Competitions for children Russian heroes. Scenario class hour "heroes of the Russian land." Competition "Comic Competition"

  • 13.11.2019

Moscow region

Serpukhov Municipal District

G. Serpukhov-15

MOU "Kurilovskaya Gymnasium"

Sports and game program for LOL

"Bogatyr Rhymes".


Prepared by:


Kalinina A.I.,


in sports direction

Vislousova E.A.


Vedas. Oh, you are a goy, red girls, good fellows!

Listen and look! Don't say you haven't heard of it and haven't seen it!

Very often behind events And behind the hustle and bustle of days

We do not remember our antiquity, We forget about it.

Although we are more accustomed to flying to the moon,

Let's remember Russian customs, Let's remember our antiquity!

From that city of Murom,

Whether from that village from Karacharov

A remote portly drove out

Good fellow….

Today, 2 teams are participating in our competition " Heroic nursery rhymes".

Teams are introduced (name and motto).

Teams go out into the yard with a song.

Vedas. In a certain kingdom, a certain state on the land of Kurilovskaya on a farm - then Serpukhov-15, we will see good fellows of heroic strength and dexterity.

And our heroes will be presented with a strict jury, which includes: Head of the camp Shirokikh Aelita Anatolyevna, head teacher for educational work Zhidkova Lyudmila Nikolaevna and our physical education teacher Valery Vladimirovich Vereshchagin.

For competitions, the squads will receive not points, but drying. Which team will have more dryers - that one will be the winner of our competition!

And to the aid of our glorious heroes came girlfriends that are sitting in the red corner.

Musical number “Very well done our strength…”

Vedas. We begin our glorious Heroic nursery rhymes!

Let's remember the names of our heroes who glorified the Russian Land!

Take turns calling the teams the names of the heroes.

Children's answers.

Names of heroes:

Ilya Muromets.


Alyosha Popovich

Bova Royal. Popular hero

Svyatogor. Megahero

Duke Stepanovich.

Mikula Selyaninovich

Volga Svyatoslavovich

Dunay Ivanovich.

Vasily Buslaev.

Nikita Kozhemyaka. serpent fighter

Well done!

Presenter: Recall that at all times the heroes were famous for their prowess, strength. They all fought with the enemy of the Russian land. The main enemy is the Serpent Gorynych.

Competition "Snake Gorynych"

Three people get together. They are given a hoop. Thus, the children reach the cone, run around it and return to their team.

Three or four triples from each team. The team that completes the challenge the fastest wins.

Vedas. And what is a hero without a horse? The horse of our heroes will be a basketball.

Competition "Duel"

Players sit on basketballs and jump to the chip. They come back running with the ball in their hands.

Vedas. The means of transportation of the heroes were not only horses, but even fabulous attributes.

Competition "How we flew on broomsticks ..."

Presenter: Hello fabulous from Baba Yaga, bone leg! You will fly on Grandma Yozhka's broom.

Two participants sit "on horseback" on a mop. On command, you need to run around the rack and pass the mop to another pair.

Vedas. Bogatyrs must be not only strong, but also dexterous. And heroic dexterity will be tested in the next heroic tournament.

Competition "in a heroic place."

The teams are lined up one by one. The first player is given a volleyball. On command, the ball is passed overhead. When the ball is in the hands of the last in the column, he must take the place of the first and continue the game. The game continues until the first player is in his place.

Musical number "Hey, club, let's go"

Vedas. There were magic things and a broom and a black horse, and now a bag that moves by itself.

Competition "Difficult road"

What a miracle - lope yes lope!

Look, the bag is off!

Hey! Grab it, catch it

Grab the bag!

Each hero jumps in a canvas bag to the cone and back.

Vedas. Bogatyrs are strong themselves, but together their strength has no equal

Competition "Our heroic strength ..."

Guys, boys, boys

We invite you to rope.

Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,

Only muscles are cracking

Rope pulling.

Competition "Cockfight"

Vedas. In the old days in Russia, the heroes rested after long campaigns. Do you know how the heroes rested? They watched "Cockfights", and not only watched, but also participated. This is an old Russian game.

Who wants to measure the strength of the heroic? Come out one on one to fight.

Purpose of the game: to knock out the adversary from the drawn circle, standing on one leg with hands hidden behind his back.


The number of dryers on the ropes of the teams is counted. All participants receive sweet prizes.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: propaganda healthy lifestyle life

motivation to study epics;
development in children of curiosity, ingenuity, dexterity;
expanding horizons;
the formation of a sense of pride in the history of the country.

