Competitions of methodical developments for methodologists. Competition for teachers for the best methodological development. Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

  • 13.11.2019

Participation in the competition IS FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

results during 1-3 days from the moment you apply!

Payment of premium materials after summarizing competition!

Goals and objectives of the Competition

1. The purpose of the Competition: the development of creative activity of teachers, the growth of professional skills of the participants in the competition, the dissemination of work experience, support for the use of information and communication technologies in professional activity, increasing the desire to achieve high results in teaching, identifying the best and original personalities and affirming the priorities of education in society.

2. Objectives: to contribute to the formation of an information culture teaching staff, improving their professional level and pedagogical skills; update the need for the introduction of computer information technologies; contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process through a combination of traditional and computer-based teaching methods.


Educators can take part in the competition educational institutions of all types and types, educators and specialists of institutions preschool education different types, teachers of institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, teachers of institutions additional education.

Subject of the Competition:

Methodological developments on a specific topic revealing the forms, means, teaching methods, elements of modern pedagogical technologies or the technologies of training and education themselves. Methodical development may represent the development of a specific lesson, lesson (in the form technological map lesson), development of the author's methodology for teaching the subject (elective course), development of the event (class hour, Parent meeting, teachers' council, etc.).

Participation rules

1. Teachers and parents can take part in the competition. (teachers, educators, teachers of additional education, methodologists, class teachers, etc.)

2. One creative work is accepted from each participant. Group work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of the submitted copyright creative works(electronic).

4. Subjects of competitive works are free.

Criteria for evaluating creative works

1. Originality, novelty (Compliance with the system-activity approach in education (a variety of forms, methods and teaching techniques are used that increase the degree of student activity in the educational process, there is a repeated change in the types of students' activities, goals, content, techniques, methods and forms of activity are presented, interaction between students and the teacher, teaching aids, organization of reflection, the results of the lesson and methods for evaluating it, the relationship of these components is shown)

2. Expediency of application (Competitive material must be oriented to the requirements of new educational standards)

3. Competent and ergonomic design (Contest materials are designed in accordance with the requirements of the competition, there are no spelling errors in the work, the quality of technical execution is observed, i.e. contains correctly working links, optimized graphics, etc.)

Isn't it convenient to send your work to the pedagogical competition today, and tomorrow you will already know the result ..? Especially if a couple of days before certification.

NMP "" conducts competition of methodological developments 2018"Knowledge Light" fast summing up the results and issuing supporting documents on participation in the pedagogical competition. A competition of literary works for children and about children is also held in parallel. Works for the competition of methodological developments and literary works are accepted until December 31, 2018 inclusive. All materials are evaluated by the competent Jury of the project LiveJournal Manual on time ONE - TWO days after receiving the materials. The results of participation in competitions for teachers are published on a special page "Our Winners". Electronic diplomas are sent to your email immediately after evaluation (see Regulations on the competition of methodological developments).

Rules for participation in the competition
(competition of methodological developments 2018)

1. Teachers of universities, colleges, school teachers, preschool teachers, teachers of additional education, administrative workers of all types of educational institutions. To do this, you need to pay the REGISTRATION FEE in the amount of 265 rubles through the form below:

2. Next, you need to send your competitive development by e-mail or through the form below. In the letter, indicate your full name (in full), the date and time of your payment for the service, the exact title of the work (indicated in the diploma). To participate in the Pedagogical Blitz Tournament of the competition of methodological developments 2018, works are accepted in the following formats: text files (doc, docx, odt, rtf, pdf), photographs (jpg, gif, png), presentations (ppt, pptx, odf, pdf) , video materials (popular formats).

3. After receiving the payment and a letter from you, our operators will contact you.

Why take part in a peddling competition?

Pedagogical contests help to reveal creative potential school teacher, educator kindergarten, a teacher of additional education, a methodologist, etc. Participation in competitions for teachers must be accepted by all successful pedagogical workers, because when preparing an attestation portfolio, applying for the competition "Teacher of the Year", "Educator of the Year", "Competition for Monetary Incentives" and many other events, the commission must evaluate in which competitions the teacher participated. This competition of methodological developments will be useful as a competition for teachers and other teaching staff, in which you can take part on the job (remotely).

