Plan outline of the lesson doctor and veterinarian. Extracurricular event “All work is good! Game "Funny score"

  • 20.05.2020


  • To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals, a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about the environment in the game. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets;
  • To develop the emotional and sensual sphere of children, the skills of improvisation of figurative movements;
  • To create a creative atmosphere in the process of a musical theatrical performance based on musical works, as another side of art and a way of self-expression with which he can become a direct creator.

Event progress:

On the TV there is an inscription “Sphere TV”, r.p. Novospasskoye. The musical screen saver of Novospassky television sounds. The screen opens, there the leader is a child.

Leading: Hello! Today, an important event took place in our village - a clinic for pets with an operating unit was opened. The opening was attended by guests: the governor of the region Sergey Ivanovich Morozov (shows a portrait), the head of the Novospassky district Alexander Sergeevich Vrazhnov (shows a portrait) and many others. Met them chief physician- veterinarian Tatiana. Meet, she is our guest. Dear Tatyana, tell us about yourself and your profession.

Dr. Tatyana (D.T.): I was born in Novospassk, finished school here. I have loved animals since childhood. At the institute I learned how to treat them. I am a doctor who treats animals. My profession is called a veterinarian. Yes, what can I say about her, I'd rather sing, and then I'll show you everything.

N1: The song "Veterinarian" (music by Victoria Ilyina) - sung by D.T.

D.T.: I invite everyone to my clinic where my patients are waiting for me.

N2: Song "Machine"(The song of the group" Magicians of the Yard "- a group of children sings, driving in a large children's car along an impromptu road. At the end of the song, the children with the car remain on the edge of the road.

N3 Dance of the Dogs (musicbrainSectionfeat- Dance of the little dogs. Dogs dance on the same track.

(After the song, the car quickly drives along the path and, as it were, “runs over” the dogs, they fall. The children from the car pick up one of the dogs and, to the sound of an ambulance siren, lead it to Dr. Tatiana).

Reb.(children): Doctor, Tanya, help!

D.T.: What happened, tell me?

Reb.: Our dogs didn't know the rules
And they danced on the roadway.
They took up the dance
Here, where do not come from -
The car was moving fast
And one of the dogs was hurt.
Can't step on the toe!
Barks plaintively, whines.

D.T.: Lay the dog on the couch
Hold the paw with your hands.
Yes ... Urgently need to put a plaster on the leg,
So that she could run along the paths.
(Puts "gypsum" - puts on some kind of tube).
Well, that's it - you're done!
Come back in a week!

Reb. Well, thank you, Dr. Tanya,
We'll bring her when we need to! (leave)

D.T. Well, does the moral sound to you-
On the road - do not dance and do not play!
And I will continue my story.
In life it happens like this:
Children and animals quarrel.
It happened once
The cats put on a show of their beauty.

N4 Song: "Two cats" (muses by A. Oleinikov, lyrics by A. Churkin).

(At the end of the song meow and shake hands)

D.T.: The boys heard the scream.
They raised the cats from the ground.
They saw the paws in the blood
And they came to the clinic.
(children perform movements according to the text of D.T.)

Reb.: Doctor Tanya help!

D.T.: What happened, tell me?

Reb.: The cats are fighting!
They bled all the paws and noses!

D.T.: Well... I'll check them out now.
Yes ... I see wounds, abrasions you have.
Let's anoint the paws and nose with medicine (solution).
Be patient, friends! It hurts, but it's not a wasp sting!
And here's a lesson for all the little animals -
Sharp claws won't solve the problem! (Cats leave).

D.T.: Our children love animals and really want them to live at home. Such a vociferous parrot was bought by Petya. All he knew was that he sang songs.
Somehow Petya went for a walk.
He decided to take a parrot with him.
They played in the street
They sang songs and shouted. (Peter and the parrot perform movements in the text. At the end of the song, the voice of the parrot is hoarse, he gives)

N 5: "Song of the Parrot" (G. Trofimov, song from the movie "Mama")

I conquered the globe
Gadgets run after me
And I'm walking in sight
Smart and handsome.
I will tell you a secret
How to be young for a hundred years -
Dance from the heart in the morning
And sing like a nightingale!
Never really get angry
Spin around important birds
And you should always - yes - yes! -
Do everything wisely!
I serve as an example for everyone,
I always look after myself
And everyone says:
“He has a beautiful outfit!”
Anyone is smitten
Seeing how complicated I am
I really love
I praise myself.
I am a great artist
thin parodist,
became famous
Where I've been.

Petya: That you fell and lie
And you don't vote at all...
Well, get up and fly!
(the parrot turns its head and flaps its wings exhaustedly)
Yes ... Apparently it's time to go to the doctor.

Petya: Doctor, Tanya help!
Check out the parrot!