Forms of organization of children's activities:
game lesson-competition (sports, intellectual, creative)

Event progress:
game program takes place in the assembly hall (or sports hall). The boys of each class compete with each other in various competitions. Each stage is evaluated by the jury. Based on the results, the winners of the program are selected

Host Names: Vasilisa Nikulichna and Afrosinya Vseslavievna

Beating from Pelageya's "Boots" - the presenters come out - 2 girls in Russian folk sundresses. Read under "Spinning"

1: And goy-thou, good fellows and red girls.

2: We will tell you about old things
Yes, about the old, about the experienced,
Yes, about battles, about battles.
Yes, about heroic deeds.

1: As in the capital city of Kirov
Yes, in the glorious forty-sixth gymnasium
The army gathered together
Fight with a heroic powerhouse

2: And strong, mighty heroes
In a glorious high school
Do not defeat the enemies of this gridnitsa
Do not overshadow our red sun
She stands for a century - she does not stagger
And it will stand for centuries - it will not stir

1: And it's time to invite our fellows
Bogatyrs great and burly
And if we speak in the language of the Basurmans, unknown to us ...

2: In short ... That is, let's be brief.

(teams come out to the music of "Flowers" - "Heroic Strength")

1: So, meet the first team - the hero ... ... and his glorious squad (5A)

2: 5B __________________________________________________________

1: 5V __________________________________________________________

2: 5G_____________________________________________________

1: 6A___________________________________________________________

2: 6B___________________________________________________________

1: 6V____________________________________________________________

2: 7A ____________________________________________________________

1: 7B ____________________________________________________________

(each team first goes on stage, it is greeted with applause, after which the teams go down to the hall and take specially designated places)

1: Here they are - our pride, omnipotent and omnipotent heroes. And they are not equal in strength. That's why they came here, to our honorable competition, to compete with each other and to gather intelligence from each other.

2: And who is stronger and wiser than whom, our princesses and boyars will determine: (jury presentation)






Preparatory stage:

1. Choose a horse (according to the speed of different animals)

(points for each animal in the presentation)

2. The total weight of the team (approximate weight) and, in accordance with it, choose a baton (1-100 pounds) - a table for the jury (the weight of the baton must exceed ¼ of the team's weight, but not more than half total weight commands). 10 points are awarded to those who have a hit in this gap, the rest - at the discretion of the jury)

3. Make chains for the enemy (whoever has the longest chain of paper clips in a minute) - 5 points to the winner, the rest 4-1

Test of Strength and Courage:

1. Inflate the heating pad until it bursts ( balloon) - in which team the balls burst faster (3 pieces), that one won (each team separately, according to the stopwatch) - maximum score - 5 points

2. Tear a newspaper with one hand, hide the other behind your back. Do not lean - 2 points to the winner. Individuals can be awarded 1 point

Knowledge test (1 point for correct answer)

1) what does the word "bulat" mean?

Belonging to the hero

Made from Asian steel

Heavy, unbearable

Beautiful with patterns

2) from the presented equipment of the hero, choose a sniff

3) Which of the presented heroes was buried by Ilya Muromets



Alyosha Popovich

Mikula Selyaninovich

4) Restore the order of the heroes in Vasnetsov's painting: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets (231)

5) From the list provided, tell me who Ilya Muromets did not fight

nightingale the robber

Idolishche Poganoe

Polyanitsa (heroic woman)


Rest heroic.

Squat dance to contemporary music. One member per team. (5 points to the winner, others 4-1)

It’s a heroic thing to rescue Princess Apraksia, the betrothed of Prince Vladimir, from captivity. According to the encryption of the type of "Sea Battle".

(3 points to the winner)

Scoring. Awarding of winners and all other teams with diplomas. As a gift, the heroic principles of modern heroes.

1: Here they are, Russian heroes,
Glorious and daring heroes
Their adversaries are horrified
And the red girls smile at them

2: All the people in the gymnasium sing their glory
Yes, praise every day.

Thu, 11/09/2017 - 20:03 | administrator

Department of Education of the Administration of the Yemanzhelinsky Municipal District

MKU DO "DDT" Scarlet sail " Yemanzhelinsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region

Holiday scenario: "Russian heroes"

Teacher of additional education

Lamtyugova O.D.


  • To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the people of Ancient Russia, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian Land;
  • To instill a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, a desire to imitate them;
  • Develop speed, agility, strength, endurance;
  • Create a positive emotional mood, cheerful, cheerful mood.


To the song "Bogatyrskaya power" "A.N. Pakhmutova. girls enter the hall, and the boys stop in the center of the hall.

Child: Dear dads, grandfathers

We welcome you from the bottom of our hearts.

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day

We hasten to congratulate you all.

We wish you health

Strong for many years

And with all my heart today

Helmet to you festive ... ..