The competition of methodological developments 2018 is held in the form of a Pedagogical Blitz Tournament with a quick summing up, which is the most effective way for an emergency set of missing points during certification for a qualification category!

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Pedagogical Competition

- Where are the main provisions of the pedagogical competition written down?
The competition is held on the basis of the Regulation, which is in the public domain: it can be downloaded on this page. It reflects the goals, objectives, procedure for holding the competition, evaluating materials and rewarding participants.
- Which group of teachers has the right to take part in the pedagogical competition?
Our competition is organized for the following groups of teachers: school teachers (basic, secondary, special, correctional, evening), educators preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, teachers of technical schools, colleges, schools, secondary schools, universities, social educators, psychologists, speech therapists, etc.
- I published an article (lesson, methodological development) on your website. Can I take part in a ped competition with her?
Sure you can! We will be happy to evaluate your material in the framework of the competition of methodological developments and issue award documents out of turn as a regular customer.
- I paid for participation in the pedagogical competition, why doesn't the diploma come?
Our resource is serviced by people (in this case, we do not accept automation, because each work must be evaluated individually!), Therefore, it takes some time to evaluate and fill out documents.
- I participated in a pedagogical competition and received only a participation diploma. Can I finalize my work and submit it for reassessment for a prize diploma?
According to the Methodological Council of the NMP "", this is possible. Moreover, we can add that there have already been such precedents! We always stand for quality, so if you could improve it, you can safely send us your development. Re-evaluation of works is carried out in order of priority. No additional payments are required from you after the already paid participation in the pedagogical competition!
Please note that the work is subject to re-evaluation only in case of obtaining the diploma "Participant of the competition". Diplomas of 1, 2 or 3 degrees cannot be upgraded.
- Can several authors (co-authors) participate with one work in a pedagogical competition?
We allow the participation of several authors in our competition of methodological developments, however, diplomas (award documents) are issued on the basis of the "one diploma in one hand" principle. The cost of award documents in case of participation of 2 or more people with one competitive work will be calculated according to the formula:
265+150*(n-1) , where 265 - base rate the cost of a diploma, 150 - the cost of an additional diploma, n - the number of participants in the competition. Diplomas are issued personalized according to the number of participants with different numbers.
- Why do not you indicate several names in 1 document?
First, it's not aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, the diploma, in which a bunch of surnames are indicated, causes questions for the commissions. Thirdly, the level of trust in the project that issued such a document is decreasing, and we strive to create a quality resource for teachers!
- Is it possible to get a printed diploma of participation in the pedagogical competition?
Starting from 2016, the project began issuing printed versions of all documents, including diplomas of participation in the pedagogical competition. The cost of such a document is 495 rubles (all prices are indicated in our store), sending is carried out by Russian Post. To receive a printed document, when ordering, you need to indicate its printed form in a letter and write your postal address with an index. The speed of delivery depends on the distance of the recipient from the editorial office and the speed of the Russian Post.
- I want to participate with 1 work in several events: in a pedagogical competition, publish material on the site and get a review (feedback) on it. Will there be a discount for me?
If you write to us about your desire, we are ready to make you a discount. The size of the discount is negotiated personally and depends on the choice of events.

Educational portal "Educational and Methodical Cabinet" site site invites teachers of preschool education, teachers, teachers of additional education, educators, pedagogical students educational institutions take part in the competition for the best methodological development

The competition runs from June 20 to September 20, 2019

The competition accepts author's full-fledged methodological developments of pedagogical value on the following topics:

Articles on pedagogy, psychology and teaching methodology.

Pedagogical, research and creative projects.

Summaries of classes with preschoolers.

Summaries of lessons for schoolchildren.

Consultations for parents of preschool children (schoolchildren).

Master classes for children, teachers or parents.