D.T.:(listens, shakes his head in wonder,
Asks to say "A" - the parrot wheezes - laments again)
Yes, it looks like bird flu.
It will take a long time to treat the parrot.
We will put an injection immediately
And then we'll send you to the hospital!
And, you, the owners of birds, cats and dogs
Follow the recommendations of doctors in full!
Always keep your vaccinations up to date! (Petya and the parrot leave).

D.T.: And now my story continues.
We are going to another family.
There for the girl Masha on her birthday
We bought a beautiful hamster to everyone's surprise!
Hamster fed Masha
And cake and even porridge!
He puffed up like a ball.
And lies and only cries.
Masha did not think for a long time, friends!
She carries the hamster to the doctor.

Masha: Hello, doctor, help!

D.T.: What happened, Masha, tell me!

Masha: We celebrated my birthday
They ate cake together and drank milk.

D.T.: I see… cake…
Can a hamster?
The stomach hurts a lot.
Drink the potion now and then
Let's go through an outpatient course of treatment.
Masha! The hamster will delight for a long time and live with you,
If you don't feed him anything!

D.T.: This is how my working days go
They give joy to Dr. Tanya.
I try to help all the animals in the world!
And you just love them, kids!

N 6: Anthem of Veterinarians. Exit of all participants of the holiday.

Anthem of Veterinarians (text).

This is not a dream, this is dawn
Singing birds in the green silence,
The smell of meadows sunlight
This is the melody of our soul.
Chorus: Everything that nature has given us, we will save
Our little brothers are the children of the earth
Will be by your side forever
Only good hands stretch out to them
get over trouble

By the wind of the forests, by the dust of the fields
The living planet Earth breathes
Thousand eyes of loved ones, children
She looks at you with hope.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  1. Acquaintance of children with various professions.
  2. Formation of the first labor skills in preschoolers.
  3. Methodological support of initial vocational guidance.


  • Contribute to the expansion of ideas about different types labor;
  • Create conditions for knowledge of ideas about labor actions performed by adults about the results, about equipment, tools necessary for work;
  • Awaken curiosity and interest in the activities of adults;
  • Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude and respect for the work of adults.


  1. Development method. recommendations for familiarizing children with the work of adults (st. preschool age).
  2. Creating class notes to familiarize children with professions.
  3. The study of calendars in order to study information about professional holidays.
  4. Making a collage calendar of professions.


Excursions, conversations. Holidays. Classes, role-playing games. Different kinds labor activity. Reading fiction, designing, collecting.


Conversations with children, stories about professions, walks and excursions with an educational purpose, assistance in creating collections, albums “Who to be?”.

long term plan

Month Professions The content of the work
September machine builder Lesson "How cars are made", Designing "Truck".
October Sailor Lesson “Only the brave conquer the seas.” Plot. roll game “Sailors”. Excursion to the school, conversations with teachers
November Veterinarian


A conversation about the profession of a veterinarian; reading by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”. Plot. roll. traffic game
December Baker A conversation about the profession of a baker; lesson "Amazing Cookies".
January Painter Entertainment "City of Masters", a conversation about the artist's profession, acquaintance with the artist's work ... (optional), excursion to the museum and resource center
February Military Conversation with children about people of courageous professions; lesson “Defenders of the Fatherland”
March Seamstress Excursion to the seamstress's office, Did. the game “Who needs what for work?”, S. Marshak’s reading “Who to be?”, Drawing lesson “Fancy Dress Store”.
April Astronaut Plot. Roll. Game "Flight to the Moon", entertainment "Cosmodrome".
May International Museum Day Excursion to the museum - resource center, conversation about the profession of museum workers, organization of a mini-museum "Time Forward" (clocks of various types).
June Day environment A conversation about the profession of an ecologist, labor activity at the kindergarten site, planting trees together with parents.
July Postman Plot. roll. game “Mail”, lesson “Postman”
August Builder Construction from building materials, sand games, lesson on construction professions (optional)

Lesson "Mail"

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Target: Develop self-awareness, self-understanding, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher offers to play the game "Time Machine".

Want to know where we are now? (Yes).
Then look at the time machine and think: where are we? What is the name of the month we are in? (June).
What year are we in? (1821).

You have seen what you have never seen. Surprised! Frightened! We rejoiced! Admired! (children perform facial exercises).

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

Goal: Switch attention from play to activity, develop curiosity.

Would you like to know what our lesson will be about? (Yes). Then try to guess riddles.

3. Riddles.

Target: Develop thinking, teach to highlight the main thing, improve reading skills.

Children stand near tables for reading. The teacher makes riddles, the children guess. If they cannot guess, read the answer from the table. If you guessed it. “Write” a guess with a pointer on the table.

What is the name of the institution that transmits messages? (Mail).
What is the name of the employee who brings or delivers messages? (Postman).
What is the name of a small piece of colored paper on which a layer of glue is applied on the back? Can it be glued to any postal item? (Mark).
What is the name of open letter with illustration? (Card).
Mail, postman, stamp, postcard - you guessed what we will talk about today? (About mail).

4. Letter.

Target: Develop memory, intonational expressiveness of speech.