All children: Hello! (children sit down to the music)

The leader is the princess.(Says words to background music In ancient, ancient times, the first Russian defenders, glorious heroes, protected their native land from enemies. Many feats of arms on the account of the heroic! There is much to learn and envy. That is why today, after many years and centuries, on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, we decided to remember with you about military deeds, about heroic honor, about brave courage. So that good people listen, so that our fellows think and show themselves, and most importantly, so that Russian glory does not fade for centuries.

And now I suggest you take a short journey into history and turn into epic heroes!

The leader is the princess. The peace of all cities and ancient villages

Guarded the patrol of epic heroes.

Let those days have passed, but glory to you,

The heroes who did not give Russia to the enemy!

“Heroic music” sounds, Ilya Muromets enters the hall with a spear and a sword. He walks around the hall, stands in the center.

Ilya Muromets: Hello good people! A deep bow to you from us, Russian heroes and from me personally, Ilya Muromets! How we tried in our time, glorified the Russian army! And they fought with Miracle Yud, and with the Nightingale the Robber! We were not afraid of anything!

The leader is the princess. And where are Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich?

Ilya Muromets: At the outpost they remained to defend the Russian land. Yes, there are not enough of us heroes, so we decided to call other good fellows to help us. Show your heroic strength and valiant daring!

Are you ready for heroic competitions? (children answer)

And before the start of the test, I command you to take an oath!
Boys "heroes", pronounce an oath, repeating the words after the hero. (To the music)

The leader is the princess. And you, beautiful girls, take care of the young heroes, help with a kind word, and if necessary, help out!

Ilya Muromets: Here is the quiver (shows). It has arrows in it. I will award arrows to the winners of the competitions. The detachment with the most arrows, I will take into my squad. To begin with, greet each other, glorious squads.

Team greetings.

"Knights": Knights in the ranks of a single

Everyone is friendlier and braver.

And for a fair fight

We call heroes!

"Bogatyrs": Everyone wants to win

And there are no weaknesses in the team!

From the brave heroes

Glorious "Knights" - hello!

Ilya Muromets: For starters, the youngsters need to warm up.

The leader is the princess. The day before, you met with epics. Now let's check if you remember them well.
Warm-up "Quiz"

  1. What Russian heroes do you know? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Svyatogor)
  2. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from the city of Murom, the village of Karachaevo)
  3. Who gave Ilya Muromets the treasure sword? (Svyatogor)
  4. What made Dobrynya Nikitich famous? (defeated the Fire Serpent)
  5. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest, priest)
  6. What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya - kind, great)
  7. This is a defensive weapon. During the battle, the warrior covers his body with it. (Shield)
  8. The weapon is not easy to pick up, not just pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders ... (Sword)
  9. What prince did these heroes serve? (to Vladimir)
  10. Which of the heroes bore the nickname "quiet"? (Nikitich)
  11. Who did Alyosha Popovich fight? (by Tugarin the Serpent)
  12. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burushka)
  13. What is the headdress of a hero called? (Helmet)
  14. What is the name of the heavy armor woven from metal rings that protected the body of the hero? (Mail)
  15. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling)
  16. Not winged, but a bird, as it flies, it whistles. (Arrow)
  17. Which of all the heroes was a hero-plowman? (Mikula Selyaninovich).
  18. What was the name of our country before? (Rus)

An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Ilya Muromets: Now you can move on to the competition.

The leader is the princess.
Here are the obstacles on the way!
They are hard to get around!
Gotta jump hard
But don't break the barriers!
1 match. "Ride on a horse" ( to music)

Obstacles: for each team, medium-sized modules are placed - mountains; skittles-trees in the distance. It is necessary to overcome the "mountain", to jump between the "trees". Each participant is given a "horse" (a stick with a horse's head).

Ilya Muromets: What is a hero without a horse? It is necessary to pass obstacles on a horse and return back. Pass the baton to another participant.
An arrow is awarded to the winner.
2 competition. "Name the weapon"

Ilya Muromets: I want to test your mind and ingenuity. This fun is difficult, so smart girls can come to the aid of young heroes.

(Children from two teams take turns calling the weapons shown in the pictures held by Ilya Muromets and Princess). An arrow is awarded to the winner.

3 competition. "Make up a shield"(to the music)

Leading Princess: From the cut parts you need to make a shield. Team of 6 people. An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Ilya Muromets: And now I will test you for dexterity, for valiant strength.

4 competition: "Mace Fight"(to the music)

Leading Princess:Participants from two teams stand in the hoop and try to push the opponent out of the hoop with a mace made of cloth and cotton. An arrow is awarded to the winner.

5 competition "Who is stronger" (arm wrestling for dads or push-ups - who is more).

The winner gets an arrow.

Leading Princess: I think that our good fellows need a little rest. And so that they do not get bored, our red girls will amuse them with a perky dance.

