The system of stimulating the work of employees of an educational institution. The amount and procedure for determining the parental fee is established by a legal act of the administration of the city of Berezniki

  • 26.11.2019

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Hosted at

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Berezniki branch

federal state budgetary educational institution

higher vocational education

"Perm State National Research University"

Department of Economics

Graduate work

Improving the system of material incentives for personnel of municipal preschool educational institutions

Fifth year student

Specialties "Management of the organization"

Groups BF/o MNO-1-07

Andreichik Vasily Sergeevich

scientific adviser

Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Dolgopolova Irina Vladimirovna

Berezniki, 2014


To date, in the system of preschool education, there is a problem of optimizing the ratio between the workload of a teacher and the amount of payment for his work. In addition, a low level wages teachers cannot afford to fully provide preschool educational institutions with qualified personnel.

An increase in wages for each category of workers without taking into account various indicators characterizing the result of their activities will not do the job they deserve. positive effect without changing the existing system and will seem at least unfair. It is also obvious that the existing problems of remuneration of employees of preschool educational institutions are also associated with the inefficiency of the system itself, which includes the procedure, conditions for paying wages, composition, as well as criteria and conditions for differentiation.

Therefore, there is a need to develop a set of measures to identify positive changes in the system of remuneration of employees of preschool educational institutions. It should be noted that most of these measures should be changes, approved by the relevant regulatory legal acts, of the principles and conditions for regulating the remuneration of employees of preschool educational institutions, which can be implemented at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities, depending on which department it belongs to. or other educational institution. It is also necessary to adopt legal acts at the Federal level, in order to provide methodological and informational assistance to the subjects of the Federation and municipalities.

The object of the study is the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution " Kindergarten No. 68".

The subject of the study is the system of material incentives for employees budget organizations in the education system.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the system of material incentives for the staff of MBDOU Berezniki on the example of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68", as well as to develop recommendations for its improvement.

The goal set made it necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Study the concept of motivation and stimulation labor activity in the personnel management system;

2) Summarize the features of stimulating the labor activity of employees of educational institutions;

3) Conduct an analysis of the activities of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" in the field of staff incentives;

The purpose and objectives of the thesis work determined its structure. The work consists of three chapters (theoretical, analytical and advisory). The first chapter considers the concept of motivation for labor activity, the concept of incentives and its types, as well as the features of material incentives for workers in the field of education.

The second chapter presents the characteristics of the object of study, analyzes the composition and structure of personnel, and analyzes the system of material incentives for employees.

Research methods: analysis of literary sources, analysis of documents, survey, comparison of statistical data, mathematical modeling. The volume of the final qualifying work is 79 pages, 10 figures, 12 tables, 38 literature sources, 5 applications.

Chapter I

1.1 The concept of work motivation

Today it is difficult to overestimate the importance of staff motivation in the process of managing an organization. Understanding the basic principles of motivating employees to work to achieve the goals of the organization gives the modern leader a powerful tool for managing the enterprise. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the "points of application of force" and consistently introduce the developed system into the management process.

On the one hand, motivation is the creation of mutually unambiguous conditions regulating labor relations that ensure the correspondence between the specific interests of the employee and the employer, in which the employee has a need to work selflessly. On the other hand, it is understood as the use of motives of human behavior in the practice of managing his activities.

In modern management theory, motivation is interpreted as a process of motivating people to achieve the goals of the organization.

Consideration of motivation as a process includes the creation of regulatory conditions that remove uncertainty in labor relations for employees and managers, and the implementation, in accordance with these conditions, of simple procedures for monitoring and accounting for the results of labor in the process.

Employee motivation is the most important tool for increasing labor productivity, because without it it is impossible to ensure the growth of the company's competitiveness.

A motive is an internal urge that makes a person do something or act in a certain way.

The motivational structure of a person must be considered as the basis of his actions. It is characterized by a certain stability, but it can change in the process of a person's upbringing, as his education and other conditions grow.

The motivated behavior of a person follows from individual differences in the structure of motives and a specific situation. It is possible to change the motivation of an employee's behavior only through appropriately selected incentives.

The motives of the labor activity of a modern person are quite complex and, as a rule, it is difficult to understand them, and, therefore, to influence them.

The motives of labor activity are the reasons that determine human behavior in the labor process (the content and nature of labor, economic and social incentives for labor, social relations in a team, etc.). The functions of motives are multidirectional, and are reflected in Table 1.

Table 1. Functions of motives in the sphere of work

Function name

Function action


Targets an employee to a particular behavior


Reflects the meaning of the employee's behavior - the motive in this case shows the significance of such behavior for a person


It determines the result of the impact on the employee's behavior of both internal and external motives, which is reflected in the motive


It consists in the fact that the motive makes the employee gather, concentrate to perform activities that are important to him


Reflects in the motive of behavior the attitude of the employee to the generally accepted and established pattern of behavior, one or another social norm

It should be noted that managers of any level have always been aware of how important the motivational aspect of personnel is for the implementation of the tasks set, since the team wins, not the individual, so it is necessary to minimize risks and create an effective motivation system in the company.

Note that the motivation system works when it meets expectations and takes into account the interests of both the employer and employees.

Motivators are motivating factors, stimuli external to the person. If they correspond to his needs (motives), then they encourage a person to a certain type of behavior.

At the same time, the formation of needs is influenced by: gender, age, level of upbringing and education, profession, marital status, social and religious affiliation, as well as the economic and political situation.

When taking into account individual characteristics, in order to achieve certain tasks in personnel management, unification and standardization are required. The structure and content of the principles of motivation for each group is different, since the contribution of the participant to the final product is special.

Therefore, in the work of any organization, it is important to understand who the employees are and how to achieve the goals set by common forces in such a way that the needs of both parties are satisfied: the employer and the staff. At the first stage, the theory of motivation by A. Maslow, which includes 5 basic levels of human needs, may well help:

1) physiological needs;

2) the need for security;

3) the need to belong to a certain social group;

4) the need for respect;

5) the need for self-expression, self-realization, personal power.

As a rule, representatives of top management correspond to levels 4 and 5, line personnel - from levels 1 to 3.

The motivation system in the company should quickly identify what level of needs its employees are concerned about.

Consider the basic principles of motivation:

a) setting goals and objectives;

b) publicity, availability of feedback;

c) linking goals and rewards, defining evaluation criteria;

d) the unity of moral and material methods of stimulation;

e) creating favorable conditions for effective work, since a favorable climate in the team, the aesthetics of the workplace have a positive effect on labor activity.

f) use predominantly positive incentives;

g) taking into account the personal qualities of the employee: features, character, abilities, value system.

We also note that the development and implementation of a personnel motivation system in accordance with the above principles can only have an effect if a detailed motivational profile of employees has been compiled. This stage is the foundation of the entire personnel incentive system, and if the motivating factors of each employee have been fully identified, you can be sure of the maximum efficiency of the motivation system and increase the efficiency of your organization.

Speaking about the motivational profile of employees, it should be noted that it also directly depends on the motivational types of employees. Each person is a combination of all or some of the motivational types in a certain proportion, as shown in the study by Yu. K. Balashov and A. G. Koval. Thus, each person is described by a motivational profile showing the extent to which each motivational type is present in him. Conventionally, the share of the motivational type is described by a number from 0 (the corresponding nature of motivation is completely absent) to 100 (the person is described by a “pure” motivational type), and the sum of all numbers is 100.

There are the following "pure" types of motivation:

a) lumpenized (avoidant class);

b) instrumental (achievement class);

c) professional (achievement class);

d) patriotic (achievement class);

e) master's (achievement class).

An example of a combination of motivational types is shown in Figure 1:

Rice. 1. Man as a combination of pure motivational types

Consider each motivational type:

1) Lumpenized type - refers to the avoidant class of motivation, its characteristic is:

- indifference of the employee to the nature of the work performed, lack of preferences;

- the consent of the worker to low pay, on the condition that others do not receive more;

- low qualification of personnel;

- not the desire of the employee to improve their skills, opposition to this;

- low activity of staff and speaking out against the activity of others;

- low responsibility of the staff, the desire to shift it to others;

- the desire of the employee to minimize effort.

2) Instrumental type - refers to the achievement class of motivation, its characteristic is:

- the employee's interest in the price of labor, and not its content (that is, labor is a tool for meeting other needs, hence the name of this type of motivation);

- the importance of the reasonableness of the price of the work;

- the ability of an employee to provide for his own life.

3) Professional type - refers to the achievement class of motivation, its characteristic is:

- the employee's interest in the content of the work;

- disagreement of the employee to work that is not interesting for him, no matter how much they pay for it;

- manifestation of interest in complex tasks - the possibility of self-expression;

- the importance of freedom in operations;

- the importance of professional recognition of an employee as the best in the profession.

4) Patriotic type - refers to the achievement class of motivation, its characteristic is:

- the need for an idea that will move the worker;

- the importance of public recognition of participation in the success of the employee;

- universal recognition of the indispensability of the employee in the company.

5) Master type - refers to the achievement class of motivation, its characteristic is:

- voluntary acceptance of responsibility by the employee;

- the aggravated requirement of freedom of action of the employee;

- a sharp negative attitude of the staff to the control of its activities

Note that each person, from the point of view of his motivation, is a combination in some proportions of five pure motivational types.

Thus, this theoretical part outlines the basic concepts of motivation, its principles, and also considers the main types of motivation.

1.2 The concept of incentives and its types

Motivation is based on stimulating employees to fulfill their tasks and achieve both personal goals and the goals of the organization. A properly designed and successfully implemented incentive system will lead not only to an increase in labor productivity and, as a result, an increase in the company's profit, but also to staff satisfaction with their work.

Consider the basic concepts associated with stimulation.

Stimulus - an external motivation for the activity of an employee, the effect of which is mediated by the human psyche, his views, feelings, interests, aspirations, etc. Incentives become motives when they are objectively significant and meet the needs of the subject (employee), i.e. the incentive is not identical to the motive, although in some cases it can turn into a motive, draws attention to the fact that incentives are offered to a person as compensation for his actions. A person reacts to many stimuli, sometimes without realizing it, i.e. uncontrollably. The response to specific stimuli is not the same for different people, so incentives must be designed taking into account the current needs of a particular individual.

Stimulation is the creation of such a labor, economic situation that could interest the object of stimulation in a certain behavior.

Also, stimulation is the process and result of the systematic impact of the subject of management (management) on the individual, collective, social community with the help of various incentives in order to activate behavior, activities (labor, professional, economic, civil), adequate to the tasks of the institution, organization, social system, states, society as a whole.

Thus, with a variety of approaches to understanding incentives, the main features should be the idea that incentives, as a process and result, are focused on the interests and needs of two sides of labor relations: the employer and the staff.

Among the external incentives to work, material and non-material incentives are distinguished.

Material incentives can be expressed in monetary form (wages, bonuses, etc.) and in non-monetary form (vouchers for rest and treatment, priority in providing housing, rights to purchase scarce goods, enterprise subsidies, etc.).

Material monetary form - salary assignment, salary increase, surcharges and allowances, variable part of earnings - bonuses, commissions, etc.

Material non-monetary form - remuneration for merits that have a monetary value, but issued to an employee in non-monetary form (vouchers, gift certificates, company products).

Material non-monetary incentives, as a rule, are presented in the form of a social (compensatory) package, usually including:

a) payment for meals (free lunches);

b) providing and paying for mobile communications;

c) loans and credits (depending on the length of service) for the purchase of housing, a car;

d) medical insurance;

e) payment for training for advanced training.

Various types of material monetary incentives are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Types of material incentives in cash

1) Salary:

a) main body

Fixed salary (paid in full, provided there are no gross violations of labor duties)

b) additional part

- monthly bonuses;

- allowances for professional skills;

- additional payments (for work at night, on weekends and holidays, for overtime work);

- part-time payment;

- additional payments for the management of the department / team;

- compensation for unused vacation;

Additional payments to young specialists, etc.

2) Bonuses - one-time payments from the profit of the organization

- work experience;

- salary amount;

- general results of the work of the department;

The personal contribution of each employee.

3) Additional payments:

- additional payments for work experience - it is assumed that after working in the organization for more than two years, people begin to work much more efficiently, bringing significant profit. The decision to increase the salary of an employee is made by his immediate supervisor (an important condition is the absence of disciplinary sanctions);

Linking the level of wages to the "life peaks" of the employee (for example, graduating from university, going to work, getting married, having a child, renting / buying a home, etc.). Every significant event in a person's life, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in costs. If at the same time his expenses significantly exceed income, this can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of employees, which, in turn, will adversely affect the results of the organization.

In combination with material incentives, non-material ones should also be used.

Non-material incentives - rewards that do not have a monetary value: recognition of status and merit (diplomas, diplomas), provision of individual employees with special working conditions (flexible or free schedule).

Non-material incentives are focused on the use of intellectual, moral, personnel and other incentives.

Intangible motivation may include:

1) benefits related to the work schedule;

2) corporate events;

3) intangible rewards-acknowledgments;

4) intangible rewards associated with a change in the status of an employee;

5) remuneration associated with a change in the workplace;

All types of non-material incentives can be divided into three components, presented in Figure 2:

Rice. 2. Types of non-material incentives

The basis for such a division is the source of this or that encouragement, how the “package” of incentives is formed, who is responsible for the correct use of certain incentives, what needs this or that encouragement satisfies.

Organizational incentives can be attributed to corporate-systemic types of incentives - this is the stimulation of labor that regulates the behavior of an employee based on a change in his feeling of satisfaction with work in the organization. Organizational incentives involve the involvement of employees in the affairs of the organization, employees are given the right to vote in solving a number of problems, usually of a social nature.

According to surveys of the personnel of organizations, the following characteristics of the work they perform have a predominant influence on the stimulation of employees:

a) A variety of skills involves the performance of professional tasks, taking into account the different abilities of the employee. Monotonous, monotonous work that does not require the use of a variety of skills reduces the motivation of workers.

b) Completion of tasks is the ability to perform certain operations, work tasks from beginning to end.

c) The significance of the work is the impact that the work performed has on other people (within the organization or in the wider environment).

d) The autonomy provided to the contractor is a degree of freedom and the right to plan, determine the schedule of work to perform work at his own discretion. Opportunities for independent decision - making increase the sense of personal responsibility for the work performed .

Socio-psychological types of non-material incentives, as the name implies, affect, first of all, the formation of the psychological comfort of employees in the workplace. Responsibility for the functioning of this group of types of non-material incentives lies primarily with line managers who work directly with the organization's personnel.

Socio-psychological stimulation is the stimulation of labor that regulates the behavior of an employee based on the use of objects and phenomena specifically designed to express the social recognition of the employee and contribute to increasing his prestige. This type of incentive can be expressed in rewarding the employee with a valuable gift, but this action will be related to non-material incentives, since the moral significance of the gift, as an expression of gratitude to the employer, is much higher than its cost.

A group of social and household types of incentives is necessary to help workers organize everyday life in order to enable them to fully devote their strength to solving production issues. But the main value of this group is a demonstration of the organization's concern for employees. So, for example, in Uralkali OJSC, this type of non-material incentive can include free travel to the place of work, as well as subsidized meals for employees of the enterprise (a 70% discount is offered on the cost of meals), etc.

The provision of domestic services, as a type of incentive, originated in the United States and served as a reaction to the then-forming culture of a long working day. The use of this type of incentive is very important, because the result of at least a partial solution to the everyday problems of employees is that they can fully concentrate on fulfilling their tasks. official duties without losing the quality of everyday life.

Note that household services can be provided at the expense of the internal resources of the enterprise or with the involvement of external suppliers.

This type of incentive is especially important for top management, working women, as well as for employees with a difficult work schedule.

Note that an important parameter of stimulation is its effectiveness.

The effective functioning of incentive systems is possible only if the manager observes a number of principles:

1) setting clear goals and objectives (the employee must know what he must achieve and what tasks to perform);

2) linking goals and remuneration (employees must know what remuneration they will receive for certain performance results);

3) publicity and availability of feedback;

4) ensuring monitoring of the use of incentive instruments in other companies;

5) identifying the expectations of working employees (for example, by conducting a survey);

6) the unity of moral and material methods of stimulation, their optimal combination;

7) taking into account the personal qualities of employees and individual needs when stimulating (for example, what is good for one will be uninteresting and unnecessary for another);

8) the use of predominantly positive incentives, since the predominance of negative impact incentives can lead to a tense atmosphere in the team.

Incentives will be effective if implemented on the basis of appropriate principles.

The incentive system can be considered as an effective tool for managing the production and technological process along with planning, control, evaluation of results, information exchange and coordination of the work of company departments. When developing it, the basic principles presented in Table 3 should be observed:

Table 3. Incentive principles.

Description of the principle

1) Goal-oriented:

the system is based on labor productivity indicators, which, in turn, through a balanced scorecard are properly linked to the solution of the company's strategic objectives

2) Objectivity:

the amount of an employee's remuneration is determined on the basis of an objective assessment of his work, i.e. labor productivity indicators are quantitative and objective

3) Transparency:

payroll formation mechanisms, including its variable part (bonuses), are transparent, clearly described in the company's regulations and communicated to all personnel

4) Predictability:

employees know that the amount of their bonus depends on the results of their work (achievement of labor productivity indicators of specified levels), they know how to calculate it and have the opportunity to influence its size (increasing their efficiency, increasing labor intensity)

income corresponds to the labor contribution of each person to the result of the unit's activities, taking into account his experience, qualifications and quality of work

6) Significance:

remuneration is significant and tangible for employees (the variable part of the salary is comparable to or significantly exceeds its fixed part)

Thus, on the one hand, the system of material incentives should motivate the staff to work effectively, on the other hand, it should be economically justified. Therefore, when developing it, it is necessary to take into account the goals of the company regarding the main financial and economic indicators (profit, profitability, cost, etc.), which limit the amount of wages, tie the rate of its growth to the dynamics of sales volume, labor productivity, etc.