The children are sitting on the carpet.“Did you know that there were times when people could not read and write? The letters were "live". The postman-messenger memorized the message and set off. Do you want to become messengers? (Yes).

The children memorize the poem. S. Marshak "Mail" using a mnemonic table. Then they tell this letter to the teacher.


Target: Develop attention switching, general motor skills, teach to rejoice in the success of others.

Two lines are marked on the floor at a distance of about 1 m from each other, between these lines is a river, along the edges is a coast.

Postmen in different countries I had to overcome various obstacles along the way. What should be postmen? (Brave, courageous, strong, honest, hardy, attentive).

Do you want to be attentive? (Yes).

All players stand on the banks. At the command of the leader “River”, they jump into the “river”. At the command "Coast" they jump to the "coast". To confuse the players, the host gives commands quickly and randomly: “Coast, river, river, coast ...” Those who incorrectly executed the command leave the game. Everyone congratulates the most attentive “postman” on his victory.

"If I were…"

Target: develop imagination, empathy, activate the use of complex sentences.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to each in turn with the question:

If you were a carrier pigeon...
If you were a mail robber, then ...
If you were a postman in the North, then...
If you were a postman in Africa, then...
If you were a postman on a train...
If you were a letter in a bottle...
If you were a quill pen used to write letters, then ...

Summary of the lesson.

Target: sum up the lesson, convey positive emotions.

What were they talking about today? (About mail).
When did mail appear? (A long time ago, in the past).
Is there mail now? (Yes).
What will be the post office in the future? come up with (Children's versions).

Drawing Lesson “Fancy Dress Shop”

Goal: Learn to draw elegant clothes: dresses, blouses, skirts. To acquaint with the concept of “dressing with taste, fashionable, beautiful”. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the profession of an artist - fashion designer, designer.

Material: Exhibition of festive children's clothing, a doll with a set of outfits, illustrations from children's books (Malvina, Alice); sheets of white paper (30-40 cm), felt-tip pens, crayons, markers.

Lesson progress

An exhibition of children's and doll's elegant clothes is being organized.

Educator: Look at the clothes.

What is she? (Smart).
How is it different from everyday? (Fabric, color, decoration).
What is this dress decorated with? (Bows, lace).
Is it comfortable to work in the garden in such a dress? Clean the floor? (No, it is long, white lace, satin bows).
Where can you go in such a dress? (For a matinee in Kindergarten, to the theater, for a birthday, to a museum).

Let's dress up the dolls in holiday clothes. But first listen to me. Before the tailor sews the outfit, the artist will invent and draw it. Such artists are called “fashion designers”, “designers”. They come up with new outfits - styles of clothing, make it comfortable and elegant. The profession of a fashion designer requires imagination, fiction, a developed sense of beauty. Do you want to become fashion designers at least for a while? (Answers of children). Then let's first come up with, and then draw different outfits: suits, dresses, blouses. And then we get the “Fancy Dress Store”.

Children draw. At the end of the work, all the drawings are placed on cardboard (shop window), the outfits are considered.


  1. What is the most fashionable outfit? What is it decorated with?
  2. What dress would you wear to the theatre?
  3. What dress would you choose for your doll?

Tips for the educator: well organize the game "Doll's birthday", pick up illustrations (fairy-tale heroes in smart dresses). You can organize an excursion to the nearest atelier or clothing store.

Lesson "Spaceport"

Purpose: to expand the understanding of space, the cosmodrome and the profession of an astronaut; develop orientation in space and on a sheet of paper; develop artistic and creative thinking; develop the skills of mutual assistance and mutual assistance .

Lesson progress

Fairy Asterisk: Hello guys, I'm Fairy Asterisk. They called me that because as a child I really liked to look at the stars and really wanted to fly to them. I grew up and decided to build the most mysterious object of our city - a cosmodrome. You probably don't know what it is, because this information is classified!

Children: We know! This is the place where spaceships depart from and where they arrive.

Fairy Asterisk: Then you probably know which planets of our solar system they go to! ( The children name the planets. The planets are very far from Earth. To get to them, you need a fast spaceship. Today I am going on a distant interplanetary expedition.

Educator: May we go with you?

Fairy Asterisk: Okay, but you have to take a special course at the Flight Training Center. each astronaut learns to determine the path of the spacecraft on a special star map. (Shows a map.) Each cell on it is one Gulliver kilometer, but these multi-colored circles are planets. The ship can move up, down, left and right.

1. Determine the path of the ship.

Children answer questions:

On what planet (by color) will our ship turn out if it moves three cells to the right?
- How many cells and where does he need to move to be on the Green Planet?
- Will it reach the Blue Planet if it moves six Gulliver kilometers up?

Fairy Asterisk: All stars are very similar to each other. Yet differences can be found (shows three stars with different numbers of rays). Look at these stars and tell me how they differ (children's answers).

2. Find your star.

The teacher puts large stars at different ends of the room, distributes small stars to the children. At the signal, each child must run to the star that matches their star.