Russian dance performed by girls.

Ilya Muromets: For a long time, heroes fought with evil spirits. And, come on, guys, whose hut is this? (children's answers) hut - hut turn your back to the forest, and your front to me.

Baba Yaga leaves the house to the music.

Baba Yaga. Something smells like Russian spirit! Look how many good fellows wandered into my forest! Well, tell me, where are you from and where are you going?

Leading Princess: Hello Baba Yaga! You'd better feed us, give us a drink, mend our clothes. The path is not easy for us, and then I would have asked questions.

Baba Yaga. Oh, sorry old, irises. How can I feed and drink everyone? There are so many of you, but I am alone.

Leading Princess: Baba Yaga, look how many assistants are sitting (points to the girls), they will help.

Baba Yaga. And what do you know how to do, beauties?

Leading Princess: Yes, everything that a girl is supposed to be able to do: weave, darn, cook cabbage soup. Their mothers taught them everything. Girls, show Baba Yaga what you are good for, but help her.

6 competition for girls "Collect the fish".An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Baba Yaga. And they really do everything. Thank you, beauties, helped the old woman. But I also want to test good fellows. Well - tell me, what mode of transport do I use? ( answers)

7th competition "Running in bags".An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Baba Yaga. Oh, you are my falcons, but evil is in the chest, and the chest in the dense forest hangs on a tree, on a wide oak tree. Two roads lead to this oak. One is long, but safe, and the second is short, but with obstacles and trials.

Ilya Muromets: We are not afraid of difficulties, show where the short road is, we need to hurry.

8 competition "Cross the swamp."

Baba Yaga. Here's a swamp on the way
Do not pass, do not pass. You will cross the swamp, and there you will be within easy reach of the treasured oak. Good luck and my time is up. (leaves)
Children break into 3 people and stand on the bricks. They take the second brick and move on to it, thus moving to the other end of the room. An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Leading Princess: And one more test. We want to see how friendly you are. After all, it is not in vain that they say: one man is not a warrior in the field. 9 competition. "Tug of War"(Without music)

An arrow is awarded to the winner.
Ilya Muromets: Well, I was convinced that you are not only smart, but also strong. So it's time for the next test. Defeat Koshchei. To defeat Koshchei, you must first find his death. Where is she? Correctly! In an egg. Where is the egg? (in chest) And where is the chest? (on oak)

Here is the mighty, cherished oak. And on it the chest hangs high. We just can't get it. Let's try to knock him down with balls.

"Who will bring down the chest." One participant from each team. ("Hit the target." Participants need to hit the target with a dart from a certain distance (darts game). Each participant has three attempts.) An arrow is awarded to the winner.

In the chest - 2 children's eggs for the game and 1 large - a ball, a knitting needle, a surprise, sweets and medals.

10 competition. "Carry the Egg" (to music)

(Children should carry a tennis ball in a spoon to the rack and back.) An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Leading Princess: That's where the suffering ends
And big challenges!
And with the desired victory
Knights are going home.
Praise their people honest!
And the beautiful girls
Sing great masters
They are met at the gate
And start a round dance.
Children perform Russian nar. song "Soldiers - brave kids"

Leading Princess: It's time for Ilya Muromets to sum up the results of the competition, to count the arrows received. ( We count arrows with the children).

Ilya Muromets: That's what, well done, I decided that I would take both of your detachments to my squad.

The leader is the princess.
Congratulations guys!
You deserve an award!

Hand out sweets and medals to the music for children.

Ilya Muromets: Once again, thank you, well done, for your faithful service, and you, girls, for not forgetting your heroes, helping them in difficult times! Farewell, good people, it's time for me to go. (goes to the music).

The leader is the princess.

Defenders of our beautiful country

You are dear to us and desperately needed.

Let there be prosperity on your table,

May peace be strengthened in our land!

The children prepared gifts for our dads. (Give gifts to the music)

All the very best to all!

General photo for memory.

Hall decoration: In the middle of the central wall is oak (organza crown).

Paper chains, cat toy. In front of the oak at the very top is a cardboard chest. There are candies in the chest. On one side is Baba Yaga's house.

Equipment: maces, a quiver with arrows, a sword, a shield or a spear for a hero, modules, skittles, 2 horses, pictures with armor, Shield puzzles, 2 children's tables, 2 chairs, 2 plates, 2 maces, hoops, 2 buckets with fish and fishing rods, rope, bumper bricks for crossing the swamp, 2 bags, 2 tennis balls and spoons. Chest, fishing line, chains, cat (drawn), organza fabric (oak crown). House on chicken legs. Emblems for teams. Candies and medals.