The system of material incentives cannot be permanent, therefore it is developed for a specific program, taking into account the priority tasks facing the organization.

Therefore, we can conclude that nothing contributes to increasing the efficiency of workers' labor as much as material interest. Therefore, employers from time to time try to encourage employees who conscientiously fulfill their duties. Such concepts as the quarterly bonus and the thirteenth salary have long and firmly entered our everyday life.

The system of bonuses for employees of the organization can be established in:

- collective agreements,

- agreements,

- local regulations or

- employment contracts.

The procedure and conditions for stimulating employees should be reflected in the local act of the educational institution. At the same time, provisions regarding the establishment and payment of bonuses to employees may contain:

- in a collective agreement or agreement of an educational institution (Articles 41 and 45 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- in the charter of the educational institution (clause 1, article 13 of the Law on Education).

One of the most effective incentive systems that leads to the formation of motivation can be recognized as the KPIS system. The most effective system of material monetary motivation is the implementation of the KPI system.

Key Performance Indicators - KPI (a set of key performance indicators).

KPI refers to certain performance indicators that reflect a significant aspect of the organization's activities.

KPIs perform the following functions:

a) allow you to evaluate the work of each employee of the company;

b) motivate staff to achieve results;

c) contribute to increasing the responsibility of each employee.

Benefits of implementing a motivation system based on key performance indicators:

1) linking the goals of the organization with the motivation of the staff;

2) the performance of employees can be measured, including in financial terms;

3) using this system, it is possible to stimulate employees with different motivational profiles, using material and non-material types of motivation and their combinations.

Thus, in this theoretical part, the basic concepts of stimulation, its types are considered, and it is also noted that an important parameter of stimulation is its effectiveness.

1.3 Features of material incentives for employees in the field of education

It should be noted that an important element in creating conditions that ensure fruitful work in a team is not only good organization working conditions, material and living conditions of employees, the amount of wages and the timeliness of its payment, but also the regulatory consolidation by the employer of a system of incentive measures, as well as the procedure for its application to employees.

Of course, this also applies to workers in the education sector, which is the most important source of socio-economic and scientific and technological development.

The following factors can be attributed to the features of the teaching staff in the Russian Federation:

- 90% of teachers are women;

- low standard of living of teachers;

- 80% of teachers have a high level of situational tension;

- 60% of teachers have constant tension.

All this leads to the following consequences: nervous breakdowns, lack of friendly contacts with people, the appearance of a feeling of "weariness from the profession".

Let's consider the salary structure of pedagogical workers.

According to the content of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payments that form the remuneration of an employee are clearly divided into three components:

a) remuneration for work (official salary, payment at tariff rates, piece rates and in other cases related to the performance by the employee of his labor duties);

b) compensation payments made in the form of additional payments and allowances, taking into account any deviations of working conditions from normal conditions, which are part of the remuneration and established by labor legislation;

c) incentive payments made in the form of allowances, additional payments and incentive bonuses.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for stimulating pedagogical workers.

Currently, there are no regulatory legal acts regulating the general procedure for establishing and paying bonuses to teachers at the state (federal) level, therefore, each educational institution has the right to independently establish the types and amounts of allowances, additional payments and other incentive payments, which include and awards. This right is also enshrined in the Law on Education (paragraph 10, paragraph 2, article 32). The exception is cases when the founder of educational institutions of a particular territory (municipal formation, constituent entity of the Russian Federation) adopts regulatory legal acts containing provisions on bonuses that are mandatory for these institutions.

Also, there are cases when, due to an omission of the administration of an educational institution, employees of this institution are deprived of additional guarantees and benefits established by regional or local legislation.

It should be noted that the competence of the governing bodies of an educational institution (including in the development and adoption of local acts) is determined in its Charter. Therefore, if the procedure for bonuses is determined only by a separate local act of an educational institution, the charter of this institution must contain information about the governing body, whose competence includes the adoption of such an act (clause "b", clause 7, article 13 of the Law on Education).

Premiums not established by any of the above acts cannot be applied.

When developing a local act of an educational institution regulating the procedure for establishing and paying bonuses to teaching staff (hereinafter referred to as a local act), as well as when introducing this procedure into the charter of a collective agreement or agreement of an educational institution, the following should be followed.

The types and amounts of bonuses for teaching staff are established within the limits of the own financial resources of educational institutions and subject to restrictions established by federal and local regulations.

The generally accepted principles of bonuses imply the possibility of not only establishing and paying a bonus, but also the possibility of depriving an employee of a bonus in whole or in part, which is shown in the study of P. V. Gulidov, therefore, the following main provisions must be reflected in a local act (charter, collective agreement, agreement): .

a) grounds for the appointment and payment of bonuses:

- impeccable observance of the charter, internal labor regulations and other local acts of the educational institution;

- exemplary performance of functional duties stipulated by the employment contract, job description, as well as instructions for the protection of labor, life and health of students and employees of an educational institution;

- implementation of pedagogical activities with a low percentage of non-attendance (absence) of children;

- innovation in pedagogical activity, the use of advanced pedagogical experience;

- achievement of a high level of knowledge of students, confirmed by the results of inspections, as well as high rates of pedagogical work;

- personal participation in the preparation of the educational institution for the new academic year;

b) the grounds for the complete or partial deprivation of the award, which are best listed in the local act. At the same time, the list of such grounds should be closed in order to provide an objective approach to resolving the issue of full or partial deprivation of the award.

Such grounds may include:

- violation of the charter, internal labor regulations and other local acts of the educational institution;

- violation of the sanitary and epidemiological regime, safety and fire safety rules, as well as instructions for protecting the life and health of children and employees of an educational institution;

- complaints of parents and other persons about violations by the teacher of the norms of pedagogical ethics, rules of conduct and work with children, as well as the poor quality of education, confirmed by the results of the internal investigation;

- receiving a student (pupil), employee or visitor of an educational institution of an injury or other damage to health due to the fault of a pedagogical worker;

- violations of the rules for maintaining documentation (classroom journals, etc.);

c) the procedure for the appointment and deprivation (full or partial) of the bonus.

As a rule, decisions on the appointment or deprivation of the award are made by the head of the educational institution independently. However, in order to avoid highlighting "favorites" in the local act, the following options can be provided:

- the establishment, reduction or deprivation of the bonus is carried out only on the basis of the results of joint consultations of the head of the educational institution with the pedagogical council (council of the labor collective) or other self-governing body of the educational institution or at the request of this body;

The establishment, reduction or deprivation of the bonus is carried out within the limits determined by the local act (charter, collective agreement, agreement). For example, for exemplary performance of official duties - a bonus of 10% of the tariff rate; for violation of the rules for maintaining documentation - a reduction in the premium by 5%; for a rude attitude towards children - a complete deprivation of the award, etc.

Do not forget about one-time bonuses, which are one-time in nature and are an indicator of the merits of a teacher, as well as an indicator of the attitude of an educational institution towards him.

These awards include, in particular:

- bonuses for anniversaries and (or) birthdays of teaching staff;

- bonuses paid simultaneously with the inclusion of a teacher in the honor book of an educational institution;

- premiums paid simultaneously with the presentation of certificates of honor, insignia, awarding him honorary or scientific titles, etc .;

- awards for the performance of socially significant cases (issue of a book, methodological manual; victory in a competition, competition, etc.);

- bonuses for performing work that is not included in the range of basic duties of a teacher.

In addition to federal norms, the issues of financial incentives in the education system are reflected in regional and municipal documents.

According to the law of the Perm Territory dated 03.09.2008 No. 291-PK "On the remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions of the Perm Territory", the following types of incentive payments can be established for employees:

a) payments for continuous work experience, length of service;

b) bonus payments based on performance;

c) payments for high results and quality of work performed;

d) other incentive payments.

Bonus payments based on the results of work, payments for high results and the quality of work performed are established taking into account criteria that allow evaluating the effectiveness of institutions and the personal contribution of an employee.

The general conditions and procedure for establishing incentive payments are determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Perm Territory.

The list of incentive payments, the procedure for assigning, the amount and conditions for the implementation of incentive payments are determined by collective agreements and local regulations of institutions.

According to the decision of the administration of the city of Berezniki No. 731 dated 06/22/2011, incentive payments are made if funds are available for these purposes within the established incentive part of the wage fund of the preschool educational institution and are not limited to maximum amounts.

Thus, in this theoretical part, the features of the teaching staff in the Russian Federation are noted, the salary structure of pedagogical workers and the procedure for their stimulation are considered.

labor motivation motivation education


2.1 General characteristics of the organization

The municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 68" is an educational institution of a combined type.

"Kindergarten No. 68" implements the main educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation, as well as a compensatory orientation for children with mental retardation.

The address of the object of study (the legal and actual addresses in this case are the same): 618426, Russia, Perm Territory, Berezniki, Pyatiletki street, 71.

Full name of the object of study: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 68".

Abbreviated name of the object of study: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68".

The founder of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is the municipality "City of Berezniki", represented by the Committee on Education of the Administration of the city of Berezniki.

Organizational and legal form of the object of study: institution.

The owner of the property of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is the municipality "City of Berezniki".

The object of research is a legal entity, and accordingly, it has the main features of a legal entity.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68", as we have determined, has a full name, as well as an abbreviated name.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" has an independent balance sheet, and also, in accordance with the established procedure, has the right to open personal accounts in the financial department of the city administration and personal accounts in the territorial body of the Federal Treasury.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" has its own seal, as well as stamps and forms with its own details.

Thus, the listed provisions and signs of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" as a legal entity do not contradict the current legislation.

We also note that MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" has the right to conclude certain agreements on its own behalf, as well as acquire and exercise various property and personal non-property rights. Accordingly, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" has certain obligations, and can be both a plaintiff and a defendant in court.

In addition, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is an employer for the staff of the institution.

The labor relations of an employee and MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" are mandatory regulated by an employment contract. The terms of the labor contract in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation on labor, as well as the Internal Labor Regulations.

Catering in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is assigned to the institution. MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" creates the necessary conditions for the work of departments of public catering organizations, monitors their work in order to protect and improve the health of children and employees of the institution.

Medical care for children in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is provided by health authorities. The medical staff, along with the administration of the Institution, is responsible for the health and physical development of children, carrying out medical and preventive measures, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, regimen and ensuring the quality of nutrition.

It should be noted that the institution is obliged to provide a certain room with appropriate conditions for the work of medical workers, to monitor their work in order to protect and improve the health of children and employees of the institution.

The teaching staff of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" must undergo periodic medical examinations, which are carried out at the expense of the funds of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68".

Let's consider the goals of the activities of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68", as well as the types and types of educational programs being implemented in the institution.

The main goal of the activities of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is to create conditions for the realization of the right guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation to receive public and free preschool education.

We single out the following tasks of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68":

a) protection of life, as well as strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

b) ensuring the cognitive-speech, social-personal, as well as artistic, aesthetic and physical development of children;

c) education, taking into account the age categories of children, citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland and family;

d) implementation of the necessary correction of certain shortcomings in the physical and (or) mental development of children;

e) interaction with the families of children to ensure the full development of children;

f) provision of advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

The main activity of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" is the provision of preschool education.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" has the right in excess of the established municipal task, as well as in cases specified federal laws, within the established municipal assignment, to perform work, provide services related to the main types of activities specified in the Charter, for citizens and legal entities for a fee and on the same conditions for the provision of the same services.

The amount and procedure for determining the parental fee is established by a legal act of the administration of the city of Berezniki

We list the main regulatory legal acts that MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" must be guided by in the implementation of its activities:

a) the Constitution of the Russian Federation,

b) Federal laws, as well as decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation,

c) Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation,

d) Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,

e) Laws of the Perm Territory, as well as decrees of the Governor of the Perm Territory,

f) Decrees and orders of the Government of the Perm Territory,

g) Orders of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory,

h) Municipal legal acts, as well as orders of the committee on education of the administration of the city of Berezniki,

i) Charter MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68", as well as an agreement concluded between the institution and parents.

The following types of local regulations operate in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68": charter, collective agreement, regulation on incentive payments.

Moreover, the following types of local acts can be issued in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68":

1) instructions,

2) provisions,

3) rules,

4) orders.

It should also be noted that the local acts of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" should not contradict the current legislation.

2.2 Analysis of the composition and structure of personnel

The institution has a linear-functional organizational management structure, it is shown in Figure 3:

Rice. 3. Organizational structure of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68"

The organization consists of 4 groups of employees, each of which includes a certain number of staff positions. The full staffing table is presented in Appendix 3. An interesting fact is that the number of staff units and working employees does not match in number (table 4).

Table 4

Extract from the staff list of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68"

Job titles

Number of employees (persons)

Number of staff units

Administrative and managerial personnel:

1. Head of the municipal preschool educational institution

2. Deputy head for educational and methodological work

Teaching staff:

3. Educator

4. Teacher-speech therapist

5. Teacher-defectologist

6. Teacher-psychologist

7. Physical education instructor

8. Music director

9. Clerk

Service staff:

10. Deputy head of the administrative and economic part

11. Castellane

12. Office cleaner

13. Janitor

14. Assistant teacher

15. Junior caregiver

Institution total:

Thus, as of 04/01/2012, the number of staff units is 51.5 rates, while 44 people actually work. However, there are no open vacancies, as some employees work in combination jobs. On the one hand, this removes the problem of an acute shortage of personnel, and on the other hand, it allows low-paid personnel to increase their income by combining professions (positions).

Consider the state and dynamics of human resources of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68".

According to the orders of this institution on dismissal and hiring, the following dynamics of personnel movement was revealed, presented in Figure 4:

Rice. 4. Dynamics of the movement of personnel MBDOU No. 68 for 2007-2011.

The layoff or loss rate shows the number of layoffs in a period (usually one year) as a percentage of the average number of employees in the same period.

Thus, it is equal to:


where KU is the coefficient of layoffs or losses; CHU - the number of layoffs for the period; SCHP - the average number of personnel for the period.

For MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 68" it changes annually:

a) for 2008:


b) for 2009:


c) for 2010:


d) for 2011:


In general, the organization has a very high level of personnel losses. It was especially high in 2009 .

The change in the number of MBDOU staff by categories of employees is presented in table 5:

Table 5. Change in the number of MBDOU staff by categories of employees (persons)

From the table, we see that the total number of employees decreased, but not significantly, since the number of teaching staff increased by 2 people over 4 years, and the number of service staff decreased by 4 people.

Next, consider the structure of the staff:

1) by gender

Rice. 5. Staff structure by gender

From this diagram it can be seen that almost all employees of the organization are women, this can be explained by the peculiarities of the teaching staff in Russia.

2) by age

Rice. 6. Composition of staff by age

This chart shows that the age of the majority of employees in the organization (41%) is in the range of 20 to 30 years, from which we can conclude that employees at this age work with greater efficiency.

3) by work experience

Rice. 7. Composition of personnel by length of service

This chart shows that the length of service of the majority of employees (50%) is in the range from 10 to 30 years. This testifies to the phenomenon of "aging of personnel", which is a problem for most educational institutions in Russia.

Note that such a division is necessary when developing incentive indicators.

2.3 Analysis of the system of material incentives for employees

In this institution, material incentives for employees are carried out on the basis of various documents.

Decree of the government is decisive Perm Territory dated 03.08.2009 No. 514-p “On approval of the Regulations on wage systems for employees of state budget institutions Perm Territory by types of institutions, according to which incentive payments are made at different intervals: monthly, quarterly and lump sum.

For example, the monthly payment for seniority to the official salary varies from 3 to 30% and is presented in table 6:

Table 6. Monthly payment for seniority.

The criteria for the effectiveness of the activities of the institution are established annually by the legal act of the founder in agreement with the interested executive bodies of state power of the Perm Territory, taking into account the following indicators:

- the absence of facts of misuse of movable and immovable property assigned to the institution;

- the absence of facts of violation of the current legislation as a result of inspections of law enforcement, control and supervisory authorities;

- the absence of facts of violation of the current legislation when placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs;

- the absence of delays in the payment of wages in the institution;

- implementation of activities aimed at the development of the institution;

The criteria for evaluating a personal contribution by employees of institutions are established by local regulations of institutions, taking into account the following indicators:

- successful and conscientious performance by the employee of his official duties in the relevant period;

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Chapter 1. Analysis of the relationship between the current system of incentives for managers and improving the quality of education

1.1 The current incentive system for school leaders

1.2 Improving student learning outcomes as one of the key objectives educational organizations

1.3 Relationship between the system of incentives for directors and quality indicators of the activities of schools in Kazan

Chapter 2. Mechanisms for stimulating labor productivity

2.1 Financial incentives

2.2 Non-financial incentives

Chapter 3. Analysis of the relationship between the current system of incentives for managers and improving the quality of education

3.1 The current incentive system for school employees

3.2 Improving the educational results of students as one of the key tasks of educational organizations

3.3 Relationship between the system of incentives for school employees and the educational results of students




The relevance of research

Always in all organizations, this or that innovation is perceived with some apprehension, causes resistance from employees and creates some discomfort in the team. This is a normal, natural phenomenon for any organization. In this case, the role and position of the leader plays a huge role in the development of new changes by the team Ushakov K.M. School management: a crisis in the reform period. - M.: September, 2011 - 176s. The new system of remuneration and its incentive part has become just such an innovation for both teaching staff and school leaders. Three years have passed since the introduction of the NSOT in Kazan schools, the incentive part of wages has more than doubled and today it is 40% of the wage fund. According to studies conducted in 2011 through a survey of school leaders in the country as a whole, the fund for stimulating the work of teachers ranged from 6 to 50%. Largest share teachers (38.1%) received incentive payments in the amount of 11 to 25% of the salary Information Bulletin "Monitoring the Economics of Education" No. 3 (57), 2012 Abankina I.V., Savelyeva M.B., Sigalov S. .AT. "The policy of educational institutions based on the results of a survey of their leaders, 2011"..