Fairy Asterisk: Tell me, is it possible to go into space without special clothes? What is it called? Why is she needed? Then put on spacesuits and go into the pressure chamber ( children take turns entering the hoop, quickly raising and lowering it).

So, go! We have an accident - the power supply went out. Several crew members injured their hands while repairing it and cannot eat on their own. How many of you are ready to help - feed them jam more carefully? We have food in small packages. Who knows why she's in tubes? (children's answers).

3. Feed your neighbor jam.

Several pairs of children are trying to feed each other.

Fairy Asterisk: We're flying to Mars! What happened to the planet? Why is there nothing alive here - only stones? Look, footprints! Let's go through them and find the Martians - the inhabitants of the planet Mars! (the children follow each other one after another and approach the stone. Fairy sits on it, and he turns out to be a Martian).

Martian: Ay! Ay! Ay! Do not kill me!
Fairy Asterisk: we're not going to hurt you. We are guests on your planet. But what happened? Why is there no one?
Martian: Guys, a terrible misfortune has happened on our planet. We did not protect nature and killed all animals, birds and plants.
Fairy Asterisk: Is there nothing that can be done?
Martian: We have some magic plasticine left, as well as twigs, beads and leaves. If you make new animals and birds out of this material, you will save our planet.
Fairy Asterisk: But remember that unusual living creatures lived on Mars, try to make just such.

4. Unusual Martian animals.

Children are modeling. The Martian takes the crafts and thanks the children for their help.

The journey continues...

Lesson “Caramel Shop

Target: To fix the rules of conduct in the store, to give knowledge about the profession of the seller and cashier. Develop logical thinking and quantitative counting skills.

Lesson progress

Caramel: Hello guys, my sweeties! I, Fairy Caramel, welcome you to my supermarket. Do you know what the word "supermarket" means? It consists of two parts: “super”, which means very large and the best, and “market” - a store. Please pass. My store started out with just a pastry section that sold the best sweets in the world, but now it has dairy, bakery, vegetable and meat departments. What products do you think are sold in each of them? (Answers of children).

Let's check your answers. Let's go to the dairy first. There is a tasting here today. Customers are offered to taste the products of the new dairy factory.

The game "Know the taste."

Caramel blindfolds the children and gives them sour cream, milk, cottage cheese to try. The one who guessed correctly gets a guilder.

Caramel: I want only the best salespeople to work in my store, so I'm running a sales pitch competition. Do you want to take part in it? Then complete the first task. The groceries were delivered to the store early this morning. Help sort them out.

The game "Spread the products into sections."

Caramel shows the goods, and the children name the department in which they should be placed.

Game "Design a window"

Several children, on a signal from Caramel, begin to quickly distribute food, carry it and arrange it beautifully in a window, receive a guilder.

The game "Know by touch".

Caramel: In my store, all vegetables are stored in special bags. A good salesman should put his hand into the bag and quickly determine what kind of vegetable or fruit is in it. (children do the task).

The game “Find out what is harder?”

Imagine that the scales have disappeared from the store. Try to determine which zucchini is heavier without them. (children do the task).

The game "Select products for cabbage soup."

This competition is for girls - future hostesses. From the vegetables laid out in the window, you must choose those that are needed for making cabbage soup. The one who quickly and correctly completes the task will receive a guilder.

Game "Merry Account".

Game "Set the price of the product."

Caramel: The future seller must be able to determine the price of goods entering the store. Read the label on the price tag and set the price of the product. (Children do the task). Well done guys, you are good sellers and if you want, I will gladly hire you. I heard you go out to dinner in the cafe tonight. I give you coupons that entitle you to a discount. All the best! Check out my store for more!

Purpose: To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals, a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about the environment in the game. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets.



GBOU school No. 1357 Preschool unit No. 9

Synopsis of GCD on familiarization

children of senior preschool age

with the veterinary profession.

Purpose: To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals, a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about the environment in the game. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets.


Educator: Guys, a guest will come to us today, and who is he, you tell me by guessing the riddle:

He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes,

Bandages the wounds

African monkey.

And anyone will confirm to us:

Is this a doctor? (Aibolit)

Aibolit enters in a white coat.

Aibolit: Hello guys. Here I was passing by and decided to come to visit you, to find out if my help is needed here.

Educator: We all read the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit", and who remembers who the doctor treated?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, animals.

Aibolit: Yes, guys, I love animals very much and therefore I decided to become not a human doctor, but a doctor for animals.

Educator: Does anyone know the name of a doctor who treats animals?


Aibolit: That's right, my profession is called a veterinarian. Pets cannot, like wild ones, take care of their own health. So the veterinarian helps them. If you have a cat or a dog at home, you probably went to the vet more than once.

Educator: a clinic where animals are treated is called a veterinary clinic.

Aibolit: A veterinarian not only treats sick pets, he gives them various preventive vaccinations, cleans their ears, trims their claws - in general, monitors whether your pet is well kept, whether it moves enough, what appetite it has.