Preliminary work: learning musical material, watching cartoons about heroes, talking about V.M. Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroes”, reading books and explaining to children the concepts of why a helmet, club, maces, spear, armor, sword are needed and how it differs from others, scabbard, zbruya on a horse and other incomprehensible, and not familiar to children words and concepts ...


The wordssongs "Soldiers - brave kids"

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your grandfathers?
- Our grandfathers are glorious victories,
That's where our grandfathers are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your sisters?
- Our sisters are pikes, sabers are sharp,
That's where our sisters are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your wives?
- Our wives - guns are loaded,
That's where our wives are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your kids?
- Our children - bullets are our marks,
That's where our kids are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where is your glory?
- Our glory is the Russian state,
This is where our glory is! ..

Nomination "Methodological piggy bank of a preschool teacher"

Scenario of a holiday in kindergarten, dedicated to the day national unity.

Target: Raising love for one's Motherland, cultivating interest in the history of one's country, a sense of belonging to the culture of one's people.


1. Acquaintance of children with individual episodes of the country's history through the word of art, works of art, information materials.

2. Show the image of the defender of the Motherland through the images of real historical figures, epic and fairy-tale heroes.

3. Development of dialogic and monologue speech of children, enrichment of children's vocabulary.

4. Development of children's communication skills, the ability to find a way out of problem situations, maintain friendly relations between children.

5. Promoting the active involvement of parents in joint activities with a child in a family environment and kindergarten.

Integration: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, physical culture.

Preliminary work:

1. Socio-communicative development:

  • a conversation about the history of the monument to "Minin and Pozharsky";
  • conversation - reasoning on the topic: "What should be the heroes?";
  • role-playing game "Heroes";
  • dramatization of Three Heroes.

2. Speech development:

  • compiling a story based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"
  • application on the theme "Bogatyr";
  • plasticineography "My free Russia";
  • listening to Russian folk songs and instrumental melodies, the song “Our Heroic Strength” (music by Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov);
  • learning "Songs about the Motherland" (music by Alekseev, lyrics by I. Leime and V. Rysay).

3. Cognitive development:

  • viewing presentations "Heroes of the Russian land";
  • watching the cartoon "Ilya Muromets", "The Legend of Evpatiy Kolovrat".

4. Physical development:

  • tug of war;
  • holding Russian folk outdoor games ("Golden Gate", "Burners")

Equipment: Presentation on the plot of the script. Computer, screen, projector, for the competition: inflatable balloons, spear darts; pictures depicting the attributes of heroes 2 sets, a split picture of a hero 2 pcs., audio equipment, horses on sticks.

The course of the holiday

1 Children, to the music of “Only birch, only mountain ash”, snake into the hall (in the background - a village, a forest, speeches, a magic stone pointer on the side.)

Host: In ancient times, our native land was protected from enemy attacks by Russian wars - glorious heroes. Many feats of arms were on the account of the heroic! Therefore, today, after many years and centuries, on the eve of the holiday of National Unity Day, we decided to remember about military deeds, read heroic, about brave courage.

Do you guys want to know what event the National Unity Day is celebrated in honor of?

Guys, what other heroes do you know ? (children's answers: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich).

Do you guys want to go to Ancient Russia and get acquainted with the heroes?

Host: But how can we get to ancient Russia?

Children offer answers: by plane, helicopter, train...

Moderator: No, we can't get there by modern modes of transport.

Children: in a time machine.

Host: It still needs to be done. And only magic, or rather an ancient musical instrument, can take us to Ancient Russia. What ancient musical instruments do you know?

Children: spoons, drum, tambourine, psaltery.

Host: Gusli! Here's what will help us (takes out a harp and begins his story to the sound of harp music) 2 slide4

I'll tell you a story now

I'll tell you a story!

As it used to be in the ancient past

I'll show you now!

I will show you inseparable

Strong, brave three friends,

open up your ears

And listen quickly!

(according to the audio recording of the song “Our Heroic Strength”, Ilya Muromets appears on horseback.)3

Ilya Muromets: I am Ilya Muromets from the city of Murom. I'm waiting for my friends

To the music of "Our Bogatyr Strength" Dobrynya Nikitich rides a horse.3

Dobrynya Nikitich: I'm Dobrynya Nikitich from the city of Vladimir. Hello Ilya Muromets.

Ilya Muromets: Hello Dobrynushka. Have you seen our friend, the faithful Alyosha Popovich?

Dobrynya Nikitich: No, I haven't seen it, Ilya Muromets.

Ilya Muromets: Where could he disappear to?

Alyosha Popovich comes out to the music of sadness without a horse4

Alyosha Popovich: Hello, my faithful friends, Russian heroes!

Ilya Muromets: Hello Alyosha Popovich! Where is your heroic horse?

Alyosha Popovich: I no longer have a heroic horse, the fierce Famously One-eyed took it!

