evaluation of people, career planning and organization of career advancement. The main attention should be paid to the level of intelligence of the employee, which has three gradations (high, medium, low). The ability of rational thinking is an essential requirement for management personnel and specialists. The level of consciousness determines the compliance of the employee with the moral code of the enterprise. Logical abilities are indispensable in engineering and scientific activities. Intellectual abilities are revealed with the help of psychological methods. Human memory is an important component of intellectual abilities.

Methods of cognition are tools with which a person studies reality, processes information and prepares draft decisions. The most famous methods of cognition are analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Analysis involves the study of a phenomenon based on classification, division into elements, identification of alternatives, and the study of internal patterns. Synthesis, on the contrary, is based on the study of interelement relationships, the construction of a system of individual elements, the study of external patterns and relationships. In the process of cognition, analysis and synthesis are used together, for example, when building a diagram of the organizational structure of enterprise management.

Induction is a conclusion from the particular to the general based on the study of various facts and events, the results of which develop a hypothesis (general statement) about a certain pattern. Deduction, on the contrary, is a conclusion from the general to the particular, when hypotheses (rules, principles) are put forward in the form of absolute truth, from which a conclusion is drawn about particular patterns. An example of the application of methods of induction and deduction is the development of an enterprise philosophy. Psychological images make it possible to train personnel on the basis of typical patterns of behavior of historical figures, major managers and production innovators. Artistic images are used for aesthetic and cultural education of the company's employees, especially young people. Graphic images are an integral part of engineering activities, especially with the use of modern multimedia technical means when the design of new technologies goes to the computer. visual images very useful in personnel work, tk. allow to ensure the recognition of a particular person in the work collective. Practical actions, colloquial language, writing, various sign models are the material form of the embodiment of images.

Methods of psychological influence are among the most important elements of psychological methods of management. They concentrate all the necessary and legally permitted methods of influencing people for coordination in the process of joint labor activity. These include:

persuasion is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the human psyche to achieve the set goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team;

imitation is a way of influencing an individual worker or a social group through a personal example of a leader or innovator of production, whose behavior patterns are an example for others;

involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process, for example, the election of a leader, the adoption of agreed decisions, competition in a team, etc.;

motivation is a positive form of moral influence on a person, when the positive qualities of an employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence in the successful completion of the assigned work are emphasized, which makes it possible to increase the moral significance of the employee in the enterprise. In the Soviet period, such forms as entering on the Board of Honor, presenting honorary diploma, awarding the title "Winner of the competition", "Drummer of labor", etc.

coercion - an extreme form of moral influence, when other methods of influencing a person have not yielded results and the employee is forced, perhaps even against his will and desire, to perform certain work. It is advisable to use coercion only in emergency (force majeure) circumstances, when inaction can lead to casualties, damage, loss of property, people, accidents;

condemnation - a technique of psychological influence on a person, which allows large deviations from moral standards in a team or the results of labor and the quality of work of which are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be used to influence people with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team;

the requirement has the force of a command, it can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects the categorical requirement is identical with the prohibition, acting as a mild form of coercion;

command is used when fast and accurate execution is required without any critical reactions. When executing commands, they do not reason. In life, there are prohibitive and incentive varieties of commands. First: "Stop!", "Stop being nervous!", "Shut up!" etc. - aimed at immediate inhibition of undesirable acts of behavior. They are given in a firm calm voice or a voice with an emotionally colored tone. Second: "Go!", "Bring!", "Perform!" etc. - are aimed at the inclusion of behavioral mechanisms of people;

praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation. Sometimes it is enough to say to a young employee: "Today you work much better and if you improve the quality even a little bit, you will achieve excellent results." However, such praise for an experienced worker can be perceived as an insult, and it is better to celebrate his success in a solemn atmosphere in front of the whole team.

a request is a very common form of communication between colleagues, young and experienced workers and is less often used in the relationship between a manager and subordinates. Asking, seeks advice, help, instructions from another employee when he doubts the forms and methods of performing work or is unable to do it on his own. The manager's request is effective method guides, because is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates respect for his personality.

advice - a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion, often used in the relationship of colleagues, mentors of young workers and experienced managers. You can say to the worker: "Ivanov, change the tool" - this is a form of order. You can say in another way: "I advise you to change the tool." However, in operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice and requests from the manager should be minimized and excluded in cases where the worker allows marriage and disruption of tasks.

So, psychological methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups of people and a person's personality. The art of managing people consists in the dosed and differentiated use of certain methods from those listed above.


1 Characteristics of the company Ikmek LLC

Ikmek LLC refers to enterprises Food Industry Republic of Tatarstan in the Apastovsky district. The production capacity of the enterprise is 1190 tons of bread and bakery products per year.

LLC "Ikmek" was created on the basis of the cooperative enterprise of the Apastovsky Raipo, which was built in 1936 and in 1938 produced the first products.

Currently, Ikmek LLC produces and sells a wide range of food products: bakery and flour products, pasta confectionery and fish smoking.

The total area of ​​the enterprise (main and auxiliary industries) at the beginning of 2005 amounted to 898 sq.m. The production area is 752 sq.m. The average number of employees at the enterprise is 61 people.

Ikmek LLC is an independent entity with the rights of a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, official and other seals, a stamp, letterheads indicating its name, bank accounts.

The management of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the current legislation and the Charter on the basis of a combination of the rights and interests of the workforce and shareholders. The enterprise independently determines the management structure, sets the staff and management costs. The head of the enterprise is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The most important means of forming a highly effective enterprise management system is organizational design. Therefore, the enterprise is constantly searching for the optimal structure of organization and management. The existing organizational structure of the enterprise is based on traditional principles and methods of management and the accumulated organizational experience.

The states and number of personnel of divisions are determined staffing approved by the director on the basis of an established labor plan.

Ikmek LLC has sufficient average qualified personnel.

Composition of personnel as of 01.01.2011

Category of employees people in percent1. payroll quantity(total)61Men 1524.6Women 4675.4 Including: Managers34.9Specialists711.5Officers23.3Workers4980.32. have education: Higher education (total) 23.3 Including: Managers 23.3 Specialists Employees Managers1SpecialistsEmployeesWorkers4472.13. age distribution16-2446.625-2923.330-391118.040-493760.650-54711.555 and older

The company constantly calculates the need for personnel for future periods and the corresponding costs for wages. The system of material incentives includes wages, cash bonuses, as an instrument of material incentives, it is planned to use the system of participation of employees in the profits of the enterprise. Training and retraining of personnel is carried out at the enterprise. For an effective and complete analysis of the enterprise's activities, it is necessary to study its main technical and economic indicators.

The total volume of production in 2010 amounted to 13,632 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 118%.

In the composition of fixed assets, the largest specific gravity are machinery and equipment (73%), buildings and structures (25%). Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the largest share in the enterprise belongs to production and active fixed assets. It is planned to modernize the production by equipping it with new special technological equipment. This is due to the low rate of renewal of fixed assets.

2.2 Analysis of the methods of team management used at the enterprise "Ikmek" LLC.

To analyze management methods, it is necessary to study the composition and structure of industrial and production personnel, analyze the degree of staffing in accordance with the required level of qualification for each category of workers: workers, specialists, managers.

The effectiveness of the organizational structure at Ikmek LLC is explained by the rather high professional level of employees, as evidenced by Table 2.2

Table 2.2. Professional composition employees of Ikmek LLC

IndicatorsIndicator value for Growth rate, %20102011higher22100specialized secondary13 15115secondary (vocational and general secondary)4344102.3TOTAL5861105.2

It can be seen from the table above that the management staff has secondary specialized and higher education.

The specifics of this enterprise is such that for its management it is not significant that there are higher education. Secondary specialized and vocational education is suitable for successful activity in this industry. And as can be seen from the data given in the table, the number of such workers is sufficient to ensure the successful functioning of the organizational structure for managing the team.

