Sculpting tools for people of different professions. Synopsis of GCD in the senior group on the topic: Professions. Patience and work - all grind

  • 08.08.2020

Purpose of the lesson:
To form and consolidate in children the idea of ​​various tools for certain professions (cook).

1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a cook.
2. Teach children to create crafts of individual items, such as pots and spoons.
3. Continue to teach children to convey the basic properties and ratios of the sizes of objects.
4. Learn to convey the shape of objects when sculpting, using the techniques of rolling, pressing, flattening, attaching parts of plasticine to the product.
5. Learn to name the tools used by the cook.


1. Raise interest in the modeling process.
2. Cultivate independence.
3. Cultivate accuracy in work.
4. To cultivate the ability and desire to work in a group of peers.

Children's set of plastic dishes, a real spoon and a saucepan, colored plasticine, modeling boards, modeling knives, craft stands.

Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment.

Children sit at their tables. The teacher lays out items from the children's set of dishes on the table and the children take turns taking them.
Educator: "Take one object each and name it to me."
The children are called.
Educator: "That's right, well done!".
Then everyone considers these items and passes them to each other. Everyone names the items that the cook uses.

2. Repetition of previously covered material on the topic "the profession of a cook."
The teacher asks to talk about how the dishes are used in the kitchen.
Children take turns telling how a particular item in the kitchen is used by the cook.
The teacher draws attention to the pan and spoon. Then he compares them with real objects and says that today in the lesson we will sculpt a pot and a spoon from plasticine.

3. Phys. minute "It's cold for a bunny to sit."

4. Modeling.
The teacher distributes plasticine, boards and knives for plasticine to all children and shows a pot with a lid and a plasticine spoon that he made himself, i.e. sample. Children should get the same crafts.
Children take plasticine and begin to work (some on their own, and some with the help of a teacher). Children sculpt, and the teacher provides individual assistance. Supervises periodically other children.

5. Generalization and comparison.
After finishing modeling, children compare their work with the work of the educator and the work of their peers.
The teacher asks the children to name the object that they sculpted. He asks to name again the profession of those people who use a saucepan and a spoon.

6. Summing up the work.
The teacher says that everyone is great today, everyone was getting old and everyone worked well in class. All crafts are exhibited at an exhibition of works for parents. Now you can thank everyone and ask the attendants to help clean up the materials for the lesson.

modeling "All professions are important, all professions are needed"

with preschoolers in middle group

on the topic "Professions"

1. Integration of educational areas by tasks

Educational areas

artistic and aesthetic development

cognitive development

social and communicative development

to consolidate the ability to sculpt round objects by rolling clay between the palms in a circular motion; learn to flatten the ball by squeezing it with your palms.

introduce the names of professions; show the importance of each profession

develop oral speech, thinking, attention

2. Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, educational research activities

3. Materials and equipment: pictures depicting representatives of different professions, items they need; plasticine.

4. GCD logic

Forms of work

Expected Result

* Motivation-indicative stage.

The children are in the group. Various objects lie on the carpet: a medical gown with a syringe, a steering wheel from a car, a saucepan with a ladle, a toy scale with a calculator, a police cap with a baton.

Teacher: Look, what a mess! Who left these items? (The teacher shows a medical gown with a syringe). I think the doctor left it. Let's think about the rest of the items.

Children's answers.

Educator: These items are needed by people of different professions. What is a profession? Children's answers

* Main part.

Educator: There are 1000 different professions in the world. Each person chooses one profession to which he will devote his whole life. What do you think is the most important profession?

Children's answers

And who do your parents work?

Children's answers

* Dynamic pause “Do as I do! »

Children are encouraged to complete the exercise according to verbal instructions.

What is the driver doing? (drives a car)

What is the chef doing? (Cooks porridge)

What does a doctor do? (Gives injections)

What does a lumberjack do? (chopping the forest)

What does a janitor do? (Cleans the yard)

Educator: Well done guys. And you feel how delicious it smells of fresh buns, fragrant soup here. Who is preparing all this? (Cook)

Educator: Right. And let's try to become chefs ourselves.

* Modeling (pancakes)

Children, as shown by the teacher, sculpt a circle, then flatten it. They take rolling pins (pencils) and roll out pancakes.

Educator: What do you like pancakes with? Let's make spring rolls. Children take plasticine of the corresponding color and wrap the pancake.

Educator: How delicious everything looks with us!