Dobrynya Nikitich: And where is your damask sword?

Alyosha Popovich bitterly: he is also gone, the Serpent Gorynych took him away.

Dobrynya Nikitich: And where is your fiancee Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Alyosha Popovich with longing: And the bride - Vasilisa the Beautiful was kidnapped by the Nightingale - the robber.

Dobrynya Nikitich: What kind of hero Alyosha Popovich are you now? Without a brave horse, a damask sword?

Alyosha Popovich is sad: I am no hero now.

Ilya Muromets: What should we do? We should help Alyosha get everything back. But will we cope with you Dobrynushka, with Dashing One-Eyed, Serpent Gorynych, and Nightingale the robber? They are strong in their own way.

Leading: Do not grieve Russian heroes! The guys and I will help you defeat the damned evil spirits. After all, our children are strong, smart and brave.

Ilya Muromets: Thank you very much, but I would like to see how much you know about heroes?

The yes-no game

Target: develop attention, speed of reaction and the ability to answer only with the words “yes” and “no”.

Our motherland is strong (yeah)
And we have one (yeah)
There are heroes in Russia (yes)
They are always praise and honor (yeah)
Ilya Muromets hero (yes)
He was the youngest (no)
He defeated the nightingale (yeah)
Shot from a machine gun (no)
Alyosha Popovich is also a hero (yes)
He's strong, brave, young (yeah)
Karabas won the battle (yes)
Heroes fought with the enemy on tanks (no)
They fought with sword and spear (yeah)
Dobrynya Nikitich was weak and frail (no)
He managed to defeat the snake with his strength (yes)
We are proud of our heroes (yes)
Do we want to be the same ourselves (yeah)

Ilya Muromets: I see, I see that you are smart.

Alyosha Popovich: Are you attentive?

Host: Of course, our attentive ones! Can we prove it guys?

The game "Gather the hero on a campaign"

Target: exercise in the ability to highlight the characteristic details of clothing, armor and weapons of the hero. Raise interest in the garments of our ancestors.

Children are given an image of armor, clothing and weapons, you only need to choose the necessary equipment for the hero.

The guys are divided into two teams, and each player in turn runs up to the table and takes a picture with the item that the hero needs. If there is no such item, then you don’t need to take anything, but just quickly return to your team.

Ilya Muromets: I see - I see that you are fit to be assistants. We take you with us.

Slide 5 Presenter: And the heroes went towards Likh One-Eyed, the snake Gorynych and the Nightingale - the robber. They rode and rode and reached the treasured stone. And on that stone is written:

“If you go straight, you will lose your horse!

If you go to the right, you will lose your sword!

If you go to the left, you will lose your friends!”

The heroes began to think which path to choose.

Dobrynya Nikitich: Well, let's go straight ahead. Better to lose a horse than a sword and friends.

Slide 6 Presenter: And they went straight. They drive, they drive, and around the forest turns black, then the heroes heard a noise and a din and jumped out to meet them ... Dashingly One-Eyed! (forest sounds 5)

Slide 7 Famously: A-ah-ah! Who complained to me! Give me back your horses!

Alyosha Popovich: This is it - Famously One-Eyed - took my horse away from me!

Dobrynya Nikitich: How did he do it?

Famously One-Eyed: And I offered to play an interesting game with him, if you want to play with you, if you don’t complete the task, I’ll take your horses, and if you do so, I’ll give Alyosha’s horse. Do you agree?

Host: Guys, you need to help the heroes cope with the task.

The guys are divided into teams and choose three players to complete the task: “fold the hero from six parts.

Slide 8 -9 Famously One-Eyed: Well, you won. And a deal is a deal, take Alyosha's horse.

Slide 10 The leader mounted the heroes on their horses and galloped on. And again found themselves at the coveted stone.

Ilya Muromets: We went along one road - the horse was returned. Now let's go to the right - just take care of your swords.

Slide 11 Presenter: And the heroes went along the right path. They ride and hear the hiss of a snake, the chirping of wings, and the Serpent Gorynych descends to them, so huge that only one head is visible, and the body is hidden somewhere under the clouds .(sounds of the forest5)

Slide 12 Serpent Gorynych: Hello glorious heroes, get those damask swords of yours and give them to me as soon as possible!

Dobrynya Nikitich: The hero will not give up his Russian sword to the enemy!

Host: The guys again, it's time to help the heroes cope with the villain.

The guys choose three participants from each team to complete the task "Fight the dragon"

Slide 13-14 Presenter: Well done guys, they helped the heroes defeat the Serpent Gorynych and return the sword to Alyosha (slide show)

Slide 15-16 Dobrynya Nikitich: We have one path left - to the left.