Analysis of the composition and structure of the team at Ikmek LLC is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Analysis of the composition and structure of industrial and production personnel

Category of workers Average headcount, people Change 2011 vs. 2010 20102011 absolute (group 2-group 1)% (group 2: group 1) * 100 PPP, people 58613105.2 Including: workers 49512104.1 employees9101111.1 Of which: managers 11-100 specialists 100other employees121200

From this table, we can conclude that the largest share in the overall structure of industrial and production personnel is occupied by workers. There have been changes in the overall structure of the staff. The proportion of workers has increased, but this indicator for managers and employees has decreased.

An analysis of the age composition of the staff should also be carried out.

Table 2.4. Age structure of personnel at Ikmek LLC

Age groups of employees, years Number of people In % of the total number Change in 2010 201120102011 Number, people weights16-24446.896.550-0.3425-29223.453.27--0.1830-39121120.6918.03-1- 2.6640-49333756.8760.65+ 4+ 3.7850-547712.0711.48-- 0.50-0.81

The data in the table above shows that the majority of employees are at an age when they have a lot of work experience. They are able to transfer this experience to young specialists. It is also important that the personnel of the enterprise work together for a long time and this allows for effective management, since at many stages of production, control over the implementation occurs on the part of the employees themselves. This also reduces the cost of additional measures for the implementation of control by higher authorities.

The Ikmek LLC enterprise has a personnel department, which very successfully implements the personnel policy of the organization. The enterprise carries out career guidance of personnel, training, training, advanced training of employees. Naturally, this contributes to an increase in the efficiency of labor resources.

During the period from 2010 - 2011, 3 people improved their professional qualifications at production and economic courses. Qualifying exams were passed and ranks were raised.

3 Improving the efficiency of team management at the enterprise Ikmek LLC

management team staff

The most important condition for the effective work of the leader is the creation of a well-selected team of supporters and partners who are able to realize and implement the ideas and plans of the leader. The team will be able to more or less effectively achieve its goals if it is well organized, informed, disciplined, united and active.

The following factors also influence the efficiency of Ikmek LLC:

its size and composition;

group norms of behavior, unanimity and status of its members;

labor relations in the team and the criteria used in management.

The size. Some research has shown that teams of 5 to 11 members tend to make better decisions and experience greater job satisfaction. In general, as the size of the team increases, communication between its members becomes more difficult and it becomes more difficult to reach agreement on issues related to the activities of the team and the performance of its tasks.

Compound. The composition refers to the degree of similarity of personalities and points of view, the approaches that they show when solving problems.

It is recommended that the team be composed of dissimilar personalities, as this promises greater efficiency than if the team members had similar points of view. A team with different points of view of its members develops better solutions.

Group norms of behavior. Norms, customs, traditions determine the direction of the work of the team and the expected results.

They are designed to prompt the members of the team the discipline of behavior in the performance of production tasks. Subject to the conformity of their actions and norms, each individual can count on belonging to a group, on its recognition and support. Leaders should be careful when discussing group norms. For example, it may seem that agreement with the leader in these matters is a manifestation of loyalty, but such behavior will actually lead to the suppression of opinions and initiatives.

Group consensus. This is the tendency of each individual to suppress his real views on any phenomenon in order not to disturb the unity and harmony of the group. Group members feel that disagreement undermines their sense of belonging to the group and therefore disagreement should be avoided.

In order to preserve what is understood as unity and harmony among group members, the group member decides that it is better not to speak his mind. In an atmosphere of group unanimity, the paramount task for the individual is to stick to a common line in the discussion if he has different information or point of view.

Since no one expresses opinions that are different from others, and does not offer a different point of view, everyone assumes that everyone else thinks the same way. No one knows that other members may also be skeptical or simply concerned. As a result, the problem is solved with less efficiency, since all the necessary information and alternative solutions are not discussed and evaluated. When there is group consensus, there is the possibility of a mediocre solution that does not offend anyone.

Conflict. While diversity and active exchange of opinions is helpful, it can lead to intra-group disputes and other manifestations of open conflict, which are always detrimental to work.

status of team members. The status of an individual in a team is determined by a number of factors, including such as seniority in the position, education, organizational talent, awareness, experience, location of superiors, etc. These factors can raise or lower status depending on the values ​​and norms in the group.

Members of a group whose status is high are able to influence group decisions more than a member of a group with low status. However, this does not always lead to increased efficiency. For example, a person who is new to a firm may have more valuable ideas and experience in relation to a project than a person with a high status acquired through years of work in management. To take effective solutions, it is necessary to take into account all the information relevant to the issue and weigh ideas objectively. The group will have to work together to ensure that the opinions of high-status members do not dominate it.

Labor Relations in the Ikmek LLC team begins from the moment the employee is hired, when the relationship between the employee and the employer is established through an agreement called a contract or an employment contract.

The employment contract includes two obligatory clauses:

) labor function, which indicates the title of the position, place of work, qualifications, specialty, official duties and others;

) wages. This information is included in the appointment letter. The duties of the administration include familiarizing the employee with the assigned work and its conditions, rights and obligations, internal regulations, safety instructions and other rules.


Management is to some extent an art. In some situations, leaders can become effective in their work by structuring tasks, planning and organizing tasks and roles, showing concern and providing support. In other situations, the manager may find it more appropriate to exert influence by allowing subordinates to participate in decision-making to some extent, rather than structuring the conditions for doing work. As Adjiris rightly points out: "...effective leaders are those who can behave differently - depending on the requirements of reality"".

The leader must be an outstanding person who masterfully masters the art of communication, persuasion, dialogue, has a sharp, extraordinary mind and solid erudition in all spheres of life and knowledge. Any leader works primarily with people, he must know all the subtleties of "human engineering" and possess extensive humanitarian, human knowledge.

Managing an organization in our dynamic time is a complex job that cannot be done successfully with simple, dry, memorized formulas. The leader must combine an understanding of general truths and the significance of the many variations that make situations different from one another.

The modern approach to organization is a balanced combination of human values, organizational change and continuous adaptation to changes in the external environment. All this requires significant changes in the principles, methods and forms of work with a person in an organization.

Experienced leaders know that each member of a group given a specific assignment will respond differently, sometimes in unpredictable ways. People's actions depend not only on necessity or their explicit desires, but also on many complex subjective factors hidden in the subconscious or acquired as a result of education. Some people have a noticeable power of habit, tradition, whole system prejudices and stereotypes of behavior, others act this way and not otherwise, under the influence of moral principles, social or political ideals. A person reacts to external events most often impulsively, without a deep analysis of causes and effects. Education, upbringing, age, experience and many other factors determine the reaction of the individual to the environment. The leader must know the complexity of the motivational tendencies of the individual and not be surprised at the inadequacy of people's reactions to control actions.

Human potential, the ability of the manager to correctly set the goal and effectively manage resources become the main factor in the success of the organization. The problems of human resource management of the organization come to the fore. An individual approach to a person allows the company to achieve better results.

A talented leader always acts as a role model among subordinates, peers, and even for higher bosses. Original management methods, norms of behavior are difficult to convey through conversations and moralizing, they are more effectively transmitted through behavior, actions that can be observed constantly during production contacts.


1. V.R. Vesnin "Management" textbook, Prospekt Publishing House LLC, 2009

. #"justify">. #"justify">. E.L. Dracheva, L.I. Yulikov "Management", Publishing House "Mastery", 2010

I.A. Skopylatov, O.Yu. Efremov "Personnel Management" electronic textbook #"justify">. A. M. Stolyarenko, N.D. Amaglobeli "Psychology of Management" textbook, UNITY-DANA publishing house, 2009

A.V. Karpov "Psychology of Management", Moscow, GARDARIKI, 2010

. #"justify">. E.A. Guryanova, I.N. Guryanov "Management organizational management”, Kazan: Ed. Fatherland, 2010

. #"justify">. Shekshnya S.V. "Personnel management of a modern organization." - M., 2009.

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. “Enterprise personnel management”. -M., 2010.

Glushchenko V.V. Glushchenko I.I. Development of a management solution. Forecasting-planning - M: Wings, 2011.