* Educational game “Who needs what? »

The teacher chooses four children, and we give them pictures of a hairdresser, doctor, cook, seller. The rest of the children take a card with an image of an object from these professions. Children jump around the room to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children combine the pictures into pairs: a representative of the profession and an object he needs.

Educator: Guys, do you like to go to the store? (Answers of children). Who works in the store? (Salesman). Now we will go shopping.

* Shop game

Children with the help of a counter choose sellers, the rest of the guys choose buyers. Then the children lay out the available toys on the showcase and set the price (1-2 tokens). departments with a variety of products. Children-sellers politely serve customers and sell goods to them.

* Reflection.

Educator: Today we met with different professions. What do you want to be when you grow up? What is the most important profession?


There are many professions on Earth,

But choose love.

Decide, my friend, who you should be

After all, each of them is important.

An emotional mood and motivational readiness to participate in the work has been created.

Actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers in solving cognitive problems.

They are able to carry on a conversation.

They are able to correlate movements with speech.

Developed gross motor skills.

Interested in fine arts (pancake making)

Developed fine motor skills

Expresses positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration) when participating in gaming and cognitive tasks

well developed oral speech.
Has a developed imagination.

Experiencing positive emotions.

Synopsis of immediate educational activities for children of the senior group (5-6 years old) on the topic "Professions"

I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic "Professions".
This material will be useful to educators of the senior group. This is an abstract cognitive activity aimed at fostering respect for the work of adults.

Synopsis of the direct educational activities of children in senior group"Generalization of children's knowledge about the profession of a hairdresser".

Preliminary work: conversation on the painting "Hairdresser" (from the series "Who to be?"; reading S. Mikhalkov's poem "In the hairdresser's"; expansion of subject and verbal vocabulary, coherent speech, etc.
Demo material: a set of items (scissors, hair dryer, comb, hairspray, typewriter, hair dyes, curlers, etc.); counting sticks.
1. Expansion of the dictionary on the topic.
2. Development of coherent speech, grammatical structure, phonemic hearing.
3. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
4. Raise a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.
GCD progress
1. Organizational moment.
Depict a fat-cheeked Kolobok. Puff out cheeks. Show with your hands how the Gingerbread Man rolls. Breathing exercises: inhale - the stomach became like a side of Kolobok, slow exhalation - relaxation. Depict a sad, cheerful Kolobok.
2. Conversation with children.
Educator. Guys, who will tell me what you need hands for? (Answers of children).
Tell me, do you like working or don't like it very much? Why? (Answers of children).
Tell me, how do you work at home, what kind of work do you do? (Answers of children).
If a friend comes to your house who can't do anything, what job would you teach him? (Such a question helps to obtain more objective data about the child's favorite work in the family, its approximate content).
Educator. If a boy or girl is told: "You have done a very good job," what do you think it means? (Answers of children).
That's right, it means the child did a very good job, which he was entrusted with.
If you do not get any work or you are tired, what will you do, give up this work and go to play? Ask your elders to help you, to teach? (Answers).
Educator. Guys, if you want to do something, but nothing works out for you, do not hesitate to ask adults for help, they will always come to your aid.
If during the application, sculpting and drawing nothing works out for you. what are we talking about? ("I can do anything, I can do anything!").
Correctly. If you are confident and try hard, you will succeed. People who work well are said to have golden hands. Stand up and show your hands too.
3.Exercise for coordination of speech and movement "SKILLY HANDS"
Our skillful hands
Our hands are golden hands (Hands forward, turn palms up and down)
They know how to embroider, sew and knit a scarf.
Sweep and wash.
Boil the soup, wipe the dust.
Wash dishes clean. (Perform movements in accordance with the text.)
Keep order (They threaten with a finger)
Here they are - golden hands (They stretch their hands forward, turn their palms up and down.)
4. Problem question.

Boys, please tell me, if they say to you: "Don't do this job - it's female", what will you answer?
Yes, guys, work should not be divided into male and female. For example, both women and men can work as cooks. What professions can also be both men and women? (Children list).
5. Message of the topic of the lesson.
Educator. Today we will just talk about one such profession, if you guess the riddle. (1 child guesses).
This sorceress
This artist
Not brushes and paints
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome.
(The hairdresser)
Tell me, please, who is the hairdresser? (Answers).
What else can a hairdresser do?
6. Verb dictionary(ball game).
Comb your hair, cut your hair, comb your hair, curl your hair, dye your hair, shave your mustache and beard, dry your hair.
Correctly. Guys, for this the hairdresser needs a lot of tools and all sorts of items. Let's play a game "Find by touch" and let's say what the hairdresser uses in his work.
7. Predlozhno - case management (active case).
The hairdresser uses scissors, a comb, a hair dryer, a razor, a typewriter, paints, etc.
8. Laying out the figures of objects from the sticks according to the model.
There are sticks on the tables in front of you, let's lay out of them the figures of several objects used by the hairdresser, but for this you need to guess riddles (2 children guess riddles).
has teeth,
And he doesn’t know toothache (comb).