Leading: and the heroes set off along the left path, they drive and hear valiant whistles, hooting. (whistle 6)

Slide 17 They see: the Nightingale, the robber, comes out, and leads Vasilisa the Beautiful behind him.

The Nightingale the Robber: Ah-ah, Alyoshenka! Why did you come, if there is another bride?

Alyosha Popovich: I came here with my friends to return Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Nightingale the robber: Well, for this, show me your heroic strength.

Leading: Guys, let's show our strength to the nightingale-robber?

Teams choose boys for push-ups on their hands (who will do more push-ups).

Next task: "Drag the hero"

Children in the role of heroes stand opposite each other at the line, hold hands, the other hand should be behind their backs, try to pull each other over the line. The hero who first crossed the line loses.

Nightingale the Robber: I see that your friends are strong Alyosha, I will give you Vasilisa if you complete one more task, but not a simple one, but a musical one.

Leading: Let's guys show our bravery.

Round dance game (This dance is light 7)

Alyosha Popovich: We have completed your second task, give it to Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Nightingale the Robber: Okay, Alyosha, you've got yours. Take your bride.

Slide 18 Alyosha approached Vasilisa and freed her from the shackles.

Slide 19 Presenter: That's what Russian courage, loyalty and honor does! Thanks to this, Mother Russia is holding on!

Oh, and strong, mighty heroes in holy Russia!

Do not jump enemies on our land!

Do not trample their horses on the Russian land!

Do not overshadow our red sun!

Russia stands for a century - it does not stagger!

And it will stand for centuries - it will not move!

Guys, it's time for the heroes to go about their military affairs, and it's time for us to return to kindergarten, and our harp will help us with this (music plays)

Slide 20 Gusli, you play the harp,

Bring the guys back!

Here we are at home, did you like the trip? What do you remember the most?

Tatiana Bovyrina
Scenario of the holiday "Heroes of the Russian Land"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten Pinocchio n. Ponds.

Abstract of the lesson on topic: « Bogatyrs of the Russian land» .

Made by Bovyrina T. A.

Preparatory group teacher

MADOU Kindergarten Pinocchio.

p. Prudy 2015.

Lesson in the preparatory group

« Bogatyrs of the Russian land» .

Target: Continue to shape children's ideas about the heroic past Russian people of Ancient Russia, great Russian heroes of the Russian land.

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to weapons heroes, revive ideas about epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich. To form patriotic feelings for the Motherland and its history, to continue to develop in children attention, endurance, memory, imagination, to cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic power of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers desire to imitate them.

preliminary work: Drawings on the topic « Bogatyrs» , collective and individual conversations with children about heroes, organization of a plot-role-playing game "My family". Reading works about Russian heroes.

Funds: Tape recorder, exhibition of drawings, armor, video projector

Members: Children of the preparatory group

Amount of children: 14 children

Location: senior group

Ways: individual, group.

Lesson progress:

Selected by the jury, introduced.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Today guests came to our lesson, let's say hello to our guests. (Children greet).

Oh, you are good fellows, yes girls are red, we have gathered with you for a good conversation, but glorious, so that we have peace, harmony and harmony. We talk about epic deeds, about glorious heroes of our Russian land. We will lead a story today, about gray-haired antiquity, about experienced deeds, remote feats. So that the girls are red, listen, so that the good fellows are thoughtful.

Let's spend heroic competitions. Divide you into two glorious squads, show your power heroic Yes, well done. And you, beautiful girls, help with a kind word, and help out if necessary.

Children are divided into two teams. Good fellows and heroes(icons).

1 task: Greetings.

Good fellows:

Good fellows in the ranks of a single

Everyone is friendlier and braver

And we call for a fair duel heroes.


Everyone wants to win

And there are no weaknesses in the team

For a greeting, an arrow is given.

caregiver: Let's look at the screen. (On the screen is a slide depicting an ancient Russian city). The life of our ancestors was difficult, they had to fight the enemies who attacked Russia. And who guarded in those distant times Russian land?

Children: Bogatyrs(slide with heroes)

Who are they heroes?

Children: Strong men, warriors, fighters, people who defend their homeland from enemies.

caregiver: What were they like?

Children: Strong, courageous, courageous, fearless, determined, heroic, valiant, courageous, courageous, etc.

caregiver: Correctly, heroes- these are people of immense strength, stamina and courage, performing military feats. They protected our Motherland from enemies.

We give an arrow

caregiver: What you know the heroes? (Call 1 word for each team).

Children People: Nikita Kozhemyaka, Volga Svyatoslavovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Mikula Selyaninovich, Ilya Muromets, Svyatogor.

caregiver: Let's look at the picture, we looked at it. What is it called?

Children: Three hero. Vasnetsov.

caregiver: Who is in the picture?