Games (educational, didactic, role-playing, mobile, intellectual...) for children of preschool and school age

Abstracts of conversations with preschoolers (schoolchildren)

Scenarios intelligent, sports entertainment for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Summaries of game lessons with preschoolers (schoolchildren)

Holiday scenarios for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios game programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios competitive programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios of extracurricular activities and activities for schoolchildren

Scenarios, class notes

Scenarios of leisure programs with fun games, songs, funny contests and dances

Scenarios of discos, skits, tournaments, KVNs

Scenarios for summer holidays, scenarios for events for a summer camp

Competition procedure

1. The competition is International. Teachers from other countries can also take part in the competition, but we accept works only in Russian.

2. The competition is held among teachers who have blogs on the site site

If you don't have a blog and want to enter the contest, then You need:

Register on the site;

Leave a request to open a blog (follow the link)

After reviewing your application, we open a personal blog for you.

3. You post the contest entries yourself on your blog from May 22, 2019 (the start of the contest announcement) until September 20, 2019 inclusive.

At the beginning of the text of the work, be sure to indicate all your full data (name, position, place of work).

4. The number of works from one participant is not limited

5. After posting the competition entry on the blog, you leave (follow the link). The application must be submitted within 5 days after the posting of the work on the blog (applications for work on the blog posted more than 5 days will not be considered)

6. After receiving your application, the editors conduct an expert review of the work for compliance competitive requirements within 3 working days from the moment of placing the application. If your methodological development satisfies the competitive requirements, then it is assigned a number, and it is placed in the competitive table.

If your work did not pass the peer review (the work was not accepted for participation in the competition), then your work remains on the blog. You can take part in the competition, but with new job, you can correct and redo the old work, but it will no longer be able to participate in the competition.

7. Those who wish will be able to express their opinion on each of the works and support the participants in the comments to the relevant articles.

8. Collective works are not accepted for the competition.

10. When summing up the results of the competition will take into account:

Site administration ratings;

Estimates in the comments to the work;

Attention: only meaningful comments, comments-reviews, comments-analyses will be taken into account.

Comments will be evaluated from 2-4 points depending on the content and length of the comment.

At the end of each article there is a block for comments and social media buttons.

Attention! Each development will be evaluated separately. If you offer several methodological developments for participation in the competition and want them to be evaluated jointly, then you need to send a personal message to the site editor Tatyana Alekseevna before September 20, indicate in it which works (numbers of competitive works) need to be combined and how to name your combined work .

11. October 1, 2019 The results of the contest will be published and the winners will be announced.

Requirements for competitive materials:

Presentations are not accepted for participation in the competition, the presentation can only be as an appendix to the main text of your work. How to post a presentation on a blog can be read;

Materials for which Certificates of Publication have been received, or which participate in other competitions, are not accepted for participation in the competition;

A description of the work must be submitted (at least 2-3 full-fledged sentences): what category of teachers (educators, teachers, parents ...) will this material be useful for; for children of what age (group, class) is your material intended; describe the application of your material in the educational process.

Be sure to indicate the purpose, objectives in the submitted material ...

If you used any sources when compiling materials (for example, poems by famous poets, aphorisms or quotes famous people, descriptions of teaching methods or other sources), it is necessary to indicate the authors of these sources;

If photographs, pictures, drawings, diagrams are used in the design of the material, then they must be at least 700 points in width, the pictures must be bright in jpg format. Photos and pictures should not contain extraneous inscriptions (dates, logos, etc.);

Quizzes, tests, riddles, test materials must be with answers;

Materials of practical content are not accepted without photos (illustrations). The number of photos must be at least 5 pieces (there should be no children in the photo);

The text is drawn up in the Word editor;

Materials must be neatly designed, taking into account the requirements for the design of blog materials. All materials of practical content must be well illustrated: at least 5 photos (illustrations). The size of the photo is at least 700 pixels wide, without dates and logos.

The volume of the text must be at least 2 printed pages (Fonts "Times New Roman" only 14th size. Line spacing - single)

Do not use: headers and footers, footnotes, embedded objects, frames (inscriptions), frames and fills, objects drawn using MS Word.