Educator: But if your cat or dog gets sick, veterinarians, like ordinary doctors, examine your furry friend, give him medicine, and in severe cases, perform surgery.

Aibolit: Guys, do you like animals? Do you want to become veterinarians?

Children: yes

Aibolit: Now I will check how you are ready for work. Let's play the game "What does the vet need?" There are various items on the table, you need to choose only those that, in your opinion, can be useful in the treatment of animals.

Well done! Nobody is wrong!

Educator: Children, a veterinarian or, in other words, a veterinarian can cure both a small fish and a huge bear. He needs to know and be able to do a lot. But the most important thing is veterinarian must be very kind and must love animals.

Aibolit: Guys, now you know what my job is. If you remember, I came to you to offer my help in the treatment of sick animals. Bring your pets quickly, I will examine them and prescribe treatment.

Role-playing game "Animal Hospital".

At the end of the game, read the poem:

If your cat has

Leg hurts a little

If your dog

Side was damaged in a fight,

Wasting no time,

To heal them

Urgently to the veterinarian

Bring your pets.

He will illuminate the paw with an x-ray,

Sew up the wound to the dog -

And the animals certainly

Everything will heal and pass.

Summing up: What profession did you meet? What should a veterinarian know and be able to do? What character traits should one have?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project to familiarize older preschoolers with adult professions "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

The purpose of the project: To introduce children to various adult professions. To form labor skills in older preschoolers. To provide initial career guidance for children with didactic and methodical ...

Consultation for educators: "Introduction of senior preschoolers to creative professions"

Material for kindergarten teachers. It will help the teacher to gradually introduce children to creative professions.

Presentation - a message from the work experience "Introduction to the profession. The use of active forms and methods when introducing older preschoolers to fiction"

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Compiled by: Bulavinova Elena Vasilievna

Voronezh region

Vorobyevsky district

s-z "Vorobevsky"

MKOU "Poselkovaya secondary school"

Primary classes

Extracurricular event "All work is good!"

3rd grade

Explanatory note.

An extra-curricular event is held in the 3rd grade studying under the "School of Russia" program. The purpose of the event is to introduce students to various professions, develop interest in work, creative abilities, initial career guidance, education of diligence, responsibility, development of dexterity, ingenuity. Beforehand, students are given homework: make a dictionary of professions and draw pictures for them.

Event plan.

1. Reading poetry by students (montage)

2. The word of the teacher.

3. Messages from students.

4. Poems about professions.

5. Riddles about professions.

6. Competition for the restoration of sayings and proverbs.

7. Performance of ditties.

8. Competition for the correlation of subjects and professions.

9. Competition "Pilot"

10. Competition "Interview"

11. Competition "Detective"

12. Competition "Announcer"

13. Competition Artist»

14. Contest "Builder"

15. The final word of the teacher.

extracurricular activity

Matinee about professions in grade 3

"All work is good!"

Purpose: acquaintance of students with various professions, development of interest in work, creative abilities, education of diligence, responsibility, development of dexterity, ingenuity.

Equipment: posters with quotes

“All professions are good, all are honorable, if you master the skill perfectly” (M. Kalinin)

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the roughest, rises to creativity.” (M. Gorky),

proverbs, student drawings, black box, task cards, computer, projector.

The course of the matinee.

1 student.

In the world of various words,

That shine, burn and burn, -

Gold, steel, diamond, -

There is no sacred word: "work"!

2 student.

Everything that we drink with a full cup,

In the past created by labor:

All the happiness of our life

Everything that every house is red.

3 student.

A new lamp is the light of victory,

Running motors, trains,

Monoplane flight without a trace, -

Everything is a legacy of labor!

4 student.

The table you are sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife,
And every nail
And every house
And every slice of bread
All this is created by labor,
It didn't fall from the sky!
5 student.

For everything that is created for us,
We are grateful to people
The time will come, the time will come -
And we will work.
6 student.

My years are growing

There will be seventeen.

Who should I work then

What to do?

Teacher: Such a question arises when a person becomes an adult. He needs to master some profession in order to be useful to his family and society. Already now, many of you dream of being someone. Today our matinee is dedicated to professions.

Everything that surrounds us is created by the labor of people.

Any object, thing, aggregate, tool, production technology - everything connects us with various professions, of which there are thousands in the world. The word profession meansmain occupation,labor activities of a person who owns a lot of special knowledge, skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience. This means that in order to consider oneself belonging to a particular profession, one must undergo special training, acquire a lot of theoretical knowledge, and gain experience.

How many professions surround us?

1 student: Early in the morning I wake up in a house thatbuilt not only builders. People of more than a dozen professions participated in its creation - from an architect to a painter.

2 student: The alarm clock interrupts my sleep - a few more professions. We open our eyes, and the world of things and objects presents itself to us as Business Cards professions: dishes, clothes, books, food - everything in our house is made by people of hundreds of professions.