Children People: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

caregiver: And with whom did the heroes fight? heroes? (Answer in turn)

Children: With the Nightingale the Robber, the Serpent Gorynych, the Tugarin Serpent, Koshchei the Immortal, the Tatars, with the enemies who attacked Russia.

caregiver: Who is in the center of the picture? Good fellows answer.

Good fellows: Ilya Muromets. He is the oldest, mightiest, most experienced hero. The horse of Ilya Muromets was called Burushka. He was born in the city of Murom. As a child, Ilya lost his legs, and he could not walk. Kaliki healed him - wanderers, they asked him to drink and rewarded him with strength heroic.

Team Bogatyrs:

To the left of Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich. He is from a noble family, he has armor richer than others heroes. He is of the boyar class. His horse was called Belyushka. Dobrynya Nikitich is from Ryazan.

Team 1 and 2 together:

Young hero Alyosha Popovich. He is the funniest and smartest. He is the son of a priest, a priest. He is from Rostov.

We give an arrow.

caregiver: Let me give you riddles, and you try to guess them.

1 team:

Such a shirt is not knitted, not sewn, it is woven from iron rings.


2 Team:

An iron cap with a sharp end, And in front the beak hung over the face.


1 team:

The weapon is not just to pick up, not just to pick up, to hold in your hand

It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders, well, guess what? Of course


2 team:

To protect the chest from the blows of the enemy, you already know this for sure,

On the left hand of the hero hangs, heavy, shiny and round


caregiver: What weapon do you know?

Children: Spear, mace, club, club, bow, arrows.

We give an arrow.

To the music enters the hall hero:

Ilya Muromets: Already you are a goy good fellows, heroes of our land. Hello to you, yes, a low bow from me to Ilya Muromets and associates my: Dobrynya Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich. And a low bow to you, beautiful maiden, and a low bow to you, dear guests. I heard about the strong and mighty heroes and decided to test your strength heroic Yes, your ingenuity. We will stand opposite each other and warm up before a serious competition.

Music sounds Heroic strength.

Ilya Muromets: Stand up together one, two, three!

We are now heroes! (hands to the side)

We put our hands to our eyes (palm to eyes)

Let's spread our strong legs

Turning right (turn right)

Let's look around majestically

And to the left too (left turn)

Look from under the palms

And now a step is in place

Higher legs! Stop one, two! (walking in place)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them (raise and lower shoulders)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And jerks we perform (hands in front of chest, jerking hands)

You need to jump ten times

Let's go higher, let's go together (jumping in place)

We raise our knees

Taking a step on the spot (walking in place)

From the heart we stretched

And they returned to their place.

The children take their seats.

1 competition: "Dress hero»

2 competition: "Assemble the puzzles"

3 competition: "Ride on a horse"

We give an arrow for each competition

caregiver: And now the next test. It is necessary to name proverbs and sayings about military prowess and glory. Children call each team in turn.

1. One in the field is not a warrior.

2. One for all and all for one.

3. Whoever goes ahead, fear does not take him.

4. Die yourself, but help out a comrade.

5. Where there is courage, there is victory.

6. Stand boldly for a just cause.

7. Savvy in war helps doubly.

8. That hero who is a mountain for the Motherland.

9. Not the hero who is waiting for the reward, but the hero who goes for the people.

10. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

We give an arrow.

caregiver: And now the quiz. 1 question per team

1. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from the city of Murom)

2. Who gave Ilya Muromets the treasurer's sword? (Svyatogor)

3. Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)

4. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest, priest)

5. The main weapon of the Nightingale the robber? (whistling)

6. Heroic figure? (three)

7. Serpent for father? (Gorynych)

8. Powerful food? (Porridge)

We give an arrow.

caregiver: And now we will rest and play a game "Well no".

Is our Motherland strong? Yes

And we have only one? Yes

In Russia there are heroes? Yes

They always praise and honor? Yes

Ilya Muromets is a hero? Yes

Was he the youngest? Not

Did he defeat the nightingale? Yes

Shot from a machine gun? Not

Is Alyosha Popovich also a hero? Yes

Is he strong, brave, young? Yes

Was he a vigilante in Kyiv city? Yes

Karabas won in battle? Not

Fought on tanks heroes with the enemy? Not

They fought with sword and spear? Yes

Was Dobrynya Nikitich weak and frail? Not

He managed to defeat the snake with his strength? Yes

We are proud of our heroes? Yes

Do we want to be the same? Yes

caregiver: Dear children! This is where our fun comes to an end. Be strong, courageous, love your Motherland and try to be like the defenders of Holy Russia, whom we talked about today. You are all great, you did all the tasks well, you were attentive, dexterous, quick-witted. And I want to give you each a gift - this is a drawing hero which you can color.