Two ends, two rings
Carnations (scissors) in the middle.
9. Game on phonemic perception "Guess what's in the box?"
Children, the hairdresser needs some more items to make the hairstyle a success. There are 3 sounds in the word, catch - L, A, K. What word came out? (lacquer). The first syllable in the name of the item is BI (hair curlers). The word contains the syllables KA and KRAS (paint).
caregiver. Well done! And tell me, what kind of character should a hairdresser be?
11. Dictionary of adverbs. Game "Pass the item and name it"
12. Surprise moment. (the hairdresser comes in - the mother of one girl).
Hello. Today Ilvin's mother, Zemfira Adifovna, is visiting us. She works as a hairdresser and will talk about her work. You can ask our children questions, they know a lot about your work (the questions are asked by the hairdresser).
The hairdresser does some girls' hair (Braids beautiful pigtails).
13. The result of the lesson.
Thank you very much for interesting story and hairstyles. Guys, you can ask your questions. And someone might want to become a hairdresser, are there any?
We want to thank you and have prepared for you a poem by S Mikhalkov "In the barbershop" (several children recite the verse).
Dad sits in front of the mirror:
- I have a haircut and a shave!

The old master knows everything:
For forty years she cuts and shaves.
He's from a small closet
Quickly got the scissors
He wrapped dad in a sheet,
I took the comb
Stood up behind the chair
Clicked the scissors loudly,
Once or twice he waved his comb,
From neck to temples
Cut a lot of hair
Combed a straight parting,
He took out the razor.
Soap hissed in a cup,
To make the razor shave cleaner;
Snorted fun vial
With the inscription: "Cologne"...

Near the girl sheared.
Two streams run from the eyes.

Crying stupid girl
Tears hang on the nose -
Comb hairdresser
Cuts a red braid.

If you decide to cut your hair,
Crying is stupid and funny!

Purpose of the lesson:
To form and consolidate in children the idea of ​​various tools for certain professions (cook).

1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a cook.
2. Teach children to create crafts of individual items, such as pots and spoons.
3. Continue to teach children to convey the basic properties and ratios of the sizes of objects.
4. Learn to convey the shape of objects when sculpting, using the techniques of rolling, pressing, flattening, attaching parts of plasticine to the product.
5. Learn to name the tools used by the cook.


1. Raise interest in the modeling process.
2. Cultivate independence.
3. Cultivate accuracy in work.
4. To cultivate the ability and desire to work in a group of peers.

Children's set of plastic dishes, a real spoon and a saucepan, colored plasticine, modeling boards, modeling knives, craft stands.

Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment.

Children sit at their tables. The teacher lays out items from the children's set of dishes on the table and the children take turns taking them.
Educator: "Take one object each and name it to me."
The children are called.
Educator: "That's right, well done!".
Then everyone considers these items and passes them to each other. Everyone names the items that the cook uses.

2. Repetition of previously covered material on the topic "the profession of a cook."
The teacher asks to talk about how the dishes are used in the kitchen.
Children take turns telling how a particular item in the kitchen is used by the cook.
The teacher draws attention to the pan and spoon. Then he compares them with real objects and says that today in the lesson we will sculpt a pot and a spoon from plasticine.

3. Phys. minute "It's cold for a bunny to sit."

4. Modeling.
The teacher distributes plasticine, boards and knives for plasticine to all children and shows a pot with a lid and a plasticine spoon that he made himself, i.e. sample. Children should get the same crafts.
Children take plasticine and begin to work (some on their own, and some with the help of a teacher). Children sculpt, and the teacher provides individual assistance. Supervises periodically other children.

5. Generalization and comparison.
After finishing modeling, children compare their work with the work of the educator and the work of their peers.
The teacher asks the children to name the object that they sculpted. He asks to name again the profession of those people who use a saucepan and a spoon.

6. Summing up the work.
The teacher says that everyone is great today, everyone was getting old and everyone worked well in class. All crafts are exhibited at an exhibition of works for parents. Now you can thank everyone and ask the attendants to help clean up the materials for the lesson.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Theme: "Professions".