Student 3: I go out into the street, and this world expands to a grandiose size. We travel by transport, study at school, use tools in our studies and work.

4 student: In the evening, at my service is the world of other professions that make it possible to touch art: actors, announcers, artists, musicians, composers, photographers.

5 student: B modern world the number of professions is growing and all of them are useful, necessary and important for a person. The world is changing, and some professions disappear as unnecessary, others are improved. For example, boots have long been sewn not by hand, but by machines, loaders in the port are armed with cranes, and the baker does not knead the dough with his hands - there is an automatic machine for this.

Teacher: Let's check the homework, in which it was necessary to compile a dictionary of professions.

(Students come out with letters of the alphabet and drawings of professions for this letter, stand in alphabetical order and name invented professions)


Yes, there are many craftsmen in the world,

Tell poems about them, children.

1st student

Bricklayer builds houses

The dress is the work of a tailor.

But the tailor has to work

Somewhere without warm shelter.

2nd student

The bricklayer would be naked

If skillful hands

Didn't make it in time

Apron and jacket and trousers.

3rd student

Baker to shoemaker by the deadline

Instructs to sew boots.

Well, a shoemaker without bread

How much will he sew, grind?

4th student

So, that's how it turns out

Everything we do is necessary.

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly.

5th student

Crow, cow, puppy and peacock

All will accept and cure

Animal Doctor.

6th student

White sawdust is flyingThey fly from under the saw:This is the carpenter doingWindows and floors.
7th student.

In the shop, in the marketAnd in the buffet, finally,Everywhere, wherever you go,The seller meets you.8th student

To pines, lindens, ate

They didn't get sick, they turned green,

To new forests

Ascended into the sky

Their ringing and the hubbub of birds

Guarded by a forester friend.

9th student.

Turner bent over

Smart machine.

thin chips

Runs in a stream.

10th student.

The teacher generously teaches us that

What will be very necessary in life:

Patience, reading, counting and writing

And loyalty to the motherland.

11th student

Rescuer where there is trouble
He will always come to the rescue.
And there is no reason to doubt:
Rescuing is a job for men.

12th student

A scientist looks through a microscope
Apparently, he is experimenting.
He has no business to boredom -

All in work, all in science.

13th student

If something bad happens,
Somewhere something will light up
A firefighter is urgently needed.
He will pay off, that's for sure.

14th student

Every day he goes to sea
And he catches fish with nets.
Catches both winter and summer
- A fisherman's job in this.

15th student

Chauffeur Job

Difficult and complicated

But how is it for people

Needed everywhere!


Now be careful

Do not forget to name the profession!

(Riddles about professions)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers

They sell us...(sellers)

I'm glad to get dressed

Both an artist and a deputy.

Deftly sew with my needle -

After all, I'm...(tailor)

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

We are very much needed by all people,

So who are we? - ... (firefighters)

He looks like a captain

But the steppe ship is leading.

He argues with the wave stubbornly,

Only with a golden wave. (combiner)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod -

He paints a picture from nature ... (artist)

He protects nature

Drives away poachers

And in winter at the feeders

The forest animals are waiting for a visit. (forester)

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

She carries out her service in secret,

The cows have known her for a long time,

Always greeted with lowing

And for her hard work

All milk is given to her. (milkmaid)

fun work,

Enviable from the heart!

Whistle when the hunt

Yes, wave your wand! (police officer)

They put dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes.

And heels -

Also the work of these hands. (shoemaker)

We teach kids

love nature,

Respect the elderly. (teacher)

The earth awaits his work,

As soon as the dawn lights up the rays.

In the spring he combs the fields,

Autumn will come - shear. (gardener)

With a heavy bag bypasses the area,

He puts letters in our box ... (postman)

Every resident in the house knows -

This house was built ... (builder)

This sorceress

This artist

Not brushes and paints

A comb and scissors. (the hairdresser)

In the circus, he is the funniest of all.

He has great success.

It remains only to remember

What is the name of the merry fellow? (clown)

Teacher: Well done guys!

People have always respected hard work, dedication, striving for excellence. Perhaps that is why they came up with a lot of proverbs and sayings.

Competition for knowledge of sayings and proverbs - restore the proverbs.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on...

A. tractor B. shop

B. kiln G. rooftop

Don't sit idly by, it won't happen...

A. money B. boredom

B. work G. troubles

Those who don't work don't...

A. swims B. rides

B. drinks D. eats

A small thing is better than a big one...

A. idleness B. inactivity

B. wealth D. pleasure

The eyes are afraid, and the hands ...

A. knit B. do

B. work D. wash

Finished the job - walk ...

A. boldly B. quickly

B. fun D. joyful

Business - time, and fun - ...

A. minute B. second

B. hour D. year

Teacher: And now let's sing ditties.

I tell all my friends

what i want to beastronomer.

I don't like to sleep at night

It's better to study the stars.

I love in front of the whole class

Answer in class.

This experience will come in handy -

I wantartistbecome!