Dessler G. Personnel management. - M. 2010.

Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management of a developing organization. - M., 2009.


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Relationship management in the workforce has a huge impact on results economic activity any enterprise.

As noted above, the relationship of the labor collective with the employer, including on the participation of employees in the management of the organization, on the participation of employees in the management of the organization, on social partnership, labor protection and others, is regulated primarily by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the charter organizations, a collective agreement, as well as legislative acts of the Russian Federation that do not contradict Labor Code RF. Established by the named normative legal acts the powers of labor collectives do not depend on the legal form and form of ownership of the organization.

Managing the labor collective, it is necessary to make certain choices. Collective norms and rules do not always correspond to norms and rules. Relations with the manager will also be built on the basis of the ideas existing in the work team.

Labor behavior is determined by the motivation of labor activity, which in turn is formed under the influence of needs, interests, values, value orientations, motives, attitudes. Needs are the deep sources of interests. Interests form motives and values. In turn, the interests and values ​​are directly affected by the labor situation, which consists of a set of planned and estimated indicators, administrative decisions and a system of incentives. There is an inverse relationship between motives and value orientations, i.e. they mutually influence each other. Motives, attitudes and value orientations directly shape labor behavior. General scheme regulation mechanism (Fig. 1):


According to the model, the results achieved by an employee depend on the following variables: the effort expended, abilities and characteristics of a person, as well as on his awareness of his role in the labor process.

The level of effort expended depends on the value of the reward and how much the person believes there is a strong link between the cost and the possible reward. Achieving the required level of performance can lead to internal rewards (satisfaction with the work performed, a sense of competence and self-esteem) and external rewards (commendation from the manager, bonus, promotion).

If a person is appointed as a leader, does he always think about how relations between people in the group he will lead will develop? Do his future employees understand each other and will they understand the new person - the leader? The mood of each of us to a large extent depends on the behavior and attitudes of the people with whom we communicate. A good attitude pleases, a bad one upsets, disturbs, alarms. And it is even more difficult for a leader, because according to his social status, he, as it were, opposes a group of people united by a common “we”. And this interaction of the human "I" and the group "we" is very complex and contradictory, changeable and unstable. We often, speaking of the collective, consider this interaction as a ratio of individuality and collectivity, while, as a rule, we give preference to collectivity. Hence - the desire for averaging, equalizing people and dislike for "upstarts", the desire to put them "in their place."

This trend is very harmful to the development of society, especially its creative, intellectual potential. It turns out that the brighter and richer the individuality, the higher the level of development of each member of the team, the more capable, humane the team as a whole is. Therefore, it is so important to penetrate into the peculiarities of the finest fabric of the relationship between "I" and "we" that develop in a social group, i.e. in the team that we lead or are going to lead. And psychology can be a good helper here.

Leadership processes and the leader are integral elements of the organization. Leadership is the dominant and guiding influence on the behavior of members of an organization to achieve organizational and personal goals, based on a position of power and authority. The following components affect the effectiveness of leadership:

a leader who has the necessary qualities to manage people;

domineering, commanding position managerial position), which has resources of influence;

a group of subordinates with individual characteristics and being in systemic interdependence and interactive interaction;

the general goal and the tasks concretizing it;

the external environment in which leadership is carried out;

a situation that reflects the dynamic, relatively time-varying factors that affect management.

The most important component of effective leadership is leadership (from the English leader - leader, leader). A leader who possesses all the qualities of a leader is the ideal head of the organization, able to ensure the highest achievements. The roles and functions of the leader determine his place in the workforce. I. Ansoff indicates four main roles of the leader:

the role of the administrator - this role implies the ability of the leader to control the state of affairs, make decisions and achieve their implementation, organize and coordinate the actions of subordinates, ensure order, compliance with legal and administrative norms and orders;

the role of the planner - the main tasks of this role are the optimization of the future activities of the organization through the analysis of trends in changes, both the organization itself and its environment; identification of management alternatives and selection of the best of them; concentration of resources on the main activities of the organization. The scheduler must have analytical warehouse mind, be methodical in work and focus on the future;

the role of an entrepreneur - acting in this role, the leader must be an experimenter, find new activities, non-standard solutions that are most appropriate for the situation, must be prepared for a certain entrepreneurial risk, while minimizing it.

The place of the leader in the organization is revealed in the following ten roles:

"thinker" - a general understanding of the state of affairs in the unit, the search for optimal ways to solve problems;

"organizer" - coordination of work of employees;

"staff worker" - processing of management information and preparation of documentation;

"personnel officer" - selection, placement, evaluation of personnel;

"educator" - training and motivation of personnel;

"supplier" - providing the group with everything necessary for labor activity;

"social activist" - participation as a leader at meetings and meetings, work with public organizations;

"innovator" - the introduction of advanced labor methods and scientific and technological achievements in production;

"controller" - control over compliance with organizational standards and product quality;

"diplomat" - establishing links with other institutions and their representatives.

The social roles of the leader are detailed and manifested in his functions. Many specific managerial functions can be combined into two main functions:

1) achievement of a group goal;

2) unity of the group and concern for its preservation. The second function has a deep socio-psychological content, the evaluation and use of which can significantly increase the efficiency of the activity and the authority of the leader.

detection and elimination of emotional tension in group relations;

notification of group norms, rules of the game;

protection and encouragement of "quiet" team members, inhibition of the desire of overly active employees to dominate and oppress the more modest;

conflict prevention and resolution;

protection of individual employees from those who infringe on their personal dignity;

development of healthy collectivism, mutual trust and solidarity, benevolence and the desire to find compromises;

all support for group meetings;

attentive and tolerant attitude towards employees when solving issues that arise when working together in a team (correct understanding of common goals, opportunities, problems, etc.);

employee motivation;

initiating constructive criticism.

The manager's functions serve as a measure of assessing his individual qualities and abilities to work effectively and manage relations in the work team.

The increased professional level of the workers noticeably facilitates the organization and coordination of the work of the collective. The manager, based on the competence of employees, can delegate to them a part managerial functions, or create target groups from relevant specialists to solve complex professional problems, or expand the range of issues that can be resolved on the basis of self-management. This, of course, does not reduce the manager's working time, but frees him from routine, secondary work, and allows him to pay more attention to the work team itself and to each employee individually.

The labor collective will be able to reveal its full potential if the manager plans its work, starting with the rotation of personnel and down to the smallest issues of an organizational and motivating nature. Depending on the type of team and its composition, the manager must create a reliable and unobtrusive system for monitoring work and identify the attitude of all members of the team to the cause.

Team building

When forming a team, the choice of the size, composition of the team, the form and method of relationships between its members is of great importance. As the size of the collective increases, communication between its members becomes more complicated and it becomes increasingly difficult to reach agreement on solving common problems. It is generally accepted that the lower limit of the size of the team is 5-7 people, the upper one is 25-30. Teams that are too small or too large make communication difficult.

In small teams, an atmosphere of psychological incompatibility often arises, and the resulting conflicts are of a particularly acute form. An atmosphere of familiarity, unscrupulousness, and cover-up may also appear here. In large teams there is no constant communication and contacts between employees, small groups arise, which reduces its integrity and cohesion.

The optimal size of the team is also necessary so that the manager has the opportunity to enter into direct contact with employees, control their activities, carry out individual work, and support creative initiative in a timely manner.

To this end, management standards have been developed for managers of different levels of the hierarchy. So, for the head of the shop it is recommended to have 6-8 people in his direct subordination, for shift foremen in serial production - 20-30 workers.

Of great importance is the formation of the composition of the team. For a significant part of the teams, their heterogeneous composition in terms of age, gender, level of qualification and education will be optimal.

Such a team has great opportunities for the exchange of experience and knowledge. However, in some cases it is advisable to create more homogeneous teams: men's, women's, youth, etc.

When forming the primary team, it is also necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of workers: their temperament, character, and others.