The text should not contain links to websites. Only the Authors of poems, works and aphorisms can be indicated in the text.

You can embed video from YouTube into the text. How to embed video in text

Video materials can be only as an addition (appendix), and not as the main part of the work (material).

Only standard characters can be used in bulleted lists.

It is not allowed to perform abbreviations like: B, Vo-l, R-k, U-k, Ved. etc. It is necessary to write in full: Educator, Child, Student, Leader, etc.

We reserve the right to edit your entry and change the title of the entry to reflect your content;

Additional terms.

Participation in the Contest means acceptance of the following conditions:

● the organizers of the Contest do not enter into correspondence with participants whose applications were rejected (did not meet the requirements of the Contest);

● Organizers of the Contest reserve the right to use the materials provided for the Contest at their own discretion.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone's copyright, the work will be withdrawn from the competition and all previously issued documents will be canceled. Your work remains on the site.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What if the material contains a Presentation?

After posting the material on the blog, you send the presentation to us at Email [email protected] website

You must send a presentation before writing an application for participation in the competition. After the presentation appears in your material, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We place presentations within 1-2 days.

The subject of the email should be "Presentation for my blog post". Presentation requirements are written

You can also, additionally, instead of slides, insert photos and pictures that your presentation contains into this material (all photos and pictures must be in jpg format., good quality and without logos of third-party sites, the size of the photo is at least 640 pixels in width).

Why methodological development (work) is not accepted for participation in the competition?

2. Your work, collected word for word from other people's texts, or a complete copy of someone else's work. Your work has low uniqueness (less than 50%).

3. The amount of work is less than 2 pages of printed text.

5. If the work is poorly and inaccurately framed, there are many errors in the text.

6. If for this work you have already received an award document from the site (Certificate of publication, Certificate of participation in another competition).

How to post a table on a blog?

In the text of the letter, you must indicate your full name and say that you want to publish a summary - a table for the material posted on the blog. Be sure to include a link to the blog post for which you are submitting the abstract.

Only after posting your abstract, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We place the material within 2 working days.

Is it possible to get a Certificate of Publication for a competitive work?

For competitive work, you can receive a Certificate of participation, in case of victory, a Diploma of the winner.

We do not issue a certificate of publication for competitive work.

If there are special characters in the text of the work (for example, in extracurricular activities in the natural sciences). How to post this work on the blog?

If your work contains formulas, technical symbols..., then you post the material on the blog up to the formulas (description, methodological design, abstract plan, etc.), then you need to send the entire abstract to us at

In the text of the letter, you must indicate your full name and say that you want to publish a summary with formulas for the material posted on the blog. Be sure to include a link to the blog post for which you are submitting the abstract.

Only after posting your material, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We place the material within 3 working days.

Do I need to pay money to participate in the competition? Do I need to pay money for Certificates, Diplomas?

No, you don't have to pay for anything.

Participation in the competition and the issuance of all documents (Certificate of participation, Diploma of the winner) - Free. We don't have any org. contributions.

Participation in all competitions on our portal is free.


We do not respond to questions asked in the comments, in private messages, to the e-mail address, the answers to which are contained in the text of this competitive regulation. All comments with such questions will remain unanswered or will be deleted.

Summing up the results of the competition

Number of winners: 10% of the total number of submitted works

The winners of the competition are awarded with Diplomas for I, II and III places, respectively.

All participants of the competition during the period of the competition receive Certificates of participation.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone's copyright, the work will be withdrawn from the competition and all previously issued documents will be canceled. Your work remains on the site.


As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, you can download the Competition Participant Certificate within 14 days from the moment the work was placed in the competition table.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate of participation in the competition

As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, the button "Download Certificate" appears on the page with your material (next to the buttons "Edit" and "Delete".

You can download the Contest Participant Certificate within 14 days from the date of approval of your application.