If, Petya, then you

Will youdeputy,

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

Have pity on me, mommy

Let me skip school!

You, son, are theredirector,

You must be there!

I decided it was useless

Do boxing -

I will becomedentist,

Everyone is afraid of him.

Vovka boasts to the guys

What will he becomelawyer.

And while not a lawyer,

He beats everyone.

To bescoutI want

After all, I am resourceful and bold.

Mom hid the candy

I scouted where - and ate!

I will becomehaircut master

And I will take revenge on Lariska -

I'll cut my hair like a boy

And then I'll forgive.

I go to gymnastics

I only eat once a week.

I'll tell you a secret:

I want to becomemodel.

Teacher: A person of any profession needs tools and instruments. Name the professions that need these items.

(Hammer, soldering iron, saw, scissors, ruler, microscope, binoculars, camera, syringe).

Teacher:What do you want to be, kids?
Answer us quickly!
- I want to be a driver.
Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet.
Better not to have him in the world.

I want to be a great doctor.
I will treat everyone with medicine.
Very tasty, like candy.
Ate it - there are no diseases!

In paints I do not have tea.
I dream of becoming an artist.
Order me a portrait.
I'll do it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, do not argue,
I want to be number one in sports.
To score a puck for me is a trifle,
I play for Spartak!

I want to become a pianist.
A wonderful artist.
Music has been with me since childhood
I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming
Children's educator.
Sing, walk, play with them.
Celebrate birthdays.
All professions are great.
All professions are important.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need!

Teacher: Now we will see what your hands can do. We'll run competitions.

1 competition "Pilot". Which one of you guys wants to be a pilot? Come out. Your task is to quickly make a paper airplane and fly it as far as possible.

(Students come out and do the task).

2 competition. "Interview"

2 students are invited: one is a journalist, the other is a person of a given profession. The “journalist” asks questions, and the other student answers them, talking about his profession, but does not name it. It is necessary to guess what profession in question.

3 competition. "Detective"

Two members. One is blindfolded, the other hides an object in the classroom. The detective needs to find this item. Students help with the suggestive words "hot-cold."

4 competition. "Speaker"

Several students are participating. Read the story quickly and correctly

1 student.

Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown.
Grandfather went to pick a turnip. Pulls - pulls, can not pull.

Grandpa called grandma. Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out!


Professions. Veterinarian.
To consolidate the knowledge of children about the professions and labor activities of people of different professions;

Introduce a new profession - a veterinarian;

Cause an emotional response in children, pride in people of different professions;

Help expand your vocabulary.

During the event, we read "Whom to be?", then came to visit

Aibolit, played with children using verses:

"Hello, little animals!

Come to me for treatment

Both the cow and the wolf

And bugs, and a worm,

Both a bunny and a puppy;

Squirrel, clubfoot bear,

Bird, cat and monkey.

Who hurts?

Why does it hurt and has it hurt for a long time?

(Children shake their heads negatively, Aibolit examines the children).

All will be healed, healed,

Good doctor Aibolit.

After all, not without reason, after all, not without reason,

They call me a veterinarian!

I deftly adjusted my shoulder

merry grasshopper,

I cured tummies

Unfortunate hippos.

Now I'll look out of my glasses

At the ends of the tongues.

You are healthy?

Children: We are healthy!

Aibolit: Well then, don't be lazy,

Don't yawn, pull yourself up

Get ready for the workout!

To be always healthy

Not only sports should be done,

Also eat right.

I'm happy with the look

None of the animals are sick!

You don't need a veterinarian

Live happily and together!

Who does Aibolit treat?

What is another name for Aibolit? (veterinarian)

What does a veterinarian do?

Why is he called the good doctor?

Yes, guys, we all have animals at home. What animals live with you? And if trouble happens to our four-legged friend, he gets sick, you and I know who to contact - the veterinarian. And he will tell us how to be and what to do. Guys, did you notice how our Aibolit was dressed?

Who else have you seen dressed like this?

Introducing children to the tools used by a veterinarian.

I want to introduce you to the tools that any doctor uses, no matter who he treats, people or animals.

(Pulls out a tool, shows, names and says what it is for).

Summary of the lesson:

Educator: - So, guys, who is treating us?

Who takes care of the animals? Let's repeat the name of this profession in unison.

Doctor: - Well, guys, tell me,

Help to understand

I'll start and you finish

Answer in unison.

For colds and sore throats

We are being saved...

Children: Vitamins!

Doctor: Vitamins are life.

Everyone needs to be friends with them.

Take vitamins

And add health!

(Hands out vitamins to children).

Summary of the lesson "Introduction to the profession"

It was my first open class I already see my mistakes, which I will try to correct in the coming years!

Abstract of the integrated lesson

on the topic: "Introduction to the profession of educator"

for preschool children

(Cognition, Labor, Communication).

Educator: Podkorytova M.V.

MBDOU PGO "D / S No. 49"

1. Expand children's knowledge about the diversity of professions based on a generalization of characteristic labor processes and labor results.