Explanation for the lesson: The lesson is intended for older children. preschool age. Children expand their ideas about the work of adults, about various professions. The following techniques are used: conversation, verbal, didactic games, interactive game, artistic word.
Author: Bykova Natalya Ivanovna, educator, MDOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 110 "Little Red Riding Hood", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

Synopsis of direct educational activities on cognitive development in the senior group on the topic: Professions.

Target: Clarify and expand children's understanding of professions.
Educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.
Tasks: 1. Cognitive development: Expand ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance. To form in children an interest in various professions. Develop curiosity.
2. Speech development: To fix in speech a noun with a generalizing meaning of “profession”. Develop dialogic, coherent speech.
3. Socio-communicative development: To cultivate respect for people of all professions. Cultivate collaboration skills.
4. Physical development: To develop the general and fine motor skills of children's hands.
Preliminary work: Conversations about the professions of parents. Examination of pictures, illustrations on the topic: "Professions". Drawing on the topic: "Who will I be when I grow up?"
Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit", D. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?", L. Kuklin "Think what it would be ..."
Equipment: laptop, screen, projector, audio recording of B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other”, a toy-sun, pictures for the game “Divide the pictures into groups” on the topics: “Sport”, “Gorodets painting”, “Professions”, cards on topic "Profession", didactic presentation game“What is superfluous?”, colored pencils, landscape sheets for each child.
Progress: I. Introductory part.
1). Word game "Compliments"

The first verse of B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other" sounds.
Educator: Guys, what is a compliment? Why do you need compliments in communication with people? Tell each other compliments so that a radiant sun settles in the heart of everyone and warms the soul with its warmth. Children pass each other a toy-sun and say a compliment.
Educator: And to you, my dear children, I also want to say compliments. You have such beautiful faces and smiles. There is so much warmth and light in your eyes that when I meet you, I forget about the sad, rejoice and smile.
2).Didactic game Divide the pictures into groups.
Children are offered pictures of 3 groups, in each group there are 4 pictures: “Sport”, “Gorodets painting”, “Professions”. Topics "Sport" and "Gorodets painting" were completed earlier. On the pictures on the theme "Professions" there are images of people of different professions, for example: a cook, a builder, a policeman, a military man.
Educator: Guys, this morning someone mixed up all my pictures. Please help me sort them into groups.
Children independently complete the task, call each group a generalizing word, the 3rd group of pictures causes difficulty. Name of pictures new group will be the topic of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, how can you name these pictures in one word? What will we talk about today? (about professions).
II. Main part.
1) A conversation based on the experience of children.
Educator: This morning you all left your house and went to kindergarten. Do you know who built your houses? (builders). And who invented them? (most likely, the children will be in difficulty).
Educator: The architect invented and drew them on paper. Builders built houses. These are masons, crane operators, carpenters (people who work on wood). It takes a lot of people of different professions to build a house.
Educator: What is a profession? (business, work, occupation) Name the professions of your parents. What are professions for?
2) The game "If there is no ..."
Educator: Imagine that in our city all the doctors disappeared. What will happen? (no one will heal). Tell what can happen if people of other professions disappear.
Children continue the phrase "If there is no ..." and tell what will happen if there are no builders, cooks, firefighters, policemen, hairdressers, educators, teachers, sellers, etc.
Educator: Guys, do you agree with the expression: “all professions are needed, all professions are important”? Why? (children's answers).
3). Didactic game "To whom does this belong?"
Cards are used on the topic "Professions" (people, tools, inventory). Pictures of people of different professions are attached to the board, for example: a firefighter, a builder, a musician, a driver. Children independently divide into pairs, take a card and determine which profession belongs to what is drawn on it. Attach to the board, explain their choice to each other.
4). Physical education minute.
Children break into pairs, show expressive movements to each other a cheerful and sad artist, janitor, conductor, dancer, imitating the movements characteristic of people of these professions.
5). Didactic game "Find the extra picture." Invite the children to find out the profession of people in the subjects located on the slide and find an extra one that is not related to this profession. When you click on an extra item, it disappears and a picture appears confirming the correctness of the answer. Children identify an extra item and explain their choice.
III. Final part.
Educator: Guys, explain to me, please, the proverb: “Who knows what, he gets bread” (answers of children). When you become adults, you will also learn some necessary and important profession. Think about what profession you like best. Draw on a piece of paper any object related to this profession, and we will guess who you want to become in the future.
So many professions, and all are good:
Everyone is able to find for the soul.