This is necessary for the acquisition of stable groups, the selection of leaders, the selection of leaders who enjoy authority and are able to influence the creation of a healthy moral climate in the team. The official rights of leaders in this case will receive additional support.

Newly arriving workers need to ensure getting used to (adaptation) to working conditions and establishing the necessary contacts with team members.

It is necessary to highlight workplace, serviceable equipment, tools, fixtures, materials and to familiarize the beginner in detail with the peculiarities of work, the system of its payment, the current rules and instructions. It is desirable that the immediate supervisor himself introduces the newcomer and introduces him to the members of the team. For a favorable passage of the adaptation process, the friendly attitude of the team towards the new employee is very important.

Team development

In its development, the team goes through three main stages that characterize it from a qualitative point of view.

To manage a specific team, the manager must determine at what stage of development the team is at the moment, and choose the style of team management.

The first stage is the initial one. It characterizes the process of creating the formal external integrity of the team. At this stage, people look closely at each other and at the leader. The leader, in turn, studies the personnel of the team.

During this period, the adaptation of team members to working conditions, to each other, to the leader and his requirements begins. The strong-willed side prevails in the management style of the leader. The manager introduces the team to the tasks of the unit, short-term and long-term goals, distributes duties taking into account the preparedness and personal inclinations of employees, determines the mode of work and organizes its strict implementation.

During this period, the manager should pay special attention to monitoring the execution of his decisions and tasks. It is at this stage that the members of the team develop a sense of responsibility, accuracy and accuracy in the performance of work.

The leader also studies the individual characteristics of employees, attracts the most conscious and proactive to solving the social problems of the team.

The second stage is differentiation. At this stage, on the basis of common interests and temperament, small groups are formed, different in their orientation towards the leader and towards the tasks of the team. From the most conscious and active people, an asset is formed, which, earlier than others, realizes the social significance of the tasks of the team, the need for the requirements imposed by the leader and provides him with support.

However, there is still no real unity. Conscientious, but passive performers observe discipline, carry out the tasks of the leader, but do not show initiative and activity in supporting the actions of the administration. There may also be disorganizers who are negatively disposed towards the work and actions of the leader.

At this stage, the leader, relying on the asset, must fight against disorganizers and loafers, form public opinion, activate conscientious performers, and cultivate high consciousness among team members. The completion of this work will mean a transition to a qualitatively new stage in the development of the team.

An important feature of the second stage of development is an increase in the number of decisions made by the leader with the involvement of subordinates.

The third stage is integration. At this stage, a team is created with the unity of interests and goals, conscious discipline. All members of the team learn the requirements of the leader, now the whole team demands from everyone.

At this stage, the leader must change the tactics of leadership. If at the initial stage he acted in relation to his subordinates as an external force, as an organizer of the formation and development of the team, now the team takes on this role, and the leader is an authoritative representative and spokesman of his interests.

The role of the leader at this stage is to organize labor processes and tactfully regulate the social life of the team, to predict and determine the ways of development of the team.

The stage of integration does not end with the development of the team. It must develop constantly, in the fullness of its functions, since stagnation in development will lead to the collapse of the team.

The considered stages of development of the collective are typical, characteristic for all collectives. But the pace and timing of the passage of individual stages may be different, since they depend on the objective and subjective conditions of life and the activities of the team.

Leadership tactics should change flexibly depending on the stage of development. A manager who does not understand the situation can cause a slowdown in the development or collapse of the team.


In today's business world, of course, every organization has a workforce. It does not matter whether this organization is large or small, each has its own labor collective, which will differ in various parameters, but carry out the same function.

In order to manage such a team, methods have long been developed, training manuals for leaders and managers have been created.

In order to understand the essence of the work collective, one will have to initially become familiar with its concept and find out what meaning its small and / or large groups carry in the organization. Based on this, it will be easier to study a specific team, its internal and external factors, its opportunities and threats itself and acting on the enterprise. However, in order to competently manage the team and set it in the right direction (motivation, incentive), the management will have to pay attention to each of the employees.

After forming a general picture of the work collective, you can begin to study the stage at which it is located, and then apply special managerial skills corresponding to the stage.

It is thanks to such an integrated approach and the optimal attitude towards the workforce in the organization that a system of its work can be established, which will serve as an incentive, and in the future will lead to the highest achievement of results in the organization.


1. Zaitsev G. N., Cherkasskaya G. A. Badkhen M. Management of human resources. Textbook. M. - Ed.: Academia, 2014, 304s. ISBN 978-5-4468-0306-4;

2. Molodchik A.M. Molodchik M.D. Management. Strategy, structure, personnel, knowledge: textbook / Pod. ed. A.M. Molodchik - M. - Ed.: State University Higher School of Economics, 2005, 296 p. ISBN 5-7598-0326-3;

3. Novokreshchenov A.V. State personnel policy. Textbook / A.V. Novokreshchenov SibAGS. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house: SIU RANEPA, 2014, 226 p. ;

4. Odegov Yu.G. Rudenko G.G. Personnel Management. Textbook and practice. M. - Ed. Yurayt, 2014, 532 p. ISBN 978-5-9916-2505-0;

5. Odegov Yu.G. Labadzhyan M.A. Personnel policy and personnel planning. Textbook and practice. M. - Ed. Yurayt, 2015, 444p. ISBN 978-5-9916-4830-1.

Department of Economics

Course work

majoring in "Management"

on the topic "Workforce and its management"

Moscow, 2009


3.3 Recruitment methods



The foundation of any organization is its people.

Employees play a special role in organizations. On the one hand, they are the creators of organizations, on the other hand, people are the most important resource of organizations to achieve their own goals.

The importance of labor collectives cannot be overestimated. The prosperity of the organization and society as a whole depends on the effectiveness and quality of the work of employees.

At this stage of development market economy the issues of the formation and functioning of the labor collective are particularly acute. After all, the development and economic prosperity of any organization depends on how well the need for labor resources is thought out, how well the selection is carried out, what moral and psychological conditions in the team depend on.

Therefore, the topic of this course work is now particularly relevant.

The purpose of writing the work is to study the system of formation, functioning and management of the workforce, using the example of the "Marketing and Advertising Department" open joint-stock company Rosneft Oil Company.

The tasks are set in accordance with the goal:

Consider the concept of "work collective", as well as its features;

Conduct an analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise;

Consider the main stages of the formation of the labor collective;

Describe the moral and psychological climate in the workforce.

Consider the main methods of rallying the workforce.

The object of the study is the open joint stock company Rosneft Oil Company, legal address: Russian Federation, 115035, Moscow, Sofiyskaya embankment, 26/1.

The main activities, which are: exploration, production, processing and sale of oil and oil products.

The subject of the study is the labor collective of the Marketing and Advertising Department of this organization.

The information base for writing the work was regulations, internal and reporting documents of the enterprise, as well as special educational literature.

The main ways of reflecting information are tabular methods.

1. The concept of "work collective", its features

People are a decisive factor in the efficiency and competitiveness of an organization, the main source of added value.

Employees play a special role in organizations. On the one hand, they are the creators of organizations, determine their goals and choose methods to achieve these goals. On the other hand, people are the most important resource for organizations to achieve their own goals.

Therefore, in order to develop successfully, an organization must manage the selection, training, evaluation and remuneration of personnel, create, use and improve methods, programs for organizing these processes. Taken in their unity, methods, procedures, programs are human resource management systems.

The labor collective is the main cell that unites all employees of the organization to achieve a specific goal.

Labor activity takes place in a working environment. Therefore, the working environment is the working conditions, the relationship of people participating in the labor process, as well as the means used in the process.

The labor collective has its own working environment.

The working environment includes such factors as the conditions in which the labor process takes place, the objects of labor and the technological process.

In the process of their work, people come into contact, and in these conditions interpersonal relationships are formed. The nature of these relationships is determined social position and the role of a person in the labor collective, has a direct impact on the behavior of a person in the labor collective, as well as on the effectiveness of his labor activity.