Konstantin Ushakov, editor-in-chief of the "Director of School" magazine, believes that most Russian teachers perceive any salary increase as a return of debts, and not in full. It is a very optimistic variant to count on the fact that the quality of education will improve due to the increase in salaries. In his opinion, these are two completely unrelated things.

There are very interesting data on the comparative analysis of the two educational systems: USA and Russia. Despite significant differences in the scale of public funding general education students demonstrate approximately the same level of knowledge and this level is far from ideal. Studies show that teachers' salaries affect the quality of school education, and the impact is not the starting and not the maximum salary, but the salary of teachers with more than 15 years of teaching experience. However, this indicator demonstrates only a weak connection with the results of students in international tests E.V.Savitskaya, D.Yu.Chertykovtseva. The quality of education: money does not solve everything // National Education, 2013, No. 1 ..

The absolute majority of school directors in Kazan (86.8%) who took part in the survey believe that the key factor in achieving quality education is the teacher and his professionalism. According to the estimates of the leaders, the schools are most provided with pedagogical, administrative and managerial personnel, the necessary material and technical base has been created. Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education Viktor Bolotov notes that there are some subjects of Russia where the increase in salaries has worsened the condition of the teaching staff. People continue to work at 1.5 - 2 rates, do not want to retire. At the same time, both throughout the country and separately in Kazan, an increase in the proportion of young teachers was recorded, which is explained by the policy of the republican and city authorities to attract young teachers to schools, which manifests itself, in particular, in the fact that young teachers are provided with financial benefits, grant support, salary increment for the first three years of work.

But all these statements are about raising wages in general. Elena Lenskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Management in Education at the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, notes that salary increases have a positive effect on the quality of a teacher’s work when the increase in salary is not the same for everyone, but for those who have undergone advanced training or began to demonstrate new abilities and competencies. That is, guaranteed payments do not stimulate teachers, and stimulating the quality of work can lead to new quality indicators.

According to the results of a sociological survey of workers in the general education system, which was conducted in November 2011 to study the subject of an “effective contract” commissioned by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, when identifying 10 significant factors for the implementation of incentive payments and measures to increase motivation, school employees more inclined towards guaranteed payments A sociological survey of employees of the general education system in order to study the topic of an "effective contract" \\ poll commissioned by the National Research University Higher School of Economics was conducted by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research in November 2011..

According to the results of a survey of heads of educational organizations, the effect of the introduction of the NSOT is observed throughout the country. In 2011, the share of respondents who noted an increase in teacher salaries increased by an average of 32.4% compared to 2010. The fact that, thanks to the incentive part of the NSOT, the best teachers will start to receive more salaries is also noted in the final report on the results of expert work on topical issues of the socio-economic Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020.


The structure of the incentive part of the remuneration of school employees was formed as a result of the implementation of comprehensive projects to modernize the educational systems of the regions. The recommendations of the experts formed the basis of local regulations of schools regulating the types of incentive payments to teachers, the distribution of the incentive part of remuneration within the framework of the NSOT is carried out according to the criteria of labor productivity Information Bulletin "Monitoring the Economics of Education" No. 3 (57), 2012 V., Savelyeva M.B., Sigalov S.V. "The policy of educational institutions based on the results of a survey of their leaders, 2011"..

It should be noted that in the sources, in the studies, nowhere is it discussed about stimulating the work of the director separately from the teaching staff. Everyone perceives that if a teacher is stimulated, then the director is also stimulated. During the implementation of the NSOT, the Kazan Department of Education developed criteria for evaluating the performance of school leaders, according to which points were awarded and incentive payments were accrued to leaders Order of the Kazan Department of Education dated 03.09.2012 No. institutions of Kazan”. The directors of educational organizations have done the same work regarding their teaching staff. However, in the system of remuneration of school workers in Kazan, the procedure for the formation of an incentive fund for directors differs significantly from teachers. Decree of the Executive Committee of Kazan dated July 15, 2010 No. new system remuneration of employees of general educational institutions and multidisciplinary institutions additional education children of the city of Kazan. In this regard, questions arose from both the heads of educational institutions and the educational authorities. This is the main the problem and the need for its study: How to change (make adjustments to the existing mechanism or propose a new one) the existing system of incentives for school employees and, thereby, improve the educational results of students. In the course of this work, adjustments will be made to the existing system or a new mechanism for the formation of an incentive fund for managers and teachers will be proposed, which will improve the quality of education at school.

During the survey, the heads of schools in Kazan were asked to choose the most appropriate form of incentives for teaching staff under different remuneration systems. The stimulating parts of the NSOT and the ETS received almost the same number of votes. If the NSOT has allowed a significant increase in the incentive part of the payroll fund for teachers, and the directors do not see any material benefit in it compared to the ETS, then there is something to think about. Most directors indicated that they found it difficult to answer this question.

The main objective of the school is to provide the child with a quality education. The quality of education provided to students is the basis for the increased demand of parents (legal representatives) of students for the services of educational organizations.

27.2% (majority, but only a quarter) of the directors surveyed believe that as a result of the introduction of a point system for assessing work, teachers have become motivated to improve the quality of education. 25.9% of respondents believe that directors have increased motivation to strengthen the material and technical base of the institution, 20.2% - that competition between schools has intensified, 13.6% - that schools have become dependent on higher authorities, for 10% - it has not changed nothing.

Unlike directors, 40.8% of teachers believe that the new system of material incentives motivates them to improve the quality of education for students. 40% note that such an approach to the distribution of the stimulating part has led to an equalization of the indicators of different schools and teachers, and has increased competition between colleagues. For 9.6% - that this is just a tool for the director in managing teachers and nothing has changed.

These results once again confirm that the existing system of material incentives for the work of school workers is indeed a problem.

Research hypothesis consists in the assumption that the existing incentive system is not fully focused on achieving the educational results of students, it stimulates not educational results, but conditions, prerequisites, managerial aspects, and the educational process. This hypothesis should be confirmed as a result of my research.

Purpose of the study: identify elements of a causal relationship between the incentive system for school employees and the performance of general educational organizations, as well as the influence of other factors on the quality of education.


Analyze the current criteria for evaluating the activities of leaders and teachers of educational organizations;

Analyze the dynamics of changes in the educational results of students;

To identify the elements of the relationship between the incentive system for managers, teachers and educational results of students;

Develop proposals for improving the system of incentives for managers, teachers of educational organizations that contribute to improving the performance of schools.

Object of study:

Existing incentive system for managers and teachers;

The effectiveness of the activities of educational organizations.

Subject of study- the relationship between the incentive mechanism for managers, teachers and the performance of educational organizations, the main factors influencing the quality of education.

Research Methodology

Research questions:

What are the strengths and weak sides incentive systems for employees of general education organizations in the context of improving the educational results of students;

What is the dynamics of the educational results of schools;

What incentive mechanisms are available in other countries? social spheres and, possibly, in business, aimed at improving performance;

What factors most influence the educational outcomes of students;

How to change the criteria for the performance of school employees in order to ensure the relationship between the incentive system used and the results of school performance.


Analysis of the current criteria for evaluating the activities of employees of educational organizations, data from sociological studies, surveys on the system of material incentives for school employees, intra-school dynamics of improving educational results in schools in Kazan;

There are a number normative documents and research materials aimed at stimulating the improvement of the quality of education in Kazan schools (ratings, reports, results of the Unified State Examination, GIA, monitoring, All-Russian Olympiads, data on the salaries of teachers and managers, strengthening the material and technical base, statistics);

There is experience of personal participation in the composition of the municipal commission for the distribution of points to school principals according to the criteria for evaluating the activities of heads of educational organizations;

Additional theoretical material, books and articles describing the world and Russian experience, existing methods for determining the effectiveness of various forms of incentives will be used.

Research methods:

- study of theoretical literature, analysis of domestic and international best practices of labor motivation, experience in developing effective contractual relationships between the employer and the employee, methods for assessing the results of the work of employees, including pedagogical ones; experience of work in other regions of Russia, as well as on a global scale, in developing a system for stimulating school workers;

The study of statistical and reporting data, the results of sociological research conducted by analytical centers on the issues of the remuneration system in educational organizations;

Analysis of the relationship between the dynamics of educational results of students and the results independent evaluation(results of the Unified State Examination, GIA, monitoring, All-Russian Olympiads), strengthening the material and technical base of educational organizations, an incentive system, criteria for evaluating the activities of school employees;

The study of public reports of the heads of educational organizations in terms of the dynamics of changes in the educational results of schools;

Questioning of directors and teachers of schools on the issues of the incentive part of the remuneration of managers, on the prerequisites for improving the quality of education at school;

Analysis of the results, development of proposals for improving the mechanism for stimulating managers and teachers of educational organizations.

The practical significance of the work

Conducting this research is necessary, first of all, for their own professional activities. Employees of educational authorities need to ensure the effective use of budgetary funds allocated to stimulate the work of school employees. In addition, within the framework of targeted incentives, it is necessary to identify the main factors affecting the quality of education.

Effective incentive mechanisms are effective control levers. In the case of developing a really functioning incentive system, it will be possible to effectively manage the education system of the city.

This work can be useful for educational authorities at all levels to adjust their activities, as well as heads of general educational organizations to orient their team towards achieving higher educational results.

Work structure

Chapter I Mechanisms for stimulating labor productivity.

It will consider foreign and domestic experience of business companies and state structures to develop mechanisms for stimulating labor productivity. The theoretical material on the system of material and non-material incentives for the work of directors and teachers of schools in the context of achieving higher educational results of students is considered. The chapter will be divided into subchapters:

Chapter1 . Analysis of the relationship between the current system of incentives for managers andquality of education

1 .1 The current systemsimulation of school leaders

This subchapter will analyze the current incentive system, the results of a survey of school leaders and employees, their proposals for improving the incentive system, and statistical data. Materials on school leaders and teaching staff will be considered separately:

1 .2 Improving the educational results of students as one of the key tasks of general educationorganizations

This section is divided into two subsections:

The main factors influencing the educational results of students. The main factors and their characteristics based on theoretical materials will be determined.

Comparative analysis of educational results of students, which includes the analysis of available data, the dynamics of the increase (decrease) in the educational results of schools in relation to itself, the reasons, prerequisites for changing indicators, the main components of the concept of "educational results of students (schools)" will be determined, the citywide rating of educational organizations in Kazan .

1 .3 The relationship between the incentive system for directors and quality indicatorsof activities of schools in Kazan

In this subchapter, based on the conducted research, it is planned to determine the contribution of material incentives to employees in improving the educational results of schools. To do this, as an example, the activities of organizations different in their socio-economic status, different in terms of occupancy, demand and geographical location will be analyzed, questioned based on the indicators of the citywide rating of educational organizations in Kazan. Their results, needs and opportunities are subject to analysis.

The subchapter consists of two sections:

Directors of educational organizations;

Pedagogical workers.

Conclusion. Based on the conducted research, answers to research questions will be given. The strengths and weaknesses in achieving the goals set by the incentive part of the remuneration system will be identified, the features of the relationship between the employee incentive system and the educational results of schools will be determined.

Chapter2 . Incentive mechanismslabor productivity

2 .1 Financial incentives

At all times, in all countries, in various organizations, with any form of remuneration, there has always been and exists material incentives for labor, which are always focused either on the employee or on achieving the best results of labor. These approaches reflect the main management models - Japanese and American. In the first case, the goal of the organization is not to stimulate direct results, but the commitment of the employee to the organization, not labor, but the employee, all his creative potential. In the result-oriented remuneration system , the focus is on the needs of the organization. In this case, payment performs a stimulating function: it turns into a mechanism for direct impact on the results of employees' work Slepova D. The system of material incentives for personnel.

Salary (remuneration of an employee) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments(surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in territories subjected to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments) Labor Code Russian Federation..

The formation of wages in the organization, according to the definition of domestic scientists, is a set of actions of the employer that ensure the implementation salary its main functions and establishing the relationship between quantity, quality (qualification, complexity, intensity) and the results of labor, on the one hand, and the amount of his remuneration, on the other.

The problem of effective payroll organization encourages various types of commercial and non-profit organizations to constantly look for new ways to effectively manage payroll costs. When considering the functions of wages, it is necessary to reveal the content and evolution of the reproductive and motivational functions, since in modern conditions of a market economy they are of the greatest importance.

The reproductive function of wages is the most important function inseparable from the very essence of wages. This function provides an expanded reproduction of human resources in the economy - carriers of specific human capital. Consequently, the reproductive function of wages is of paramount importance not only for the employee himself, but for the entire economy as a whole, that is, it is necessary to note the presence of a reproductive function both at the micro and macro levels.

The most important from the point of view of the impact on the performance of production is the motivational function of wages. Most economists see its essence in the motivation of workers by establishing a quantitative relationship between wages and the quantity, quality and results of labor expended. However, in the modern economy, the scope of the motivational function is expanding significantly. The motivational function of wages must be considered not only from the point of view of motivating and inducing the employee to more productive work, but also from the point of view of encouraging the employer to make more rational use of available human capital, effective planning of the wage fund.

The development of a motivation system is one of the most demanded consulting services today. On the one hand, such a system should encourage employees to work effectively, on the other hand, it should be economically justified.

However, with the help of the system of material incentives, the desired results are not always achieved. The reason most often is that it does not take into account the characteristics of a particular organization, is borrowed from others, or is made “according to a textbook”. Copying some fragments of staff motivation, the developers do not think that the incentive system of each organization should be individual, take into account its specifics and characteristics of employees.

The main generally recognized requirements for the incentive system are: competitiveness, complexity, differentiation, flexibility and efficiency, simplicity, accessibility, tangibility, value of remuneration, minimizing the gap between the result of labor and pay.

Despite the simplicity and obviousness of the above requirements, they should not be neglected. As practice shows, non-compliance with these requirements leads to instability in the team and has a strong demotivating effect. This has a much stronger impact on performance than the absence of reward mechanisms.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the structure of wages are laid down in the works of well-known foreign economists who substantiated the essence, factors and functions of wages. These are scientists such as: M. Armstrong, J. Grayson, R. Douglas, D. Clark, D. Milkovich, D. Newman, A. Rappaport, R.I. Henderson, S. Holliford, S. Widdett.

In the works of these authors, the whole range of issues related to various aspects of wage formation has been widely studied. They analyze in detail the influence of various factors on wages, describe the mechanisms for increasing it. Scientists reflect their conceptual views on the role of wages in motivating labor behavior, reveal the issue of the importance of observing the principle of employee awareness, and conduct a critical analysis modern systems wages. It should be noted that the information obtained from the works of these authors made it possible to understand and comprehend the realities of the wage policy that exists in Russian reality.

In the domestic economic literature, the problems of stimulating labor, the economic behavior of an employee in the labor market, his motivation for high final results, wage differentiation, and optimization of wage systems are given quite a lot of attention. The works of such authors as B.D. Babaeva, S.A. Belyakova, A.N. Vashchenko, E.N. Vetluzhskikh, N.A. Gorelova, I.A. Denisova, A.M. Karyakina, V.V. Kulikova, A.L. Mazina, V.D. Roika, S.Yu.Roshchina, A.I. Shcherbakova, R.A. Yakovlev, and other researchers who summarized the world and domestic experience in regulating social and labor relations.

At the present stage of economic development, issues related to the efficiency of the organization of wages as a tool for improving the performance of organizations in various industries National economy(including organizations in the field of education), is given Special attention in the economic policy of the state. The works of I. Abankina, F. Altbach, G. Andrushchak, E. A. Knyazev, V. V. Klimanov, Ya. Kuzminov, S. .Levit, N.L. Titova, N.G. Tipenko, I.D. Frumin, M. Fullan, M. Herzog and others.

Highly appreciating the contribution of scientists to the development of the theory and practice of the organization of remuneration and labor incentives, it should be noted the relevance of considering evidence-based methods and scientific and practical recommendations for the formation of wages in educational organizations.

In the 1990s many countries have begun to implement decentralized approaches to management in education. In the course of the innovations, over 80% of the resources available to schools were transferred under the direct control of the educational institutions themselves.

In all countries, the new wage system includes not only the basic responsibilities of workers. As a rule, the total workload of the teacher per week is set (depending on qualifications and type of activity) and the norm (maximum) for the number of lessons taught. The latter includes participation in pedagogical meetings, work in public councils, methodological practice, interaction with parents, etc. The same approach is used in relation to school leaders. Its task is not only to achieve high educational results of the organization, but also a lot of factors that are somehow related to the activities of the school. With an increase in wages, additional (except for educational activities) requirements for both the work of the teacher and the whole team and organization increase. Only in rare cases is the scope of duties retained and wages increased.

According to the results of the 2009 PISA international survey of education quality assessment, out of 36 responding countries, 19 use various types of incentive rewards in national system wages.

However, the relationship between the quality of student learning and wages does not always work successfully. Thus, according to the results of a study by an international consulting McKinsey, the differences between the educational achievements of students and teacher payments based on performance are stated.

In the Soviet Union, for a long time, sectoral systems of remuneration of workers operated, which had considerable flexibility and were the most important element of personnel management in a planned economy and a practical monopoly of the state in the role of an employer. Industry-specific features of the organization and remuneration of employees were implemented by introducing a variety of over-tariff payments to the tariff rates (salaries) of the Unified tariff scale on wages of employees of the public sector. Along with over-tariff payments in accordance with the current legislation, parallel systems of remuneration of labor at the expense of funds from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities appeared in state institutions. At the same time, in a number of regions of Russia, their own allowances were established, local governments made additional payments to managers for quality, which were determined according to a point system (for example, the mayor's additional payments in Kazan ranged from 3 to 5 thousand rubles - 10-15% of wages).