Samples of Diploma and Certificate

Works of participants of past competitions

  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from February 20 to May 20, 2019
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from October 20, 2018 to January 20, 2019
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from June 20 to September 20, 2018
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from February 20 to May 20, 2018
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from October 20, 2017 to January 20, 2018
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from June 20 to September 20, 2017
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from February 20 to May 20, 2017
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from October 20, 2016 to January 20, 2017
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from June 20 to September 20, 2016
  • Competition for teachers for the best methodological development from February 20 to May 20, 2016


Member #1

Participant #2

Summary of directly educational activities to get acquainted with others in the preparatory group for school for children with the TNR "Russia - My Motherland"

Regulations on the All-Russian pedagogical competition "The best methodological development 2016 - 2017"

The All-Russian Pedagogical Distance Competition on the theme "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017" is held by the portal The participants accept methodological developments of teachers and educators, psychologists and librarians - everyone who is involved in teaching and raising children.

The purpose of the competition:

  • Creation of conditions for the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience and promotion of methodological developments in the field of education and upbringing.

The objectives of the competitionBest methodological development 2016 - 2017»:

  • increasing the methodological competence of pedagogical workers in Russian schools;
  • distribution of materials practical activities teachers;
  • providing an opportunity for all participants of the competition to show pedagogical skills, to stimulate creative activity.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017" on the portal

The procedure for holding the patriotic competition "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017" is determined by these Regulations.

Categories of participants in the All-Russian pedagogical competition "The best methodological development 2016 - 2017"

To participate in the All-Russian pedagogical competition "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017", subject teachers working in grades 1 - 11 of Russian educational institutions of all types, students studying at pedagogical universities, colleges are invited Russian Federation, methodologists, librarians, educational psychologists, social, speech therapists and other categories.

Participation in the competition can be individual or group.

The age of the participants, the length of service used in the work of the teaching materials do not matter.

The works of participants will be evaluated separately by nominations.

Nominations of works for the competition "The best methodological development 2016 - 2017"

Works that are copyright can be sent to the contest "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017". The work must necessarily reveal the declared theme of the competition and meet the requirements for registration. Participants may submit copyright teaching materials in nominations:

  • Lesson summary
  • Open lesson with presentation
  • Classroom hour
  • Information material
  • Didactic material

Competitive works by nominations

Scenario of an extracurricular event

No wonder they say that business is time, but fun should also have its own hour. It is at extracurricular activities that children relax, but even here they will find a lot of learning. About all this in the selection of scenarios for the contest "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017".

Received works in the nomination Scenario extracurricular activities Total: 13

Classroom hour

Each class has a class hour. Any topic can be competently presented by an experienced class teacher. But even among young specialists, these events are held with a bang! Do you want to prove it? Submit your work to participate in the contest "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017".

Received works in the nomination Classroom total: 6

Information material

Development of topics on self-education, reports and speeches to the teachers' council, recommendations and advice, generalization of work experience - all this and much more can be submitted to the competition in the "Information Material" nomination.

Received works in the category Information material total: 4

Didactic material

Anything you prepare for a lesson or activity can be used for more than just one use. Show your findings to colleagues and participate in the "Best Methodological Development" contest by submitting your didactic materials to the jury.

Received works in the nomination Didactic material total: 3

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

Teaching materials are accepted for the competition (lesson development, reports for teachers' councils, visualization, theoretical developments, etc.). The authors of the works can be teachers, educators, psychologists, librarians and other categories of pedagogical workers who conduct educational and educational classes at school.

The text is written in Russian (except for foreign language lessons). There should be no errors in the text. You can add poetry, prose to the script. The last page lists the sources of information used.

Evaluation of competitive works

Evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination separately. When evaluating work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • completeness of disclosure of the topic of the lesson;
  • the content of the competitive material (volume of work, availability of applications);
  • reliability of the information provided;
  • design quality;
  • literacy;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of wide use of the material in the future.

Terms of the All-Russian competition "The best methodological development 2016 - 2017"

The competition is held from 02/15/2017 to 04/15/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition 16.04. 2017 to 04/26/2017.