Human labor is an activity in the process of which material and spiritual benefits are created to meet the needs of society. The importance of labor collectives cannot be overestimated. The prosperity of the organization and society as a whole depends on the effectiveness and quality of the work of employees.

The labor collective of any enterprise can be conditionally divided into the main components:

Production personnel - workers employed in the process of material production, with a greater share of physical labor. Whole production personnel can be divided into: the main workers involved in the production process and auxiliary, serving this production. The result of this activity are material goods created in the process of production;

Management personnel - employees involved in the process of processing information, preparing management decisions, monitoring the execution of decisions in production with a predominant share mental labor. This staff is divided into two groups: managers and specialists. The main difference between managers and specialists lies in the right of the manager to make certain decisions that have legal force, as well as the presence of other employees in subordination.

Organizations are consciously coordinated institutions that bring people together on a relatively permanent basis to achieve certain goals. Organizations, which by the end of the 20th century became an almost universal form of human life, have a set of features, which, first of all, are: the purposefulness of creation, functioning and development, an ordered internal structure, a special culture, constant interaction with the external environment, the use of natural, material and human resources .

2. Characteristics of the economic activity of the organization

General information about the enterprise.

Joint Stock Company Oil Company Rosneft is an open joint stock company. Society is legal entity operates on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation. The Company was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1995 and on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1995 No. 971 “On the transformation state enterprise Rosneft into Open Joint Stock Company Oil Company Rosneft.

The Company was established without limiting the period of its activity.

The authorized capital is 105,981,778.17 rubles.

The Company is the assignee of the reorganized state enterprise Rosneft in accordance with the deed of transfer.

President of OAO NK Rosneft - S. M. Bogdanchikov.

Legal address: Russian Federation, 115035, Moscow, Sofiyskaya embankment, 26/1.

The company carries out the following activities:

carrying out geological prospecting and exploration work in order to search for deposits of oil, gas, coal and other minerals;

extraction, transportation and processing of oil, gas, coal and other minerals, as well as timber;

production of petroleum products, petrochemicals and other products, including electricity, woodworking products, consumer goods and the provision of services to the population;

storage and sale (including sale on the domestic market and for export) of oil, gas, oil products, coal, electricity, woodworking products, other products of processing of hydrocarbons and other raw materials.

These types of activities are carried out both directly by the enterprise and its dependent and subsidiaries by coordinating and cooperating their activities.

The purpose of the Company's activities is to make profit.

The development of the Refining and Marketing sector is one of the most important strategic tasks of Rosneft Oil Company.

The main goal of the Company in this area is to increase the volume of sales of quality products with high added value to the end consumer. To achieve this goal, Rosneft is actively modernizing and expanding its refining capacity and distribution network.

In 2007, the Company acquired five large refineries in Russia, which allowed it to become the leader of the Russian oil refining industry. Currently, Rosneft owns seven large Russian refineries with a total capacity of 56.7 million tons per year.

In 2007, as a result of the acquisition of large distribution assets, Rosneft expanded its retail distribution network by 2.5 times and took second place in Russia in terms of the number of filling stations. The Company currently owns about 1,700 filling stations in 36 regions of Russia. Rosneft plans to further expand and optimize its sales network.

Rosneft also owns large offshore terminals, which have a favorable geographical location and allow efficient export of oil and oil products.

Oil refining.

2007 was a landmark year in terms of the development of the oil refining sector of Rosneft. The company has significantly expanded its refining capacity by purchasing five large Russian refineries at auctions: Kuibyshev, Novokuibyshev and Syzran in the Volga region, as well as Achinsk and Angarsk in Eastern Siberia.

In 2007, Rosneft also acquired the Novokuibyshevsk Oils and Additives Plant, which produces over 300,000 tons of motor oils per year, and the Angarsk Polymer Plant, which produces mainly olefins, benzene and polyethylene.

Compared to the beginning of 2007, the total capacity of the Company's refineries increased five times and reached 56.7 million tons (415 million barrels) per year.

The available capacities allow processing more than 50% of the produced oil. In addition, the structure of the output of petroleum products has changed significantly in favor of products with higher added value and higher quality.

Table 1.

Oil refining.

Rosneft has a well-developed infrastructure for efficient wholesale and retail sales of petroleum products on the domestic market. In 2007, the Company's sales of petroleum products in Russia amounted to 18.28 million tons, which is 91.8% more than in 2006. The growth in volumes is mainly due to the acquisition of new assets and their successful integration into the structure of the Oil Company " Rosneft.

Wholesale buyers of oil products of the Company - large end users and independent distributors, as well as budget organizations, including the Department of Defense, public utilities and agricultural enterprises.

In 2007, the Company also sold 2.31 million tons of petroleum products through its retail network, more than doubling the level of 2006. The main retail products are gasoline and diesel fuel.

Table 2.

Oil export

In 2007, Rosneft exported 52% of its produced oil to non-CIS countries and another 6% to CIS countries.

About 70% of export oil deliveries are carried out to the countries of Europe and the CIS through the pipeline system and seaports of the Transneft company, such as Primorsk and Novorossiysk. Part of the oil is exported by rail (in full or as part of combined transportation schemes) mainly to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Since the end of 2004, Rosneft has also been exporting oil through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium system.

Table 3

Volumes of oil sales for export.

Sales of petroleum products on the domestic market

Rosneft has a well-developed infrastructure for efficient wholesale and retail sales of petroleum products on the domestic market.

Wholesale buyers of the Company's petroleum products are large end-users and independent distributors, as well as budgetary organizations, including the Ministry of Defense, public utilities and agricultural enterprises. The main types of products supplied to wholesale buyers are heating oil, diesel and aviation fuel.

The company also sells petroleum products through its retail network. The main retail products are gasoline and diesel fuel.

As of the end of 2007, Rosneft's retail network included 1,695 owned and leased filling stations, as well as 71 filling stations operating under the Company's brand on a franchise basis.

In accordance with the strategy, Rosneft plans to expand its filling station network in the regions where its refineries and tank farms are located, as well as in the rapidly developing markets of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Table 4

Sales network of the company.

Table 5

The volume of sales of petroleum products in the domestic market.

Economic analysis of OAO NK Rosneft.

To understand whether the organization's activities are profitable or not, it is necessary to consider the main economic indicators of the organization. These indicators make it possible to control the activities of the enterprise, as well as use them in order to increase profits.

Let us consider the economic indicators of the activities of NK Rosneft. One of the main performance indicators of the enterprise is the article sales and revenue. Let's present it in the form of a table.

Table 6

Rosneft sales and revenue item (in millions of US dollars)

From this table, we can conclude that, compared with 9 months of 2007. The company's revenue increased by USD 25,405 million in the same period of 2008.

Now consider an equally important economic indicator, such as an item of costs and expenses.

The data will be presented in the form of a table.

Table 7

Cost and expense items of Rosneft Oil Company (in millions of US dollars)

costs and expenses For the nine months ended September 30, 2008 For the nine months ended September 30, 2007
Production and operating expenses 3 259 2 605
Cost of purchased oil and gas, oil products and oil refining services 2 382 1 203
General and administrative expenses 1 164 843
Oil pipeline tariffs and transportation costs 4 264 3 069
Costs associated with the exploration of oil and gas reserves 164 82
Wear, depletion and amortization 3 081 2 424
Taxes other than income tax 12 558 7 222
Export duty 17 325 8 697
Total 44 297 26 187

Based on the data presented in the tables, we calculate the gross profit:

VP = 58,152 - 44,297 = 13,895 million US dollars.

Net income is $10,345 million.

For a complete analysis, we calculate the part net profit.

We also calculate the part of the gross profit:

Share of gross profit 24%

From the presented calculations, it can be seen that part of the net profit is not so large, but at the moment Rosneft is the largest enterprise for production, processing, as well as the leading exporter of oil and oil products in Russia and is one of the ten largest producing countries and countries - exporters of oil and oil products.

3. Formation and functioning of the labor collective

3.1 Formation of the labor collective

The process of forming a cohesive workforce of the organization is a rather long process.