However, the heads of institutions did not have the opportunity to encourage employees to improve the quality of the results, because. in the UTS remuneration system, almost all allowances and additional payments were guaranteed.

One of the significant shortcomings of the system of remuneration of workers based on the Unified Tariff Scale was the low tariff rate (salary) of the first category, as a result of which most tariff rates were below the subsistence level of the able-bodied population as a whole in the Russian Federation. This fact had a significant impact on the competitiveness of wages in budgetary institutions. Bonuses and other additional payments and allowances provided by the wage system were often used to attract an employee to the institution. This significantly limited the use of the remuneration system as a tool for motivating staff.

Against the backdrop of problems with the remuneration system based on the ETS, there was a need to develop a new remuneration system, one of the main tasks of which was to increase the prestige of the teacher's work, increase the wages of educators by expanding its stimulating function. Only certain incentive payments established by federal laws remained mandatory for application. The head of the institution got the opportunity to independently form a system for stimulating the employees of the institution within the wage fund.

Regular mass surveys conducted by the Higher School of Economics as part of the Monitoring Economics of Education project show that many teachers in Russia are forced to earn extra money to secure the required level of income. At all levels of education, there is a significant gap between the real level of wages of teachers and the level at which they would agree to give up part-time jobs.

When assessing the size of their wages, employees are guided by wages in other organizations, both in their field and in the labor market as a whole. When comparing their place of work with other similar institutions, educators, as a rule, consider their salary to be quite competitive. Thus, we can say that the transfer of a teacher to a similar educational institution will not significantly affect his salary.

But when comparing their wages with wages in other areas, most teachers consider the former to be uncompetitive.

Despite this, most of the interviewed teachers express a desire to continue working in their place, and in recent years there has been a decrease in the proportion of those who want to leave their place of work. If in 2007 this share was very high - 39%, then in 2011-2012 - 27%.

Given the opportunity to significantly improve their financial situation, only about a third of the teachers surveyed would under no circumstances change their jobs to non-creative ones. In schools, such teachers - 36% N. Shugal, L. Ugolnova « Pedagogy and arithmetic » // .

Intuitively, it seems that the excess of teachers' salaries over the average income in the economy should stimulate the influx of labor into the school system, as well as motivate teachers to take a more responsible attitude to their work. However, an analysis of real data showed that the level of teachers' salaries compared to the average salary in the economy does not have a significant impact on the quality of school education. For teachers, the absolute value of their wages matters. In addition, it turns out that the quality of schoolchildren's education is more influenced by the salary of experienced teachers: they do not think about changing their occupation and salary comparison does not stimulate them to work more or less productively. It follows that the increase in funding - necessary condition improving the quality of education, but as studies and school practice show - insufficient E.V.Savitskaya, D.Yu.Chertykovtseva. The quality of education: money does not solve everything // National Education, 2013, No. 1 ..

When hiring teachers, almost all managers pay attention to the level of education of the candidate, in addition, qualification category and experience. It is explainable. to hire a teacher who receives a large salary allows the manager to increase his personal income. For example, in Kazan, the new system of remuneration for the head of an educational organization is based on this model. In addition to formal criteria, for the vast majority of managers, feedback from the candidate's previous job is important. As a rule, it is important professional quality and the skills of the teacher, the results of his work, which can only be assessed in the process of work.

Currently, incentive payments in schools make up no more than half of wages. The most common types of additional payments in educational organizations are additional payments for results based on the results of control measures (USE, GIA, monitoring), olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, personal participation of a teacher in professional competitions, ensuring the safety of children, the use of ICT, social work.

2 .2 Non-financial incentives

Non-material incentives are, perhaps, the most multifaceted and difficult to develop area of ​​personnel motivation. If the effectiveness of the implementation of financial incentive systems is measurable (while the tools are simple, understandable and transparent), then the assessment of the effectiveness of non-material incentives is the calculation of a whole range of indicators.

Even with small investments, a properly built system of non-material incentives can provide a significant effect in achieving the required labor results by employees. Moreover, non-financial incentives can become a competitive advantage, thanks to which the company acquires the image of a socially oriented employer.

The result of the work on the development and implementation of non-material incentive mechanisms is a system that makes it possible to increase the employee's interest in improving the results of their activities, as well as to form a corporate culture and "standards" of behavior, increase employee loyalty, their commitment to the company and satisfaction with their work.

The most common forms of non-material incentives at enterprises are corporate events, professional skill competitions or creative competitions, awarding diplomas for professional achievements in the industry, etc.

The general task of diagnosing the motivation of personnel in a modern organization is to identify the key factors that affect the change in the quality and effectiveness of the work of employees, to identify the predominant type of their motivation. In other words, in the course of diagnostics, the manager receives a motivational portrait of his staff and the opportunity to build a flexible system of their motivation.

Since non-material motives can appear in very different forms, their diversity is limited only by the capabilities of the organization and the needs of employees. If the forms of incentives meet the needs of employees, then they have a great motivational impact.

Non-material forms of motivation include:

1. Creative stimulation - based on meeting the needs of employees in self-realization, self-improvement, self-expression. Increasing the complexity of labor operations and the tasks solved by the employee is the basis for expanding the scope of creative incentives. In this case, a person reveals his potential, self-realization in the process of work.

2. Organizational incentives - involves the involvement of employees in the affairs of the organization, employees are given the right to vote in solving a number of social problems.

3. Corporate culture. The presence of the whole complex of elements of corporate culture gives employees a sense of belonging to the company, a sense of pride in it. From disparate people, employees are united into a single team with their own unwritten laws, rights and duties.

4. Moral stimulation - the creation of conditions under which people would experience professional pride in the best performance of the assigned work, involvement in it, personal responsibility for its results and recognition from the management, preferably at a general meeting of the team. It also morally stimulates the atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, promotion, awards.

5. Stimulation free time- this is a flexible work schedule, additional vacation or the provision of time off for the time saved during work.

6. Stimulation by training - development of personnel through advanced training.

The head of an educational organization also has a number of tools for successfully motivating his employees. At the same time, the peculiarities of the motivational sphere of employees play an important role. The manager can successfully apply socio-psychological methods that evoke in employees the motives of recognition, self-respect, security, comfort, self-realization, etc.

So, the researchers note that it is non-material encouragement that is important for the teacher, becoming a kind of indicator of his success. Among the needs, one of the leading ones is the need for respect, gratitude, acceptance of the value of pedagogical work.

It has been established that the motives for achieving safety are quite high in the hierarchy of teachers' motives: the desire to have a stable job, social guarantees, no risk, comfortable workplace etc. There are also motives for achievement, justice (the desire to achieve a good attitude towards oneself). The motives of independence, competitiveness, and the need for power are at lower positions in terms of severity.

According to the results of questionnaires conducted among the teaching staff of educational organizations in Kazan, the majority of teachers (32%), determining the priorities of the motivation of teachers, put in the first place a favorable environment in the team, recognition from the management.

Thus, we understand that when building a system of motivation for teachers, the director should rely primarily on non-material motivation, especially since its resource for the head of a municipal institution is more accessible than the distribution of material resources. At the same time, it should be noted that the range of opportunities for non-material incentives is much wider than it seems at first glance, and does not consist exclusively of the “carrot and stick” method.

The main forms of non-material incentives adopted in educational organizations:

Organizational incentives (availability of opportunities for professional growth, improvement of working conditions, including a convenient schedule, a separate office, the presence of a methodological day, training at the expense of the organization);

Moral incentives (recognition of the importance of the teacher for the organization, including the recognition of students, colleagues, parents);

Paternalism (solving individual problems of teachers, caring for employees);

Participation in management (providing the opportunity to participate in decision-making);

Announcement of gratitude, awarding with a letter of thanks, Certificate of Honor, placement on the Board of Honor, formation of the teacher's image, competitions of pedagogical skills, ratings.

According to the results of the test for determining the leading motive among teachers, developed based on the materials of the Consulting Group "Runa", which was conducted among teachers of educational organizations in Kazan, the motives of reward and achievement are in the first place for most teachers - 37% and 36% respectively. That is, employees work for the sake of material wealth and strive for self-affirmation and professional self-realization. In second place is the social motive - 55%. For employees, good relationships with the management and staff of the institution are important. In third place, most teachers (45%) put the ideological motive, the achievement of high goals jointly with the organization, as well as the achievement motive (37%). In fourth place, 27% each, scored the process, ideological and reward motives. The most insignificant motive for the majority of teachers is process - 46%. Teachers do not work for the sake of enjoying the process of work. Reward and achievement motives have received the highest priority, but the achievement motive is predominant. The responses received are presented in diagrams.

As can be seen from the results of the motivational test according to the D. McClelland model (see the diagram below), for teachers, their achievements and recognition from management and colleagues are important. Teachers have no need for power.

The results of the questionnaire for assessing the motivation of employees of an educational institution are shown in the diagram. It can be seen that teachers are dominated by instrumental and social types motivation, namely: work is a source of decent wages, work in a friendly team, recognition, gratitude from the head.

The main generally recognized requirements for the incentive system for teachers are: competitiveness, complexity, differentiation, flexibility and efficiency, simplicity, accessibility, tangibility, remuneration value, minimizing the gap between the result of work and pay.

Comparison of the results of the diagnostics of teachers and the system of their stimulation adopted in the schools of Kazan allows us to draw the following conclusions. In general, the incentive system corresponds to the leading motives of teachers' activities and satisfies their needs. At the same time, the encouragement of the ideological motive is not fully taken into account in the incentive system. The incentive system does not take into account the collective success and initiative of teachers.

Chapter3 . Analysis of the relationship between the current system of incentives for managers andimproving the quality of education

3 .1 The current incentive system for school employees

One of the hot topics modern education- transition to an effective contract with employees of educational organizations. Such a contract implies such payment parameters that exclude the need for part-time work or the desire to change jobs. It is assumed that with the introduction of this contract, the idea of ​​the work of a teacher as low-paid and not prestigious will be left behind.

The state program of the Russian Federation "Development of education" for 2013-2020 provides for an effective contract with teachers of all levels of education, which implies not only a high level of remuneration for their work, but also an increase in the quality of educational services. The introduction of an "effective contract" is not a one-time event, but becomes a permanent area of ​​work for both education authorities at all levels and educational organizations themselves N. Shugal, L. Ugolnova « Pedagogy and arithmetic » // RBC daily, Daily business newspaper, 06/06/2013 .

The introduction of an effective contract is carried out as part of the implementation of the task set by the President of the Russian Federation to ensure incentives for public sector employees to improve the quality of public services provided by establishing the dependence of payment conditions from labor with labor results, achieving the established quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of their activities. However, in the order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection The Russian Federation dated April 26, 2013 No. 167n “On approval of recommendations on formalizing labor relations with an employee of a state (municipal) institution when introducing an effective contract” recommends using the following incentive and compensation payments:

Intensity and high results of work;

Payments for quality;

Payments for seniority, length of service;


For hard and dangerous work;

Special climatic conditions;

abnormal conditions;

For work with personal data.

However, most of the proposed criteria are guaranteed.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the Guidelines for the development of state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments of performance indicators of state (municipal) institutions in the field of education, their managers and employees. Based on the Methodological recommendations to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments (with the participation of organizations performing the functions of public administration, trade union organizations and labor collectives) it is necessary to develop and approve the relevant performance indicators by local regulations.

The methodological recommendations have been developed taking into account the proposals submitted by the pilot regions as part of the preparation of approximate directions for the development of performance indicators for the activities of managers and teachers of educational organizations.

Information on the results of the activities of the heads of educational organizations and teaching staff in accordance with the approved list of performance indicators should be posted in the public domain on the websites of educational organizations on the Internet.

The mechanism and procedure for distributing the incentive fund for the head and teaching staff is determined based on the approved list of performance indicators. local acts municipality (founder) and educational organization, respectively. At the same time, the development and adoption of decisions on the distribution of the stimulating wage fund, taking into account the approved performance indicators for managers and teachers, should also be carried out with the mandatory involvement of representatives of organizations exercising public administration in the field of education, labor collectives and trade union organizations. Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Directors of educational organizations

According to guidelines, in order to develop performance indicators for the activities of heads of educational organizations and their indicators, on the basis of which performance results will be recorded, the following approximate areas are recommended to municipalities:


Compliance of the activities of the educational institution with the requirements of legislation in the field of education (lack of instructions from supervisory authorities, objective complaints)

Functioning of the system of public administration

Satisfaction of the population with the quality of provided educational services of additional education

Information openness (website of the educational institution, posting the protocols of the commission for the distribution of the incentive fund on the site, participation in the procedures for an independent assessment of the quality of education)

Implementation of measures to prevent juvenile delinquency

Implementation of socio-cultural projects (school museum, theater, social projects, scientific society of students, etc.)

Implementation of activities to attract young teachers

Implementation of programs aimed at working with gifted children

Implementation of programs to preserve and improve the health of children

Organization of health-improving and sports work (sports sections, competitions)

Creation of conditions for the implementation by students of individual curricula

Implementation of additional education programs on the basis of an educational institution

Implementation of profile training, pre-profile training

Dynamics of individual educational results of students (based on the materials of control measures)

The safety of the contingent within the same level of education (rate of dropout from the educational institution)

The ratio of the average score of the unified state exam (per 1 subject) of 10 percent of graduates with the best results of the unified state exam to the average score of the unified state exam (per 1 subject) of 10 percent of graduates with the worst results of the unified state exam

Results of the final certification

It should be noted that 9 out of 17 indicators are somehow related to the organization of work with students in order to improve their educational results. 8 indicators are statistical in nature and do not affect performance; rather, the performance of the school affects the fulfillment of these criteria.

The system of labor incentives for the heads of educational institutions was not introduced separately from the teaching staff. However, the procedure for the formation of the wage fund of the head and the teacher differ significantly.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in the city of Kazan, all this happened long before the adoption of the above federal documents. The introduction of a new system of remuneration of employees (including directors) of schools was carried out on the basis of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 18, 2008 No. 592 “On the introduction of new systems of remuneration for employees of state institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan”. At the same time, the model methodology for the formation of a system of remuneration and incentives for employees of educational institutions was approved on November 22, 2007 by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


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Government of the Russian Federation
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

National Research University
"High School of Economics"

Institute of Education
Master's Program 'Educational Management'

On the topic:Stimulating the work of school teachers

stimulating teachers………………………………………………………………………………..32

Chapter III. Diagnostics of the personnel incentive system MBOU "School No. 62"

3.1. Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………………………...36

3.2. Goals and objectives of the work……………………………………………………………………………….38

3.3. Hypotheses and research methods…………………………………………………………………...39

3.4. Analysis of internal regulatory documents of MBOU "School No. 62",

regulating the issues of incentives and remuneration of teachers……….40

3.5. Analysis of the results of the interview with the director of the School about the incentive system


3.6. The results of the analysis of the teaching staff of the School……………………………………………..45

3.7. Analysis of the results of a survey to study the needs of teachers of the School

based on the theories of A. Maslow and D. McClelland…………………………………………………………………49

3.8. The results of the survey of teachers "Determining the leading motive among employees"……….51

3.9. The results of the survey of teachers “Determining the type of labor motivation of an employee” (V.I. Gerchikov’s method)……………………………………………………………………....52

3.10. The results of the survey to assess the motivation of employees of an educational institution…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..53

3.11. Questioning of school teachers in order to study the reasons for their reluctance

prepare students for the Olympiads and use ICT in the UVP…………………………………………..54

This is the focus of the Japanese management system and Ouchi's "Z" theory.

The Japanese model of motivation uses the concepts of ancient Chinese philosophy: the ideas of Lao Tzu, Confucius and other philosophers of Ancient China, who emphasized the importance of tolerance, simplicity, modesty in relations between people. An important point of motivation is the hierarchy of ranks, which is used both at enterprises and at the level government controlled. Japanese workers and employees, in contrast to Western ones (management styles based on a fixed division of labor), are encouraged for mastering a wide range of knowledge and skills, creative activity, the ability to work in a team, find compromise solutions in the interests of the firm.

The rank of an employee of a Japanese firm or government agency determines not only the amount of his salary, but also the job security, the amount of payments upon retirement.

Management based on horizontal connections between employees and departments, carried out in Japan, reduces the number of administrative teams (along the vertical hierarchy), promotes an atmosphere of partnership, and significantly reduces the time for finding agreed solutions.

  1. Edwin Locke's goal setting theory is based on the fact that a person's behavior is determined by the goals he sets for himself. Achieving the set goals brings satisfaction to a person.
This theory states that the quality and level of performance of work largely depend on the characteristics of the goals: complexity, specificity, commitment, etc.

The more complex goals a person sets for himself, the better results he achieves. Raising goals can lead to an increase in labor results only if the reality of their achievement remains.

The acceptability of goals is determined by the level to which a person perceives the goal as his own. The acceptability of a goal for a person depends on what benefits he will receive when achieving it.

Commitment to a goal is the willingness to put in some effort to achieve it.

It can increase as the work progresses or decrease.

In the framework of the theory of goal setting, the last stage in the process of motivation is employee satisfaction with the result. This becomes the beginning of the implementation of the next cycle of motivation.

  1. Justice theory (according to some sources - the theory of equality or equilibrium). Stacey Adams was the first to formulate the main provisions of the theory of equality. The theory is based on a person's comparison of the assessment of his actions with the assessment of the work of others, which modifies his behavior. A person considers the assessment of his actions by management from the standpoint of justice and injustice. He compares the evaluation of his actions and the reward received for them.
Among the constant aspirations of people, an important place is occupied by the need to receive a fair equivalent assessment of their actions. In addition to the subjective assessment of the ratio of efforts and rewards of other people, a person also tends to evaluate his actions according to a certain subjective criterion. The desire of people to be treated fairly is associated with equality in relation to the attitude towards others, to the assessment of their actions.