Awarding of the participants of the competition with 04/26/2017 to 04/30/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition "The best methodological development 2016 - 2017"

In each nomination, the winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. For the winners all-Russian competition"The best methodological development 2016 - 2017" is awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good work, but they were not among the winners. All others are considered participants of the distance competition.

Registration fee for participation in the competition "The best methodological development 2016 - 2017"

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the site and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the competition "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017". If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, the registration fee of 300 rubles (registered letter) is paid.

In any department Sberbank or another bank on receipt (download receipt) payment through a bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to the wallet 41001171308826

webmoney to the wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is placed below

If you decide to participate in the pedagogical competition "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017", you need to:

  1. Submit your teaching materials and prepare all necessary applications (if necessary).
  2. Correctly fill out the application form of the participant of the competition.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send in one letter to [email protected] :

  1. finished work;
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format, a Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through the online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with the indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs the participants about the receipt of the competitive work. If you haven't received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to check if the work has been received.

The works received for the contest by the administrators are not edited, reviewed and are not returned back to the participants.

Substitution of works will not be made during the competition, check all documents before sending.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with the contestants. Only in case of emergency, we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Correctly indicate the return address and timely pick up letters with diplomas at your post office. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the conditions and procedure for the competition.

Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

All participants of the competition will receive electronic diplomas confirming participation in the drawing competition "The Best Methodological Development 2016 - 2017" and placement of work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the contest participants on the day the work is published on the site, and the diplomas of the winners only after summing up the results. Diplomas are on the portal on the pages of the nominations, where the lists of the participants of the competition are published (on the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition, who paid the registration fee of 300 rubles, will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses indicated in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from the participants of the competition will be spent on the organization of the competition and the further development of the portal

Contact details of the organizing committee

E-mail address: [email protected]

The International competition of methodological developments "Pedagogical experience" has been completed. You can see the results in the table below. Congratulations to the winners and good luck to the winners!

Nomination "The best occupation "

No. p / p

Development name

Development address


Redkina Tatyana Pavlovna

GCD "Why the willow is crying"

2. General requirements to competitive entries.

The work is done in Russian.
2.1. Originality, novelty (Compliance with the system-activity approach in education (a variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used that increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process, there is a repeated change in the types of activities of students, goals, content, techniques, methods and forms of activity are presented, interaction between students and teacher, modern pedagogical technologies, teaching aids, organization of reflection, the results of the lesson and methods for evaluating it, the relationship of these components is shown)
2.2. Appropriateness of application (Competitive material must be oriented to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the OO)
2.3. Competent and ergonomic design (Contest materials are designed in accordance with the requirements of the Competition, there are no spelling errors in the work, the quality of technical execution is observed, i.e. contains correctly working links, optimized graphics, etc.)
2.4. Compliance with copyright. (Correctness in the use of copyrighted materials, the availability of a list of resources used, compliance with citation rules)

3. Requirements for competitive work.

3.1 The structure of the competitive work.
Title page (see Appendix 1), which contains the following information:

  • Name educational organization(fully);
  • the name of the competition;
  • nomination name;
  • topic of work (lesson, lesson, pedagogical council, class hour etc.)
  • FULL NAME. in full, position, academic degree of the participant (s) of the Contest;
  • place and year of performance of work;
  • work on foreign languages issued in Russian and foreign languages.

3.2 General requirements for the design of works submitted for the competition.
Requirements for text materials:

  • work must be done using the editor Microsoft Word;
  • margins: top, bottom, right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm;
  • font - Times New Roman, height - 12 cm;
  • line spacing - single;
  • alignment - in width;
  • red line - 1.25 cm.

3.3 For the assessment of student research, design work in the process of defending the section, the jury is guided by the following criteria (scoring of the work):
Correspondence of the content of the work with the stated topic.
Independence of work performance, depth of study of the material, discovery and generation of new ideas, originality of the idea, non-standard approach, visibility, use of recommended and reference literature.
Validity and evidence of conclusions.

Creative success to you!
We wish you good luck and successful participation in the Contest!