The creation of a work collective is a complex and ambiguous process, since the goals of its members may be different. The effectiveness of their work depends on the level of unity of goals of all employees and their compliance with the set ones.

In order for the process of creating a new team to be more effective, the following factors must be considered:

When hiring potential employees, it is necessary to familiarize them with the tasks and goals defined for the new team so that candidates can evaluate them and compare them with their goals and priorities. This helps to immediately weed out people without internal motives, or people with goals and priorities different from those set.

At the second stage of team formation, it is necessary to ensure an appropriate level of professional, psychological compatibility, which will allow for the correct distribution of job responsibilities, which in the future will allow fruitful interaction with each other for the sake of the goal.

Availability required a good leader, a leader to whom all members of the team will listen and obey.

A streamlined system of monetary rewards that every employee should understand. Which should reflect the results of the activities of each employee and follow from the results of the activities of the entire workforce, which helps to rally the team.

3.2 Manpower planning

The process of establishing the needs of an enterprise in personnel is personnel planning. This process includes three stages:

Assessing the availability of available resources;

Assessment of the needs of the enterprise in personnel;

Creation of methods and programs for providing the enterprise with personnel.

One of the main tasks of the manager is the high-quality selection of personnel without losing the competitiveness of products. In order to start recruiting, it is necessary to analyze labor costs, determine the efficiency of using working time, calculate the number of employees involved in performing one operation necessary to achieve the goal.

The calculation of personnel needs is the most important area of ​​marketing, which allows you to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel for a certain period of time.

A qualitative need is a need for specialties, professions and categories of personnel.

Quantitative need is the choice of calculation method required amount staff for a given period of time.

3.3 Recruitment methods

For better recruitment, the organization needs to decide on the sources of recruitment. There are two main types of sources:

Internal - from the personnel of this organization;

External - from candidates not related to the work of this organization.

In the event that among the candidates for the position is not inside the organization, then it turns to external sources. These can be their own databases of highly qualified specialists, the media, the Internet, recruitment agencies.

For the primary selection of candidates in the organization, there is an established sample questionnaire (Appendix 1). With the applicants selected as a result of the survey, an interview is conducted, in which human and professional qualities are assessed. The result of the interview in most cases is based on the intuition of the HR manager or manager.

In large organizations that have their own HR department, the preliminary interview is conducted by the HR manager, and the manager conducts the selection interview. With a multi-stage structure of the organization, the applicant undergoes repeated interviews with managers at various levels, as well as an interview with the director, who makes the final decision.

3.4 Functioning of the labor collective

During the formation and development of the labor collective goes through three stages:

The first stage is the formation of a labor collective from those wishing to work at this enterprise, selected as a result of questionnaires and interviews. At this stage, the manager, using his experience and professional skills, needs to select the most qualified employees to create an able-bodied team.

The second stage is the acquaintance of the leader with the members of the team, in the process of their joint work. At this stage, there is an informal rallying of the members of the team, taking into account their interests and inclinations, an informal structure of the team is being formed. The manager must control these processes and manage them. There may be conflicts that need to be prevented by making changes to the distribution of functions and the organization of the workflow.

The third stage is the presence of a formed labor collective. By this time, all members of the team are coherently fulfilling their duties, taking into account all the requirements and instructions of the leader, as a result of which there has been a combination of both personal and collective interests.

Each work collective develops individually, some go through stages of development faster, others vice versa. There are cases when the second stage is delayed, which can lead to the collapse of the team, this is a consequence of poor-quality selection of workers and a low level of management of the workforce.

For the high-quality work of the labor collective, the presence in it of a favorable moral and psychological climate among its employees is of great importance.

The quality of the work of the labor collective largely depends on the well-functioning system of motivation, both individual and collective. Motivation is the incentive motives for the quality work of employees aimed at achieving the goals of both personal and organization as a whole. It acts as a motivating force for activating the work of the team on the basis of personal interest.

The motivational structure implies the presence of two factors - internal and external.

The social development of the team is one of the main needs of the team. Needs are formed in the process of team development. Collective needs are manifested in the system of goals and indicators that reflect the results of the work of the team.

The attitude of a person to work is mainly determined by the socio-economic environment in which the labor process takes place. It determines the status of a person in a team and in society.

The management of any organization in determining the objectives of the activity should think about the resources needed to achieve them. The need for cash, materials and equipment. But the most important resource for achieving the set goals is human labor. Therefore, for more efficient operation of any organization, a highly qualified workforce is needed.

Thus, recruitment is a key moment in the activity of any organization.

4. Moral and psychological climate in the workforce

A favorable psychological climate is the situation when all members of the team know their place in the hierarchy of the organization and are satisfied with it, they are engaged in an interesting business and the competencies of the team members do not overlap, which means that there are no disagreements, and an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual assistance reigns in the team.

To create a favorable moral and psychological climate, friendly relations, it is necessary that the following informal roles be distributed in the team:

Emotional leader - a person who has authority among the members of the team, and influencing the members of the group, regardless of their official position;

A diagnostician is a person who is able to analyze the moral and psychological climate in the team, and who is also able to recognize the qualities of each individual and his position in relation to other members of the team;

An integrator is a person who is able to rally the team to solve certain problems of the organization, who has leadership potential and purposefully performs the necessary correction of the moral and psychological climate in the team.

But even if the roles are distributed, and each member of the team performs its duties, a highly qualified leader is required to create an ideal moral and psychological climate in the enterprise.

As in any team, this department has its own emotional leader who has a positive influence on the team members, they listen to his authoritative opinion, and it so happened that he is also the head of the department.

This leader is characterized, so to speak, by a liberal-demonstrative style of leadership. On the one hand, he gives freedom of action to his subordinates, within the boundaries of a given project, on the other hand, he arouses a sense of healthy competition, turning the work process into a competition among colleagues, to achieve maximum performance. Thus, this leadership style improves the moral and psychological climate in the team.

The head of his behavior, statements, appeals, the widespread introduction of corporate symbols (in objects of work, souvenirs), instills in all employees organizational culture, the unity of goals of activity, which also positively affects the atmosphere in the team.

But, as in any creative team, conflicts arise in the department. A conflict is a clash of opposing positions of opinions or views of two or more people. Basically, these are interpersonal conflicts, when employees in a team have an opposite opinion about the ways and means of achieving the goal.

But all the conflicts that have arisen are resolved by a skilled leader.

So, a favorable moral and psychological climate reigns in the labor collective of the department, which, of course, contributes to the work and creativity of the members of the team.

5. Methods of rallying the labor collective

Cohesion can be defined as the sum of all the forces acting on the members of a group to keep them in it. And under the concept of "power", in this definition, implies the satisfaction of the individual with membership in the team. Cohesion is a set of goals pursued by each employee and the team as a whole. If these goals coincide, then the labor activity of the team will be productive.

Cohesion means that this composition of the team is not only possible, but also integrated in the best possible way, and a special degree of development of relations has been achieved, namely the degree at which all members of the group share the goals of group activity and the values ​​associated with it to the greatest extent. this activity. There are two main types of labor cohesion:

Subject - active cohesion is formed on two grounds: regarding the implementation of the common goal of joint activity, set from the outside by the organization, and regarding the private goals of group members that do not correspond to organizational ones.

Moral and psychological cohesion, which can be formed on two grounds: maintaining a positive moral and psychological climate in the group and obtaining personal benefits from interacting with each other.

Psychological unity in the group arises on the basis of the commonality of human values, the proximity of the ideas of the team members about what kind of labor behavior is acceptable and what is condemned, what should be the relations in the group, the style and methods of work. This consistency concerns not only the mutual opinions of people, but also their relations, on events of a business or personal nature that are significant for the team and its members.