If equality is violated and other employees receive high marks and rewards, but this employee does not, then he feels left out and offended. This dissatisfaction in this case can take place even if the employee receives a high remuneration in relation to labor costs. This moment of the relationship between a person and an organization underlies the motivational process - the theory of equality. 19

  1. Victor Vroom, in his book Work and Motivation, presented motivation in the form of expectation theories. It was developed in order to systematize existing research, to determine the general principles and main directions of scientific research in this area.
Expectancy theory uses four basic concepts:

  • impact

  • valence

  • expenses

  • expectation
Based on it, the individual's behavior depends on various circumstances that force him to make alternative decisions. The valence of an outcome and the strength of the expectation that such an outcome will be obtained with a particular choice vary depending on the circumstances. Expectancy theory assumes that high-value outcomes will not affect a person's intentions or behavior unless they expect their actions to affect the likelihood of achieving them. It is further assumed that the valence of results depends not only on its inherent properties, but also on its suitability for achieving other results.

Expectancy theory is closely related to the psychological concepts developed by Lewin, Tolman, Pick, and Atkinson that have proven useful in explaining human behavior. Vroom's contribution was that he applied expectancy theory to human behavior in the world of work. twenty

Expectancy theory is commonly referred to as "process" theory to distinguish it from "content" theories, such as those developed by Maslow and Alderfer. The authors of these concepts assumed that there are certain types of results, the valence of which is not the same for different people, as well as for one person at different periods of his life. Process theories deal with the relationship between behavior and needs (i.e., the expression of needs through goals, motives, or valence results). Since process and content theories address completely different aspects of motivation, they should not be opposed, but considered complementary.

Expectancy theory has become the main process theory in the study of motivation to work. It was first used by Vroom when he tried to combine and conduct research on three main questions:

2014 -> Diode lasers in medical practice
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2014 -> Recently, much attention has been paid to the topic of staff motivation. Theorists study the origin of motives and incentives of various kinds, analyze human needs and try to build their universal hierarchy.

Creation of a system for stimulating the work of personnel in an educational organization. This work is presented in the form of a table. Considered: Moral methods of stimulation,Material (not monetary) incentive methods,Labor methods of stimulation,Monetary incentive methods.

As criteria for assessing the quality of employees' activities, criteria are used that indicate their participation in the creation and use of resources of an educational organization (human, material, technical, financial, technological and informational). The criterion must be presented in a calculable format (in units, pieces, shares, percentages, etc.) for effective use as a performance evaluation tool. Stimulation of teachers is one of the main ways to motivate for innovative activities, professional development of each teacher and educational organization as a whole. Stimulation involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active labor activity, the employee will work more efficiently and more productively. The school administration needs to create conditions in which teachers will be interested in self-education, self-development, and therefore work in an innovative mode. The system of managerial steps to encourage teachers to innovate contributes to the creation of an environment in the team in which each teacher can self-actualize and he will be interested in improving the efficiency of the entire institution.

The most important type of incentive is material, designed to play a leading role in increasing the labor activity of workers. This type consists of material-monetary and material-non-monetary incentives, the latter contains part of the social incentives. The second important is spiritual stimulation, which contains social, moral, aesthetic, socio-political and information incentives. In the psychological approach, moral stimulation is the most developed and widely used subsystem of the spiritual stimulation of labor.



"Creation of a system for stimulating the work of personnel in an educational organization"

Motivational event

Bonus indicators

Type of promotion

Reward Criteria

The method of determining the awarded

When is awarded

Moral Methods of Incentives

Productive work during the academic year, half year (semester), quarter (trimester), participation in professional skill competitions, achievement of high results of students in educational, extracurricular activities

Satisfactory and high indicators of the level of education and quality, participation and victory in competitions, olympiads, conferences of students and teachers

public praise. Placing a photo on a stand like "The best teachers of the school"

Publications about the teacher in the mass media.

Publications about the achievements of the teacher on the site, maintaining a personal page.

100% level of education, more than 50% level of quality, victories and prizes of participating students, worthy performance at professional skill competitions

With the team at the pedagogical council, personally in the administrator's office

As needed

Consistently high levels of learning and quality

Thanks in order

Awards, commendations, commendations.

Announcement at the pedagogical council, a solemn event in the municipality or region

As needed or timed to coincide with a holiday (Teacher's Day, school anniversary)

Presentation for an honorary title.

Systematically 100% level of education, high level of quality, victories and prizes of participating students, worthy performance at professional skill competitions

Material (non-monetary) incentive methods

Olympiads for schoolchildren of various levels, preparation for the holidays, work throughout the year

Providing leave.

Provision of additional days for annual leave.

Preparing students for olympiads, accompanying students to participate in olympiads, creative competitions in other cities, regions, regions, working overtime not specified in the employment contract in preparation for various events

As needed or before annual leave

Competitions of various levels of students and teachers

Valuable gift.

Assistance in obtaining a grant for the implementation of an important project for the teacher.

Achieving high results in competitions with students or in person

On the solemn events different levels

During events during the school year

union meeting

Material and physical condition of the teacher and members of his family

Providing financial assistance for treatment, rehabilitation.

Provision of a ticket to the sanatorium

Provision of vouchers for the treatment of children.

Difficult financial situation, illness of the teacher, illness of children

At a production meeting

During the school year

Labor incentive methods

Creative development teams innovative projects in education

Creative approach to business, the desire for innovation

Involving the teacher to work as part of creative groups

Providing opportunities to work in the most prestigious groups

A systematic responsible approach to various kinds of innovative activities in an educational institution, municipality, region

Announcement at a production meeting or in person

At the beginning of the school year

Exhibition of works of students

Creative approach to any activity

Organization personal exhibition students' work.

Establishing the most convenient work schedule (convenient schedule)

Preparation of worthy works of students

Announcement at a production meeting or in person

During the school year

Systematic responsible performance of official duties

Transfer to self-control

First or highest qualification category, work experience of more than 15 years, achievement of high results in educational and upbringing activities

Announcement at a production meeting or in person

During the study period

Monetary incentive methods

Educational and educational activities

Systematic responsible performance of duties overtime

Incentive bonus for the intensity and productivity of work




Material aid

Achievement of high results for performance of overtime activities

Announcement at a production meeting or in person

During the study period

As criteria for assessing the quality of employees' activities, criteria are used that indicate their participation in the creation and use of resources of an educational organization (human, material, technical, financial, technological and informational). The criterion must be presented in a calculable format (in units, pieces, shares, percentages, etc.) for effective use as a performance evaluation tool. Stimulation of teachers is one of the main ways to motivate for innovative activities, professional development of each teacher and educational organization as a whole. Stimulation involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active labor activity, the employee will work more efficiently and more productively. The school administration needs to create conditions in which teachers will be interested in self-education, self-development, and therefore work in an innovative mode. The system of managerial steps to encourage teachers to innovate contributes to the creation of an environment in the team in which each teacher can self-actualize and he will be interested in improving the efficiency of the entire institution.

The most important type of incentive is material, designed to play a leading role in increasing the labor activity of workers. This type consists of material-monetary and material-non-monetary incentives, the latter contains part of the social incentives. The second important is spiritual stimulation, which contains social, moral, aesthetic, socio-political and information incentives. In the psychological approach, moral stimulation is the most developed and widely used subsystem of the spiritual stimulation of labor.


Stimulation as a factor in increasing the motivational-targeted orientation of the activities of the staff of an educational institution (on the example of the MOU "Seschinskaya comprehensive school)

Bryansk 2007


3.2 Proposals for the development of the motivational complex of the educational institution




Human potential management is one of the most important areas of an organization's life, and the central link in human potential management is the employee motivation system. Today, there is no doubt that a well-constructed system of motivation can greatly increase the efficiency of an organization, and the very concept of "motivation" is considered in a fairly wide range: from organizational and economic to philosophical and psychological.

The motivation system should ensure continuous improvement of methods for stimulating the work of employees of the organization using the achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best managerial experience.

The relevance of the problem of motivation pedagogical activity, as well as the whole problem of motivation of human behavior and activity, is one of the most complex and underdeveloped. There are practically no special studies that would trace the relationship between the motives for choosing and commitment to the teaching profession and the motivation for pedagogical activity.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the state of the system of motivation of employees of an educational institution and develop recommendations for its improvement.

Work tasks:

explore the theoretical foundations of the motivation of employees of an educational organization;

to analyze the organizational and economic state of the organization;

The object of the study is the Municipal Educational Institution "Seschinskaya Secondary School".

The subject of the study is the process of motivating the work of pedagogical workers.

The research methods used are economic-mathematical, monographic, comparison, statistical and others.

This thesis consists of three sections.

The first section - theoretical - reveals all aspects related to the motivation of employees, these are factors influencing the choice of style of personnel management, various methods of stimulating the work of employees, interpersonal differences in the motivation of employees.

In the second section - practical - an analysis of the organizational and economic state of the object of study is carried out.

The third section analyzes the motivational complex of the educational institution and develops proposals for its improvement.

1. Theoretical foundations of the motivation of the personnel of an educational organization

1.1 Basic approaches to employee motivation

Human behavior is usually determined not by one motive, but by their combination, in which motives can be in a certain relationship to each other according to the degree of their impact on human behavior. Therefore, the motivational structure of a person can be considered as the basis for the implementation of certain actions by him. The motivational structure of a person has a certain stability. However, it can change, in particular, consciously in the process of upbringing a person, his education.

In the very general view a person's motivation for activity is understood as a set of driving forces that encourage a person to carry out certain actions. These forces are outside and inside a person and make him consciously or unconsciously perform certain actions. At the same time, the connection between individual forces and human actions is mediated by a very complex system of interactions, as a result of which different people can react in completely different ways to the same effects from the same forces. Moreover, the behavior of a person, the actions carried out by him, in turn, can also influence his response to influences, as a result of which both the degree of influence of the influence and the direction of behavior caused by this influence can change.

With this in mind, we can try to give a more detailed definition of motivation. Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals. The influence of motivation on human behavior depends on many factors, largely individually and can change under the influence of feedback from human activity.

In order to fully reveal the concept of motivation, it is necessary to consider three aspects of this phenomenon:

· that in human activity depends on the motivational impact;

· what is the ratio of internal and external forces;

· how motivation correlates with the results of human activity.

Before proceeding to consider these issues, let us clarify the meaning of the basic concepts that we will use in what follows.

Needs are something that arises and is inside a person, which is general enough for different people, but at the same time has a certain individual manifestation in each person. Finally, this is what a person seeks to free himself from, because as long as the need exists, it makes itself felt and "requires" its elimination. People can try to eliminate needs, satisfy them, suppress them, or not respond to them in different ways. Needs can arise both consciously and unconsciously. At the same time, not all needs are recognized and consciously eliminated. If the need is not eliminated, then this does not imply that it is permanently eliminated. Most needs are periodically renewed, although they can change the form of their specific manifestation, as well as the degree of perseverance and influence on the person.

A motive is something that causes a person to act in a certain way. The motive is "inside" a person, has a "personal" character, depends on many external and internal factors in relation to a person, as well as on the action of other motives that arise in parallel with it. The motive not only induces a person to action, but also determines what needs to be done and how this action will be carried out. In particular, if a motive causes actions to eliminate a need, then these actions can be completely different for different people, even if they experience the same need. Motives are comprehensible. A person can influence his motives, muffling their action or even eliminating them from his motivational totality.

Motivation is the process of influencing a person in order to induce him to certain actions by awakening certain motives in him. Motivation is the core and basis of human management. The effectiveness of management to a very large extent depends on how successfully the motivation process is carried out.

Depending on what motivation pursues, what tasks it solves, two main types of motivation can be distinguished. The first type consists in the fact that certain motives are called to action by external influences on a person, which induce a person to carry out certain actions, leading to a result desired for the motivating subject. At this type motivation, one must know well what motives can induce a person to desirable actions, and how to cause these motives. This type of motivation is a lot like a variant of a bargain: "I give you what you want, and you give me what I want." If the two parties do not have points of interaction, then the process of motivation cannot take place.

The second type of motivation has as its main task the formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. In this case, the main attention is paid to developing and strengthening the motives of human actions that are desirable for the subject of motivation, and vice versa, to weaken those motives that hinder good governance man. This type of motivation is in the nature of educational and educational work and is often not associated with any specific actions or results that are expected to be obtained from a person as a result of his activity. The second type of motivation requires much more effort, knowledge and ability to implement it. However, its results as a whole significantly exceed the results of the first type of motivation. Organizations that have mastered it and use it in their practice can manage their members much more successfully and efficiently.

The first and second types of motivation should not be opposed, since in modern management practice progressively managed organizations tend to combine both of these types of motivation.

Incentives act as levers of influence or carriers of "irritation" that cause the action of certain motives. Individual objects, actions of other people, promises, carriers of obligations and opportunities, provided opportunities, and much more that can be offered to a person in compensation for his actions or that he would like to receive as a result of certain actions can act as incentives. A person reacts to many stimuli not necessarily consciously. To individual stimuli, his reaction may even be beyond conscious control.

The response to specific stimuli is not the same in different people. Therefore, stimuli by themselves have no absolute meaning or meaning if people do not respond to them. For example, in the conditions of the collapse of the monetary system, when it is practically impossible to buy anything with money, wages and banknotes in general lose their role as incentives and can be used to a very limited extent in managing people.

The process of using various incentives to motivate people is called the incentive process. Stimulation takes many forms. In management practice, one of its most common forms is financial incentives. The role of this stimulation process is exceptionally great. However, it is very important to take into account the situation in which material incentives are carried out and try to avoid exaggerating its capabilities, since a person has a very complex and ambiguous system of needs, interests, goals priorities.

Stimulation is fundamentally different from motivation. The essence of this difference is that stimulation is one of the means by which motivation can be carried out. At the same time, the higher the level of development of relations in the organization, the less often incentives are used as a means of managing people. This is due to the fact that upbringing and training as one of the methods of motivating people lead to the fact that the members of the organization themselves show an interested participation in the affairs of the organization, taking the necessary actions without waiting or not receiving the appropriate stimulating effect at all.

If you look at what in a person's activity it has | action motivation, it turns out that these are the following characteristics of activity:

  1. an effort;
  2. diligence;
  3. persistence;
  4. conscientiousness;
  5. orientation.

A person can do the same work with different efforts. He can work at full strength, or he can work at half strength. He may also strive to take on easier work, or he may take on difficult and hard work, choose a simpler solution, or can search for and take on a complex solution. All this reflects what effort a person is willing to spend. And it depends on how much he is motivated to spend a lot of effort in doing his job.

A person can try in different ways, fulfilling his role in the organization. One may be indifferent to the quality of his work, the other may strive to do everything in the best possible way, work with full dedication, do not shirk from work, strive to improve his skills, improve his abilities to work and interact with the organizational environment.

The third characteristic of activity, which is influenced by motivation, is the persistence to continue and develop the work begun. This is a very important characteristic of the activity, since there are often people who quickly lose interest in the business they have begun. And even if they had very good performance in the beginning, the loss of interest and lack of perseverance can lead them to reduce their efforts and try less, performing their role at a significantly lower level than their capabilities. Lack of perseverance also has a negative effect on bringing things to the end. An employee can come up with great ideas and do nothing to implement them, which in practice will turn into lost opportunities for the organization.

Conscientiousness in the performance of work, meaning the responsible performance of work, taking into account all necessary requirements and regulatory standards, for many works is the most important condition for their successful implementation. A person can have good qualifications and knowledge, be capable and creative, and work hard. But at the same time, he can treat his duties carelessly, irresponsibly. And this can negate all the positive results of his activities. The management of the organization should be well aware of this and try to build a motivation system in such a way that it develops this characteristic of their behavior among employees.

Orientation as a characteristic of a person's activity indicates what he aspires to by carrying out certain actions. A person can do his job because it brings him some satisfaction (moral or material), or he can do it because he seeks to help his organization achieve its goals. For management, it is very important to know the direction of human actions, but it is also important to be able to, if necessary, with the help of motivation, orient these actions in the direction of certain goals.

The foregoing allows us to clarify the concept of motivation as a set of forces that encourage a person to carry out activities with the expenditure of certain efforts, at a certain level of diligence and conscientiousness, with a certain degree of perseverance, in the direction of achieving certain goals.

One of the little developed aspects of the theory of motivation is the question of the relationship between "intrinsic motivation" and "external motivation". The essence of the problem lies in the fact that human activity is under the influence of both motives that arise in the closed interaction of a person and a task, and motives that arise in the open interaction of a person and a task, when the subject of the external environment causes motives that encourage a person to solve the problem.

In the first case, motivation can be conditionally called "intrinsic", since the motives are generated by the person himself, when faced with a task. They seem to arise inside a person. An example of this kind of motivation can be the desire to achieve, the desire to complete the work, the desire for knowledge, the desire to fight, fear, etc.

In the second case, the motives for solving the problem are caused by the influence of the subject from the outside. Therefore, conventionally, motivation can be called "external". Motivation processes are such kind of motivation. For example, payment for work, orders, rules of conduct, etc.

In reality, there is no clear distinction between "intrinsic" and "external" motivations. A number of motives in some situations can be generated by "intrinsic" motivation, and in others "external". It may also be that the motive is simultaneously generated by both systems of motivation. But for management it is very important to know about the presence of these two types of motivation, since management can effectively rely only on the "external" type of motivation, while trying to take into account and predict the emergence of a certain "internal" motivation.

It is obvious that motivation has a great influence on a person's performance of his work, his production duties. However, there is no unequivocal relationship between motivation and the final result of activity. It may be that a person who is highly motivated to do his job produces worse results than a person who is less motivated, or even weakly motivated. The lack of an unambiguous relationship between motivation and the final result of the activity is due to the fact that the results of work are influenced by many other factors, such as, for example, the qualifications and abilities of the employee, the correct understanding of the task performed by him, the influence of the environment on the work process, luck, etc. .P.