2. Develop the ability to correlate the tools of labor, the performance of the labor process with the name of the profession.

3. Develop imagination, logical thinking.


The answering child takes the items needed by the teacher from another suitcase and briefly talks about the teacher’s profession (plasticine, doll)

Teacher: Well done guys! Completed the tasks! You all move on to the next round! And now let's find out if our viewers are smart?

(Questions to the audience. For a complete answer, an order (yellow, for an incomplete answer, a medal (green).)

Blitz poll: guys, you are with us now preparatory group and the teacher is here with you, and where will you be in a year (at school) And who will work with you? (teacher) Guys, what is the difference between a teacher and an educator? (the teacher teaches, the teacher educates) There are tables in the kindergarten, but at school? (desks) There is a break in the kindergarten, but at school? (Change) Do you wear toys to kindergarten, but to school? (textbooks) Mom wears things to you in kindergarten, and what will you wear textbooks to school in? (in the briefcase)

Educator: Guys, we are so great! Let's see what task Dunno has come up with for us this time!

The teacher takes out a piece of paper from the suitcase: "I see, I see, the guys did it! And now a new task! In a secret color, visible only to the teacher, I wrote many different professions on a piece of paper, and you guys have to name who does what!"

Teacher: Okay, let's get started! Whoever gives the most answers will move on to the next round (3 professions each)

Doctor - what does he do? What is the builder doing? What does the seamstress do?

What is the artist doing? What is the chef doing? What is the painter doing?

What is the carpenter doing? What is the janitor doing? What is the seller doing?

Teacher: Hurrah! you did it again! And we all move on to the second round!

And now, guys, a musical break!

All the guys go out in a circle, the music "Box with pencils" sounds. They do physical exercises.

Educator: And now, with renewed vigor, let's start our TV game! Game with the audience: "What if it hadn't happened." (Questions are asked with the help of the ball: throw the ball-question)

If there were no vendors...

If there were no drivers...

If there were no doctors...

If there were no janitors, then

If there were no chefs, then.

If there were no hairdressers, then.

If there were no composers, then.

If there were no educators, then.

If there were no teachers, then.

Educator: Well done, our audience! Well told!

Soooo, we still have tasks from Dunno!

The participant who best of all will tell about the profession familiar to you from early childhood will go to the next stage!

In the morning, saying goodbye to my mother,

We boldly go to kindergarten.

And mothers calmly, without drama,

They leave their treasure in the garden.

Here is someone you can trust

Creation of love and warmth,

You can even check-

There is a spark in our eyes of happiness.

And it's just a smile

What gives the soul is not crooked.

Educator: guys, who did you tell such a wonderful poem about?

Children from the audience: about the teacher!

Educator: Guys, how nice! Such kind words!

Educator: Let's listen to the next participant

We were greeted with kindness in the garden,

Kindness and warmth

In the evening we read fairy tales.

Kindergarten is our good home!

Taught us to order

beauty and purity,

Early morning exercise

We all got up together!


Third member:

And we love very dearly

their educators,

We will remember for a long time

Their faces are sweet!

We will never forget

Kindergarten is our own,

We will come to visit you

We are both summer and winter!

(Kirill R.)

Educator: Guys, what tender and touching poems! Of course, of course, you all go to the next round!

Educator: Guys, and now the most important task, what do you think, what qualities should a teacher have?

Participating children: The teacher must have such qualities as wisdom, patience, kindness, responsiveness, the teacher must love children, respect (children from the tracks come up with)

Educator: You said everything correctly, and now the question is tricky! we have already talked with you that next year you will be met by a teacher! Do you know what things you need to take with you to school? I offer you the following task! we need to determine what things we can take with us to kindergarten, and which ones to school!

(two children from the audience)

in front of them: a notebook, a ruler, a textbook, plasticine, a doll, a coloring book, a pen, a briefcase

Educator: Hurrah! you did it!

Educator: I arranged a game for you today, because I love you all very much! And I feel sad when you quarrel, when you cannot find a common language with each other, today we all had one common creative task: to learn how to communicate with each other, understand, cope with tasks together and never, ever quarrel! I am glad to come to kindergarten every morning, I am glad to bring up such wonderful, mischievous children! I am a little sad that in a year you will leave kindergarten, but I am glad that you will become excellent students and learn a lot of new and interesting things!

Educator: And now let's see which of our participants won today! Oh wow, you all answered the questions correctly and you all won together! Urrrraaa! You are declared Clever and Clever!

Guys, you drew pictures “What would you like to be when you grow up? » Let's talk about your dreams.

Children approach the drawings and 3-4 people talk about their dreams

Educator: I think that when you grow up, you will become real professionals and choose a profession to your liking.

Video with Dunno

Guys, today you learned a lot of new and interesting things, but, unfortunately, I could not come to you! Guys, tell me, please, did you like our program? And what did you like the most? What interesting things did you learn on the show?