Another necessary component of cohesion is the consistency of the mutual actions of people, their behavior, but not within the framework of specific labor and labor actions, but against the background of various interactions. This side of the cohesion of the team is especially clearly manifested in its organization - the ability to self-organize, coherence, coordinated overcoming of emerging difficult situations, inherent moments in interaction, in other words, to joint efficient operation and collaborative problem solving. The cohesion of the team is defined as the ideological, moral, intellectual, emotional and volitional unity of its members, developing on the basis of such an objective characteristic as organizational unity.

The team also becomes cohesive as the individual is involved in the group. The individual is involved in it to the extent that this group satisfies his own needs.

The main goal of each is to make a profit (salary), therefore, their common goal is the sum of the individual goals of each - to do the job. The team will be more cohesive if the result of each will depend on the quality work of colleagues.

Games are one of the ways to unite the labor collective.

Games allow you to create an environment for rallying team members. The peculiarity of the game lies in the fact that during its process the contact between people is deep and complete, the gaming community is preserved even after its completion. The game gives the effect of uncertainty, which revitalizes and activates the mental abilities, and also leads to the search for optimal solutions. The game does not matter who wins, it gives a complete picture of honor and self-sacrifice for the good of the team.

Role-playing games can be classified as follows:

1. Territorial sign:

Table role-playing games. These games can be played without leaving the office, they do not require the presence of an appropriate entourage, a trained leader or special skills.

Pavilion role-playing games. For their implementation, it is necessary to have a special room in which it is necessary to create the appropriate entourage and equipment. Presence of leading games and regulating its course is desirable. Depending on the complexity of the game, preparation of the participants is required.

Role playing on the ground. These games are more complex, unlike the previous ones, since it is necessary to have special equipment, costumes, an administrative group that will oversee the conduct of this game, as well as the preparation of the area.

2. According to the level of difficulty.

War games. This game has its own legend, for the development of which it is necessary to create a special world, its conditions, rules and laws, in which the tasks are solved by force.

Fairy tale games are complicated war games that contain elements of magic. For games of this kind, a higher level of player training and organizational responsibility is required.

Historical and ethnographic games are held on literary works and historical events. Preparation for the games requires a more detailed approach, both on the part of the organizers and its participants.

Mind games. In this case, active actions are minimal, and the participants must be comprehensively developed.

3. On a temporary basis.

Target games, the main characteristic of which is that the team that has reached the goal is recognized as the winner and the game is considered completed.

Games are limited in time. The main task of which is to achieve the goal by each player in a certain time.

Non-stop. Games created according to a certain scenario, which can be played indefinitely, because. have no logical end.

Participation of employees in role-playing games can be either passive, limited or free.

Each enterprise chooses a suitable game for itself, striving to rally the team, where cohesion is considered as the most important characteristic of the work team and is under the constant control of the organization's management.

The oil company Rosneft makes extensive use of intellectual games. In March of this year, she held a business evaluation game for young specialists from the Leaders of Growth company.

The game was played in two stages - the first was held on February 14 in Nefteyugansk, the second - on March 1 in Moscow. About 140 young professionals from 18 Rosneft subsidiaries, who have worked for the company for at least two years, took part in the two stages of the game.

The event was held by the Human Resources Department of the company to identify the managerial potential of young professionals and obtain information on the basis of which it is possible to plan the further development of young professionals. Under the terms of the game, the participants were not previously acquainted; the organizers put them in a strict framework, deliberately forming prefabricated groups and thus providing an opportunity to compare themselves with other colleagues. Players could offer their own methods and solutions to improve the management and development of Rosneft over a five-year period.

The event was structured in such a way that the teams solved the tasks assigned to them autonomously, but by a certain time they gathered in a common audience and defended their versions. Then a general meeting was held, at which the most successful proposals were noted. Then a new goal was set for the teams and the groups dispersed in order to eventually put forward their most effective way out of the situation presented. Each team was attended by experts - observers. They recorded the work within the group and evaluated the participants.

According to Vladislav Pashin from the YuNG Financial Department, this is a very important experience, in one day the team members had to not only get to know each other, but also become like-minded people. By exchanging opinions and ideas, it was necessary in a short time to find and offer their own solution to the task assigned to them. At first, there were some difficulties in communication, since very different people crept up in the micro-collective. Each of them had his own view, his own vision of the problem. It was difficult to truly unite, to come to a consensus, but later it was possible. Despite the fact that there were repetitions in the proposed solutions, nevertheless, witty proposals were made that deserve attention. Some promising ideas related to staff development were noted. This is not an easy topic, and judgments from the outside came in handy.

According to the organizers, the business game lived up to expectations, since. Direct communication with colleagues from other subsidiaries, exchange of opinions and experience in solving problems contributed to the generation of new ideas aimed at solving the problems of the holding.

According to one of the participants, the business game helped to “feel the corporate spirit” and determine their own potential. Get the skills of "correct" teamwork and presentation of your projects. The game develops the ability to work in a team - to express thoughts, to defend their point of view.

Experts - observers highly appreciated this event, as very interesting thoughts were voiced on attracting additional capital to the company, ideas were proposed for opening pension funds and banks. Each participant had "highlights" of ideas.

Work with young specialists is carried out in the company on a regular basis. This is the future of the company, which is always given increased attention by management. business game gave everyone the opportunity to show their leadership potential. As a result, young professionals come into the focus of management's attention not only at the level of their department.

6. The activities of the head of the management of the workforce

An important element of the organization's activities is the proper management of the workforce, since without people the goals of the organization will not be achieved. In a market economy, the slogan of the organization is: "Personnel decides everything", investments in personnel have become long-term.

However, in order for the activities of the team to be more effective, there is a favorable moral and psychological climate, it needs a competent leader, as he coordinates and unites.

Management is the internal driving force of the organization, which ensures its productive life. Management is realized through such functions as planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

Personnel management is the impact of the manager on the members of the team, carried out purposefully and continuously in order to achieve the set goals. The definition of goals, principles, tasks and methods of managing a team is a theory of personnel management, the main task of which is to develop a set of management methods.

A special object of management is personnel, which can be considered as an individual, team or group.

Individual personnel work, i.e. personality management involves the development personal qualities worker. Team management refers to the influence on all relationships that occur within the team. Group management is about influencing people on a formal and informal level.

The objects of the system are in constant communication with each other. As a result, there are various processes of personnel movement both within the enterprise and outside it. These processes include the transition from position to position, from team to team, from unit to unit, from enterprise to enterprise, the growth of qualifications, the promotion of employees. Along with this, a number of other processes should be mentioned: changing the professional and qualification structure of employees, improving the organizational structure, improving the psychological climate in the team, other socio-economic processes that make it possible to put a number of elements of the management of the workforce on the regime of self-government, etc.

Personnel management methods.

Personnel management methods are called methods of influencing teams and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process.

There are three control methods:

Administrative, aimed at such a motivation of behavior that stimulates discipline, a sense of duty, the desire of the individual to work in this organization. It differs in the nature of the impact, i.e. any order or order is binding. It is characterized by compliance with legal norms and acts of higher management. This method based on power and discipline is known as the "whip method".

Economic, based on material incentives for the labor collective and its individual members. It is based on the classical application of economic laws and is characterized by its impact as the “carrot method”.

Morally - psychological, based on the application of the social mechanism and individual approach (personal needs).

Sociological methods are based on methods of motivating public influence on people through the "opinion of the collective". Psychological methods are based on knowledge of human psychology, his spiritual inner world and are known as the "method of persuasion".

The most important trend in management science is a systematic approach, which is considered as a modern way of managerial thinking that allows you to present a holistic and comprehensive management of an organization and its subsystems in a complex market environment. The application of a systematic approach makes it possible to reveal the internal structure of the human resource management system as an integral system consisting of three interdependent subsystems for managing the formation, use and development of human resources in an organization. The main goal of the human resource management system is to ensure high-quality and rational formation, development and development of human resources to achieve economic efficiency and competitiveness of the organization. Human resource management in modern organizations is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions (management functions), which are interconnected and form the structure of the personnel service as an independent functional unit of the enterprise.

It is advisable to use labor productivity as an object of management in the personnel management system, because This is due to a number of points:

1. Performance criteria should be clearly defined and quantified in economic indicators which are often based on various norms and standards.