The gap between motivation and work results gives rise to a serious managerial problem: how to evaluate work results individual worker and how to reward it? If you reward only according to the results of work, then you can demotivate an employee who received a low result, but tried and expended great effort. On the other hand, if you reward an employee depending on motivation, without taking into account the real results of his work, then you can cause a deterioration in the performance of less motivated, but productive workers. Apparently, the solution to this problem is situational in nature. And managers should be aware and remember that in the team they lead, this problem may arise, and its solution is not so obvious and easy.

stimulation motivation teacher staff

1.2 The structure of the motivation process

Motivation, considered as a process, can theoretically be represented in the form of six successive stages. Naturally, such a consideration of the process is rather conditional, since in real life there is no such clear delineation of stages and there are no separate processes of motivation. However, to understand how the motivation process unfolds, what its logic and components are, the following model may be acceptable and useful.

The first stage is the emergence of needs. The need manifests itself in the form that a person begins to feel that he is missing something. It manifests itself at a specific time and begins to "demand" from a person to find an opportunity and take some steps to eliminate it. Needs can be very different. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  1. physiological;
  2. psychological;
  3. social.

The second stage is the search for ways to eliminate the need. Once a need has arisen and creates problems for a person, he begins to look for ways to eliminate it: to satisfy, suppress, ignore. There is a need to do something, to do something.

The third stage is the definition of goals (directions) of action. A person fixes what and by what means he should do, what to achieve, what to get in order to eliminate the need.

At this stage, four points are linked:

  1. what should I get to eliminate the need;
  2. what should I do to get what I want;
  3. to what extent I can achieve what I want;
  4. as far as what I can get can eliminate


The fourth stage is the implementation of the action. At this stage, a person expends effort in order to carry out actions that ultimately should provide him with the opportunity to receive something in order to eliminate the need.

The fifth stage is receiving a reward for performing an action. Having done a certain work, a person either directly receives what he can use to eliminate the need, or what he can exchange for the object he wants. At this stage, it turns out to what extent the implementation of the actions gave the desired result. Depending on this, either a weakening, or preservation, or an increase in motivation for action occurs.

The sixth stage is the elimination of the need. Depending on the degree of stress relief caused by the need, and also on whether the elimination of the need causes a weakening or strengthening of motivation for activity, a person either stops the activity until a new need arises, or continues to look for opportunities and take actions to eliminate the need (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Scheme of the motivational process

Knowledge of the logic of the motivation process does not provide significant advantages in managing this process. Several factors can be pointed out that complicate and obscure the process of practical deployment of motivation. An important factor is the lack of evidence of motives. It is possible to guess, to guess about what motives operate, but it is impossible to "isolate" them explicitly.

Long-term and scrupulous observations are required in order to try to say with a sufficient degree of certainty which motives are leading, driving in the motivational process of a person.

The next important factor is the variability of the motivational process. The nature of the motivational process depends on what needs initiate it. However, the needs themselves are in a complex dynamic interaction with each other, often contradicting each other or, conversely, reinforcing the effects of individual needs. At the same time, the components of this interaction can change over time, changing the direction and nature of the action of motives. Therefore, even with the deepest knowledge of the motivational structure of a person, the motives of his action, unforeseen changes in a person’s behavior and a foreseen reaction on his part to motivating influences could occur.

Another factor that makes the motivational process of each individual person unique and not one hundred percent predictable is the difference in the motivational structures of individual people, the different degree of influence of the same motives on different people, the different degree of dependence of the action of some motives on others. In some people, the desire to achieve a result can be very strong, while in others it can be relatively weak. In this case, this motive will have a different effect on people's behavior. Another situation is also possible: two people have an equally strong motive for achieving a result. But for one, this motive dominates over all others, and he will achieve results by any means. For another, this motive is commensurate in strength of action with the motive for complicity in joint actions. In this case, this person will behave differently.

As you can see, the process of motivation is very complex and ambiguous. There is enough a large number of various theories of motivation trying to explain this phenomenon. In the second part of this chapter, the main theories of motivation will be considered, which can be divided into two large groups. The first group consists of theories that focus on identifying and analyzing the content of motivation factors, the second - theories of motivation, the point of concentration of which is the dynamics of the interaction of various motives, i.e. how human behavior is initiated and directed. The first group of theories is usually called the group of theories of the content of motivation, the second group - theories of the process of motivation.

Remuneration in our country performs a dual function: on the one hand, wages are the main source of income for an employee and improve his living standards, on the other hand, they are the main lever of material incentives for growth and increasing production efficiency. Normative regulation of the activities of enterprises and organizations is designed to ensure the correct and uniform accounting.

Content theories of motivation analyze the factors that influence motivation. To a large extent, the focus of these theories is concentrated on the analysis of needs and their impact on motivation. These theories describe the structure of needs, their content, and how these needs are related to a person's motivation to act. In these theories, an attempt is made to answer the question of what inside a person prompts him to act. The most famous theories of motivation of this group are:

) the theory of the hierarchy of needs, developed by Maslow;

) the ERG theory developed by Alderfer;

) McClelland's theory of acquired needs

) Herzberg's theory of two factors.

1.3 Features of labor motivation in the field of education

It should be noted that even in the extremely difficult conditions of socio-economic life in Russia there were wonderful teachers-enthusiasts, whose choice of the teaching profession was due to the motives of high social value. One of these was Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov. Here is an excerpt from the work of N.A. Dobrolyubov, written by him when he entered the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg: Early on, a noble determination seized me to devote myself to the service of my fatherland. For a long time strange dreams agitated the inexperienced mind, but finally I settled on the title of teacher. Thinking about this title, I felt in myself the ability, and desire, and patience - everything that is needed for this difficult task. I am able to convey knowledge, because I am not deprived of the gift of words, because I have a heart that often seeks to express itself, and what more is required of a teacher. One thing confuses me: I am weak, young, inexperienced. How can I pass on new truths to a new generation when I myself am only just entering into life, only still thirsting for enlightenment? But for this very reason I come to this sanctuary of science, in order to prepare myself for the perfect passage of my position, in order to accustom myself here for several years to the idea of ​​being a teacher of youth.

The choice of the pedagogical profession in accordance with this or that motive (for what?) largely determines the motives of teaching. If we take into account that a motive is nothing more than an object of need, or an objectified need, then for future teachers such subjects can be purely cognitive interest, the desire to better prepare for independent professional activity, a sense of duty and responsibility, or the desire to stand out through teaching among classmates, to take a prestigious position in the team, to avoid criticism from teachers and parents, the desire to earn praise, receive an increased scholarship, etc.

The division of motives into leading (dominant) and situational (stimulus motives), external and internal allows us to assume with a high degree of probability that both for future teachers, teaching and for working teachers, their activities proceed as a chain of situations, some of which act as a purposeful attraction. The purpose of the activity and the motive here coincide. Other situations are perceived as purposeful coercion, when the goal and motive do not match. In this case, the teacher may treat the goal of pedagogical activity indifferently and even negatively.

In situations of the first type, teachers work with passion, inspiration, and therefore, productively. In the second case, it is painful, with inevitable nervous tension and usually does not have good results. But complex activity, which is pedagogical, is usually caused by several motives, differing in strength, personal and social significance. The multi-motivation of pedagogical activity is a common phenomenon: a teacher can work well to achieve high results, but at the same time satisfy his other needs (recognition of colleagues, moral and material encouragement, etc.).

The socially valuable motives of pedagogical activity include a sense of professional and civic duty, responsibility for raising children, honest and conscientious performance professional functions(professional honor), passion for the subject and satisfaction from communicating with children; awareness of the high mission of the teacher; love for children, etc. Nothing can justify the selfish, selfish motives of pedagogical activity, which keep" teachers at school: salary, long vacation, the possibility of obtaining an apartment or other benefits, etc.

Recent studies have shown that teachers in a number of cases have low rates of interest in themselves, concentration of efforts on protecting their Self, and making increased demands on others. Therefore, the teacher’s stimulation of positive thoughts about himself, about the possibility of growth, the strengthening of his intentions to express and embody himself in the teaching profession, to become significant for his students, to contribute to them and his development, strengthening self-respect and dignity in connection with this are all important features of a positive self. -the concept of the teacher as an integral characteristic of his personality. A positive self-concept gives the teacher stability in the face of ever-expanding evaluation of him from the outside (assignment of categories, selection of teachers on a competitive basis). The primary self-concept and assessment of oneself as a professional is formed by the teacher in the first few years of work, then it is polished and can even be revised.

Attitude towards the profession, in particular the teacher, is a complex integral property that expresses the degree of involvement of the individual in professional activities. This is a dynamic property, because the relationship arises, is formed and rebuilt at different stages and in different situations of activity. And finally, this is an expression of a holistic position young specialist, because the attitude to the profession of an educator cannot be torn off from the whole system of his life values ​​and orientation.

A statement of a favorable or unfavorable attitude towards the profession gives a good reason for thinking about how to form, consolidate and develop love for the profession, how to rebuild and change the negative attitude towards it. This means that it is necessary to identify the characteristics of the teacher, which underlie the attitude to the profession, determine it, often remaining invisible. We are talking about a system of such interrelated characteristics of a young teacher as his position, orientation and motivation. If you are looking for the origins of this or that relationship, you need to delve into the analysis of life position, discover its integrity in the system of orientation and see the possibilities of its (position) variability, dynamics in the development of motivation.

The formation of an orientation system and, on its basis, a professional position stabilizes professional choice teachers and contributes to their more effective work and professional development.

2. Organizational and economic characteristics of the mou "Seschinskaya comprehensive school"

2.1 General characteristics of the organization

MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school" is subordinate to the education department of the administration of the Dubrovsky district.

Date of foundation of the School: 1949.

Postal and legal address: 242760, Bryansk region, p. Sescha, st. Central, d.1.

The school in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and other legislative and regulatory acts adopted in accordance with them, Model Provision on a general educational institution, an agreement with the Founder and the Charter.

The founder of the School is the Department of Education of the Dubrovsky District Administration. The relationship between the founder and the School is reflected in the founding agreement concluded between them MOU Seschinskaya secondary school of the education department of the administration of the Dubrovsky district (Appendix No. 2). The subject of this agreement is the establishment by the administration of the Dubrovsky district of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school; delimitation of rights and obligations between the founder and the institution. The contract stipulates the right of operational management, the rights and obligations of the founder, institution, validity period, amendment and termination of the contract.

The school has the right to provide paid additional educational services to the population, enterprises, institutions and organizations that are not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards. This activity is not business related. Paid educational services cannot be provided instead of educational activities financed from the budget. In addition to the main types of activities, the institution has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities in accordance with Article 47 of the Federal Law of 13.01.1996 No. 12 FZ.

The school is a municipal, civil non-profit secondary educational institution. The rights of a legal entity for the School in terms of conducting financial and economic activities, provided for by the Charter and aimed at preparing the educational process, arise from the moment of its registration as an educational institution.

Medical care for students at the School is provided by specially assigned medical personnel of the MHI "Seshchinskaya district hospital №1".

Catering for students in the institution is carried out jointly with the municipal school catering plant of the Dubrovsky district. The School does not allow the creation and operation of organizational structures political parties, socio-political, religious movements and organizations.

The main tasks of the School are:

implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education;

education in students of citizenship, patriotism, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, family, love for the Motherland;

creation of favorable conditions for the versatile development of the individual, including by meeting the needs of students in self-education and obtaining additional education;

the formation of a general culture of the personality of students on the basis of mastering the mandatory minimum of the content of general education programs, their adaptation to life in society;

creation of the basis for a conscious choice and subsequent assimilation of professional educational programs.

To implement the main tasks, the School has the right to:

independently, taking into account state educational standards, develop, adopt and implement educational programs;

develop and approve the curriculum, annual calendar study schedule and class schedule;

choose the forms, means and methods of training and education within the limits determined by the law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

independently choose the system of assessments, forms, order and frequency of intermediate certification of students;

implement additional educational programs, provide additional educational services, including paid ones;

accept additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of its statutory activities, through the provision of paid additional educational services, through voluntary donations and earmarked contributions from legal entities and individuals.

By agreement with the founder, the School has the right to:

form complexes, associations, unions and other associations, including those with the participation of institutions, enterprises and public organizations for the implementation of educational programs;

establish direct links with foreign enterprises, institutions and organizations;

conclude an agreement with a centralized accounting department to ensure financial and economic activities.

The school carries out the educational process in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of the three levels of education:

Stage I - primary general education (normative period of development 3-4 years) - ensures the development of students, their mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills and abilities of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control of educational actions, a culture of behavior and speech, basic personal hygiene and healthy lifestyle life. Primary general education is the basis for obtaining basic general education.

Stage II - basic general education (normative term for mastering 5 years) - ensures the development by students of general educational programs of basic general education, the conditions for the formation and formation of the personality of students, their inclinations, interests, culture of thinking, ability to social self-determination.

Basic general education is the basis for obtaining secondary (complete) general education, primary and secondary vocational education.

Stage III - secondary (complete) general education (normative period of development 2-3 years) - is the final stage of general education, ensuring that students master general education programs of this level of education, advanced training in individual subjects of various cycles, early profiling, development of sustainable cognitive interests and creative abilities of students, the formation of skills for independent learning activities based on the differentiation of learning. Secondary (complete) general education is the basis for obtaining secondary technical and higher education.

The organization of the educational process at the School is built on the basis of the curriculum developed by the School independently in accordance with the basic curriculum of a general education school in the Bryansk region or the Russian Federation.

Admission to the School for training and education is formalized by order of the school.

School discipline is maintained on the basis of respect human dignity students, teachers. The use of methods of physical and mental violence against students is not allowed.

The school, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for:

failure to perform functions within the competence of the School;

implementation of incomplete educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process;

the quality of education of its graduates;

violation of the rights and freedoms of students and employees of the School;

life and health of students and school employees during the educational process;

Participants in the educational process are students, parents (legal representatives), teachers of the school.

Upon admission to the school, students and their parents (legal representatives) must be familiar with the Charter and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

Students at the School have the right to:

receiving free general education (primary, basic, secondary (complete)) on the basis of the principle of general accessibility of education to the conditions and characteristics of the development and training of students;

choice of education;

training within the framework of state educational standards according to an individual curriculum, an accelerated course of study, pedagogical support in accordance with the level of education and developmental features;

receiving additional (including paid) educational services;

participation in the management of the School in the form determined by the charter;

respect for human dignity, freedom of conscience and information, free expression of one's own views and convictions;

free access to events not provided for by the curriculum;

free use of the school's library fund.

School students are required to:

comply with the Charter of the School;

-to study conscientiously;

take good care of school property;

participate in work related to self-service;

respect the honor and dignity of other students and employees of the School;

fulfill the requirements of the School employees in the part referred by the Charter and the Rules of the students to their competence.

Parents (legal representatives) have the right to:

protect the legitimate rights and interests of children;

-choose the form of education;

get acquainted with the course and content of the educational process, with the assessment of the student's progress;

get acquainted with the Charter of the School and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process;

participate in the management of the school.

School teachers have the right to:

to provide the conditions necessary for the performance of professional activities;

-to participate in the management of the School through various structural units that are self-governing bodies;

to create the conditions necessary for successful education in higher professional educational institutions, as well as in institutions of the system of retraining and advanced training;

protect their professional honor and dignity;

freely choose and use teaching and upbringing methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks, methods for assessing students' knowledge;

improve your skills;

be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate category and receive it in case of successful certification;

to receive a superannuation pension in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

on social benefits and guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and additional benefits provided by the Founder to the teaching staff of the School.

The duties of teachers include:

meet the requirements of the relevant tariff and qualification characteristics for the positions of employees of educational institutions;

comply with the Charter of the School and internal regulations;

to fulfill the conditions employment contract and job descriptions;

timely and accurately comply with the instructions of the School administration;

respect the legal rights and freedoms of students.

The activity of an educational institution is financed by its founder in accordance with an agreement between them. Financing of educational institutions is carried out on the basis of state and local funding standards, determined per student, pupil for each type, type and category of educational institution.

The property of the School is the municipal property of the city of Bryansk. the property is assigned to the School on the right of operational management in accordance with the deed of transfer and the separation balance sheet.

As of January 1, 2001, the School's property is 4,023,793 rubles, including fixed assets - 3,948,271 rubles (Appendix 13).

The sources of formation of school property, including financial resources, are:

property fixed by the Municipal Property Management Committee of the city in accordance with the established procedure;

property acquired at the expense of budgetary funds allocated to the School according to the estimate, including at the expense of income received from the permitted entrepreneurial activity;

property, funds, budget allocations and other receipts allocated by the Founder for organizing the statutory activities of the School;

extrabudgetary funds;

income received from paid educational services and entrepreneurial activities permitted by the School;

gratuitous or charitable contributions of organizations, institutions, citizens;

funds of parents (legal representatives), voluntary donations and targeted contributions of other individuals and legal entities, including foreign ones;

other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The school owns, uses and disposes of the municipal property assigned to it on the right of operational management in accordance with the purpose of the property, the statutory goals of the activity, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement on the procedure for the use of municipal property on the right of operational management, concluded by the Municipal Property Management Committee of the city and the school.

The school is not entitled, without the permission of the Municipal Property Management Committee of the city, to alienate or otherwise dispose of the property assigned to it and the property acquired at the expense of funds allocated to it according to the estimate, including independently pledge, lease, transfer for temporary use . Incomes received by the School in the course of carrying out permitted business activities and property acquired at the expense of these incomes are transferred to the operational management of the School (without the right to alienate) and are accounted for separate balance sheet. This property is municipal property and is equally equal to other property assigned to the school on the basis of operational management. Keeping records of income and expenses from entrepreneurial activity is carried out separately from the main activity.