2. An exact relationship must be established between the labor efforts of the employee and the economic results of the organization. For personnel engaged in core activities and directly producing the final product, this is quite possible. But there remains a large proportion of workers whose labor productivity depends on many factors, including those that do not depend on their labor efforts.

3. The use of labor productivity as an object of personnel management implies its predictability within the framework of clearly defined work technologies. But modern patterns of development show an increase in the share of such types of labor, where the result is unpredictable, and its achievement depends on the personal qualities of the worker.

4. The effectiveness of many types of labor is manifested only after a certain time. Therefore, using this management object, only the labor of employees remains outside the management influences, whose results can only be assessed indirectly or in the long term, and the use of performance indicators of specific employees may in some cases conflict with the goals of the organization.

5. Focusing on labor productivity encourages employees to strive to perform simple functions that bring a quick effect.

6. Achieving the same result is possible in different ways, including using inefficient methods.

The allocation of performance as the target object of personnel management in an organization means that:

1. When planning the need for personnel, it is necessary to calculate how many employees the company needs to achieve the necessary economic results;

2. When selecting personnel, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the candidate to produce the required volume of products;

3. When adapting, it is necessary to pay Special attention professional adaptation;

4. When developing personnel, the qualities that should be developed to improve performance are taken into account;

5. When evaluating, the performance of the employee's work is taken into account;

6. When organizing labor, it is necessary to organize a workplace, determine the composition of functions to increase the economic results of an employee’s labor, etc.

The essence of labor productivity as an object of management is in absolute priority in the personnel management system of the economic side of labor activity.

Basic rules, principles of work with the labor collective.

There are many principles of working with a team, consider the main ones:

bureaucracy - the predominance of the central level of management (administration) over the main part of the team for strict implementation normative documents organizations.

the flexibility of management characterizes the adaptability of the administration to changes in the goals of the team and the conditions for its work.

discipline - all members of the work team comply with the standards of the internal labor schedule, and managers use proper sanctions against violators of discipline.

unity of command - all power is concentrated in the hands of the leader, and the employee, in turn, is obliged to perform and account for the work done.

collegiality - managers cooperate in close contact with each other, participating in the development of the most important decisions.

cooperation - a team management system that ensures maximum separation and specialization of the processes of development, adoption and implementation of decisions by a person.

corporatism - the totality of all interests of various categories of personnel in ensuring unity to achieve common goals.

efficiency - the timeliness of making a proper decision on the analysis and improvement of the management system, to prevent and eliminate conflicts in the team.

The main activities related to personnel management:

creation of a personnel management system;

HR planning;

personnel marketing;

establishing the needs of the organization in personnel;

establishing human resources organizations;

equipment of the management system, such as legal, technical, informational;

analysis of the work of departments of the organization;

performance analysis and improvement of the management system.

Analysis of the personnel management system at the Rosneft Oil Company.

This enterprise uses administrative, economic and moral-psychological methods of personnel management.

Administrative methods involve - the development job descriptions, the establishment of sanctions and incentives, the issuance of orders, the selection and distribution of personnel. Responsibilities for the development of this method are assigned to the president and the board, to the heads of departments and services.

Economic methods imply - analysis, pricing and planning, these responsibilities are assigned to the accounting staff and the financial department.

Moral - psychological methods - analysis and creation of a favorable climate in the team, stimulating the initiative. This method is used by the head and directly by the employees of the team.

Management in the "Marketing and Advertising Department" is based on a liberal-demonstrative style, in which the leader gives freedom of action for his subordinates, within the framework of a given project, provokes healthy rivalry between colleagues to achieve the maximum result of activity, which is especially necessary in this team.

In the team of this department, informal roles are distributed, such as: emotional leader, diagnostician, integrator.

The work of the leader with the team is based on the following principles:

Remuneration is based on the results of the work of each person and the entire workforce as a whole.

Flexibility - implies the adaptability of the leader to the changing goals of the team and the conditions of its work.

Comfort - personnel management provides maximum convenience for creative processes in the workforce.

For the team of the department, they use material and non-material motivation. Material - include salary, bonuses and different kind personal allowances. Intangible - social benefits, such as fares, children's new year holidays, mobile connection and medical insurance, corporate events.

Despite competent leadership, conflicts still occur in the team, often these are creative conflicts (interpersonal) that arise in the process of work.

In the department, team members are diverse people, different ages, with different skill levels. Much attention is given to young professionals.

The Company has established councils for young professionals and a mentoring institution that provides effective system managing the adaptation process of young people in Rosneft Oil Company. In addition, training and development of young employees were organized, as well as conditions were created for their career growth. When planning its development, Rosneft strives to attract young talented employees and already today takes care of those who will come to work in five to ten years. The Company has created a pre-university training program within the framework of specialized Rosneft classes.

In addition, Rosneft cooperates with the leading higher educational institutions in Russia for mutual benefit: state university oil and gas them. Gubkin, Ufa State Oil Technical University, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute, Kuban State Technical University, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and others.

The company constantly improves the educational, methodological and material and technical base of partner universities in accordance with modern requirements, provides sponsorship, organizes internships for the teaching staff of universities at Rosneft enterprises, and pays corporate grants to teachers.

Rosneft Oil Company has developed a system of corporate and social scholarships, which contributes to the formation of a reserve of future specialists. In 2007, 28 students received such a scholarship. The most promising students and graduates are invited first to work practice, and then to permanent job in company.

The company values ​​its personnel if it receives a high return from them, and seeks to support them not only at work, but also socially. The best returns come from smart investments in people and their training.

Organizational. The head of this department uses a liberal - demonstration style of leadership, the negative aspects of which are an unhealthy spirit of competition provoked by the head, which negatively affects the results of work.

Formal. In the system of relations "leader - subordinate" delegation of authority often occurs. This enables team members to participate in decision making and delivery. finished work, but this is not always appropriate, as it is sometimes understood as the unwillingness of the leader to take responsibility for the work done.

Psychological. The system of motivation and remuneration at this enterprise is clearly formulated. However, the employees of this department would be pleased to hear verbal gratitude from the lips of their leader, which would certainly affect the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team.


After studying the specialized literature and analyzing the personnel policy of the Rosneft Oil Company, we can draw the following conclusions:

The labor collective is the main cell that unites all employees of the organization to achieve a specific goal.

The formation of highly qualified labor collectives is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of production and high-quality competitive products.

For better recruitment, the organization needs to decide on the sources of recruitment.

The quality of the work of the labor collective largely depends on the well-functioning system of motivation, both individual and collective.

For more effective work of the labor collective, first of all, it is necessary to create a favorable moral and psychological climate among its members.

One of the main tasks of the leader is to unite the work collective, which is certain process development of intragroup relations.

An important element of the organization's activities is the proper management of the workforce, since without people the goals of the organization will not be achieved.

Consequently, the formation of a highly professional work team, the creation of a special moral and psychological climate in it is not an easy task for a leader.

However, despite some shortcomings, the head of the "Marketing and Advertising Department" managed to gather and rally highly qualified specialists, which can characterize him as a professional leader.

List of sources used

1.I.K.Makarova "Personnel Management" Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboyedov. Moscow 2006

2.A.M. Karyakin "Personnel management. Ivanovo 2005.

3. Bychkova A.V., "Personnel management", Penza 2005.

4. "Theory of personnel management", I. B. Durakova, Voronezh 2004.

5. "Personnel management of the organization", A.Ya. Kibanova 1997.

6. A. S. Bolshakov "Management", St. Petersburg 2000.

7. Charter of the Open Joint Stock Company "Oil Company" Rosneft "

I.K. Makarova "Personnel Management" Institute of International Law and Economics named after A.S. Griboyedov. Moscow 2006

A.M. Karyakin "Personnel management. Ivanovo 2005.

Charter of the Open Joint Stock Company "Oil Company" Rosneft "

"Personnel Management", Bychkova A.V., Penza 2005.