When exercising the right of operational management of municipal property, the School is obliged to:

effectively use the property assigned to the right of operational management;

ensure the safety and use of property strictly for its intended purpose;

carry out major and current repairs of property assigned to the school;

prevent the deterioration of the technical condition of the property assigned to the right of operational management. This requirement does not apply to deterioration associated with the normal wear and tear of this property during operation. The Administration of the city of Bryansk, upon the provision of the Municipal Property Management Committee of the city and the Founder, has the right to seize excess, unused, or misused property from the School and dispose of it at its own discretion.

Control over the intended use and safety of property assigned to the School on the right of operational management is carried out by the Committee for Municipal Property Management of the city of Bryansk in the manner prescribed by law. The head of the school is responsible for the safety of the property entrusted to the school.

The school is managed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Charter of the School. School management is built on the principles of unity of command and self-government. Self-governing bodies in the School are: Conference (general meeting labor collective, students and their parents (legal representatives), Meeting of the labor collective, School Council, Pedagogical Council, Board of Trustees(table 3).

Table 1 - Self-Government Bodies

Name CompositionDue dateLocal actsCompetenceConferenceGeneral meeting of the workforce, students and their parentsAt least 1 time in 3 yearsInternal rules work schedule for employees of the School1. Approval of the composition of the School Council; 2. Hearing the reports of the School Council; 3. Approval of the rules of conduct, rules on rewards and penalties for students Meeting of the labor collectiveEmployees of the institution At least once a year1. Approval of the Rules of the internal labor regulations of the School on the proposal of the Director of the School; 2. Deciding on the need to conclude a collective agreement; 3. Approval of the collective agreement; 4. Deciding on the announcement of a strike and the election of the body leading the strike. School Council (reports to the conference) Elected representatives: head, deputy and secretary At least 3 times a year School Admission Rules, Rules of Conduct for Students at the School, Rules on Rewards and Penalties of Students 1. Approval of the School development program; 2. Making a decision on the expulsion of students from the School; 3. Formation of an examination committee in case of disagreement of the student, his parents (legal representatives) with the annual assessment; 4. Deciding on the provision of material assistance to students 4. Deciding to declare a strike and electing a body leading the strike. School Council (accountable to the conference) Elected representatives: head, deputy and secretary At least 3 times a year Rules for admission to the School, rules of conduct for students at the School, Rules for rewards and penalties for students 1. Approval of the School development program; 2. Making a decision on the expulsion of students from the School; 3. Formation of an examination committee in case of disagreement of the student, his parents (legal representatives) with the annual assessment; 4. Making a decision on the provision of financial assistance to students Pedagogical Council Collegial body uniting the teaching staff of the School At least 4 times a year1. Organizes work to improve the skills of employees, the development of their creative initiatives; 2. Discusses and makes a choice of various options for the content of education, forms, methods of the educational process and methods for their implementation; 3. Makes decisions on conducting final and intermediate certification in the form of exams and tests; 4. Makes a decision on the conduct of the educational process; 5. Makes a decision on the release, transfer of students to the next class, conditional transfer to the next class, and also, in agreement with the parents (legal representatives of the student), to leave him for re-education in the same class, transfer to compensatory education classes or continue education in form of family education; 6. Discusses content issues curricula; 7. Discusses the annual calendar academic schedule, delegates representatives to the School Council. Board of TrusteesVoluntary association of sponsorsAs needed-sti1. Assistance in extra-budgetary financing of the school and provision of organizational, advisory and other assistance to it; 2. Participates in the management of the School by making decisions binding on the school on the use of the funds and property of the joint sponsorship fund transferred to it.

The direct management of the school is carried out by the Director, who has passed the appropriate attestation, and is appointed by the Founder. The appointment and dismissal of the Director is carried out by the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Bryansk in agreement with the Committee for the Management of Municipal Property of the city. The director carries out the current management of the activities of the School and is accountable to the Department of Education of the city administration, as well as the Committee for the management of municipal property of the city within the limits of property issues.

The director acts on the basis of unity of command, resolves all issues of the School's activities that are not within the competence of self-government bodies.

In particular, the Principal of the school without a power of attorney:

acts on behalf of the School, represents its interests in all domestic and foreign organizations, state and municipal bodies;

-concludes contracts, including labor contracts, issues powers of attorney;

issues orders and orders binding on all employees and students;

approves the structure of the School and the staffing table (in agreement with the Founder), work schedules and class schedules;

distributes the teaching load, establishes rates and official salaries of school employees within their own financial resources subject to restrictions set by federal and local regulations;

establishes allowances and additional payments to official salaries of employees of the School;

manages the funds within the limits of the rights granted to him by the Agreement concluded between the school and the Municipal Property Management Committee of the city;

is responsible for the safety of the property entrusted to the school.

Combining the position of the Director with other management positions (except for scientific and methodological guidance) inside or outside the School is not allowed.

The school has the right:

conclude contracts with individuals and legal entities for the performance of works and services in accordance with the activities of the School specified in the Charter;

engage other enterprises and organizations to carry out their activities on a mutually beneficial contractual basis;

carry out activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

plan their main activities and determine development prospects in agreement with the Education Department of the Bryansk City Administration;

in accordance with the established procedure, according to the estimate, determine the amount of funds allocated for the remuneration of school employees and their incentives, production and social development.

The school is required to:

consider and submit to the Department of Education of the city, district the necessary estimate and financial documentation in full approved forms for all types of activities;

bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation of contractual, credit, settlement obligations, for violation of business rules;

provide its employees with safe working conditions, bear responsibility in accordance with the established procedure for damage caused to health and working capacity;

to report, to keep statistical reporting, report on the results of activities in the manner and terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Appendix 14.15);

be responsible for the safety of documents (management, financial and economic, personnel, etc.);

store and use in the prescribed manner documents on personnel.

Control and audit of the School's activities is carried out by a higher department, as well as tax, environmental and other authorities within their competence, which, in accordance with the current legislation and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with checking the activities of state and municipal institutions. School officials shall bear disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the distortion of state reporting.

The school may be liquidated by decision of the Founder and the Committee for Municipal Property Management of the city of Bryansk. The reorganization of the School (merger, division, separation, transformation) can be carried out by a joint decision of the Founder and the Committee for Municipal Property Management of the city of Bryansk, if this does not entail a violation of the obligations of the School.

Each action of all institutions without exception is possible only if the environment allows its existence. In the structure of the organization's environment, factors of the internal and external environment are distinguished. This division of factors is generally recognized. The internal environment of an organization is the source of its lifeblood. It includes the potential that enables the organization to function.

We refer to the internal environment: the goals of the institution, the management structure, participants in the educational process.

A goal is a specific end state of something. The goal in this case is to create conditions for the implementation of general educational programs of primary general, basic general secondary (complete) general education.

2.2 Analysis of income and expenses of MOU Seschinskaya secondary school

The analysis of financing involves the study of the security of the institution with budgetary funds, as well as the completeness of their use. To this end, we will compare the planned and actual financing and compare the received budget funds with cash expenses budget institution. The main source of the cited data is the "Estimated cost of funds of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school.

The School signed an agreement with the centralized accounting department of the Dubrovsky district of the Bryansk region dated January 3, 2002 (Appendix 5).

The centralized accounting department of the OMA of the Dubrovsky district of the Bryansk region, which receives funding from the relevant budget in accordance with the budget list, draws up annual, quarterly and monthly financial statements according to the forms of documents in accordance with the "Instructions on annual, quarterly and monthly reporting of budgetary institutions and other organizations receiving funding from the budget in in accordance with the budget schedule (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2000 No. 54-n, as amended on September 10, 2001).

The asset balance consists of the following sections:

Fixed assets and other long-term financial investments:

Material stocks.

Insignificant items.

Finished products.

Institutional funds : on sub-account 110 "Target funds and gratuitous receipts".

Expenses: on sub-account 200 "Budget expenses for the maintenance of the institution and other activities"

Products, works and services performed and handed over by customers.

Incomes, profits (losses).

Capital construction costs.

The balance sheet liability consists of the following sections:

Financing from the budget.

Funds and special purpose funds.

Calculations : on subaccount 173 "Settlements on payments to the budget".

Incomes, profits (losses).

Financing capital construction.

Table 2 - Structure of financial receipts of MOU Seschinskaya secondary school

Item of income 2005 2006 2007 2007 to 2005, % rub. %rub. %rub. %Budget9.8510330861100195 Income from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities--140000.15---Total5612573100926458010010330861100195

Thus, the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school is financed almost exclusively from local budget. Only in 2006 there were incomes from business and other own activities, however, the share of these funds in the total income structure is negligible and amounts to 0.15%. The analysis also showed that during the study period of 2005-2007, the budget financing of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school has increased significantly - almost two times. Let's consider the structure of expenses of MOU Seschinskaya secondary school in 2005 - 2007.

Table 3 - The structure of expenses of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school

Item of expenditure 2005 2006 2007 2007 to 2005, % rub. %rub. %rub. %Оплата труда477204290,2823040091,98874394187,66183Услуги связи28320,0442000,05105700,11373Транспортные услуги8000,024000,00420000,02250Коммунальные услуги4955849,366511807,277710907,73156Услуги по содержанию имущества39390,06239000,27870000,872207Прочие услуги140450,26380000,423511203,522500Материальные запасы3233315,913025003, 382413002.4275 Fixed assets----1148401.15-Total5612573100926458010010330861100195

The given data testify that the overwhelming share in the structure of expenditures of the municipal educational institution Seschinskaya secondary general education school is the cost of remuneration of school employees. The share of these expenses in the total structure is about 90%.

It should also be noted some changes in the structure of expenses of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school: the costs of paying for communication services and utilities increased significantly (by 273%), but to an even greater extent - the costs of paying for property maintenance services (by 22 times) and other services (25 times); reduced by 25% the cost of the formation of the material resources of the school.

2.3 Analysis of achieved indicators of education and human resources schools

In an educational institution, unlike commercial organizations where the main purpose of the activity is to make a profit, important indicators are indicators of the quality of educational services. The quality of education is a set of consumer properties of educational services that provides the ability to meet a set of needs for the comprehensive development of the personality of students.

The indicators of the quality of education include potential, i.e. qualified teaching staff (was discussed above), the number of students, the availability of a modern information and computer base, the availability of their own and methodological developments, availability of territory; indicator of the usefulness of labor: the number of curricula, textbooks, manuals. The fund of the school library is 38,755 copies: textbooks - 25,818 copies, reference literature - 570 copies, fiction - 12,367 copies; labor quality indicator: the level of assessment of students' knowledge in the learning process (table 4).

Table 4 - Comparative analysis of learning outcomes by years

Indicators Years 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Number of students 115110621022 Of which: girls 537552488 boys 614510481 Number of classes 464239 Avg. occupancy of classes252525Col. people educated at home014Disabled children51012% of progress97,099,099.6% of quality28,429,025.8Excellent students (+%) 23 (1.9) 17 (1.6) 18 (1.9) On "4" and " 5 "236211180C one 4 (+%) 13 (1.1) 9 (0.8) 10 (1.0) One 3 (+%) 55 (4.8) 71 (6.7) 42 (4, 3) Do not have time31104

Thus, from table 4 it can be seen that every year the number of students decreases by 89, 93 people, respectively, we can calculate average population students per year, it will be 1060 people ((1151 + 1062 + 969) / 3). The percentage of girls is 49.6% ((537+552+488) *100/ (1151+1062+969)), boys - 50.4% ((614+510+481) *100/ (1151+1062+969 )), the ratio is 1:1, which is normal for an educational institution. The number of classes decreases every year due to the decrease in the number of students. The average number of classes per year is 42 (46+42+39/3); Class occupancy is unchanged - 25 people. There are students who study at home. In 2003-2004 they amounted to 0.4% of the total number of students (4*100/969). Children with disabilities in 2001-2002 among students were 0.4% (5*100/1151); in 2002-2003 this figure increased to 0.9% and amounted to 10 people, and by 2003-2004. increased by another 2 people and amounted to 1.2%. This picture seems terrible, the number of disabled children is increasing every year.

The quality indicator is characterized by the ratio of students with excellent marks, "4" and "5", students with one "4", with one "3" to the total number of students (18+180+10+42) *100/969= 25.8%); This figure varies from year to year, but by 2003-2004. decreased significantly (compared to 2002-2003 by 3.2%), students do not strive to improve their level of education, they are not drawn to knowledge, they are not afraid of bad results.

Thus, the internal environment of the institution consists of what is characteristic of the institution itself, the implementation of its educational process: teachers, students, their direct interaction with each other, their relationship with the inner world of the institution. But this interaction is possible only under the influence of environmental factors.

Participants in the educational process are a central factor.

Currently, the school has 84 teachers. They have a higher education of 80, a secondary special education of 4.

Pedagogical work experience ranges from 2 years to 51 years of work at school. The youngest teacher is 23 years old, the oldest one will turn 70 this year.

Thus, we can conclude that the personnel potential is highly professional, stable, and the staff turnover in the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school is relatively low.

There is also a systematic professional development of teachers. The organization of advanced training for pre-profile training, for specialized training of students in grades 10-11 for teachers is carried out by the institution for advanced training of educators once every two years.

The MOU Seschinskaya secondary school is headed by a director with 30 years of work experience, education - higher physical education, remuneration is made according to the 14th category. The categories of workers are reflected in the tariff list.

Tariffication by categories of teachers is clearly shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Tariffication of teachers.

Thus, at school, 31% of teachers have 12 grades (26 * 100/84),

3% - 13th category, 21.4% - 14th category. Almost 86% of teachers work in schools with high tariff-qualified categories, which once again confirms the high level of education of teachers.

To formalize the structure, staffing and headcount in the institution, in accordance with its charter, the staffing table is applied. staffing contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll. Approved by order of the director. Changes are made in accordance with the order of the director.

Analysis of the external environment

The external environment is very mobile and uncertain. We have to pay attention and reckon with all environmental factors. The external environment is understood as all conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular organization, but which have or may have an impact on its functioning.

The external environment is uncontrollable, it is necessary to adapt to it.

The educational institution is non-profit organization As a result, there is no competition. The set of tasks is determined by the directive of the state on the basis of the developed Federal Program for the Development of Education in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The program is the organizational basis of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education. The implementation of the goals of the program is ensured through both current funding from the budgets of all levels, necessary for the sustainable functioning of the education system of the Russian Federation, and additional targeted funding directly for the activities and projects of the Program aimed at solving the problems of developing the system based on the achievements of science and practice (innovations). The state guarantees the annual allocation of financial resources for education in the amount of at least 10 percent of the national income, as well as the protection of relevant expenditure items federal budget, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets. The amounts and norms of financing educational institutions are subject to quarterly indexation in accordance with the rate of inflation.

Institutions that are financed by the budget, along with commercial ones, are taxpayers. It is known that budget financing and targeted funds are not subject to value added tax, income tax, and some other taxes, and entrepreneurial activity is taxed in the usual manner. Consider how the income of institutions is qualified for tax purposes by two main taxes - income tax and value added tax.

For the purposes of taxation with income tax, it is necessary to take into account the list of revenues related to targeted funds established by the Instruction of the State Tax Service of Russia - "On the procedure for calculating and paying income tax to the budget by budgetary organizations (institutions) and reporting to tax authorities". The following amounts are taxed: income of budgetary organizations received from the provision of paid services individuals and legal entities; income from the sale of fixed assets and other property (difference (excess) between the sale price and the initial or residual value of these funds and property); income from non-sales operations: from the lease and sublease of property; income from investing free off-budget Money to deposit accounts; exchange differences formed on funds received from entrepreneurial activity; income from other operations related to the placement of funds (budgetary and extrabudgetary) on current accounts in credit organizations.

On January 1, 2001, Chapter 21 "Value Added Tax" of Part 2 came into force tax code RF. Therefore, we will consider the problem of qualifying the income of an institution for the purposes of taxing value added tax on the basis of this normative act. According to Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, transactions involving the sale of goods (works, services) are recognized as objects of value added taxation. Operations that are not subject to value added tax: services for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions, conducting classes with minor children in circles, sections (including sports) and studios; sale of food products directly produced by student and school canteens, canteens of other educational institutions, canteens medical organizations, preschool institutions and implemented by them in these institutions.

Thus, the key difference between the taxation of non-profit and commercial organizations is that all receipts classified as targeted are not subject to any taxes, which imposes its own requirements for accounting in educational institutions. Receipts as income from entrepreneurial activities in educational institutions are subject to all taxes on the same conditions as the income of commercial organizations.

An educational institution, regardless of its organizational and legal form, in terms of entrepreneurial activity, provided for by the charter of this educational institution, is exempt from paying all types of taxes, including land fees.

In order to attract investment in the education system, the state provides a special system of tax incentives for enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, as well as individuals, including foreign citizens who invest their funds, including in kind, in the development of the education system of the Russian Federation. The nature, amount and procedure for granting these benefits are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Employers are responsible for improving the professional qualifications of employees with whom they have an employment relationship. The minimum standards for financial expenditures for these purposes for enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as the procedure for using financial resources, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The factors of the direct impact of the external environment on the educational institution are considered above. There are also indirect factors.

Socio-cultural environment. Demographic situation in the country. The death rate, the birth rate, the traditions of the people.

Thus, this factor will affect the filling of classes, the staffing of the teaching staff, teaching is conducted in the native Russian language, despite the presence of students of other nationalities in the school.

The political situation in the country. The state pays parents (legal representatives) state benefits for caring for a child up to the age specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation, child benefits for low-income families, mothers with many children and single mothers (fathers), disabled children, child benefits.

Partial or complete non-financing of the public sector, as a result of the strike of teachers, forced "holidays" of students. Decline in the quality of education, the percentage of progress in the institution. And, on the contrary, the allocation of funds by the budget in full on time stimulates employees to more fruitful work, a high-quality approach to training, the possibility of acquiring the necessary methodological, educational, reference literature, bonuses and material assistance are paid.

Interaction also takes place with sponsors, which are also related to environmental factors. In our time, sponsorship sounds like something unrealistic. School for the last three years as sponsorship got a TV and VCR, that's all the help. Hope the situation changes better side, and yet who than can. Unnecessary children from home bring books, material for labor lessons, etc.

After a thorough study of the theoretical material on such concepts as education, educational institution, the general concept of goals, their types, functions, setting and achieving. I applied these definitions to the educational institution MOU Seschinskaya secondary school.

The main goal, which, in my opinion, will form the "tree trunk" of the School's goals is the implementation of educational programs for primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education. The "crown of the tree" forms four subgoals:

Education in students of citizenship, patriotism, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, family, love for the Motherland;

Creation of favorable conditions for the versatile development of the individual, by meeting the needs of students in self-education and obtaining additional education;

Formation of a general culture of the personality of students based on the assimilation of the mandatory minimum of the content of general education programs, their adaptation to life in society;

Creation of the basis for a conscious choice and subsequent assimilation of professional educational programs.

For solutions main goal it is necessary to solve problems in certain areas that make up smaller goals that are "branches of the tree" of goals, their number can be unlimited.

Ensuring a high level of personnel professionalism, stability of its development, continuity and a favorable microclimate with a low level of conflict. To do this, we solve smaller goals.

Stability of development - diagnostics of personnel potential, ensuring systematic training. Thus, it is necessary to send for advanced training those teachers who need it in accordance with changing training programs, and not just to be sent on schedule once every 5 years. Development and testing of adaptation of employees, implementation of measures within the framework of the conflict management system.

An important factor in the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of the educational institution as a whole is the level of the motivation system for teachers.

2.4 Analysis of salaries and workload of teaching staff of the school

Let us consider the structure of the wage fund for pedagogical workers of the Seschinskaya secondary school. It includes the following components:

the main part - the salaries of teachers based on the teaching load;

surcharge fund;

allowances for group leadership.

The table shows quantitative data on the structure of the salary fund for teachers of the Seschinskaya secondary school in the 2006-2007 academic year, and the figure schematically shows the share of each component in the total amount of funds.

Table 5 - Analysis of the structure of the salary fund for pedagogical workers of the Seschinskaya school

No. p / p Component of the wage fund Size, thousand rubles. Share in the total volume, %1

Thus, we see that the main share (more than 75%) in the structure of the remuneration of the teaching staff of the Seschinskaya school is occupied by a salary, the amount of which is determined depending on the volume of the teaching load and qualification category specific teacher. A significant share (23%) is also made up of various additional payments and a small share (1.7%) is remuneration for managing creative circles and sports sections.

Figure 3 - The structure of the wage fund for teachers of the Seschinskaya secondary school.

Given that the stimulating role in this structure of remuneration of pedagogical work is mainly performed by additional payments to teachers, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed analysis of the structure of the additional payments fund.

The main types of additional payments to the teaching staff of the Seshchinskaya school are: additional payments for titles, high professional achievements and distinctions ("Excellent worker in education", "Honored teacher of the Russian Federation", awarding an honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, etc.); additional payments for class management; additional payments for general indicators of the educational process; surcharges for managing an office, workshops, greenhouses, flower beds, etc.; additional payments for extracurricular activities with students in need.

The table shows quantitative data on the structure of the fund of additional payments to pedagogical workers of the Seschinskaya secondary school on the example of the 2006-2007 academic year.

Table 6 - Additional payments to pedagogical workers of Seschinskaya

secondary school

Item No. Type of surchargeAmount, thousand rubles Share in the fund of additional payments, %1 Additional payments for titles, high professional achievements and distinctions 1205715.22 Additional payments for class management 23932303 Additional payments for general indicators of the educational process 75719.54 Additional payments for managing the office 53026.75 Additional payments for extracurricular activities 407115.16 Other additional payments 2665533.5 Total 51008.5

Figure 4 schematically shows the structure of the fund for additional payments to school teachers.

Figure 4 - The structure of the fund for additional payments to teachers of the Seschinskaya secondary school.

Thus, the greatest weight in the structure of the fund of additional payments is occupied by additional payments to teachers for school management, for extracurricular work and for titles and distinctions.

Load analysis.

Table 7 - Dynamics of teaching load for 3 years

Item No. Indicator 2004-2005 academic year 2005-2006 academic year 2006-2007 academic year1 Total teaching load, hour. 1252121711932Number of teaching staff, people7674713Average workload per employee, hours16.4716.416.8

The figure schematically shows the dynamics of the average workload per teacher of the Seschinskaya secondary school for three years.

Figure 5 - Dynamics of the average workload per teacher of the Seschinskaya school for three years

Thus, we can conclude that despite the fact that the overall teaching load in the school has been declining over the past three years, at the same time, the average teaching load per one teacher of the school has not only not decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased, which indicates on increasing the workload of teachers at the Seschinskaya school.

3. Analysis and improvement of the motivational complex of the Seschinskaya secondary school

3.1 Analysis of the labor incentive system for employees of the Seschinskaya secondary school

As you know, the effectiveness of any labor activity, including pedagogical, is largely determined by the motivation of employees. At the same time, the motivation of activity itself has a complex structure, and the mechanisms of material incentives and non-material motivation in any socio-economic system must meet two basic requirements:

) tools of material and non-material incentives should help improve the quality of pedagogical work, its social efficiency, more complete fulfillment by employees of their main and additional responsibilities;

) meet the personal needs of teachers, both material and higher level - in communication, recognition, social significance of their work, involvement in a professional team, self-realization (achievement), professional development and career growth.

In this case, the main function of the educational organization is fully manifested - social function, that is, the qualitative management of the personal development of children, on the one hand, and the satisfaction of the needs of a higher order of teaching staff, on the other.

Figure 6 shows a diagram of the main tasks of the motivational mechanism of the MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school".

Figure 6 - The main tasks of motivating employees of MOU "SOSH"

Table 8 shows a set of tools for stimulating the work of teachers in the MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school".

Thus, from the above data, we see that the incentive allowances used in the Seschinskaya secondary school are aimed at motivating:

) expansion of job responsibilities, performance of additional workload (surcharges for checking notebooks and written work, for managing greenhouses, offices, for issuing wages, for catering for schoolchildren, organizing repairs and cleaning);

Table 8 - Incentive bonuses for employees of the MOU "Secondary School"

Item No. Incentive Incentive bonus, % of salary 1 Classroom guidance 1 - 4 grades - 15% 5 - 11 grades - 20 % 2 Checking notebooks and written work 1 - 4 grades - 15% Rus. language, literature, mathematics, in. language - 15% Physics, chemistry - 5% Geography, history - 3% 3 Teachers for managing the Greenhouse - 25% Classrooms - 5% Workshops - 20% Gym - 10% 4 Management method. associationBeginning classes, Russian language and literature, history - 10% The rest - 5% 5Professional achievementsFor rewarding participants in professional competitions - up to 1500 pH Awarded with the "Excellent worker of education" badge - 15%For the title "Honored teacher of the Russian Federation" - 20% 6Additional organizational work For the payment of salaries - up to 400 r For repair work - up to 100 % For catering for schoolchildren - up to 400 r For organizing cleaning - up to 200 r 7 Pedagogical experience For many years of conscientious work - up to 50 % 8

) motivation for commitment to one's profession (surcharge for teaching experience);

) motivation to achieve high performance in teaching activities (surcharges for participation in professional competitions, for awarding honorary signs and titles.);

) motivation for professional development, growth (surcharges for leading a methodological association);

) motivation for educational activities (surcharges for class management);

) motivation for a creative approach to one's work, the development of an innovative component in pedagogical activity (surcharges for introducing innovations into the educational process).

Figure 7 shows the structure of the motivational complex of the MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school".

From the point of view of meeting the needs of teaching staff, their work in the Seschinskaya secondary school contributes to the satisfaction of the following personal needs: drawing.

the needs of existence (material);

It should be noted that the profession of a teacher is chosen, as a rule, by people whose personal needs are focused primarily on achieving recognition by the team, communication, social significance of work and, to a lesser extent, on material well-being, although the correct use of a set of incentive allowances allows you to increase the basic wage salaries of teaching staff more than 1.5 times.

Figure 7 - The structure of the motivational complex of the MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school"

Thus, the system of material incentives for teachers of the Seschinskaya secondary school as a whole is designed in accordance with its main tasks.

.2 Proposals for the development of the motivational complex of the educational institution

The analysis of the stimulating complex of pedagogical workers of the MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school", despite the breadth of areas of stimulation, has the following disadvantages:

Figure 8 - Proposals for the development of the motivation system in the Seschinskaya secondary school

In connection with the foregoing, it is proposed to take measures to improve the motivation system in the MOU "Seschinskaya comprehensive school" in the following areas:

The implementation of the proposed recommendations for the development of the motivation of employees of the Seschinskaya secondary school will allow: 1) to increase the motivation of teachers for the qualitative performance of their main and additional duties; 2) increase job satisfaction of employees (mainly by increasing the degree of satisfaction of secondary needs); 3) to increase the innovative activity of pedagogical workers, to stimulate their desire to introduce educational innovations into the educational process.

The dynamics of job satisfaction of teaching staff of the Seschinskaya secondary school according to expert opinion shown in figure 9.

Figure 9 - Forecast of the dynamics of internal job satisfaction of teaching staff of the Seschinskaya secondary school before (a) and after the implementation (b) of the proposed recommendations.

One of the main tasks of the development of the system of motivation of pedagogical workers is the activation of innovative processes in a given educational institution. Each teacher should be interested and motivated to use modern and promising innovations in the field of education. In particular, it is recommended to use the directors' fund for these purposes, which is currently distributed relatively arbitrarily.

One of the promising directions in educational innovations is the active introduction of elements of information and computer technologies into the educational process.

Teachers who use information and computer technologies (ICT) in their lessons are assigned special ICT titles depending on the quality and intensity of the use of information and computer technologies. Develop criteria, procedure and regulation, introduce it to the school principal. Introduce a system of bonuses from the Director's Fund, depending on the rank.

For example, ICT subject teacher, ICT methodologist, ICT master, ICT subject coordinator, etc.

With this payment system (the director's fund is fixed and amounts to 25%), the following situation is obtained:

However, with an increase in the number of teachers who actively use information and computer technologies, the allowance for each teacher will decrease, since the fund remains unchanged. At the first stage (so far there are few ICT teachers), this system will be effective, and as the number of teachers actively using information and computer technologies increases, the motivating effect of bonuses will decrease.

To distribute allowances, it is more expedient to introduce the ICT rating of teachers. The rating should be dynamic (for example, recalculated once a week) and open (for example, posted on the website). The rating is calculated based on quantitative and qualitative indicators, for example:

.The number of lessons prepared and conducted using information and computer technologies.

2.A variety of technologies (so that it does not turn out that all lessons are presentation lessons).

.The number of materials posted on the site in the methodical piggy bank, the electronic portfolio of the teacher and his students.

.Participation in ICT competitions of both the teacher himself and his pupils.

.Advanced training in the field of information and computer technologies.

.Number of certificates in information and computer technology.

.Involving parents in information and computer technologies (for example, a class teacher communicates with parents through an interactive website or a subject teacher conducts ICT conferences, forums, competitions).

.Working with society: holding open Internet conferences, electronic newspapers and magazines.

In this case, allowances are assigned based on the average rating for the last academic year. Thus, assigning individual ICT titles is not very productive. A place in the ranking is already a title. And only those teachers who have been at the top of the rating for a long time can be awarded certain honorary titles.

When a teacher is motivated to use information and computer technologies, he himself easily motivates his pupils, since working with computer technology for the child is a motivation in itself.

A teacher motivated to use information and computer technologies (ICT rating, certification, advanced training, salary bonuses, etc.) will encourage students to use information and computer technologies in the educational process:

.Registration of works in electronic form.

2.Creation of presentations, websites, etc.

.Participation in Internet conferences, competitions, festivals;

.Creation of educational subject tests.

.Using Internet resources for preparing homework.

.Use of distance learning technologies.

Teachers can be motivated not only by raising salaries, but also by improving working conditions: that is, new technology, acquired by the school, is distributed among teachers according to the ICT rating. Those who work with information and computer technologies more and better than others will automatically receive a computer in their class, and eventually a laptop, a projector, interactive whiteboard etc. Also, more Internet traffic will be allocated to ICT-active teachers.

The school proposes to create a system of traveling seminars using information and computer technologies. Seminars in themselves are a means of motivation, as they are organized in such a way that participation in them is pleasant and prestigious. On the other hand, these seminars raise the teacher's ICT level.

The higher the level of the teacher (according to the ICT rating), the higher the level of the seminar to which he can get. For example, elementary-level seminars are held at a school, second-level seminars - with a visit to a dispensary (free of charge for a teacher), etc. At the end of each seminar, certificates (intra-school) are issued, which count towards the teacher's ICT rating.

Thus, the proposed recommendations will make it possible to significantly activate and effectively develop the innovative potential of each particular teacher and school on average and, as a result, provide better education and development of schoolchildren.


MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school" is subordinate to the education department of the administration of the Dubrovsky district. The school is a municipal, civil non-profit secondary educational institution.

Thus, the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school is financed almost exclusively from the local budget. Only in 2006 there were incomes from business and other own activities, however, the share of these funds in the total income structure is negligible and amounts to 0.15%.

The analysis also showed that during the study period of 2005-2007, the budget financing of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school has increased significantly - almost two times.

The overwhelming share in the structure of expenses of the municipal educational institution Seschinskaya secondary school is the cost of remuneration of school employees. The share of these expenses in the total structure is about 90%.

The second largest expenditure item of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school - payment for school utilities - from 7.27% to 9.36%.

It should also be noted some changes in the structure of expenses of the MOU Seschinskaya secondary school:

the costs of paying for communication and communal services increased significantly (by 273%), but to an even greater extent - the costs of paying for property maintenance services (by 22 times) and other services (by 25 times);

reduced by 25% the cost of the formation of the material resources of the school.

The direct management of the school is carried out by the Director, who has passed the appropriate attestation, and is appointed by the Founder. The appointment and dismissal of the Director is carried out by the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Bryansk in agreement with the Committee for the Management of Municipal Property of the city.

At school, 31% of teachers have grade 12 (26*100/84), 33.3% have grade 13, and 21.4% have grade 14. Almost 86% of teachers work in schools with high tariff-qualified categories, which once again confirms the high level of education of teachers.

The indicator of progress by years increases in 2004-2006. approached 100%, which indicates an increase in the level of education. This indicator is calculated as the ratio of achieving students (total number of students - unsuccessful) to the total number of students ((969-4) * 100/969).

The above analysis showed that the incentive allowances used in the Seschinskaya secondary school for the teaching staff are aimed at stimulating:

) expanding job responsibilities, performing additional workload (surcharges for checking notebooks and written work, for managing greenhouses, offices, for issuing wages, for catering for schoolchildren, organizing repairs and cleaning);

) commitment to their profession (surcharge for teaching experience);

) achieving high performance in teaching activities (surcharges for participation in professional competitions, for awarding honorary signs and titles.);

) professional development, growth (surcharges for leading a methodical association);

) educational activities (surcharges for class management);

) a creative approach to their work, the development of an innovative component in pedagogical activity (surcharges for the introduction of innovations in the educational process).

From the point of view of meeting the needs of teaching staff, their work in the Seschinskaya secondary school contributes to the satisfaction of the following personal needs:

the needs of existence (material) - not enough;

needs for communication, involvement, recognition by the team;

needs for self-expression and growth.

This stimulating complex, despite the breadth of areas of stimulation, has the following disadvantages:

) To motivate the teaching staff of the school, only material incentives are used, and the possibilities of non-material motivation are not used, while it is known that monetary rewards alone, especially with small allowances, are clearly not enough. The use of non-material motivation mechanisms for pedagogical motivation is especially important, since in the structure of job satisfaction for this category of workers, social and personal needs (needs of a higher order) prevail over the need for material well-being.

) In the context of the high demand in Russian education for innovation, in the development of forms and methods of teaching students, it is necessary to effectively stimulate the innovative activity of pedagogical workers. At the same time, in the motivational complex of the municipal educational institution "Seschinskaya comprehensive school", insufficient attention is paid to stimulating the creativity of the school's teaching staff, the desire to master and introduce educational innovations into the educational process.

it is proposed to take measures to improve the motivation system in the MOU "Seschinskaya secondary school" in the following areas:

) active use of public praise and recognition of the success of teachers: organize quarterly general open meetings of the school staff with an analysis of the indicators of the reporting period and public recognition of the achievement of individual teachers"

) to introduce corporate (within the school) awards, for example, " the best teacher"," for creative merits", "to the best class teacher" with the annual presentation of certificates of honor and challenge cups;

) introduce into practice the publication of a monthly wall newspaper published by the editorial board of students with reports on the life of the school, on the problems and prospects of the educational process, innovations, congratulations on the holidays of teachers and class teachers, as well as reports on specific teachers and their achievements.

) expanding opportunities for teachers to improve their skills, gain additional knowledge, for example, in the field of information technologies(work on a personal computer, development of electronic presentations, work using Internet resources) and use them in the educational process.

) intensify the holding of corporate events of a creative nature ( creative competitions student groups led by class teachers, quizzes, sports and tourism events, holidays with the participation of the entire school staff).

) to increase the motivation of teaching staff for the qualitative performance of their main and additional duties;

) increase employee job satisfaction (mainly by increasing the degree of satisfaction of secondary needs);

) increase the innovative activity of teaching staff.


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